Esempio n. 1
bool SoundStream::FillAndPushBuffer(unsigned int bufferNum)
    bool requestStop = false;

    // Acquire audio data
    Chunk data = {NULL, 0};
    if (!OnGetData(data))
        // Mark the buffer as the last one (so that we know when to reset the playing position)
        myEndBuffers[bufferNum] = true;

        // Check if the stream must loop or stop
        if (myLoop)
            // Return to the beginning of the stream source

            // If we previously had no data, try to fill the buffer once again
            if (!data.Samples || (data.SampleCount == 0))
                return FillAndPushBuffer(bufferNum);
            // Not looping: request stop
            requestStop = true;

    // Fill the buffer if some data was returned
    if (data.Samples && data.SampleCount)
        unsigned int buffer = myBuffers[bufferNum];

        // Fill the buffer
        ALsizei size = static_cast<ALsizei>(data.SampleCount) * sizeof(Int16);
        ALCheck(alBufferData(buffer, myFormat, data.Samples, size, mySampleRate));

        // Push it into the sound queue
        ALCheck(alSourceQueueBuffers(mySource, 1, &buffer));

    return requestStop;
Esempio n. 2
/// Fill a new buffer with audio data, and push it to the
/// playing queue
bool SoundStream::FillAndPushBuffer(unsigned int BufferNum)
    bool RequestStop = false;

    // Acquire audio data
    Chunk Data = {NULL, 0};
    if (!OnGetData(Data))
        // Mark the buffer as the last one (so that we know when to reset the playing position)
        myEndBuffers[BufferNum] = true;

        // Check if the stream must loop or stop
        if (myLoop && OnStart())
            // If we succeeded to restart and we previously had no data, try to fill the buffer once again
            if (!Data.Samples || (Data.NbSamples == 0))
                return FillAndPushBuffer(BufferNum);
            // Not looping or restart failed: request stop
            RequestStop = true;

    // Fill the buffer if some data was returned
    if (Data.Samples && Data.NbSamples)
        unsigned int Buffer = myBuffers[BufferNum];

        // Fill the buffer
        ALsizei Size = static_cast<ALsizei>(Data.NbSamples) * sizeof(Int16);
        ALCheck(alBufferData(Buffer, myFormat, Data.Samples, Size, mySampleRate));

        // Push it into the sound queue
        ALCheck(alSourceQueueBuffers(Sound::mySource, 1, &Buffer));

    return RequestStop;
Esempio n. 3
/// Fill a new buffer with audio data, and push it to the
/// playing queue
bool SoundStream::FillAndPushBuffer(unsigned int Buffer)
    bool RequestStop = false;

    // Acquire audio data
    Chunk Data = {NULL, 0};
    if (!OnGetData(Data))
        RequestStop = true;

    // Create and fill the buffer, and push it to the queue
    if (Data.Samples && Data.NbSamples)
        // Fill the buffer
        ALsizei Size = static_cast<ALsizei>(Data.NbSamples) * sizeof(Int16);
        ALCheck(alBufferData(Buffer, myFormat, Data.Samples, Size, mySampleRate));

        // Push it into the sound queue
        ALCheck(alSourceQueueBuffers(Sound::mySource, 1, &Buffer));

    return RequestStop;
Esempio n. 4
// Implementation of GetData
STDMETHODIMP CSimpleDataObjectImpl::GetData(FORMATETC* pformatetc, STGMEDIUM* pmedium)
	// Check format etc
	if (pformatetc->dwAspect!=DVASPECT_CONTENT)	return DV_E_DVASPECT;

#ifdef _DEBUG
	TCHAR szFormat[MAX_PATH];
	if (!GetClipboardFormatName(pformatetc->cfFormat, szFormat, MAX_PATH))
		wsprintf(szFormat, _T("%i"), pformatetc->cfFormat);
	ATLTRACE(_T("CSimpleDataObjectImpl::GetData - %s %i\n"), szFormat, pformatetc->tymed);

	// Get the format...
	CFormat* pFormat=FindFormat(pformatetc->cfFormat, (TYMED)pformatetc->tymed);
	if (!pFormat)

	memset(pmedium, 0, sizeof(*pmedium));

	if (pformatetc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL)
		// Delayed data?
		if (!pFormat->m_hData)
			if (SUCCEEDED(OnGetData(pformatetc->cfFormat, pformatetc->lindex, &pmedium->hGlobal)))
				return S_OK;
		else if (pformatetc->lindex==-1)
			// Allocate memory
			DWORD_PTR dwSize=GlobalSize(pFormat->m_hData);
			pmedium->hGlobal=GlobalAlloc(GHND, dwSize);
			if (!pmedium->hGlobal)
				return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

			// Copy it
			memcpy(GlobalLock(pmedium->hGlobal), GlobalLock(pFormat->m_hData), dwSize);

			// Unlock

			return S_OK;

	if (pformatetc->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM)
		// Delayed data?
		if (!pFormat->m_spStream)
			if (SUCCEEDED(OnGetData(pformatetc->cfFormat, pformatetc->lindex, &pmedium->pstm)))
				return S_OK;
		else if (pformatetc->lindex==-1)
			return S_OK;

	// Unknown format