Esempio n. 1
/// Makes a button and its four different state bitmaps
/// @param eUp               Background for when button is Up.
/// @param eDown             Background for when button is Down.
/// @param eHilite           Background for when button is Hilit.
/// @param eStandardUp       Foreground when enabled, up.
/// @param eStandardDown     Foregrounde when enabled, down.
/// @param eDisabled         Foreground when disabled.
/// @param id                Windows Id.
/// @param placement         Placement position
/// @param processdownevents true iff button handles down events.
/// @param size              Size of the background.
AButton * ToolBar::MakeButton(teBmps eUp,
                              teBmps eDown,
                              teBmps eHilite,
                              teBmps eStandardUp,
                              teBmps eStandardDown,
                              teBmps eDisabled,
                              wxWindowID id,
                              wxPoint placement,
                              bool processdownevents,
                              wxSize size)
   int xoff = (size.GetWidth() - theTheme.Image(eStandardUp).GetWidth())/2;
   int yoff = (size.GetHeight() - theTheme.Image(eStandardUp).GetHeight())/2;

   typedef std::unique_ptr<wxImage> wxImagePtr;
   wxImagePtr up2        (OverlayImage(eUp,     eStandardUp, xoff, yoff));
   wxImagePtr hilite2    (OverlayImage(eHilite, eStandardUp, xoff, yoff));
   wxImagePtr down2      (OverlayImage(eDown,   eStandardDown, xoff + 1, yoff + 1));
   wxImagePtr disable2   (OverlayImage(eUp,     eDisabled, xoff, yoff));

   AButton * button =
      new AButton(this, id, placement, size, *up2, *hilite2, *down2,
            *disable2, processdownevents);

   return button;
Esempio n. 2
/// Makes a button and its four different state bitmaps
/// @param eUp        Background for when button is Up.
/// @param eDown      Background for when button is Down.
/// @param eHilite    Background for when button is Hilit.
/// @param eStandard  Foreground when enabled.
/// @param eDisabled  Foreground when disabled.
/// @param id         Windows Id.
/// @param placement  Placement position
/// @param processdownevents true iff button handles down events.
/// @param size       Size of the background.
AButton * ToolBar::MakeButton(teBmps eUp,
                              teBmps eDown,
                              teBmps eHilite,
                              teBmps eStandard,
                              teBmps eDisabled,
                              wxWindowID id,
                              wxPoint placement,
                              bool processdownevents, 
                              wxSize size) 
   int xoff = (size.GetWidth() - theTheme.Image(eStandard).GetWidth())/2;
   int yoff = (size.GetHeight() - theTheme.Image(eStandard).GetHeight())/2;
   wxImage * up2        = OverlayImage(eUp,     eStandard, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2    = OverlayImage(eHilite, eStandard, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2      = OverlayImage(eDown,   eStandard, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2   = OverlayImage(eUp,     eDisabled, xoff, yoff);

   AButton * button =
      new AButton(this, id, placement, size, *up2, *hilite2, *down2,
            *disable2, processdownevents);

   delete up2;
   delete down2;
   delete hilite2;
   delete disable2;
   return button;
Esempio n. 3
   ///This is a generic function that will make a button, given
   ///generic button images.
   ///  Parameters:
   /// up:           An image of the blank button in its "up" state
   /// down:         An image of the blank button in its "down" state
   /// hilite        An image of the blank button with the hilite halo
   /// foreground:   A color bitmap of the icon on the button when its
   ///                 enabled--Can be a solid field.
   /// disabledfg:   A color bitmap of the icon when its disabled--can be a solid field.
   /// alpha:        A greyscale mask that determines how much of the
   ///                 foreground shows through
   /// id            Button ID
   /// placement     Location on the toolbar
   /// processdownevents      boolean that determine whether the button will process events
   ///                        if it is in the down position (and pop up when clicked in the down position)
   /// xoff          x-offset to place icon pixmaps at, with respect to background image
   /// yoff          y-offset to place icon pixmaps at, with respect to background image
AButton * ToolBar::MakeButton(wxImage * up, wxImage * down,
                              wxImage * hilite,
                              const char **foreground,
                              const char **disabledfg,
                              const char **alpha, wxWindowID id,
                              wxPoint placement,
                              bool processdownevents, wxSize size,
                              int xoff, int yoff) 

   wxImage * color 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(foreground).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * color_disabled = new wxImage(wxBitmap(disabledfg).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * mask 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(alpha).ConvertToImage());

   wxImage * up2 			= OverlayImage(up, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2 		= OverlayImage(hilite, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2 			= OverlayImage(down, color, mask, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2 		= OverlayImage(up, color_disabled, mask, xoff, yoff);

   AButton * button =
      new AButton(this, id, placement, size, up2, hilite2, down2,
            disable2, processdownevents);

   delete color;
   delete color_disabled;
   delete mask;
   delete up2;
   delete down2;
   delete hilite2;
   delete disable2;

   return button;
Esempio n. 4
wxImage *ControlToolBar::MakeToolImage(wxImage * tool,
                                       wxImage * mask, int style)
   // This code takes the image of a tool, and its mask,
   // and creates one of four images of this tool inside
   // a little button, for the toolbar.  The tool
   // is alpha-blended onto the background.

   const char **src;

   switch(style) {
   case 1: // hilite
      src = Hilite;
   case 2: // down
      src = Down;
      src = Up;

   wxImage *bkgndOriginal = new wxImage(wxBitmap(src).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage *upOriginal = new wxImage(wxBitmap(Up).ConvertToImage());

#ifdef __WXMAC__
   wxImage *background = bkgndOriginal;
   wxColour backgroundColour =
   wxColour baseColour;
   unsigned char *data = upOriginal->GetData();
   baseColour.Set(data[28 * 3], data[28 * 3 + 1], data[28 * 3 + 2]);
   wxImage *background = ChangeImageColour(bkgndOriginal,

   // Overlay the tool on top of it

   wxImage *result;
   if (style == 2)              // down
      result = OverlayImage(background, tool, mask, 1, 1);
      result = OverlayImage(background, tool, mask, 0, 0);
   delete background;

   #ifndef __WXMAC__
   delete bkgndOriginal;
   delete upOriginal;

   return result;
Esempio n. 5
   ///This is a generic function that will make a button, given
   ///generic button images.
   ///  Parameters:
   /// up:           An image of the blank button in its "up" state
   /// down:         An image of the blank button in its "down" state
   /// hilite        An image of the blank button with the hilite halo
   /// foreground:   A color bitmap of the icon on the button when its
   ///                 enabled--Can be a solid field.
   /// disabledfg:   A color bitmap of the icon when its disabled--can be a solid field.
   /// alpha:        A greyscale mask that determines how much of the
   ///                 foreground shows through
   /// id            Button ID
   /// placement     Location on the toolbar
   /// processdownevents      boolean that determine whether the button will process events
   ///                        if it is in the down position (and pop up when clicked in the down position)
   /// xadjust       x-offset to adjust the icon pixmaps from, wrt a centered icon on background image
   /// yadjust       y-offset to adjust the icon pixmaps from, wrt a centered icon on background image
AButton * ToolBar::MakeButton(wxImage * up, wxImage * down,
                              wxImage * hilite,
                              const char **foreground,
                              const char **disabledfg,
                              const char **alpha, wxWindowID id,
                              wxPoint placement,
                              bool processdownevents, wxSize size,
                              int xadjust, int yadjust) 


   wxImage * color 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(foreground).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * color_disabled = new wxImage(wxBitmap(disabledfg).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * mask 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(alpha).ConvertToImage());

   //Some images need to be centered on the button.  We calculate the centered values here, and then
   //adjust by xoff/yoff, for maximum control.
   int xoff = (size.GetWidth() - color->GetWidth())/2 + xadjust;
   int yoff = (size.GetHeight() - color->GetHeight())/2 + yadjust;
   wxImage * up2 			= OverlayImage(up, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2 		= OverlayImage(hilite, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2 			= OverlayImage(down, color, mask, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2 		= OverlayImage(up, color_disabled, mask, xoff, yoff);

   AButton * button =
      new AButton(this, id, placement, size, up2, hilite2, down2,
            disable2, processdownevents);

   delete color;
   delete color_disabled;
   delete mask;
   delete up2;
   delete down2;
   delete hilite2;
   delete disable2;

   return button;
Esempio n. 6
void ToolBar::MakeAlternateImages(AButton &button, int idx,
                                  teBmps eUp,
                                  teBmps eDown,
                                  teBmps eHilite,
                                  teBmps eStandardUp,
                                  teBmps eStandardDown,
                                  teBmps eDisabled,
                                  wxSize size)
   int xoff = (size.GetWidth() - theTheme.Image(eStandardUp).GetWidth())/2;
   int yoff = (size.GetHeight() - theTheme.Image(eStandardUp).GetHeight())/2;

   typedef std::unique_ptr<wxImage> wxImagePtr;
   wxImagePtr up        (OverlayImage(eUp,     eStandardUp, xoff, yoff));
   wxImagePtr hilite    (OverlayImage(eHilite, eStandardUp, xoff, yoff));
   wxImagePtr down      (OverlayImage(eDown,   eStandardDown, xoff + 1, yoff + 1));
   wxImagePtr disable   (OverlayImage(eUp,     eDisabled, xoff, yoff));

   button.SetAlternateImages(idx, *up, *hilite, *down, *disable);
Esempio n. 7
void ControlToolBar::MakeLoopImage()
   // JKC: See ToolBar::MakeButton() for almost identical code.  Condense??

   wxSize Size1( theTheme.ImageSize( bmpRecoloredUpLarge ));
   wxSize Size2( theTheme.ImageSize( bmpLoop ));

   int xoff = (Size1.GetWidth()  - Size2.GetWidth())/2;
   int yoff = (Size1.GetHeight() - Size2.GetHeight())/2;

   wxImage * up2        = OverlayImage(bmpRecoloredUpLarge,     bmpLoop, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2    = OverlayImage(bmpRecoloredHiliteLarge, bmpLoop, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2      = OverlayImage(bmpRecoloredDownLarge,   bmpLoop, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2   = OverlayImage(bmpRecoloredUpLarge,     bmpLoopDisabled, xoff, yoff);

   mPlay->SetAlternateImages(*up2, *hilite2, *down2, *disable2);

   delete up2;
   delete hilite2;
   delete down2;
   delete disable2;
Esempio n. 8
void ControlToolBar::MakeLoopImage()
   int xoff = 16;
   int yoff = 16;

   wxImage * color 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(Loop).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * color_disabled = new wxImage(wxBitmap(LoopDisabled).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * mask 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(LoopAlpha).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * up2 			   = OverlayImage(upPattern, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2 		= OverlayImage(hilitePattern, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2 			= OverlayImage(downPattern, color, mask, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2 		= OverlayImage(upPattern, color_disabled, mask, xoff, yoff);

   mPlay->SetAlternateImages(up2, hilite2, down2, disable2);

   delete color;
   delete color_disabled;
   delete mask;
   delete up2;
   delete hilite2;
   delete down2;
   delete disable2;
Esempio n. 9
int main( int argc, char** argv )

    contadorBlue = 0;
    contadorGreen = 0;
    contadorRed = 0;

    CvCapture *capture = NULL;
    IplImage  *frame = NULL;
    IplImage  *result = NULL;
    int       key;
    char      *filename = (char*)"aGest.xml";

    /* load the classifier
       note that I put the file in the same directory with
       this code */
    cascade = ( CvHaarClassifierCascade* )cvLoad( filename, 0, 0, 0 );

    /* setup memory buffer; needed by the face detector */
    storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 0 );

    /* initialize camera */
    capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( 0 );

    /* always check */
    assert( cascade && storage && capture );
    /* open and rezise images to be overlayed */
    IplImage *drumblue = cvLoadImage("./Drums/DrumBlue.png");
    IplImage *drumgreen = cvLoadImage("./Drums/DrumGreen.png");
    IplImage *drumred = cvLoadImage("./Drums/DrumRed.png");
    IplImage *lineblue = cvLoadImage("./Drums/BlueLine.png");
    IplImage *linegreen = cvLoadImage("./Drums/GreenLine.png");
    IplImage *linered = cvLoadImage("./Drums/RedLine.png");
    IplImage *step1 = cvLoadImage("./Drums/Step.png");
    IplImage *step2 = cvLoadImage("./Drums/Step2.png");
    IplImage *arrow1 = cvLoadImage("./Drums/Arrow1.png");
    IplImage *arrow2 = cvLoadImage("./Drums/Arrow2.png");
    IplImage *bien = cvLoadImage("./Drums/Bien.png");
    IplImage *buu = cvLoadImage("./Drums/Buu.png");

    IplImage *rdrumblue = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,95),drumblue->depth, drumblue->nChannels);
    IplImage *rdrumgreen = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,95),drumgreen->depth, drumgreen->nChannels);
    IplImage *rdrumred = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,95),drumred->depth, drumred->nChannels);
    IplImage *rdrumblue2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,95),drumblue->depth, drumblue->nChannels);
    IplImage *rdrumgreen2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,95),drumgreen->depth, drumgreen->nChannels);
    IplImage *rdrumred2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,95),drumred->depth, drumred->nChannels);
    IplImage *rlineblue = cvCreateImage(cvSize(230,80),lineblue->depth, lineblue->nChannels);
    IplImage *rlinegreen = cvCreateImage(cvSize(230,80),linegreen->depth, linegreen->nChannels);
    IplImage *rlinered = cvCreateImage(cvSize(230,80),linered->depth, linered->nChannels);
    IplImage *rlineblue2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(230,80),lineblue->depth, lineblue->nChannels);
    IplImage *rlinegreen2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(230,80),linegreen->depth, linegreen->nChannels);
    IplImage *rlinered2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(230,80),linered->depth, linered->nChannels);
    IplImage *rstep1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(100,100),step1->depth, step1->nChannels);
    IplImage *rstep2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(100,100),step2->depth, step2->nChannels);
    IplImage *rarrow1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,70),arrow1->depth, arrow1->nChannels);
    IplImage *rarrow2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(110,70),arrow2->depth, arrow2->nChannels);
    IplImage *rbien = cvCreateImage(cvSize(60,25),bien->depth, bien->nChannels);
    IplImage *rbuu = cvCreateImage(cvSize(60,25),buu->depth, buu->nChannels);

    cvResize(drumblue, rdrumblue);
    cvResize(drumgreen, rdrumgreen);
    cvResize(drumred, rdrumred);
    cvResize(drumblue, rdrumblue2);
    cvResize(drumgreen, rdrumgreen2);
    cvResize(drumred, rdrumred2);
    cvResize(lineblue, rlineblue);
    cvResize(linegreen, rlinegreen);
    cvResize(linered, rlinered);
    cvResize(lineblue, rlineblue2);
    cvResize(linegreen, rlinegreen2);
    cvResize(linered, rlinered2);
    cvResize(step1, rstep1);
    cvResize(step2, rstep2);
    cvResize(arrow1, rarrow1);
    cvResize(arrow2, rarrow2);
    cvResize(bien, rbien);
    cvResize(buu, rbuu);

    cvFlip(rdrumblue2, rdrumblue2,1);
    cvFlip(rdrumgreen2, rdrumgreen2,1);
    cvFlip(rdrumred2, rdrumred2,1);
    cvFlip(rlineblue2, rlineblue2,1);
    cvFlip(rlinegreen2, rlinegreen2,1);
    cvFlip(rlinered2, rlinered2,1);

    /* release memory */
    cvReleaseImage( &drumblue);
    cvReleaseImage( &drumgreen);
    cvReleaseImage( &drumred);
    cvReleaseImage( &lineblue);
    cvReleaseImage( &linegreen);
    cvReleaseImage( &linered );
    cvReleaseImage( &step1 );
    cvReleaseImage( &step2 );
    cvReleaseImage( &arrow1 );
    cvReleaseImage( &arrow2 );
    cvReleaseImage( &bien);
    cvReleaseImage( &buu);

    /* create a window */
    cvNamedWindow( "video", 1 );
    /* set time and frame variables*/
    initGame = clock ();
    frameN = 0;

    /* set scores*/
    score1 = 0;
    score2 = 0;
    redb = false;
    greenb = false;
    blueb = false;
    redb2 = false;
    greenb2 = false;
    blueb2 = false;
    bienn =0;
    maln =0;

std::list<int> lista;

    while( key != 'q' ) {

        /* get a frame */
        //frame: 640,480
        frame = cvQueryFrame( capture );

        /* always check */
        if( !frame ) break;

        /* clone and 'fix' frame */
        cvFlip( frame, frame, 1 );

        /* detect Hands and draw boxes */
        detectHands( frame, rlineblue2, rlinegreen2, rlinered2, false );
	detectHands( frame, rlineblue, rlinegreen, rlinered, true);

	/* overlay the game play buttons */
	cvLine(frame, cvPoint(320,0), cvPoint(320,480), cvScalar(255,255,0), 2);

        OverlayImage(frame,rdrumblue2,cvPoint(530, 15),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));

 	OverlayImage(frame,rarrow1,cvPoint(0, 23),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));

	drawAndAdvance(frame,rbien, rbuu, rstep1, rstep2 );

//        OverlayImage(frame,rstep1,cvPoint(200,330),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
//        OverlayImage(frame,rstep2,cvPoint(400,330),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));

//        OverlayImage(frame,rbien,cvPoint(200,200),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
//        OverlayImage(frame,rbuu,cvPoint(400,200),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));

       /* display video */
        cvShowImage( "video", frame );

        /* quit if user press 'q' */
        key = cvWaitKey( 10 );
    /* free memory */
    cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
    cvDestroyWindow( "video" );
    cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade );
    cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage );
    return 0;

Esempio n. 10
void drawAndAdvance(IplImage *src,IplImage *good, IplImage *bad, IplImage *rstep1,  IplImage *rstep2 ){
    for (std::list<paso>::iterator it=pasos1.begin(); it!=pasos1.end(); ++it){
	if ((*it).tipo == 0)
	OverlayImage(src,rstep1,cvPoint((*it).pos, 20),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
	if ((*it).tipo == 1)
	OverlayImage(src,rstep1,cvPoint((*it).pos, 95),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
	if ((*it).tipo == 2)
	OverlayImage(src,rstep1,cvPoint((*it).pos, 170),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
        //si llego al otro lado
	if ((*it).tipo == 0 && (*it).pos>560 && (*it).pos<595 ){
		if (blueb2){
			score2 += 1;
	} else if ((*it).tipo == 1 && (*it).pos>560 && (*it).pos<595 ){
		if (greenb2){
			score2 += 1;
	} else if ((*it).tipo == 2 && (*it).pos>560 && (*it).pos<595 ){
		if (redb2){
			score2 += 1;
        // si no se acerto el tambor
        if ((*it).tipo == 0 && (*it).pos>600 ){
		score2 -= 1;
	else if ((*it).tipo == 1 && (*it).pos>600  ){
		score2 -= 1;
	else if ((*it).tipo == 1 && (*it).pos>600){
		score2 -= 1;
	(*it).pos +=4;

for (std::list<paso>::iterator it=pasos2.begin(); it!=pasos2.end(); ++it){

	if ((*it).tipo == 0)
	OverlayImage(src,rstep2,cvPoint((*it).pos, 245),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
	if ((*it).tipo == 1)
	OverlayImage(src,rstep2,cvPoint((*it).pos, 320),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
	if ((*it).tipo == 2)
	OverlayImage(src,rstep2,cvPoint((*it).pos, 395),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));

        //si llego al otro lado
	if ((*it).tipo == 0 && (*it).pos>30 && (*it).pos<65 ){
		if (blueb){
			score1 += 1;
	} else if ((*it).tipo == 1 && (*it).pos>30 && (*it).pos<65 ){
		if (greenb){
			score1 += 1;
	} else if ((*it).tipo == 2 && (*it).pos>30 && (*it).pos<65 ){
		if (redb){
			score1 += 1;

        // si no se acerto el tambor
        if ((*it).tipo == 0 && (*it).pos<25 ){
		score1 -= 1;
	else if ((*it).tipo == 1 && (*it).pos<25 ){
		score1 -= 1;
	else if ((*it).tipo == 1 && (*it).pos<25){
		score1 -= 1;

	(*it).pos -=4;

Esempio n. 11
void CheckAndDraw(IplImage *img, CvRect *rect, IplImage *blue, IplImage *green, IplImage *red, bool caso){
    //calcular punto medio de la mano
	int x = rect->x + (rect->width)/2;
        int y = rect->y + (rect->height)/2;
	bool check = true;
	bool check2 = true;
	paso step;
	if (caso){
	   //tocar azul
	    if (x>30 && x<65 && y>265 && y<295){
		contadorBlue = 0;
		check = false;	
	    //tocar verde
	    if (x>30 && x<65 && y>340 && y<370){
		contadorGreen = 0;
		check = false;
	    //tocar rojo
	    if (x>30 && x<65 && y>415 && y< 445){
		contadorRed = 0;
		check = false;	
	    //no tocas nada
	    if (check) {  
	check = true;
	    //tocar arriba
	    if (x>30 && x<65 && y>40 && y<70){
		contadorArriba = 0;
		check = false;
	    //tocar medio
	    if (x>30 && x<65 && y>115 && y<145){
		contadorMedio = 0;
		check = false;
	    //tocar abajo
	    if (x>30 && x<65 && y>190 && y< 220){
		contadorAbajo = 0;
		check = false;	
	    //no tocas nada
	    if (check) {  
	    if (contadorBlue<10){
	        OverlayImage(img,blue,cvPoint(100, 240),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
		blueb = true;
	    } else
		blueb = false;
		redb = true;
	    } else
		redb = false;
		greenb = true;
	    } else
		greenb = false;
	    if (contadorArriba<10){
		step.pos = 100;
		step.tipo = 0;
		step.frame = frameN;
		if (!pasos1.empty()){
			if ( frameN - pasos1.front().frame   > 30)
		} else {
		step.pos = 100;
		step.tipo = 1;
		step.frame = frameN;
		if (!pasos1.empty()){
			if ( frameN - pasos1.front().frame   > 30)
		} else {
		step.pos = 100;
		step.tipo = 2;
		step.frame = frameN;
		if (!pasos1.empty()){
			if ( frameN - pasos1.front().frame  > 30)
		} else {
	    //tocar azul
	    if (x>560 && x<595 && y>40 && y<70){
		contadorBlue2 = 0;
		check2 = false;
	    //tocar verde
	    if (x>560 && x<595 && y>115 && y<145){
		contadorGreen2 = 0;
		check2 = false;
	    //tocar rojo
	    if (x>560 && x<595 && y>190 && y< 220){
		contadorRed2 = 0;
		check2 = false;	
	    //no tocas nada
	    if (check2) {  
	    check2 = true;
	    //tocar arriba
	    if (x>560 && x<595 &&  y>265 && y<295){
		contadorArriba2 = 0;
		check2 = false;
	    //tocar medio
	    if (x>560 && x<595 && y>340 && y<370){
		contadorMedio2 = 0;
		check2 = false;
	    //tocar abajo
	    if (x>560 && x<595 && y>415 && y< 445){
		contadorAbajo2 = 0;
		check2 = false;	
	    //no tocas nada
	    if (check2) {  
	    if (contadorBlue2<10){
	        OverlayImage(img,blue,cvPoint(345, 20),cvScalar(1,1,1,1),cvScalar(1,1,1,1));
		blueb2 = true;
	    } else
		blueb2 = false;
		redb2 = true;
	    } else
		redb2 = false;
		greenb2 = true;
	    } else
		greenb2 = false;
	    if (contadorArriba2<10){
		step.pos = 500;
		step.tipo = 0;
		step.frame = frameN;
		if (!pasos2.empty()){
			if ( frameN - pasos2.front().frame   > 30)
		} else {
		step.pos = 500;
		step.tipo = 1;
		step.frame = frameN;
		if (!pasos2.empty()){
			if ( frameN - pasos2.front().frame   > 30)
		} else {
		step.pos = 500;
		step.tipo = 2;
		step.frame = frameN;
		if (!pasos2.empty()){
			if ( frameN - pasos2.front().frame  > 30)
		} else {


Esempio n. 12
AButton * ToolBar::MakeButton(wxImage * up, wxImage * down,
                                  wxImage * hilite,
                                  const char **foreground,
                                  const char **disabledfg,
                                  const char **alpha, wxWindowID id,
                                  wxPoint placement, bool processdownevents, wxSize size,
                                  int xoff, int yoff) 
   //This is a generic function that will make a button, given
   //generic button images.
   //  Parameters:
   // up:           An image of the blank button in its "up" state
   // down:         An image of the blank button in its "down" state
   // hilite        An image of the blank button with the hilite halo
   // foreground:   A color bitmap of the icon on the button when its
   //                 enabled--Can be a solid field.
   // disabledfg:   A color bitmap of the icon when its disabled--can be a solid field.
   // alpha:        A greyscale mask that determines how much of the
   //                 foreground shows through
   // id            Button ID
   // placement     Location on the toolbar
   // processdownevents      boolean that determine whether the button will process events
   //                        if it is in the down position (and pop up when clicked in the down position)
   // xoff          x-offset to place icon pixmaps at, with respect to background image
   // yoff          y-offset to place icon pixmaps at, with respect to background image

#if wxVERSION_NUMBER < 2303
   wxImage * color = new wxImage(wxBitmap(foreground));
   wxImage * color_disabled = new wxImage(wxBitmap(disabledfg));
   wxImage * mask = new wxImage(wxBitmap(alpha));

   wxImage * up2 = OverlayImage(up, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2 = OverlayImage(hilite, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2 = OverlayImage(down, color, mask, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2 =
      OverlayImage(up, color_disabled, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * color 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(foreground).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * color_disabled = new wxImage(wxBitmap(disabledfg).ConvertToImage());
   wxImage * mask 			= new wxImage(wxBitmap(alpha).ConvertToImage());

   wxImage * up2 			= OverlayImage(up, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * hilite2 		= OverlayImage(hilite, color, mask, xoff, yoff);
   wxImage * down2 			= OverlayImage(down, color, mask, xoff + 1, yoff + 1);
   wxImage * disable2 		= OverlayImage(up, color_disabled, mask, xoff, yoff);

   AButton * button =
      new AButton(this, id, placement, size, up2, hilite2, down2,
            disable2, processdownevents);

   delete color;
   delete color_disabled;
   delete mask;
   delete up2;
   delete down2;
   delete hilite2;
   delete disable2;

   return button;
Esempio n. 13
Mat HUD(Mat videoFeed, int sizex, int sizey) {
	// Read HUD image
	Mat image;
	if (gameOn && !peoplePicked && !cratePicked)
		image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudg.png", -1);
	else if (gameOn && !peoplePicked && cratePicked)
		image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudc.png", -1);
	else if (gameOn && peoplePicked && !cratePicked)
		image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudp.png", -1);
	else if (gameOn && peoplePicked && cratePicked)
		image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudpc.png", -1);
		image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hud.png", -1);

	// Create a buffer of the image
	Mat buffer;

	// Resized HUD image
	Mat rImage;

	// Resize HUD to fit window
	resize(image, rImage, Size(sizex, sizey), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);

	// Create a matrix to mix the video feed with the HUD image
	Mat result;

	// Overlay the HUD over the video feed
	OverlayImage(videoFeed, rImage, result, Point(0, 0));

	// Draw the crosshair
	Point2f point(sizex / 2, sizey / 2);
	circle(buffer, point, 10, Scalar(255, 255, 0), -1);

	// Display info on to HUD
	ostringstream str; // string stream
	ostringstream str2; // string stream
	ostringstream str3; // string stream
	ostringstream str4; // string stream
	ostringstream str5; // string stream

	// Absolute control flag
	str << "Absolute control : " << absoluteControl;
	putText(result, str.str(), Point(10, 90), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0));

	// Battery
	str2 << ardrone.getBatteryPercentage();
	putText(result, str2.str(), Point(180, 33), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2);

	// Altitude
	str3 << ardrone.getAltitude();
	putText(result, str3.str(), Point(440, 33), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2);

	// Show game info when game starts
	if (gameOn) {
		// Points
		str4 << points;
		putText(result, str4.str(), Point(WIDTH / 2.1, 45), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2);

		// Time
		int now = cvGetTickCount();
		int passedSinceStart = ((now - gameTimeStart) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000)) / 1000;
		gameTimeLeft = TIME_LIMIT - passedSinceStart;
		str5 << gameTimeLeft;
		if (isDroneConnected)
			putText(result, str5.str(), Point(WIDTH / 2.3, HEIGHT - 25), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2);
			putText(result, str5.str(), Point(WIDTH / 2.2, WEBCAM_HEIGHT - 20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2);

	// Combine buffer with original image + opacity
	double opacity = 0.2;
	addWeighted(buffer, opacity, result, 1 - opacity, 0, result);

	return result;