/** * @brief * main - the initialization and main loop of pbs_daemon */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char jobfile[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char jobfile_full[MAXPATHLEN+1]; pbs_net_t hostaddr = 0; int port = -1; int move_type = -1; pbs_list_head attrl; enum conn_type cntype = ToServerDIS; int con = -1; char *destin; int encode_type; int i; job *jobp; char job_id[PBS_MAXSVRJOBID+1]; attribute *pattr; struct attropl *pqjatr; /* list (single) of attropl for quejob */ char script_name[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int in_server = -1; char *param_name, *param_val; char buf[4096]; struct hostent *hp; struct in_addr addr; char *credbuf = NULL; size_t credlen = 0; int prot = PROT_TCP; /*the real deal or output version and exit?*/ execution_mode(argc, argv); /* If we are not run with real and effective uid of 0, forget it */ pbs_loadconf(0); if (!isAdminPrivilege(getlogin())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Must be run by root\n", argv[0]); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } /* initialize the pointers in the resource_def array */ for (i = 0; i < (svr_resc_size - 1); ++i) svr_resc_def[i].rs_next = &svr_resc_def[i+1]; /* last entry is left with null pointer */ /* set single threaded mode */ pbs_client_thread_set_single_threaded_mode(); /* disable attribute verification */ set_no_attribute_verification(); /* initialize the thread context */ if (pbs_client_thread_init_thread_context() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to initialize thread context\n", argv[0]); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } if(set_msgdaemonname("PBS_send_job")) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); return 1; } winsock_init(); connection_init(); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) { buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; /* gets rid of newline */ param_name = buf; param_val = strchr(buf, '='); if (param_val) { *param_val = '\0'; param_val++; } else { /* bad param_val -- skipping */ break; } if (strcmp(param_name, "jobfile") == 0) { jobfile[0] = '\0'; strncpy(jobfile, param_val, MAXPATHLEN); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "destaddr") == 0) { hostaddr = atol(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "destport") == 0) { port = atoi(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "move_type") == 0) { move_type = atoi(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "in_server") == 0) { in_server = atoi(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "server_name") == 0) { server_name[0] = '\0'; strncpy(server_name, param_val, PBS_MAXSERVERNAME); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "server_host") == 0) { server_host[0] = '\0'; strncpy(server_host, param_val, (sizeof(server_host) - 1)); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "server_addr") == 0) { pbs_server_addr = atol(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "server_port") == 0) { pbs_server_port_dis = atoi(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "log_file") == 0) { log_file = strdup(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "path_log") == 0) { path_log[0] = '\0'; strncpy(path_log, param_val, MAXPATHLEN); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "path_jobs") == 0) { path_jobs = strdup(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "path_spool") == 0) { path_spool = strdup(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "path_rescdef") == 0) { path_rescdef = strdup(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "path_users") == 0) { path_users = strdup(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "path_hooks_workdir") == 0) { path_hooks_workdir = strdup(param_val); if (path_hooks_workdir == NULL) exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "svr_history_enable") == 0) { svr_history_enable = atol(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "svr_history_duration") == 0) { svr_history_duration = atol(param_val); } else if (strcmp(param_name, "single_signon_password_enable") == 0) { if (decode_b(&server.sv_attr[(int)SRV_ATR_ssignon_enable], NULL, NULL, param_val) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to set ssignon_password_enable\n", argv[0]); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } } else if (strcmp(param_name, "script_name") == 0) { strncpy(script_name, param_val, MAXPATHLEN + 1); } else break; } time(&time_now); (void)log_open_main(log_file, path_log, 1); /* silent open */ if (setup_resc(1) == -1) { /* log_buffer set in setup_resc */ log_err(-1, "pbsd_send_job(setup_resc)", log_buffer); return (-1); } if( strlen(jobfile) == 0 || hostaddr == 0 || port == 0 || move_type == -1 || \ in_server == -1 || strlen(server_name) == 0 || strlen(server_host) == 0 || \ pbs_server_addr == 0 || pbs_server_port_dis == 0 || \ strlen(path_log) == 0 || path_jobs == NULL || \ path_spool == NULL || path_users == NULL ) { log_err(-1, "pbs_send_job", "error on one of the parameters"); log_close(0); /* silent close */ exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } CLEAR_HEAD(task_list_immed); CLEAR_HEAD(task_list_timed); CLEAR_HEAD(task_list_event); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_queues); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_alljobs); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_newjobs); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_allresvs); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_newresvs); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_deferred_req); CLEAR_HEAD(svr_unlicensedjobs); strcpy(jobfile_full, path_jobs); strcat(jobfile_full, jobfile); if (chk_save_file(jobfile_full) != 0) { sprintf(log_buffer, "Error opening jobfile=%s", jobfile); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); goto fatal_exit; } if ((jobp=job_recov_fs(jobfile, RECOV_SUBJOB)) == NULL) { sprintf(log_buffer, "Failed to recreate job in jobfile=%s", jobfile); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); goto fatal_exit; } /* now delete the temp job file that was created by job_save_fs in server code * jobs are in database now, no need to keep in filesystem */ unlink(jobfile_full); if (in_server) append_link(&svr_alljobs, &jobp->ji_alljobs, jobp); /* select attributes/resources to send based on move type */ if (move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) { resc_access_perm = ATR_DFLAG_MOM; encode_type = ATR_ENCODE_MOM; cntype = ToServerDIS; } else { resc_access_perm = ATR_DFLAG_USWR | ATR_DFLAG_OPWR | ATR_DFLAG_MGWR | ATR_DFLAG_SvRD; encode_type = ATR_ENCODE_SVR; svr_dequejob(jobp); } CLEAR_HEAD(attrl); pattr = jobp->ji_wattr; for (i=0; i < (int)JOB_ATR_LAST; i++) { if ((job_attr_def+i)->at_flags & resc_access_perm) { (void)(job_attr_def+i)->at_encode(pattr+i, &attrl, (job_attr_def+i)->at_name, NULL, encode_type, NULL); } } attrl_fixlink(&attrl); /* script name is passed from parent */ /* get host name */ pbs_loadconf(0); addr.s_addr = htonl(hostaddr); hp = gethostbyaddr((void *)&addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (hp == NULL) { sprintf(log_buffer, "%s: h_errno=%d", inet_ntoa(addr), h_errno); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); } else { /* read any credential file */ (void)get_credential(hp->h_name, jobp, PBS_GC_BATREQ, &credbuf, &credlen); } /* save the job id for when after we purge the job */ (void)strcpy(job_id, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); con = -1; DIS_tcparray_init(); for (i=0; i<RETRY; i++) { pbs_errno = 0; /* connect to receiving server with retries */ if (i > 0) { /* recycle after an error */ if (con >= 0) svr_disconnect(con); if (should_retry_route(pbs_errno) == -1) { goto fatal_exit; /* fatal error, don't retry */ } sleep(1<<i); } if ((con = svr_connect(hostaddr, port, 0, cntype, prot)) == PBS_NET_RC_FATAL) { (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send_job failed to %lx port %d", hostaddr, port); log_err(pbs_errno, __func__, log_buffer); goto fatal_exit; } else if (con == PBS_NET_RC_RETRY) { pbs_errno = WSAECONNREFUSED; /* should retry */ continue; } /* * if the job is substate JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUTCM which means * we are recovering after being down or a late failure, we * just want to send the "read-to-commit/commit" */ if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate != JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUTCM) { if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate != JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUT) { jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate = JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUT; } pqjatr = &((svrattrl *)GET_NEXT(attrl))->al_atopl; destin = jobp->ji_qs.ji_destin; if (PBSD_queuejob(con, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, destin, pqjatr, NULL, prot, NULL)== 0) { if (pbs_errno == PBSE_JOBEXIST && move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) { /* already running, mark it so */ log_event(PBSEVENT_ERROR, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, "Mom reports job already running"); goto ok_exit; } else if ((pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOKERROR) || (pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT) || (pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_RERUNJOB) || (pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_DELETEJOB)) { char name_buf[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int rfd; int len; char *reject_msg; int err; err = pbs_errno; reject_msg = pbs_geterrmsg(con); (void)snprintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), "send of job to %s failed error = %d reject_msg=%s", destin, err, reject_msg?reject_msg:""); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); (void)strcpy(name_buf, path_hooks_workdir); (void)strcat(name_buf, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); (void)strcat(name_buf, HOOK_REJECT_SUFFIX); if ((reject_msg != NULL) && (reject_msg[0] != '\0')) { if ((rfd = open(name_buf, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600)) == -1) { snprintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), "open of reject file %s failed: errno %d", name_buf, errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); } else { secure_file(name_buf, "Administrators", READS_MASK|WRITES_MASK|STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED); setmode(rfd, O_BINARY); len = strlen(reject_msg)+1; /* write also trailing null char */ if (write(rfd, reject_msg, len) != len) { snprintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), "write to file %s incomplete: errno %d", name_buf, errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); } close(rfd); } } if (err == PBSE_HOOKERROR) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOKERR); if (err == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOK_REJECT); if (err == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_RERUNJOB) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOK_REJECT_RERUNJOB); if (err == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_DELETEJOB) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOK_REJECT_DELETEJOB); } else { (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send of job to %s failed error = %d", destin, pbs_errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); continue; } } if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_SCRIPT) { if (PBSD_jscript(con, script_name, prot, NULL) != 0) continue; } if (credlen > 0) { int ret; ret = PBSD_jcred(con, jobp->ji_extended.ji_ext.ji_credtype, credbuf, credlen, prot, NULL); if ((ret == 0) || (i == (RETRY - 1))) free(credbuf); /* free credbuf if credbuf is sent successfully OR */ /* at the end of all retry attempts */ if (ret != 0) continue; } if ((move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) && (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_HASRUN) && (hostaddr != pbs_server_addr)) { /* send files created on prior run */ if ((move_job_file(con, jobp, StdOut, prot) != 0) || (move_job_file(con, jobp, StdErr, prot) != 0) || (move_job_file(con, jobp, Chkpt, prot) != 0)) continue; } jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate = JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUTCM; } if (PBSD_rdytocmt(con, job_id, prot, NULL) != 0) continue; if (PBSD_commit(con, job_id, prot, NULL) != 0) goto fatal_exit; goto ok_exit; /* This child process is all done */ } if (con >= 0) svr_disconnect(con); /* * If connection is actively refused by the execution node(or mother superior) OR * the execution node(or mother superior) is rejecting request with error * PBSE_BADHOST(failing to authorize server host), the node should be marked down. */ if ((move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) && (pbs_errno == WSAECONNREFUSED || pbs_errno == PBSE_BADHOST)) { i = SEND_JOB_NODEDW; } else if (should_retry_route(pbs_errno) == -1) { i = SEND_JOB_FATAL; } else { i = SEND_JOB_RETRY; } (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send_job failed with error %d", pbs_errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_DEBUG, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_NOTICE, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); log_close(0); net_close(-1); unlink(script_name); exit(i); fatal_exit: if (con >= 0) svr_disconnect(con); log_close(0); net_close(-1); unlink(script_name); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); ok_exit: if (con >= 0) svr_disconnect(con); log_close(0); net_close(-1); unlink(script_name); exit(SEND_JOB_OK); }
/** * * @brief * Send a job over the network to some other server or MOM. * @par * Under Linux/Unix, this starts a child process to do the work. * Connect to the destination host and port, * and go through the protocol to transfer the job. * Signals are blocked. * * @param[in] jobp - pointer to the job being sent. * @param[in] hostaddr - the address of host to send job to, host byte order. * @param[in] port - the destination port, host byte order * @param[in] move_type - the type of move (e.g. MOVE_TYPE_exec) * @param[in] post_func - the function to execute once the child process * sending job completes (Linux/Unix only) * @param[in] data - input data to 'post_func' * * @return int * @retval 2 parent : success (child forked) * @retval -1 parent : on failure (pbs_errno set to error number) * @retval SEND_JOB_OK child : 0 success, job sent * @retval SEND_JOB_FATAL child : 1 permenent failure or rejection, * @retval SEND_JOB_RETRY child : 2 failed but try again * @retval SEND_JOB_NODEDW child : 3 execution node down, retry different node */ int send_job(job *jobp, pbs_net_t hostaddr, int port, int move_type, void (*post_func)(struct work_task *), struct batch_request *preq) { #ifdef WIN32 char cmdline[80]; pio_handles pio; char buf[4096]; struct work_task *ptask; int newstate; int newsub; long tempval; char script_name[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int gridproxy_cred = 0; #ifdef PBS_CRED_GRIDPROXY if (jobp->ji_extended.ji_ext.ji_credtype == PBS_CREDTYPE_GRIDPROXY) gridproxy_cred = 1; #endif if (pbs_conf.pbs_use_tcp == 1 && move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec && gridproxy_cred == 0) { return (send_job_exec(jobp, hostaddr, port, preq)); } sprintf(cmdline, "%s/sbin/pbs_send_job", pbs_conf.pbs_exec_path); if (win_popen(cmdline, "w", &pio, NULL) == 0) { errno = GetLastError(); pbs_errno = errno; (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "executing %s for job %s failed errno=%d", cmdline, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_DEBUG, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_ERR, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); /* force re-eval of job state out of Transit */ svr_evaljobstate(jobp, &newstate, &newsub, 1); svr_setjobstate(jobp, newstate, newsub); win_pclose(&pio); return (-1); } ptask = set_task(WORK_Deferred_Child, (long)pio.pi.hProcess, post_func, preq); if (!ptask) { log_err(errno, __func__, msg_err_malloc); errno = ENOMEM; pbs_errno = errno; win_pclose(&pio); /* force re-eval of job state out of Transit */ svr_evaljobstate(jobp, &newstate, &newsub, 1); svr_setjobstate(jobp, newstate, newsub); return (-1); } else { ptask->wt_parm2 = jobp; append_link(&((job *)jobp)->ji_svrtask, &ptask->wt_linkobj, ptask); } script_name[0] = '\0'; /* if job has a script read it from database */ if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_SCRIPT) { /* * copy the job script from database to a temp file * PBSD_jscript works with a file * delete it at the end of the send */ if (svr_create_tmp_jobscript(jobp, &script_name) != 0) { pbs_errno = PBSE_SYSTEM; snprintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), "Failed to create temporary job script for job %s", jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); log_err(pbs_errno, "send_job", log_buffer); win_pclose2(&pio); return (-1); } } addpid(pio.pi.hProcess); /* our job is to calc eligible time accurately and save it */ /* on new server, accrue type should be calc afresh */ /* Note: if job is being sent for execution on mom, then don't calc eligible time */ if ((jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_accrue_type].at_val.at_long == JOB_ELIGIBLE) && (server.sv_attr[(int)SRV_ATR_EligibleTimeEnable].at_val.at_long == 1) && (move_type != MOVE_TYPE_Exec)) { tempval = ((long)time_now - jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_sample_starttime].at_val.at_long); jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_eligible_time].at_val.at_long += tempval; jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_eligible_time].at_flags |= ATR_VFLAG_MODCACHE; } /* in windows code, a child process "w32_send_job" handles the send * This needs the job information, so we save using the filesystem * This avoids the child process from having to "connect" to the database again * The file is deleted by the send_job child process when it has done recovering the job */ job_save_fs(jobp, SAVEJOB_FULLFORCE); /* so the spawned process can get a fresh copy of job */ if (*jobp->ji_qs.ji_fileprefix != '\0') sprintf(buf, "jobfile=%s%s\n", jobp->ji_qs.ji_fileprefix, JOB_FILE_SUFFIX); else sprintf(buf, "jobfile=%s%s\n", jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, JOB_FILE_SUFFIX); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "destaddr=%ld\n", hostaddr); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "destport=%d\n", port); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "move_type=%d\n", move_type); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "in_server=%d\n", is_linked(&svr_alljobs, &jobp->ji_alljobs)); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "server_name=%s\n", (server_name?server_name:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "server_host=%s\n", (server_host?server_host:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "server_addr=%ld\n", pbs_server_addr); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "server_port=%d\n", pbs_server_port_dis); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "log_file=%s\n", (log_file?log_file:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "path_log=%s\n", (path_log?path_log:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "path_jobs=%s\n", (path_jobs?path_jobs:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "path_spool=%s\n", (path_spool?path_spool:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "path_rescdef=%s\n", (path_rescdef?path_rescdef:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "path_users=%s\n", (path_users?path_users:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "path_hooks_workdir=%s\n", (path_hooks_workdir?path_hooks_workdir:"")); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "svr_history_enable=%ld\n", svr_history_enable); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "svr_history_duration=%ld\n", svr_history_duration); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); if ( (server.sv_attr[SRV_ATR_ssignon_enable].at_flags & \ ATR_VFLAG_SET) && \ (server.sv_attr[SRV_ATR_ssignon_enable].at_val.at_long == 1) ) strcpy(buf, "single_signon_password_enable=1\n"); else strcpy(buf, "single_signon_password_enable=0\n"); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "script_name=%s\n", script_name); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); strcpy(buf, "quit\n"); win_pwrite(&pio, buf, strlen(buf)); win_pclose2(&pio); /* closes all handles except the process handle */ return (2); #else pbs_list_head attrl; enum conn_type cntype = ToServerDIS; int con; char *credbuf = NULL; size_t credlen = 0; char *destin = jobp->ji_qs.ji_destin; int encode_type; int i; char job_id[PBS_MAXSVRJOBID+1]; attribute *pattr; pid_t pid; struct attropl *pqjatr; /* list (single) of attropl for quejob */ char script_name[MAXPATHLEN+1]; struct work_task *ptask; struct hostent *hp; struct in_addr addr; long tempval; int gridproxy_cred = 0; int rpp = 0; #ifdef PBS_CRED_GRIDPROXY if (jobp->ji_extended.ji_ext.ji_credtype == PBS_CREDTYPE_GRIDPROXY) gridproxy_cred = 1; #endif if (pbs_conf.pbs_use_tcp == 1 && move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec && gridproxy_cred == 0) { return (send_job_exec(jobp, hostaddr, port, preq)); } script_name[0] = '\0'; /* if job has a script read it from database */ if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_SCRIPT) { /* * copy the job script from database to a temp file * PBSD_jscript works with a file * delete it at the end of the send */ if (svr_create_tmp_jobscript(jobp, script_name) != 0) { pbs_errno = PBSE_SYSTEM; snprintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), "Failed to create temporary job script for job %s", jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); log_err(pbs_errno, "send_job", log_buffer); return -1; } } pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { /* Error on fork */ log_err(errno, __func__, "fork failed\n"); pbs_errno = PBSE_SYSTEM; return -1; } if (pid != 0) { /* The parent (main server) */ ptask = set_task(WORK_Deferred_Child, pid, post_func, preq); if (!ptask) { log_err(errno, __func__, msg_err_malloc); return (-1); } else { ptask->wt_parm2 = jobp; append_link(&((job *)jobp)->ji_svrtask, &ptask->wt_linkobj, ptask); } return 2; } /* * the child process * * set up signal cather for error return */ DBPRT(("%s: child started, sending to port %d\n", __func__, port)) rpp_terminate(); /* Unprotect child from being killed by kernel */ daemon_protect(0, PBS_DAEMON_PROTECT_OFF); #ifdef WIN32 /* get host name */ /* * If host address is loopback address then do not resolve with dns * Use "localhost" as the host name. */ if ((htonl(hostaddr) == loopback_addr->sin_addr.s_addr)) { (void)get_credential(LOCALHOST_SHORTNAME, jobp, PBS_GC_BATREQ, &credbuf, &credlen); } else { #endif addr.s_addr = htonl(hostaddr); hp = gethostbyaddr((void *)&addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if (hp == NULL) { sprintf(log_buffer, "%s: h_errno=%d", inet_ntoa(addr), h_errno); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); } else { /* read any credential file */ (void)get_credential(hp->h_name, jobp, PBS_GC_BATREQ, &credbuf, &credlen); } #ifdef WIN32 } #endif /* encode job attributes to be moved */ CLEAR_HEAD(attrl); /* select attributes/resources to send based on move type */ if (move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) { resc_access_perm = ATR_DFLAG_MOM; encode_type = ATR_ENCODE_MOM; cntype = ToServerDIS; } else { resc_access_perm = ATR_DFLAG_USWR | ATR_DFLAG_OPWR | ATR_DFLAG_MGWR | ATR_DFLAG_SvRD; encode_type = ATR_ENCODE_SVR; svr_dequejob(jobp); /* clears default resource settings */ } /* our job is to calc eligible time accurately and save it */ /* on new server, accrue type should be calc afresh */ /* Note: if job is being sent for execution on mom, then don't calc eligible time */ if ((jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_accrue_type].at_val.at_long == JOB_ELIGIBLE) && (server.sv_attr[(int)SRV_ATR_EligibleTimeEnable].at_val.at_long == 1) && (move_type != MOVE_TYPE_Exec)) { tempval = ((long)time_now - jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_sample_starttime].at_val.at_long); jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_eligible_time].at_val.at_long += tempval; jobp->ji_wattr[(int)JOB_ATR_eligible_time].at_flags |= ATR_VFLAG_MODCACHE; } pattr = jobp->ji_wattr; for (i=0; i < (int)JOB_ATR_LAST; i++) { if ((job_attr_def+i)->at_flags & resc_access_perm) { (void)(job_attr_def+i)->at_encode(pattr+i, &attrl, (job_attr_def+i)->at_name, (char *)0, encode_type, NULL); } } attrl_fixlink(&attrl); /* save the job id for when after we purge the job */ (void)strcpy(job_id, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); pbs_errno = 0; con = -1; for (i=0; i<RETRY; i++) { /* connect to receiving server with retries */ if (i > 0) { /* recycle after an error */ if (con >= 0) svr_disconnect(con); if (should_retry_route(pbs_errno) == -1) { /* delete the temp script file */ unlink(script_name); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); /* fatal error, don't retry */ } sleep(1<<i); } if ((con = svr_connect(hostaddr, port, 0, cntype, rpp)) == PBS_NET_RC_FATAL) { (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send_job failed to %lx port %d", hostaddr, port); log_err(pbs_errno, __func__, log_buffer); /* delete the temp script file */ unlink(script_name); if ((move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) && (pbs_errno == PBSE_BADCRED)) exit(SEND_JOB_NODEDW); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } else if (con == PBS_NET_RC_RETRY) { pbs_errno = ECONNREFUSED; /* should retry */ continue; } /* * if the job is substate JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUTCM which means * we are recovering after being down or a late failure, we * just want to send the commit" */ if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate != JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUTCM) { if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate != JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUT) { jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate = JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUT; } pqjatr = &((svrattrl *)GET_NEXT(attrl))->al_atopl; if (PBSD_queuejob(con, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, destin, pqjatr, (char *)0, rpp, NULL) == 0) { if (pbs_errno == PBSE_JOBEXIST && move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) { /* already running, mark it so */ log_event(PBSEVENT_ERROR, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, "Mom reports job already running"); exit(SEND_JOB_OK); } else if ((pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOKERROR) || (pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT) || (pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_RERUNJOB) || (pbs_errno == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_DELETEJOB)) { char name_buf[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int rfd; int len; char *reject_msg; int err; err = pbs_errno; reject_msg = pbs_geterrmsg(con); (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send of job to %s failed error = %d reject_msg=%s", destin, err, reject_msg?reject_msg:""); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); (void)strcpy(name_buf, path_hooks_workdir); (void)strcat(name_buf, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); (void)strcat(name_buf, HOOK_REJECT_SUFFIX); if ((reject_msg != NULL) && (reject_msg[0] != '\0')) { if ((rfd = open(name_buf, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600)) == -1) { sprintf(log_buffer, "open of reject file %s failed: errno %d", name_buf, errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); } else { #ifdef WIN32 secure_file(name_buf, "Administrators", READS_MASK|WRITES_MASK|STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED); setmode(rfd, O_BINARY); #endif len = strlen(reject_msg)+1; /* write also trailing null char */ if (write(rfd, reject_msg, len) != len) { sprintf(log_buffer, "write to file %s incomplete: errno %d", name_buf, errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); } close(rfd); } } if (err == PBSE_HOOKERROR) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOKERR); if (err == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOK_REJECT); if (err == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_RERUNJOB) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOK_REJECT_RERUNJOB); if (err == PBSE_HOOK_REJECT_DELETEJOB) exit(SEND_JOB_HOOK_REJECT_DELETEJOB); } else { (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send of job to %s failed error = %d", destin, pbs_errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); continue; } } if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_SCRIPT) { if (PBSD_jscript(con, script_name, rpp, NULL) != 0) continue; } if (credlen > 0) { int ret; ret = PBSD_jcred(con, jobp->ji_extended.ji_ext.ji_credtype, credbuf, credlen, rpp, NULL); if ((ret == 0) || (i == (RETRY - 1))) free(credbuf); /* free credbuf if cred info is sent successfully OR */ /* at the end of all retry attempts */ if (ret != 0) continue; } if ((move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) && (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_HASRUN) && (hostaddr != pbs_server_addr)) { /* send files created on prior run */ if ((move_job_file(con, jobp, StdOut, rpp, NULL) != 0) || (move_job_file(con, jobp, StdErr, rpp, NULL) != 0) || (move_job_file(con, jobp, Chkpt, rpp, NULL) != 0)) continue; } jobp->ji_qs.ji_substate = JOB_SUBSTATE_TRNOUTCM; } if (PBSD_rdytocmt(con, job_id, rpp, NULL) != 0) continue; if (PBSD_commit(con, job_id, rpp, NULL) != 0) { /* delete the temp script file */ unlink(script_name); exit(SEND_JOB_FATAL); } svr_disconnect(con); /* delete the temp script file */ unlink(script_name); exit(SEND_JOB_OK); /* This child process is all done */ } if (con >= 0) svr_disconnect(con); /* * If connection is actively refused by the execution node(or mother superior) OR * the execution node(or mother superior) is rejecting request with error * PBSE_BADHOST(failing to authorize server host), the node should be marked down. */ if ((move_type == MOVE_TYPE_Exec) && (pbs_errno == ECONNREFUSED || pbs_errno == PBSE_BADHOST)) { i = SEND_JOB_NODEDW; } else if (should_retry_route(pbs_errno) == -1) { i = SEND_JOB_FATAL; } else { i = SEND_JOB_RETRY; } (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "send_job failed with error %d", pbs_errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_DEBUG, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_NOTICE, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); /* delete the temp script file */ unlink(script_name); exit(i); return -1; /* NOT REACHED */ #endif /* !WIN32 */ }
/** * @brief * -submit job request * * @param[in] c - communication handle * @param[in] attrib - ponter to attr list * @param[in] script - job script * @param[in] destination - host where job submitted * @param[in] extend - buffer to hold cred info * * @return string * @retval jobid success * @retval NULL error * */ char * __pbs_submit(int c, struct attropl *attrib, char *script, char *destination, char *extend) { struct attropl *pal; char *return_jobid = NULL; int rc; struct pbs_client_thread_context *ptr; struct cred_info *cred_info = NULL; /* initialize the thread context data, if not already initialized */ if (pbs_client_thread_init_thread_context() != 0) return return_jobid; ptr = (struct pbs_client_thread_context *) pbs_client_thread_get_context_data(); if (!ptr) { pbs_errno = PBSE_INTERNAL; return return_jobid; } /* first verify the attributes, if verification is enabled */ rc = pbs_verify_attributes(c, PBS_BATCH_QueueJob, MGR_OBJ_JOB, MGR_CMD_NONE, attrib); if (rc) return return_jobid; /* lock pthread mutex here for this connection */ /* blocking call, waits for mutex release */ if (pbs_client_thread_lock_connection(c) != 0) return return_jobid; /* first be sure that the script is readable if specified ... */ if ((script != NULL) && (*script != '\0')) { if (access(script, R_OK) != 0) { pbs_errno = PBSE_BADSCRIPT; if ((connection[c].ch_errtxt = strdup("cannot access script file")) == NULL) pbs_errno = PBSE_SYSTEM; goto error; } } /* initiate the queueing of the job */ for (pal = attrib; pal; pal = pal->next) pal->op = SET; /* force operator to SET */ /* Queue job with null string for job id */ return_jobid = PBSD_queuejob(c, "", destination, attrib, extend, 0, NULL); if (return_jobid == NULL) goto error; /* send script across */ if ((script != NULL) && (*script != '\0')) { if ((rc = PBSD_jscript(c, script, 0, NULL)) != 0) { if (rc == PBSE_JOBSCRIPTMAXSIZE) pbs_errno = rc; else pbs_errno = PBSE_BADSCRIPT; goto error; } } /* OK, the script got across, apparently, so we are */ /* ready to commit */ cred_info = (struct cred_info *) ptr->th_cred_info; /* opaque information */ if (cred_info && cred_info->cred_len > 0) { if (PBSD_jcred(c, cred_info->cred_type, cred_info->cred_buf, cred_info->cred_len, 0, NULL) != 0) { pbs_errno = PBSE_BADCRED; goto error; } } if (PBSD_commit(c, return_jobid, 0, NULL) != 0) goto error; /* unlock the thread lock and update the thread context data */ if (pbs_client_thread_unlock_connection(c) != 0) return NULL; return return_jobid; error: (void)pbs_client_thread_unlock_connection(c); return NULL; }
/** * @brief * Send execution job on connected rpp stream. * * @param[in] jobp - pointer to the job being sent * @param[in] hostaddr - the address of host to send job to, host byte order * @param[in] port - the destination port, host byte order * @param[in] request - The batch request associated with this send job call * * @return int * @retval 2 : success * @retval -1 : failure (pbs_errno set to error number) * */ int send_job_exec(job *jobp, pbs_net_t hostaddr, int port, struct batch_request *request) { pbs_list_head attrl; attribute *pattr; mominfo_t *pmom = NULL; int stream = -1; int encode_type; char *destin = jobp->ji_qs.ji_destin; int i; size_t credlen = 0; char *credbuf = NULL; char job_id[PBS_MAXSVRJOBID + 1]; struct attropl *pqjatr; /* list (single) of attropl for quejob */ int rc; int rpp = 1; char *jobid = NULL; char *script = NULL; char *msgid = NULL; char *dup_msgid = NULL; struct work_task *ptask = NULL; /* if job has a script read it from database */ if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_SCRIPT) { /* * copy the job script from database to a temp file * PBSD_jscript works with a file * delete it at the end of the send */ if ((script = svr_load_jobscript(jobp)) == NULL) { pbs_errno = PBSE_SYSTEM; snprintf(log_buffer, sizeof(log_buffer), "Failed to load job script for job %s", jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); log_err(pbs_errno, "send_job", log_buffer); goto send_err; } } stream = svr_connect(hostaddr, port, NULL, ToServerDIS, rpp); if (stream < 0) { log_event(PBSEVENT_ERROR, PBS_EVENTCLASS_REQUEST, LOG_WARNING, "", "Could not connect to Mom"); goto send_err; } pmom = tfind2((unsigned long) jobp->ji_qs.ji_un.ji_exect.ji_momaddr, jobp->ji_qs.ji_un.ji_exect.ji_momport, &ipaddrs); if (!pmom || (((mom_svrinfo_t *)(pmom->mi_data))->msr_state & INUSE_DOWN)) goto send_err; CLEAR_HEAD(attrl); resc_access_perm = ATR_DFLAG_MOM; encode_type = ATR_ENCODE_MOM; pattr = jobp->ji_wattr; for (i = 0; i < (int) JOB_ATR_LAST; i++) { if ((job_attr_def + i)->at_flags & resc_access_perm) { (void)(job_attr_def + i)->at_encode(pattr + i, &attrl, (job_attr_def + i)->at_name, (char *) 0, encode_type, NULL); } } attrl_fixlink(&attrl); /* save the job id for when after we purge the job */ /* read any credential file */ (void)get_credential(pmom->mi_host, jobp, PBS_GC_BATREQ, &credbuf, &credlen); (void) strcpy(job_id, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid); pbs_errno = 0; pqjatr = &((svrattrl *) GET_NEXT(attrl))->al_atopl; jobid = PBSD_queuejob(stream, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, destin, pqjatr, (char *) 0, rpp, &msgid); free_attrlist(&attrl); if (jobid == NULL) goto send_err; rpp_add_close_func(stream, process_DreplyRPP); /* register a close handler */ /* adding msgid to deferred list, dont free msgid */ if ((ptask = add_mom_deferred_list(stream, pmom, post_sendmom, msgid, request, jobp)) == NULL) goto send_err; /* add to pjob->svrtask list so its automatically cleared when job is purged */ append_link(&jobp->ji_svrtask, &ptask->wt_linkobj, ptask); /* we cannot use the same msgid, since it is not part of the preq, * make a dup of it, and we can freely free it */ if ((dup_msgid = strdup(msgid)) == NULL) goto send_err; /* * henceforth use the same msgid, since we mean to say all this is * part of a single logical request to the mom * and we will be hanging off one request to be answered to finally */ if (jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_SCRIPT) { if (PBSD_jscript_direct(stream, script, rpp, &dup_msgid) != 0) goto send_err; } free(script); script = NULL; if (credlen > 0) { rc = PBSD_jcred(stream, jobp->ji_extended.ji_ext.ji_credtype, credbuf, credlen, rpp, &dup_msgid); if (credbuf) free(credbuf); if (rc != 0) goto send_err; } if ((jobp->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_HASRUN) && (hostaddr != pbs_server_addr)) { if ((move_job_file(stream, jobp, StdOut, rpp, &dup_msgid) != 0) || (move_job_file(stream, jobp, StdErr, rpp, &dup_msgid) != 0) || (move_job_file(stream, jobp, Chkpt, rpp, &dup_msgid) != 0)) goto send_err; } if (PBSD_commit(stream, job_id, rpp, &dup_msgid) != 0) goto send_err; free(dup_msgid); /* free this as it is not part of any work task */ return 2; send_err: if (dup_msgid) free(dup_msgid); if (script) free(script); if (ptask) { if (ptask->wt_event2) free(ptask->wt_event2); delete_task(ptask); } sprintf(log_buffer, "send of job to %s failed error = %d", destin, pbs_errno); log_event(PBSEVENT_JOB, PBS_EVENTCLASS_JOB, LOG_INFO, jobp->ji_qs.ji_jobid, log_buffer); return (-1); }