Esempio n. 1
static int
put_write_options(term_t opts_in, write_options *options)
  term_t newlist = PL_new_term_ref();
  term_t precopt = PL_new_term_ref();
  fid_t fid = PL_open_foreign_frame();
  term_t head = PL_new_term_ref();
  term_t tail = PL_copy_term_ref(opts_in);
  term_t newhead = PL_new_term_ref();
  term_t newtail = PL_copy_term_ref(newlist);
  int rc = TRUE;

  while(rc && PL_get_list(tail, head, tail))
  { if ( !PL_is_functor(head, FUNCTOR_priority1) )
      rc = ( PL_unify_list(newtail, newhead, newtail) &&
	     PL_unify(newhead, head) );

  if ( rc )
  { rc = ( PL_unify_list(newtail, head, newtail) &&
	   PL_unify_functor(head, FUNCTOR_priority1) &&
	   PL_get_arg(1, head, precopt) &&
	   PL_unify_nil(newtail) );
  if ( rc )
  { options->write_options = newlist;
    options->prec_opt = precopt;

  return rc;
Esempio n. 2
pl_dwim_predicate(term_t pred, term_t dwim, control_t h)
  functor_t fdef;
  Module module = (Module) NULL;
  Procedure proc;
  Symbol symb;
  term_t head = PL_new_term_ref();
  TableEnum e;

  if ( ForeignControl(h) == FRG_CUTTED )
  { e = ForeignContextPtr(h);

  if ( !PL_strip_module(pred, &module, head) )
  if ( !PL_get_functor(head, &fdef) )
    fail;				/* silent: leave errors for later */

  if ( ForeignControl(h) == FRG_FIRST_CALL )
    e = newTableEnum(module->procedures);
    e = ForeignContextPtr(h);

  while( (symb = advanceTableEnum(e)) )
  { Definition def;
    char *name;

    proc = symb->value;
    def  = proc->definition;
    name = stringAtom(def->functor->name);

    if ( dwimMatch(stringAtom(nameFunctor(fdef)), name) &&
         isDefinedProcedure(proc) &&
         (name[0] != '$' || SYSTEM_MODE) )
    { if ( !PL_unify_functor(dwim, def->functor->functor) )


Esempio n. 3
    foreign_t pl_reportViolation(term_t RuleT, term_t MsgT, term_t CulpritsT) {
      // FIXME: all 'return FALSE' should be PL_warning'
      const char *Rule;
      if ( !PL_get_atom_chars(RuleT, (char **) &Rule)) return FALSE;
      const char *Msg;
      if ( !PL_get_atom_chars(MsgT, (char **) &Msg)) return FALSE;
      // atom_t StmtA = PL_new_atom("stmt");
      // functor_t StmtF = PL_new_functor(StmtA, 1);
      atom_t NamedDeclA = PL_new_atom("NamedDecl");
      functor_t NamedDeclF = PL_new_functor(NamedDeclA, 2);

      // functor_t SortF;
      // if ( !PL_get_functor(LocT, &SortF)) return FALSE;
      // term_t ElemT = PL_new_term_ref();
      // if ( !PL_get_arg(1, LocT, ElemT)) return FALSE;
      // SourceLocation SL;
      // if ( PL_unify_functor(LocT, StmtF)) {
      //   Stmt *S;
      //   if ( !PL_get_pointer(ElemT, (void **) &S)) return FALSE;
      //   SL = S->getLocStart();
      // }
      // // FIXME: same for Decl and other elems.

      const CompilerInstance &CI = getCompilationInfo()->getCompilerInstance();
      DiagnosticsEngine &DE = CI.getDiagnostics();
      Twine MsgWithRule = Twine(Rule) + Twine(": ") + Twine(Msg);
      unsigned DiagId = DE.getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Warning,
      DiagnosticBuilder DB = DE.Report(DiagId);

      term_t HeadT = PL_new_term_ref();
      term_t ListT = PL_copy_term_ref(CulpritsT); // copy as we need to write
      while(PL_get_list(ListT, HeadT, ListT)) {
        term_t ElemT = PL_new_term_ref();
        if ( !PL_get_arg(1, HeadT, ElemT)) return FALSE;
        if ( PL_unify_functor(HeadT, NamedDeclF)) {
          const NamedDecl *ND;
          if ( !PL_get_pointer(ElemT, (void **) &ND)) return FALSE;
          DB << ND->getDeclName();
        // FIXME: same for Type and other elems
      DB.~DiagnosticBuilder();  // Emits the diagnostic

      ListT = PL_copy_term_ref(CulpritsT);
      while(PL_get_list(ListT, HeadT, ListT)) {
        functor_t SortF;
        if ( !PL_get_functor(HeadT, &SortF)) return FALSE;
        term_t ElemT = PL_new_term_ref();
        if ( !PL_get_arg(1, HeadT, ElemT)) return FALSE;
        term_t MsgT = PL_new_term_ref();
        if ( !PL_get_arg(2, HeadT, MsgT)) return FALSE;
        const char *Msg;
        if ( !PL_get_atom_chars(MsgT, (char **) &Msg)) return FALSE;
        if ( PL_unify_functor(HeadT, NamedDeclF)) {
          const NamedDecl *ND;
          if ( !PL_get_pointer(ElemT, (void **) &ND)) return FALSE;
          DiagId = DE.getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Note, Msg);
          DiagnosticBuilder DB = DE.Report(ND->getLocStart(), DiagId);
          DB << ND->getDeclName();
          DB.~DiagnosticBuilder(); // Emits the diagnostic
        // FIXME: same for Type and other elems

      return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
static int unify_value(term_t t, clingo_symbol_t v) {
    // NOTE: the clingo_symbol_* functions below only fail
    //       if applied to the wrong type
    //       they do not allocate
    switch (clingo_symbol_type(v)) {
    case clingo_symbol_type_number: {
        int number;
        clingo_symbol_number(v, &number);
        return PL_unify_integer(t, number);
    case clingo_symbol_type_string: {
        char const *str;
        clingo_symbol_string(v, &str);
        return PL_unify_chars(t, PL_STRING | REP_UTF8, (size_t)-1, str);
    case clingo_symbol_type_infimum: {
        return PL_unify_term(t, PL_FUNCTOR, FUNCTOR_hash1, PL_ATOM, ATOM_inf);
    case clingo_symbol_type_supremum: {
        return PL_unify_term(t, PL_FUNCTOR, FUNCTOR_hash1, PL_ATOM, ATOM_sup);
    case clingo_symbol_type_function: {
        // FIXME: functions can have signs represented as -f(x) in gringo
        char const *str;
        clingo_symbol_t const *args;
        size_t size;
        int rc;

        clingo_symbol_name(v, &str);
        clingo_symbol_arguments(v, &args, &size);

        if (size == 0) {
            if (!(rc =
                      PL_unify_chars(t, PL_ATOM | REP_UTF8, (size_t)-1, str))) {
                goto out_function;
        } else {
            clingo_symbol_t const *it, *ie;
            atom_t name;
            term_t arg;
            int i;

            name = PL_new_atom(str);
            if (!(rc = PL_unify_functor(t, PL_new_functor(name, size)))) {
                goto out_function;

            arg = PL_new_term_ref();
            for (i = 1, it = args, ie = it + size; it != ie; ++it, i++) {
                _PL_get_arg(i, t, arg);
                if (!unify_value(arg, *it)) {
                    goto out_function;

        return rc;
        return FALSE;