bytesConstRef JitVM::execImpl(u256& io_gas, ExtVMFace& _ext, OnOpFunc const& _onOp) { auto rejected = false; // TODO: Rejecting transactions with gas limit > 2^63 can be used by attacker to take JIT out of scope rejected |= io_gas > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.gas)>::max(); // Do not accept requests with gas > 2^63 (int64 max) rejected |= _ext.gasPrice > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.gasPrice)>::max(); rejected |= _ext.envInfo().number() > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.number)>::max(); rejected |= _ext.envInfo().timestamp() > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_data.timestamp)>::max(); if (!toJITSchedule(_ext.evmSchedule(), m_schedule)) { cwarn << "Schedule changed, not suitable for JIT!"; rejected = true; } if (rejected) { cwarn << "Execution rejected by EVM JIT (gas limit: " << io_gas << "), executing with interpreter"; m_fallbackVM = VMFactory::create(VMKind::Interpreter); return m_fallbackVM->execImpl(io_gas, _ext, _onOp); } m_data.gas = static_cast<decltype(m_data.gas)>(io_gas); m_data.gasPrice = static_cast<decltype(m_data.gasPrice)>(_ext.gasPrice); m_data.callData =; m_data.callDataSize =; m_data.address = eth2jit(fromAddress(_ext.myAddress)); m_data.caller = eth2jit(fromAddress(_ext.caller)); m_data.origin = eth2jit(fromAddress(_ext.origin)); m_data.transferredValue = eth2jit(_ext.value); m_data.apparentValue = eth2jit(_ext.value); m_data.coinBase = eth2jit(fromAddress(_ext.envInfo().author())); m_data.difficulty = eth2jit(_ext.envInfo().difficulty()); m_data.gasLimit = eth2jit(_ext.envInfo().gasLimit()); m_data.number = static_cast<decltype(m_data.number)>(_ext.envInfo().number()); m_data.timestamp = static_cast<decltype(m_data.timestamp)>(_ext.envInfo().timestamp()); m_data.code =; m_data.codeSize = _ext.code.size(); m_data.codeHash = eth2jit(_ext.codeHash); // Pass pointer to ExtVMFace casted to evmjit::Env* opaque type. // JIT will do nothing with the pointer, just pass it to Env callback functions implemented in Env.cpp. m_context.init(m_data, reinterpret_cast<evmjit::Env*>(&_ext)); auto exitCode = evmjit::JIT::exec(m_context, m_schedule); switch (exitCode) { case evmjit::ReturnCode::Suicide: _ext.suicide(right160(jit2eth(m_data.address))); break; case evmjit::ReturnCode::OutOfGas: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas()); case evmjit::ReturnCode::LinkerWorkaround: // never happens env_sload(); // but forces linker to include env_* JIT callback functions break; default: break; } io_gas = m_data.gas; return {std::get<0>(m_context.returnData), std::get<1>(m_context.returnData)}; }
void MixClient::executeTransaction(Transaction const& _t, Block& _block, bool _call, bool _gasAuto, Secret const& _secret) { Transaction t = _gasAuto ? replaceGas(_t, m_postMine.gasLimitRemaining()) : _t; // do debugging run first EnvInfo envInfo(bc().info(), bc().lastHashes()); ExecutionResult d = debugTransaction(t, _block.state(), envInfo, _call); // execute on a state if (!_call) { t = _gasAuto ? replaceGas(_t, d.gasUsed, _secret) : _t; eth::ExecutionResult const& er = _block.execute(envInfo.lastHashes(), t); if (t.isCreation() && _block.state().code(d.contractAddress).empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Not enough gas for contract deployment")); d.gasUsed = er.gasUsed + er.gasRefunded + er.gasForDeposit + c_callStipend; LocalisedLogEntries logs; TransactionReceipt const& tr = _block.receipt(_block.pending().size() - 1); LogEntries le = tr.log(); if (le.size()) for (unsigned j = 0; j < le.size(); ++j) logs.insert(logs.begin(), LocalisedLogEntry(le[j])); d.logs = logs; } WriteGuard l(x_executions); m_executions.emplace_back(std::move(d)); }
// TODO: prototype changed - will need rejigging. ExecutionResult MixClient::debugTransaction(Transaction const& _t, State const& _state, EnvInfo const& _envInfo, bool _call) { State execState = _state; execState.addBalance(_t.sender(), _t.gas() * _t.gasPrice()); //give it enough balance for gas estimation eth::ExecutionResult er; Executive execution(execState, _envInfo); execution.setResultRecipient(er); execution.initialize(_t); execution.execute(); std::vector<MachineState> machineStates; std::vector<unsigned> levels; std::vector<MachineCode> codes; std::map<bytes const*, unsigned> codeIndexes; std::vector<bytes> data; std::map<bytesConstRef const*, unsigned> dataIndexes; bytes const* lastCode = nullptr; bytesConstRef const* lastData = nullptr; unsigned codeIndex = 0; unsigned dataIndex = 0; auto onOp = [&](uint64_t steps, Instruction inst, bigint newMemSize, bigint gasCost, bigint gas, void* voidVM, void const* voidExt) { VM& vm = *static_cast<VM*>(voidVM); ExtVM const& ext = *static_cast<ExtVM const*>(voidExt); if (lastCode == nullptr || lastCode != &ext.code) { auto const& iter = codeIndexes.find(&ext.code); if (iter != codeIndexes.end()) codeIndex = iter->second; else { codeIndex = codes.size(); codes.push_back(MachineCode({ext.myAddress, ext.code})); codeIndexes[&ext.code] = codeIndex; } lastCode = &ext.code; } if (lastData == nullptr || lastData != & { auto const& iter = dataIndexes.find(&; if (iter != dataIndexes.end()) dataIndex = iter->second; else { dataIndex = data.size(); data.push_back(; dataIndexes[&] = dataIndex; } lastData = &; } if (levels.size() < ext.depth) levels.push_back(machineStates.size() - 1); else levels.resize(ext.depth); machineStates.push_back(MachineState{ steps, vm.curPC(), inst, newMemSize, static_cast<u256>(gas), vm.stack(), vm.memory(), gasCost, ext.state().storage(ext.myAddress), std::move(levels), codeIndex, dataIndex }); }; execution.go(onOp); execution.finalize(); switch (er.excepted) { case TransactionException::None: break; case TransactionException::NotEnoughCash: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Insufficient balance for contract deployment")); case TransactionException::OutOfGasIntrinsic: case TransactionException::OutOfGasBase: case TransactionException::OutOfGas: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Not enough gas")); case TransactionException::BlockGasLimitReached: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Block gas limit reached")); case TransactionException::BadJumpDestination: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Solidity exception (bad jump)")); case TransactionException::OutOfStack: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Out of stack")); case TransactionException::StackUnderflow: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Stack underflow")); //these should not happen in mix case TransactionException::Unknown: case TransactionException::BadInstruction: case TransactionException::InvalidSignature: case TransactionException::InvalidNonce: case TransactionException::InvalidFormat: case TransactionException::BadRLP: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Internal execution error")); } ExecutionResult d; d.inputParameters =; d.result = er; d.machineStates = machineStates; d.executionCode = std::move(codes); d.transactionData = std::move(data); d.address = _t.receiveAddress(); d.sender = _t.sender(); d.value = _t.value(); d.gasUsed = er.gasUsed + er.gasRefunded + c_callStipend; if (_t.isCreation()) d.contractAddress = right160(sha3(rlpList(_t.sender(), _t.nonce()))); if (!_call) d.transactionIndex = m_postMine.pending().size(); d.executonIndex = m_executions.size(); return d; }
void MixClient::executeTransaction(Transaction const& _t, State& _state, bool _call, bool _gasAuto, Secret const& _secret) { Transaction t = _gasAuto ? replaceGas(_t, _secret, m_state.gasLimitRemaining()) : _t; bytes rlp = t.rlp(); // do debugging run first LastHashes lastHashes(256); lastHashes[0] = bc().numberHash(bc().number()); for (unsigned i = 1; i < 256; ++i) lastHashes[i] = lastHashes[i - 1] ? bc().details(lastHashes[i - 1]).parent : h256(); State execState = _state; Executive execution(execState, lastHashes, 0); execution.initialize(&rlp); execution.execute(); std::vector<MachineState> machineStates; std::vector<unsigned> levels; std::vector<MachineCode> codes; std::map<bytes const*, unsigned> codeIndexes; std::vector<bytes> data; std::map<bytesConstRef const*, unsigned> dataIndexes; bytes const* lastCode = nullptr; bytesConstRef const* lastData = nullptr; unsigned codeIndex = 0; unsigned dataIndex = 0; auto onOp = [&](uint64_t steps, Instruction inst, dev::bigint newMemSize, dev::bigint gasCost, void* voidVM, void const* voidExt) { VM& vm = *static_cast<VM*>(voidVM); ExtVM const& ext = *static_cast<ExtVM const*>(voidExt); if (lastCode == nullptr || lastCode != &ext.code) { auto const& iter = codeIndexes.find(&ext.code); if (iter != codeIndexes.end()) codeIndex = iter->second; else { codeIndex = codes.size(); codes.push_back(MachineCode({ext.myAddress, ext.code})); codeIndexes[&ext.code] = codeIndex; } lastCode = &ext.code; } if (lastData == nullptr || lastData != & { auto const& iter = dataIndexes.find(&; if (iter != dataIndexes.end()) dataIndex = iter->second; else { dataIndex = data.size(); data.push_back(; dataIndexes[&] = dataIndex; } lastData = &; } if (levels.size() < ext.depth) levels.push_back(machineStates.size() - 1); else levels.resize(ext.depth); machineStates.emplace_back(MachineState({steps, vm.curPC(), inst, newMemSize, vm.gas(), vm.stack(), vm.memory(), gasCost, ext.state().storage(ext.myAddress), levels, codeIndex, dataIndex})); }; execution.go(onOp); execution.finalize(); dev::eth::ExecutionResult er = execution.executionResult(); switch (er.excepted) { case TransactionException::None: break; case TransactionException::NotEnoughCash: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Insufficient balance for contract deployment")); case TransactionException::OutOfGasBase: case TransactionException::OutOfGas: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Not enough gas")); case TransactionException::BlockGasLimitReached: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Block gas limit reached")); case TransactionException::OutOfStack: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Out of stack")); case TransactionException::StackUnderflow: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Stack underflow")); //these should not happen in mix case TransactionException::Unknown: case TransactionException::BadInstruction: case TransactionException::BadJumpDestination: case TransactionException::InvalidSignature: case TransactionException::InvalidNonce: BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception() << errinfo_comment("Internal execution error")); }; ExecutionResult d; d.result = execution.executionResult(); d.machineStates = machineStates; d.executionCode = std::move(codes); d.transactionData = std::move(data); d.address = _t.receiveAddress(); d.sender = _t.sender(); d.value = _t.value(); d.gasUsed = er.gasUsed + er.gasRefunded; if (_t.isCreation()) d.contractAddress = right160(sha3(rlpList(_t.sender(), _t.nonce()))); if (!_call) d.transactionIndex = m_state.pending().size(); d.executonIndex = m_executions.size(); // execute on a state if (!_call) { t = _gasAuto ? replaceGas(_t, _secret, d.gasUsed) : _t; er =_state.execute(lastHashes, t); if (t.isCreation() && _state.code(d.contractAddress).empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(OutOfGas() << errinfo_comment("Not enough gas for contract deployment")); d.gasUsed = er.gasUsed + er.gasRefunded + er.gasForDeposit; // collect watches h256Set changed; Guard l(x_filtersWatches); for (std::pair<h256 const, eth::InstalledFilter>& i: m_filters) if ((unsigned)i.second.filter.latest() > bc().number()) { // acceptable number. auto m = i.second.filter.matches(_state.receipt(_state.pending().size() - 1)); if (m.size()) { // filter catches them for (LogEntry const& l: m) i.second.changes.push_back(LocalisedLogEntry(l, bc().number() + 1)); changed.insert(i.first); } } changed.insert(dev::eth::PendingChangedFilter); noteChanged(changed); } WriteGuard l(x_executions); m_executions.emplace_back(std::move(d)); }