static sword AGNetConnect(AGNetCtx *ctx, AGSocket *soc, uint32 laddr,
                          int16 port, AGBool _block)
    InetAddress hostInetAddress;
    TCall sndCall;
    if (NULL == ctx || NULL == soc)
        return AG_NET_ERROR;

    sndCall.addr.buf = (uint8*)&hostInetAddress;
    sndCall.addr.len = sizeof(InetAddress);
    OTInitInetAddress(&hostInetAddress, port, (InetHost)laddr);
    sndCall.opt.buf = NULL;
    sndCall.opt.len = 0;
    sndCall.udata.buf = NULL;
    sndCall.udata.len = 0;
    sndCall.sequence = 0;

    return AGNetMacMapError(OTConnect(soc->ep, &sndCall, NULL));
Esempio n. 2
PRInt32 _MD_connect(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
	PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
	OSStatus err;
	EndpointRef endpoint = (EndpointRef) osfd;
	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
	TCall sndCall;
	TBind bindReq;
	PRNetAddr bindAddr;

	if (endpoint == NULL) {
		err = kEBADFErr;
		goto ErrorExit;
	if (addr == NULL) {
		err = kEFAULTErr;
		goto ErrorExit;
	// Bind to a local port; let the system assign it.

	bindAddr.inet.port = bindAddr.inet.ip = 0;

	bindReq.addr.maxlen = PR_NETADDR_SIZE (&bindAddr);
	bindReq.addr.len = 0;
	bindReq.addr.buf = (UInt8*) &bindAddr;
	bindReq.qlen = 0;
	PrepareThreadForAsyncIO(me, endpoint, osfd);    

	err = OTBind(endpoint, &bindReq, NULL);
	if (err != kOTNoError)
		goto ErrorExit;

	WaitOnThisThread(me, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);

	err = me->md.osErrCode;
	if (err != kOTNoError)
		goto ErrorExit;

	memset(&sndCall, 0 , sizeof(sndCall));

	sndCall.addr.maxlen = addrlen;
	sndCall.addr.len = addrlen;
	sndCall.addr.buf = (UInt8*) addr;
	PrepareThreadForAsyncIO(me, endpoint, osfd);    

	err = OTConnect (endpoint, &sndCall, NULL);
	if (err != kOTNoError && err != kOTNoDataErr)
		goto ErrorExit;
	if (err == kOTNoDataErr && fd->secret->nonblocking) {
		err = kEINPROGRESSErr;
    	me->io_pending = PR_FALSE;
		goto ErrorExit;

	WaitOnThisThread(me, timeout);

	err = me->md.osErrCode;
	if (err != kOTNoError)
		goto ErrorExit;

	PR_ASSERT(me->md.cookie != NULL);

	err = OTRcvConnect(endpoint, NULL);
	PR_ASSERT(err == kOTNoError);

	return kOTNoError;

    return -1;
Esempio n. 3
pascal void OTTCPNotifier(void* vobj, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void* cookie) {
	OTTCP *x = (OTTCP *) vobj;
	long oldA5;
	OSStatus s;
	oldA5 = SetA5(x->o_a5);

	post("*** OTTCPNotifier(code %x, result %ld)", (long) code, (long) result);
	if (code == T_OPENCOMPLETE) {
		if (result != noErr) {
			post("OTTCPNotifier got a T_OPENCOMPLETE code with error %ld", result);

		// Even if we got an error, we'll use the endpoint.  
		x->o_tcp_ep = (EndpointRef) cookie;
		if (x->o_inetHostName != 0) {
			// Now we expect a T_BINDCOMPLETE message.
	} else if (code == T_BINDCOMPLETE) {
		TCall sndCall;
		InetAddress inAddr;
		// See what ephemeral port number OT gave us
		x->o_receiveInetPort = x->o_addrWeActuallyGot.fPort;
		// Now the endpoint has been bound; next trick is connecting
		OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, x->o_inetPort, x->o_inetHost);
		OTMemzero(&sndCall, sizeof(TCall));
		sndCall.addr.buf = (void *) &inAddr;
		sndCall.addr.len = sizeof(InetAddress);

		post("** About to OTConnect");
		s = OTConnect(x->o_tcp_ep, &sndCall, NULL);
		if (s == kOTNoDataErr) {
			// No problem; that means connection is in progress
			post("** OTConnect returned kOTNoDataErr - good");
		} else {
			post("е OTTCP: error: OTConnect returned %ld; not connecting.", s);
		// Now we expect T_CONNECT
	} else if (code == T_CONNECT) {
		if (result == kOTBadAddressErr) {
			post("е OTTCP: error: bad address.  Disconnecting");
			x->o_inetHost = 0;
		} else {
			post("** Got T_CONNECT");
			post("** Result passed to notifier: %ld", (long) result);
			post("** Endpoint state before OTRcvConnect: %ld", (long) OTGetEndpointState(x->o_tcp_ep));
			// We could pass in buffers to find out the actual address we connected to, etc.
			s = OTRcvConnect(x->o_tcp_ep, nil);
			if (s != kOTNoError) {
				post("е OTTCP: error: RcvConnect returned %ld", s);
			post("** Endpoint state after OTRcvConnect: %ld", (long) OTGetEndpointState(x->o_tcp_ep));
			ChangeState(x, NO_REQUEST);
			x->o_connectionSymbol = ps_connected;
			clock_delay(x->o_connectedclock, 0);
	} else if (code == T_UNBINDCOMPLETE) {
		// If we have a new inetHost, try to bind it
		if (x->o_inetHost != 0) {
			// Now we expect T_BINDCOMPLETE
		} else {
			// No inetHost, so we're disonnected
			x->o_connectionSymbol = ps_disconnected;
			clock_delay(x->o_connectedclock, 0);
	} else if (code == T_DISCONNECTCOMPLETE) {
		// We always want to rebind when we reconnect, so after disconnecting we unbind
		s = OTUnbind(x->o_tcp_ep);
		if (s != kOTNoError) {
			post("OTTCP: warning: OTUnbind returned %ld", s);
	} else if (code == T_DATA) {
	} else if (code == T_UDERR) {
		if (x->o_errorreporting) {
			PostUDERR("OTTCPNotifier was called for a T_UDERR code", x->o_tcp_ep);
		} else {
			/* We still have to receive the error to clear the condition */
			OTRcvUDErr(x->o_tcp_ep, 0);
	} else if (code == T_GODATA) {
		// Flow control restriction has lifted; now it's OK to send more data.
		do_write(x, 0, 0);
	} else if (code == T_DISCONNECT) {
		// The other dude wants to disconnect
		post("OTTCP: peer wants to disconnect");
		s = OTRcvDisconnect(x->o_tcp_ep, NULL);
		if (s == kOTNoError) {
			x->o_inetHost = 0;
		} else if (s == kOTNoDisconnectErr) {
			// false alarm
		} else {
			post("е OTTCP: error: OTRcvDisconnect returned %ld", s);
	} else if (code == T_ORDREL) {
		post("*** Got T_ORDREL");
		s = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(x->o_tcp_ep);
		if (s == kOTNoReleaseErr) {
			post("...false alarm!");
		} else if (s == kOTNoError) {
			x->o_inetHost = 0;
		} else {
			post("е OTTCP: error: OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect returned %ld", s);
	} else {
	 	if (x->o_errorreporting) {
			post("OTTCP: Unrecognized OTEventCode %ld in event handler.  Oh well.", (long) code);

Esempio n. 4
File: gsocket.c Progetto: EdgarTx/wx
/* GSocket_Connect:
 *  For stream (connection oriented) sockets, GSocket_Connect() tries
 *  to establish a client connection to a server using the peer address
 *  as established with GSocket_SetPeer(). Returns GSOCK_NOERROR if the
 *  connection has been successfully established, or one of the error
 *  codes listed below. Note that for nonblocking sockets, a return
 *  value of GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK doesn't mean a failure. The connection
 *  request can be completed later; you should use GSocket_Select()
 *  to poll for GSOCK_CONNECTION | GSOCK_LOST, or wait for the
 *  corresponding asynchronous events.
 *  For datagram (non connection oriented) sockets, GSocket_Connect()
 *  just sets the peer address established with GSocket_SetPeer() as
 *  default destination.
 *  Error codes:
 *    GSOCK_INVSOCK    - the socket is in use or not valid.
 *    GSOCK_INVADDR    - the peer address has not been established.
 *    GSOCK_TIMEDOUT   - timeout, the connection failed.
 *    GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK - connection in progress (nonblocking sockets only)
 *    GSOCK_MEMERR     - couldn't allocate memory.
 *    GSOCK_IOERR      - low-level error.
GSocketError GSocket_Connect(GSocket *sck, GSocketStream stream)
  InetAddress addr ;
  TEndpointInfo	info;
   OSStatus		err = kOTNoError;
  TCall peer ;

  assert(sck != NULL);

  /* Enable CONNECTION events (needed for nonblocking connections) */
  sck->m_detected &= ~GSOCK_CONNECTION_FLAG;

  if (sck->m_endpoint != kOTInvalidEndpointRef )
    sck->m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return GSOCK_INVSOCK;

  if (!sck->m_peer)
    sck->m_error = GSOCK_INVADDR;
    return GSOCK_INVADDR;

  /* Streamed or dgram socket? */
  sck->m_stream   = (stream == GSOCK_STREAMED);
  sck->m_oriented = TRUE;
  sck->m_server   = FALSE;

  /* Create the socket */
  sck->m_endpoint =
  	OTOpenEndpointInContext( OTCreateConfiguration( kTCPName) , 0 , &info , &err , NULL ) ;
  sck->m_endpoint =
  	OTOpenEndpoint( OTCreateConfiguration( kTCPName) , 0 , &info , &err ) ;
  if ( sck->m_endpoint == kOTInvalidEndpointRef || err != kOTNoError )
		sck->m_endpoint = kOTInvalidEndpointRef ;
    	sck->m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;
    	return GSOCK_IOERR;
  err = OTBind( sck->m_endpoint , nil , nil ) ;
  if ( err != kOTNoError )
    	return GSOCK_IOERR;
  SetDefaultEndpointModes( sck->m_endpoint , sck ) ;
#if 0
  ioctl(sck->m_endpoint, FIONBIO, &arg);

  _GAddress_translate_to( sck->m_peer , &addr ) ;
  memset( &peer , 0 , sizeof( TCall ) ) ;
  peer.addr.len = sizeof( InetAddress ) ;
  peer.addr.buf = (unsigned char*) &addr ;
  err = OTConnect( sck->m_endpoint , &peer , nil ) ;
  if ( err != noErr )
    /* If connect failed with EINPROGRESS and the GSocket object
     * is in blocking mode, we select() for the specified timeout
     * checking for writability to see if the connection request
     * completes.
    if ((err == kOTNoDataErr ) && (!sck->m_non_blocking))
      if (_GSocket_Output_Timeout(sck) == GSOCK_TIMEDOUT)
      	OTSndOrderlyDisconnect( sck->m_endpoint ) ;
        sck->m_endpoint = kOTInvalidEndpointRef ;
        /* sck->m_error is set in _GSocket_Output_Timeout */
        return GSOCK_TIMEDOUT;
        int error;
        WX_SOCKLEN_T len = sizeof(error);

        getsockopt(sck->m_endpoint, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*) &error, &len);

        if (!error)
          return GSOCK_NOERROR;

    /* If connect failed with EINPROGRESS and the GSocket object
     * is set to nonblocking, we set m_error to GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK
     * (and return GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK) but we don't close the socket;
     * this way if the connection completes, a GSOCK_CONNECTION
     * event will be generated, if enabled.
    if ((err == kOTNoDataErr) && (sck->m_non_blocking))
      sck->m_error = GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;
      return GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;

    /* If connect failed with an error other than EINPROGRESS,
     * then the call to GSocket_Connect has failed.
    OTSndOrderlyDisconnect( sck->m_endpoint ) ;

    sck->m_endpoint = kOTInvalidEndpointRef ;
    sck->m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;
    return GSOCK_IOERR;
//  OTInetEventHandler(sck, T_CONNECT , kOTNoError , NULL ) ;
Esempio n. 5
/* Open a TCP network socket
   If 'remote' is NULL, this creates a local server socket on the given port,
   otherwise a TCP connection to the remote host and port is attempted.
   The newly created socket is returned, or NULL if there was an error.

   ( re-written by masahiro minami<*****@*****.**>
     Now endpoint is created in Async mode.
     01/02/20 )
TCPsocket SDLNet_TCP_Open(IPaddress *ip)
	EndpointRef dummy = NULL;

	TCPsocket sock = AsyncTCPNewSocket();
	if( ! sock)
		return NULL;

	// Determin whether bind locally, or connect to remote
	if ( (ip->host != INADDR_NONE) && (ip->host != INADDR_ANY) )
		// ######## Connect to remote
		OTResult stat;
		InetAddress inAddr;
		TBind bindReq;

		// Open endpoint
		sock->error = OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(
			OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), NULL, &(sock->info),
			sock );

		AsyncTCPPopEvent( sock );
		while( !sock->error && !( sock->completion & CompleteMask(T_OPENCOMPLETE)))
			//SetThreadState( kCurrentThreadID, kReadyThreadState, kNoThreadID );
			//WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &macEvent, 1, NULL);
			AsyncTCPPopEvent( sock );

		if( !sock->channel )
			SDLNet_SetError("OTAsyncOpenEndpoint failed --- client socket could not be opened");
			goto error_return;

		// Set blocking mode
		// I'm not sure if this is a good solution....
		// Check out Apple's sample code, OT Virtual Server
		// ( 010314 masahiro minami<*****@*****.**>)

		sock->error = OTSetBlocking( sock->channel );
		if( sock->error != kOTNoError )
			SDLNet_SetError("OTSetBlocking() returned an error");
			goto error_return;

		// Bind the socket
		OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, 0, 0 );
		bindReq.addr.len = sizeof( InetAddress );
		bindReq.addr.buf = (unsigned char*)&inAddr;
		bindReq.qlen = 0;

		sock->error = OTBind( sock->channel, &bindReq, NULL );
		while( !sock->error && !( sock->completion & CompleteMask(T_BINDCOMPLETE)))
			//WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &macEvent, 1, NULL);

		switch( stat = OTGetEndpointState( sock->channel ))
			InetAddress inAddr;
			TCall sndCall;
			OTResult res;

			case T_OUTCON:
				SDLNet_SetError("SDLNet_Open() failed -- T_OUTCON");
				goto error_return;
			case T_IDLE:
				sock->readShutdown = false;
				sock->writeShutdown = false;
				sock->event &=~T_CONNECT;

				OTMemzero(&sndCall, sizeof(TCall));
				OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, ip->port, ip->host );
				sndCall.addr.len = sizeof(InetAddress);
				sndCall.addr.buf = (unsigned char*)&inAddr;
				sock->connected = 0;
				res = OTConnect( sock->channel, &sndCall, NULL );
				while( sock->error == kOTNoDataErr || !sock->connected )
				// What's to be done ? (TODO)
				SDLNet_SetError("SDLNet_TCP_Open() failed -- EndpointState not good");
				goto error_return;

		if( !(sock->event & (T_CONNECT|T_DISCONNECT)))
			goto error_return;

		AsyncTCPPopEvent( sock );
		while( !(sock->event & (T_CONNECT|T_DISCONNECT)))
			AsyncTCPPopEvent( sock );
		// OTConnect successfull
		if( sock->event & T_CONNECT)
			sock->remoteAddress.host = inAddr.fHost;
			sock->remoteAddress.port = inAddr.fPort;
			sock->sflag = false;
			// OTConnect failed
			sock->event &= ~T_DISCONNECT;
			goto error_return;
		// ######## Bind locally
		TBind bindReq;
		InetAddress	inAddr;

	// First, get InetInterfaceInfo.
	// I don't search for all of them.
	// Does that matter ?

		sock->error = OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(
			OTCreateConfiguration("tilisten, tcp"), NULL, &(sock->info),
		AsyncTCPPopEvent( sock );
		while( !sock->error && !( sock->completion & CompleteMask( T_OPENCOMPLETE)))
			AsyncTCPPopEvent( sock );

		if( ! sock->channel )
			SDLNet_SetError("OTAsyncOpenEndpoint failed --- server socket could not be opened");
			goto error_return;

		// Create a master OTConfiguration
		sock->config = OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName);
		if( ! sock->config )
			SDLNet_SetError("Could not create master OTConfiguration");
			goto error_return;

		// Bind the socket
		OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, ip->port, 0 );
		inAddr.fAddressType = AF_INET;
		bindReq.addr.len = sizeof( InetAddress );
		bindReq.addr.buf = (unsigned char*)&inAddr;
		bindReq.qlen = 35;	// This number is NOT well considered. (TODO)
		sock->localAddress.host = inAddr.fHost;
		sock->localAddress.port = inAddr.fPort;
		sock->sflag = true;
		sock->error = OTBind( sock->channel, &bindReq, NULL );
		while( !sock->error && !( sock->completion & CompleteMask(T_BINDCOMPLETE)))
		if( sock->error != kOTNoError )
			SDLNet_SetError("Could not bind server socket");
			goto error_return;
		if( dummy )
			OTCloseProvider( dummy );

	sock->ready = 0;
	return sock;
	if( dummy )
		OTCloseProvider( dummy );
	SDLNet_TCP_Close( sock );
	return NULL;	
Esempio n. 6
int connect_chuukei_server(char *prf_name)

#ifdef WINDOWS
	WSADATA wsaData;
	WORD wVersionRequested = (WORD) (( 1) |  ( 1 << 8));

	struct sockaddr_in ask;
	struct hostent *hp;

	if (read_chuukei_prf(prf_name) < 0)
		printf("Wrong prf file\n");
		return (-1);

	if (init_buffer() < 0)
		printf("Malloc error\n");
		return (-1);

#ifdef WINDOWS
	if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData))
		msg_print("Report: WSAStartup failed.");
		return (-1);

	printf("server = %s\nport = %d\n", server_name, server_port);

	if ((hp = gethostbyname(server_name)) != NULL)
		memset(&ask, 0, sizeof(ask));
		memcpy(&ask.sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
		if ((ask.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(server_name)) == 0)
			printf("Bad hostname\n");
			return (-1);

	ask.sin_family = AF_INET;
	ask.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)server_port);

#ifndef WINDOWS
	if ((sd=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
	if ((sd=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET)
		printf("Can't create socket\n");
		return (-1);

	if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&ask, sizeof(ask)) < 0)
		printf("Can't connect %s port %d\n", server_name, server_port);
		return (-1);

	return (0);
#else	/* MACINTOSH */
	OSStatus err;
	InetHostInfo 	response;
	InetHost 		host_addr;
	InetAddress 	inAddr;
	TCall 			sndCall;
	Boolean			bind	= false;
	OSStatus 	junk;

	if (read_chuukei_prf(prf_name) < 0){
		printf("Wrong prf file\n");
		return (-1);
	printf("server = %s\nport = %d\n", server_name, server_port);

	err = InitOpenTransportInContext(kInitOTForApplicationMask, NULL);
	err = InitOpenTransport();

	memset(&response, 0, sizeof(response));

	inet_services = OTOpenInternetServicesInContext(kDefaultInternetServicesPath, 0, &err, NULL);
	inet_services = OTOpenInternetServices(kDefaultInternetServicesPath, 0, &err);
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = OTInetStringToAddress(inet_services, (char *)server_name, &response);
		if (err == noErr) {
			host_addr = response.addrs[0];
		} else {
			printf("Bad hostname\n");
		ep = (void *)OTOpenEndpointInContext(OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), 0, nil, &err, NULL);
		ep = (void *)OTOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), 0, nil, &err);

		if (err == noErr) {
			err = OTBind(ep, nil, nil);
			bind = (err == noErr);
	    if (err == noErr){
		OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, server_port, host_addr);
			sndCall.addr.len 	= sizeof(InetAddress);				
			sndCall.addr.buf	= (unsigned char*) &inAddr;
			sndCall.opt.buf 	= nil;		/* no connection options */
			sndCall.opt.len 	= 0;
			sndCall.udata.buf 	= nil;		/* no connection data */
			sndCall.udata.len 	= 0;
			sndCall.sequence 	= 0;		/* ignored by OTConnect */
			err = OTConnect(ep, &sndCall, NULL);
			if( err != noErr ){
				printf("Can't connect %s port %d\n", server_name, server_port);
		err = OTSetSynchronous(ep);
		if (err == noErr)		
			err = OTSetBlocking(ep);
	if( err != noErr ){
		if( bind ){
		/* Clean up. */
		if (ep != kOTInvalidEndpointRef) {
			ep = nil;
		if (inet_services != nil) {
			inet_services = nil;
		return -1;
	return 0;
