// I appreciate this is not an idea place for this function, but it didn't seem to be
// being linked properly when in OVR_CAPI.cpp. 
// Please relocate if you know of a better place
ovrBool ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMeshInternal( ovrHmdStruct *  hmd,
                                             ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov,
                                             unsigned int distortionCaps,
                                             ovrDistortionMesh *meshData,
											 float overrideEyeReliefIfNonZero )
    if (!meshData)
        return 0;
    HMDState* hmds = (HMDState*)hmd;

    // Not used now, but Chromatic flag or others could possibly be checked for in the future.
#if defined (OVR_CC_MSVC)
    static_assert(sizeof(DistortionMeshVertexData) == sizeof(ovrDistortionVertex), "DistortionMeshVertexData size mismatch");
    // *** Calculate a part of "StereoParams" needed for mesh generation

    // Note that mesh distortion generation is invariant of RenderTarget UVs, allowing
    // render target size and location to be changed after the fact dynamically. 
    // eyeToSourceUV is computed here for convenience, so that users don't need
    // to call ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset unless changing RT dynamically.

    const HmdRenderInfo&  hmdri          = hmds->RenderState.RenderInfo;    
    StereoEye             stereoEye      = (eyeType == ovrEye_Left) ? StereoEye_Left : StereoEye_Right;

    DistortionRenderDesc& distortion = hmds->RenderState.Distortion[eyeType];
	if (overrideEyeReliefIfNonZero)
		distortion.Lens = GenerateLensConfigFromEyeRelief(overrideEyeReliefIfNonZero,hmdri);

    // Find the mapping from TanAngle space to target NDC space.
    ScaleAndOffset2D      eyeToSourceNDC = CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(fov);

    int triangleCount = 0;
    int vertexCount = 0;

                          &vertexCount, &triangleCount,
                          (stereoEye == StereoEye_Right),
                          hmdri, distortion, eyeToSourceNDC);

    if (meshData->pVertexData)
        // Convert to index
        meshData->IndexCount = triangleCount * 3;
        meshData->VertexCount = vertexCount;
        return 1;

    return 0;
void StringBuffer::AppendFormat(const char* format, ...)
    va_list argList;

    va_start(argList, format);
    UPInt size = OVR_vscprintf(format, argList);

    char* buffer = (char*) OVR_ALLOC(sizeof(char) * (size+1));

    va_start(argList, format);
    UPInt result = OVR_vsprintf(buffer, size+1, format, argList);
    OVR_ASSERT_LOG(result == size, ("Error in OVR_vsprintf"));

