void SimpleList::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { int cell_pos; DWORD cell_data; if (CalcParamsForClicks(point, cell_pos, cell_data)) OnLeftUp(cell_pos, cell_pos + m_v_scroll_bar.GetFirstVisibleElement(), cell_data, point.x - 0, point.y - cell_pos*m_cell_h); }
Keyboard(wxWindow *parent) : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(0, kWhiteKeyHeight)) { img_white_ = LoadImage(L"pianokey_white.png"); img_white_pushed_ = LoadImage(L"pianokey_white_pushed.png"); img_white_pushed_contiguous_ = LoadImage(L"pianokey_white_pushed_contiguous.png"); img_black_ = LoadImage(L"pianokey_black.png"); img_black_pushed_ = LoadImage(L"pianokey_black_pushed.png"); img_white_.Rescale(kKeyWidth, kWhiteKeyHeight); img_white_pushed_.Rescale(kKeyWidth, kWhiteKeyHeight); img_white_pushed_contiguous_.Rescale(kKeyWidth, kWhiteKeyHeight); img_black_.Rescale(kKeyWidth+1, kBlackKeyHeight); img_black_pushed_.Rescale(kKeyWidth+1, kBlackKeyHeight); Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, [this](auto &ev) { OnPaint(); }); timer_.Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, [this](auto &ev) { OnTimer(); }); timer_.Start(50); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, [this](auto &ev) { OnLeftDown(ev); }); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, [this](auto &ev) { OnLeftDown(ev); }); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, [this](auto &ev) { OnLeftUp(ev); }); Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, [this](auto &ev) { OnMotion(ev); }); Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, [this](auto &ev) { OnKeyDown(ev); }); Bind(wxEVT_KEY_UP, [this](auto &ev) { OnKeyUp(ev); }); key_code_for_sample_note_.fill(0); }
void CSelectMode::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent& event ) { bool event_used = false; if(LeftAndRightPressed(event, event_used)) { if(m_doing_a_main_loop){ ExitMainLoop(); } } if(event_used)return; if(event.LeftDown()) OnLeftDown(event); if(event.MiddleDown()) OnMiddleDown(event); bool dragging = event.Dragging() && (m_button_down || m_middle_button_down); bool moving = event.Moving() || (event.Dragging() && (!(m_button_down || m_middle_button_down))); bool left_up = false; if(event.LeftUp()) { if(m_button_down)left_up = true; m_button_down = false; } if(event.MiddleUp())m_middle_button_down = false; if(left_up) { OnLeftUp(event); } else if(event.RightUp()) { MarkedObjectOneOfEach marked_object; wxGetApp().FindMarkedObject(wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()), &marked_object); wxGetApp().DoDropDownMenu(wxGetApp().m_frame->m_graphics, wxPoint(event.GetX(), event.GetY()), &marked_object, false, event.ControlDown()); } else if(dragging) { OnDragging(event); } else if(moving) { OnMoving(event); } if(event.GetWheelRotation() != 0) { OnWheelRotation(event); } }
void MapGridCtrl::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) { SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_HAND)); if (m_in_mouse_drag) { // Fix for for not receiving LeftUp event when left button // is released outside the control (happens on Windows.) if (!event.LeftIsDown()) { OnLeftUp(event); return; } m_pos -= (event.GetPosition() - m_last_mouse_pos); m_last_mouse_pos = event.GetPosition(); CheckInBounds(); Refresh(); } else { const wxPoint pos_unscaled = event.GetPosition() + m_pos; const wxPoint pos = wxPoint2DInt(pos_unscaled) / (MINIMAP_SIZE + MINIMAP_MARGIN); const int idx = pos.y * m_size.x + pos.x; MapData* old_mouseover_map = m_mouseover_map; // use pos_unscaled for tests against 0 because negative values lower // than MINIMAP_SIZE get rounded up to 0 when diviving by MINIMAP_SIZE.. if (pos_unscaled.x >= 0 && pos.x < m_size.x && pos_unscaled.y >= 0 && pos.y <= m_size.y && idx < (int)m_grid.size()) { m_mouseover_map = m_grid[idx]; } else { m_mouseover_map = NULL; } if (m_mouseover_map != old_mouseover_map) { if (m_selection_follows_mouse && m_mouseover_map != NULL) { SelectMap(m_mouseover_map); } } } }
void HoldButton::OnLeaveWindow(wxMouseEvent &event) { OnLeftUp(event); }