int parse_command_line(int argc, char *argv[], char ***params, int switcher_no, char *switchers[]) { FILE *ptr = NULL; int i = 0; int j = 0; if (argc!=(switcher_no*2+1)) { printf("\n----------- Rencryption software for BMD 1.7.1 (Unizeto Technologies SA) ------------\n"); printf("executive parameters:\n"); printf("\t%s level\t\tdebug level\n",switchers[0]); printf("\t%s file\t\t\tbmd config file\n",switchers[1]); printf("\t%s .pfx file\t\tcertificate for rencrypting from\n",switchers[2]); printf("\t%s .pfx file\t\tcertificate for rencrypting to\n",switchers[3]); printf("\t%s password\t\tpassword for certificate for rencrypting from\n",switchers[4]); printf("\t%s password\t\tpassword for certificate for rencrypting to\n",switchers[5]); printf("\t%s id number\tfile's id number to rencrypt database from\n",switchers[6]); printf("\t%s id number\tfile's id number to rencrypt database to\n",switchers[7]); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("Error: Invalid parameters\n"); return -1; } /********************************/ /* pasowanie linii polecen */ /********************************/ (*params)=(char **)malloc(switcher_no*sizeof(char*)); for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { for (j=0; j<switcher_no; j++) { if (strcmp(argv[i],switchers[j])==0) { asprintf(&((*params)[j]),"%s",argv[i+1]); break; } } } /************************************************/ /* sprawdzenie poprawnosci parametrow */ /************************************************/ for (i=0; i<strlen((*params)[0]); i++) { if ((((*params)[0][i]<'0') || ((*params)[0][i]>'9')) && (*params)[0][i]!='-') { PRINT_ERROR("Invalid debug level format\n"); return -2; } } _GLOBAL_debug_level = atoi((*params)[0]); if ((ptr=fopen((*params)[1],"r"))==NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Cannot open configuration file\n"); return -3; } else fclose(ptr); if ((ptr=fopen((*params)[2],"r"))==NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Cannot open pfx file %s\n",(*params)[2]); return -4; } else fclose(ptr); if ((ptr=fopen((*params)[3],"r"))==NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Cannot open pfx file %s\n",(*params)[3]); return -5; } else fclose(ptr); return 0; }
void state_bcm() { int i, j, ret; struct sockaddr_can caddr; socklen_t caddrlen = sizeof(caddr); struct ifreq ifr; char rxmsg[RXLEN]; char buf[MAXLEN]; struct { struct bcm_msg_head msg_head; struct can_frame frame; } msg; struct { struct bcm_msg_head msg_head; struct can_frame frame[257]; /* MAX_NFRAMES + MUX MASK */ } muxmsg; if(previous_state != STATE_BCM) { /* open BCM socket */ if ((sc = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_DGRAM, CAN_BCM)) < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("Error while opening BCM socket %s\n", strerror(errno)); state = STATE_SHUTDOWN; return; } memset(&caddr, 0, sizeof(caddr)); caddr.can_family = PF_CAN; /* can_ifindex is set to 0 (any device) => need for sendto() */ PRINT_VERBOSE("connecting BCM socket...\n") if (connect(sc, (struct sockaddr *)&caddr, sizeof(caddr)) < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("Error while connecting BCM socket %s\n", strerror(errno)); state = STATE_SHUTDOWN; return; } previous_state = STATE_BCM; } FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sc, &readfds); FD_SET(client_socket, &readfds); /* * Check if there are more elements in the element buffer before calling select() and * blocking for new packets. */ if(more_elements) { FD_CLR(sc, &readfds); } else { ret = select((sc > client_socket)?sc+1:client_socket+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(ret < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("Error in select()\n") state = STATE_SHUTDOWN; return; } } if (FD_ISSET(sc, &readfds)) { ret = recvfrom(sc, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&caddr, &caddrlen); /* read timestamp data */ if(ioctl(sc, SIOCGSTAMP, &tv) < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("Could not receive timestamp\n"); } /* Check if this is an error frame */ if(msg.msg_head.can_id & CAN_ERR_FLAG) { if(msg.frame.can_dlc != CAN_ERR_DLC) { PRINT_ERROR("Error frame has a wrong DLC!\n") } else { snprintf(rxmsg, RXLEN, "< error %03X %ld.%06ld ", msg.msg_head.can_id, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec); for ( i = 0; i < msg.frame.can_dlc; i++) snprintf(rxmsg + strlen(rxmsg), RXLEN - strlen(rxmsg), "%02X ",[i]); snprintf(rxmsg + strlen(rxmsg), RXLEN - strlen(rxmsg), " >"); send(client_socket, rxmsg, strlen(rxmsg), 0); } } else { if(msg.msg_head.can_id & CAN_EFF_FLAG) {
void CALLBACK kuhl_m_vault_list_descItem_PINLogonOrPicturePasswordOrBiometric(const VAULT_GUID_STRING * pGuidString, PVOID enumItem, PVOID getItem, BOOL is8) { PVAULT_ITEM_8 enumItem8 = (PVAULT_ITEM_8) enumItem, getItem8 = (PVAULT_ITEM_8) getItem; PWSTR name, domain, sid, bgPath = NULL; UNICODE_STRING uString; DWORD i, dwError, szNeeded; PVAULT_PICTURE_PASSWORD_ELEMENT pElements; PVAULT_BIOMETRIC_ELEMENT bElements; PWCHAR bufferStart; HKEY hPicturePassword, hUserPicturePassword; if(enumItem8->Identity && (enumItem8->Identity->Type == ElementType_ByteArray)) { kprintf(L"\t\tUser : "******"\t\tUser : %s\\%s\n", domain, name); LocalFree(name); LocalFree(domain); } else kull_m_string_displaySID((PSID) enumItem8->Identity->data.ByteArray.Value); kprintf(L"\n"); if(pGuidString->guid.Data1 == 0x0b4b8a12b) { dwError = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Authentication\\LogonUI\\PicturePassword", 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hPicturePassword); if(dwError == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if(ConvertSidToStringSid((PSID) enumItem8->Identity->data.ByteArray.Value, &sid)) { dwError = RegOpenKeyEx(hPicturePassword, sid, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hUserPicturePassword); if(dwError == STATUS_SUCCESS) { dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hUserPicturePassword, L"bgPath", NULL, NULL, NULL, &szNeeded); if(dwError == STATUS_SUCCESS) { if(bgPath = (PWSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, szNeeded)) { dwError = RegQueryValueEx(hUserPicturePassword, L"bgPath", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) bgPath, &szNeeded); if(dwError != STATUS_SUCCESS) { PRINT_ERROR(L"RegQueryValueEx 2 : %08x\n", dwError); bgPath = (PWSTR) LocalFree(bgPath); } } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"RegQueryValueEx 1 : %08x\n", dwError); RegCloseKey(hUserPicturePassword); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"RegOpenKeyEx SID : %08x\n", dwError); LocalFree(sid); } else PRINT_ERROR_AUTO(L"ConvertSidToStringSid"); RegCloseKey(hPicturePassword); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"RegOpenKeyEx PicturePassword : %08x\n", dwError); } } if(getItem8 && getItem8->Authenticator && (getItem8->Authenticator->Type == ElementType_ByteArray)) { uString.Length = uString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) getItem8->Authenticator->data.ByteArray.Length; uString.Buffer = (PWSTR) getItem8->Authenticator->data.ByteArray.Value; kprintf(L"\t\tPassword : "******"%s", uString.Buffer); else kull_m_string_wprintf_hex(uString.Buffer, uString.Length, 1); kprintf(L"\n"); } if(enumItem8->Properties && (enumItem8->cbProperties > 0) && enumItem8->Properties + 0) { switch(pGuidString->guid.Data1) { case 0x0b2e033f5: // pin if((enumItem8->Properties + 0)->Type == ElementType_UnsignedShort) kprintf(L"\t\tPIN Code : %04hu\n", (enumItem8->Properties + 0)->data.UnsignedShort); break; case 0x0b4b8a12b: // picture if((enumItem8->Properties + 0)->Type == ElementType_ByteArray) { pElements = (PVAULT_PICTURE_PASSWORD_ELEMENT) (enumItem8->Properties + 0)->data.ByteArray.Value; if(bgPath) { kprintf(L"\t\tBackground path : %s\n", bgPath); LocalFree(bgPath); } kprintf(L"\t\tPicture password (grid is 150*100)\n"); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { kprintf(L"\t\t [%u] ", i); switch(pElements[i].Type) { case PP_Point: kprintf(L"point (x = %3u ; y = %3u)", pElements[i].point.coord.x, pElements[i].point.coord.y); break; case PP_Circle: kprintf(L"circle (x = %3u ; y = %3u ; r = %3u) - %s", pElements[i].circle.coord.x, pElements[i].circle.coord.y, pElements[i].circle.size, (pElements[i].circle.clockwise ? L"clockwise" : L"anticlockwise")); break; case PP_Line: kprintf(L"line (x = %3u ; y = %3u) -> (x = %3u ; y = %3u)", pElements[i].line.start.x, pElements[i].line.start.y, pElements[i].line.end.x, pElements[i].line.end.y); break; default: kprintf(L"%u\n", pElements[i].Type); } kprintf(L"\n"); } } break; case 0x0fec87291: // biometric if((enumItem8->Properties + 0)->Type == ElementType_ByteArray) { bElements = (PVAULT_BIOMETRIC_ELEMENT) (enumItem8->Properties + 0)->data.ByteArray.Value; bufferStart = (PWCHAR) ((PBYTE) bElements + bElements->headersize); kprintf(L"\t\tProperty : "); if(bElements->domainnameLength > 1) kprintf(L"%.*s\\", bElements->domainnameLength - 1, bufferStart + bElements->usernameLength); if(bElements->usernameLength > 1) kprintf(L"%.*s", bElements->usernameLength - 1, bufferStart); kprintf(L"\n"); } break; default: kprintf(L"todo ?\n"); } } }
void rtm_read_param_reply(struct fins_module *module, struct finsFrame *ff) { PRINT_DEBUG("Entered: module=%p, ff=%p, meta=%p", module, ff, ff->metaData); struct rtm_data *md = (struct rtm_data *) module->data; secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); struct rtm_command *cmd = (struct rtm_command *) list_find1(md->cmd_list, rtm_cmd_serial_test, &ff->ctrlFrame.serial_num); if (cmd != NULL) { list_remove(md->cmd_list, cmd); struct rtm_console *console = (struct rtm_console *) list_find1(md->console_list, rtm_console_id_test, &cmd->console_id); if (console != NULL) { //TODO extract answer if (ff->ctrlFrame.ret_val == FCF_TRUE) { char temp[100]; int32_t val_int32; int64_t val_int64; float val_float; char *val_str; switch (cmd->param_type) { case META_TYPE_INT32: secure_metadata_readFromElement(ff->metaData, "value", &val_int32); sprintf(temp, "'%s'=%d", cmd->param_str, val_int32); break; case META_TYPE_INT64: secure_metadata_readFromElement(ff->metaData, "value", &val_int64); sprintf(temp, "'%s'=%lld", cmd->param_str, val_int64); break; case META_TYPE_FLOAT: secure_metadata_readFromElement(ff->metaData, "value", &val_float); sprintf(temp, "'%s'=%f", cmd->param_str, val_float); break; case META_TYPE_STRING: secure_metadata_readFromElement(ff->metaData, "value", &val_str); sprintf(temp, "'%s'='%s'", cmd->param_str, val_str); break; default: PRINT_ERROR("todo error"); exit(-1); } rtm_send_text(console->fd, temp); } else { //send error uint32_t ret_msg; secure_metadata_readFromElement(ff->metaData, "ret_msg", &ret_msg); char temp[100]; sprintf(temp, "unsuccessful, returned error=%u", ret_msg); rtm_send_text(console->fd, temp); } } else { PRINT_WARN("todo error"); } sem_post(&md->shared_sem); free(cmd); } else { sem_post(&md->shared_sem); PRINT_WARN("todo error"); //TODO error, drop freeFinsFrame(ff); } }
void kull_m_rpc_drsr_free_DRS_MSG_GETCHGREPLY_data(DWORD dwOutVersion, DRS_MSG_GETCHGREPLY * reply) { DWORD i, j; REPLENTINFLIST *pReplentinflist, *pNextReplentinflist; if(reply) { switch(dwOutVersion) { case 6: if(reply->V6.pNC) MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.pNC); if(reply->V6.pUpToDateVecSrc) MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.pUpToDateVecSrc); if(reply->V6.PrefixTableSrc.pPrefixEntry) { for(i = 0; i < reply->V6.PrefixTableSrc.PrefixCount; i++) if(reply->V6.PrefixTableSrc.pPrefixEntry[i].prefix.elements) MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.PrefixTableSrc.pPrefixEntry[i].prefix.elements); MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.PrefixTableSrc.pPrefixEntry); } pNextReplentinflist = reply->V6.pObjects; while(pReplentinflist = pNextReplentinflist) { pNextReplentinflist = pReplentinflist->pNextEntInf; if(pReplentinflist->Entinf.pName) MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist->Entinf.pName); if(pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr) { for(i = 0; i < pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.attrCount; i++) { if(pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr[i].AttrVal.pAVal) { for(j = 0; j < pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr[i].AttrVal.valCount; j++) if(pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr[i].AttrVal.pAVal[j].pVal) MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr[i].AttrVal.pAVal[j].pVal); MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr[i].AttrVal.pAVal); } } MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist->Entinf.AttrBlock.pAttr); } if(pReplentinflist->pParentGuid) MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist->pParentGuid); if(pReplentinflist->pMetaDataExt) MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist->pMetaDataExt); MIDL_user_free(pReplentinflist); } if(reply->V6.rgValues) { for(i = 0; i < reply->V6.cNumValues; i++) { if(reply->V6.rgValues[i].pObject) MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.rgValues[i].pObject); if(reply->V6.rgValues[i].Aval.pVal) MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.rgValues[i].Aval.pVal); } MIDL_user_free(reply->V6.rgValues); } break; case 1: case 2: case 7: case 9: PRINT_ERROR(L"TODO (maybe?)\n"); break; default: PRINT_ERROR(L"dwOutVersion not valid (0x%08x - %u)\n", dwOutVersion, dwOutVersion); break; } } }
RenderBuffer* D3DRenderFactory::MakeRenderBuffer( InitData& init_data, AccessType access_type, BufferUsage usage, uint32_t width, uint32_t type_size) { //TODO : Change BufferUsage to support OR operation D3DRenderEngine* d3d_re = static_cast<D3DRenderEngine*>(&Context::Instance().GetRenderFactory().GetRenderEngine()); D3D11_BUFFER_DESC buffer_desc; buffer_desc.ByteWidth = type_size * width; buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; buffer_desc.BindFlags = 0; buffer_desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; buffer_desc.MiscFlags = 0; buffer_desc.StructureByteStride = 0; D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA data; data.pSysMem =; data.SysMemPitch = init_data.row_pitch; data.SysMemSlicePitch = init_data.slice_pitch; switch (usage) { case BU_VERTEX: { buffer_desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER; break; } case BU_INDEX: { buffer_desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER; break; } case BU_SHADER_RES: { buffer_desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; break; } case BU_SHADER_CONST: break; case BU_STRUCTURED_BUFFER: break; case BU_SR_SB: { buffer_desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE; buffer_desc.MiscFlags = D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_BUFFER_STRUCTURED; buffer_desc.StructureByteStride = type_size; } break; default: break; } switch (access_type) { case AT_CPU_GPU_ALL: buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_STAGING; buffer_desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ | D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE; break; case AT_CPU_WRITE_GPU_READ: buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC; buffer_desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE; break; case AT_GPU_READ_ONLY: buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE; buffer_desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; break; case AT_GPU_READ_WRITE: buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; buffer_desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; break; default: buffer_desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; buffer_desc.CPUAccessFlags = 0; break; } ID3D11Buffer* buffer; HRESULT result = d3d_re->D3DDevice()->CreateBuffer(&buffer_desc, &data, &buffer); if(FAILED(result)) { PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create Buffer"); } D3DRenderBuffer* d3d_render_buffer = new D3DRenderBuffer(buffer, usage, access_type); return d3d_render_buffer; }
NTSTATUS kuhl_m_net_user(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) { NTSTATUS status, enumDomainStatus, enumUserStatus; UNICODE_STRING serverName, *groupName; SAMPR_HANDLE hServerHandle, hBuiltinHandle = NULL, hDomainHandle, hUserHandle; DWORD domainEnumerationContext, domainCountRetourned, userEnumerationContext, userCountRetourned, groupsCountRetourned, i, j, k, *usage, aliasCountRetourned, *alias; PSAMPR_RID_ENUMERATION pEnumDomainBuffer, pEnumUsersBuffer; PSID domainSid, userSid; PGROUP_MEMBERSHIP pGroupMemberShip; SID builtin = {1, 1, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5}, {32}}; RtlInitUnicodeString(&serverName, argc ? argv[0] : L""); status = SamConnect(&serverName, &hServerHandle, SAM_SERVER_CONNECT | SAM_SERVER_ENUMERATE_DOMAINS | SAM_SERVER_LOOKUP_DOMAIN, FALSE); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = SamOpenDomain(hServerHandle, DOMAIN_LIST_ACCOUNTS | DOMAIN_LOOKUP, &builtin, &hBuiltinHandle); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) PRINT_ERROR(L"SamOpenDomain Builtin (?) %08x\n", status); domainEnumerationContext = 0; do { enumDomainStatus = SamEnumerateDomainsInSamServer(hServerHandle, &domainEnumerationContext, &pEnumDomainBuffer, 1, &domainCountRetourned); if(NT_SUCCESS(enumDomainStatus) || enumDomainStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES) { for(i = 0; i < domainCountRetourned; i++) { kprintf(L"\nDomain name : %wZ", &pEnumDomainBuffer[i].Name); status = SamLookupDomainInSamServer(hServerHandle, &pEnumDomainBuffer[i].Name, &domainSid); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { kprintf(L"\nDomain SID : "); kull_m_string_displaySID(domainSid); status = SamOpenDomain(hServerHandle, DOMAIN_LIST_ACCOUNTS | DOMAIN_LOOKUP, domainSid, &hDomainHandle); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { userEnumerationContext = 0; do { enumUserStatus = SamEnumerateUsersInDomain(hDomainHandle, &userEnumerationContext, 0/*UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT*/, &pEnumUsersBuffer, 1, &userCountRetourned); if(NT_SUCCESS(enumUserStatus) || enumUserStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES) { for(j = 0; j < userCountRetourned; j++) { kprintf(L"\n %-5u %wZ", pEnumUsersBuffer[j].RelativeId, &pEnumUsersBuffer[j].Name); status = SamOpenUser(hDomainHandle, USER_READ_GROUP_INFORMATION | USER_LIST_GROUPS | USER_READ_ACCOUNT | USER_READ_LOGON | USER_READ_PREFERENCES | USER_READ_GENERAL, pEnumUsersBuffer[j].RelativeId, &hUserHandle); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = SamGetGroupsForUser(hUserHandle, &pGroupMemberShip, &groupsCountRetourned); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { for(k = 0; k < groupsCountRetourned; k++) { kprintf(L"\n | %-5u ", pGroupMemberShip[k].RelativeId); status = SamLookupIdsInDomain(hDomainHandle, 1, &pGroupMemberShip[k].RelativeId, &groupName, &usage); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { kprintf(L"%wZ", groupName); SamFreeMemory(groupName); SamFreeMemory(usage); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamLookupIdsInDomain %08x", status); } SamFreeMemory(pGroupMemberShip); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamGetGroupsForUser %08x", status); status = SamRidToSid(hUserHandle, pEnumUsersBuffer[j].RelativeId, &userSid); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = SamGetAliasMembership(hDomainHandle, 1, &userSid, &aliasCountRetourned, &alias); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { for(k = 0; k < aliasCountRetourned; k++) { kprintf(L"\n |`%-5u ", alias[k]); status = SamLookupIdsInDomain(hDomainHandle, 1, &alias[k], &groupName, &usage); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { kprintf(L"%wZ", groupName); SamFreeMemory(groupName); SamFreeMemory(usage); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamLookupIdsInDomain %08x", status); } SamFreeMemory(alias); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamGetAliasMembership %08x", status); if(hBuiltinHandle) { status = SamGetAliasMembership(hBuiltinHandle, 1, &userSid, &aliasCountRetourned, &alias); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { for(k = 0; k < aliasCountRetourned; k++) { kprintf(L"\n |´%-5u ", alias[k]); status = SamLookupIdsInDomain(hBuiltinHandle, 1, &alias[k], &groupName, &usage); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { kprintf(L"%wZ", groupName); SamFreeMemory(groupName); SamFreeMemory(usage); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamLookupIdsInDomain %08x", status); } SamFreeMemory(alias); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamGetAliasMembership %08x", status); } SamFreeMemory(userSid); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamRidToSid %08x", status); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamOpenUser %08x", status); } SamFreeMemory(pEnumUsersBuffer); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamEnumerateUsersInDomain %08x", enumUserStatus); } while(enumUserStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES); SamCloseHandle(hDomainHandle); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamOpenDomain %08x", status); SamFreeMemory(domainSid); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamLookupDomainInSamServer %08x", status); } SamFreeMemory(pEnumDomainBuffer); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamEnumerateDomainsInSamServer %08x\n", enumDomainStatus); kprintf(L"\n"); } while(enumDomainStatus == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES); if(hBuiltinHandle) SamCloseHandle(hBuiltinHandle); SamCloseHandle(hServerHandle); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"SamConnect %08x\n", status); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
static int cdrom_attach(struct scst_device *dev) { int res, rc; uint8_t cmd[10]; const int buffer_size = 512; uint8_t *buffer = NULL; int retries; unsigned char sense_buffer[SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE]; enum dma_data_direction data_dir; TRACE_ENTRY(); if (dev->scsi_dev == NULL || dev->scsi_dev->type != dev->type) { PRINT_ERROR("%s", "SCSI device not define or illegal type"); res = -ENODEV; goto out; } buffer = kmalloc(buffer_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buffer) { PRINT_ERROR("Buffer memory allocation (size %d) failure", buffer_size); res = -ENOMEM; goto out; } /* Clear any existing UA's and get cdrom capacity (cdrom block size) */ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd[0] = READ_CAPACITY; cmd[1] = (dev->scsi_dev->scsi_level <= SCSI_2) ? ((dev->scsi_dev->lun << 5) & 0xe0) : 0; retries = SCST_DEV_RETRIES_ON_UA; while (1) { memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size); memset(sense_buffer, 0, sizeof(sense_buffer)); data_dir = SCST_DATA_READ; TRACE_DBG("%s", "Doing READ_CAPACITY"); rc = scsi_execute(dev->scsi_dev, cmd, data_dir, buffer, buffer_size, sense_buffer, SCST_GENERIC_CDROM_REG_TIMEOUT, 3, 0 #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,29) , NULL #endif ); TRACE_DBG("READ_CAPACITY done: %x", rc); if ((rc == 0) || !scst_analyze_sense(sense_buffer, sizeof(sense_buffer), SCST_SENSE_KEY_VALID, UNIT_ATTENTION, 0, 0)) break; if (!--retries) { PRINT_ERROR("UA not cleared after %d retries", SCST_DEV_RETRIES_ON_UA); dev->block_shift = CDROM_DEF_BLOCK_SHIFT; res = -ENODEV; goto out_free_buf; } } if (rc == 0) { uint32_t sector_size = get_unaligned_be32(&buffer[4]); if (sector_size == 0) dev->block_shift = CDROM_DEF_BLOCK_SHIFT; else dev->block_shift = scst_calc_block_shift(sector_size); TRACE_DBG("Sector size is %i scsi_level %d(SCSI_2 %d)", sector_size, dev->scsi_dev->scsi_level, SCSI_2); if (dev->block_shift < 9) { PRINT_ERROR("READ CAPACITY reported an invalid sector size: %d", sector_size); res = -EINVAL; goto out_free_buf; } } else { dev->block_shift = CDROM_DEF_BLOCK_SHIFT; TRACE(TRACE_MINOR, "Read capacity failed: %x, using default " "sector size %d", rc, dev->block_shift); PRINT_BUFF_FLAG(TRACE_MINOR, "Returned sense", sense_buffer, sizeof(sense_buffer)); } dev->block_size = 1 << dev->block_shift; res = scst_obtain_device_parameters(dev, NULL); if (res != 0) { PRINT_ERROR("Failed to obtain control parameters for device " "%s", dev->virt_name); goto out_free_buf; } out_free_buf: kfree(buffer); out: TRACE_EXIT(); return res; }
void changeServerConfiguration( int signal ) { /* ----------------------------------------- */ long longRet = 0; GenBuf_t* certFile = NULL; /* ----------------------------------------- */ PRINT_INFO("AWIZOJMSSERVERINF CHANGE AWIZO CONFIGURATION.\n" ); if (strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpAddr) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.smtpAddr); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.smtpAddr), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpAddr); } if (strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpPort) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.smtpPort); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.smtpPort), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpPort); } if (strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpUser) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.user); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.user), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpUser); } if (strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpPswd) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.password); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.password), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).smtpPswd); } if ( strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoSuccess ) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoSuccess); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoSuccess), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoSuccess); } if ( strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoFailed ) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoFailed); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoFailed), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoFailed); } if ( strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoFailed ) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoFailed); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoFailed), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoFailed); } if ( strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).csvDir ) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.csvDir); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.csvDir), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).csvDir); } if ( strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).csvSeparator ) > 0) { free0(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.csvSeparator); asprintf( &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.csvSeparator), "%s", (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).csvSeparator); } if ((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).maxImageSize > -1) { _GLOBAL_awizoConfig.maxImageSize = (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).maxImageSize; } if ((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).allowImageAbsent > -1) { _GLOBAL_awizoConfig.allowImageAbsent = (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).allowImageAbsent; } if ((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoAction > -1) { _GLOBAL_awizoConfig.awizoAction = (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).awizoAction; } if ((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).mailqueue > -1) { _GLOBAL_awizoConfig.mailqueue = (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).mailqueue; } if ((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).maxcachesize > -1) { _GLOBAL_awizoConfig.maxcachesize = (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).maxcachesize; } if ((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).maxmailqueue > -1) { _GLOBAL_awizoConfig.maxmailqueue = (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).maxmailqueue; } if (strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).pfxfile) > 0 && strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).pfxPin) > 0) { bmd_ctx_destroy(&(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.ctx)); /* **************************************************************** */ /* Pobieranie ceryfikatu podpisującego z bazy danych */ /* **************************************************************** */ longRet = bmd_db_import_blob(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.dbase_handler, \ (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).pfxfile, &certFile); if (longRet != BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("Błąd pobierania certyfikatu do podpisu z bazy danych. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED); } longRet = bmd_set_ctx_fileInMem( certFile, (_GLOBAL_shptr->config).pfxPin, \ strlen((_GLOBAL_shptr->config).pfxPin), \ &(_GLOBAL_awizoConfig.ctx) ); if (longRet != BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("Błąd w trakcie ustawiania kontekstu do podpisywania wiadomości. Error = %d\n", BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED); } } sem_post(&(_GLOBAL_shptr->clientMutex)); }
/* Initializes the console */ ConsoleInformation *CON_Init(SDL_Surface *Surface, SDL_Surface *DisplayScreen, int lines, SDL_Rect rect) { int loop; SDL_Surface *Temp; ConsoleInformation *newinfo; /* Create a new console struct and init it. */ if((newinfo = (ConsoleInformation *) malloc(sizeof(ConsoleInformation))) == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Could not allocate the space for a new console info struct.\n"); return NULL; } newinfo->Visible = CON_CLOSED; newinfo->WasUnicode = 0; newinfo->RaiseOffset = 0; newinfo->ConsoleLines = NULL; newinfo->CommandLines = NULL; newinfo->TotalConsoleLines = 0; newinfo->ConsoleScrollBack = 0; newinfo->TotalCommands = 0; newinfo->BackgroundImage = NULL; newinfo->ConsoleAlpha = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE; newinfo->Offset = 0; newinfo->InsMode = 1; newinfo->CursorPos = 0; newinfo->CommandScrollBack = 0; newinfo->OutputScreen = DisplayScreen; newinfo->Prompt = CON_DEFAULT_PROMPT; newinfo->HideKey = CON_DEFAULT_HIDEKEY; CON_SetExecuteFunction(newinfo, Default_CmdFunction); CON_SetTabCompletion(newinfo, Default_TabFunction); /* Load the consoles font */ if (-1 == (newinfo->FontNumber = DT_LoadFontFromSurface(Surface, TRANS_FONT, DisplayScreen))) { PRINT_ERROR("Could not load the font "); PRINT_ERROR("for the console!"); return NULL; } newinfo->FontHeight = DT_FontHeight(newinfo->FontNumber); newinfo->FontWidth = DT_FontWidth(newinfo->FontNumber); /* make sure that the size of the console is valid */ if(rect.w > newinfo->OutputScreen->w || rect.w < newinfo->FontWidth * 32) rect.w = newinfo->OutputScreen->w; if(rect.h > newinfo->OutputScreen->h || rect.h < newinfo->FontHeight) rect.h = newinfo->OutputScreen->h; if(rect.x < 0 || rect.x > newinfo->OutputScreen->w - rect.w) newinfo->DispX = 0; else newinfo->DispX = rect.x; if(rect.y < 0 || rect.y > newinfo->OutputScreen->h - rect.h) newinfo->DispY = 0; else newinfo->DispY = rect.y; /* load the console surface */ Temp = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, rect.w, rect.h, newinfo->OutputScreen->format->BitsPerPixel, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(Temp == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't create the ConsoleSurface\n"); return NULL; } newinfo->ConsoleSurface = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(Temp, DisplayScreen->format->format, DisplayScreen->flags); SDL_FreeSurface(Temp); SDL_FillRect(newinfo->ConsoleSurface, NULL, SDL_MapRGBA(newinfo->ConsoleSurface->format, 0, 0, 0, newinfo->ConsoleAlpha)); /* Load the dirty rectangle for user input */ Temp = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, rect.w, newinfo->FontHeight, newinfo->OutputScreen->format->BitsPerPixel, 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); if(Temp == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't create the InputBackground\n"); return NULL; } newinfo->InputBackground = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(Temp, DisplayScreen->format->format, DisplayScreen->flags); SDL_FreeSurface(Temp); SDL_FillRect(newinfo->InputBackground, NULL, SDL_MapRGBA(newinfo->ConsoleSurface->format, 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE)); /* calculate the number of visible characters in the command line */ newinfo->VChars = (rect.w - CON_CHAR_BORDER) / newinfo->FontWidth; if(newinfo->VChars > CON_CHARS_PER_LINE) newinfo->VChars = CON_CHARS_PER_LINE; /* deprecated! Memory errors disabled by C.Wacha :-) We would like to have a minumum # of lines to guarentee we don't create a memory error */ /* if(rect.h / newinfo->FontHeight > lines) newinfo->LineBuffer = rect.h / newinfo->FontHeight; else newinfo->LineBuffer = lines; */ newinfo->LineBuffer = lines; newinfo->ConsoleLines = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * newinfo->LineBuffer); newinfo->CommandLines = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * newinfo->LineBuffer); for(loop = 0; loop <= newinfo->LineBuffer - 1; loop++) { newinfo->ConsoleLines[loop] = (char *)calloc(CON_CHARS_PER_LINE+1, sizeof(char)); newinfo->CommandLines[loop] = (char *)calloc(CON_CHARS_PER_LINE+1, sizeof(char)); } memset(newinfo->Command, 0, CON_CHARS_PER_LINE+1); memset(newinfo->LCommand, 0, CON_CHARS_PER_LINE+1); memset(newinfo->RCommand, 0, CON_CHARS_PER_LINE+1); memset(newinfo->VCommand, 0, CON_CHARS_PER_LINE+1); CON_Out(newinfo, "Console initialised."); CON_NewLineConsole(newinfo); return newinfo; }
/* resizes the console, has to reset alot of stuff * returns 1 on error */ int CON_Resize(ConsoleInformation *console, SDL_Rect rect, SDL_Surface* displayScreen) { SDL_Surface *Temp; SDL_Rect backgroundsrc, backgrounddest; if(!console) return 1; /* make sure that the size of the console is valid */ if(rect.w > console->OutputScreen->w || rect.w < console->FontWidth * 32) rect.w = console->OutputScreen->w; if(rect.h > console->OutputScreen->h || rect.h < console->FontHeight) rect.h = console->OutputScreen->h; if(rect.x < 0 || rect.x > console->OutputScreen->w - rect.w) console->DispX = 0; else console->DispX = rect.x; if(rect.y < 0 || rect.y > console->OutputScreen->h - rect.h) console->DispY = 0; else console->DispY = rect.y; /* load the console surface */ SDL_FreeSurface(console->ConsoleSurface); Temp = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, rect.w, rect.h, console->OutputScreen->format->BitsPerPixel, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(Temp == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't create the console->ConsoleSurface\n"); return 1; } //console->ConsoleSurface = SDL_DisplayFormat(Temp); console->ConsoleSurface = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(Temp, displayScreen->format->format, displayScreen->flags); SDL_FreeSurface(Temp); /* Load the dirty rectangle for user input */ SDL_FreeSurface(console->InputBackground); Temp = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, rect.w, console->FontHeight, console->OutputScreen->format->BitsPerPixel, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(Temp == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't create the input background\n"); return 1; } //console->InputBackground = SDL_DisplayFormat(Temp); console->InputBackground = SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(Temp, displayScreen->format->format, displayScreen->flags); SDL_FreeSurface(Temp); /* Now reset some stuff dependent on the previous size */ console->ConsoleScrollBack = 0; /* Reload the background image (for the input text area) in the console */ if(console->BackgroundImage) { backgroundsrc.x = 0; backgroundsrc.y = console->ConsoleSurface->h - console->FontHeight - console->BackY; backgroundsrc.w = console->BackgroundImage->w; backgroundsrc.h = console->InputBackground->h; backgrounddest.x = console->BackX; backgrounddest.y = 0; backgrounddest.w = console->BackgroundImage->w; backgrounddest.h = console->FontHeight; SDL_FillRect(console->InputBackground, NULL, SDL_MapRGBA(console->ConsoleSurface->format, 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE)); SDL_BlitSurface(console->BackgroundImage, &backgroundsrc, console->InputBackground, &backgrounddest); } /* restore the alpha level */ CON_Alpha(console, console->ConsoleAlpha); /* re-calculate the number of visible characters in the command line */ console->VChars = (rect.w - CON_CHAR_BORDER) / console->FontWidth; if(console->VChars > CON_CHARS_PER_LINE) console->VChars = CON_CHARS_PER_LINE; CON_UpdateConsole(console); return 0; }
/* CON_AlphaGL() -- sets the alpha channel of an SDL_Surface to the * specified value. Preconditions: the surface in question is RGBA. * 0 <= a <= 255, where 0 is transparent and 255 is opaque. */ void CON_AlphaGL(SDL_Surface *s, int alpha) { Uint8 val; int x, y, w, h; Uint32 pixel; Uint8 r, g, b, a; SDL_PixelFormat *format; static char errorPrinted = 0; /* debugging assertions -- these slow you down, but hey, crashing sucks */ if(!s) { PRINT_ERROR("NULL Surface passed to CON_AlphaGL\n"); return; } /* clamp alpha value to 0...255 */ if(alpha < SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT) val = SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT; else if(alpha > SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE) val = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE; else val = alpha; /* loop over alpha channels of each pixel, setting them appropriately. */ w = s->w; h = s->h; format = s->format; switch (format->BytesPerPixel) { case 2: /* 16-bit surfaces don't seem to support alpha channels. */ if(!errorPrinted) { errorPrinted = 1; PRINT_ERROR("16-bit SDL surfaces do not support alpha-blending under OpenGL.\n"); } break; case 4: { /* we can do this very quickly in 32-bit mode. 24-bit is more * difficult. And since 24-bit mode is reall the same as 32-bit, * so it usually ends up taking this route too. Win! Unroll loop * and use pointer arithmetic for extra speed. */ int numpixels = h * (w << 2); Uint8 *pix = (Uint8 *) (s->pixels); Uint8 *last = pix + numpixels; Uint8 *pixel; if((numpixels & 0x7) == 0) for(pixel = pix + 3; pixel < last; pixel += 32) *pixel = *(pixel + 4) = *(pixel + 8) = *(pixel + 12) = *(pixel + 16) = *(pixel + 20) = *(pixel + 24) = *(pixel + 28) = val; else for(pixel = pix + 3; pixel < last; pixel += 4) *pixel = val; break; } default: /* we have no choice but to do this slowly. <sigh> */ for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) for(x = 0; x < w; ++x) { char print = 0; /* Lock the surface for direct access to the pixels */ if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(s) && SDL_LockSurface(s) < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("Can't lock surface: "); PRINT_ERROR(SDL_GetError()); return; } pixel = DT_GetPixel(s, x, y); if(x == 0 && y == 0) print = 1; SDL_GetRGBA(pixel, format, &r, &g, &b, &a); pixel = SDL_MapRGBA(format, r, g, b, val); SDL_GetRGBA(pixel, format, &r, &g, &b, &a); DT_PutPixel(s, x, y, pixel); /* unlock surface again */ if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(s)) SDL_UnlockSurface(s); } break; } }
void runserver(int num_threads, unsigned short serverport) { struct node **sock_list[2]; //to contain pointers to head and tail for passing to threads struct node *head = NULL; struct node *tail = NULL; sock_list[0] = &head; sock_list[1] = &tail; //to pass to new threads pthread_t threads[num_threads]; int i = 0; // start up the threads; they'll start trying to consume immeidately for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { if (0 > pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, worker, (void*)&sock_list)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating thread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } } int main_socket = prepare_server_socket(serverport); if (main_socket < 0){ exit(-1); } signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); struct sockaddr_in client_address; socklen_t addr_len; fprintf(stderr, "Server listening on port %d. Going into request loop.\n", serverport); //thread pool set up and a-okay by now while (still_running) { struct pollfd pfd = {main_socket, POLLIN}; int prv = poll(&pfd, 1, 10000); if (prv == 0) { continue; } else if (prv < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("poll"); still_running = FALSE; continue; } addr_len = sizeof(client_address); memset(&client_address, 0, addr_len); int new_sock = accept(main_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&client_address, &addr_len); if (new_sock > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Got connection from %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(client_address.sin_addr), ntohs(client_address.sin_port)); produce_cnct(new_sock, client_address, &head, &tail); //inserting socket at end of linked list. Only executed on main thread } } fprintf(stderr, "Server shutting down.\n"); // threads are done doing work // wait for workers to complete pthread_cond_broadcast(&consumer); //wakes up all the consumers, which will then escape and stop running for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); } printf("threads woken up"); close(main_socket); }
BOOL kull_m_remotelib_create(PKULL_M_MEMORY_ADDRESS aRemoteFunc, PREMOTE_LIB_INPUT_DATA input, PREMOTE_LIB_OUTPUT_DATA output) { BOOL success = FALSE; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hThread; KULL_M_MEMORY_HANDLE hLocalBuffer = {KULL_M_MEMORY_TYPE_OWN, NULL}; KULL_M_MEMORY_ADDRESS aRemoteData = {NULL, aRemoteFunc->hMemory}, aSuppData = {NULL, aRemoteFunc->hMemory}, aLocalAddr = {NULL, &hLocalBuffer}; PREMOTE_LIB_DATA data; REMOTE_LIB_OUTPUT_DATA oData; MIMIDRV_THREAD_INFO drvInfo = {(PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) aRemoteFunc->address, NULL}; DWORD size = FIELD_OFFSET(REMOTE_LIB_DATA, input.inputData) + input->inputSize; if(!output) output = &oData; //kprintf(L"\ninput\n" // L".void = 0x%p\n" // L".dword = 0x%08x - %u\n" // L".size = %u\n" // L".data[] = [ ", // input->inputVoid, input->inputDword, input->inputDword, input->inputSize); //kull_m_string_wprintf_hex(input->inputData, input->inputSize, 1); //kprintf(L"]\n"); if(data = (PREMOTE_LIB_DATA) LocalAlloc(LPTR, size)) { RtlCopyMemory(&data->input, input, FIELD_OFFSET(REMOTE_LIB_INPUT_DATA, inputData) + input->inputSize); if(kull_m_memory_alloc(&aRemoteData, size, PAGE_READWRITE)) { aLocalAddr.address = data; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aRemoteData, &aLocalAddr, size)) { switch(aRemoteFunc->hMemory->type) { case KULL_M_MEMORY_TYPE_PROCESS: if(MIMIKATZ_NT_MAJOR_VERSION > 5) { status = RtlCreateUserThread(aRemoteFunc->hMemory->pHandleProcess->hProcess, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) aRemoteFunc->address, aRemoteData.address, &hThread, NULL); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { hThread = NULL; PRINT_ERROR(L"RtlCreateUserThread (0x%08x)\n", status); } } else if(!(hThread = CreateRemoteThread(aRemoteFunc->hMemory->pHandleProcess->hProcess, NULL, 0, (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) aRemoteFunc->address, aRemoteData.address, 0, NULL))) PRINT_ERROR_AUTO(L"CreateRemoteThread"); if(hThread) { WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); success = CloseHandle(hThread); } break; case KULL_M_MEMORY_TYPE_KERNEL: drvInfo.pArg = aRemoteData.address; kprintf(L"Th @ %p\nDa @ %p\n", drvInfo.pRoutine, drvInfo.pArg); if(!(success = kull_m_kernel_ioctl_handle(aRemoteFunc->hMemory->pHandleDriver->hDriver, IOCTL_MIMIDRV_CREATEREMOTETHREAD, &drvInfo, sizeof(MIMIDRV_THREAD_INFO), NULL, NULL, FALSE))) PRINT_ERROR_AUTO(L"kull_m_kernel_ioctl_handle"); break; } if(success) { aLocalAddr.address = output; if(success = kull_m_memory_copy(&aLocalAddr, &aRemoteData, sizeof(REMOTE_LIB_OUTPUT_DATA))) { //kprintf(L"\noutput\n" // L".void = 0x%p\n" // L".dword = 0x%08x - %u\n" // L".status = 0x%08x - %u\n" // L".size = %u\n" // L".data = 0x%p\n", // output->outputVoid, output->outputDword, output->outputDword, output->outputStatus, output->outputStatus, output->outputSize, output->outputData); if(aSuppData.address = output->outputData) { if(output != &oData) { success = FALSE; output->outputData = NULL; if(output->outputSize) { if(aLocalAddr.address = LocalAlloc(LPTR, output->outputSize)) { if(success = kull_m_memory_copy(&aLocalAddr, &aSuppData, output->outputSize)) { output->outputData = aLocalAddr.address; //kprintf(L"\t[ "); kull_m_string_wprintf_hex(output->outputData, output->outputSize, 1); kprintf(L"]\n"); } else LocalFree(aLocalAddr.address); } } if(!success) output->outputSize = 0; } kull_m_memory_free(&aSuppData, 0); } } } } kull_m_memory_free(&aRemoteData, 0); } LocalFree(data); } return success; }
static ret_t common_server_initialization (cherokee_server_t *srv) { ret_t ret; struct sigaction act; /* Signals it handles */ memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); /* SIGPIPE */ act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction (SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); /* Signal Handler */ act.sa_sigaction = signals_handler; act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction (SIGHUP, &act, NULL); sigaction (SIGUSR2, &act, NULL); sigaction (SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); sigaction (SIGTERM, &act, NULL); sigaction (SIGINT, &act, NULL); sigaction (SIGCHLD, &act, NULL); #ifdef SIGBUS sigaction (SIGBUS, &act, NULL); #endif if (document_root != NULL) { cherokee_buffer_t tmp = CHEROKEE_BUF_INIT; cherokee_buffer_t droot = CHEROKEE_BUF_INIT; /* Sanity check */ if (port > 0xFFFF) { PRINT_ERROR ("Port %d is out of limits\n", port); return ret_error; } /* Build the configuration string */ cherokee_buffer_add (&droot, document_root, strlen(document_root)); cherokee_path_arg_eval (&droot); cherokee_buffer_add_va (&tmp, "server!bind!1!port = %d\n" "vserver!1!document_root = %s\n" BASIC_CONFIG, port, droot.buf); /* Apply it */ ret = cherokee_server_read_config_string (srv, &tmp); cherokee_buffer_mrproper (&tmp); cherokee_buffer_mrproper (&droot); if (ret != ret_ok) { PRINT_MSG ("Couldn't start serving directory %s\n", document_root); return ret_error; } } else { const char *config; /* Check parameter inconsistencies */ if (port_set) { PRINT_MSG ("The -p parameter can only be used in conjunction with -r."); return ret_error; } /* Read the configuration file */ config = (config_file) ? config_file : DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; ret = cherokee_server_read_config_file (srv, config); if (ret != ret_ok) { PRINT_MSG ("Couldn't read the config file: %s\n", config); return ret_error; } } if (daemon_mode) cherokee_server_daemonize (srv); ret = cherokee_server_initialize (srv); if (ret != ret_ok) return ret_error; cherokee_server_unlock_threads (srv); return ret_ok; }
void udp_in(struct finsFrame* ff) { PRINT_DEBUG("UDP_in has been just called"); /* read the FDF and make sure everything is correct*/ if (ff->dataOrCtrl != 0) { // release FDF here PRINT_ERROR("it is not data"); return; } if (ff->dataFrame.directionFlag != 0) { // release FDF here PRINT_ERROR("wrong direction"); return; } if (ff->destinationID != UDPID) { // release FDF here PRINT_ERROR("wrong destination ID"); return; } /* point to the necessary data in the FDF */ struct udp_packet* packet = (struct udp_packet*)ff->dataFrame.pdu; struct udp_metadata_parsed* meta = (struct udp_metadata_parsed*)ff->dataFrame.metaData; /* begins checking the UDP packets integrity */ if (meta->u_pslen != htons(packet->u_len)) { PRINT_DEBUG("UDP length:%u", packet->u_len); udpStat.mismatchingLengths++; udpStat.totalBadDatagrams ++; PRINT_ERROR("wrong length"); return; } if (meta->u_prcl != UDP_PROTOCOL) { udpStat.wrongProtocol++; udpStat.totalBadDatagrams++; PRINT_ERROR("it is not UDP segment, I wont parse it"); return; } /* the packet is does not have an "Ignore checksum" value and fails the checksum, it is thrown away */ if (packet->u_cksum != IGNORE_CHEKSUM ){ if(UDP_checksum(packet, meta) != 0) { udpStat.badChecksum++; udpStat.totalBadDatagrams ++; PRINT_ERROR("checksum ERROR"); return; } }else{ udpStat.noChecksum++; } /* put the header into the meta data*/ meta->u_destPort = packet->u_dst; meta->u_srcPort = packet->u_src; /* construct a FDF to send to the sockets */ ff->dataFrame.pdu += U_HEADER_LEN; struct finsFrame newFF; newFF = create_ff(DATA, UP, SOCKETSTUBID, ((int)(ff->dataFrame.pdu) - U_HEADER_LEN), (ff->dataFrame.pdu), (unsigned char*)meta); sendToSwitch(&newFF); }
NTSTATUS kuhl_m_minesweeper_infos(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) { DWORD dwPid, r, c; HANDLE hProcess; PEB Peb; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNtHeaders; PVOID G = NULL; STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_GAME Game; STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_BOARD Board; KULL_M_MEMORY_SEARCH sMemory = {{{NULL, NULL}, 0}, NULL}; KULL_M_MEMORY_ADDRESS aRemote = {NULL, NULL}, aBuffer = {PTRN_WIN6_Game_SafeGetSingleton, &KULL_M_MEMORY_GLOBAL_OWN_HANDLE}; BOOL bAlloc = FALSE; LONG offsetTemp = 0; CHAR ** field = NULL; if(kull_m_process_getProcessIdForName(L"minesweeper.exe", &dwPid)) { if(hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, dwPid)) { if(kull_m_memory_open(KULL_M_MEMORY_TYPE_PROCESS, hProcess, &aRemote.hMemory)) { if(kull_m_process_peb(aRemote.hMemory, &Peb, FALSE)) { aRemote.address = Peb.ImageBaseAddress; if(kull_m_process_ntheaders(&aRemote, &pNtHeaders)) { sMemory.kull_m_memoryRange.kull_m_memoryAdress.hMemory = aRemote.hMemory; sMemory.kull_m_memoryRange.kull_m_memoryAdress.address = (LPVOID) pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.ImageBase; sMemory.kull_m_memoryRange.size = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage; if(kull_m_memory_search(&aBuffer, sizeof(PTRN_WIN6_Game_SafeGetSingleton), &sMemory, TRUE)) { aRemote.address = (PBYTE) sMemory.result + OFFS_WIN6_ToG; #ifdef _M_X64 aBuffer.address = &offsetTemp; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aBuffer, &aRemote, sizeof(LONG))) { aRemote.address = (PBYTE) aRemote.address + 1 + sizeof(LONG) + offsetTemp; #elif defined _M_IX86 aBuffer.address = &aRemote.address; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aBuffer, &aRemote, sizeof(PVOID))) { #endif aBuffer.address = &G; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aBuffer, &aRemote, sizeof(PVOID))) { aRemote.address = G; aBuffer.address = &Game; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aBuffer, &aRemote, sizeof(STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_GAME))) { #ifdef _M_IX86 if(MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER >= KULL_M_WIN_MIN_BUILD_7) Game.pBoard = Game.pBoard_WIN7x86; #endif aRemote.address = Game.pBoard; aBuffer.address = &Board; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aBuffer, &aRemote, sizeof(STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_BOARD))) { kprintf(L"Field : %u r x %u c\nMines : %u\n\n", Board.cbRows, Board.cbColumns, Board.cbMines); if(field = (CHAR **) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CHAR *) * Board.cbRows)) { for(r = 0, bAlloc = TRUE; (r < Board.cbRows) && bAlloc; r++) { if(field[r] = (CHAR *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CHAR) * Board.cbColumns)) bAlloc &= TRUE; else PRINT_ERROR(L"Memory C (R = %u)\n", r); } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Memory R\n"); if(bAlloc) { kuhl_m_minesweeper_infos_parseField(aRemote.hMemory, Board.ref_visibles, field, TRUE); kuhl_m_minesweeper_infos_parseField(aRemote.hMemory, Board.ref_mines, field, FALSE); for(r = 0; r < Board.cbRows; r++) { kprintf(L"\t"); for(c = 0; c < Board.cbColumns; c++) kprintf(L"%C ", field[r][c]); kprintf(L"\n"); } } if(field) { for(r = 0; r < Board.cbRows; r++) { if(field[r]) LocalFree(field[r]); } LocalFree(field); } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Board copy\n"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Game copy\n"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"G copy\n"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Global copy\n"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Search is KO\n"); LocalFree(pNtHeaders); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Minesweeper NT Headers\n"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Minesweeper PEB\n"); kull_m_memory_close(aRemote.hMemory); } CloseHandle(hProcess); } else PRINT_ERROR_AUTO(L"OpenProcess"); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"No MineSweeper in memory!\n"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } void kuhl_m_minesweeper_infos_parseField(PKULL_M_MEMORY_HANDLE hMemory, PSTRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT base, CHAR ** field, BOOL isVisible) { STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT ref_first_element; PSTRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT * ref_columns_elements; STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT ref_column_element; DWORD c, r, szFinalElement = isVisible ? sizeof(DWORD) : sizeof(BYTE); KULL_M_MEMORY_ADDRESS aRemote = {base, hMemory}, aLocal = {&ref_first_element, &KULL_M_MEMORY_GLOBAL_OWN_HANDLE}; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aLocal, &aRemote, sizeof(STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT))) { if(ref_columns_elements = (PSTRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(PSTRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT) * ref_first_element.cbElements)) { aLocal.address = ref_columns_elements; aRemote.address = ref_first_element.elements; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aLocal, &aRemote, ref_first_element.cbElements * sizeof(PSTRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT))) { for(c = 0; c < ref_first_element.cbElements; c++) { aLocal.address = &ref_column_element; aRemote.address = ref_columns_elements[c]; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aLocal, &aRemote, sizeof(STRUCT_MINESWEEPER_REF_ELEMENT))) { if(aLocal.address = LocalAlloc(LPTR, szFinalElement * ref_column_element.cbElements)) { aRemote.address = ref_column_element.elements; if(kull_m_memory_copy(&aLocal, &aRemote, szFinalElement * ref_column_element.cbElements)) { for(r = 0; r < ref_column_element.cbElements; r++) { if(isVisible) field[r][c] = DISP_MINESWEEPER[((DWORD *)(aLocal.address))[r]]; else if(((BYTE *)(aLocal.address))[r]) field[r][c] = '*'; } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Unable to read elements from column: %u\n", c); LocalFree(aLocal.address); } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Unable to read references from column: %u\n", c); } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Unable to read references\n"); LocalFree(ref_columns_elements); } } else PRINT_ERROR(L"Unable to read first element\n"); }
void *statistics_loop(void *ptr) { int items, found; struct timeval current_time; int elapsed; char buffer[STAT_BUF_LEN]; /*int state; struct can_berr_counter errorcnt;*/ FILE *proc_net_dev; struct proc_stat_entry proc_entry; char line[PROC_LINESIZE]; gettimeofday(&last_fired, 0); while(1) { /* check if statistics are enabled */ if( statistics_ival == 0 ) { sleep(1); continue; } /* read /proc/net/dev */ proc_net_dev = fopen( "/proc/net/dev", "r" ); if( proc_net_dev == NULL ) { PRINT_ERROR("could not open /proc/net/dev"); sleep(1); continue; } found=0; while(1) { if(fgets( line , PROC_LINESIZE, proc_net_dev ) == NULL) break; /* extract name */ char* s = (char *) &line; char* name = strsep(&s, ":"); if(s == NULL) { /* no : in line */ continue; } /* remove heading whitespace */ int pos = 0; for(;pos<strlen(name);pos++) if(name[pos] != ' ') break; name += pos; /* do we care for this device? */ if(strcmp(bus_name, name)) continue; items = sscanf( s, " %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u %u", &proc_entry.rbytes, &proc_entry.rpackets, &proc_entry.rerrs, &proc_entry.rdrop, &proc_entry.rfifo, &proc_entry.rframe, &proc_entry.rcompressed, &proc_entry.rmulticast, &proc_entry.tbytes, &proc_entry.tpackets, &proc_entry.terrs, &proc_entry.tdrop, &proc_entry.tfifo, &proc_entry.tcolls, &proc_entry.tcarrier, &proc_entry.tcompressed ); if( items == 16 ) { found=1; break; } } fclose(proc_net_dev); /* If we didn't find the device there is something wrong. */ if(!found) { PRINT_ERROR("could not find device %s in /proc/net/dev\n", bus_name); sleep(1); continue; } gettimeofday(¤t_time, 0); elapsed = ((current_time.tv_sec - last_fired.tv_sec) * 1000 + (current_time.tv_usec - last_fired.tv_usec)/1000.0) + 0.5; if(elapsed >= statistics_ival) { /* * TODO this does not work for virtual devices. therefore it is commented out until * a solution is found to identify virtual CAN devices */ /*if( can_get_state( current_entry.bus_name, &state ) ) { printf( "unable to get state of %s\n", current_entry.bus_name ); continue; } if( can_get_berr_counter( current_entry.bus_name, &errorcnt ) ) { printf( "unable to get error count of %s\n", current_entry.bus_name ); continue; }*/ snprintf( buffer, STAT_BUF_LEN, "< stat %u %u %u %u >", proc_entry.rbytes, proc_entry.rpackets, proc_entry.tbytes, proc_entry.tpackets); /* no lock needed here because POSIX send is thread-safe and does locking itself */ send( client_socket, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0 ); last_fired.tv_sec = current_time.tv_sec; last_fired.tv_usec = current_time.tv_usec; } usleep(10000); } return NULL; }
static void do_spawn (void) { int n; int size; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; int env_inherit; pid_t child; int envs = 0; int log_stderr = 0; char *interpreter = NULL; char *log_file = NULL; char *uid_str = NULL; char **envp = NULL; char *p = spawn_shared; const char *argv[] = {"sh", "-c", NULL, NULL}; #define CHECK_MARK(val) \ if ((*(int *)p) != val) { \ goto cleanup; \ } else { \ p += sizeof(int); \ } #define ALIGN4(buf) while ((long)p & 0x3) p++; /* Read the shared memory */ /* 1.- Interpreter */ CHECK_MARK (0xF0); size = *((int *)p); p += sizeof(int); if (size <= 0) { goto cleanup; } interpreter = malloc (sizeof("exec ") + size); if (interpreter == NULL) { goto cleanup; } strncpy (interpreter, "exec ", 5); strncpy (interpreter + 5, p, size + 1); p += size + 1; ALIGN4 (p); /* 2.- UID & GID */ CHECK_MARK (0xF1); size = *((int *)p); if (size > 0) { uid_str = strdup (p + sizeof(int)); } p += sizeof(int) + size + 1; ALIGN4 (p); memcpy (&uid, p, sizeof(uid_t)); p += sizeof(uid_t); memcpy (&gid, p, sizeof(gid_t)); p += sizeof(gid_t); /* 3.- Environment */ CHECK_MARK (0xF2); env_inherit = *((int *)p); p += sizeof(int); envs = *((int *)p); p += sizeof(int); envp = malloc (sizeof(char *) * (envs + 1)); if (envp == NULL) { goto cleanup; } envp[envs] = NULL; for (n=0; n<envs; n++) { char *e; size = *((int *)p); p += sizeof(int); e = malloc (size + 1); if (e == NULL) { goto cleanup; } memcpy (e, p, size); e[size] = '\0'; envp[n] = e; p += size + 1; ALIGN4 (p); } /* 4.- Error log */ CHECK_MARK (0xF3); size = *((int *)p); p += sizeof(int); if (size > 0) { if (! strncmp (p, "stderr", 6)) { log_stderr = 1; } else if (! strncmp (p, "file,", 5)) { log_file = p+5; } p += (size + 1); ALIGN4 (p); } /* 5.- PID: it's -1 now */ CHECK_MARK (0xF4); n = *((int *)p); if (n > 0) { kill (n, SIGTERM); *p = -1; } /* Spawn */ child = fork(); switch (child) { case 0: { int i; struct sigaction sig_action; /* Reset signal handlers */ sig_action.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sig_action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset (&sig_action.sa_mask); for (i=0 ; i < NSIG ; i++) { sigaction (i, &sig_action, NULL); } /* Logging */ if (log_file) { int fd; fd = open (log_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0600); if (fd < 0) { PRINT_ERROR ("(warning) Couldn't open '%s' for writing..\n", log_file); } close (STDOUT_FILENO); close (STDERR_FILENO); dup2 (fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2 (fd, STDERR_FILENO); } else if (log_stderr) { /* do nothing */ } else { int tmp_fd; tmp_fd = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); close (STDOUT_FILENO); close (STDERR_FILENO); dup2 (tmp_fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2 (tmp_fd, STDERR_FILENO); } /* Change user & group */ if (uid_str != NULL) { n = initgroups (uid_str, gid); if (n == -1) { PRINT_ERROR ("(warning) initgroups failed User=%s, GID=%d\n", uid_str, gid); } } if ((int)gid != -1) { n = setgid (gid); if (n != 0) { PRINT_ERROR ("(warning) Couldn't set GID=%d\n", gid); } } if ((int)uid != -1) { n = setuid (uid); if (n != 0) { PRINT_ERROR ("(warning) Couldn't set UID=%d\n", uid); } } /* Clean the shared memory */ size = (p - spawn_shared) - sizeof(int); memset (spawn_shared, 0, size); /* Execute the interpreter */ argv[2] = interpreter; if (env_inherit) { do { execv ("/bin/sh", (char **)argv); } while (errno == EINTR); } else { do { execve ("/bin/sh", (char **)argv, envp); } while (errno == EINTR); } PRINT_MSG ("(critical) Couldn't spawn: sh -c %s\n", interpreter); exit (1); } case -1: /* Error */ PRINT_MSG ("(critical) Couldn't fork(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto cleanup; default: break; } /* Return the PID */ memcpy (p, (char *)&child, sizeof(int)); printf ("PID %d: launched '/bin/sh -c %s' with uid=%d, gid=%d, env=%s\n", child, interpreter, uid, gid, env_inherit ? "inherited":"custom"); cleanup: /* Unlock worker */ do_sem_op (SEM_LAUNCH_READY, 1); /* Clean up */ free (uid_str); free (interpreter); if (envp != NULL) { for (n=0; n<envs; n++) { free (envp[n]); } free (envp); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ADI_BLER_RESULT eResult; ADI_PWR_RESULT ePwr; uint32_t nTime; uint8_t * aTemplateSensorName = (unsigned char *)"ADI_BLE_TEMPLATESENSOR"; /* Explicitly disable the watchdog timer */ *pREG_WDT0_CTL = 0x0u; /* Pinmux */ adi_initpinmux(); /* Initialize clocks */ ePwr = adi_pwr_Init(); PRINT_ERROR("Error initializing the power service.\r\n", ePwr, ADI_PWR_SUCCESS); ePwr = adi_pwr_SetClockDivider(ADI_CLOCK_HCLK, 1u); PRINT_ERROR("Error configuring the core clock.\r\n", ePwr, ADI_PWR_SUCCESS); ePwr = adi_pwr_SetClockDivider(ADI_CLOCK_PCLK, 1u); PRINT_ERROR("Error configuring the peripheral clock.\r\n", ePwr, ADI_PWR_SUCCESS); /*Initialize Timer */ INIT_TIME(); #ifndef ADI_DEBUG /* Initialize UART redirection in release mode only */ common_Init(); #endif PRINTF(("Starting Template Sensor Example.\r\n")); /* Initialize radio */ eResult = adi_ble_Init(ApplicationCallback, NULL); PRINT_ERROR("Error initializing the radio.\r\n", eResult, ADI_BLER_SUCCESS); eResult = adi_radio_RegisterDevice(ADI_BLE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL); PRINT_ERROR("Error registering the radio.\r\n", eResult, ADI_BLER_SUCCESS); eResult = adi_radio_SetLocalBluetoothDevName(aTemplateSensorName, strlen((const char *) aTemplateSensorName), 0u, 0u); PRINT_ERROR("Error setting local device name.\r\n", eResult, ADI_BLER_SUCCESS); SetAdvertisingMode(); /* Initialize data exchange profile */ eResult = adi_radio_Register_DataExchangeServer(); PRINT_ERROR("Error registering data exchange server.\r\n", eResult, ADI_BLER_SUCCESS); /* Initialize static components of the data packet. For a single "sensor" example these will not change. */ eDataPacket.nPacketHeader = ADI_SET_HEADER(ADI_DATA_PACKET_TYPE, SENSOR_ID); /* The sensor type that is set here is the type of sensor this demo will simulate on the Android application */ eDataPacket.eSensorType = ADI_APP_SIMULATE_SENSOR_TYPE; /* Now enter infinite loop waiting for connection and then data exchange events */ PRINTF(("Waiting for connection. Initiate connection on central device please.\r\n")); /* WHILE(forever) */ while(1u) { /* Dispatch events - they will arrive in the application callback */ eResult = adi_ble_DispatchEvents(ADI_APP_DISPATCH_TIMEOUT); PRINT_ERROR("Error dispatching events to the callback.\r\n", eResult, ADI_BLER_SUCCESS); /* If connected, send data */ if (gbConnected == true) { adi_ble_GetConnectionInfo(&sConnInfo); /* Fill the sensor data packet according to the sensor packet documentation */ nTime = GET_TIME(); memcpy(&eDataPacket.aTimestamp ,&nTime,4u); TemplateSensorRead((uint8_t*)&eDataPacket.aPayload); eResult = adi_radio_DE_SendData(sConnInfo.nConnHandle, DATAEXCHANGE_PACKET_SIZE, (uint8_t*)&eDataPacket); PRINT_ERROR("Error sending the data.\r\n", eResult, ADI_BLER_SUCCESS); } /* If disconnected, make sure we are in the right mode */ else { if (geMode != PERIPHERAL_ADV_MODE) { SetAdvertisingMode(); } } } }
void *console_to_rtm(void *local) { struct fins_module *module = (struct fins_module *) local; PRINT_DEBUG("Entered: module=%p", module); PRINT_IMPORTANT("Thread started: module=%p, index=%u, id=%u, name='%s'", module, module->index, module->id, module->name); struct rtm_data *md = (struct rtm_data *) module->data; int poll_num; struct pollfd poll_fds[MAX_CONSOLES]; int time = 1; int ret; struct rtm_console *console; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONSOLES; i++) { poll_fds[i].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLRDNORM; //poll_fds[1].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLOUT | POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL | POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND | POLLWRNORM | POLLWRBAND; } PRINT_DEBUG("events=0x%x", poll_fds[0].events); uint32_t cmd_len; uint8_t cmd_buf[MAX_CMD_LEN + 1]; secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); while (module->state == FMS_RUNNING) { poll_num = md->console_list->len; if (poll_num > 0) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONSOLES; i++) { if (md->console_fds[i] == 0) { poll_fds[i].fd = -1; } else { poll_fds[i].fd = md->console_fds[i]; } } sem_post(&md->shared_sem); ret = poll(poll_fds, poll_num, time); secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); if (ret < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("ret=%d, errno=%u, str='%s'", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); break; } else if (ret > 0) { PRINT_DEBUG("poll: ret=%d", ret); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONSOLES; i++) { if (poll_fds[i].fd > 0 && poll_fds[i].revents > 0) { if (1) { PRINT_DEBUG( "POLLIN=%d POLLPRI=%d POLLOUT=%d POLLERR=%d POLLHUP=%d POLLNVAL=%d POLLRDNORM=%d POLLRDBAND=%d POLLWRNORM=%d POLLWRBAND=%d", (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLIN) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLPRI) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLOUT) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLERR) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLHUP) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLNVAL) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLRDNORM) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLRDBAND) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLWRNORM) > 0, (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLWRBAND) > 0); } console = (struct rtm_console *) list_find1(md->console_list, rtm_console_fd_test, &poll_fds[i].fd); if (console != NULL) { if (poll_fds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) { //TODO ?? PRINT_ERROR("todo: kinda error case that needs to be handled"); list_remove(md->console_list, console); console_free(console); md->console_fds[i] = 0; } else if (poll_fds[i].revents & (POLLHUP)) { PRINT_IMPORTANT("Console closed: console=%p, id=%u", console, console->id); list_remove(md->console_list, console); console_free(console); md->console_fds[i] = 0; } else if (poll_fds[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM | POLLPRI | POLLRDBAND)) { cmd_len = (uint32_t) rtm_recv_fd(console->fd, MAX_CMD_LEN, cmd_buf); if (cmd_len != (uint32_t) -1) { cmd_buf[cmd_len] = '\0'; rtm_process_cmd(module, console, cmd_len, cmd_buf); } else { PRINT_WARN("todo error"); } } } else { PRINT_WARN("todo error"); //console removed after poll started, before it returned, remove? } } } } } else { sem_post(&md->shared_sem); sleep(time); secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); } } sem_post(&md->shared_sem); PRINT_IMPORTANT("Thread exited: module=%p, index=%u, id=%u, name='%s'", module, module->index, module->id, module->name); PRINT_DEBUG("Exited: module=%p", module); return NULL; }
long DeleteDataSlot( void *hDB, bmdDatagram_t *bmdJSRequest, bmdDatagram_t **bmdJSResponse, server_request_data_t *req) { char *CryptoObjectNr = NULL; char *ans = NULL; char *SQLQuery = NULL; char* fileType = NULL; long retVal = 0; long permissionsType = 0; PRINT_INFO("LIBBMDSQLINF Deleting file\n"); /************************/ /* walidacja parametrow */ /************************/ if (hDB==NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM1); } if (bmdJSRequest==NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM2); } if(bmdJSRequest->protocolDataFileId == NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM2); } if(bmdJSRequest->protocolDataFileId->buf == NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM2); } /************/ /* usuwanie */ /************/ // w konfiguracji ustawione, kto moze usuwac dokument /*if(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration == NULL || _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type == NULL) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "CREATOR_OR_OWNER") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "CREATOR") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_ONLY_CREATOR; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "OWNER") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_ONLY_OWNER; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_GROUPS") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_GROUPS; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_CURRENT_GROUP") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_CURRENT_GROUP; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "GROUPS") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_GROUPS_GRAPH; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "CURRENT_GROUP") == 0) { permissionsType = CONSIDER_CURRENT_GROUP; } else if(strcmp(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->file_removing_permission_type, "ANY") == 0) { permissionsType = SKIP_AUTHORIZATION; } else { permissionsType = CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER; }*/ BMD_FOK(bmd_db_start_transaction(hDB,BMD_TRANSACTION_LEVEL_NONE)); BMD_FOK_TRANS(VerifyPermissionsForCryptoObject(hDB, req, bmdJSRequest->protocolDataFileId->buf, (bmdJSRequest->datagramType==BMD_DATAGRAM_DIR_DELETE ? CONSIDER_ONLY_DIRECTORY|permissionsType : permissionsType), NULL, &fileType, &CryptoObjectNr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); BMD_FOK_TRANS(FillFromCryptoObjects(hDB, CryptoObjectNr, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id, WITHOUT_SYS_METADATA, *bmdJSResponse,req)); /************************************************************/ /* w przypadku usuwania katalogu sprawdzamy, czy jest pusty */ /************************************************************/ if (bmdJSRequest->datagramType==BMD_DATAGRAM_DIR_DELETE) { asprintf(&SQLQuery, "SELECT count(id) FROM crypto_objects WHERE corresponding_id=%s AND location_id=%s;", CryptoObjectNr, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id); BMD_FOK_TRANS(ExecuteSQLQueryWithAnswerKnownDBConnection( hDB, SQLQuery, &ans)); if ((ans==NULL) || (strcmp(ans, "0")!=0)) { BMD_FOK_TRANS(BMD_SQL_DELETE_DIR_NOT_EMPTY_ERROR); } } //jesli podany jest w zadaniu identyfikator linka, to ma byc usuniety tylko link if(strcmp(fileType, "link") == 0) { retVal=DeleteLinkFromDatabase(hDB, bmdJSRequest->protocolDataFileId->buf, req); if(retVal < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Unable to delete link from database (%li)", retVal); BMD_FOK_TRANS(BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED); } } //dla 'prawdziwego' dokumentu maja byc usuniete wszystkie jego linki, dokumenty powiazane itd. else { BMD_FOK_TRANS(DeleteDocFromDatabase(hDB, bmdJSRequest, bmdJSRequest->protocolDataFileId->buf, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id, req)); } BMD_FOK(bmd_db_end_transaction(hDB)); /************/ /* porzadki */ /************/ free(fileType); fileType=NULL; free(CryptoObjectNr); CryptoObjectNr=NULL; free(SQLQuery); SQLQuery=NULL; free(ans); ans=NULL; return BMD_OK; }
void *accept_console(void *local) { struct fins_module *module = (struct fins_module *) local; PRINT_DEBUG("Entered: module=%p", module); PRINT_IMPORTANT("Thread started: module=%p, index=%u, id=%u, name='%s'", module, module->index, module->id, module->name); struct rtm_data *md = (struct rtm_data *) module->data; int32_t addr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); struct sockaddr_un *addr; int console_fd; struct rtm_console *console; int i; secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); while (module->state == FMS_RUNNING) { if (list_has_space(md->console_list)) { sem_post(&md->shared_sem); addr = (struct sockaddr_un *) secure_malloc(addr_size); while (module->state == FMS_RUNNING) { sleep(1); console_fd = accept(md->server_fd, (struct sockaddr *) addr, (socklen_t *) &addr_size); if (console_fd > 0 || (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)) { break; } } if (module->state != FMS_RUNNING) { free(addr); secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); break; } if (console_fd < 0) { PRINT_ERROR("accept error: server_fd=%d, console_fd=%d, errno=%u, str='%s'", md->server_fd, console_fd, errno, strerror(errno)); free(addr); secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); continue; } secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); console = (struct rtm_console *) secure_malloc(sizeof(struct rtm_console)); console->id = md->console_counter++; console->fd = console_fd; console->addr = addr; console->type = RTM_TYPE_DEFAULT; console->listeners = (metadata *) secure_malloc(sizeof(metadata)); metadata_create(console->listeners); PRINT_IMPORTANT("Console created: id=%u, fd=%d, addr='%s', type=%u", console->id, console->fd, console->addr->sun_path, console->type); list_append(md->console_list, console); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONSOLES; i++) { if (md->console_fds[i] == 0) { md->console_fds[i] = console_fd; break; } } } else { sem_post(&md->shared_sem); sleep(5); secure_sem_wait(&md->shared_sem); } } sem_post(&md->shared_sem); PRINT_IMPORTANT("Thread exited: module=%p, index=%u, id=%u, name='%s'", module, module->index, module->id, module->name); PRINT_DEBUG("Exited: module=%p", module); return NULL; }
/** *Obsluzenie zadania ponownej wysylki awizo na poziomie datagramsetu * *@param[in] void *hDB - wskaznik do uchwytu ustanowionego polaczenia z baza danych *@param[in] bmdDatagramSet_t *bmdJSRequestSet - wskaznik na datagram zadania *@param[in] bmdDatagramSet_t **bmdJSResponseSet - wskaznik na datagram odpowiedzi * *@retval BMD_OK - zakonczenie pomyslne. *@retval BMD_ERR_OP_FAILED - nieudana operacja *@retval NO_MEMORY - blad zasobow pamieci *@retval BMD_ERR_PARAM1 - niepoprawny wskaznik do uchwytu ustanowionego polaczenia z baza danych *@retval BMD_ERR_PARAM2 - niepoprawny wskaznik do lancucha znakowego z id crypto objecta *@retval BMD_ERR_PARAM4 - niepoprawny wskaznik na GenBuf'a zawierajacego id grupy, do ktorej nalezy uzytkownik */ #ifndef WIN32 long JS_bmdDatagramSet_to_send_avizo( void *hDB, bmdDatagramSet_t *bmdJSRequestSet, bmdDatagramSet_t **bmdJSResponseSet, server_request_data_t *req) #else /*WIN32*/ long JS_bmdDatagramSet_to_send_avizo( void *hDB, bmdDatagramSet_t *bmdJSRequestSet, bmdDatagramSet_t **bmdJSResponseSet, server_request_data_t *req, HANDLE *threadHandler) #endif /*ifndef WIN32*/ { long err = 0; long i = 0; long status = 0; char *hash = NULL; char *tmp_id = NULL; PRINT_INFO("LIBBMDSQLINF Sending avizo (datagramset)\n"); /******************************/ /* walidacja parametrow */ /******************************/ if (hDB==NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM1); } if (bmdJSRequestSet==NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM2); } /************************************************/ /* przygotowanie datagramsetu odpowiedzi */ /************************************************/ BMD_FOK(PR2_bmdDatagramSet_fill_with_datagrams(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetSize, bmdJSResponseSet)); for(i=0; i < bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetSize; i++, err=0) { free0(tmp_id); /************************************************/ /* przepisanie zadajacego do odpowiedzi serwera */ /************************************************/ if (bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner!=NULL) { if (bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->buf!=NULL) { (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner=(GenBuf_t *)malloc(sizeof(GenBuf_t)); (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->buf=(char*)malloc(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->size+2); memset((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->buf, 0,bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->size+1); memmove((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->buf,bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->buf,bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->size); (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->size=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataOwner->size; } } /************************************************************************/ /* sprawdzenie, czy wczesniej nie wykryto bledu w datagramie zadania */ /************************************************************************/ if (bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus<BMD_OK) { (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; continue; } // sparametryzowana wysylka awizo moze odbywac sie na podstawie bmdId albo na podstawie wartosci metadanych if(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType == BMD_DATAGRAM_TYPE_SEND_ADVICE_WITH_PARAMETERS) { if(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId == NULL) // zadanie wywolane z podaniem bmdId { status = VerifyPermissionsForCryptoObjectByMetadata(hDB, req, bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i], CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_GROUPS, NULL/*fileName*/, NULL/*fileType*/, &tmp_id/*pointingId*/, NULL/*correspondingId*/, NULL/*forGrant*/, NULL/*additionalMetadataCount*/, NULL/*additionalMetadataValues*/); } else // zadanie wywolane z podaniem metadanych opisujacych dokument (nie bmdId) { status = VerifyPermissionsForCryptoObject(hDB, req, bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId->buf, CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_GROUPS, NULL/*fileName*/, NULL/*fileType*/, NULL/*pointingId*/, NULL/*correspondingId*/, NULL/*forGrant*/, NULL/*additionalMetadataCount*/, NULL/*additionalMetadataValues*/); tmp_id = strdup(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId->buf); } } else // dla innych typow zadan wysylka awizo moze odbyc sie tylko na podstawie bmdId { if(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId == NULL) { BMD_FOK(BMD_ERR_PARAM2); } status = VerifyPermissionsForCryptoObject(hDB, req, bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId->buf, CONSIDER_CREATOR_OR_OWNER_OR_GROUPS, NULL/*fileName*/, NULL/*fileType*/, NULL/*pointingId*/, NULL/*correspondingId*/, NULL/*forGrant*/, NULL/*additionalMetadataCount*/, NULL/*additionalMetadataValues*/); tmp_id = strdup(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId->buf); } //status=CheckIfCryptoObjectExist( hDB, bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i], 0, &tmp_id, NULL, &tmp_location, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, req); if (status<BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR %s. Error=%li\n",GetErrorMsg(status), status); err=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; continue; } // /************************************************************************/ // /* przepisanie id pliku z datagramu requesta do datagramu responsa */ // /************************************************************************/ // asprintf(&tmp_id,"%s",(char *)bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId->buf); // if (tmp_id==NULL) // { // PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR Memory error. Error=%i\n",NO_MEMORY); // err=NO_MEMORY; // PR_bmdDatagram_PrepareResponse( &((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]), // bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100, // err); // continue; // } // // /************************************************/ // /* przepisanie id lokalizacji pliku z datagramu */ // /************************************************/ // asprintf(&tmp_location,"%s",(char *)bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileLocationId->buf); // if (tmp_location==NULL) // { // PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR Memory error. Error=%i\n",NO_MEMORY); // err=NO_MEMORY; // PR_bmdDatagram_PrepareResponse( &((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]), // bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100, // err); // continue; // } // status = set_gen_buf2( tmp_id, (long)strlen(tmp_id), &((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileId)); if (status!=BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR Memory error. Error=%i\n",NO_MEMORY); err=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; continue; } status = set_gen_buf2(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id, (long)strlen(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id), &((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->protocolDataFileLocationId)); if (status!=BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR Memory error. Error=%i\n",NO_MEMORY); err=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; continue; } /******************************************************/ /* pobranie hasha pliku na podstawienie id pliku */ /******************************************************/ status=GetHashFromId(hDB, tmp_id, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id, &hash); if (status<BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR Error in getting recipient's e-mail\n"); err=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; continue; } /******************************************/ /* dolaczenie hasha do datagaramu */ /******************************************/ status=bmd_add_hash_to_dtg_as_data(hash,&((*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i])); if (status<BMD_OK) { PRINT_ERROR("LIBBMDSQLERR Error adding hash to datagram. Error=%li\n",status); err=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; continue; } /************************************************/ /* ustawienie statusu bledu datagramu */ /************************************************/ (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus =(long ) err; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType = bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; /************************************************************/ /* pobranie metadanych pliku na podstawienie id pliku */ /************************************************************/ BMD_FOK(FillFromAllMetadata( hDB, tmp_id, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->location_id, WITHOUT_PKI_METADATA, WITH_ADD_METADATA, WITH_SYS_METADATA, WITHOUT_ACTION_METADATA, (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i],req)); // skopiowanie pamametrow wysylki awizo z zadania do odpowiedzi (bo wysylka odbywa sie na podstawie odpowiedzi) if(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType == BMD_DATAGRAM_TYPE_SEND_ADVICE_WITH_PARAMETERS) { BMD_FOK( CopySendAdviceParameters(bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i], (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]) ); } } /************************************************/ /* wysylka maili z awizo do klientow */ /************************************************/ if(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->session_plugin_conf.bmd_plugin_action_post!=NULL) { // if ((char *)_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->additional_db_conninfo!=NULL) // { // #ifndef WIN32 // // status=_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->session_plugin_conf.bmd_plugin_action_post( *bmdJSResponseSet, // _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->additional_db_conninfo, // 0,0,1,req); // #else /*WIN32*/ // // status=_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->session_plugin_conf.bmd_plugin_action_post( *bmdJSResponseSet, // _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->additional_db_conninfo, // 0,0,1,req, threadHandler); // #endif /*ifndef WIN32*/ // // } // else // { #ifndef WIN32 status=_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->session_plugin_conf.bmd_plugin_action_post( *bmdJSResponseSet, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->db_conninfo, 0,0,1,req); #else /*WIN32*/ status=_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->session_plugin_conf.bmd_plugin_action_post( *bmdJSResponseSet, _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->db_conninfo, 0,0,1,req, threadHandler); #endif /*ifndef WIN32*/ // } if (status<BMD_OK) { for(i=0; i<(long)bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetSize; i++, err=0) { (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus=status; (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType=bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramType+100; } } /* rejestracja odbywa sie na zewnatrz w js.c // zarejestrowanie akcji w bazie danych if (_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->messaging_plugin_conf.bmd_messaging_plugin_register_action) { for(i=0; i<(long)bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetSize; i++) { status=_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->messaging_plugin_conf.bmd_messaging_plugin_register_action(hDB, bmdJSRequestSet->bmdDatagramSetTable[i], (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i], req); if (status<BMD_OK) { (*bmdJSResponseSet)->bmdDatagramSetTable[i]->datagramStatus = status; } } } */ } else { BMD_FOK(PLUGIN_SESSION_NOT_RUNNING); } /************/ /* porzadki */ /************/ free0(hash); free0(tmp_id); return BMD_OK; }
BOOL kull_m_rpc_drsr_getDomainAndUserInfos(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *hBinding, LPCWSTR ServerName, LPCWSTR Domain, GUID *DomainGUID, LPCWSTR User, LPCWSTR Guid, GUID *UserGuid) { BOOL DomainGUIDfound = FALSE, ObjectGUIDfound = FALSE; DWORD i; ULONG drsStatus; DRS_HANDLE hDrs = NULL; DRS_EXTENSIONS_INT DrsExtensionsInt = {0}; DRS_EXTENSIONS *pDrsExtensionsOutput = NULL; DRS_MSG_DCINFOREQ dcInfoReq = {0}; DWORD dcOutVersion = 0; DRS_MSG_DCINFOREPLY dcInfoRep = {0}; LPWSTR sGuid; UNICODE_STRING uGuid; RpcTryExcept { DrsExtensionsInt.cb = sizeof(DRS_EXTENSIONS_INT) - sizeof(DWORD); drsStatus = IDL_DRSBind(*hBinding, &DRSUAPI_DS_BIND_GUID_Standard, (DRS_EXTENSIONS *) &DrsExtensionsInt, &pDrsExtensionsOutput, &hDrs); if(drsStatus == 0) { dcInfoReq.V1.InfoLevel = 2; dcInfoReq.V1.Domain = (LPWSTR) Domain; drsStatus = IDL_DRSDomainControllerInfo(hDrs, 1, &dcInfoReq, &dcOutVersion, &dcInfoRep); if(drsStatus == 0) { if(dcOutVersion == 2) { for(i = 0; i < dcInfoRep.V2.cItems; i++) { if(!DomainGUIDfound && ((_wcsicmp(ServerName, dcInfoRep.V2.rItems[i].DnsHostName) == 0) || (_wcsicmp(ServerName, dcInfoRep.V2.rItems[i].NetbiosName) == 0))) { DomainGUIDfound = TRUE; *DomainGUID = dcInfoRep.V2.rItems[i].NtdsDsaObjectGuid; } } if(!DomainGUIDfound) PRINT_ERROR(L"DomainControllerInfo: DC \'%s\' not found\n", ServerName); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"DomainControllerInfo: bad version (%u)\n", dcOutVersion); kull_m_rpc_drsr_free_DRS_MSG_DCINFOREPLY_data(dcOutVersion, &dcInfoRep); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"DomainControllerInfo: 0x%08x (%u)\n", drsStatus, drsStatus); if(Guid) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&uGuid, Guid); ObjectGUIDfound = NT_SUCCESS(RtlGUIDFromString(&uGuid, UserGuid)); } else if(User) { if(kull_m_rpc_drsr_CrackName(hDrs, wcschr(User, L'\\') ? DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME : wcschr(User, L'=') ? DS_FQDN_1779_NAME : wcschr(User, L'@') ? DS_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME : DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME_SANS_DOMAIN, User, DS_UNIQUE_ID_NAME, &sGuid, NULL)) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&uGuid, sGuid); ObjectGUIDfound = NT_SUCCESS(RtlGUIDFromString(&uGuid, UserGuid)); } } drsStatus = IDL_DRSUnbind(&hDrs); MIDL_user_free(pDrsExtensionsOutput); } } RpcExcept(DRS_EXCEPTION) PRINT_ERROR(L"RPC Exception 0x%08x (%u)\n", RpcExceptionCode(), RpcExceptionCode()); RpcEndExcept return (DomainGUIDfound && (ObjectGUIDfound || !(Guid || User))); }
void IP4_receive_fdf(void) { struct finsFrame* pff = NULL; uint32_t protocol; do { sem_wait(&Switch_to_IPv4_Qsem); pff = read_queue(Switch_to_IPv4_Queue); sem_post(&Switch_to_IPv4_Qsem); } while (ipv4_running && pff == NULL); if (!ipv4_running) { return; } if (pff->dataOrCtrl == CONTROL) { PRINT_DEBUG("Received frame: D/C: %d, DestID=%d, ff=%p, meta=%p", pff->dataOrCtrl, pff->, pff, pff->metaData); ipv4_fcf(pff); } else if (pff->dataOrCtrl == DATA) { PRINT_DEBUG("Received frame: D/C: %d, DestID=%d, ff=%p, meta=%p", pff->dataOrCtrl, pff->, pff, pff->metaData); PRINT_DEBUG("PDU Length: %d", pff->dataFrame.pduLength); PRINT_DEBUG("Data direction: %d", pff->dataFrame.directionFlag); PRINT_DEBUG("pdu=%p", pff->dataFrame.pdu); if (pff->dataFrame.directionFlag == UP) { PRINT_DEBUG("IP4_in"); IP4_in(pff, (struct ip4_packet*) pff->dataFrame.pdu, pff->dataFrame.pduLength); } else if (pff->dataFrame.directionFlag == DOWN) { PRINT_DEBUG("IP4_out"); metadata *params = pff->metaData; if (params == NULL) { PRINT_ERROR("todo error"); freeFinsFrame(pff); return; } int ret = 0; ret += metadata_readFromElement(params, "send_protocol", &protocol) == META_FALSE; if (ret) { PRINT_ERROR("metadata read error: ret=%d", ret); } PRINT_DEBUG("%lu", my_ip_addr); PRINT_DEBUG("Transport protocol going out passed to IPv4: protocol=%u", protocol); switch (protocol) { case IP4_PT_ICMP: IP4_out(pff, pff->dataFrame.pduLength, my_ip_addr, IP4_PT_ICMP); break; case IP4_PT_TCP: IP4_out(pff, pff->dataFrame.pduLength, my_ip_addr, IP4_PT_TCP); break; case IP4_PT_UDP: IP4_out(pff, pff->dataFrame.pduLength, my_ip_addr, IP4_PT_UDP); break; default: PRINT_ERROR("invalid protocol: protocol=%u", protocol); /** * TODO investigate why the freeFinsFrame below create segmentation fault */ freeFinsFrame(pff); break; } } else { PRINT_ERROR("Error: Wrong value of fdf.directionFlag"); freeFinsFrame(pff); } } else { PRINT_ERROR("Error: Wrong pff->dataOrCtrl value"); freeFinsFrame(pff); } }
NTSTATUS kuhl_m_kerberos_list(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) { NTSTATUS status, packageStatus; KERB_QUERY_TKT_CACHE_REQUEST kerbCacheRequest = {KerbQueryTicketCacheExMessage, {0, 0}}; PKERB_QUERY_TKT_CACHE_EX_RESPONSE pKerbCacheResponse; PKERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_REQUEST pKerbRetrieveRequest; PKERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_RESPONSE pKerbRetrieveResponse; DWORD szData, i; wchar_t * filename; BOOL export = kull_m_string_args_byName(argc, argv, L"export", NULL, NULL); status = LsaCallKerberosPackage(&kerbCacheRequest, sizeof(KERB_QUERY_TKT_CACHE_REQUEST), (PVOID *) &pKerbCacheResponse, &szData, &packageStatus); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if(NT_SUCCESS(packageStatus)) { for(i = 0; i < pKerbCacheResponse->CountOfTickets; i++) { kprintf(L"\n[%08x] - 0x%08x - %s", i, pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].EncryptionType, kuhl_m_kerberos_ticket_etype(pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].EncryptionType)); kprintf(L"\n Start/End/MaxRenew: "); kull_m_string_displayLocalFileTime((PFILETIME) &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].StartTime); kprintf(L" ; "); kull_m_string_displayLocalFileTime((PFILETIME) &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].EndTime); kprintf(L" ; "); kull_m_string_displayLocalFileTime((PFILETIME) &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].RenewTime); kprintf(L"\n Server Name : %wZ @ %wZ", &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ServerName, &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ServerRealm); kprintf(L"\n Client Name : %wZ @ %wZ", &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ClientName, &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ClientRealm); kprintf(L"\n Flags %08x : ", pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].TicketFlags); kuhl_m_kerberos_ticket_displayFlags(pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].TicketFlags); if(export) { szData = sizeof(KERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_REQUEST) + pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ServerName.MaximumLength; if(pKerbRetrieveRequest = (PKERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_REQUEST) LocalAlloc(LPTR, szData)) // LPTR implicates KERB_ETYPE_NULL { pKerbRetrieveRequest->MessageType = KerbRetrieveEncodedTicketMessage; pKerbRetrieveRequest->CacheOptions = /*KERB_RETRIEVE_TICKET_USE_CACHE_ONLY | */KERB_RETRIEVE_TICKET_AS_KERB_CRED; pKerbRetrieveRequest->TicketFlags = pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].TicketFlags; pKerbRetrieveRequest->TargetName = pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ServerName; pKerbRetrieveRequest->TargetName.Buffer = (PWSTR) ((PBYTE) pKerbRetrieveRequest + sizeof(KERB_RETRIEVE_TKT_REQUEST)); RtlCopyMemory(pKerbRetrieveRequest->TargetName.Buffer, pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i].ServerName.Buffer, pKerbRetrieveRequest->TargetName.MaximumLength); status = LsaCallKerberosPackage(pKerbRetrieveRequest, szData, (PVOID *) &pKerbRetrieveResponse, &szData, &packageStatus); if(NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if(NT_SUCCESS(packageStatus)) { if(filename = kuhl_m_kerberos_generateFileName(i, &pKerbCacheResponse->Tickets[i], MIMIKATZ_KERBEROS_EXT)) { if(kull_m_file_writeData(filename, pKerbRetrieveResponse->Ticket.EncodedTicket, pKerbRetrieveResponse->Ticket.EncodedTicketSize)) kprintf(L"\n * Saved to file : %s", filename); LocalFree(filename); } LsaFreeReturnBuffer(pKerbRetrieveResponse); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"LsaCallAuthenticationPackage KerbRetrieveEncodedTicketMessage / Package : %08x\n", packageStatus); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"LsaCallAuthenticationPackage KerbRetrieveEncodedTicketMessage : %08x\n", status); LocalFree(pKerbRetrieveRequest); } } kprintf(L"\n"); } LsaFreeReturnBuffer(pKerbCacheResponse); } else PRINT_ERROR(L"LsaCallAuthenticationPackage KerbQueryTicketCacheEx2Message / Package : %08x\n", packageStatus); }
void ipv4_exec_reply(struct finsFrame *ff) { PRINT_DEBUG("Entered: ff=%p, meta=%p", ff, ff->metaData); int ret = 0; metadata *params = ff->metaData; if (params) { switch (ff->ctrlFrame.param_id) { case EXEC_ARP_GET_ADDR: PRINT_DEBUG("param_id=EXEC_ARP_GET_ADDR (%d)", ff->ctrlFrame.param_id); if (ff->ctrlFrame.ret_val) { uint64_t src_mac, dst_mac; ret += metadata_readFromElement(params, "src_mac", &src_mac) == META_FALSE; ret += metadata_readFromElement(params, "dst_mac", &dst_mac) == META_FALSE; if (ret) { PRINT_ERROR("ret=%d", ret); //TODO send nack } else { //ipv4_exec_reply_get_addr(ff, src_mac, dst_mac); struct ip4_store *store = store_list_find(ff->ctrlFrame.serial_num); if (store) { PRINT_DEBUG("store=%p, ff=%p, serial_num=%u", store, store->ff, store->serial_num); store_list_remove(store); uint32_t ether_type = IP4_ETH_TYPE; metadata_writeToElement(store->ff->metaData, "send_ether_type", ðer_type, META_TYPE_INT32); metadata_writeToElement(store->ff->metaData, "send_dst_mac", &dst_mac, META_TYPE_INT64); metadata_writeToElement(store->ff->metaData, "send_src_mac", &src_mac, META_TYPE_INT64); PRINT_DEBUG("recv frame: dst=0x%12.12llx, src=0x%12.12llx, type=0x%x", dst_mac, src_mac, ether_type); //print_finsFrame(fins_frame); ipv4_to_switch(store->ff); store->ff = NULL; store_free(store); freeFinsFrame(ff); } else { PRINT_ERROR("todo error"); } } } else { //TODO error sending back FDF as FCF? saved pdu for that PRINT_ERROR("todo error"); } break; default: PRINT_ERROR("Error unknown param_id=%d", ff->ctrlFrame.param_id); //TODO implement? freeFinsFrame(ff); break; } } else { //TODO send nack PRINT_ERROR("Error fcf.metadata==NULL"); freeFinsFrame(ff); } }
NTSTATUS kuhl_m_vault_list(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) { DWORD i, j, k, l, cbVaults, cbItems; LPGUID vaults; HANDLE hVault; PVOID items; PVAULT_ITEM_7 items7, pItem7; PVAULT_ITEM_8 items8, pItem8; NTSTATUS status; if(isVaultInit) { if(NT_SUCCESS(VaultEnumerateVaults(0, &cbVaults, &vaults))) { for(i = 0; i < cbVaults; i++) { kprintf(L"\nVault : "); kull_m_string_displayGUID(&vaults[i]); kprintf(L"\n"); if(NT_SUCCESS(VaultOpenVault(&vaults[i], 0, &hVault))) { kuhl_m_vault_list_descVault(hVault); if(NT_SUCCESS(VaultEnumerateItems(hVault, 0, &cbItems, &items))) { kprintf(L"\tItems (%u)\n", cbItems); for(j = 0; j < cbItems; j++) { if(MIMIKATZ_NT_BUILD_NUMBER < KULL_M_WIN_MIN_BUILD_8) // to fix ! { items7 = (PVAULT_ITEM_7) items; kprintf(L"\t %2u.\t%s\n", j, items7[j].FriendlyName); kprintf(L"\t\tType : "); kull_m_string_displayGUID(&items7[j].SchemaId); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tLastWritten : "); kull_m_string_displayLocalFileTime(&items7[j].LastWritten); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tFlags : %08x\n", items7[j].Flags); kprintf(L"\t\tRessource : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items7[j].Ressource); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tIdentity : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items7[j].Identity); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tAuthenticator : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items7[j].Authenticator); kprintf(L"\n"); for(k = 0; k < items7[j].cbProperties; k++) { kprintf(L"\t\tProperty %2u : ", k); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items7[j].Properties + k); kprintf(L"\n"); } pItem7 = NULL; status = VaultGetItem7(hVault, &items7[j].SchemaId, items7[j].Ressource, items7[j].Identity, NULL, 0, &pItem7); kprintf(L"\t\t*Authenticator* : "); if(status == STATUS_SUCCESS) kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(pItem7->Authenticator); else PRINT_ERROR(L"VaultGetItem7 : %08x", status); kprintf(L"\n"); ; } else { items8 = (PVAULT_ITEM_8) items; kprintf(L"\t %2u.\t%s\n", j, items8[j].FriendlyName); kprintf(L"\t\tType : "); kull_m_string_displayGUID(&items8[j].SchemaId); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tLastWritten : "); kull_m_string_displayLocalFileTime(&items8[j].LastWritten); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tFlags : %08x\n", items8[j].Flags); kprintf(L"\t\tRessource : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items8[j].Ressource); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tIdentity : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items8[j].Identity); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tAuthenticator : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items8[j].Authenticator); kprintf(L"\n"); kprintf(L"\t\tPackageSid : "); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items8[j].PackageSid); kprintf(L"\n"); for(k = 0; k < items8[j].cbProperties; k++) { kprintf(L"\t\tProperty %2u : ", k); kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(items8[j].Properties + k); kprintf(L"\n"); } pItem8 = NULL; status = VaultGetItem8(hVault, &items8[j].SchemaId, items8[j].Ressource, items8[j].Identity, items8[j].PackageSid, NULL, 0, &pItem8); kprintf(L"\t\t*Authenticator* : "); if(status == STATUS_SUCCESS) kuhl_m_vault_list_descItemData(pItem8->Authenticator); else PRINT_ERROR(L"VaultGetItem8 : %08x\n", status); kprintf(L"\n"); for(l = 0; l < (sizeof(schemaHelper) / sizeof(VAULT_SCHEMA_HELPER)); l++) { if(RtlEqualGuid(&items8[j].SchemaId, &schemaHelper[l].guidString.guid)) { kprintf(L"\n\t\t*** %s ***\n", schemaHelper[l].guidString.text); if(schemaHelper[l].helper) { schemaHelper[l].helper(&schemaHelper[l].guidString, &items8[j], ((status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && pItem8) ? pItem8 : NULL, TRUE); kprintf(L"\n"); } break; } } if(pItem8) VaultFree(pItem8); } } VaultFree(items); } VaultCloseVault(&hVault); } } } VaultFree(vaults); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long switcher_no = 8; long ans_count = 0; long i = 0; char *switchers[] = {"-d","-c","-p","-b","-pp","-pb", "-id_from", "-id_to"}; char *lobid = NULL; char **params = NULL; char *SQLQuery = NULL; char *ans2 = NULL; char *ans3 = NULL; void *hDB = NULL; GenBuf_t *symkey_encrypted = NULL; bmd_crypt_ctx_t *symkey_decrypted = NULL; GenBuf_t *symkey_rencrypted = NULL; bmd_crypt_ctx_t *oldctx = NULL; bmd_crypt_ctx_t *newctx = NULL; char **ans = NULL; /****************************/ /* parsowanie linii polecen */ /****************************/ DEBUG("parsing command line... "); RENC_FOK(parse_command_line(argc,argv,¶ms,switcher_no,switchers)); for (i=0; i<switcher_no; i++) { if ((params[i]==NULL) || (strcmp(params[i],"")==0)) { PRINT_ERROR("RENCRYPTIONERR Invalid parameter value given at %li position\n",i); for (i=0; i<switcher_no; i++) { if (params[i]) {free(params[i]); params[i]=NULL;} } free(params); params=NULL; return -1; } } /***************************/ /* stworzenie konfiguracji */ /***************************/ DEBUG("creating configuration struture... "); //RENC_FOK(bmd_server_configuration_create(&_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration)); /*************************************/ /* pobranie konfiguracji serwera BMD */ /*************************************/ DEBUG("reading configuration values... "); // RENC_FOK(bmd_get_server_configuration(params[1],_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration, TIME_FIRST)); /****************************/ /* polaczenie z baza danych */ /****************************/ DEBUG("initializing database library... "); if( _GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->db_library == NULL ) { RENC_FOK(bmd_db_init("")); } else { RENC_FOK(bmd_db_init(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->db_library)); } memset(&hDB,0,sizeof(char *)+2); DEBUG("connecting to database... "); RENC_FOK(bmd_db_connect(_GLOBAL_bmd_configuration->db_conninfo, &hDB)); /****************************************************/ /* wyszukanie oidow wszystkich kluczy symetrycznych */ /****************************************************/ asprintf(&SQLQuery, "SELECT symkey FROM crypto_objects WHERE id>=%s AND id <=%s;", params[6], params[7]); if (SQLQuery==NULL) { BMD_FOK(NO_MEMORY); } DEBUG("retrieving cryto objects id list... "); RENC_FOK_DB(ExecuteSQLQueryWithAnswersKnownDBConnection( hDB, SQLQuery, &ans_count, &ans)); free(SQLQuery); SQLQuery=NULL; printf("\n\n\n"); for (i=0; i<ans_count; i++) { /***********************/ /* wyzerowanie pamieci */ /***********************/ bmd_ctx_destroy(&newctx); bmd_ctx_destroy(&oldctx); free(ans2); ans2=NULL; free(ans3); ans3=NULL; free(lobid); lobid=NULL; free_gen_buf(&symkey_encrypted); free_gen_buf(&symkey_rencrypted); /****************************************************/ /* sprawdzenie, czy lob znajduje sie w bazie danych */ /****************************************************/ asprintf(&SQLQuery,"SELECT DISTINCT loid FROM pg_largeobject WHERE loid=%s;", ans[i]); if (SQLQuery==NULL) { BMD_FOK(NO_MEMORY); } BMD_FOK_DB(ExecuteSQLQueryWithAnswerKnownDBConnection( hDB, SQLQuery, &ans2)); free(SQLQuery); SQLQuery=NULL; DEBUG("importing and rencrypting symkey's lob (%.7li/%.7li) (lob id:%.7s)... ", i+1, ans_count, ans2); /****************************************/ /* importuj zaszyfrowany symkey */ /****************************************/ RENC_FOK_DB(bmd_db_import_blob(hDB, ans2, &symkey_encrypted)); /***********************************/ /* zdeszyfrowanie pobranego klucza */ /***********************************/ DEBUG("preparing decrypting certificate... "); RENC_FOK_DB(bmd_set_ctx_file(params[2], params[4], strlen(params[4]), &(oldctx))); DEBUG("decrypting private key with decrypting certificate... "); RENC_FOK_DB(bmd_decode_bmdKeyIV(symkey_encrypted, NULL, oldctx, &symkey_decrypted)); /*******************************/ /* zaszyfrowanie nowym kluczem */ /*******************************/ DEBUG("preparing encrypting certificate... "); RENC_FOK_DB(bmd_set_ctx_file(params[3], params[5], strlen(params[5]), &(newctx))); DEBUG("encrypting private key with encrypting certificate... "); RENC_FOK_DB(bmd_create_der_bmdKeyIV(BMD_CRYPT_ALGO_RSA, BMD_CRYPT_ALGO_DES3, newctx, symkey_decrypted->sym->key, symkey_decrypted->sym->IV, NULL, &symkey_rencrypted)); /****************************************/ /* zapisanie nowego loba w bazie danych */ /****************************************/ DEBUG("exporting new symmetric key to data base... "); RENC_FOK_DB(bmd_db_export_blob(hDB, symkey_rencrypted, &lobid)); /****************************************/ /* zmiana id symkeya w crypto_objectach */ /****************************************/ asprintf(&SQLQuery,"UPDATE crypto_objects SET symkey=%s WHERE symkey=%s;",lobid,ans2); if (SQLQuery==NULL) { BMD_FOK(NO_MEMORY); } ExecuteSQLQueryWithAnswerKnownDBConnection( hDB, SQLQuery, &ans3); free(ans3); ans3=NULL; free(SQLQuery); SQLQuery=NULL; /*********************************************/ /* usuniecie poprzedniego loba z bazy danych */ /*********************************************/ asprintf(&SQLQuery,"SELECT lo_unlink(%s);",ans2); if (SQLQuery==NULL) { BMD_FOK(NO_MEMORY); } ExecuteSQLQueryWithAnswerKnownDBConnection( hDB, SQLQuery, &ans3); free(ans3); ans3=NULL; free(SQLQuery); SQLQuery=NULL; bmd_ctx_destroy(&symkey_decrypted); printf("\n"); } bmd_db_disconnect(&hDB); /************/ /* porzadki */ /************/ free(hDB); hDB=NULL; bmd_ctx_destroy(&newctx); newctx=NULL; bmd_ctx_destroy(&oldctx); oldctx=NULL; free_gen_buf(&symkey_encrypted); free_gen_buf(&symkey_rencrypted); free(ans); ans=NULL; free(ans2); ans2=NULL; free(ans3); ans3=NULL; /************/ /* porzadki */ /************/ for (i=0; i<switcher_no; i++) { free(params[i]);params[i]=NULL; } free(params); params=NULL; return BMD_OK; }