int p6est_vtk_write_header (p6est_t * p6est, double scale, int write_tree, int write_rank, int wrap_rank, const char *point_scalars, const char *point_vectors, const char *filename) { p6est_connectivity_t *connectivity = p6est->connectivity; p4est_t *p4est = p6est->columns; sc_array_t *layers = p6est->layers; sc_array_t *trees = p4est->trees; const int mpirank = p4est->mpirank; const double intsize = 1.0 / P4EST_ROOT_LEN; double v[24]; const p4est_topidx_t first_local_tree = p4est->first_local_tree; const p4est_topidx_t last_local_tree = p4est->last_local_tree; const p4est_locidx_t Ncells = (p4est_locidx_t) layers->elem_count; const p4est_locidx_t Ncorners = P8EST_CHILDREN * Ncells; #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII double wx, wy, wz; p4est_locidx_t sk; #else int retval; uint8_t *uint8_data; p4est_locidx_t *locidx_data; #endif int xi, yi, j, k; int zi; double h2, h2z, eta_x, eta_y, eta_z = 0.; double xyz[3]; /* 3 not P4EST_DIM */ size_t num_cols, zz, zy, first, last; p4est_topidx_t jt; p4est_locidx_t quad_count, Ntotal; p4est_locidx_t il; P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_TYPE *float_data; sc_array_t *columns; p4est_tree_t *tree; p4est_quadrant_t *col; p2est_quadrant_t *layer; char vtufilename[BUFSIZ]; FILE *vtufile; SC_CHECK_ABORT (connectivity->conn4->num_vertices > 0, "Must provide connectivity with vertex information"); P4EST_ASSERT (0. <= scale && scale <= 1. && wrap_rank >= 0); Ntotal = Ncorners; if (scale == 1.) { scale = 1. - 2. * SC_EPS; P4EST_ASSERT (scale < 1.); } /* Have each proc write to its own file */ snprintf (vtufilename, BUFSIZ, "%s_%04d.vtu", filename, mpirank); /* Use "w" for writing the initial part of the file. * For further parts, use "r+" and fseek so write_compressed succeeds. */ vtufile = fopen (vtufilename, "wb"); if (vtufile == NULL) { P4EST_LERRORF ("Could not open %s for output\n", vtufilename); return -1; } fprintf (vtufile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); fprintf (vtufile, "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\""); #if defined P4EST_VTK_BINARY && defined P4EST_VTK_COMPRESSION fprintf (vtufile, " compressor=\"vtkZLibDataCompressor\""); #endif #ifdef SC_IS_BIGENDIAN fprintf (vtufile, " byte_order=\"BigEndian\">\n"); #else fprintf (vtufile, " byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n"); #endif fprintf (vtufile, " <UnstructuredGrid>\n"); fprintf (vtufile, " <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%lld\" NumberOfCells=\"%lld\">\n", (long long) Ntotal, (long long) Ncells); fprintf (vtufile, " <Points>\n"); float_data = P4EST_ALLOC (P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_TYPE, 3 * Ntotal); /* write point position data */ fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"Position\"" " NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_NAME, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); /* loop over the trees */ for (jt = first_local_tree, quad_count = 0; jt <= last_local_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, jt); columns = &tree->quadrants; num_cols = columns->elem_count; p6est_tree_get_vertices (connectivity, jt, v); /* loop over the elements in tree and calculated vertex coordinates */ for (zz = 0; zz < num_cols; ++zz) { col = p4est_quadrant_array_index (columns, zz); P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE (col, &first, &last); for (zy = first; zy < last; zy++, quad_count++) { layer = p2est_quadrant_array_index (layers, zy); h2 = .5 * intsize * P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN (col->level); h2z = .5 * intsize * P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN (layer->level); k = 0; for (zi = 0; zi < 2; ++zi) { for (yi = 0; yi < 2; ++yi) { for (xi = 0; xi < 2; ++xi) { P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= k && k < P8EST_CHILDREN); eta_x = intsize * col->x + h2 * (1. + (xi * 2 - 1) * scale); eta_y = intsize * col->y + h2 * (1. + (yi * 2 - 1) * scale); eta_z = intsize * layer->z + h2z * (1. + (zi * 2 - 1) * scale); for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ xyz[j] = ((1. - eta_z) * ((1. - eta_y) * ((1. - eta_x) * v[3 * 0 + j] + eta_x * v[3 * 1 + j]) + eta_y * ((1. - eta_x) * v[3 * 2 + j] + eta_x * v[3 * 3 + j])) + eta_z * ((1. - eta_y) * ((1. - eta_x) * v[3 * 4 + j] + eta_x * v[3 * 5 + j]) + eta_y * ((1. - eta_x) * v[3 * 6 + j] + eta_x * v[3 * 7 + j])) ); /* *INDENT-ON* */ } for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { float_data[3 * (P8EST_CHILDREN * quad_count + k) + j] = (P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_TYPE) xyz[j]; } ++k; } } } P4EST_ASSERT (k == P8EST_CHILDREN); } } } P4EST_ASSERT (P8EST_CHILDREN * quad_count == Ntotal); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII for (il = 0; il < Ntotal; ++il) { wx = float_data[3 * il + 0]; wy = float_data[3 * il + 1]; wz = float_data[3 * il + 2]; #ifdef P4EST_VTK_DOUBLES fprintf (vtufile, " %24.16e %24.16e %24.16e\n", wx, wy, wz); #else fprintf (vtufile, " %16.8e %16.8e %16.8e\n", wx, wy, wz); #endif } #else fprintf (vtufile, " "); /* TODO: Don't allocate the full size of the array, only allocate * the chunk that will be passed to zlib and do this a chunk * at a time. */ retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) float_data, sizeof (*float_data) * 3 * Ntotal); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding points\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } #endif P4EST_FREE (float_data); fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); fprintf (vtufile, " </Points>\n"); fprintf (vtufile, " <Cells>\n"); /* write connectivity data */ fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"connectivity\"" " format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_LOCIDX, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII for (sk = 0, il = 0; il < Ncells; ++il) { fprintf (vtufile, " "); for (k = 0; k < P8EST_CHILDREN; ++sk, ++k) { fprintf (vtufile, " %lld", (long long) sk); } fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); } #else locidx_data = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, Ncorners); fprintf (vtufile, " "); for (il = 0; il < Ncorners; ++il) { locidx_data[il] = il; } retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) locidx_data, sizeof (*locidx_data) * Ncorners); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding connectivity\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } #endif fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); /* write offset data */ fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"offsets\"" " format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_LOCIDX, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII fprintf (vtufile, " "); for (il = 1, sk = 1; il <= Ncells; ++il, ++sk) { fprintf (vtufile, " %lld", (long long) (P8EST_CHILDREN * il)); if (!(sk % 8) && il != Ncells) fprintf (vtufile, "\n "); } fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); #else for (il = 1; il <= Ncells; ++il) locidx_data[il - 1] = P8EST_CHILDREN * il; /* same type */ fprintf (vtufile, " "); retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) locidx_data, sizeof (*locidx_data) * Ncells); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding offsets\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } #endif fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); /* write type data */ fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\"" " format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII fprintf (vtufile, " "); for (il = 0, sk = 1; il < Ncells; ++il, ++sk) { fprintf (vtufile, " %d", P4EST_VTK_CELL_TYPE); if (!(sk % 20) && il != (Ncells - 1)) fprintf (vtufile, "\n "); } fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); #else uint8_data = P4EST_ALLOC (uint8_t, Ncells); for (il = 0; il < Ncells; ++il) uint8_data[il] = P4EST_VTK_CELL_TYPE; fprintf (vtufile, " "); retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) uint8_data, sizeof (*uint8_data) * Ncells); P4EST_FREE (uint8_data); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding types\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } #endif fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); fprintf (vtufile, " </Cells>\n"); if (write_rank || write_tree) { fprintf (vtufile, " <CellData Scalars=\"%s\">\n", !write_tree ? "mpirank" : !write_rank ? "treeid" : "mpirank,treeid"); } if (write_rank) { const int wrapped_rank = wrap_rank > 0 ? mpirank % wrap_rank : mpirank; fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"mpirank\"" " format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_LOCIDX, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII fprintf (vtufile, " "); for (il = 0, sk = 1; il < Ncells; ++il, ++sk) { fprintf (vtufile, " %d", wrapped_rank); if (!(sk % 20) && il != (Ncells - 1)) fprintf (vtufile, "\n "); } fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); #else for (il = 0; il < Ncells; ++il) locidx_data[il] = (p4est_locidx_t) wrapped_rank; fprintf (vtufile, " "); retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) locidx_data, sizeof (*locidx_data) * Ncells); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding types\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } #endif fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); } if (write_tree) { fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"treeid\"" " format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_LOCIDX, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII fprintf (vtufile, " "); for (il = 0, sk = 1, jt = first_local_tree; jt <= last_local_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, jt); num_cols = tree->quadrants.elem_count; columns = &tree->quadrants; for (zz = 0; zz < num_cols; ++zz) { col = p4est_quadrant_array_index (columns, zz); P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE (col, &first, &last); for (zy = first; zy < last; zy++, sk++, il++) { fprintf (vtufile, " %lld", (long long) jt); if (!(sk % 20) && il != (Ncells - 1)) fprintf (vtufile, "\n "); } } } fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); #else for (il = 0, jt = first_local_tree; jt <= last_local_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, jt); num_cols = tree->quadrants.elem_count; columns = &tree->quadrants; for (zz = 0; zz < num_cols; ++zz) { col = p4est_quadrant_array_index (columns, zz); P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE (col, &first, &last); for (zy = first; zy < last; zy++, il++) { locidx_data[il] = (p4est_locidx_t) jt; } } } fprintf (vtufile, " "); retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) locidx_data, sizeof (*locidx_data) * Ncells); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding types\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } #endif fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); P4EST_ASSERT (il == Ncells); } if (write_rank || write_tree) { fprintf (vtufile, " </CellData>\n"); } #ifndef P4EST_VTK_ASCII P4EST_FREE (locidx_data); #endif fprintf (vtufile, " <PointData"); if (point_scalars != NULL) fprintf (vtufile, " Scalars=\"%s\"", point_scalars); if (point_vectors != NULL) fprintf (vtufile, " Vectors=\"%s\"", point_vectors); fprintf (vtufile, ">\n"); if (ferror (vtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error writing header\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } if (fclose (vtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error closing header\n"); return -1; } vtufile = NULL; /* Only have the root write to the parallel vtk file */ if (mpirank == 0) { char pvtufilename[BUFSIZ]; FILE *pvtufile; snprintf (pvtufilename, BUFSIZ, "%s.pvtu", filename); pvtufile = fopen (pvtufilename, "wb"); if (!pvtufile) { P4EST_LERRORF ("Could not open %s for output\n", vtufilename); return -1; } fprintf (pvtufile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"); fprintf (pvtufile, "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\""); #if defined P4EST_VTK_BINARY && defined P4EST_VTK_COMPRESSION fprintf (pvtufile, " compressor=\"vtkZLibDataCompressor\""); #endif #ifdef SC_IS_BIGENDIAN fprintf (pvtufile, " byte_order=\"BigEndian\">\n"); #else fprintf (pvtufile, " byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n"); #endif fprintf (pvtufile, " <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n"); fprintf (pvtufile, " <PPoints>\n"); fprintf (pvtufile, " <PDataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"Position\"" " NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"%s\"/>\n", P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_NAME, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); fprintf (pvtufile, " </PPoints>\n"); if (write_rank || write_tree) { fprintf (pvtufile, " <PCellData Scalars=\"%s\">\n", !write_tree ? "mpirank" : !write_rank ? "treeid" : "mpirank,treeid"); } if (write_rank) { fprintf (pvtufile, " " "<PDataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"mpirank\" format=\"%s\"/>\n", P4EST_VTK_LOCIDX, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); } if (write_tree) { fprintf (pvtufile, " " "<PDataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"treeid\" format=\"%s\"/>\n", P4EST_VTK_LOCIDX, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); } if (write_rank || write_tree) { fprintf (pvtufile, " </PCellData>\n"); } fprintf (pvtufile, " <PPointData>\n"); if (ferror (pvtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error writing parallel header\n"); fclose (pvtufile); return -1; } if (fclose (pvtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error closing parallel header\n"); return -1; } } return 0; }
static void mesh_run (mpi_context_t * mpi, p4est_connectivity_t * connectivity, int uniform, int compute_tree_index, int compute_level_lists, p4est_connect_type_t mesh_btype) { int mpiret; unsigned crc; long local_used[4], global_used[4]; p4est_t *p4est; p4est_ghost_t *ghost; p4est_mesh_t *mesh; user_data_t *ghost_data; p4est = p4est_new (mpi->mpicomm, connectivity, sizeof (user_data_t), init_fn, NULL); if (!uniform) p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_mesh_new"); /* refinement */ if (uniform) { p4est_refine (p4est, 1, refine_uniform, init_fn); } else { p4est_refine (p4est, 1, refine_normal, init_fn); p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_mesh_refined"); } /* balance */ p4est_balance (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FULL, init_fn); if (!uniform) p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_mesh_balanced"); /* partition */ p4est_partition (p4est, 0, NULL); if (!uniform) { p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_mesh_partition"); } crc = p4est_checksum (p4est); /* print and verify forest checksum */ P4EST_GLOBAL_STATISTICSF ("Tree %s checksum 0x%08x\n", uniform ? "uniform" : "adapted", crc); /* create ghost layer and mesh */ ghost = p4est_ghost_new (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FULL); ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC (user_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); p4est_ghost_exchange_data (p4est, ghost, ghost_data); mesh = p4est_mesh_new_ext (p4est, ghost, compute_tree_index, compute_level_lists, mesh_btype); test_mesh (p4est, ghost, mesh, compute_tree_index, compute_level_lists, mesh_btype, ghost_data, uniform); /* compute memory used */ local_used[0] = (long) p4est_connectivity_memory_used (p4est->connectivity); local_used[1] = (long) p4est_memory_used (p4est); local_used[2] = (long) p4est_ghost_memory_used (ghost); local_used[3] = (long) p4est_mesh_memory_used (mesh); mpiret = sc_MPI_Allreduce (local_used, global_used, 4, sc_MPI_LONG, sc_MPI_SUM, mpi->mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Total %s memory used %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", uniform ? "uniform" : "adapted", global_used[0], global_used[1], global_used[2], global_used[3]); /* destroy ghost layer and mesh */ P4EST_FREE (ghost_data); p4est_mesh_destroy (mesh); p4est_ghost_destroy (ghost); /* destroy the p4est structure */ p4est_destroy (p4est); }
static void p4est_check_local_order (p4est_t * p4est, p4est_connectivity_t * connectivity) { const double intsize = 1.0 / P4EST_ROOT_LEN; double *vertices; double h, eta1, eta2; double v0x, v0y, v0z, v1x, v1y, v1z; double v2x, v2y, v2z, v3x, v3y, v3z; double w0x, w0y, w0z, w1x, w1y, w1z; double w2x, w2y, w2z, w3x, w3y, w3z; size_t iz; size_t num_quads; size_t quad_count; p4est_topidx_t jt; p4est_topidx_t *tree_to_vertex; p4est_topidx_t first_local_tree; p4est_topidx_t last_local_tree; p4est_topidx_t v0, v1, v2, v3; p4est_locidx_t kl; p4est_locidx_t lv0, lv1, lv2, lv3; p4est_locidx_t num_uniq_local_vertices; p4est_locidx_t *quadrant_to_local_vertex; p4est_qcoord_t inth; p4est_tree_t *tree; p4est_quadrant_t *quad; p4est_vert_t *vert_locations; p4est_nodes_t *nodes; sc_array_t *trees; sc_array_t *quadrants; nodes = p4est_nodes_new (p4est, NULL); quadrant_to_local_vertex = nodes->local_nodes; num_uniq_local_vertices = nodes->num_owned_indeps; SC_CHECK_ABORT ((size_t) num_uniq_local_vertices == nodes->indep_nodes.elem_count, "Node count mismatch"); P4EST_INFOF ("Unique local vertices %lld\n", (long long) num_uniq_local_vertices); vert_locations = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_vert_t, num_uniq_local_vertices); for (kl = 0; kl < num_uniq_local_vertices; ++kl) { vert_locations[kl].treeid = -1; } tree_to_vertex = connectivity->tree_to_vertex; vertices = connectivity->vertices; first_local_tree = p4est->first_local_tree; last_local_tree = p4est->last_local_tree; trees = p4est->trees; for (jt = first_local_tree, quad_count = 0; jt <= last_local_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, jt); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= jt && jt < connectivity->num_trees); v0 = tree_to_vertex[jt * 4 + 0]; v1 = tree_to_vertex[jt * 4 + 1]; v2 = tree_to_vertex[jt * 4 + 2]; v3 = tree_to_vertex[jt * 4 + 3]; P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= v0 && v0 < connectivity->num_vertices); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= v1 && v1 < connectivity->num_vertices); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= v2 && v2 < connectivity->num_vertices); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= v3 && v3 < connectivity->num_vertices); v0x = vertices[v0 * 3 + 0]; v0y = vertices[v0 * 3 + 1]; v0z = vertices[v0 * 3 + 2]; v1x = vertices[v1 * 3 + 0]; v1y = vertices[v1 * 3 + 1]; v1z = vertices[v1 * 3 + 2]; v2x = vertices[v2 * 3 + 0]; v2y = vertices[v2 * 3 + 1]; v2z = vertices[v2 * 3 + 2]; v3x = vertices[v3 * 3 + 0]; v3y = vertices[v3 * 3 + 1]; v3z = vertices[v3 * 3 + 2]; quadrants = &tree->quadrants; num_quads = quadrants->elem_count; /* loop over the elements in the tree */ for (iz = 0; iz < num_quads; ++iz, ++quad_count) { quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (quadrants, iz); inth = P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN (quad->level); h = intsize * inth; eta1 = intsize * quad->x; eta2 = intsize * quad->y; w0x = v0x * (1.0 - eta1) * (1.0 - eta2) + v1x * (eta1) * (1.0 - eta2) + v2x * (1.0 - eta1) * (eta2) + v3x * (eta1) * (eta2); w0y = v0y * (1.0 - eta1) * (1.0 - eta2) + v1y * (eta1) * (1.0 - eta2) + v2y * (1.0 - eta1) * (eta2) + v3y * (eta1) * (eta2); w0z = v0z * (1.0 - eta1) * (1.0 - eta2) + v1z * (eta1) * (1.0 - eta2) + v2z * (1.0 - eta1) * (eta2) + v3z * (eta1) * (eta2); w1x = v0x * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (1.0 - eta2) + v1x * (eta1 + h) * (1.0 - eta2) + v2x * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (eta2) + v3x * (eta1 + h) * (eta2); w1y = v0y * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (1.0 - eta2) + v1y * (eta1 + h) * (1.0 - eta2) + v2y * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (eta2) + v3y * (eta1 + h) * (eta2); w1z = v0z * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (1.0 - eta2) + v1z * (eta1 + h) * (1.0 - eta2) + v2z * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (eta2) + v3z * (eta1 + h) * (eta2); w2x = v0x * (1.0 - eta1) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v1x * (eta1) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v2x * (1.0 - eta1) * (eta2 + h) + v3x * (eta1) * (eta2 + h); w2y = v0y * (1.0 - eta1) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v1y * (eta1) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v2y * (1.0 - eta1) * (eta2 + h) + v3y * (eta1) * (eta2 + h); w2z = v0z * (1.0 - eta1) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v1z * (eta1) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v2z * (1.0 - eta1) * (eta2 + h) + v3z * (eta1) * (eta2 + h); w3x = v0x * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v1x * (eta1 + h) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v2x * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (eta2 + h) + v3x * (eta1 + h) * (eta2 + h); w3y = v0y * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v1y * (eta1 + h) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v2y * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (eta2 + h) + v3y * (eta1 + h) * (eta2 + h); w3z = v0z * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v1z * (eta1 + h) * (1.0 - eta2 - h) + v2z * (1.0 - eta1 - h) * (eta2 + h) + v3z * (eta1 + h) * (eta2 + h); P4EST_ASSERT ((p4est_locidx_t) quad_count < p4est->local_num_quadrants); lv0 = quadrant_to_local_vertex[4 * quad_count + 0]; lv1 = quadrant_to_local_vertex[4 * quad_count + 1]; lv2 = quadrant_to_local_vertex[4 * quad_count + 2]; lv3 = quadrant_to_local_vertex[4 * quad_count + 3]; P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= lv0 && lv0 < num_uniq_local_vertices); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= lv1 && lv1 < num_uniq_local_vertices); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= lv2 && lv2 < num_uniq_local_vertices); P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= lv3 && lv3 < num_uniq_local_vertices); vert_locations[lv0].x = w0x; vert_locations[lv0].y = w0y; vert_locations[lv0].z = w0z; P4EST_ASSERT (vert_locations[lv0].treeid == -1 || vert_locations[lv0].treeid == jt); vert_locations[lv0].treeid = jt; vert_locations[lv1].x = w1x; vert_locations[lv1].y = w1y; vert_locations[lv1].z = w1z; P4EST_ASSERT (vert_locations[lv1].treeid == -1 || vert_locations[lv1].treeid == jt); vert_locations[lv1].treeid = jt; vert_locations[lv2].x = w2x; vert_locations[lv2].y = w2y; vert_locations[lv2].z = w2z; P4EST_ASSERT (vert_locations[lv2].treeid == -1 || vert_locations[lv2].treeid == jt); vert_locations[lv2].treeid = jt; vert_locations[lv3].x = w3x; vert_locations[lv3].y = w3y; vert_locations[lv3].z = w3z; P4EST_ASSERT (vert_locations[lv3].treeid == -1 || vert_locations[lv3].treeid == jt); vert_locations[lv3].treeid = jt; } } qsort (vert_locations, num_uniq_local_vertices, sizeof (p4est_vert_t), p4est_vert_compare); /* Check to make sure that we don't have any duplicates in the list */ for (kl = 0; kl < num_uniq_local_vertices - 1; ++kl) { SC_CHECK_ABORT (p4est_vert_compare (vert_locations + kl, vert_locations + kl + 1) != 0, "local ordering not unique"); } P4EST_FREE (vert_locations); p4est_nodes_destroy (nodes); }
p6est_profile_t * p6est_profile_new_local (p6est_t * p6est, p6est_ghost_t * ghost, p6est_profile_type_t ptype, p8est_connect_type_t btype, int degree) { p6est_profile_t *profile = P4EST_ALLOC (p6est_profile_t, 1); p4est_lnodes_t *lnodes; p4est_locidx_t nln, nle; p4est_topidx_t jt; p4est_t *columns = p6est->columns; p4est_tree_t *tree; sc_array_t *tquadrants; p4est_quadrant_t *col; p4est_qcoord_t diff = P4EST_ROOT_LEN - p6est->root_len; size_t first, last, count, zz, zy; p4est_locidx_t *en, (*lr)[2]; sc_array_t *lc; int i, j; p2est_quadrant_t *layer; sc_array_t *layers = p6est->layers; p4est_locidx_t nidx, enidx; p4est_connect_type_t hbtype; int8_t *c; sc_array_t *thisprof; sc_array_t *selfprof; sc_array_t *faceprof; sc_array_t *cornerprof; sc_array_t *work; sc_array_t oldprof; const int Nrp = degree + 1; P4EST_ASSERT (degree > 1); profile->ptype = ptype; profile->btype = btype; profile->lnode_changed[0] = NULL; profile->lnode_changed[1] = NULL; profile->enode_counts = NULL; profile->diff = diff; if (btype == P8EST_CONNECT_FACE) { hbtype = P4EST_CONNECT_FACE; } else { hbtype = P4EST_CONNECT_FULL; } if (ghost == NULL) { profile->cghost = p4est_ghost_new (p6est->columns, P4EST_CONNECT_FULL); profile->ghost_owned = 1; } else { P4EST_ASSERT (ghost->column_ghost->btype == P4EST_CONNECT_FULL); profile->cghost = ghost->column_ghost; profile->ghost_owned = 0; } if (ptype == P6EST_PROFILE_UNION) { P4EST_ASSERT (degree == 2); } profile->lnodes = lnodes = p4est_lnodes_new (p6est->columns, profile->cghost, degree); en = lnodes->element_nodes; nln = lnodes->num_local_nodes; nle = lnodes->num_local_elements; profile->lnode_ranges = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (p4est_locidx_t, 2 * nln); lr = (p4est_locidx_t (*)[2]) profile->lnode_ranges; profile->lnode_columns = lc = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); selfprof = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); work = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); faceprof = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); cornerprof = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); if (ptype == P6EST_PROFILE_UNION) { profile->lnode_changed[0] = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, nln); profile->lnode_changed[1] = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, nln); profile->enode_counts = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, P4EST_INSUL * nle); profile->evenodd = 0; memset (profile->lnode_changed[0], -1, nln * sizeof (int)); } /* create the profiles for each node: layers are reduced to just their level * */ for (enidx = 0, jt = columns->first_local_tree; jt <= columns->last_local_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (columns->trees, jt); tquadrants = &tree->quadrants; for (zz = 0; zz < tquadrants->elem_count; ++zz) { col = p4est_quadrant_array_index (tquadrants, zz); P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE (col, &first, &last); count = last - first; sc_array_truncate (selfprof); c = (int8_t *) sc_array_push_count (selfprof, count); for (zy = first; zy < last; zy++) { layer = p2est_quadrant_array_index (layers, zy); *(c++) = layer->level; } if (ptype == P6EST_PROFILE_UNION) { p6est_profile_balance_self (selfprof, work); if (btype == P8EST_CONNECT_FACE) { p6est_profile_balance_face (selfprof, faceprof, work, diff); } else { p6est_profile_balance_full (selfprof, faceprof, work, diff); } if (btype == P8EST_CONNECT_EDGE) { p6est_profile_balance_face (selfprof, cornerprof, work, diff); } else if (btype == P8EST_CONNECT_FULL) { p6est_profile_balance_full (selfprof, cornerprof, work, diff); } } for (j = 0; j < Nrp; j++) { for (i = 0; i < Nrp; i++, enidx++) { nidx = en[enidx]; if (ptype == P6EST_PROFILE_UNION) { thisprof = NULL; if (!(i % degree) && !(j % degree)) { if (hbtype == P4EST_CONNECT_FACE) { /* skip corners if we don't need to balance them */ P4EST_ASSERT (!lr[nidx][0]); P4EST_ASSERT (!lr[nidx][1]); continue; } else { thisprof = cornerprof; } } else if ((i % degree) && (j % degree)) { thisprof = selfprof; } else { thisprof = faceprof; } count = thisprof->elem_count; profile->enode_counts[enidx] = count; if (!lr[nidx][1]) { /* if this node has not yet been initialized, initialize it */ lr[nidx][0] = lc->elem_count; lr[nidx][1] = count; c = (int8_t *) sc_array_push_count (lc, count); memcpy (c, thisprof->array, count * sizeof (int8_t)); } else { /* if this node has been initialized, combine the two profiles, * taking the finer layers from each */ sc_array_init_view (&oldprof, lc, lr[nidx][0], lr[nidx][1]); p6est_profile_union (thisprof, &oldprof, work); if (work->elem_count > oldprof.elem_count) { lr[nidx][0] = lc->elem_count; lr[nidx][1] = work->elem_count; c = (int8_t *) sc_array_push_count (lc, work->elem_count); memcpy (c, work->array, work->elem_count * work->elem_size); } } } else { count = selfprof->elem_count; if (!lr[nidx][1]) { /* if this node has not yet been initialized, initialize it */ lr[nidx][0] = lc->elem_count; lr[nidx][1] = count; c = (int8_t *) sc_array_push_count (lc, count); memcpy (c, selfprof->array, count * sizeof (int8_t)); } else { /* if this node has been initialized, combine the two profiles, * taking the coarser layers from each */ sc_array_init_view (&oldprof, lc, lr[nidx][0], lr[nidx][1]); p6est_profile_intersection (selfprof, &oldprof, work); P4EST_ASSERT (work->elem_count <= oldprof.elem_count); if (work->elem_count < oldprof.elem_count) { lr[nidx][1] = work->elem_count; memcpy (oldprof.array, work->array, work->elem_count * work->elem_size); } } } } } } } p6est_profile_compress (profile); sc_array_destroy (selfprof); sc_array_destroy (faceprof); sc_array_destroy (cornerprof); sc_array_destroy (work); return profile; }
int p6est_profile_sync (p6est_profile_t * profile) { p4est_lnodes_t *lnodes = profile->lnodes; p4est_locidx_t nln = lnodes->num_local_nodes; sc_array_t lrview; p4est_lnodes_buffer_t *countbuf; sc_array_t *sharers; size_t zz, nsharers; int nleft; int8_t *recv, *send; int *array_of_indices; p4est_locidx_t recv_total; p4est_locidx_t *recv_offsets, recv_offset; p4est_locidx_t send_total; p4est_locidx_t *send_offsets, send_offset; p4est_locidx_t (*lr)[2]; sc_array_t *lc = profile->lnode_columns; sc_MPI_Request *recv_request, *send_request; sc_array_t *work; int any_change = 0; int any_global_change; int mpiret, mpirank; int evenodd = profile->evenodd; lr = (p4est_locidx_t (*)[2]) profile->lnode_ranges; sharers = lnodes->sharers; nsharers = sharers->elem_count; mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_rank (lnodes->mpicomm, &mpirank); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); sc_array_init_data (&lrview, lr, 2 * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t), nln); countbuf = p4est_lnodes_share_all_begin (&lrview, lnodes); send_offsets = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, nsharers + 1); send_offset = 0; for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *sharer; sc_array_t *send_buf; size_t zy, nnodes; send_offsets[zz] = send_offset; sharer = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (sharers, zz); if (sharer->rank == mpirank) { continue; } send_buf = (sc_array_t *) sc_array_index (countbuf->send_buffers, zz); nnodes = sharer->shared_nodes.elem_count; P4EST_ASSERT (nnodes == send_buf->elem_count); P4EST_ASSERT (send_buf->elem_size == 2 * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); for (zy = 0; zy < nnodes; zy++) { p4est_locidx_t *lp = (p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (send_buf, zy); P4EST_ASSERT (lp[0] >= 0); P4EST_ASSERT (lp[1] >= 0); send_offset += lp[1]; } } send_total = send_offsets[nsharers] = send_offset; p4est_lnodes_share_all_end (countbuf); recv_offsets = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, nsharers + 1); recv_offset = 0; for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *sharer; sc_array_t *recv_buf; size_t zy, nnodes; recv_offsets[zz] = recv_offset; sharer = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (sharers, zz); if (sharer->rank == mpirank) { continue; } recv_buf = (sc_array_t *) sc_array_index (countbuf->recv_buffers, zz); nnodes = sharer->shared_nodes.elem_count; P4EST_ASSERT (nnodes == recv_buf->elem_count); P4EST_ASSERT (recv_buf->elem_size == 2 * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); for (zy = 0; zy < nnodes; zy++) { p4est_locidx_t *lp = (p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (recv_buf, zy); P4EST_ASSERT (lp[0] >= 0); P4EST_ASSERT (lp[1] >= 0); recv_offset += lp[1]; } } recv_total = recv_offsets[nsharers] = recv_offset; recv = P4EST_ALLOC (int8_t, recv_total); recv_request = P4EST_ALLOC (sc_MPI_Request, nsharers); send = P4EST_ALLOC (int8_t, send_total); send_request = P4EST_ALLOC (sc_MPI_Request, nsharers); /* post receives */ nleft = 0; for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *sharer; int icount = recv_offsets[zz + 1] - recv_offsets[zz]; sharer = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (sharers, zz); if (sharer->rank == mpirank) { recv_request[zz] = sc_MPI_REQUEST_NULL; continue; } if (icount) { mpiret = sc_MPI_Irecv (recv + recv_offsets[zz], icount * sizeof (int8_t), sc_MPI_BYTE, sharer->rank, P6EST_COMM_BALANCE, lnodes->mpicomm, recv_request + zz); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); nleft++; } else { recv_request[zz] = sc_MPI_REQUEST_NULL; } } /* post sends */ for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *sharer; size_t zy, nnodes; int icount; sc_array_t *shared_nodes; sharer = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (sharers, zz); if (sharer->rank == mpirank) { send_request[zz] = sc_MPI_REQUEST_NULL; continue; } shared_nodes = &sharer->shared_nodes; nnodes = shared_nodes->elem_count; icount = 0; for (zy = 0; zy < nnodes; zy++) { p4est_locidx_t nidx; int8_t *c; nidx = *((p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (shared_nodes, zy)); if (lr[nidx][1]) { c = (int8_t *) sc_array_index (lc, lr[nidx][0]); memcpy (send + send_offsets[zz] + icount, c, lr[nidx][1] * sizeof (int8_t)); icount += lr[nidx][1]; } else { P4EST_ASSERT (!lr[nidx][0]); } } P4EST_ASSERT (icount == send_offsets[zz + 1] - send_offsets[zz]); if (icount) { mpiret = sc_MPI_Isend (send + send_offsets[zz], icount * sizeof (int8_t), sc_MPI_BYTE, sharer->rank, P6EST_COMM_BALANCE, lnodes->mpicomm, send_request + zz); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); } else { send_request[zz] = sc_MPI_REQUEST_NULL; } } work = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); array_of_indices = P4EST_ALLOC (int, nsharers); while (nleft) { int outcount; int i; mpiret = sc_MPI_Waitsome (nsharers, recv_request, &outcount, array_of_indices, sc_MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); for (i = 0; i < outcount; i++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *sharer; size_t zy, nnode; sc_array_t *shared_nodes; sc_array_t *recv_buf; zz = array_of_indices[i]; sharer = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (sharers, zz); shared_nodes = &sharer->shared_nodes; recv_buf = (sc_array_t *) sc_array_index (countbuf->recv_buffers, zz); nnode = shared_nodes->elem_count; P4EST_ASSERT (nnode == recv_buf->elem_count); recv_offset = recv_offsets[zz]; for (zy = 0; zy < nnode; zy++) { p4est_locidx_t *lp; p4est_locidx_t nidx; sc_array_t oldview, newview; nidx = *((p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (shared_nodes, zy)); lp = (p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (recv_buf, zy); sc_array_init_view (&oldview, lc, lr[nidx][0], lr[nidx][1]); sc_array_init_data (&newview, recv + recv_offset, sizeof (int8_t), lp[1]); if (profile->ptype == P6EST_PROFILE_UNION) { p6est_profile_union (&oldview, &newview, work); if (work->elem_count > oldview.elem_count) { int8_t *c; any_change = 1; lr[nidx][0] = lc->elem_count; lr[nidx][1] = work->elem_count; profile->lnode_changed[evenodd][nidx] = 1; c = (int8_t *) sc_array_push_count (lc, work->elem_count); memcpy (c, work->array, work->elem_count * work->elem_size); } } else { p6est_profile_intersection (&oldview, &newview, work); P4EST_ASSERT (work->elem_count <= oldview.elem_count); if (work->elem_count < oldview.elem_count) { lr[nidx][1] = work->elem_count; memcpy (oldview.array, work->array, work->elem_count * work->elem_size); } } recv_offset += lp[1]; } P4EST_ASSERT (recv_offset == recv_offsets[zz + 1]); } nleft -= outcount; P4EST_ASSERT (nleft >= 0); } P4EST_FREE (array_of_indices); sc_array_destroy (work); p6est_profile_compress (profile); p4est_lnodes_buffer_destroy (countbuf); P4EST_FREE (recv_request); P4EST_FREE (recv_offsets); P4EST_FREE (recv); { mpiret = sc_MPI_Waitall (nsharers, send_request, sc_MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_FREE (send_request); P4EST_FREE (send_offsets); P4EST_FREE (send); any_global_change = any_change; mpiret = sc_MPI_Allreduce (&any_change, &any_global_change, 1, sc_MPI_INT, sc_MPI_LOR, lnodes->mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); } return any_global_change; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int mpiret; sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm; int proc_size; p4est_connectivity_t *conn; p4est_geometry_t *geom; p4est_t* p4est; int seed = time(NULL); srand(seed); /* MPI init */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); SC_CHECK_MPI(mpiret); mpicomm = sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD; sc_init (mpicomm, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_ESSENTIAL); mpiret = MPI_Comm_size(mpicomm, &proc_size); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* pXest init */ p4est_init(NULL, SC_LP_PRODUCTION); conn = p4est_connectivity_new_disk(); /* geom = p4est_geometry_new_connectivity(conn); */ geom = p4est_geometry_new_disk(conn,1.,2.); p4est = p4est_new_ext (mpicomm, conn, -1, 0, 1, sizeof(curved_element_data_t), NULL, NULL); int world_rank,world_size; sc_MPI_Comm_rank(sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank); sc_MPI_Comm_size(sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size); /* start just-in-time dg-math */ dgmath_jit_dbase_t* dgmath_jit_dbase = dgmath_jit_dbase_init(); geometric_factors_t* geometric_factors = geometric_factors_init(p4est); curved_element_data_init(p4est, geometric_factors, dgmath_jit_dbase, geom, 4); /* int local_nodes = curved_element_data_get_local_nodes(p4est); */ /* double* u = P4EST_ALLOC(double, local_nodes); */ /* for (int i = 0; i < local_nodes; i++){ */ /* /\* u = x *\/ */ /* u[i] = geometric_factors->xyz[i]; */ /* } */ int num_of_refinements = 2; /* p4est_vtk_write_all */ /* (p4est, */ /* geom, */ /* 0.99, */ /* 1, */ /* 1, */ /* 1, */ /* 0, */ /* 0, */ /* 0, */ /* "disk0" */ /* ); */ for (int i = 0; i < num_of_refinements; i++){ p4est_refine_ext (p4est, 0, -1, random_h_refine, NULL, refine_uniform_replace_callback); p4est_balance_ext(p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, NULL, refine_uniform_replace_callback); /* p4est_vtk_write_all */ /* (p4est, */ /* geom, */ /* 0.99, */ /* 1, */ /* 1, */ /* 1, */ /* 0, */ /* 0, */ /* 0, */ /* "disk" */ /* ); */ } curved_element_data_init(p4est, geometric_factors, dgmath_jit_dbase, geom, -1); int local_nodes = curved_element_data_get_local_nodes(p4est); double* u = P4EST_ALLOC(double, local_nodes); for (int i = 0; i < local_nodes; i++){ /* u = x */ u[i] = geometric_factors->xyz[i]; } /* curved_element_data_init(p4est, geometric_factors, dgmath_jit_dbase, geom, -1); */ /* store vector */ curved_element_data_copy_from_vec_to_storage ( p4est, u ); test_curved_data_t test_curved_data; test_curved_data.mortar_err = 0.; test_curved_data.hanging_proj_err = 0.; test_curved_data.full_proj_err = 0.; test_curved_data.print_data = 1; test_curved_data.no_reorient = 0; test_curved_data.geom = geom; p4est_ghost_t* ghost = p4est_ghost_new (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE); /* create space for storing the ghost data */ curved_element_data_t* ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC (curved_element_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); p4est_ghost_exchange_data (p4est, ghost, ghost_data); curved_compute_flux_user_data_t curved_compute_flux_user_data; curved_compute_flux_user_data.dgmath_jit_dbase = dgmath_jit_dbase; curved_flux_fcn_ptrs_t flux_fcns = (test_curved_data_fetch_fcns(&test_curved_data)); curved_compute_flux_user_data.flux_fcn_ptrs = &flux_fcns; p4est->user_pointer = &curved_compute_flux_user_data; p4est_iterate (p4est, ghost, (void *) ghost_data, NULL, curved_compute_flux_on_local_elements, #if (P4EST_DIM)==3 NULL, #endif NULL); test_curved_data.mortar_err = 0.; if (world_rank == 0) printf("mortar_err = %.20f\n", test_curved_data.mortar_err ); p4est_ghost_destroy (ghost); P4EST_FREE (ghost_data); ghost = NULL; ghost_data = NULL; /* curved_hp_amr(p4est, */ /* &u, */ /* test_nonconform_random_hp, */ /* NULL, */ /* NULL, */ /* NULL, */ /* dgmath_jit_dbase */ /* ); */ /* curved_element_data_init(p4est, geometric_factors, dgmath_jit_dbase, geom, -1); */ /* double* u_vertex = P4EST_ALLOC(double, p4est->local_num_quadrants*(P4EST_CHILDREN)); */ /* element_data_store_nodal_vec_in_vertex_array */ /* ( */ /* p4est, */ /* u, */ /* u_vertex */ /* ); */ /* char sol_save_as [500]; */ /* sprintf(sol_save_as, "%s_test_nonconform_sym_level_%d_u", P4EST_STRING, i); */ /* curved_hacked_p4est_vtk_write_all */ /* (p4est, */ /* NULL, */ /* 0.99, */ /* 0, */ /* 1, */ /* 1, */ /* 0, */ /* 1, */ /* 0, */ /* sol_save_as, */ /* "u", */ /* u_vertex */ /* ); */ /* P4EST_FREE(u_vertex); */ /* ip_flux_params_t ip_flux_params; */ /* ip_flux_params.ip_flux_penalty_prefactor = atoi(argv[6]); */ /* ip_flux_params.ip_flux_penalty_calculate_fcn = sipg_flux_vector_calc_penalty_maxp2_over_minh; */ /* problem_data_t vecs; */ /* vecs.u = u; */ /* vecs.local_nodes = element_data_get_local_nodes(p4est); */ /* vecs.vector_flux_fcn_data = sipg_flux_vector_dirichlet_fetch_fcns */ /* ( */ /* zero_fcn, */ /* &ip_flux_params */ /* ); */ /* vecs.scalar_flux_fcn_data = sipg_flux_scalar_dirichlet_fetch_fcns(zero_fcn); */ /* weakeqn_ptrs_t fcns; */ /* fcns.apply_lhs = poisson_apply_aij; */ /* matrix_sym_tester */ /* ( */ /* p4est, */ /* &vecs, /\* only needed for # of nodes *\/ */ /* &fcns, */ /* .000000000000001, */ /* dgmath_jit_dbase, */ /* 0, */ /* 0 */ /* ); */ /* } */ P4EST_FREE(u); geometric_factors_destroy(geometric_factors); /* free pointers */ dgmath_jit_dbase_destroy(dgmath_jit_dbase); /* free pXest */ p4est_destroy(p4est); /* p4est_destroy(p4est); */ if (geom != NULL) { p4est_geometry_destroy (geom); } p4est_connectivity_destroy(conn); /* finalize mpi stuff */ sc_finalize(); mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize (); SC_CHECK_MPI(mpiret); }
static void mesh_iter_corner (p4est_iter_corner_info_t * info, void *user_data) { int i, j; int f1, f2, code, orientation; int fc1, fc2, diagonal; #ifdef P4_TO_P8 int pref, pset; #endif int visited[P4EST_CHILDREN]; int8_t *pccorner; size_t cz, zz; sc_array_t *trees; p4est_locidx_t qoffset, qid1, qid2; p4est_locidx_t cornerid_offset, cornerid; p4est_locidx_t *pcquad; p4est_mesh_t *mesh = (p4est_mesh_t *) user_data; p4est_iter_corner_side_t *side1, *side2; p4est_tree_t *tree1, *tree2; p4est_connectivity_t *conn; /* Check the case when the corner does not involve neighbors */ cz = info->sides.elem_count; P4EST_ASSERT (cz > 0); P4EST_ASSERT (info->tree_boundary || cz == P4EST_CHILDREN); if (cz == 1) { return; } conn = info->p4est->connectivity; trees = info->p4est->trees; cornerid_offset = mesh->local_num_quadrants + mesh->ghost_num_quadrants; if (info->tree_boundary == P4EST_CONNECT_FACE) { /* This corner is inside an inter-tree face */ if (cz == P4EST_HALF) { /* This is a tree face boundary, no corner neighbors exist */ return; } P4EST_ASSERT (cz == P4EST_CHILDREN); /* Process a corner in pairs of diagonal inter-tree neighbors */ memset (visited, 0, P4EST_CHILDREN * sizeof (int)); for (i = 0; i < P4EST_HALF; ++i) { side1 = side2 = NULL; f1 = -1; fc1 = -1; qid1 = -3; for (j = 0; j < P4EST_CHILDREN; ++j) { if (visited[j]) { continue; } /* Remember the first side we want to pair up */ if (side1 == NULL) { side1 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index_int (&info->sides, j); P4EST_ASSERT (side1->quad != NULL); f1 = tree_face_quadrant_corner_face (side1->quad, side1->corner); fc1 = p4est_corner_face_corners[side1->corner][f1]; P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= fc1 && fc1 < P4EST_HALF); tree1 = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, side1->treeid); qid1 = side1->quadid + (side1->is_ghost ? mesh->local_num_quadrants : tree1->quadrants_offset); visited[j] = 1; continue; } /* Examine a potential second side */ P4EST_ASSERT (side2 == NULL); side2 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index_int (&info->sides, j); P4EST_ASSERT (side2->quad != NULL); f2 = tree_face_quadrant_corner_face (side2->quad, side2->corner); if (side1->treeid == side2->treeid && f1 == f2) { /* Periodicity allows for equal trees and unequal faces */ side2 = NULL; continue; } /* This side as in the opposite tree */ fc2 = p4est_corner_face_corners[side2->corner][f2]; P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= fc2 && fc2 < P4EST_HALF); code = conn->tree_to_face[P4EST_FACES * side1->treeid + f1]; orientation = code / P4EST_FACES; P4EST_ASSERT (f2 == code % P4EST_FACES); #ifdef P4_TO_P8 pref = p8est_face_permutation_refs[f1][f2]; pset = p8est_face_permutation_sets[pref][orientation]; diagonal = (p8est_face_permutations[pset][fc1] ^ fc2) == 3; #else diagonal = (fc1 ^ fc2) != orientation; #endif if (!diagonal) { side2 = NULL; continue; } /* We have found a diagonally opposite second side */ tree2 = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, side2->treeid); qid2 = side2->quadid + (side2->is_ghost ? mesh->local_num_quadrants : tree2->quadrants_offset); if (!side1->is_ghost) { P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= qid1 && qid1 < mesh->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + side1->corner] == -1); cornerid = mesh_corner_allocate (mesh, 1, &pcquad, &pccorner); mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + side1->corner] = cornerid_offset + cornerid; *pcquad = qid2; *pccorner = side2->corner; } if (!side2->is_ghost) { P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= qid2 && qid2 < mesh->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid2 + side2->corner] == -1); cornerid = mesh_corner_allocate (mesh, 1, &pcquad, &pccorner); mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid2 + side2->corner] = cornerid_offset + cornerid; *pcquad = qid1; *pccorner = side1->corner; } visited[j] = 1; break; } P4EST_ASSERT (side1 != NULL && side2 != NULL); } return; } #ifdef P4_TO_P8 if (info->tree_boundary == P8EST_CONNECT_EDGE) { /* Tree corner neighbors across an edge are not implemented: set to -2 */ for (zz = 0; zz < cz; ++zz) { side1 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index (&info->sides, zz); if (!side1->is_ghost) { tree1 = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, side1->treeid); qid1 = side1->quadid + tree1->quadrants_offset; P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= qid1 && qid1 < mesh->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + side1->corner] == -1); mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + side1->corner] = -2; } } return; } #endif if (info->tree_boundary == P4EST_CONNECT_CORNER) { int c1, ncorner[P4EST_DIM]; int nface[P4EST_DIM]; int ignore; size_t z2; int8_t *ccorners; p4est_topidx_t t1, ntree[P4EST_DIM]; p4est_locidx_t goodones; p4est_locidx_t *cquads; /* Loop through all corner sides, that is the quadrants touching it. For * each of these quadrants, determine the corner sides that can potentially * occur by being a face neighbor as well. Exclude these face neighbors * and the quadrant itself, record all others as corner neighbors. */ cquads = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, cz - 1); ccorners = P4EST_ALLOC (int8_t, cz - 1); for (zz = 0; zz < cz; ++zz) { side1 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index (&info->sides, zz); if (!side1->is_ghost) { /* We only create corner information for processor-local quadrants */ t1 = side1->treeid; c1 = (int) side1->corner; tree1 = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, t1); qid1 = side1->quadid + tree1->quadrants_offset; P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= qid1 && qid1 < mesh->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + c1] == -1); /* Check all quadrant faces that touch this corner */ for (i = 0; i < P4EST_DIM; ++i) { f1 = p4est_corner_faces[c1][i]; ntree[i] = conn->tree_to_tree[P4EST_FACES * t1 + f1]; nface[i] = conn->tree_to_face[P4EST_FACES * t1 + f1]; if (ntree[i] == t1 && nface[i] == f1) { /* This is a physical face boundary, no face neighbor present */ ncorner[i] = -1; continue; } /* We have a face neighbor */ orientation = nface[i] / P4EST_FACES; nface[i] %= P4EST_FACES; ncorner[i] = p4est_connectivity_face_neighbor_corner (c1, f1, nface[i], orientation); } /* Go through corner neighbors and collect the true corners */ goodones = 0; for (z2 = 0; z2 < cz; ++z2) { if (z2 == zz) { /* We do not count ourselves as a neighbor */ continue; } ignore = 0; side2 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index (&info->sides, z2); P4EST_ASSERT (side2->corner >= 0); for (i = 0; i < P4EST_DIM; ++i) { /* Ignore if this is one of the face neighbors' corners */ if (ncorner[i] == (int) side2->corner && ntree[i] == side2->treeid) { ignore = 1; break; } } if (ignore) { continue; } /* Record this corner neighbor */ tree2 = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, side2->treeid); qid2 = side2->quadid + (side2->is_ghost ? mesh->local_num_quadrants : tree2->quadrants_offset); cquads[goodones] = qid2; ccorners[goodones] = (int) side2->corner; ++goodones; } P4EST_ASSERT ((size_t) goodones < cz); if (goodones == 0) { continue; } /* Allocate and fill corner information in the mesh structure */ cornerid = mesh_corner_allocate (mesh, goodones, &pcquad, &pccorner); mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + c1] = cornerid_offset + cornerid; memcpy (pcquad, cquads, goodones * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); memcpy (pccorner, ccorners, goodones * sizeof (int8_t)); } } P4EST_FREE (cquads); P4EST_FREE (ccorners); return; } /* Process a corner inside the tree in pairs of diagonal neighbors */ P4EST_ASSERT (!info->tree_boundary); side1 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index (&info->sides, 0); tree1 = p4est_tree_array_index (trees, side1->treeid); qoffset = tree1->quadrants_offset; memset (visited, 0, P4EST_CHILDREN * sizeof (int)); for (i = 0; i < P4EST_HALF; ++i) { side1 = side2 = NULL; qid1 = -3; for (j = 0; j < P4EST_CHILDREN; ++j) { if (visited[j]) { continue; } /* Remember the first side we want to pair up */ if (side1 == NULL) { side1 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index_int (&info->sides, j); qid1 = side1->quadid + (side1->is_ghost ? mesh->local_num_quadrants : qoffset); visited[j] = 1; continue; } /* Examine a potential second side */ P4EST_ASSERT (side2 == NULL); side2 = (p4est_iter_corner_side_t *) sc_array_index_int (&info->sides, j); P4EST_ASSERT (side1->treeid == side2->treeid); if (side1->corner + side2->corner != P4EST_CHILDREN - 1) { side2 = NULL; continue; } /* We have found a diagonally opposite second side */ qid2 = side2->quadid + (side2->is_ghost ? mesh->local_num_quadrants : qoffset); if (!side1->is_ghost) { P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= qid1 && qid1 < mesh->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + side1->corner] == -1); mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid1 + side1->corner] = qid2; } if (!side2->is_ghost) { P4EST_ASSERT (0 <= qid2 && qid2 < mesh->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid2 + side2->corner] == -1); mesh->quad_to_corner[P4EST_CHILDREN * qid2 + side2->corner] = qid1; } visited[j] = 1; break; } P4EST_ASSERT (side1 != NULL && side2 != NULL); } }
p6est_lnodes_t * p6est_lnodes_new (p6est_t * p6est, p6est_ghost_t * ghost, int degree) { p6est_lnodes_t *lnodes; p6est_profile_t *profile; p4est_lnodes_t *clnodes; int nperelem = (degree + 1) * (degree + 1) * (degree + 1); /* int nperface = (degree - 1) * (degree - 1); */ /* int nperedge = (degree - 1); */ p4est_locidx_t ncid, cid, enid, *en; p4est_locidx_t nnodecols; p4est_locidx_t nelemcols; p4est_locidx_t nll; p4est_locidx_t nlayers; p4est_locidx_t *layernodecount; p4est_locidx_t *layernodeoffsets; p4est_locidx_t (*lr)[2]; p4est_locidx_t ncolnodes; p4est_locidx_t *global_owned_count; p4est_locidx_t num_owned, num_local; p4est_gloidx_t gnum_owned, offset; p4est_gloidx_t *owned_offsets; int i, j, k; int mpisize = p6est->mpisize; int mpiret; sc_array_t lnoview; size_t zz, nsharers; int Nrp = degree + 1; if (degree == 1) { p4est_locidx_t eid, nid, enid2, nid2; p4est_locidx_t *newnum, newlocal, newowned; P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTION ("Into adapt p6est_lnodes_new for degree = 1\n"); p4est_log_indent_push (); /* adapt 2 to 1 */ lnodes = p6est_lnodes_new (p6est, ghost, 2); nll = p6est->layers->elem_count; num_local = lnodes->num_local_nodes; num_owned = lnodes->owned_count; en = lnodes->element_nodes; newnum = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, P8EST_INSUL * nll); memset (newnum, -1, P8EST_INSUL * nll * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); for (enid = 0, eid = 0; eid < nll; eid++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, enid++) { if (k != 1 && j != 1 && i != 1) { newnum[en[enid]] = 0; } } } } } newlocal = 0; newowned = 0; for (nid = 0; nid < num_local; nid++) { if (newnum[nid] >= 0) { newnum[nid] = newlocal++; if (nid < num_owned) { newowned++; } } } /* compress en */ enid2 = 0; for (enid = 0, eid = 0; eid < nll; eid++) { for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, enid++) { if (k != 1 && j != 1 && i != 1) { en[enid2++] = newnum[en[enid]]; } } } } } P4EST_ASSERT (enid2 == P8EST_CHILDREN * nll); lnodes->element_nodes = P4EST_REALLOC (en, p4est_locidx_t, P8EST_CHILDREN * nll); owned_offsets = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, mpisize + 1); mpiret = sc_MPI_Allgather (&newowned, 1, P4EST_MPI_LOCIDX, lnodes->global_owned_count, 1, P4EST_MPI_LOCIDX, p6est->mpicomm); owned_offsets[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < mpisize; i++) { owned_offsets[i + 1] = owned_offsets[i] + lnodes->global_owned_count[i]; } lnodes->global_offset = owned_offsets[p6est->mpirank]; lnodes->num_local_nodes = newlocal; lnodes->owned_count = newowned; lnodes->degree = 1; lnodes->vnodes = P8EST_CHILDREN; lnodes->nonlocal_nodes = P4EST_REALLOC (lnodes->nonlocal_nodes, p4est_gloidx_t, newlocal - newowned); nsharers = lnodes->sharers->elem_count; for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { size_t nshared, zy, zw; p6est_lnodes_rank_t *rank = p6est_lnodes_rank_array_index (lnodes->sharers, zz); if (rank->owned_count) { if (rank->rank != p6est->mpirank) { p4est_locidx_t newrankowned = 0; p4est_locidx_t newrankoffset = -1; for (nid = rank->owned_offset; nid < rank->owned_offset + rank->owned_count; nid++) { if (newnum[nid] >= 0) { lnodes->nonlocal_nodes[newnum[nid] - newowned] = owned_offsets[rank->rank]; newrankowned++; if (newrankoffset < 0) { newrankoffset = newnum[nid]; } } } rank->owned_offset = newrankoffset; rank->owned_count = newrankowned; } else { rank->owned_offset = 0; rank->owned_count = newowned; } } rank->shared_mine_count = 0; rank->shared_mine_offset = -1; zw = 0; nshared = rank->shared_nodes.elem_count; for (zy = 0; zy < nshared; zy++) { nid = *((p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (&rank->shared_nodes, zy)); if (newnum[nid] >= 0) { p4est_locidx_t *lp; lp = (p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (&rank->shared_nodes, zw++); *lp = newnum[nid]; if (newnum[nid] < newowned) { rank->shared_mine_count++; if (rank->shared_mine_offset == -1) { rank->shared_mine_offset = zw - 1; } } } } sc_array_resize (&rank->shared_nodes, zw); } /* send local numbers to others */ { sc_array_t view; sc_array_init_data (&view, newnum, sizeof (p4est_locidx_t), newlocal); p6est_lnodes_share_owned (&view, lnodes); } nid2 = 0; for (nid = num_owned; nid < num_local; nid++) { if (newnum[nid] >= 0) { lnodes->nonlocal_nodes[nid2++] += (p4est_gloidx_t) newnum[nid]; } } P4EST_ASSERT (nid2 == newlocal - newowned); P4EST_FREE (owned_offsets); P4EST_FREE (newnum); p4est_log_indent_pop (); P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTION ("Done adapt p6est_lnodes_new for degree = 1\n"); return lnodes; } P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTION ("Into p6est_lnodes_new\n"); p4est_log_indent_push (); P4EST_ASSERT (degree >= 1); lnodes = P4EST_ALLOC (p6est_lnodes_t, 1); /* first get the profile */ profile = p6est_profile_new_local (p6est, ghost, P6EST_PROFILE_INTERSECTION, P8EST_CONNECT_FULL, degree); p6est_profile_sync (profile); lr = (p4est_locidx_t (*)[2]) profile->lnode_ranges; clnodes = profile->lnodes; nnodecols = clnodes->num_local_nodes; nelemcols = clnodes->num_local_elements; en = clnodes->element_nodes; layernodecount = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (p4est_locidx_t, nnodecols); layernodeoffsets = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (p4est_locidx_t, nnodecols + 1); for (cid = 0, enid = 0; cid < nelemcols; cid++) { for (j = 0; j < Nrp; j++) { for (i = 0; i < Nrp; i++, enid++) { ncid = en[enid]; nlayers = lr[ncid][1]; P4EST_ASSERT (nlayers); ncolnodes = nlayers * degree + 1; layernodecount[ncid] = ncolnodes; } } } num_owned = 0; num_local = 0; for (ncid = 0; ncid < nnodecols; ncid++) { num_local += layernodecount[ncid]; if (ncid < clnodes->owned_count) { num_owned += layernodecount[ncid]; } } P4EST_VERBOSEF ("p6est_lnodes: %d owned %d local\n", num_owned, num_local); if (nnodecols) { layernodeoffsets[0] = 0; for (ncid = 0; ncid < nnodecols; ncid++) { layernodeoffsets[ncid + 1] = layernodeoffsets[ncid] + layernodecount[ncid]; } } gnum_owned = num_owned; owned_offsets = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, mpisize + 1); global_owned_count = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, mpisize); mpiret = sc_MPI_Allgather (&gnum_owned, 1, P4EST_MPI_GLOIDX, owned_offsets, 1, P4EST_MPI_GLOIDX, p6est->mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < mpisize; i++) { global_owned_count[i] = (p4est_locidx_t) owned_offsets[i]; gnum_owned = owned_offsets[i]; owned_offsets[i] = offset; offset += gnum_owned; } owned_offsets[mpisize] = offset; nll = p6est->layers->elem_count; nsharers = clnodes->sharers->elem_count; lnodes->mpicomm = p6est->mpicomm; lnodes->num_local_nodes = num_local; lnodes->owned_count = num_owned; lnodes->global_offset = owned_offsets[p6est->mpirank]; lnodes->nonlocal_nodes = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, num_local - num_owned); lnodes->sharers = sc_array_new_size (sizeof (p6est_lnodes_rank_t), nsharers); lnodes->global_owned_count = global_owned_count; lnodes->degree = degree; lnodes->vnodes = nperelem; lnodes->num_local_elements = nll; lnodes->face_code = P4EST_ALLOC (p6est_lnodes_code_t, nll); lnodes->element_nodes = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, nperelem * nll); p6est_profile_element_to_node (p6est, profile, layernodeoffsets, lnodes->element_nodes, lnodes->face_code); for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *crank = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (clnodes->sharers, zz); p6est_lnodes_rank_t *rank = p6est_lnodes_rank_array_index (lnodes->sharers, zz); size_t zy; size_t nshared; rank->rank = crank->rank; sc_array_init (&rank->shared_nodes, sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); nshared = crank->shared_nodes.elem_count; rank->owned_offset = -1; rank->owned_count = 0; rank->shared_mine_count = 0; rank->shared_mine_offset = -1; for (zy = 0; zy < nshared; zy++) { p4est_locidx_t cnid = *((p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_index (&crank->shared_nodes, zy)); p4est_locidx_t *lp; p4est_locidx_t nthis, il; p4est_locidx_t old_count = rank->shared_nodes.elem_count; nthis = layernodecount[cnid]; lp = (p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_push_count (&rank->shared_nodes, nthis); for (il = 0; il < nthis; il++) { lp[il] = layernodeoffsets[cnid] + il; if (zy >= (size_t) crank->shared_mine_offset && (p4est_locidx_t) zy - crank->shared_mine_offset < crank->shared_mine_count) { rank->shared_mine_count++; if (rank->shared_mine_offset == -1) { rank->shared_mine_offset = old_count + il; } } if (cnid >= crank->owned_offset && cnid - crank->owned_offset < crank->owned_count) { rank->owned_count++; if (rank->owned_offset == -1) { rank->owned_offset = lp[il]; } } } } if (rank->rank == p6est->mpirank) { rank->owned_offset = 0; rank->owned_count = num_owned; } } memcpy (layernodecount, layernodeoffsets, nnodecols * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); sc_array_init_data (&lnoview, layernodecount, sizeof (p4est_locidx_t), (size_t) nnodecols); p4est_lnodes_share_owned (&lnoview, clnodes); for (zz = 0; zz < nsharers; zz++) { p4est_lnodes_rank_t *crank = p4est_lnodes_rank_array_index (clnodes->sharers, zz); if (crank->rank == p6est->mpirank) { continue; } for (ncid = crank->owned_offset; ncid < crank->owned_offset + crank->owned_count; ncid++) { p4est_gloidx_t owners_offset; p4est_locidx_t nid; P4EST_ASSERT (ncid >= clnodes->owned_count); owners_offset = owned_offsets[crank->rank] + layernodecount[ncid]; for (nid = layernodeoffsets[ncid]; nid < layernodeoffsets[ncid + 1]; nid++) { P4EST_ASSERT (nid >= num_owned); P4EST_ASSERT (nid < num_local); lnodes->nonlocal_nodes[nid - num_owned] = owners_offset++; } } } p6est_profile_destroy (profile); P4EST_FREE (owned_offsets); P4EST_FREE (layernodecount); P4EST_FREE (layernodeoffsets); p4est_log_indent_pop (); P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTION ("Done p6est_lnodes_new\n"); return lnodes; }
p4est_gloidx_t * p6est_lnodes_get_column_labels (p6est_t * p6est, p8est_lnodes_t * lnodes) { p4est_gloidx_t *labels; p4est_gloidx_t num_cols = 0; p4est_gloidx_t global_num_cols = 0; p4est_topidx_t jt; p4est_tree_t *tree; sc_array_t *tquadrants; p4est_quadrant_t *col; size_t zz, first, last; p4est_locidx_t lfirst, llast, lk; int stride = lnodes->degree + 1; int vnodes = lnodes->vnodes; int mpiret, i; labels = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, lnodes->owned_count); memset (labels, -1, lnodes->owned_count * sizeof (*labels)); for (jt = p6est->columns->first_local_tree; jt <= p6est->columns->last_local_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p6est->columns->trees, jt); tquadrants = &tree->quadrants; for (zz = 0; zz < tquadrants->elem_count; ++zz) { col = p4est_quadrant_array_index (tquadrants, zz); P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE (col, &first, &last); lfirst = (p4est_locidx_t) first; llast = (p4est_locidx_t) last; for (i = 0; i < vnodes; i += stride) { p4est_locidx_t fnid = lnodes->element_nodes[vnodes * lfirst + i]; p4est_locidx_t lnid = lnodes->element_nodes[vnodes * (llast - 1) + i + (stride - 1)]; P4EST_ASSERT (lnid >= 0); P4EST_ASSERT (lnid >= fnid); P4EST_ASSERT (fnid < lnodes->num_local_nodes); if (lnid < lnodes->owned_count) { P4EST_ASSERT (fnid < lnodes->owned_count); if (labels[fnid] < 0) { for (lk = fnid; lk <= lnid; lk++) { labels[lk] = num_cols; } num_cols++; } } } } } mpiret = sc_MPI_Exscan (&num_cols, &global_num_cols, 1, P4EST_MPI_GLOIDX, sc_MPI_SUM, lnodes->mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); if (!p6est->mpirank) { global_num_cols = 0; } for (lk = 0; lk < lnodes->owned_count; lk++) { labels[lk] += global_num_cols; } #if 0 { sc_array_t view; sc_array_init_data (&view, labels, sizeof (*labels), (size_t) lnodes->num_local_nodes); p6est_lnodes_share_owned (&view, lnodes); } #endif for (lk = 0; lk < lnodes->owned_count; lk++) { P4EST_ASSERT (labels[lk] >= 0); } return labels; }
void problem_init ( int argc, char* argv [], p4est_t* p4est, p4est_geometry_t* p4est_geom, dgmath_jit_dbase_t* dgmath_jit_dbase, int proc_size, sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, int load_from_checkpoint ) { mpi_assert((P4EST_DIM) == 2 || (P4EST_DIM) == 3); int world_rank, world_size; sc_MPI_Comm_rank(sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank); sc_MPI_Comm_size(sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size); double* Au = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO(double, 1); double* rhs = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO(double, 1); double* u = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO(double, 1); double* f = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO(double, 1); double* u_analytic = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO(double, 1); int local_nodes = 1; problem_input_t input = problem_input("options.input"); int endlevel = input.endlevel; int degree =; ip_flux_params_t ip_flux_params; ip_flux_params.ip_flux_penalty_prefactor = input.ip_flux_penalty; ip_flux_params.ip_flux_penalty_calculate_fcn = sipg_flux_vector_calc_penalty_maxp2_over_minh; p4est_ghost_t* ghost = p4est_ghost_new (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE); /* create space for storing the ghost data */ element_data_t* ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC (element_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); p4est_partition(p4est, 0, NULL); p4est_balance (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, NULL); grid_fcn_t boundary_flux_fcn = zero_fcn; problem_data_t prob_vecs; prob_vecs.rhs = rhs; prob_vecs.Au = Au; prob_vecs.u = u; prob_vecs.f = f; prob_vecs.local_nodes = local_nodes; for (int level = 0; level < endlevel; ++level){ if (level != 0){ p4est_refine_ext(p4est, 0, -1, refine_function, NULL, NULL ); p4est_balance_ext ( p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, NULL, NULL ); p4est_ghost_destroy(ghost); P4EST_FREE(ghost_data); ghost = p4est_ghost_new(p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE); ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC(element_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); } } p4est_partition(p4est, 1, NULL); p4est_balance_ext ( p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, NULL, NULL ); p4est_ghost_destroy(ghost); P4EST_FREE(ghost_data); ghost = p4est_ghost_new(p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE); ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC(element_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); weakeqn_ptrs_t prob_fcns; prob_fcns.apply_lhs = problem_apply_aij; element_data_init(p4est, degree); local_nodes = element_data_get_local_nodes(p4est); printf("RANK %d: Nodes = %d\n", world_rank, local_nodes); Au = P4EST_REALLOC(Au, double, local_nodes); u = P4EST_REALLOC(u, double, local_nodes); f = P4EST_REALLOC(f, double, local_nodes); rhs = P4EST_REALLOC(rhs, double, local_nodes); u_analytic = P4EST_REALLOC(u_analytic, double, local_nodes); prob_vecs.Au = Au; prob_vecs.u = u; prob_vecs.f = f; prob_vecs.rhs = rhs; prob_vecs.local_nodes = local_nodes; linalg_fill_vec(u, 0., local_nodes); element_data_init_node_vec(p4est,f,f_fcn,dgmath_jit_dbase); prob_vecs.vector_flux_fcn_data = sipg_flux_vector_dirichlet_fetch_fcns ( boundary_fcn, &ip_flux_params ); prob_vecs.scalar_flux_fcn_data = sipg_flux_scalar_dirichlet_fetch_fcns ( boundary_flux_fcn ); problem_build_rhs ( p4est, &prob_vecs, &prob_fcns, ghost, ghost_data, dgmath_jit_dbase ); clock_t begin = 0; clock_t end = -1; if (world_rank == 0){ begin = clock(); } int vcycle_iter = 3; double vcycle_rtol = 1e-3; double vcycle_atol = 0.; int smooth_iter = 8; int cg_eigs_iter = 10; double max_eig_factor = 1.1; int max_eig_reuse = 1; double lmax_lmin_rat = 30.; int coarse_iter = 100; double coarse_rtol = 1e-8; int save_vtk_snapshot = 0; int perform_checksum = 0; multigrid_data_t* mg_data = multigrid_data_init ( world_rank, endlevel, vcycle_iter, vcycle_rtol, vcycle_atol, smooth_iter, cg_eigs_iter, max_eig_factor, max_eig_reuse, lmax_lmin_rat, CG, coarse_iter, coarse_rtol, save_vtk_snapshot, perform_checksum, RES_AND_EIG_LOG, dgmath_jit_dbase ); multigrid_solve ( p4est, &prob_vecs, &prob_fcns, mg_data, &ghost, &ghost_data ); multigrid_data_destroy(mg_data); element_data_init_node_vec(p4est, u_analytic, analytic_solution_fcn, dgmath_jit_dbase); linalg_vec_axpy(-1., u, u_analytic, local_nodes); double local_l2_norm_sqr = element_data_compute_l2_norm_sqr_no_local ( p4est, u_analytic, dgmath_jit_dbase ); double local_nodes_dbl = (double)local_nodes; double local_reduce [2]; local_reduce[0] = local_nodes_dbl; local_reduce[1] = local_l2_norm_sqr; double global_reduce [2]; sc_reduce ( &local_reduce[0], &global_reduce[0], 2, sc_MPI_DOUBLE, sc_MPI_SUM, 0, sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD ); double global_nodes_dbl = global_reduce[0]; double global_l2_norm_sqr = global_reduce[1]; if (world_rank == 0){ end = clock(); double time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf ( "\n\n[HP_AMR]: %d %d %d %.25f %f \n\n", degree, (int)p4est->global_num_quadrants, (int)global_nodes_dbl, sqrt(global_l2_norm_sqr), /* info.iterations, */ /* info.residual_norm, */ time_spent ); } if (ghost) { p4est_ghost_destroy (ghost); P4EST_FREE (ghost_data); ghost = NULL; ghost_data = NULL; } P4EST_FREE(f); P4EST_FREE(Au); P4EST_FREE(rhs); P4EST_FREE(u_analytic); P4EST_FREE(u); }
/** Timestep the advection problem. * * Update the state, refine, repartition, and write the solution to file. * * \param [in,out] p4est the forest, whose state is updated * \param [in] time the end time */ static void step3_timestep (p4est_t * p4est, double time) { double t = 0.; double dt = 0.; int i; step3_data_t *ghost_data; step3_ctx_t *ctx = (step3_ctx_t *) p4est->user_pointer; int refine_period = ctx->refine_period; int repartition_period = ctx->repartition_period; int write_period = ctx->write_period; int recursive = 0; int allowed_level = P4EST_QMAXLEVEL; int allowcoarsening = 1; int callbackorphans = 0; int mpiret; double orig_max_err = ctx->max_err; double umax, global_umax; p4est_ghost_t *ghost; /* create the ghost quadrants */ ghost = p4est_ghost_new (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FULL); /* create space for storing the ghost data */ ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC (step3_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); /* synchronize the ghost data */ p4est_ghost_exchange_data (p4est, ghost, ghost_data); /* initialize du/dx estimates */ p4est_iterate (p4est, ghost, (void *) ghost_data, /* pass in ghost data that we just exchanged */ step3_reset_derivatives, /* blank the previously calculated derivatives */ step3_minmod_estimate, /* compute the minmod estimate of each cell's derivative */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 NULL, /* there is no callback for the edges between quadrants */ #endif NULL); /* there is no callback for the corners between quadrants */ for (t = 0., i = 0; t < time; t += dt, i++) { P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("time %f\n", t); /* refine */ if (!(i % refine_period)) { if (i) { /* compute umax */ umax = 0.; /* initialize derivative estimates */ p4est_iterate (p4est, NULL, (void *) &umax, /* pass in ghost data that we just exchanged */ step3_compute_max, /* blank the previously calculated derivatives */ NULL, /* there is no callback for the faces between quadrants */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 NULL, /* there is no callback for the edges between quadrants */ #endif NULL); /* there is no callback for the corners between quadrants */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Allreduce (&umax, &global_umax, 1, sc_MPI_DOUBLE, sc_MPI_MAX, p4est->mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); ctx->max_err = orig_max_err * global_umax; P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("u_max %f\n", global_umax); /* adapt */ p4est_refine_ext (p4est, recursive, allowed_level, step3_refine_err_estimate, NULL, step3_replace_quads); p4est_coarsen_ext (p4est, recursive, callbackorphans, step3_coarsen_err_estimate, NULL, step3_replace_quads); p4est_balance_ext (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FACE, NULL, step3_replace_quads); p4est_ghost_destroy (ghost); P4EST_FREE (ghost_data); ghost = NULL; ghost_data = NULL; } dt = step3_get_timestep (p4est); } /* repartition */ if (i && !(i % repartition_period)) { p4est_partition (p4est, allowcoarsening, NULL); if (ghost) { p4est_ghost_destroy (ghost); P4EST_FREE (ghost_data); ghost = NULL; ghost_data = NULL; } } /* write out solution */ if (!(i % write_period)) { step3_write_solution (p4est, i); } /* synchronize the ghost data */ if (!ghost) { ghost = p4est_ghost_new (p4est, P4EST_CONNECT_FULL); ghost_data = P4EST_ALLOC (step3_data_t, ghost->ghosts.elem_count); p4est_ghost_exchange_data (p4est, ghost, ghost_data); } /* compute du/dt */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ p4est_iterate (p4est, /* the forest */ ghost, /* the ghost layer */ (void *) ghost_data, /* the synchronized ghost data */ step3_quad_divergence, /* callback to compute each quad's interior contribution to du/dt */ step3_upwind_flux, /* callback to compute each quads' faces' contributions to du/du */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 NULL, /* there is no callback for the edges between quadrants */ #endif NULL); /* there is no callback for the corners between quadrants */ /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* update u */ p4est_iterate (p4est, NULL, /* ghosts are not needed for this loop */ (void *) &dt, /* pass in dt */ step3_timestep_update, /* update each cell */ NULL, /* there is no callback for the faces between quadrants */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 NULL, /* there is no callback for the edges between quadrants */ #endif NULL); /* there is no callback for the corners between quadrants */ /* synchronize the ghost data */ p4est_ghost_exchange_data (p4est, ghost, ghost_data); /* update du/dx estimate */ p4est_iterate (p4est, ghost, (void *) ghost_data, /* pass in ghost data that we just exchanged */ step3_reset_derivatives, /* blank the previously calculated derivatives */ step3_minmod_estimate, /* compute the minmod estimate of each cell's derivative */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 NULL, /* there is no callback for the edges between quadrants */ #endif NULL); /* there is no callback for the corners between quadrants */ } P4EST_FREE (ghost_data); p4est_ghost_destroy (ghost); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int rank; int num_procs; int mpiret; sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm; p4est_t *p4est, *copy; p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity; int i; p4est_topidx_t t; size_t qz; p4est_locidx_t num_quadrants_on_last; p4est_locidx_t *num_quadrants_in_proc; p4est_gloidx_t *pertree1, *pertree2; p4est_quadrant_t *quad; p4est_tree_t *tree; user_data_t *user_data; int64_t sum; unsigned crc; mpiret = sc_MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); mpicomm = sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD; mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_rank (mpicomm, &rank); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); sc_init (mpicomm, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT); /* create connectivity and forest structures */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 connectivity = p8est_connectivity_new_twocubes (); #else connectivity = p4est_connectivity_new_corner (); #endif p4est = p4est_new_ext (mpicomm, connectivity, 15, 0, 0, sizeof (user_data_t), init_fn, NULL); pertree1 = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, p4est->connectivity->num_trees + 1); pertree2 = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, p4est->connectivity->num_trees + 1); num_procs = p4est->mpisize; num_quadrants_in_proc = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, num_procs); /* refine and balance to make the number of elements interesting */ test_pertree (p4est, NULL, pertree1); p4est_refine (p4est, 1, refine_fn, init_fn); test_pertree (p4est, NULL, pertree1); /* Set an arbitrary partition. * * Since this is just a test we assume the global number of * quadrants will fit in an int32_t */ num_quadrants_on_last = (p4est_locidx_t) p4est->global_num_quadrants; for (i = 0; i < num_procs - 1; ++i) { num_quadrants_in_proc[i] = (p4est_locidx_t) i + 1; /* type ok */ num_quadrants_on_last -= (p4est_locidx_t) i + 1; /* type ok */ } num_quadrants_in_proc[num_procs - 1] = num_quadrants_on_last; SC_CHECK_ABORT (num_quadrants_on_last > 0, "Negative number of quadrants on the last processor"); /* Save a checksum of the original forest */ crc = p4est_checksum (p4est); /* partition the forest */ (void) p4est_partition_given (p4est, num_quadrants_in_proc); test_pertree (p4est, pertree1, pertree2); /* Double check that we didn't loose any quads */ SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc == p4est_checksum (p4est), "bad checksum, missing a quad"); /* count the actual number of quadrants per proc */ SC_CHECK_ABORT (num_quadrants_in_proc[rank] == p4est->local_num_quadrants, "partition failed, wrong number of quadrants"); /* check user data content */ for (t = p4est->first_local_tree; t <= p4est->last_local_tree; ++t) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, t); for (qz = 0; qz < tree->quadrants.elem_count; ++qz) { quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, qz); user_data = (user_data_t *) quad->p.user_data; sum = quad->x + quad->y + quad->level; SC_CHECK_ABORT (user_data->a == t, "bad user_data, a"); SC_CHECK_ABORT (user_data->sum == sum, "bad user_data, sum"); } } /* do a weighted partition with uniform weights */ p4est_partition (p4est, 0, weight_one); test_pertree (p4est, pertree1, pertree2); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc == p4est_checksum (p4est), "bad checksum after uniformly weighted partition"); /* copy the p4est */ copy = p4est_copy (p4est, 1); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc == p4est_checksum (copy), "bad checksum after copy"); /* do a weighted partition with many zero weights */ weight_counter = 0; weight_index = (rank == 1) ? 1342 : 0; p4est_partition (copy, 0, weight_once); test_pertree (copy, pertree1, pertree2); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc == p4est_checksum (copy), "bad checksum after unevenly weighted partition 1"); /* do a weighted partition with many zero weights */ weight_counter = 0; weight_index = 0; p4est_partition (copy, 0, weight_once); test_pertree (copy, pertree1, pertree2); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc == p4est_checksum (copy), "bad checksum after unevenly weighted partition 2"); /* do a weighted partition with many zero weights * * Since this is just a test we assume the local number of * quadrants will fit in an int */ weight_counter = 0; weight_index = (rank == num_procs - 1) ? ((int) copy->local_num_quadrants - 1) : 0; p4est_partition (copy, 0, weight_once); test_pertree (copy, pertree1, pertree2); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc == p4est_checksum (copy), "bad checksum after unevenly weighted partition 3"); /* check user data content */ for (t = copy->first_local_tree; t <= copy->last_local_tree; ++t) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (copy->trees, t); for (qz = 0; qz < tree->quadrants.elem_count; ++qz) { quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, qz); user_data = (user_data_t *) quad->p.user_data; sum = quad->x + quad->y + quad->level; SC_CHECK_ABORT (user_data->a == t, "bad user_data, a"); SC_CHECK_ABORT (user_data->sum == sum, "bad user_data, sum"); } } /* Add another test. Overwrites pertree1, pertree2 */ test_partition_circle (mpicomm, connectivity, pertree1, pertree2); /* clean up and exit */ P4EST_FREE (pertree1); P4EST_FREE (pertree2); P4EST_FREE (num_quadrants_in_proc); p4est_destroy (p4est); p4est_destroy (copy); p4est_connectivity_destroy (connectivity); sc_finalize (); mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize (); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); return 0; }
static void test_partition_circle (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_t * connectivity, p4est_gloidx_t * pertree1, p4est_gloidx_t * pertree2) { int i, j; int num_procs; int empty_proc1, empty_proc2; unsigned crc1, crc2; p4est_gloidx_t global_num; p4est_locidx_t *new_counts; p4est_t *p4est, *copy; /* Create a forest and make a copy */ circle_count = 0; p4est = p4est_new_ext (mpicomm, connectivity, 0, 3, 1, sizeof (int), circle_init, NULL); num_procs = p4est->mpisize; test_pertree (p4est, NULL, pertree1); global_num = p4est->global_num_quadrants; crc1 = p4est_checksum (p4est); copy = p4est_copy (p4est, 1); P4EST_ASSERT (p4est_checksum (copy) == crc1); new_counts = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, num_procs); /* Partition with one empty processor */ if (num_procs > 1) { P4EST_GLOBAL_INFO ("First circle partition\n"); empty_proc1 = num_procs / 3; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_procs; ++i) { if (i == empty_proc1) { new_counts[i] = 0; } else { new_counts[i] = p4est_partition_cut_gloidx (global_num, j + 1, num_procs - 1) - p4est_partition_cut_gloidx (global_num, j, num_procs - 1); P4EST_ASSERT (new_counts[i] >= 0); ++j; } } P4EST_ASSERT (j == num_procs - 1); p4est_partition_given (p4est, new_counts); test_pertree (p4est, pertree1, pertree2); crc2 = p4est_checksum (p4est); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc1 == crc2, "First checksum mismatch"); } /* Partition with two empty processors */ if (num_procs > 2) { P4EST_GLOBAL_INFO ("Second circle partition\n"); empty_proc1 = (2 * num_procs) / 3 - 2; empty_proc2 = (2 * num_procs) / 3; j = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_procs; ++i) { if (i == empty_proc1 || i == empty_proc2) { new_counts[i] = 0; } else { new_counts[i] = p4est_partition_cut_gloidx (global_num, j + 1, num_procs - 2) - p4est_partition_cut_gloidx (global_num, j, num_procs - 2); P4EST_ASSERT (new_counts[i] >= 0); ++j; } } P4EST_ASSERT (j == num_procs - 2); p4est_partition_given (p4est, new_counts); test_pertree (p4est, pertree1, pertree2); crc2 = p4est_checksum (p4est); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc1 == crc2, "Second checksum mismatch"); } /* Uniform partition */ P4EST_GLOBAL_INFO ("Third circle partition\n"); p4est_partition (p4est, 0, NULL); test_pertree (p4est, pertree1, pertree2); crc2 = p4est_checksum (p4est); SC_CHECK_ABORT (crc1 == crc2, "Third checksum mismatch"); SC_CHECK_ABORT (p4est_is_equal (p4est, copy, 1), "Forest mismatch"); P4EST_FREE (new_counts); p4est_destroy (copy); p4est_destroy (p4est); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int mpiret, i; mpi_context_t mpi_context, *mpi = &mpi_context; p4est_t *p4est; p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity; pchase_world_t *W; /* initialize MPI and p4est internals */ mpiret = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); SC_CHECK_MPI(mpiret); mpi->mpicomm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; /* your favourite comm here */ mpiret = MPI_Comm_size(mpi->mpicomm, &mpi->mpisize); SC_CHECK_MPI(mpiret); mpiret = MPI_Comm_rank(mpi->mpicomm, &mpi->mpirank); SC_CHECK_MPI(mpiret); /* Sets global program identifiers (e.g. the MPIrank) and some flags */ sc_init(mpi->mpicomm, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_SILENT); /* Registers p4est with the SC Library and sets the logging behavior */ p4est_init(NULL, SC_LP_SILENT); /* build up the world */ W = pchase_world_init(); /* store connectivity for a unitsquare */ connectivity = p4est_connectivity_new_unitsquare(); /* build uniform tree and get space for 25 particles each */ p4est = p4est_new_ext(mpi->mpicomm, connectivity, 0, 4, 1, sizeof(pchase_quadrant_data_t), W->init_fn, NULL); /* initialize everything depending on p4est */ pchase_world_init_p4est(W, p4est); /* if (W->p4est->mpirank == 0) { */ /* for (i=0; i<100; i++) */ /* * sc_list_append(W->particle_push_list, * pchase_world_random_particle(W)); */ /* } */ pchase_particle_t * p = P4EST_ALLOC(pchase_particle_t, 1); p->x[0] = 0.5; p->x[1] = 0.1; sc_list_append(W->particle_push_list, p); /* this has to be done for each proc */ pchase_world_insert_particles(W); pchase_world_insert_particles(W); /* let this particle move */ pchase_world_simulate(W); #ifdef DEBUG /* print out all quadrants */ p4est_iterate(W->p4est, NULL, NULL, W->viter_fn, NULL, NULL); #endif /* destroy all particles, p4est and its connectivity structure */ pchase_world_destroy(W); p4est_destroy(p4est); p4est_connectivity_destroy(connectivity); /* clean up and exit */ sc_finalize(); mpiret = MPI_Finalize(); SC_CHECK_MPI(mpiret); return 0; }
int p6est_vtk_write_point_scalar (p6est_t * p6est, const char *filename, const char *scalar_name, const double *values) { const int mpirank = p6est->mpirank; const p4est_locidx_t Ncells = (p4est_locidx_t) p6est->layers->elem_count; const p4est_locidx_t Ncorners = P8EST_CHILDREN * Ncells; /* type ok */ int retval; p4est_locidx_t il; #ifndef P4EST_VTK_ASCII P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_TYPE *float_data; #endif char vtufilename[BUFSIZ]; FILE *vtufile; /* Have each proc write to its own file */ snprintf (vtufilename, BUFSIZ, "%s_%04d.vtu", filename, mpirank); /* To be able to fseek in a file you cannot open in append mode. * so you need to open with "r+" and fseek to SEEK_END. */ vtufile = fopen (vtufilename, "rb+"); if (vtufile == NULL) { P4EST_LERRORF ("Could not open %s for output\n", vtufilename); return -1; } retval = fseek (vtufile, 0L, SEEK_END); if (retval) { P4EST_LERRORF ("Could not fseek %s for output\n", vtufilename); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } /* write point position data */ fprintf (vtufile, " <DataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\"" " format=\"%s\">\n", P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_NAME, scalar_name, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); #ifdef P4EST_VTK_ASCII for (il = 0; il < Ncorners; ++il) { #ifdef P4EST_VTK_DOUBLES fprintf (vtufile, " %24.16e\n", values[il]); #else fprintf (vtufile, " %16.8e\n", values[il]); #endif } #else float_data = P4EST_ALLOC (P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_TYPE, Ncorners); for (il = 0; il < Ncorners; ++il) { float_data[il] = (P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_TYPE) values[il]; } fprintf (vtufile, " "); /* TODO: Don't allocate the full size of the array, only allocate * the chunk that will be passed to zlib and do this a chunk * at a time. */ retval = p6est_vtk_write_binary (vtufile, (char *) float_data, sizeof (*float_data) * Ncorners); fprintf (vtufile, "\n"); if (retval) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error encoding points\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } P4EST_FREE (float_data); #endif fprintf (vtufile, " </DataArray>\n"); if (ferror (vtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error writing point scalar\n"); fclose (vtufile); return -1; } if (fclose (vtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error closing point scalar\n"); return -1; } vtufile = NULL; /* Only have the root write to the parallel vtk file */ if (mpirank == 0) { char pvtufilename[BUFSIZ]; FILE *pvtufile; snprintf (pvtufilename, BUFSIZ, "%s.pvtu", filename); pvtufile = fopen (pvtufilename, "ab"); if (!pvtufile) { P4EST_LERRORF ("Could not open %s for output\n", vtufilename); return -1; } fprintf (pvtufile, " <PDataArray type=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\"" " format=\"%s\"/>\n", P4EST_VTK_FLOAT_NAME, scalar_name, P4EST_VTK_FORMAT_STRING); if (ferror (pvtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error writing parallel point scalar\n"); fclose (pvtufile); return -1; } if (fclose (pvtufile)) { P4EST_LERROR ("p6est_vtk: Error closing parallel point scalar\n"); return -1; } } return 0; }
/** * Runs all tests. */ int main (int argc, char **argv) { const char *this_fn_name = P4EST_STRING "_test_subcomm"; /* options */ const p4est_locidx_t min_quadrants = 15; const int min_level = 4; const int fill_uniform = 0; /* parallel environment */ sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm = sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD; int mpisize, submpisize; int mpiret; #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG int rank; #endif /* p4est */ p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity; p4est_t *p4est; p4est_locidx_t *partition; /* initialize MPI */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Init (&argc, &argv); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* exit if MPI communicator cannot be reduced */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_size (mpicomm, &mpisize); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); if (mpisize == 1) { mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize (); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); return 0; } /* initialize p4est */ sc_init (mpicomm, 1, 1, NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT); p4est_init (NULL, SC_LP_DEFAULT); /* create connectivity */ #ifdef P4_TO_P8 connectivity = p8est_connectivity_new_unitcube (); #else connectivity = p4est_connectivity_new_unitsquare (); #endif /* create p4est object */ p4est = p4est_new_ext (mpicomm, connectivity, min_quadrants, min_level, fill_uniform, 0, NULL, NULL); /* write vtk: new */ p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_subcomm_new"); /* set variables pertaining to the parallel environment */ #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG rank = p4est->mpirank; #endif submpisize = mpisize / 2; P4EST_ASSERT (submpisize <= p4est->global_num_quadrants); /* construct partitioning with empty ranks */ { p4est_locidx_t n_quads_per_proc, n_quads_leftover; int p; partition = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, mpisize); n_quads_per_proc = p4est->global_num_quadrants / submpisize; n_quads_leftover = p4est->global_num_quadrants - (n_quads_per_proc * submpisize); for (p = 0; p < mpisize; p++) { if (p % 2) { /* if this rank will get quadrants */ partition[p] = n_quads_per_proc; } else { /* if this rank will be empty */ partition[p] = 0; } } partition[1] += n_quads_leftover; /* check partitioning */ #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG { p4est_gloidx_t sum = 0; for (p = 0; p < mpisize; p++) { sum += (p4est_gloidx_t) partition[p]; } P4EST_ASSERT (sum == p4est->global_num_quadrants); } #endif } /* * Test 1: Reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks */ P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Into test 1\n", this_fn_name); { p4est_t *p4est_subcomm; int is_nonempty; /* create p4est copy and re-partition */ p4est_subcomm = p4est_copy_ext (p4est, 1, 1); (void) p4est_partition_given (p4est_subcomm, partition); /* write vtk: partitioned */ p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est_subcomm, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_subcomm_part"); /* reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks */ is_nonempty = p4est_comm_parallel_env_reduce (&p4est_subcomm); P4EST_ASSERT ((is_nonempty && 0 < partition[rank]) || (!is_nonempty && 0 == partition[rank])); if (is_nonempty) { /* write vtk: reduced communicator */ p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est_subcomm, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_subcomm_sub1"); /* destroy the p4est that has a reduced MPI communicator */ p4est_destroy (p4est_subcomm); } } mpiret = sc_MPI_Barrier (mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Done test 1\n", this_fn_name); /* * Test 2: Reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks, but now the MPI * communicator is not owned */ P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Into test 2\n", this_fn_name); { p4est_t *p4est_subcomm; int is_nonempty; /* create p4est copy and re-partition */ p4est_subcomm = p4est_copy_ext (p4est, 1, 0 /* don't dup. comm. */ ); (void) p4est_partition_given (p4est_subcomm, partition); /* reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks */ is_nonempty = p4est_comm_parallel_env_reduce (&p4est_subcomm); P4EST_ASSERT ((is_nonempty && 0 < partition[rank]) || (!is_nonempty && 0 == partition[rank])); if (is_nonempty) { /* destroy the p4est that has a reduced MPI communicator */ p4est_destroy (p4est_subcomm); } } mpiret = sc_MPI_Barrier (mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Done test 2\n", this_fn_name); /* * Test 3: Reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks, but keep rank 0 */ P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Into test 3\n", this_fn_name); { p4est_t *p4est_subcomm; int sub_exists; sc_MPI_Group group, group_reserve; int reserve_range[1][3]; /* create group of full MPI communicator */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_group (mpicomm, &group); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* create sub-group containing only rank 0 */ reserve_range[0][0] = 0; reserve_range[0][1] = 0; reserve_range[0][2] = 1; mpiret = sc_MPI_Group_range_incl (group, 1, reserve_range, &group_reserve); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* create p4est copy and re-partition */ p4est_subcomm = p4est_copy_ext (p4est, 1, 1); (void) p4est_partition_given (p4est_subcomm, partition); /* reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks, but keep rank 0 */ sub_exists = p4est_comm_parallel_env_reduce_ext (&p4est_subcomm, group_reserve, 1, NULL); P4EST_ASSERT ((sub_exists && (0 < partition[rank] || rank == 0)) || (!sub_exists && 0 == partition[rank])); if (sub_exists) { /* write vtk: reduced communicator */ p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est_subcomm, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_subcomm_sub3"); /* destroy the p4est that has a reduced MPI communicator */ p4est_destroy (p4est_subcomm); } } mpiret = sc_MPI_Barrier (mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Done test 3\n", this_fn_name); /* * Test 4: Reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks, but keep last 2 ranks */ P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Into test 4\n", this_fn_name); { p4est_t *p4est_subcomm; int sub_exists; sc_MPI_Group group, group_reserve; int reserve_range[1][3]; /* create group of full MPI communicator */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_group (mpicomm, &group); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* create sub-group containing only last 2 ranks */ reserve_range[0][0] = SC_MAX (0, mpisize - 2); reserve_range[0][1] = mpisize - 1; reserve_range[0][2] = 1; mpiret = sc_MPI_Group_range_incl (group, 1, reserve_range, &group_reserve); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* create p4est copy and re-partition */ p4est_subcomm = p4est_copy_ext (p4est, 1, 1); (void) p4est_partition_given (p4est_subcomm, partition); /* reduce MPI communicator to non-empty ranks, but keep last 2 ranks */ sub_exists = p4est_comm_parallel_env_reduce_ext (&p4est_subcomm, group_reserve, 0, NULL); P4EST_ASSERT ((sub_exists && (0 < partition[rank] || mpisize - 2 <= rank)) || (!sub_exists && 0 == partition[rank])); if (sub_exists) { /* write vtk: reduced communicator */ p4est_vtk_write_file (p4est_subcomm, NULL, P4EST_STRING "_subcomm_sub4"); /* destroy the p4est that has a reduced MPI communicator */ p4est_destroy (p4est_subcomm); } } mpiret = sc_MPI_Barrier (mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_GLOBAL_INFOF ("%s: Done test 4\n", this_fn_name); /* destroy */ P4EST_FREE (partition); p4est_destroy (p4est); p4est_connectivity_destroy (connectivity); /* finalize */ sc_finalize (); mpiret = sc_MPI_Finalize (); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); return 0; }
int p6est_comm_parallel_env_reduce_ext (p6est_t ** p6est_supercomm, sc_MPI_Group group_add, int add_to_beginning, int **ranks_subcomm) { p6est_t *p6est = *p6est_supercomm; int mpisize = p6est->mpisize; int mpiret; p4est_gloidx_t *global_first_layer = p6est->global_first_layer; p4est_gloidx_t *n_quadrants; int submpisize; sc_MPI_Comm submpicomm; int *ranks; int i; int is_nonempty; /* reduce MPI communicator of column layout */ is_nonempty = p4est_comm_parallel_env_reduce_ext (&(p6est->columns), group_add, add_to_beginning, &ranks); /* destroy p4est and exit if this rank is empty */ if (!is_nonempty) { p6est->columns = NULL; p6est_destroy (p6est); *p6est_supercomm = NULL; if (ranks_subcomm) { *ranks_subcomm = NULL; } P4EST_ASSERT (ranks == NULL); return 0; } /* get sub-communicator */ submpicomm = p6est->columns->mpicomm; /* update size of new MPI communicator */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_size (submpicomm, &submpisize); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); if (submpisize == p6est->mpisize) { P4EST_ASSERT (ranks == NULL); return 1; } /* set new parallel environment */ p6est_comm_parallel_env_release (p6est); p6est_comm_parallel_env_assign (p6est, submpicomm); if (p6est->columns->mpicomm_owned) { p6est->columns->mpicomm_owned = 0; p6est->mpicomm_owned = 1; } P4EST_ASSERT (p6est->mpisize == submpisize); /* create array of non-empty processes that will be included to sub-comm */ n_quadrants = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, mpisize); for (i = 0; i < mpisize; i++) { n_quadrants[i] = global_first_layer[i + 1] - global_first_layer[i]; } /* allocate and set global layer count */ P4EST_FREE (p6est->global_first_layer); p6est->global_first_layer = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, submpisize + 1); p6est->global_first_layer[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < submpisize; i++) { P4EST_ASSERT (ranks[i] != sc_MPI_UNDEFINED); P4EST_ASSERT (group_add != sc_MPI_GROUP_NULL || 0 < n_quadrants[ranks[i]]); p6est->global_first_layer[i + 1] = p6est->global_first_layer[i] + n_quadrants[ranks[i]]; } P4EST_FREE (n_quadrants); if (ranks_subcomm) { *ranks_subcomm = ranks; } else { P4EST_FREE (ranks); } /* return that p6est exists on this rank */ return 1; }
trilinear_mesh_t * p8est_trilinear_mesh_new_from_nodes (p4est_t * p4est, p4est_nodes_t * nodes) { const int num_procs = p4est->mpisize; const int rank = p4est->mpirank; int mpiret; int k, owner; #ifdef P4EST_DEBUG int prev_owner = 0; int64_t prev_fvnid = -1; #endif int *sharers; size_t current, zz, num_sharers; int32_t e, n, local_owned_end; int64_t global_borrowed, global_shared; int64_t local_counts[5], global_counts[5]; int32link_t *lynk, **tail; p4est_topidx_t which_tree; p4est_locidx_t *local_node, *shared_offsets; p4est_tree_t *tree; p4est_quadrant_t *q; p4est_indep_t *in; p8est_hang4_t *fh; p8est_hang2_t *eh; trilinear_elem_t *elem; trilinear_anode_t *anode; trilinear_dnode_t *dnode; trilinear_mesh_t *mesh; trilinear_mesh_pid_t *elem_pids; trilinear_mesh_pid_t *node_pids; sc_recycle_array_t *rarr; P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Into trilinear_mesh_extract with %lld total elements\n", (long long) p4est->global_num_quadrants); /* Allocate output data structure. */ mesh = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (trilinear_mesh_t, 1); memset (mesh, -1, sizeof (*mesh)); shared_offsets = nodes->shared_offsets; /* Assign local counts. */ P4EST_ASSERT (nodes->num_local_quadrants == p4est->local_num_quadrants); mesh->local_elem_num = p4est->local_num_quadrants; mesh->local_anode_num = nodes->indep_nodes.elem_count; mesh->local_dnode_num = nodes->face_hangings.elem_count + nodes->edge_hangings.elem_count; mesh->local_onode_num = nodes->num_owned_indeps; mesh->local_owned_offset = nodes->offset_owned_indeps; mesh->local_node_num = mesh->local_anode_num + mesh->local_dnode_num; local_owned_end = mesh->local_owned_offset + mesh->local_onode_num; /* Communicate global counts. */ local_counts[0] = mesh->local_elem_num; local_counts[1] = mesh->local_anode_num; local_counts[2] = mesh->local_onode_num; local_counts[3] = mesh->local_dnode_num; local_counts[4] = nodes->num_owned_shared; mpiret = MPI_Allreduce (local_counts, global_counts, 5, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM, p4est->mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); P4EST_ASSERT (global_counts[0] == p4est->global_num_quadrants); mesh->total_elem_num = global_counts[0]; global_borrowed = global_counts[1] - global_counts[2]; mesh->total_anode_num = global_counts[2]; mesh->total_dnode_num = global_counts[3]; global_shared = global_counts[4]; mesh->total_node_num = mesh->total_anode_num + mesh->total_dnode_num; /* Allocate the mesh memory. */ mesh->elem_table = P4EST_ALLOC (trilinear_elem_t, mesh->local_elem_num); mesh->node_table = P4EST_ALLOC (trilinear_node_t, mesh->local_node_num); mesh->fvnid_count_table = P4EST_ALLOC (int64_t, num_procs + 1); mesh->fvnid_interval_table = P4EST_ALLOC (int64_t, num_procs + 1); mesh->all_fvnid_start = mesh->fvnid_interval_table; mesh->sharer_pool = sc_mempool_new (sizeof (int32link_t)); mesh->elem_pids = P4EST_ALLOC (trilinear_mesh_pid_t, mesh->local_node_num); mesh->node_pids = P4EST_ALLOC (trilinear_mesh_pid_t, mesh->local_node_num); /* Assign global free variable information. */ mesh->fvnid_interval_table[0] = 0; for (k = 0; k < num_procs; ++k) { mesh->fvnid_interval_table[k + 1] = mesh->fvnid_interval_table[k] + (mesh->fvnid_count_table[k] = nodes->global_owned_indeps[k]); } mesh->fvnid_count_table[num_procs] = -1; mesh->global_fvnid_num = mesh->fvnid_interval_table[num_procs]; mesh->global_fvnid_start = 0; mesh->global_fvnid_end = mesh->global_fvnid_num - 1; P4EST_ASSERT (mesh->global_fvnid_num == mesh->total_anode_num); /* Assign element information. */ local_node = nodes->local_nodes; which_tree = p4est->first_local_tree; elem_pids = mesh->elem_pids; if (which_tree >= 0) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, which_tree); current = 0; for (e = 0; e < mesh->local_elem_num; ++e) { if (current == tree->quadrants.elem_count) { ++which_tree; tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, which_tree); current = 0; } q = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, current); elem = mesh->elem_table + e; for (k = 0; k < P4EST_CHILDREN; ++k) { elem->local_node_id[k] = *local_node++; } elem->lx = (tick_t) q->x; elem->ly = (tick_t) q->y; elem->lz = (tick_t) q->z; elem->size = P4EST_QUADRANT_LEN (q->level); elem->data = q->p.user_data; elem_pids[e] = (trilinear_mesh_pid_t) which_tree; ++current; } P4EST_ASSERT (which_tree == p4est->last_local_tree); P4EST_ASSERT (current == tree->quadrants.elem_count); } /* Assign anchored node information. */ mesh->anode_table = mesh->node_table; mesh->onode_table = mesh->node_table + mesh->local_owned_offset; mesh->dnode_table = mesh->node_table + mesh->local_anode_num; node_pids = mesh->node_pids; for (n = 0; n < mesh->local_anode_num; ++n) { anode = &mesh->node_table[n].anchored; in = (p4est_indep_t *) sc_array_index (&nodes->indep_nodes, (size_t) n); anode->point.x = in->x; anode->point.y = in->y; anode->point.z = in->z; node_pids[n] = (trilinear_mesh_pid_t) in->p.piggy3.which_tree; if (n < mesh->local_owned_offset) { owner = nodes->nonlocal_ranks[n]; P4EST_ASSERT (owner < rank && owner >= prev_owner); } else if (n >= local_owned_end) { owner = nodes->nonlocal_ranks[n - mesh->local_onode_num]; P4EST_ASSERT (owner > rank && owner >= prev_owner); } else { owner = rank; } anode->fvnid = mesh->all_fvnid_start[owner] + in->p.piggy3.local_num; P4EST_ASSERT (anode->fvnid > prev_fvnid); if (in->pad8 == 0) { P4EST_ASSERT (in->pad16 == -1); P4EST_ASSERT (shared_offsets == NULL || shared_offsets[n] == -1); anode->share = NULL; } else { P4EST_ASSERT (in->pad8 > 0); num_sharers = (size_t) in->pad8; rarr = (sc_recycle_array_t *) sc_array_index (&nodes->shared_indeps, num_sharers - 1); if (nodes->shared_offsets == NULL) { P4EST_ASSERT (in->pad16 >= 0); zz = (size_t) in->pad16; } else { P4EST_ASSERT (in->pad16 == -1); zz = (size_t) shared_offsets[n]; } sharers = (int *) sc_array_index (&rarr->a, zz); tail = &anode->share; for (zz = 0; zz < num_sharers; ++zz) { *tail = lynk = (int32link_t *) sc_mempool_alloc (mesh->sharer_pool); lynk->id = (int32_t) sharers[zz]; tail = &lynk->next; } *tail = NULL; } #ifdef P4EST_DEBUG prev_owner = owner; prev_fvnid = anode->fvnid; #endif } /* Assign face hanging node information. */ for (zz = 0; zz < nodes->face_hangings.elem_count; ++n, ++zz) { dnode = &mesh->node_table[n].dangling; fh = (p8est_hang4_t *) sc_array_index (&nodes->face_hangings, zz); dnode->point.x = fh->x; dnode->point.y = fh->y; dnode->point.z = fh->z; dnode->type = 0; /* Not used in Rhea. */ dnode->local_anode_id[0] = fh->p.piggy.depends[0]; dnode->local_anode_id[1] = fh->p.piggy.depends[1]; dnode->local_anode_id[2] = fh->p.piggy.depends[2]; dnode->local_anode_id[3] = fh->p.piggy.depends[3]; node_pids[n] = (trilinear_mesh_pid_t) fh->p.piggy.which_tree; } /* Assign edge hanging node information. */ for (zz = 0; zz < nodes->edge_hangings.elem_count; ++n, ++zz) { dnode = &mesh->node_table[n].dangling; eh = (p8est_hang2_t *) sc_array_index (&nodes->edge_hangings, zz); dnode->point.x = eh->x; dnode->point.y = eh->y; dnode->point.z = eh->z; dnode->type = 0; /* Not used in Rhea. */ dnode->local_anode_id[0] = eh->p.piggy.depends[0]; dnode->local_anode_id[1] = eh->p.piggy.depends[1]; dnode->local_anode_id[2] = dnode->local_anode_id[3] = -1; node_pids[n] = (trilinear_mesh_pid_t) eh->p.piggy.which_tree; } P4EST_ASSERT (n == mesh->local_node_num); /* Assign the remaining variables. */ mesh->mpicomm = p4est->mpicomm; mesh->mpisize = (int32_t) num_procs; mesh->mpirank = (int32_t) rank; mesh->recsize = (int32_t) p4est->data_size; mesh->destructor = p8est_trilinear_mesh_destroy; /* These members are incomplete and need to be filled later. */ memset (mesh->bounds, 0, 6 * sizeof (int)); memset (mesh->sizes, 0, 3 * sizeof (int)); mesh->minsize = mesh->maxsize = 0; mesh->ticksize = 0.; mesh->extra_info = NULL; mesh->gid = -1; /* We are done */ P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Done trilinear_mesh_extract" " with %lld anodes %lld %lld\n", (long long) mesh->total_anode_num, (long long) global_borrowed, (long long) global_shared); return mesh; }
p4est_t * p4est_new_points (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, p4est_connectivity_t * connectivity, int maxlevel, p4est_quadrant_t * points, p4est_locidx_t num_points, p4est_locidx_t max_points, size_t data_size, p4est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer) { int mpiret; int num_procs, rank; int i, isizet; size_t lcount; size_t *nmemb; #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG size_t zz; #endif p4est_topidx_t jt, num_trees; p4est_topidx_t first_tree, last_tree, next_tree; p4est_quadrant_t *first_quad, *next_quad, *quad; p4est_quadrant_t a, b, c, f, l, n; p4est_tree_t *tree; p4est_t *p4est; p4est_points_state_t ppstate; P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Into " P4EST_STRING "_new_points with max level %d max points %lld\n", maxlevel, (long long) max_points); p4est_log_indent_push (); P4EST_ASSERT (p4est_connectivity_is_valid (connectivity)); P4EST_ASSERT (max_points >= -1); /* retrieve MPI information */ mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_size (mpicomm, &num_procs); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); mpiret = sc_MPI_Comm_rank (mpicomm, &rank); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); /* This implementation runs in O(P/p * maxlevel) * with P the total number of points, p the number of processors. * Two optimizations are possible: * 1. At startup remove points that lead to duplicate quadrants. * 2. Use complete_region between successive points instead of * the call to refine. This should give O(N/p) * maxlevel * with N the total number of quadrants. */ /* parallel sort the incoming points */ lcount = (size_t) num_points; nmemb = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (size_t, num_procs); isizet = (int) sizeof (size_t); mpiret = sc_MPI_Allgather (&lcount, isizet, sc_MPI_BYTE, nmemb, isizet, sc_MPI_BYTE, mpicomm); SC_CHECK_MPI (mpiret); sc_psort (mpicomm, points, nmemb, sizeof (p4est_quadrant_t), p4est_quadrant_compare_piggy); P4EST_FREE (nmemb); #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG first_quad = points; for (zz = 1; zz < lcount; ++zz) { next_quad = points + zz; P4EST_ASSERT (p4est_quadrant_compare_piggy (first_quad, next_quad) <= 0); first_quad = next_quad; } #endif /* create the p4est */ p4est = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (p4est_t, 1); ppstate.points = points; ppstate.num_points = num_points; ppstate.max_points = max_points; ppstate.current = 0; ppstate.maxlevel = maxlevel; /* assign some data members */ p4est->data_size = 2 * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t); /* temporary */ p4est->user_pointer = &ppstate; p4est->connectivity = connectivity; num_trees = connectivity->num_trees; /* create parallel environment */ p4est_comm_parallel_env_create (p4est, mpicomm); /* allocate memory pools */ p4est->user_data_pool = sc_mempool_new (p4est->data_size); p4est->quadrant_pool = sc_mempool_new (sizeof (p4est_quadrant_t)); P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("New " P4EST_STRING " with %lld trees on %d processors\n", (long long) num_trees, num_procs); /* allocate trees */ p4est->trees = sc_array_new (sizeof (p4est_tree_t)); sc_array_resize (p4est->trees, num_trees); for (jt = 0; jt < num_trees; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, jt); sc_array_init (&tree->quadrants, sizeof (p4est_quadrant_t)); P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&tree->first_desc); P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&tree->last_desc); tree->quadrants_offset = 0; for (i = 0; i <= P4EST_QMAXLEVEL; ++i) { tree->quadrants_per_level[i] = 0; } for (; i <= P4EST_MAXLEVEL; ++i) { tree->quadrants_per_level[i] = -1; } tree->maxlevel = 0; } p4est->local_num_quadrants = 0; p4est->global_num_quadrants = 0; /* create point based partition */ P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&f); p4est->global_first_position = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (p4est_quadrant_t, num_procs + 1); if (num_points == 0) { P4EST_VERBOSE ("Empty processor"); first_tree = p4est->first_local_tree = -1; first_quad = NULL; } else { /* we are probably not empty */ if (rank == 0) { first_tree = p4est->first_local_tree = 0; p4est_quadrant_set_morton (&f, maxlevel, 0); } else { first_tree = p4est->first_local_tree = points->p.which_tree; p4est_node_to_quadrant (points, maxlevel, &f); } first_quad = &f; } last_tree = p4est->last_local_tree = -2; p4est_comm_global_partition (p4est, first_quad); first_quad = p4est->global_first_position + rank; next_quad = p4est->global_first_position + (rank + 1); next_tree = next_quad->p.which_tree; if (first_tree >= 0 && p4est_quadrant_is_equal (first_quad, next_quad) && first_quad->p.which_tree == next_quad->p.which_tree) { /* if all our points are consumed by the next processor we are empty */ first_tree = p4est->first_local_tree = -1; } if (first_tree >= 0) { /* we are definitely not empty */ if (next_quad->x == 0 && next_quad->y == 0 #ifdef P4_TO_P8 && next_quad->z == 0 #endif ) { last_tree = p4est->last_local_tree = next_tree - 1; } else { last_tree = p4est->last_local_tree = next_tree; } P4EST_ASSERT (first_tree <= last_tree); } /* fill the local trees */ P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&a); P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&b); P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&c); P4EST_QUADRANT_INIT (&l); n = *next_quad; n.level = (int8_t) maxlevel; for (jt = first_tree; jt <= last_tree; ++jt) { int onlyone = 0; int includeb = 0; tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, jt); /* determine first local quadrant of this tree */ if (jt == first_tree) { a = *first_quad; a.level = (int8_t) maxlevel; first_quad = next_quad = NULL; /* free to use further down */ P4EST_ASSERT (p4est_quadrant_is_valid (&a)); } else { p4est_quadrant_set_morton (&a, maxlevel, 0); P4EST_ASSERT (jt < next_tree || p4est_quadrant_compare (&a, &n) < 0); } /* enlarge first local quadrant if possible */ if (jt < next_tree) { while (p4est_quadrant_child_id (&a) == 0 && a.level > 0) { p4est_quadrant_parent (&a, &a); } P4EST_ASSERT (jt == first_tree || a.level == 0); } else { for (c = a; p4est_quadrant_child_id (&c) == 0; a = c) { p4est_quadrant_parent (&c, &c); p4est_quadrant_last_descendant (&c, &l, maxlevel); if (p4est_quadrant_compare (&l, &n) >= 0) { break; } } P4EST_ASSERT (a.level > 0); P4EST_ASSERT ((p4est_quadrant_last_descendant (&a, &l, maxlevel), p4est_quadrant_compare (&l, &n) < 0)); } p4est_quadrant_first_descendant (&a, &tree->first_desc, P4EST_QMAXLEVEL); /* determine largest possible last quadrant of this tree */ if (jt < next_tree) { p4est_quadrant_last_descendant (&a, &l, maxlevel); p4est_quadrant_set_morton (&b, 0, 0); p4est_quadrant_last_descendant (&b, &b, maxlevel); if (p4est_quadrant_is_equal (&l, &b)) { onlyone = 1; } else { includeb = 1; for (c = b; p4est_quadrant_child_id (&c) == P4EST_CHILDREN - 1; b = c) { p4est_quadrant_parent (&c, &c); p4est_quadrant_first_descendant (&c, &f, maxlevel); if (p4est_quadrant_compare (&l, &f) >= 0) { break; } } } } else { b = n; } /* create a complete tree */ if (onlyone) { quad = p4est_quadrant_array_push (&tree->quadrants); *quad = a; p4est_quadrant_init_data (p4est, jt, quad, p4est_points_init); tree->maxlevel = a.level; ++tree->quadrants_per_level[a.level]; } else { p4est_complete_region (p4est, &a, 1, &b, includeb, tree, jt, p4est_points_init); quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, tree->quadrants.elem_count - 1); } tree->quadrants_offset = p4est->local_num_quadrants; p4est->local_num_quadrants += tree->quadrants.elem_count; p4est_quadrant_last_descendant (quad, &tree->last_desc, P4EST_QMAXLEVEL); /* verification */ #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG first_quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, 0); for (zz = 1; zz < tree->quadrants.elem_count; ++zz) { next_quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, zz); P4EST_ASSERT (((p4est_locidx_t *) first_quad->p.user_data)[1] == ((p4est_locidx_t *) next_quad->p.user_data)[0]); first_quad = next_quad; } #endif } if (last_tree >= 0) { for (; jt < num_trees; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, jt); tree->quadrants_offset = p4est->local_num_quadrants; } } /* compute some member variables */ p4est->global_first_quadrant = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_gloidx_t, num_procs + 1); p4est_comm_count_quadrants (p4est); /* print more statistics */ P4EST_VERBOSEF ("total local quadrants %lld\n", (long long) p4est->local_num_quadrants); P4EST_ASSERT (p4est_is_valid (p4est)); p4est_log_indent_pop (); P4EST_GLOBAL_PRODUCTIONF ("Done " P4EST_STRING "_new_points with %lld total quadrants\n", (long long) p4est->global_num_quadrants); /* refine to have one point per quadrant */ if (max_points >= 0) { p4est_refine_ext (p4est, 1, maxlevel, p4est_points_refine, p4est_points_init, NULL); #ifdef P4EST_ENABLE_DEBUG for (jt = first_tree; jt <= last_tree; ++jt) { tree = p4est_tree_array_index (p4est->trees, jt); first_quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, 0); for (zz = 1; zz < tree->quadrants.elem_count; ++zz) { next_quad = p4est_quadrant_array_index (&tree->quadrants, zz); P4EST_ASSERT (((p4est_locidx_t *) first_quad->p.user_data)[1] == ((p4est_locidx_t *) next_quad->p.user_data)[0]); first_quad = next_quad; } } #endif } /* initialize user pointer and data size */ p4est_reset_data (p4est, data_size, init_fn, user_pointer); return p4est; }
p4est_mesh_t * p4est_mesh_new_ext (p4est_t * p4est, p4est_ghost_t * ghost, int compute_tree_index, int compute_level_lists, p4est_connect_type_t btype) { int do_corner = 0; int do_volume = 0; int rank; p4est_locidx_t lq, ng; p4est_locidx_t jl; p4est_mesh_t *mesh; P4EST_ASSERT (p4est_is_balanced (p4est, btype)); mesh = P4EST_ALLOC_ZERO (p4est_mesh_t, 1); lq = mesh->local_num_quadrants = p4est->local_num_quadrants; ng = mesh->ghost_num_quadrants = (p4est_locidx_t) ghost->ghosts.elem_count; if (btype == P4EST_CONNECT_FULL) { do_corner = 1; } do_volume = (compute_tree_index || compute_level_lists ? 1 : 0); /* Optional map of tree index for each quadrant */ if (compute_tree_index) { mesh->quad_to_tree = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_topidx_t, lq); } mesh->ghost_to_proc = P4EST_ALLOC (int, ng); mesh->quad_to_quad = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, P4EST_FACES * lq); mesh->quad_to_face = P4EST_ALLOC (int8_t, P4EST_FACES * lq); mesh->quad_to_half = sc_array_new (P4EST_HALF * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); /* Optional per-level lists of quadrants */ if (compute_level_lists) { mesh->quad_level = P4EST_ALLOC (sc_array_t, P4EST_QMAXLEVEL + 1); for (jl = 0; jl <= P4EST_QMAXLEVEL; ++jl) { sc_array_init (mesh->quad_level + jl, sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); } } /* Populate ghost information */ rank = 0; for (jl = 0; jl < ng; ++jl) { while (ghost->proc_offsets[rank + 1] <= jl) { ++rank; P4EST_ASSERT (rank < p4est->mpisize); } mesh->ghost_to_proc[jl] = rank; } /* Fill face arrays with default values */ memset (mesh->quad_to_quad, -1, P4EST_FACES * lq * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); memset (mesh->quad_to_face, -25, P4EST_FACES * lq * sizeof (int8_t)); if (do_corner) { /* Initialize corner information to a consistent state */ mesh->quad_to_corner = P4EST_ALLOC (p4est_locidx_t, P4EST_CHILDREN * lq); memset (mesh->quad_to_corner, -1, P4EST_CHILDREN * lq * sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); mesh->corner_offset = sc_array_new (sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); *(p4est_locidx_t *) sc_array_push (mesh->corner_offset) = 0; mesh->corner_quad = sc_array_new (sizeof (p4est_locidx_t)); mesh->corner_corner = sc_array_new (sizeof (int8_t)); } /* Call the forest iterator to collect face connectivity */ p4est_iterate (p4est, ghost, mesh, (do_volume ? mesh_iter_volume : NULL), mesh_iter_face, #ifdef P4_TO_P8 NULL, #endif do_corner ? mesh_iter_corner : NULL); return mesh; }