errlHndl_t SimMfgSync::syncMfgTraceToFsp(ErrorSignature *i_esig, const PfaData &i_pfaData) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[SimMfgSync::syncMfgTraceToFsp]" PRDF_ENTER( PRDF_FUNC ); errlHndl_t l_err = NULL; do { l_err = MfgSync::syncMfgTraceToFsp(i_esig, i_pfaData); if(NULL != l_err) { PRDF_TRAC( PRDF_FUNC " syncMfgTraceToFsp failed" ); } } while(0); PRDF_EXIT( PRDF_FUNC ); return l_err; #undef PRDF_FUNC }
SimMfgSync::SimMfgSync(): MfgSync() { #define FUNC "[SimMfgSync::SimMfgSync]" PRDF_TRAC( FUNC ); iv_mailBoxStatus = false; #undef FUNC }
void System::RemoveStoppedChips(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle) { PRDF_TRAC("System::RemoveStoppedChips chip: 0x%08x", PlatServices::getHuid(i_pchipHandle)); for(DomainContainerType::iterator domainIterator = prioritizedDomains.begin(); domainIterator != prioritizedDomains.end(); domainIterator++) { (*domainIterator)->Remove(i_pchipHandle); } }
/** * @brief cleans up PCI osc error data. * @param i_chip P8 proc chip. * @param i_faultyOscPos position of faulty PCI osc. * @return SUCCESS if cleanup is successful FAIL otherwise. */ int32_t clearPciOscFailOver( ExtensibleChip * i_procChip, PciOscConnList & i_oscData ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "Proc::clearPciOscFailOver " int32_t o_rc = FAIL; PRDF_TRAC( PRDF_FUNC "PCI Osc Switch over not expected during hostboot " "HUID: 0x%08x", i_procChip->GetId() ); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC }PRDF_PLUGIN_DEFINE( Proc, clearPciOscFailOver );
/** * @brief analyzes PCI osc error and switchover. * @param i_procChip P8 proc chip. * @param PciOscConnList PCI osc error data. * @return SUCCESS if analysis is successful FAIL otherwise. */ int32_t analyzePciClkFailover( ExtensibleChip * i_procChip, PciOscConnList & o_pciOscSwitchData ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "Proc::analyzePciClkFailover " int32_t o_rc = FAIL; PRDF_TRAC( PRDF_FUNC "PCI Osc Switch over not expected during hostboot " "HUID: 0x%08x", i_procChip->GetId() ); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC }PRDF_PLUGIN_DEFINE( Proc, analyzePciClkFailover );
/** * @brief queries if there is PCI osc error. * @param i_procChip P8 proc chip. * @param o_pciOscError PCI Osc error status. * @return SUCCESS if query is successful FAIL otherwise. */ int32_t queryPciOscErr( ExtensibleChip * i_procChip, bool & o_pciClkSwitchOver ) { #define PRDF_FUNC "[Proc::queryPciOscErr] " int32_t o_rc = FAIL; o_pciClkSwitchOver = false; PRDF_TRAC( PRDF_FUNC "PCI Osc Switch over not expected during hostboot " "HUID: 0x%08x", i_procChip->GetId() ); return o_rc; #undef PRDF_FUNC }PRDF_PLUGIN_DEFINE( Proc, queryPciOscErr );
errlHndl_t SimMfgSync::sendMboxMsg( msg_t * i_msg, bool i_expectResponse ) { #define FUNC "[SimMfgSync::sendMboxMsg]" PRDF_ENTER( FUNC ); errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL; // send a sync message PRDF_TRAC(FUNC " sending sync mbox msg" ); PRDF_TRAC( "type: 0x%04x", i_msg->type ); PRDF_TRAC( "data0: 0x%016llx", i_msg->data[0] ); PRDF_TRAC( "data1: 0x%016llx", i_msg->data[1] ); PRDF_TRAC( "extra_data: %p", i_msg->extra_data ); // call sim SyncService to handle the request getSyncSvc().processRequestMsg(i_msg); PRDF_EXIT( FUNC ); return l_errl; #undef FUNC }
ThresholdResolution::ThresholdPolicy* MfgThresholdMgr::getThresholdP(uint32_t i_thrName) { uint8_t threshold = getThreshold(i_thrName); uint32_t interval = ThresholdResolution::NONE; if( (MfgThresholdFileCommon::INFINITE_LIMIT_THR) <= threshold ) { PRDF_TRAC("MfgThresholdMgr::getThresholdP: " "infinite threshold: 0x%x", i_thrName); interval = ThresholdResolution::ONE_SEC; } ThresholdResolution::ThresholdPolicy l_policy( threshold, interval ); return &(iv_thrs.get(l_policy)); }
SimMfgSync::~SimMfgSync() { #define FUNC "[SimMfgSync::~SimMfgSync]" PRDF_TRAC( FUNC ); #undef FUNC }