void ID3DApplication::Release(void) { if (m_pDevice) { // call pure virtual OnRelease OnRelease(); if (m_pFont) { m_pFont->Release(); m_pFont = NULL; } if (m_pSprite) { m_pSprite->Release(); m_pSprite = NULL; } m_pDevice->Release(); m_pDevice = NULL; if (m_pD3D) { m_pD3D->Release(); m_pD3D = NULL; } } }
void cbPlugin::Release(bool appShutDown) { if (!m_IsAttached) return; m_IsAttached = false; SetEvtHandlerEnabled(false); OnRelease(appShutDown); CodeBlocksEvent event(cbEVT_PLUGIN_RELEASED); event.SetPlugin(this); // ask the host to process this event immediately // it must be done this way, because if the host references // us (through event.GetEventObject()), we might not be valid at that time // (while, now, we are...) Manager::Get()->ProcessEvent(event); if (appShutDown) return; // nothing more to do, if the app is shutting down wxWindow* window = Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(); if (window) { // remove ourself from the application's event handling chain... window->RemoveEventHandler(this); } }
void Session::ReleaseRef() { long ret = InterlockedDecrement(&mRefCount); CRASH_ASSERT(ret >= 0); if (ret == 0) { OnRelease(); } }
void Dialog::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if(e->button()==Qt::LeftButton) { this->isDrag=true; } QString *color; QString *title; switch (this->objectType) { case 1: color=new QString("border:2px groove gray;border-radius:10px;padding:2px 4px;background-color: rgb(255, 74, 19)"); title=new QString("开始"); break; case 2: color=new QString("border:2px groove gray;border-radius:10px;padding:2px 4px;background-color: rgb(255, 74, 19)"); title=new QString("结束"); break; case 3: color=new QString("background-color: rgb(33, 224, 255)"); title=new QString("自动"); break; case 4: color=new QString("background-color: rgb(84, 255, 160) "); title=new QString("人工"); break; case 5: color=new QString("background-color:rgb(255, 241, 42)"); title=new QString("条件"); break; default: QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), "请选择节点类型"); return ; } QPushButton *btn=new QPushButton(this); title->append(QString(":%1").arg(this->lst->count(),this->objectType)); btn->setText(*title); btn->setGeometry(QRect(e->x()-50, e->y()-10, 100, 20)); btn->setStyleSheet(*color); btn->show(); btn->setObjectName(QString("btn%1").arg(this->lst->count())); connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(OnClicked())); connect(btn,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(OnPress())); connect(btn,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(OnRelease())); TaskNode *node=new TaskNode(btn,this->objectType); node->params=NULL; node->postTask=NULL; node->prevTask=NULL; node->majorTask=NULL; this->lst->append(node); //this->ui->txtLog->setText(QString(":%1").arg(this->lst->count())); }
//**関数*************************************************************************** // 概要 : あたり判定 //********************************************************************************* void CObjButton::CheckCollision() { // 未使用時は処理なし if(m_nStatus == eButtonState::INACTIVE) return; CDXInput* pInput = MANAGER.GetInput(); switch(m_nStatus) { case eButtonState::DEFAULT: if(CCalc::IntersectBox2D(this->GetHitRect() , pInput->GetMouseHitRect())) SetState(eButtonState::HOVER); break; case eButtonState::HOVER: if(! (CCalc::IntersectBox2D(this->GetHitRect() , pInput->GetMouseHitRect() )) ) SetState(eButtonState::DEFAULT); if(pInput->GetMouseTrigger(0)) OnTrigger(); else if(pInput->GetMouseRelease(0)) OnRelease(); break; case eButtonState::ACTIVE: if(pInput->GetMouseTrigger(0)) OnTrigger(); else if(pInput->GetMouseRelease(0)) OnRelease(); break; default: // エラー break; } return; }
void Button::released(){ if(millis() - m_StartTime > BUTTON_LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT){ if(OnLongRelease != 0){ OnLongRelease(); } reset(); } else{ if(OnRelease != 0){ OnRelease(); } m_HitCount++; m_IsPressed = false; } }
// this is the main message handler for the program LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_DESTROY: { ::exit(0); PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; } case WM_SIZE: { // If the device is not NULL and the WM_SIZE message is not a // SIZE_MINIMIZED event, resize the device's swap buffers to match // the new window size. if( d3ddev != NULL && wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED ) { OnRelease(); ScreenX = LOWORD(lParam); ScreenY = HIWORD(lParam); d3dpp.BackBufferWidth = LOWORD(lParam); d3dpp.BackBufferHeight = HIWORD(lParam); //if( d3ddev->Reset( &d3dpp ) // == D3DERR_INVALIDCALL ) //{ //error //} ; OnInitialize(false); } } break; } return DefWindowProc (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
void wxDynamicSashWindowImpl::OnRelease(wxMouseEvent &event) { if ((m_dragging == DSR_CORNER) && (m_window->GetWindowStyle() & wxDS_DRAG_CORNER) != 0) { DrawSash(m_drag_x, m_drag_y); m_container->ReleaseMouse(); Resize(event.m_x, event.m_y); m_dragging = DSR_NONE; } else if (m_dragging) { DrawSash(m_drag_x, m_drag_y); m_container->ReleaseMouse(); wxSize size = m_container->GetSize(); int px = (int)((event.m_x * 100) / size.GetWidth() + 0.5); int py = (int)((event.m_y * 100) / size.GetHeight() + 0.5); if ((m_dragging == DSR_HORIZONTAL_TAB && py >= 10 && py <= 90) || (m_dragging == DSR_VERTICAL_TAB && px >= 10 && px <= 90)) { if (m_child[0] == NULL) { Split(px, py); } else { /* It would be nice if moving *this* sash didn't implicitly move the sashes of our children (if any). But this will do. */ wxLayoutConstraints *layout = m_child[0]->m_container->GetConstraints(); if (m_split == DSR_HORIZONTAL_TAB) { layout->height.PercentOf(m_container, wxHeight, py); } else { layout->width.PercentOf(m_container, wxWidth, px); } m_container->Layout(); } } else { if (m_child[0] != NULL) { if ((m_dragging == DSR_HORIZONTAL_TAB && py <= 10) || (m_dragging == DSR_VERTICAL_TAB && px <= 10)) { Unify(1); } else { Unify(0); } } } wxCursor cursor; if (m_split == DSR_HORIZONTAL_TAB) cursor = wxCursor(wxCURSOR_SIZENS); else if (m_split == DSR_VERTICAL_TAB) cursor = wxCursor(wxCURSOR_SIZEWE); else cursor = wxCursor(wxCURSOR_ARROW); m_container->SetCursor(cursor); m_dragging = DSR_NONE; } else if (m_leaf) { m_leaf->OnRelease(event); } }
CNWNXBase::~CNWNXBase() { // The OnRelease function is always called before // an instance is deleted OnRelease (); }
void IService::OnStop () { OnRelease(); m_io_service.stop(); }
void UIScrollView::EventRelease() { OnRelease(); }
UIWidget* UIScrollView::ProcessTouch(UILayer::TouchType eType, cocos2d::CCTouch* pkTouch) { static CCPoint s_kBeganPos; static bool s_bScroll; static VeFloat32 s_f32InnerNodeStart; if(m_bCanScroll) { if(m_bEnabled && m_bVisible) { switch(eType) { case UILayer::TOUCH_BEGAN: m_pkScrollBarV->setVisible(false); m_bShowScrollBar = false; m_bOnTouch = true; s_bScroll = false; m_bRollBack = false; s_kBeganPos = pkTouch->getLocation(); m_f32Velocity = 0.0f; { UIWidget* pkWidget = UIWidget::ProcessTouch(eType, pkTouch); if(pkWidget) return pkWidget; } break; case UILayer::TOUCH_MOVED: m_bOnTouch = true; if(s_bScroll) { VeFloat32 f32DeltaY = pkTouch->getLocation().y - pkTouch->getPreviousLocation().y; if(((-s_f32InnerNodeStart) < m_f32MoveBottom) || ((-s_f32InnerNodeStart) > m_f32MoveTop)) { f32DeltaY *= 0.3f; m_f32Velocity = 0; } else { m_f32Velocity = f32DeltaY * EVENT_RATE; m_f32Velocity = VE_MIN(m_f32Velocity, VELOCITYMAX); m_f32Velocity = VE_MAX(m_f32Velocity, -VELOCITYMAX); } s_f32InnerNodeStart += f32DeltaY; m_pkInnerNode->setPositionY(VeFloorf(s_f32InnerNodeStart)); UpdateScrollBar(); } else { if(VeFabsf(pkTouch->getLocation().y - s_kBeganPos.y) > (10.0f * ui_main_scale)) { m_bShowScrollBar = true; m_fHideScrollBarPass = 0; m_pkScrollBarV->setVisible(true); m_apkScrollBarV[0]->setOpacity(m_ubyOpacity); m_apkScrollBarV[1]->setOpacity(m_ubyOpacity); m_apkScrollBarV[2]->setOpacity(m_ubyOpacity); s_bScroll = true; s_f32InnerNodeStart = m_pkInnerNode->getPositionY(); } else { UIWidget* pkWidget = UIWidget::ProcessTouch(eType, pkTouch); if(pkWidget) return pkWidget; } } break; case UILayer::TOUCH_ENDED: case UILayer::TOUCH_CANCELLED: { UIWidget* pkWidget = UIWidget::ProcessTouch(eType, pkTouch); if(pkWidget) { return pkWidget; } else { OnRelease(); } } break; default: break; } return this; } else { m_bOnTouch = false; return NULL; } } else { return UIWidget::ProcessTouch(eType, pkTouch); } }
CNWNXODBC::~CNWNXODBC() { OnRelease (); }
CNWNXReset::~CNWNXReset() { OnRelease(); }
void CGameClient::OnActivateEditor() { OnRelease(); }
void WinApp::Release() { OnRelease(); }
void XSpriteBatchNode::ResHandle( long lParam ) { XFUNC_START(); do { const char* szPath = NULL; XResType* pResType = XResLoader::Instance().GetResByID(lParam); if (!pResType) { break; } CCTexture2D* pTex; if (XResType::ePng == pResType->GetType()) { XResPNG* pRes = dynamic_cast<XResPNG*>(pResType); if (!pRes) { break; } XTexture2D* &pCTex = pRes->m_pTexture; if (!pCTex) { break; } if (pRes->m_pImage) { bool bRes = XTextureCache::Instance().InitTexture(pRes->m_szPath, pRes->m_pImage, pCTex); if (!bRes) { break; } // Òѽ«Í¼Æ¬×ª»¯ÎªÌùͼ£¬É¾³ýͼƬ£¬ÊÍ·ÅÄÚ´æ¡£ delete pRes->m_pImage; pRes->m_pImage = NULL; } pTex = pCTex; szPath = pRes->m_szPath; } else { break; //// ѹËõÎÆÀí //XResCompressed* pRes = dynamic_cast<XResCompressed*>(pResType); //if (!pRes) //{ // break; //} //XTexture2D* &pXTex = pRes->m_pTexture; //if (!pXTex) //{ // break; //} //if (!pRes->m_byTexInited) //{ // bool bRes = XTextureCache::Instance().InitTexture(pRes->m_szPath, pXTex, pRes->m_pTexAlpha); // if (!bRes) // { // break; // } // pRes->m_byTexInited = 0xFF; //} //if (pRes->m_pTexAlpha) //{ // m_pTexKtxAlpha = pRes->m_pTexAlpha; // m_pTexKtxAlpha->retain(); // m_pShaderKTX = XShader::GetShader(this, XShader::eETC); //} //pTex = pXTex; //szPath = pRes->m_szPath; } if(_byAntiAlias) pTex->setAntiAliasTexParameters(); else pTex->setAliasTexParameters(); // ´´½¨¾«Áé XSBNChildInfo* pHead = _stChildren._pHead; XSBNChildInfo* pUsed; int nPos = 0; while(pHead) { pUsed = pHead; pHead = pHead->_pNext; XSprite* pSprite = XSprite::createWithTexture(pTex, pUsed->stRect, _byAntiAlias); if (!pSprite) { CCLOG("XSprite::createWithTexture failed!"); continue; } if (pUsed->byFlipX) { pSprite->setFlipX(true); } pSprite->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.f, 0.f)); pSprite->setPosition(ccp(pUsed->fPosX, pUsed->fPosY)); pSprite->setScaleY(_fChildrenScaleY); CCSpriteBatchNode::addChild(pSprite, pSprite->getZOrder(), nPos++); XMP_RELEASE(XSBNChildInfo, pUsed); } _stChildren.Clear(); _bResLoaded = true; if(_bCleanUpThread) cleanup(); //static unsigned long dwRes = 0; //CCLOG("XSpriteBatchNode::ResHandle [%d] %s", dwRes++, szPath); return; } while (0); _bResLoaded = false; OnRelease(); CCLOG("[ERROR]XSpriteBatchNode::ResHandle load res failed."); XFUNC_END(); }
void removeCursor(tuio::DirectFinger *f){fingers.erase(f); if (!IsPressed())OnRelease();}
CNWNXFuncs::~CNWNXFuncs() { delete FunctionHooks; OnRelease(); }