Esempio n. 1
static LUA_FUNCTION(openssl_pkcs7_add)
  PKCS7 *p7 = CHECK_OBJECT(1, PKCS7, "openssl.pkcs7");
  int n = lua_gettop(L);
  int i, ret;
  ret = 1;
  luaL_argcheck(L, lua_isuserdata(L, 2), 2, "must supply certificate or crl object");
  for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
    luaL_argcheck(L, auxiliar_isclass(L, "openssl.x509", i) || auxiliar_isclass(L, "openssl.x509_crl", i),
                  i, "must supply certificate or crl object");

    if (auxiliar_isclass(L, "openssl.x509", i))
      X509* x = CHECK_OBJECT(i, X509, "openssl.x509");
      ret = PKCS7_add_certificate(p7, x);
      X509_CRL *crl = CHECK_OBJECT(i, X509_CRL, "openssl.x509_crl");
      ret = PKCS7_add_crl(p7, crl);
    luaL_argcheck(L, ret, i, "add to pkcs7 fail");
  return openssl_pushresult(L, ret);
Esempio n. 2
int PKI_X509_PKCS7_add_crl ( PKI_X509_PKCS7 *p7, PKI_X509_CRL *crl ) {

	if ( !p7 || !p7->value || !crl ) {
		PKI_log_err( "PKI_X509_PKCS7_add_crl()::Missing CRL");
		return PKI_ERR;

	PKCS7_add_crl( p7->value, crl->value );

	return( PKI_OK );
static VALUE
ossl_pkcs7_add_crl(VALUE self, VALUE crl)
    PKCS7 *pkcs7;
    X509_CRL *x509crl;

    GetPKCS7(self, pkcs7); /* NO DUP needed! */
    x509crl = GetX509CRLPtr(crl);
    if (!PKCS7_add_crl(pkcs7, x509crl)) {
	ossl_raise(ePKCS7Error, NULL);

    return self;
void Pkcs7SignedDataBuilder::addCrl(CertificateRevocationList &crl) throw (Pkcs7Exception, InvalidStateException)
	int rc;
	if (this->state != Pkcs7Builder::INIT && this->state != Pkcs7Builder::UPDATE)
		throw InvalidStateException("Pkcs7SignedDataBuilder::addCrl");

	rc = PKCS7_add_crl(this->pkcs7, crl.getX509Crl());
	if (!rc)
		this->pkcs7 = NULL;
		throw Pkcs7Exception(Pkcs7Exception::ADDING_CERTIFICATE, "Pkcs7SignedDataBuilder::addCrl", true);
Esempio n. 5
int PKI_X509_PKCS7_add_crl_stack ( PKI_X509_PKCS7 *p7, 
						PKI_X509_CRL_STACK *crl_sk ) {
	int i;

	if( !p7 || !p7->value || !crl_sk ) {
		PKI_log_err( "PKI_X509_PKCS7_add_crl_stack()::Missing param!");
		return PKI_ERR;

	for( i=0; i < PKI_STACK_X509_CRL_elements( crl_sk ); i++ ) {
		PKI_X509_CRL *crl = NULL;

		if(( crl = PKI_STACK_X509_CRL_get_num ( crl_sk, i )) == NULL ){

		PKCS7_add_crl ( p7->value, crl->value );

	return PKI_OK;
Esempio n. 6
/* Allocate the SCEP_MSG structures */
SCEP_MSG *SCEP_MSG_new( int messageType, X509 *cert, EVP_PKEY *pkey,
		X509 *recip_cert, SCEP_MSG *inMsg, X509_REQ *req,
		X509 *issued_cert, SCEP_ISSUER_AND_SUBJECT *cert_info,
		PKCS7_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL *ias, X509_CRL *crl, X509 *cacert,
		EVP_CIPHER cipher ) {

	SCEP_MSG *msg = NULL;
	EVP_MD *dgst=NULL;

	unsigned char *raw_data = NULL;
	int envelope = 0;
	long raw_len = 0;

	BIO *debug_bio = NULL;
	BIO *p7ebio = NULL;
	BIO *inbio = NULL;

	char buf[256];

        if ((debug_bio=BIO_new(BIO_s_file())) != NULL)

	//if( !cert || !pkey || !recip_cert )
	if( !cert || !pkey )
		return NULL;

	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Generating New SCEP-Message...\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	/* Allocate memory and initialize structures */
	if((msg = SCEP_MSG_new_null()) == NULL) return NULL;
	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Allocate memory\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	/* Signed Infos */
	dgst = (EVP_MD *) EVP_get_digestbyname("md5");
	if( (si = PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_new()) == NULL ) goto err;
	if(!PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_set(si, cert, pkey, dgst)) goto err;
	sk_PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_push( msg->sk_signer_info, si );
	msg->signer_ias = si->issuer_and_serial;

	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] signer infos set\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	/* If pkey, let's add to the message structure to ease
	 * message encryption (enveloped data content creation) */
	SCEP_MSG_set_pkey ( msg, pkey );
	// msg->signer_pkey = pkey;

	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] encryption key set\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	/* If not explicit, we guess the certificate to be present
	 * in the passed inMsg structure, if any. Otherwise ERROR! */
	if( !recip_cert && inMsg ) recip_cert = inMsg->signer_cert;

	/* Set the messageType */
	SCEP_set_messageType ( msg, messageType );

	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] message type set\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	switch( messageType ) {
			if (debug)
		        	BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Actions for CERTREP\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			msg->env_data.NID_p7data = NID_pkcs7_signed;
                        msg->env_data.p7 = PKCS7_new();
                        PKCS7_set_type( msg->env_data.p7, NID_pkcs7_signed );
                        PKCS7_content_new( msg->env_data.p7, NID_pkcs7_data );
			if( issued_cert ) {
				if (debug)
					BIO_printf( debug_bio, 
						"%s:%d: creating inner degenerated PKCS7... \n", 
						__FILE__, __LINE__);
				/* Adds issued certificate */
				PKCS7_add_certificate( msg->env_data.p7, issued_cert );
//				PKCS7_add_certificate( msg->env_data.p7, cert );
				envelope = 1;
				if (debug)
					BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: done \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			} else if( crl ) {
				if (debug)
					BIO_printf( debug_bio, 
						"%s:%d: Adding CRL ... \n", 
						__FILE__, __LINE__);
				/* Adds crl */
				PKCS7_add_crl( msg->env_data.p7, crl );
				envelope = 1;
				if (debug)
				        BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: done \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Actions for PKCSREQ\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			/* The inner pkcs7 structure is signed
			 * and enveloped and the data is to be
			 * the X509_REQ passed */
			msg->env_data.NID_p7data = 

			if( req ) { 
				msg->env_data.content.req = req;

				/* Ask for the data p7 to be generated and
				 * encrypted */
				envelope = 1;
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		case MSG_GETCRL:
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Actions for GETCRL\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Actions for GETCERT\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			msg->env_data.NID_p7data = 
			/* If it is a query for a general certificate
			 * the CAcert should be included in the enveloped
			 * data*/
			/* Otherwise, if it is a request for its own
			 * certificate, the self-signed certificate should
			 * be included */
			// if( cacert )
			// 	msg->env_data.cacert = cacert;

			/* Issuer and Serial should be present ! */
			if( !ias ) goto err;
			msg->env_data.content.ias = ias;
			envelope = 1;
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Actions for GETCERTINITIAL\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			msg->env_data.NID_p7data = NID_pkcs7_signed;
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		case MSG_V2REQUEST: /* Not currently handled */
			if (debug) {
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] Actions for V2REQUEST\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			goto err;
	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: Debug ... \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	/* If different from NULL, we have to encode something */
	if( envelope == 1 ) {
		if (debug)
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] encode\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		/* Encrypt the message data */
		if( !SCEP_MSG_encrypt( msg, recip_cert, cipher )) goto err;
		if (debug)
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] add sign-cert to structure\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	/* Signer certificate */
	msg->signer_cert = cert;
	if (debug)
		PEM_write_bio_SCEP_MSG( debug_bio, msg, pkey );

	if (debug)
		BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] add attributes\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	/* Set message attributes, if any */
	if ( inMsg ) {
		char *tmp = NULL;
		int len = 0;
		if (debug)
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] take data from request\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

		switch ( msg->messageType ) {
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]   set transId\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			/* The transId is ever required */
			tmp = SCEP_get_string_attr_by_name( inMsg->attrs, "transId");
			if( tmp ) {
				SCEP_set_transId( msg, tmp, strlen(tmp));
				OPENSSL_free( tmp );
				if (debug)
					BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]    done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]   set recipient nonce (sendernonce from req)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			/* Copy the sendernonce to the recipient nonce and
			 * generate a new sendernonce for the generated msg */
			tmp = SCEP_get_octect_attr_by_name( inMsg->attrs, 
					"senderNonce", &len);
			if( tmp ) {
				if (debug)
					BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]    %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tmp);
				SCEP_set_recipientNonce( msg, tmp, len );
				OPENSSL_free( tmp );
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]   set sender nonce\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			if (debug)
				BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]    done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		if (debug)
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]   set pki_status\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		SCEP_set_pkiStatus ( msg, PKI_PENDING );
		if (debug) {
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info]    done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	} else {
		if (debug)
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] generate new data\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		SCEP_set_senderNonce_new ( msg );
		SCEP_set_recipientNonce_new ( msg );
		SCEP_set_transId_new ( msg );
		if (debug)
			BIO_printf( debug_bio, "%s:%d: [Debug Info] done\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

	if (debug)
		PEM_write_bio_SCEP_MSG( debug_bio, msg, pkey );
	return (msg);