Esempio n. 1
extern int
DumpPosition(const TanBoard anBoard, char *szOutput,
             const evalcontext * pec, cubeinfo * pci, int fOutputMWC,
             int UNUSED(fOutputWinPC), int fOutputInvert, const char *szMatchID)

    float aarOutput[2][NUM_ROLLOUT_OUTPUTS];
    positionclass pc = ClassifyPosition(anBoard, pci->bgv);
    int i, nPlies;
    int j;
    evalcontext ec;
    static const char *aszEvaluator[] = {

    strcpy(szOutput, "");

    sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%s:\t", _("Position ID"));
    strcat(szOutput, PositionID(anBoard));
    strcat(szOutput, "\n");
    if (szMatchID) {
        sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%s:\t", _("Match ID"));
        strcat(szOutput, szMatchID);
        strcat(szOutput, "\n");
    strcat(szOutput, "\n");

    sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%s: \t", _("Evaluator"));
    strcat(szOutput, gettext(aszEvaluator[pc]));
    strcat(szOutput, "\n\n");
    acdf[pc] (anBoard, strchr(szOutput, 0), pci->bgv);
    szOutput = strchr(szOutput, 0);

    sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0),
            "        %-7s %-7s %-7s %-7s %-7s %-9s %-9s\n",
            _("Win"), _("W(g)"), _("W(bg)"), _("L(g)"), _("L(bg)"),
            (!pci->nMatchTo || (pci->nMatchTo && !fOutputMWC)) ? _("Equity") : _("MWC"), _("Cubeful"));

    nPlies = pec->nPlies > 9 ? 9 : pec->nPlies;

    memcpy(&ec, pec, sizeof(evalcontext));

    for (i = 0; i <= nPlies; i++) {
        szOutput = strchr(szOutput, 0);

        ec.nPlies = i;

        if (GeneralCubeDecisionE(aarOutput, anBoard, pci, &ec, 0) < 0)
            return -1;

        if (!i)
            strcpy(szOutput, _("static"));
            sprintf(szOutput, "%2d %s", i, _("ply"));

        szOutput = strchr(szOutput, 0);

        if (fOutputInvert) {
            InvertEvaluationR(aarOutput[0], pci);
            InvertEvaluationR(aarOutput[1], pci);
            pci->fMove = !pci->fMove;

        /* Print %'s and equities */

        strcat(szOutput, ": ");

        for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
            sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%-7s ", OutputPercent(aarOutput[0][j]));

        if (pci->nMatchTo)
            sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%-9s ", OutputEquity(Utility(aarOutput[0], pci), pci, TRUE));
            sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%-9s ", OutputMoneyEquity(aarOutput[0], TRUE));

        sprintf(strchr(szOutput, 0), "%-9s ", OutputMWC(aarOutput[0][6], pci, TRUE));

        strcat(szOutput, "\n");

        if (fOutputInvert) {
            pci->fMove = !pci->fMove;

    /* if cube is available, output cube action */
    if (GetDPEq(NULL, NULL, pci)) {

        evalsetup es; = EVAL_EVAL; = *pec;

        strcat(szOutput, "\n\n");
        strcat(szOutput, OutputCubeAnalysis(aarOutput, NULL, &es, pci));


    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
extern char *
OutputCubeAnalysis(float aarOutput[2][NUM_ROLLOUT_OUTPUTS],
                   float aarStdDev[2][NUM_ROLLOUT_OUTPUTS], const evalsetup * pes, const cubeinfo * pci)

    static char sz[4096];
    int i;
    float arDouble[4];
    const char *aszCube[] = {
        N_("No double"),
        N_("Double, take"),
        N_("Double, pass")

    int ai[3];
    cubedecision cd;
    float r;

    FindCubeDecision(arDouble, aarOutput, pci);

    /* header */

    sprintf(sz, "\n%s\n", _("Cube analysis"));

    /* ply & cubeless equity */

    switch (pes->et) {
    case EVAL_NONE:
        strcat(sz, _("n/a"));
    case EVAL_EVAL:
        sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), "%u-%s", pes->ec.nPlies, _("ply"));
    case EVAL_ROLLOUT:
        strcat(sz, _("Rollout"));

    if (pci->nMatchTo)
        sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), " %s %s (%s: %s)\n",
                (!pci->nMatchTo || (pci->nMatchTo && !fOutputMWC)) ?
                _("cubeless equity") : _("cubeless MWC"),
                OutputEquity(aarOutput[0][OUTPUT_EQUITY], pci, TRUE),
                _("Money"), OutputMoneyEquity(aarOutput[0], TRUE));
        sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), " %s %s\n", _("cubeless equity"), OutputMoneyEquity(aarOutput[0], TRUE));

    /* Output percentags for evaluations */

    if (exsExport.fCubeDetailProb && pes->et == EVAL_EVAL) {

        strcat(sz, "  ");
        strcat(sz, OutputPercents(aarOutput[0], TRUE));


    strcat(sz, "\n");

    /* equities */

    strcat(sz, _("Cubeful equities"));
    strcat(sz, ":\n");
    if (pes->et == EVAL_EVAL && exsExport.afCubeParameters[0]) {
        strcat(sz, "  ");
        strcat(sz, OutputEvalContext(&pes->ec, FALSE));
        strcat(sz, "\n");

    getCubeDecisionOrdering(ai, arDouble, aarOutput, pci);

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

        sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), "%d. %-20s", i + 1, gettext(aszCube[ai[i]]));

        strcat(sz, OutputEquity(arDouble[ai[i]], pci, TRUE));

        if (i)
            sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), "  (%s)", OutputEquityDiff(arDouble[ai[i]], arDouble[OUTPUT_OPTIMAL], pci));
        strcat(sz, "\n");


    /* cube decision */

    cd = FindBestCubeDecision(arDouble, aarOutput, pci);

    sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), "%s: %s", _("Proper cube action"), GetCubeRecommendation(cd));

    if ((r = getPercent(cd, arDouble)) >= 0.0)
        sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), " (%.1f%%)", 100.0f * r);

    strcat(sz, "\n");

    /* dump rollout */

    if (pes->et == EVAL_ROLLOUT && exsExport.fCubeDetailProb) {

        char asz[2][1024];
        cubeinfo aci[2];

        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

            memcpy(&aci[i], pci, sizeof(cubeinfo));

            if (i) {
                aci[i].fCubeOwner = !pci->fMove;
                aci[i].nCube *= 2;

            FormatCubePosition(asz[i], &aci[i]);


        sprintf(strchr(sz, 0), "\n%s:\n", _("Rollout details"));

        strcat(strchr(sz, 0), OutputRolloutResult(NULL, asz, aarOutput, aarStdDev, aci, 0, 2, pes->rc.fCubeful));


    if (pes->et == EVAL_ROLLOUT && exsExport.afCubeParameters[1])
        strcat(strchr(sz, 0), OutputRolloutContext(NULL, &pes->rc));

    return sz;
Esempio n. 3
 * Call UpdateMostList to update the movelist in the GTK hint window.
 * For example, after new evaluations, rollouts or toggle of MWC/Equity.
extern void MoveListUpdate ( const hintdata *phd )
  unsigned int i, j, colNum;
  char sz[ 32 ];
  cubeinfo ci;
  movelist *pml = phd->pml;
  int col = phd->fDetails ? 8 : 2;
  int showWLTree = showMoveListDetail && !phd->fDetails;

  int offset = (phd->fDetails) ? 0 : MIN_COLUMN_COUNT - DETAIL_COLUMN_COUNT;
  GtkTreeIter iter;
  GtkListStore *store;
  store = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(phd->pwMoves)));
  gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter);

  if (!psHighlight)
  { /* Get highlight style first time in */
    GtkStyle *psTemp;
    GtkStyle *psMoves = gtk_widget_get_style(phd->pwMoves);
    GetStyleFromRCFile(&psHighlight, "move-done", psMoves);
    /* Use correct background colour when selected */
    memcpy(&psHighlight->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED], &psMoves->bg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED], sizeof(GdkColor));

    /* Also get colour to use for w/l stats in detail view */
    GetStyleFromRCFile(&psTemp, "move-winlossfg", psMoves);
    memcpy(&wlCol, &psTemp->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], sizeof(GdkColor));

  /* This function should only be called when the game state matches
     the move list. */
  g_assert( ms.fMove == 0 || ms.fMove == 1 );

  GetMatchStateCubeInfo( &ci, &ms );
  rBest = pml->amMoves[ 0 ].rScore;

  if (!showWLTree)
    gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(gtk_tree_view_get_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(phd->pwMoves), col),
        (fOutputMWC && ms.nMatchTo) ? _("MWC") : _("Equity"));

  for( i = 0; i < pml->cMoves; i++ )
    float *ar = pml->amMoves[ i ].arEvalMove;
    int rankKnown;
    char *highlight_sz;

    if (showWLTree)
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 0, pml->amMoves + i, -1);
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_DATA + offset, pml->amMoves + i, -1);

    rankKnown = 1;
    if( i && i == pml->cMoves - 1 && phd->piHighlight && i == *phd->piHighlight )
      /* The move made is the last on the list.  Some moves might
         have been deleted to fit this one in */
      /* Lets count how many moves are possible to see if this is the last move */
      movelist ml;
      int dice[2];
      memcpy(dice, ms.anDice, sizeof(dice));
      if (!dice[0])
      { /* If the dice have got lost, try to find them */
        moverecord* pmr = (moverecord*)plLastMove->plNext->p;
        if (pmr)
          dice[0] = pmr->anDice[0];
          dice[1] = pmr->anDice[1];
      GenerateMoves(&ml, msBoard(), dice[0], dice[1], FALSE);
      if (i < ml.cMoves - 1)
        rankKnown = 0;

    highlight_sz = (phd->piHighlight && *phd->piHighlight == i) ? "*" : "";

    if (rankKnown)
      sprintf( sz, "%s%s%d", pml->amMoves[i].cmark ? "+" : "", highlight_sz, i + 1 );
      sprintf( sz, "%s%s??", pml->amMoves[i].cmark ? "+" : "", highlight_sz );

    if (showWLTree)
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 1, rankKnown ? (int)i + 1 : -1, -1);
      goto skipoldcode;
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_RANK, sz, -1);
    FormatEval( sz, &pml->amMoves[ i ].esMove );
    gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_TYPE, sz, -1);

    /* gwc */
    if ( phd->fDetails )
      colNum = ML_COL_WIN;
      for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) 
        if (j == 3)
          gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, colNum, OutputPercent(1.0f - ar[ OUTPUT_WIN ] ), -1);
        gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, colNum, OutputPercent(ar[j]), -1);

    /* cubeless equity */
    gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_EQUITY + offset,
        OutputEquity( pml->amMoves[ i ].rScore, &ci, TRUE ), -1);
    if (i != 0)
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_DIFF + offset,
          OutputEquityDiff( pml->amMoves[ i ].rScore, 
            rBest, &ci ), -1);

    gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_MOVE + offset,
        FormatMove( sz, msBoard(),
          pml->amMoves[ i ].anMove ), -1);

    /* highlight row */
    if (phd->piHighlight && *phd->piHighlight == i)
      char buf[20];
      sprintf(buf, "#%02x%02x%02x", psHighlight->fg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].red / 256, psHighlight->fg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 256, psHighlight->fg[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 256);
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_FGCOL + offset, buf, -1);
      gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, ML_COL_FGCOL + offset, NULL, -1);
skipoldcode:  /* Messy as 3 copies of code at moment... */
    gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), &iter);
