Esempio n. 1
 * XXX - Filenames with spaces will break here,
 * do we want to support them? I vote for "no"
 *   - Lukas
void cmd_pgnsave(void)
  if ( strlen(token[1]) > 0 )
    PGNSaveToFile (token[1], "");
    printf(_("Invalid filename.\n"));
Esempio n. 2
void InputCmd ()
 *  This is the main user command interface driver.
   const char *color[2] = { "White", "Black" };
   int suffix;
   int i;
   leaf *ptr; 
   int ncmds;
   char *x,*trim;

   CLEAR (flags, THINK);
#ifndef HAVE_LIBREADLINE /* Why is this necessary anyway? */

	 if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
	    sprintf(s,"%s (%d) %c ", color[board.side], (GameCnt+1)/2 + 1, prompt);
	    inputstr = readline(s);
	    if (inputstr == NULL) return;
	    if (*inputstr) {
	    if (strlen(inputstr) > INPUT_SIZE-1) {
	       printf("Warning: Input line truncated to %d characters.\n", INPUT_SIZE -1 );
	       inputstr[INPUT_SIZE-1] = '\000';
	 } else {
	    inputstr = malloc(INPUT_SIZE);
	    if (inputstr == NULL) {
	    fgets(inputstr, INPUT_SIZE, stdin);
	    if (inputstr[0]) {
	       inputstr[strlen(inputstr)-1] = 0;
	if (!(flags & XBOARD)) {
	  printf ("%s (%d) %c ", color[board.side], (GameCnt+1)/2 + 1, prompt);
	fgets (inputstr, INPUT_SIZE, stdin) ;

	cmd[0] = '\n';
	sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, inputstr);
	if (cmd[0] == '\n')
	  goto done;
	cmd[0] = subcmd[0] = setting[0] = subsetting[0] = '\0';
        ncmds = sscanf (userinput,"%s %s %s %[^\n]",

   /* Put options after command back in inputstr - messy */
   sprintf(inputstr,"%s %s %s",subcmd,setting,subsetting);

   trim = inputstr + strlen(inputstr) - 1;
   while ( trim>=inputstr && *trim==' ')

   if (strcmp (cmd, "quit") == 0 || strcmp (cmd, "exit") == 0)
      SET (flags, QUIT);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "help") == 0)
      ShowHelp (inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "show") == 0)
      ShowCmd (inputstr);
   else if (strncmp (cmd, "book", 4) == 0) {
      if (strncmp(inputstr, "add",3) == 0) {
        sscanf (inputstr, "add %s", file);
        if (access(file,F_OK) < 0) {
	  printf("The syntax to add a new book is:\n\n\tbook add file.pgn\n");
        } else {
          BookPGNReadFromFile (file);
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "on", 2) == 0 || strncmp (inputstr, "prefer", 6) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKPREFER;
	printf("book now on.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "off", 3) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKOFF;
	printf("book now off.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "best", 4) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKBEST;
	printf("book now best.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "worst", 5) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKWORST;
	printf("book now worst.\n");
      } else if (strncmp (inputstr, "random", 6) == 0) {
	bookmode = BOOKRAND;
	printf("book now random.\n");
   } else if (strcmp (cmd, "test") == 0)
      TestCmd (inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "version") == 0)
      ShowVersion ();
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "pgnsave") == 0)
		if ( strlen(inputstr) > 0 && strlen(inputstr) < INPUT_SIZE )
      		  PGNSaveToFile (inputstr,"");
		  printf("Invalid filename.\n");
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "pgnload") == 0)
      PGNReadFromFile (inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "manual") == 0)
      SET (flags, MANUAL);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "debug") == 0)
      SET (flags, DEBUGG);
      Debugmvl = 0;
      if (strcmp (inputstr, "debug") == 0)
         while (strcmp (inputstr, s))
            sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", s, inputstr);
            ptr = ValidateMove (s);
            Debugmv[Debugmvl++] = ptr->move;
            MakeMove (board.side, &ptr->move);
         i = Debugmvl;
         while (i)
            UnmakeMove (board.side, &Debugmv[--i]);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "force") == 0)
	SET (flags, MANUAL);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "white") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "black") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "hard") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "easy") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "list") == 0) {
	if (inputstr[0] == '?')
	  printf("name    - list known players alphabetically\n");
	  printf("score   - list by GNU best result first \n");
	  printf("reverse - list by GNU worst result first\n");
	} else {
          sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, inputstr);
          if (inputstr == '\000') DBListPlayer("rscore");
	  else DBListPlayer(inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "post") == 0)
	SET (flags, POST);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "nopost") == 0)
	CLEAR (flags, POST);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "name") == 0) {
      strcpy(name, inputstr);
      x = name;
      while (*x != '\000') {
        if (*x == ' ') {
	  *x = '\000';
      suffix = 0;
      for (;;) {
	if (access(logfile,F_OK) < 0) {
	  ofp = fopen(logfile,"w");
	} else 
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "result") == 0) {
     if (ofp != stdout) {  
	fprintf(ofp, "result: %s\n",inputstr);
	ofp = stdout;
        printf("Save to %s\n",gamefile);
        PGNSaveToFile (gamefile, inputstr);
	DBUpdatePlayer (name, inputstr);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "rating") == 0) {
      sscanf(inputstr,"%d %d",&myrating,&opprating); 
      fprintf(ofp,"my rating = %d, opponent rating = %d\n",myrating,opprating); 
      /* Change randomness of book based on opponent rating. */
      /* Basically we play narrower book the higher the opponent */
      if (opprating >= 1700) bookfirstlast = 2;
      else if (opprating >= 1700) bookfirstlast = 2;
      else bookfirstlast = 2;
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "activate") == 0) {
	CLEAR (flags, TIMEOUT);
	CLEAR (flags, ENDED);
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "new") == 0) {
     InitVars ();
     NewPosition ();
     CLEAR (flags, MANUAL);
     CLEAR (flags, THINK);
     myrating = opprating = 0;
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "time") == 0) {
     sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", s, inputstr);
     TimeLimit[1^board.side] = atoi(s) / 100.0f ;
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "otim") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "random") == 0)
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "hash") == 0)
      sscanf (inputstr, "%s %[^\n]", cmd, inputstr);
      if (strcmp (cmd, "off") == 0)
         CLEAR (flags, USEHASH);
      else if (strcmp (cmd, "on") == 0)
         SET (flags, USEHASH);
      printf ("Hashing %s\n", flags & USEHASH ? "on" : "off");
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "hashsize") == 0)
      if (inputstr[0] == 0) {
	 printf("Current HashSize is %u slots\n", HashSize);
      } else {
	 i = atoi (inputstr);
	 TTHashMask = 0;
	 while ((i >>= 1) > 0)
	    TTHashMask <<= 1;
	    TTHashMask |= 1;
	 HashSize = TTHashMask + 1;
	 printf ("Adjusting HashSize to %u slots\n", HashSize);
	 InitHashTable (); 
   else if (strcmp (cmd, "null") == 0)