Esempio n. 1
void _MD_makenonblock(PRFileDesc *fd)
	OSStatus err;
	PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
	EndpointRef endpoint = (EndpointRef) osfd;

    err = OTSetNonBlocking(endpoint);
	PR_ASSERT(err == kOTNoError || err == kOTOutStateErr);
Esempio n. 2
	TEndpointInfo	info;
	NMErr			status = kNMNoError;
	TBind			request;
	TOption			optBuf;
	//NMUInt8			optBuf[64];
	//NMUInt8			fooBuf[32];
	TOptMgmt		cmd;
	//NMUInt8 			*foo = fooBuf;

	//	If they don't want us to actively get the enumeration, there is nothing to do
	if (! bActive)
		return kNMNoError;
	//	first clear out any current items
	(mCallback)(mContext, kNMEnumClear, NULL);	// [Edmark/PBE] 11/16/99 added

	bFirstIdle = true;
	//	Create an OT endpoint
	mEP = OTOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration(kUDPName), 0, &info, &status);
	if (status)
		goto error;

	// fill in the option request
	cmd.flags = T_NEGOTIATE;
	cmd.opt.len = kOTFourByteOptionSize;
	cmd.opt.maxlen = kOTFourByteOptionSize;
	cmd.opt.buf = (NMUInt8*)&optBuf;

	// fill in the toption struct
	optBuf.len = sizeof(TOption);
	optBuf.level = INET_IP; = kIP_BROADCAST;
	optBuf.status = 0;
	optBuf.value[0] = 1;

	cmd.opt.len = 0;
	cmd.opt.maxlen = 64;
	cmd.opt.buf = (NMUInt8*)optBuf;
	cmd.flags = T_NEGOTIATE;

	//	Option management kinda sucks
	strcpy((char *) fooBuf, "Broadcast = 1");
	status = OTCreateOptions(kRawIPName, (char **)&foo, &cmd.opt);

	status = OTOptionManagement(mEP, &cmd, &cmd);
	if (status)
		goto error;
	//	Allocate the buffer for receiving the endpoint
	mIncomingData.udata.buf = (NMUInt8 *) InterruptSafe_alloc(info.tsdu);
	if (mIncomingData.udata.buf == NULL){
		status = kNSpMemAllocationErr;
		goto error;
	mIncomingData.udata.maxlen = info.tsdu;
	//	Bind it
	request.addr.buf = NULL;
	request.addr.len = 0;
	request.addr.maxlen = 0;
	request.qlen = 0;
	status = OTBind(mEP, &request, NULL);
	if (status)
		goto error;

	//	Get our interface info (for the broadcast address)
	//	Do this after we bind so that we know the interface is live
	if (! bGotInterfaceInfo)
		status = OTInetGetInterfaceInfo(&mInterfaceInfo, kDefaultInetInterface);
		if (status)
			goto error;
		bGotInterfaceInfo = true;
	//	Install notifier
	status = OTInstallNotifier(mEP, mNotifier.fUPP, this);
	if (status)
		goto error;
	//	Make is asynchronous
	status = OTSetAsynchronous(mEP);
	if (status)
		goto error;
	//	Send out the query
	mEnumPeriod = 250;
	status = SendQuery();

	if (status)
		if (mEP)
			OTCloseProvider(mEP);			// ignore errors
			mEP = kOTInvalidEndpointRef;
	return status;