Esempio n. 1
bool DBcore::DoQuery_locked(DBerror &err, const char *query, int32 querylen, bool retry)
    if (pStatus != Connected)

    if (mysql_real_query(&mysql, query, querylen)) {
        int num = mysql_errno(&mysql);

        if (num == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR)
            pStatus = Error;

        if (retry && (num == CR_SERVER_LOST || num == CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR))
            sLog.Error("DBCore", "Lost connection, attempting to recover....");
            return DoQuery_locked(err, query, querylen, false);

        pStatus = Error;
        err.SetError(num, mysql_error(&mysql));
        sLog.Error("DBCore Query", "#%d in '%s': %s", err.GetErrNo(), query, err.c_str());
        return false;

    return true;
SignalingFileReservation FileReferenceImpl::GetReservation() {
  // run when pool.mutex is NOT locked
  khLockGuard lock(pool.mutex);

  // see if somebody elase already closed my file and left me an error to
  // deal with
  if (closeError) {
    errno = closeError;
    closeError = 0;
    throw khSimpleErrnoException("Error closing ") << fname;

  while (1) {
    if (operationPending) {
      // Another thread is opening or closing this file
      // wait until something changes and try again

    // If I already have a reservation , just return it
    if (reservation) {
      return SignalingFileReservation(pool, reservation);

    // Mark myself as being in the middle of the open (makes others wait)
    // This is beacause the "steal" operation below will cause me to
    // temporarily release the lock
    ChangingGuard changeGuard(this);

    while (pool.AllReservationsInUse_locked()) {

      FileReference closeFile;
      if (!pool.FindOldestUnusedReservation_locked(&closeFile)) {
        // All the reservations are busy and I'm not allowed to steal one
        // wait until something changes and try again

      // Close the reservation
    reservation = khRefGuardFromNew(new FileReservationImpl());

    // Basic check since this was broken in geFilePool implementation.
    if (pool.numFdsUsed >= pool.maxNumFds) {
      throw khSimpleException(
        "FileReferenceImpl::GetReservation: too many files open: ") <<
        "numFdsUsed: " << pool.numFdsUsed << " maxNumFds:" << pool.maxNumFds;
    // Now open the file with my new reservation
    // Will temporarily release lock

    return SignalingFileReservation(pool, reservation);
Esempio n. 3
bool DBcore::Open(const char* iHost, const char* iUser, const char* iPassword, const char* iDatabase, int16 iPort, int32* errnum, char* errbuf, bool iCompress, bool iSSL) {
    MutexLock lock(MDatabase);

    pHost = iHost;
    pUser = iUser;
    pPassword = iPassword;
    pDatabase = iDatabase;
    pCompress = iCompress;
    pPort = iPort;
    pSSL = iSSL;

    return Open_locked(errnum, errbuf);
Esempio n. 4
bool DBcore::Open(DBerror &err, const char* iHost, const char* iUser, const char* iPassword, const char* iDatabase, int16 iPort, bool iCompress, bool iSSL) {
    MutexLock lock(MDatabase);

    pHost = iHost;
    pUser = iUser;
    pPassword = iPassword;
    pDatabase = iDatabase;
    pCompress = iCompress;
    pPort = iPort;
    pSSL = iSSL;

    int32 errnum;
    char errbuf[1024];

    if(!Open_locked(&errnum, errbuf)) {
        err.SetError(errnum, errbuf);
        return false;

    return true;