Esempio n. 1
bool Triangle::Intersect(const Ray &ray, float *tHit, float *rayEpsilon,
                         DifferentialGeometry *dg) const {
    PBRT_RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_TEST(const_cast<Ray *>(&ray), const_cast<Triangle *>(this));
    // Compute $\VEC{s}_1$

    // Get triangle vertices in _p1_, _p2_, and _p3_
    const Point &p1 = mesh->p[v[0]];
    const Point &p2 = mesh->p[v[1]];
    const Point &p3 = mesh->p[v[2]];
    Vector e1 = p2 - p1;
    Vector e2 = p3 - p1;
    Vector s1 = Cross(ray.d, e2);
    float divisor = Dot(s1, e1);
    if (divisor == 0.)
        return false;
    float invDivisor = 1.f / divisor;

    // Compute first barycentric coordinate
    Vector d = ray.o - p1;
    float b1 = Dot(d, s1) * invDivisor;
    if (b1 < 0. || b1 > 1.)
        return false;

    // Compute second barycentric coordinate
    Vector s2 = Cross(d, e1);
    float b2 = Dot(ray.d, s2) * invDivisor;
    if (b2 < 0. || b1 + b2 > 1.)
        return false;

    // Compute _t_ to intersection point
    float t = Dot(e2, s2) * invDivisor;
    if (t < || t > ray.maxt)
        return false;

    // Compute triangle partial derivatives
    Vector dpdu, dpdv;
    float uvs[3][2];

    // Compute deltas for triangle partial derivatives
    float du1 = uvs[0][0] - uvs[2][0];
    float du2 = uvs[1][0] - uvs[2][0];
    float dv1 = uvs[0][1] - uvs[2][1];
    float dv2 = uvs[1][1] - uvs[2][1];
    Vector dp1 = p1 - p3, dp2 = p2 - p3;
    float determinant = du1 * dv2 - dv1 * du2;
    if (determinant == 0.f) {
        // Handle zero determinant for triangle partial derivative matrix
        CoordinateSystem(Normalize(Cross(e2, e1)), &dpdu, &dpdv);
    else {
        float invdet = 1.f / determinant;
        dpdu = ( dv2 * dp1 - dv1 * dp2) * invdet;
        dpdv = (-du2 * dp1 + du1 * dp2) * invdet;

    // Interpolate $(u,v)$ triangle parametric coordinates
    float b0 = 1 - b1 - b2;
    float tu = b0*uvs[0][0] + b1*uvs[1][0] + b2*uvs[2][0];
    float tv = b0*uvs[0][1] + b1*uvs[1][1] + b2*uvs[2][1];

    // Test intersection against alpha texture, if present
    if (ray.depth != -1) {
    if (mesh->alphaTexture) {
        DifferentialGeometry dgLocal(ray(t), dpdu, dpdv,
                                     Normal(0,0,0), Normal(0,0,0),
                                     tu, tv, this);
        if (mesh->alphaTexture->Evaluate(dgLocal) == 0.f)
            return false;

    // Fill in _DifferentialGeometry_ from triangle hit
    *dg = DifferentialGeometry(ray(t), dpdu, dpdv,
                               Normal(0,0,0), Normal(0,0,0),
                               tu, tv, this);
    *tHit = t;
    *rayEpsilon = 1e-3f * *tHit;
    PBRT_RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_HIT(const_cast<Ray *>(&ray), t);
    return true;
bool Heightfield2::TriangleIntersect(const Ray &ray, float *tHit, float *rayEpsilon, DifferentialGeometry *dg, int index[]) const{
    PBRT_RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_TEST(const_cast<Ray *>(&ray), const_cast<Triangle *>(this));

    // Get triangle vertices in _p1_, _p2_, and _p3_
    const Point &p1o = point[index[0]];
    const Point &p2o = point[index[1]];
    const Point &p3o = point[index[2]];
    const Point &p1 = (*ObjectToWorld)(p1o);
    const Point &p2 = (*ObjectToWorld)(p2o);
    const Point &p3 = (*ObjectToWorld)(p3o);
    Vector e1 = p2 - p1;
    Vector e2 = p3 - p1;
    Vector s1 = Cross(ray.d, e2);
    float divisor = Dot(s1, e1);
    if (divisor == 0.)
        return false;
    float invDivisor = 1.f / divisor;

    // Compute first barycentric coordinate
    Vector s = ray.o - p1;
    float b1 = Dot(s, s1) * invDivisor;
    if (b1 < 0. || b1 > 1.)
        return false;

    // Compute second barycentric coordinate
    Vector s2 = Cross(s, e1);
    float b2 = Dot(ray.d, s2) * invDivisor;
    if (b2 < 0. || b1 + b2 > 1.)
        return false;

    // Compute _t_ to intersection point
    float t = Dot(e2, s2) * invDivisor;
    if (t < || t > ray.maxt)
        return false;

    // Compute triangle partial derivatives
    Vector dpdu, dpdv;

    // Compute deltas for triangle partial derivatives
    float du1 = p1o.x - p3o.x;
    float du2 = p2o.x - p3o.x;
    float dv1 = p1o.y - p3o.y;
    float dv2 = p2o.y - p3o.y;

    Vector dp1 = p1 - p3, dp2 = p2 - p3;
    float determinant = du1 * dv2 - dv1 * du2;
    if (determinant == 0.f) {
        // Handle zero determinant for triangle partial derivative matrix
        CoordinateSystem(Normalize(Cross(e2, e1)), &dpdu, &dpdv);
    else {
        float invdet = 1.f / determinant;
        dpdu = ( dv2 * dp1 - dv1 * dp2) * invdet;
        dpdv = (-du2 * dp1 + du1 * dp2) * invdet;

    // Interpolate $(u,v)$ triangle parametric coordinates
    float b0 = 1 - b1 - b2;
    float tu = b0*p1o.x + b1*p2o.x + b2*p3o.x;
    float tv = b0*p1o.y + b1*p2o.y + b2*p3o.y;

    // Fill in _DifferentialGeometry_ from triangle hit
    *dg = DifferentialGeometry(ray(t), dpdu, dpdv,
                               Normal(0,0,0), Normal(0,0,0),
                               tu, tv, this);
    *tHit = t;
    *rayEpsilon = 1e-3f * *tHit;
    ray.maxt = t;
    PBRT_RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION_HIT(const_cast<Ray *>(&ray), t);
    return true;