Esempio n. 1
void EsPoolDisconnect::Update()

  // Keep polling: updates our connect time on the server.
  // If opponent has re-connected, go back to the game.
  if (!ThePoolOnlineManager::Instance()->OpponentHasDisconnected())
Esempio n. 2
tApVrfCalibrationWizard::tApVrfCalibrationWizard( tPilotController& pilotDevice, QWidget* pParent )
: tDialog( tDialog::Partial, pParent )
, m_CalibrationStep( eCS_Initial )
, m_pText( 0 )
, m_pYesAct( 0 )
, m_pNoAct( 0 )
, m_pCancelAct( 0 )
, m_pMovePortBtn( 0 )
, m_pNextAct( 0 )
, m_pCloseAct( 0 )
, m_pDummyAct( 0 )
, m_pDummy2Act( 0 )
, m_TurnState( eTS_Normal )
, m_PilotDevice( pilotDevice )
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Virtual Rudder Feedback Calibration" ) );

    QGridLayout* pLayout = new QGridLayout;
    pLayout->setContentsMargins( 30, 0, 10, 0 );
    pLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
    m_pText = new QLabel( tr( "Use wheel to center the rudder." ) );
    m_pText->setMinimumHeight( m_pText->fontMetrics().height() * 3 + 20 );

    m_pMovePortBtn = new tPushButton();
    Connect( m_pMovePortBtn, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( OnLeftBtnPressed() ) );
    Connect( m_pMovePortBtn, SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( OnLeftBtnReleased() ) );

    pLayout->addWidget( m_pText, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
    pLayout->addWidget( m_pMovePortBtn, 0, 4, 1, 1 );

    setLayout( pLayout );

    m_pNextAct = new tAction( tr( "Next", "button" ), this );
    Connect( m_pNextAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( OnNext() ) );

    m_pCancelAct = new tAction( tr( "Cancel", "button" ), this );
    Connect( m_pCancelAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) );

    m_pYesAct = new tAction( tr( "Yes", "button" ), this );
    Connect( m_pYesAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( OnYes() ) );

    m_pNoAct = new tAction( tr( "No", "button" ), this );
    Connect( m_pNoAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( OnNo() ) );

    m_pCloseAct = new tAction( tr( "Close", "button" ), this );
    Connect( m_pCloseAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );

    m_pDummyAct = new tAction( this );
    m_pDummyAct->setSeparator( true );
    m_pDummy2Act = new tAction( this );
    m_pDummy2Act->setSeparator( true );
    // add dummy to provide space for max of 3 softkeys
    m_ActionList << m_pDummyAct << m_pNextAct << m_pCancelAct;    
    setSoftKeys( m_ActionList, true );

    SoftKeyBar()->SetFocus( m_pNextAct );

    // Connect to the pilot virtual device for rudder test mode changes
    Connect( m_PilotDevice.GetRudderTestInterface(), SIGNAL( RudderTestModeChanged(tDriveProxy::eRudderTestMode) ),
             this, SLOT( OnRudderTestModeChanged(tDriveProxy::eRudderTestMode) ) );