Esempio n. 1
pascal	OSErr	FSpCatMoveCompat(const FSSpec *source,
                                 const FSSpec *dest)
    if ( !FSHasFSSpecCalls() && !QTHasFSSpecCalls() )
        CMovePBRec	pb;

        /* source and destination volume must be the same */
        if ( source->vRefNum != dest->vRefNum )
            return ( paramErr );

        pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(source->name);
        pb.ioVRefNum = source->vRefNum;
        pb.ioDirID = source->parID;
        pb.ioNewDirID = dest->parID;
        pb.ioNewName = (StringPtr) &(dest->name);
        return ( PBCatMoveSync(&pb) );
        return ( FSpCatMove(source, dest) );
Esempio n. 2
pascal	OSErr	FSpExchangeFilesCompat(const FSSpec *source,
                                       const FSSpec *dest)
    if (
        !FSHasFSSpecCalls() ||
        !HasFSpExchangeFilesCompatibilityFix() )
        HParamBlockRec			pb;
        CInfoPBRec				catInfoSource, catInfoDest;
        OSErr					result, result2;
        Str31					unique1, unique2;
        StringPtr				unique1Ptr, unique2Ptr, swapola;
        GetVolParmsInfoBuffer	volInfo;
        long					theSeed, temp;

        /* Make sure the source and destination are on the same volume */
        if ( source->vRefNum != dest->vRefNum )
            result = diffVolErr;
            goto errorExit3;

        /* Try PBExchangeFiles first since it preserves the file ID reference */
        pb.fidParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(source->name);
        pb.fidParam.ioVRefNum = source->vRefNum;
        pb.fidParam.ioDestNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(dest->name);
        pb.fidParam.ioDestDirID = dest->parID;
        pb.fidParam.ioSrcDirID = source->parID;

        result = PBExchangeFilesSync(&pb);

        /* Note: The compatibility case won't work for files with *Btree control blocks. */
        /* Right now the only *Btree files are created by the system. */
        if ( result != noErr )
            pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
            pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &volInfo;
            pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(volInfo);
            result2 = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);

            /* continue if volume has no fileID support (or no GetVolParms support) */
            if ( (result2 == noErr) && hasFileIDs(volInfo) )
                goto errorExit3;

            /* Get the catalog information for each file */
            /* and make sure both files are *really* files */
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = source->vRefNum;
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(source->name);
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioDirID = source->parID;
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioACUser = 0; /* ioACUser used to be filler2 */
            result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&catInfoSource);
            if ( result != noErr )
                goto errorExit3;
            if ( (catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & kioFlAttribDirMask) != 0 )
                result = notAFileErr;
                goto errorExit3;

            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioVRefNum = dest->vRefNum;
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(dest->name);
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dest->parID;
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioACUser = 0; /* ioACUser used to be filler2 */
            result = PBGetCatInfoSync(&catInfoDest);
            if ( result != noErr )
                goto errorExit3;
            if ( (catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & kioFlAttribDirMask) != 0 )
                result = notAFileErr;
                goto errorExit3;

            /* generate 2 filenames that are unique in both directories */
            theSeed = 0x64666A6C;	/* a fine unlikely filename */
            unique1Ptr = (StringPtr)&unique1;
            unique2Ptr = (StringPtr)&unique2;

            result = GenerateUniqueName(source->vRefNum, &theSeed, source->parID, dest->parID, unique1Ptr);
            if ( result != noErr )
                goto errorExit3;

            GenerateUniqueName(source->vRefNum, &theSeed, source->parID, dest->parID, unique2Ptr);
            if ( result != noErr )
                goto errorExit3;

            /* rename source to unique1 */
            pb.fileParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(source->name);
            pb.ioParam.ioMisc = (Ptr) unique1Ptr;
            pb.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0;
            result = PBHRenameSync(&pb);
            if ( result != noErr )
                goto errorExit3;

            /* rename dest to unique2 */
            pb.ioParam.ioMisc = (Ptr) unique2Ptr;
            pb.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0;
            pb.fileParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) &(dest->name);
            pb.fileParam.ioDirID = dest->parID;
            result = PBHRenameSync(&pb);
            if ( result != noErr )
                goto errorExit2;	/* back out gracefully by renaming unique1 back to source */

            /* If files are not in same directory, swap their locations */
            if ( source->parID != dest->parID )
                /* move source file to dest directory */
                pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = unique1Ptr;
                pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL;
                pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = dest->parID;
                pb.copyParam.ioDirID = source->parID;
                result = PBCatMoveSync((CMovePBPtr) &pb);
                if ( result != noErr )
                    goto errorExit1;	/* back out gracefully by renaming both files to original names */

                /* move dest file to source directory */
                pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = unique2Ptr;
                pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = source->parID;
                pb.copyParam.ioDirID = dest->parID;
                result = PBCatMoveSync((CMovePBPtr) &pb);
                if ( result != noErr)
                    /* life is very bad.  We'll at least try to move source back */
                    pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = unique1Ptr;
                    pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL;
                    pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = source->parID;
                    pb.copyParam.ioDirID = dest->parID;
                    (void) PBCatMoveSync((CMovePBPtr) &pb);	/* ignore errors */
                    goto errorExit1;	/* back out gracefully by renaming both files to original names */

            /* Make unique1Ptr point to file in source->parID */
            /* and unique2Ptr point to file in dest->parID */
            /* This lets us fall through to the rename code below */
            swapola = unique1Ptr;
            unique1Ptr = unique2Ptr;
            unique2Ptr = swapola;

            /* At this point, the files are in their new locations (if they were moved) */
            /* Source is named Unique1 (name pointed to by unique2Ptr) and is in dest->parID */
            /* Dest is named Unique2 (name pointed to by unique1Ptr) and is in source->parID */
            /* Need to swap attributes except mod date and swap names */

            /* swap the catalog info by re-aiming the CInfoPB's */
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = unique1Ptr;
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = unique2Ptr;

            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioDirID = source->parID;
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioDirID = dest->parID;

            /* Swap the original mod dates with each file */
            temp = catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioFlMdDat;
            catInfoSource.hFileInfo.ioFlMdDat = catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioFlMdDat;
            catInfoDest.hFileInfo.ioFlMdDat = temp;

            /* Here's the swap (ignore errors) */
            (void) PBSetCatInfoSync(&catInfoSource);
            (void) PBSetCatInfoSync(&catInfoDest);

            /* rename unique2 back to dest */
            pb.ioParam.ioMisc = (Ptr) &(dest->name);
            pb.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0;
            pb.fileParam.ioNamePtr = unique2Ptr;
            pb.fileParam.ioDirID = dest->parID;
            (void) PBHRenameSync(&pb);	/* ignore errors */

            /* rename unique1 back to source */
            pb.ioParam.ioMisc = (Ptr) &(source->name);
            pb.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0;
            pb.fileParam.ioNamePtr = unique1Ptr;
            pb.fileParam.ioDirID = source->parID;
            (void) PBHRenameSync(&pb); /* ignore errors */
errorExit3: {
            /* null statement */
        return ( result );
        return ( FSpExchangeFiles(source, dest) );
Esempio n. 3
int __cdecl rename (
        const char *oldname,
        const char *newname
        /* ask OS to move file */
        HParamBlockRec hparamBlock;
        char szOldName[32];       //old file name
        char szOldDir[256];       //old dir name
        char szNewName[32];       //new file name
        char szNewDir[256];       //new dir name
        char st[256];             //temp array for p-c string convertion
        char st2[256];            //temp array for p-c string conversion
        char szT[9];              //temp file name
        OSErr osErr;
        CMovePBRec cmovePB;
        int fTemp = 0;
        char *pch;
        char *pchOld;

        pchOld = strrchr(oldname, ':');
        if ( (pchOld!= NULL) && (*(pchOld+1) == '\0') &&
             (strchr(oldname, ':') == strrchr(oldname, ':')) )
            /* rename a volume*/
            pch = strrchr(newname, ':');
            if (pch != NULL && *(pch+1) != '\0')
                /* not rename to another volume name*/
                errno = EINVAL;
                return -1;
            else if (pch != NULL && *(pch+1) == '\0')
                osErr = __srename(oldname, newname);
                if (osErr)
                    return -1;
                    return 0;
            else if (pch == NULL)
                strcpy(szNewName, newname);
                strcat(szNewName, ":");
                osErr = __srename(oldname, szNewName);
                if (osErr)
                    return -1;
                return 0;

        /*Separate file name and directory*/
        __getdirandname(szOldDir, szOldName, oldname);
        __getdirandname(szNewDir, szNewName, newname);
        if (strcmp(szNewName, "")==0)
            errno = EINVAL;
            return -1;

        /*if same dir*/
        if (strcmp(szNewDir, szOldDir)==0 )
            osErr = __srename(oldname, newname);
            if (osErr)
                /* error occured -- map error code and return */
                return -1;
            return 0;

        /*if new directory didn't supplied, getcwd*/
        if (!*szNewDir)
            _getcwd(szNewDir, 255);

        /*if same name*/
        if (strcmp(szNewName, szOldName)==0 )
            /*just move*/
            strcpy(st, oldname);
            strcpy(st2, szNewDir);
            cmovePB.ioNamePtr = _c2pstr(st);
            cmovePB.ioVRefNum = 0;
            cmovePB.ioNewName =_c2pstr(st2);
            cmovePB.ioNewDirID = 0;
            cmovePB.ioDirID = 0;
            osErr = PBCatMoveSync(&cmovePB);
            if (osErr)
                /* error occured -- map error code and return */
                if (osErr == nsvErr || osErr == bdNamErr)
                    errno = EXDEV;
                    _macerrno = osErr;
                    return -1;
                return 0;

        osErr = __accesspath(szOldDir, szNewName);
        if (osErr != fnfErr)
            /* rename the file to a temp name */
            strcpy(st, szOldDir);
            strcpy(szT, "fnXXXXXX");
            if (_mktemp(szT)!=NULL)
                strcat(st, szT);
                fTemp = 1;
            if (*szOldDir)
                strcpy(st, szOldDir);
            strcat(st, szNewName);
        osErr = __srename(oldname, st);
        if (osErr)
            return -1;

        strcpy(st2, szNewDir);
        /* move renamed file to new dir */
        cmovePB.ioNamePtr = _c2pstr(st);
        cmovePB.ioVRefNum = 0;
        cmovePB.ioNewName =_c2pstr(st2);
        cmovePB.ioNewDirID = 0;
        cmovePB.ioDirID = 0;
        osErr = PBCatMoveSync(&cmovePB);
        if (osErr) {
            /* error occured -- rename oldname back */
            strcpy(st2, oldname);
            hparamBlock.ioParam.ioNamePtr = st;
            hparamBlock.ioParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
            hparamBlock.ioParam.ioMisc = _c2pstr(st2);
            hparamBlock.fileParam.ioDirID = 0;
            if (osErr == nsvErr || osErr == bdNamErr)
                _macerrno = osErr;
                return -1;

        /* rename it to the new name in new dir*/
        if (fTemp)
            strcpy(st, szNewDir);
            strcat(st, szT);
            osErr = __srename(st, newname);
            if (osErr)
                return -1;
        return 0;