/************************************************************************** * Function Name : PDumpMMUFree * Inputs : * Outputs : * Returns : PVRSRV_ERROR * Description : **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUFree(const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpDevName, MMU_LEVEL eMMULevel, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psDevPAddr) { PVRSRV_ERROR eErr; IMG_UINT64 ui64SymbolicAddr; IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags = PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS; IMG_CHAR *pszMMUPX; PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32Flags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; if (eMMULevel >= MMU_LEVEL_LAST) { eErr = PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; goto ErrOut; } /* Write a comment to the PDUMP2 script streams indicating the memory free */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "-- FREE :%s:%s", pszPDumpDevName, ai8MMULevelStringLookup[eMMULevel]); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrOut; } PDumpOSLock(); PDumpWriteScript(hScript, ui32Flags); /* construct the symbolic address */ ui64SymbolicAddr = (IMG_UINT64)psDevPAddr->uiAddr; /* Write to the MMU script stream indicating the memory free */ pszMMUPX = MMUPX_FMT(eMMULevel); eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "FREE :%s:%s%016llX", pszPDumpDevName, pszMMUPX, ui64SymbolicAddr); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpWriteScript(hScript, ui32Flags); ErrUnlock: PDumpOSUnlock(); ErrOut: return eErr; }
/************************************************************************** * Function Name : PDumpMMUActivateCatalog * Inputs : * Outputs : * Returns : PVRSRV_ERROR * Description : **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUActivateCatalog(const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpRegSpaceName, const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpRegName, IMG_UINT32 uiRegAddr, const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpPCSymbolicName) { IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags = PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS; PVRSRV_ERROR eErr; PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32Flags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; if (!PDumpOSJTInitialised()) { return PVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (PDumpOSIsSuspended()) { return PVRSRV_OK; } eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "-- Write Page Catalogue Address to %s", pszPDumpRegName); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrOut; } PDUMP_LOCK(); PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "WRW :%s:0x%04X %s:0", /* dest */ pszPDumpRegSpaceName, uiRegAddr, /* src */ pszPDumpPCSymbolicName); if (eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); ErrUnlock: PDUMP_UNLOCK(); ErrOut: return eErr; }
/************************************************************************** * Function Name : PDumpMMUMalloc2 * Inputs : * Outputs : * Returns : PVRSRV_ERROR * Description : **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUMalloc2(const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpDevName, const IMG_CHAR *pszTableType,/* PAGE_CATALOGUE, PAGE_DIRECTORY, PAGE_TABLE */ const IMG_CHAR *pszSymbolicAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Size, IMG_UINT32 ui32Align) { PVRSRV_ERROR eErr; IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags = PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS; PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32Flags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; /* Write a comment to the PDump2 script streams indicating the memory allocation */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "-- MALLOC :%s:%s Size=0x%08X Alignment=0x%08X\n", pszPDumpDevName, pszTableType, ui32Size, ui32Align); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrOut; } PDUMP_LOCK(); PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); /* Write to the MMU script stream indicating the memory allocation */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "MALLOC :%s:%s 0x%X 0x%X\n", pszPDumpDevName, pszSymbolicAddr, ui32Size, ui32Align /* don't need this sDevPAddr.uiAddr*/); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); ErrUnlock: PDUMP_UNLOCK(); ErrOut: return eErr; }
PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUSAB(const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpMemNamespace, IMG_UINT32 uiPDumpMMUCtx, IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR sDevAddrStart, IMG_DEVMEM_SIZE_T uiSize, const IMG_CHAR *pszFilename, IMG_UINT32 uiFileOffset, IMG_UINT32 ui32PDumpFlags) { PVRSRV_ERROR eError; // "SAB :%s:v%x:0x%010llX 0x%08X 0x%08X %s.bin", PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32PDumpFlags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; if (!PDumpOSJTInitialised()) { eError = PVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_NOT_AVAILABLE; goto ErrOut; } if (PDumpOSIsSuspended()) { eError = PVRSRV_OK; goto ErrOut; } eError = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "SAB :%s:v%x:" IMG_DEV_VIRTADDR_FMTSPEC " " IMG_DEVMEM_SIZE_FMTSPEC " " "0x%x %s.bin\n", pszPDumpMemNamespace, uiPDumpMMUCtx, sDevAddrStart.uiAddr, uiSize, uiFileOffset, pszFilename); PVR_ASSERT(eError == PVRSRV_OK); PDUMP_LOCK(); PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32PDumpFlags); PDUMP_UNLOCK(); ErrOut: return eError; }
/************************************************************************** * Function Name : PDumpMMUFree2 * Inputs : * Outputs : * Returns : PVRSRV_ERROR * Description : **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUFree2(const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpDevName, const IMG_CHAR *pszTableType,/* PAGE_CATALOGUE, PAGE_DIRECTORY, PAGE_TABLE */ const IMG_CHAR *pszSymbolicAddr) { PVRSRV_ERROR eErr; IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags = PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS; PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32Flags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; /* Write a comment to the PDUMP2 script streams indicating the memory free */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "-- FREE :%s:%s\n", pszPDumpDevName, pszTableType); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrOut; } PDUMP_LOCK(); PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); /* Write to the MMU script stream indicating the memory free */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "FREE :%s:%s\n", pszPDumpDevName, pszSymbolicAddr); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); ErrUnlock: PDUMP_UNLOCK(); ErrOut: return eErr; }
/************************************************************************** * Function Name : PDumpMMUDumpPxEntries * Inputs : * Outputs : * Returns : PVRSRV_ERROR * Description : **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUDumpPxEntries(MMU_LEVEL eMMULevel, const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpDevName, IMG_VOID *pvPxMem, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR sPxDevPAddr, IMG_UINT32 uiFirstEntry, IMG_UINT32 uiNumEntries, const IMG_CHAR *pszMemspaceName, const IMG_CHAR *pszSymbolicAddr, IMG_UINT64 uiSymbolicAddrOffset, IMG_UINT32 uiBytesPerEntry, IMG_UINT32 uiLog2Align, IMG_UINT32 uiAddrShift, IMG_UINT64 uiAddrMask, IMG_UINT64 uiPxEProtMask, IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags) { PVRSRV_ERROR eErr = PVRSRV_OK; IMG_UINT64 ui64PxSymAddr; IMG_UINT64 ui64PxEValueSymAddr; IMG_UINT32 ui32SymAddrOffset = 0; IMG_UINT32 *pui32PxMem; IMG_UINT64 *pui64PxMem; IMG_BOOL bPxEValid; IMG_UINT32 uiPxEIdx; IMG_INT32 iShiftAmount; IMG_CHAR *pszWrwSuffix = 0; IMG_VOID *pvRawBytes = 0; IMG_CHAR aszPxSymbolicAddr[MAX_SYMBOLIC_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; IMG_UINT64 ui64PxE64; IMG_UINT64 ui64Protflags64; PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32Flags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; if (!PDumpOSJTInitialised()) { eErr = PVRSRV_ERROR_PDUMP_NOT_AVAILABLE; goto ErrOut; } if (PDumpOSIsSuspended()) { eErr = PVRSRV_OK; goto ErrOut; } if (pvPxMem == IMG_NULL) { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PDUMPMMUDUMPPxENTRIES: PxMem is Null")); eErr = PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; goto ErrOut; } /* create the symbolic address of the Px */ ui64PxSymAddr = sPxDevPAddr.uiAddr; OSSNPrintf(aszPxSymbolicAddr, MAX_SYMBOLIC_ADDRESS_LENGTH, ":%s:" MMUPT_FMT, pszPDumpDevName, ui64PxSymAddr); PDUMP_LOCK(); /* traverse PxEs, dumping entries */ for(uiPxEIdx = uiFirstEntry; uiPxEIdx < uiFirstEntry + uiNumEntries; uiPxEIdx++) { /* Calc the symbolic address offset of the PxE location */ ui32SymAddrOffset = (uiPxEIdx*uiBytesPerEntry); /* Calc the symbolic address of the PxE value and HW protflags */ /* just read it here */ switch(uiBytesPerEntry) { case 4: { pui32PxMem = pvPxMem; ui64PxE64 = pui32PxMem[uiPxEIdx]; pszWrwSuffix = ""; pvRawBytes = &pui32PxMem[uiPxEIdx]; break; } case 8: { pui64PxMem = pvPxMem; ui64PxE64 = pui64PxMem[uiPxEIdx]; pszWrwSuffix = "64"; pvRawBytes = &pui64PxMem[uiPxEIdx]; break; } default: { PVR_DPF((PVR_DBG_ERROR, "PDumpMMUPxEntries: error")); ui64PxE64 = 0; //!!error break; } } ui64PxEValueSymAddr = (ui64PxE64 & uiAddrMask) >> uiAddrShift << uiLog2Align; ui64Protflags64 = ui64PxE64 & uiPxEProtMask; bPxEValid = (ui64Protflags64 & 1) ? IMG_TRUE : IMG_FALSE; if(bPxEValid) { _ContiguousPDumpBytes(aszPxSymbolicAddr, ui32SymAddrOffset, IMG_TRUE, 0, 0, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); iShiftAmount = (IMG_INT32)(uiLog2Align - uiAddrShift); /* First put the symbolic representation of the actual address of the entry into a pdump internal register */ /* MOV seemed cleaner here, since (a) it's 64-bit; (b) the target is not memory. However, MOV cannot do the "reference" of the symbolic address. Apparently WRW is correct. */ if (pszSymbolicAddr == IMG_NULL) { pszSymbolicAddr = "none"; } if (eMMULevel == MMU_LEVEL_1) { if (iShiftAmount == 0) { eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "WRW%s :%s:" MMUPT_FMT ":0x%08X :%s:%s:0x%llx | 0x%llX\n", pszWrwSuffix, /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, ui64PxSymAddr, ui32SymAddrOffset, /* src */ pszMemspaceName, pszSymbolicAddr, uiSymbolicAddrOffset, /* ORing prot flags */ ui64Protflags64); } else { eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "WRW :%s:$1 :%s:%s:0x%llx\n", /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src */ pszMemspaceName, pszSymbolicAddr, uiSymbolicAddrOffset); } } else { eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "WRW :%s:$1 :%s:" MMUPT_FMT ":0x0", /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src */ pszPDumpDevName, ui64PxEValueSymAddr); } if (eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); /* Now shift it to the right place, if necessary: */ /* Now shift that value down, by the "Align shift" amount, to get it into units (ought to assert that we get an integer - i.e. we don't shift any bits off the bottom, don't know how to do PDUMP assertions yet) and then back up by the right amount to get it into the position of the field. This is optimised into a single shift right by the difference between the two. */ if (iShiftAmount > 0) { /* Page X Address is specified in units larger than the position in the PxE would suggest. */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "SHR :%s:$1 :%s:$1 0x%X", /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src A */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src B */ iShiftAmount); if (eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); } else if (iShiftAmount < 0) { /* Page X Address is specified in units smaller than the position in the PxE would suggest. */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "SHL :%s:$1 :%s:$1 0x%X", /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src A */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src B */ -iShiftAmount); if (eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); } if (eMMULevel == MMU_LEVEL_1) { if( iShiftAmount != 0) { eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "WRW%s :%s:" MMUPT_FMT ":0x%08X :%s:$1 | 0x%llX", pszWrwSuffix, /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, ui64PxSymAddr, ui32SymAddrOffset, /* src */ pszPDumpDevName, /* ORing prot flags */ ui64Protflags64); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); } } else { /* Now we can "or" in the protection flags */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "OR :%s:$1 :%s:$1 0x%llX", /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src A */ pszPDumpDevName, /* src B */ ui64Protflags64); if (eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); /* Finally, we write the register into the actual PxE */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "WRW%s :%s:" MMUPT_FMT ":0x%08X :%s:$1", pszWrwSuffix, /* dest */ pszPDumpDevName, ui64PxSymAddr, ui32SymAddrOffset, /* src */ pszPDumpDevName); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); } } else { /* If the entry was "invalid", simply write the actual value found to the memory location */ eErr = _ContiguousPDumpBytes(aszPxSymbolicAddr, ui32SymAddrOffset, IMG_FALSE, uiBytesPerEntry, pvRawBytes, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); if (eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } } } /* flush out any partly accumulated stuff for LDB */ _ContiguousPDumpBytes(aszPxSymbolicAddr, ui32SymAddrOffset, IMG_TRUE, 0, 0, ui32Flags | PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS); ErrUnlock: PDUMP_UNLOCK(); ErrOut: return eErr; }
/************************************************************************** * Function Name : PDumpMMUMalloc * Inputs : * Outputs : * Returns : PVRSRV_ERROR * Description : **************************************************************************/ PVRSRV_ERROR PDumpMMUMalloc(const IMG_CHAR *pszPDumpDevName, MMU_LEVEL eMMULevel, IMG_DEV_PHYADDR *psDevPAddr, IMG_UINT32 ui32Size, IMG_UINT32 ui32Align) { PVRSRV_ERROR eErr; IMG_UINT32 ui32Flags = PDUMP_FLAGS_CONTINUOUS; IMG_UINT64 ui64SymbolicAddr; PDUMP_GET_SCRIPT_STRING(); ui32Flags |= ( PDumpIsPersistent() ) ? PDUMP_FLAGS_PERSISTENT : 0; if (eMMULevel >= MMU_LEVEL_LAST) { eErr = PVRSRV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS; goto ErrOut; } /* Write a comment to the PDump2 script streams indicating the memory allocation */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "-- MALLOC :%s:%s Size=0x%08X Alignment=0x%08X DevPAddr=0x%08llX", pszPDumpDevName, ai8MMULevelStringLookup[eMMULevel], ui32Size, ui32Align, psDevPAddr->uiAddr); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrOut; } PDUMP_LOCK(); PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); /* construct the symbolic address */ ui64SymbolicAddr = (IMG_UINT64)psDevPAddr->uiAddr; /* Write to the MMU script stream indicating the memory allocation */ eErr = PDumpOSBufprintf(hScript, ui32MaxLen, "MALLOC :%s:" MMUPT_FMT " 0x%X 0x%X", pszPDumpDevName, ui64SymbolicAddr, ui32Size, ui32Align /* don't need this sDevPAddr.uiAddr*/); if(eErr != PVRSRV_OK) { goto ErrUnlock; } PDumpOSWriteString2(hScript, ui32Flags); ErrUnlock: PDUMP_UNLOCK(); ErrOut: return eErr; }