void ControllerDiscrimination::StateExplore ()
    // ==================
    // transitions to other states

    // if under shelter -> rest
    if (IsAtBase())

    // if time to change direction -> turn
    if (time - exploreStartTime > exploreDuration)
	// jump to turn state
	float angle = gsl_rng_uniform(rng) * 2.0 * M_PI - M_PI;    
	StateTurnInit(EXPLORE, angle);


    // ==================
    // inside the state
    if (ObstacleAvoidance ())

    lily->propellers->SetSpeed(params.exploreSpeed, params.exploreSpeed);
void ControllerDiscrimination::StateRest ()
    // ==================
    // transitions to other states

    // if not anymore under shelter -> come back
    if (!IsAtBase())
	restEscapeFromShelter = false;
	StateExploreInit ();

    // ==================
    // inside the state

    // break ? 
    if (time - restStartTime > 2.5)
	lily->propellers->SetSpeed(0.0, 0.0);
    else if (time - restStartTime > 1.0)
	lily->propellers->SetSpeed(-params.breakSpeed, -params.breakSpeed);

    // check if robot wants to leave shelter
    if (time - collisionsDecisionLastTime> params.collisionsDecisionDelay)
	// evaluate local density
	float front = lily->rayFrontLU->GetValue();
	float v = lily->rayFrontLD->GetValue();
	if (v > front) front = v;
	v = lily->rayFrontRU->GetValue();
	if (v > front) front = v;
	v = lily->rayFrontRD->GetValue();
	if (v > front) front = v;
	float density = front + lily->rayLeft->GetValue() + lily->rayRight->GetValue() + lily->rayTop->GetValue() + lily->rayBottom->GetValue() + lily->rayBack->GetValue();
	density /= 6.0;
	float proba = params.theta / (1.0 + params.rho * density * density); 
	float rand = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);
	if (rand < proba)
	    restEscapeFromShelter = true;

	collisionsDecisionLastTime = time;

    if (restEscapeFromShelter)
	if (!ObstacleAvoidance ())
	    lily->propellers->SetSpeed(params.restSpeed, params.restSpeed);
Esempio n. 3
Vector3 SteeringBehaviors::Calculate() {
	Vector3 force;

  if(On(obstacle_avoidance)) {
    double weightObstacleAvoidance = 10;
    force = ObstacleAvoidance(((Agent*)this->_vehicle)->world->obstacles) *

		if (!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	if(On(flee)) {
		force = Flee(_vehicle->target);

		if (!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	if(On(seek)) {
		force = Seek(_vehicle->target);

		if (!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	if(On(arrive)) {
		force = Arrive(_vehicle->target, _deceleration);

		if (!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	if(On(pursue)) {
		force = Pursue(this->evador1);

		if (!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	if(On(evade)) {
		force = Evade(this->pursuer1);

		if (!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	if(On(wander)) {
		force = Wander();
		if(!AccumulateForce(_steeringForce, force)) return _steeringForce;

	return _steeringForce;
Vector2D B020612E_Steering::CalculatePrioritised()
	Vector2D force;

		force = ObstacleAvoidance(ObstacleManager::Instance()->GetObstacles()) * 10.0f;

		if (!AccumulateForce(_pSteeringForce, force))
			return _pSteeringForce;
		force = Flee(_pTank->GetClick()) * 1.0f;
		if (!AccumulateForce(_pSteeringForce, force))
			return _pSteeringForce;
		force = Seek(_pTank->GetClick()) * 1.0f;

		if (!AccumulateForce(_pSteeringForce, force))
			return _pSteeringForce;
		force = Wander() * 1.0f;

		if (!AccumulateForce(_pSteeringForce, force))
			return _pSteeringForce;
		force = Arrive(_pTank->GetClick(), _pDeceleration) * 1.0f;

		if (!AccumulateForce(_pSteeringForce, force))
			return _pSteeringForce;

	return _pSteeringForce;
Vector2D S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Steering::Calculate(float deltaTime)
	Vector2D force;
	Vector2D totalForce;
	if (mIsObstacleAvoiding)
		force = ObstacleAvoidance() * mObstacleAvoidanceWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;

	if (mIsWallAvoided)
		force = WallAvoidance() * mWallAvoidWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;

	if (mIsWandering)
		force = Wander(deltaTime) * mSeekWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;

	if (mIsPursuing)
		force = Pursuing() * mPursuitWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;

	if (mIsSeeking)
		force = Seek(mTank->GetTarget()) * mSeekWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;

	if (mIsArriving)
		force = Arrive(mTank->GetTarget(), Deceleration::NORMAL) * mArriveWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;
	if (mIsFleeing)
		force = Flee(mTank->GetTarget()) * mFleeWeight;
		if (!AccumulateForce(totalForce, force)) return totalForce;

	return totalForce;

	//if (isFleeing) Flee(mTank->GetTarget());

	//Vector2D totalForce;


	/*for (Vector2D vec : mSteeringForces)
		totalForce += vec;
	return totalForce;*/
Esempio n. 6
//---------------------- CalculateWeightedSum ----------------------------
//  this simply sums up all the active behaviors X their weights and 
//  truncates the result to the max available steering force before 
//  returning
ofVec3f SteeringBehaviors::CalculateWeightedSum()

	if (On(wall_avoidance))
		m_SteeringForce += WallAvoidance(m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getWalls()) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;

	if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
		m_SteeringForce += ObstacleAvoidance( m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getObstacles() ) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;

	if (On(seek))
			m_SteeringForce += Seek(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightSeek;

	if (On(flee))
			m_SteeringForce += Flee(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightFlee;

	if (On(arrive))
		m_SteeringForce += Arrive(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos(), normal) * m_WeightArrive;

	if (!isSpacePartioningOn())
		if (On(separation))
			m_SteeringForce += Separation(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;

		if (On(alignment))
			m_SteeringForce += Alignment(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;

		if (On(cohesion))
			m_SteeringForce += Cohesion(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;
		if (On(separation))
			m_SteeringForce += SeparationPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;

		if (On(alignment))
			m_SteeringForce += AlignmentPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;

		if (On(cohesion))
			m_SteeringForce += CohesionPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;

	if (On(repulsion))
		//need to retag the guys!
		m_SteeringForce += Repulsion(m_Vehicle->oGroup()) * m_WeightRepulsion;

	if (On(wander))
		m_SteeringForce += Wander() * m_WeightWander;

	if (On(follow_path))
		m_SteeringForce += FollowPath() * m_WeightFollowPath;


	return m_SteeringForce;
Esempio n. 7
//---------------------- CalculatePrioritized ----------------------------
//  this method calls each active steering behavior in order of priority
//  and acumulates their forces until the max steering force magnitude
//  is reached, at which time the function returns the steering force 
//  accumulated to that  point
ofVec3f SteeringBehaviors::CalculatePrioritized() {
	ofVec3f force;
	if (On(wall_avoidance))
		force = WallAvoidance(m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getWalls()) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;
	if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
		force = ObstacleAvoidance(m_Vehicle->GameWorld()->getObstacles()) * m_WeightObstacleAvoidance;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(flee))
		force = Flee(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightFlee;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(repulsion))
		//need to retage the guys!
		force = Repulsion(m_Vehicle->oGroup()) * m_WeightRepulsion;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (!isSpacePartioningOn())
		if (On(separation))
			force = Separation(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(alignment))
			force = Alignment(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(cohesion))
			force = Cohesion(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;
		if (On(separation))
			force = SeparationPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightSeparation;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(alignment))
			force = AlignmentPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightAlignment;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

		if (On(cohesion))
			force = CohesionPlus(m_Vehicle->rGroup()) * m_WeightCohesion;
			if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(seek))
		force = Seek(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos()) * m_WeightSeek;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;


	if (On(arrive))
		force = Arrive(m_Vehicle->Target()->Pos(), normal) * m_WeightArrive;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(wander))
		force = Wander() * m_WeightWander;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	if (On(follow_path))
		force = FollowPath() * m_WeightFollowPath;
		if (!AccumulateForce(m_SteeringForce, force)) return m_SteeringForce;

	return m_SteeringForce;

Vec2 SteeringForce::Calculate()
    m_vSteeringForce  = Vec2::ZERO;
    Vec2 force;
    std::vector<Vehicle*> neighbors;
    if (On(allignment)||On(separation)||On(cohesion)) {
        if (m_pVehicle->isCellSpaceOn()) {
            CellSpacePartition<Vehicle*>* cellSpace = GameData::Instance()->getCellSpace();
            neighbors = cellSpace->getNeighbors();
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getEntityVector();
        neighbors = tagNeighbors(m_pVehicle,data,SearchRad);
    if (On(wall_avoidance)) {
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getWallls();
        force = WallAvoidance(data);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(obstacle_avoidance)) {
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getObstacle();
        force = ObstacleAvoidance(data);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(separation)) {
        force = Separation(neighbors);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(cohesion)) {
        force = Cohesion(neighbors);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(allignment)) {
        force = Alignment(neighbors);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(hide)) {
        CCASSERT(m_pVehicle->getHideTarget()!=nullptr, "不存在躲避目标");
        auto data = GameData::Instance()->getEntityVector();
        force = Hide(m_pVehicle->getHideTarget(),data);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(follow_path)) {
        force = PathFollow();
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(seek)) {
        force = Seek(m_pVehicle->getTarget());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(flee)) {
        force = Flee(m_pVehicle->getTarget());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(arrive)) {
        force = Arrive(m_pVehicle->getTarget(), fast);
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(offset_pursuit)) {
        force = OffsetPursuit(m_pVehicle->getLeader(), m_pVehicle->getOffsetToLeader());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(pursuit)) {
        force = Pursuit(m_pVehicle->getEvaderv());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(evade)) {
        force = Evade(m_pVehicle->getPursuer());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(wander)) {
        force = Wander();
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    if (On(interpose)) {
        force = Interpose(m_pVehicle->getInterposeA(), m_pVehicle->getInterposeB());
        if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) {
            return  m_vSteeringForce;
    return m_vSteeringForce;
Esempio n. 9
//---------------------- CalculateWeightedSum ----------------------------
//  this simply sums up all the active behaviors X their weights and 
//  truncates the result to the max available steering force before 
//  returning
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::CalculateWeightedSum(float dt)
	//reset the steering force

	if (On(bounds_avoidance))
		Vector2D force = BoundsAvoidance() * m_dWeightBoundsAvoidance;

		/*if (!force.isZero()) {
			std::cout << "avoid wall: " << force << std::endl;

		m_vSteeringForce += force;

	if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
		Vector2D force = ObstacleAvoidance() * m_dWeightObstacleAvoidance;

		/*if (!force.isZero()) {
			std::cout << "avoid obst: " << force << std::endl;

		m_vSteeringForce += force;

	if (On(flee))
		assert(fleeTarget && "Flee target not assigned");
		m_vSteeringForce += Flee(fleeTarget->Pos()) * m_dWeightFlee;

	if (On(seek))
		assert(seekTarget && "Seek target not assigned");
		m_vSteeringForce += Seek(seekTarget->Pos()) * m_dWeightSeek;

	if (On(arrive))
		assert(seekTarget && "Arrive target not assigned");
		m_vSteeringForce += Arrive(seekTarget->Pos(), m_Deceleration) * m_dWeightArrive;

	if (On(wander))

		Vector2D force = Wander(dt) * m_dWeightWander;

		//std::cout << "wander: " << force << std::endl;

		m_vSteeringForce += force;

	if (On(pursuit))
		assert(pursuitTarget && "pursuit target not assigned");

		m_vSteeringForce += Pursuit(pursuitTarget) * m_dWeightPursuit;

	if (On(offset_pursuit))
		assert (pursuitTarget && "pursuit target not assigned");

		m_vSteeringForce += OffsetPursuit(pursuitTarget, m_vOffset) * m_dWeightOffsetPursuit;

	if (On(hide))
		assert(hideTarget && "Hide target not assigned");

		m_vSteeringForce += Hide() * m_dWeightHide;

	if (On(forward)) {
		Vector2D force = Forward() * m_dWeightForward;

		m_vSteeringForce += force;

	return m_vSteeringForce;
Esempio n. 10
//---------------------- CalculatePrioritized ----------------------------
//  this method calls each active steering behavior in order of priority
//  and acumulates their forces until the max steering force magnitude
//  is reached, at which time the function returns the steering force 
//  accumulated to that  point
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::CalculatePrioritized(float dt)
	//reset the steering force

	Vector2D force;

	if (On(bounds_avoidance))
		force = BoundsAvoidance() * m_dWeightBoundsAvoidance;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(obstacle_avoidance))
		force = ObstacleAvoidance() * m_dWeightObstacleAvoidance;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(flee))
		assert(fleeTarget && "Flee target not assigned");
		force = Flee(fleeTarget->Pos()) * m_dWeightFlee;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(seek))
		assert(seekTarget && "Seek target not assigned");
		force = Seek(seekTarget->Pos()) * m_dWeightSeek;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(arrive))
		assert(seekTarget && "Arrive target not assigned");
		force = Arrive(seekTarget->Pos(), m_Deceleration) * m_dWeightArrive;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(wander))
		force = Wander(dt) * m_dWeightWander;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(pursuit))
		assert(pursuitTarget && "pursuit target not assigned");

		force = Pursuit(pursuitTarget) * m_dWeightPursuit;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(offset_pursuit))
		assert (pursuitTarget && "pursuit target not assigned");

		force = OffsetPursuit(pursuitTarget, m_vOffset);

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(hide))
		assert(hideTarget && "Hide target not assigned");

		force = Hide() * m_dWeightHide;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	if (On(forward)) {
		force = Forward() * m_dWeightForward;

		if (!AccumulateForce(m_vSteeringForce, force)) return m_vSteeringForce;

	return m_vSteeringForce;