Esempio n. 1
static pascal Boolean MoreDriveSupportFileExchangeInternal(DriverRefNum refNum, SInt16 drive)
	// An internal version of MoreDriveSupportFileExchange that allows
	// you to pass in the refNum and the drive number.  You can pass
	// in 0 for either refNum or drive (but not both) and the routine
	// will do the appropriate mapping.
    DriverGestaltParam pb;
    Boolean result;

    MoreAssertQ( (refNum < 0 && drive >= 0 && (drive == 0 || MoreGetDriveRefNum(drive) == refNum)) ||
    			 (refNum == 0 && drive > 0) );
    if (refNum == 0) {
    	refNum = MoreGetDriveRefNum(drive);
    result = false;
    if ( MoreDriveSupportsDriverGestaltInternal(refNum) ) {
        pb.ioVRefNum = drive;
        pb.ioCRefNum = refNum;
        pb.csCode = kDriverGestaltCode;
        pb.driverGestaltSelector = kdgAPI;

        if ( PBStatusSync((ParmBlkPtr) &pb) == noErr 
                && GetDriverGestaltAPIResponse(&pb)->partitionCmds & 0x01 ) {
            result = true;
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
static OSErr GetGammaTable (GDHandle hGD, GammaTblPtr * ppTableGammaOut)
	VDGammaRecord   DeviceGammaRec;
	CntrlParam		cParam;
	OSErr			err;
	cParam.ioCompletion = NULL;										
	cParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
	cParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
	cParam.ioCRefNum = (**hGD).gdRefNum;
	cParam.csCode = cscGetGamma;									
	*(Ptr *)cParam.csParam = (Ptr) &DeviceGammaRec;					

	err = PBStatusSync( (ParmBlkPtr)&cParam );						
	*ppTableGammaOut = (GammaTblPtr)(DeviceGammaRec.csGTable);		
	return err;	
Esempio n. 3
static OSErr GetGammaTable (GDHandle hGD, GammaTblPtr * ppTableGammaOut)
	VDGammaRecord   DeviceGammaRec;
	CntrlParam		cParam;
	OSErr			err;
	cParam.ioCompletion = NULL;										/* set up control params */
	cParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
	cParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
	cParam.ioCRefNum = (**hGD).gdRefNum;
	cParam.csCode = cscGetGamma;									/* Get Gamma commnd to device */
	*(Ptr *)cParam.csParam = (Ptr) &DeviceGammaRec;					/* record for gamma */

	err = PBStatusSync( (ParmBlkPtr)&cParam );						/* get gamma */
	*ppTableGammaOut = (GammaTblPtr)(DeviceGammaRec.csGTable);		/* pull table out of record */
	return err;	
Esempio n. 4
OSErr RVGetCurrentVideoSetting (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
	unsigned long		displayMgrVersion;
	OSErr				error = paramErr;
	CntrlParam			pBlock;
	VDSwitchInfoRec		switchInfo;
	AuxDCEHandle		theDCE;
	VDSwitchInfoRec		videoMode;		

	requestRecPtr->availBitDepth			= 0;	// init to default - you can do it if it is important to you
	requestRecPtr->availHorizontal			= 0;
	requestRecPtr->availVertical			= 0;
	requestRecPtr->availFlags				= 0;
	requestRecPtr->displayMode				= -1; 
	requestRecPtr->depthMode				= -1;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode		= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData		= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csPage		= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csBaseAddr	= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csReserved	= 0;
	Gestalt(gestaltDisplayMgrVers, (long*)&displayMgrVersion);
	if (requestRecPtr->screenDevice)
		if (displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000)
		{	// get the info the DM 2.0 way
			error = DMGetDisplayMode(requestRecPtr->screenDevice, &switchInfo);
			if (noErr == error)
				requestRecPtr->depthMode			= switchInfo.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->displayMode			= switchInfo.csData; 
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode	= switchInfo.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData	= switchInfo.csData;
			return (error);	// we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
		{	// get the info the DM 1.0 way
			videoMode.csMode = -1;		// init to bogus value
			videoMode.csData = -1;		// init to bogus value			
			pBlock.ioNamePtr = nil;
			pBlock.ioCRefNum = (*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdRefNum;
			pBlock.csCode = cscGetCurMode;
			*(Ptr *)&pBlock.csParam[0] = (Ptr)&videoMode;
			error = PBStatusSync((ParmBlkPtr )&pBlock);	// ask the driver first....since we trust it the most
			if ( noErr == error && ((-1 == videoMode.csMode) || (-1 == videoMode.csData)) )
				error = statusErr;
			if (noErr != error)	// if the driver has no clue fill it videoMode by hand as a last resort
				theDCE = (AuxDCEHandle)GetDCtlEntry((*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdRefNum);
				if( theDCE )
					videoMode.csData = (unsigned char)(*theDCE)->dCtlSlotId; 
					videoMode.csMode = (*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdMode;
					error = noErr;
			if (noErr == error)	// Set our data
				requestRecPtr->displayMode			= videoMode.csData; 
				requestRecPtr->depthMode			= videoMode.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode	= videoMode.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData	= videoMode.csData;
			return (error);	// we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
	return (-1);
Esempio n. 5
extern pascal OSErr MoreGetDriveSize(SInt16 drive, UInt32 *sizeInBlocks)
	// See comment in interface part.
	OSErr err;
	DrvQElPtr drvQEl;
	CntrlParam pb;
	FormatListRec formatList[kFormatListEntryCount];
	SInt16 formatIndex;
	Boolean foundFormat;
	Str255 driverName;
    DrvSts status;
    MoreAssertQ(drive > 0);
    MoreAssertQ(sizeInBlocks != nil);

	// Start by finding the drive queue element for
	// the drive, and by making sure that there's a disk
	// in the drive.
	err = MoreUTFindDriveQ(drive, &drvQEl);
	if (err == noErr) {
		if ( MoreGetDriveFlags(drvQEl)->diskInPlace <= 0 ) {
			err = offLinErr;

	// Wow, this is harder than it should be, all because of the
	// silly ".Sony" driver.  The basic problem is that
	// the ".Sony" driver doesn't store the disk size in the
	// drive queue element like every other disk drive on the
	// planet.  The solution is a three step process as described
	// in the comments below.
	if (err == noErr) {

		// Step 1.  If the driver supports the kReturnFormatList status call,
		//	  		use it to get a list of formats for the drive and then
		//			return the format marked as current.

		pb.ioNamePtr = nil;
		pb.ioVRefNum = drvQEl->dQDrive;
		pb.ioCRefNum = drvQEl->dQRefNum;
		pb.csCode = kReturnFormatList;
		pb.csParam[0] = kFormatListEntryCount;
		*((FormatListRec **) &pb.csParam[1]) = formatList;
		err = PBStatusSync( (ParmBlkPtr) &pb);
		if (err == noErr) {
			foundFormat = false;
			for (formatIndex = 0; formatIndex < pb.csParam[0]; formatIndex++) {
				if ((formatList[formatIndex].formatFlags & diCIFmtFlagsCurrentMask) != 0) {
					*sizeInBlocks = formatList[formatIndex].volSize;
					foundFormat = true;
			if ( ! foundFormat ) {

				// Hmmm, this isn't good.  The disk driver returned a format
				// list but none of the formats were marked as "current".
				// We handle this correctly but, in debug builds, we'll also
				// drop into MacsBug, just to let you know this is happening.

				err = paramErr;
		} else {
			// ¥¥¥ The logic here is slightly screwed up.  The problem is that
			// I can't tell whether the kReturnFormatList call failed because
			// the driver just doesn't support it, or because the driver failed
			// to get the information for some other reason.  If that driver
			// happens to be the ".Sony" driver, I'm going to take a wrong step
			// next.
			// For example, say that there's a 1.4MB disk in the floppy drive
			// and I call kReturnFormatList and it fails with an error because
			// of a cosmic ray.  I then test the driver name, find that it's
			// ".Sony", call DriveStatus, and then return noErr with a size
			// of either 400KB or 800KB.  Not good.
			// You might think this is an unlikely occurence, but it's exactly
			// what happens when there's no disk in the floppy drive.  I've
			// special-cased that away above, but the general problem still stands.
			// What are the alternatives?  I could special case the error
			// result from kReturnFormatList and only run this code if I get
			// statusErr.  But can you guarantee that all ".Sony" drives
			// return statusErr for an unrecognised status code?  I thought not.
			// Beyond that, I can't think of any options.  So this code
			// stands.  It's probably never going to bite anyone, but it's
			// worth noting here, just in case.  Besides, this is what
			// the equivalent routine in MoreFiles does (-:
			// -- Quinn, 3 Mar 1999

			// Step 2.	If that doesn't work, then look at the driver.  If it's
			//    		the ".Sony" driver (and this will be a really old ".Sony" driver
			//    		because new ones support kReturnFormatList), special case
			//    		the possible media types.

			err = TradGetDriverInformation(drvQEl->dQRefNum, nil, nil, driverName, nil);
			if (err == noErr) {
				if ( EqualString(driverName, "\p.Sony", false, true) ) {
					err = DriveStatus(drvQEl->dQDrive, &status);
					if (err == noErr) {
						if ( status.twoSideFmt == 0 ) {
							*sizeInBlocks = 400 * 2;
						} else {
							*sizeInBlocks = 800 * 2;
				} else {

					// Step 3.	If it's not the ".Sony" driver, get the size out of the
					//    		drive queue element.

					if (drvQEl->qType == 0) {

						// Old style drive, with just 16 bits of size information
						// in dQDrvSz.

						*sizeInBlocks = drvQEl->dQDrvSz;
					} else {
						// New style drive, with 32 bits of size information spread
						// between dQDrvSz and dQDrvSz2.
						*sizeInBlocks = (((UInt32 ) drvQEl->dQDrvSz2) * 65536) + (UInt32 ) drvQEl->dQDrvSz;