Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Read a register from L3GD20 from ISR context
 * @returns The register value or -1 if failure to get bus
 * @param reg[in] Register address to be read
 * \param[in] task woken
static int32_t PIOS_L3GD20_GetRegIsr(uint8_t reg, bool *woken)
	uint8_t data;

	if(PIOS_L3GD20_ClaimBusIsr(woken) != 0)
		return -1;

	PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id,(0x80 | reg) ); // request byte
	data = PIOS_SPI_TransferByte(dev->spi_id,0 );     // receive response

	return data;
Esempio n. 2
* @brief IRQ Handler.  Read all the data from onboard buffer
bool PIOS_L3GD20_IRQHandler(void)
	if (PIOS_L3GD20_Validate(pios_l3gd20_dev) != 0 || pios_l3gd20_dev->configured == false)
		return false;

	struct pios_l3gd20_data data;
	uint8_t buf[7] = { PIOS_L3GD20_GYRO_X_OUT_LSB | 0x80 | 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	uint8_t rec[7];

	/* This code duplicates ReadGyros above but uses ClaimBusIsr */
	bool woken = false;

	if (PIOS_L3GD20_ClaimBusIsr(&woken) != 0)
		return woken;

	if (PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(pios_l3gd20_dev->spi_id, &buf[0], &rec[0], sizeof(buf), NULL) < 0) {
		return woken;


	memcpy((uint8_t *)&data.gyro_x, &rec[1], 6);

	// TODO: This reordering is specific to the FlyingF3 chip placement.  Whenever
	// this code is used on another board add an orientation mapping to the configuration
	struct pios_sensor_gyro_data normalized_data;
	float scale = PIOS_L3GD20_GetScale();
	normalized_data.y = data.gyro_x * scale;
	normalized_data.x = data.gyro_y * scale;
	normalized_data.z = -data.gyro_z * scale;
	normalized_data.temperature = PIOS_L3GD20_GetRegIsr(PIOS_L3GD20_OUT_TEMP, &woken);

	PIOS_Queue_Send_FromISR(pios_l3gd20_dev->queue, &normalized_data, &woken);

	return woken;
Esempio n. 3
* @brief IRQ Handler.  Read all the data from onboard buffer
bool PIOS_L3GD20_IRQHandler(void)

	struct pios_l3gd20_data data;
	uint8_t buf[7] = {PIOS_L3GD20_GYRO_X_OUT_LSB | 0x80 | 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	uint8_t rec[7];

	/* This code duplicates ReadGyros above but uses ClaimBusIsr */
	bool woken = false;
	if(PIOS_L3GD20_ClaimBusIsr(&woken) != 0)
		return woken;
	if(PIOS_SPI_TransferBlock(dev->spi_id, &buf[0], &rec[0], sizeof(buf), NULL) < 0) {
		return woken;
	memcpy((uint8_t *) &(data.gyro_x), &rec[1], 6);

	// TODO: This reordering is specific to the FlyingF3 chip placement.  Whenever
	// this code is used on another board add an orientation mapping to the configuration
	struct pios_sensor_gyro_data normalized_data;
	float scale = PIOS_L3GD20_GetScale();
	normalized_data.y = data.gyro_x * scale;
	normalized_data.x = data.gyro_y * scale;
	normalized_data.z = -data.gyro_z * scale;
	normalized_data.temperature = PIOS_L3GD20_GetRegIsr(PIOS_L3GD20_OUT_TEMP, &woken);

	portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;
	xQueueSendToBackFromISR(dev->queue, (void *) &normalized_data, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
	return woken || (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken == pdTRUE);