Esempio n. 1
void Populate_Random(particle *particles,double *randoms,long int *currentRandom,double xMax,double yMax,double zMax,int numParticles){
	int i;
		(particles+i)->x = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*xMax;
		(particles+i)->y = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*yMax;
		(particles+i)->z = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*zMax;
		(particles+i)->cluster = 0;
Esempio n. 2
void Populate_Cluster_bcc(particle *particles, double a, double spread,double *randoms,long int *currentRandom,double xMax,double yMax,double zMax,int numParticles){
	int i = 0, xCount, yCount, zCount;
	int numXMoves = floor(xMax/a);
	int numYMoves = floor(yMax/a);
	int numZMoves = floor(zMax/a);
	double displaceDist;//distance to displace each particle from lattice site
	double displaceAngle1;//angle the displacement makes in x-y plane with x axis
	double displaceAngle2;//angle the displacement makes in x-z plane with z axis
	while (i<numParticles){
		//these 3 loops navigate to each lattice point
					//add the corner particle 
					displaceDist = (PRand(randoms,currentRandom)-0.5)*2*spread;
					displaceAngle1 = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*M_PI;
					displaceAngle2 = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*M_PI;
					(particles+i)->x = a*xCount+displaceDist*cos(displaceAngle1)*sin(displaceAngle2);
					(particles+i)->y = a*yCount+displaceDist*sin(displaceAngle1);
					(particles+i)->z = a*zCount+displaceDist*cos(displaceAngle2);
					//add the centre particle
					displaceDist = (PRand(randoms,currentRandom)-0.5)*2*spread;
					displaceAngle1 = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*M_PI;
					displaceAngle2 = PRand(randoms,currentRandom)*M_PI;
					(particles+i)->x = a*(xCount+0.5)+displaceDist*cos(displaceAngle1)*sin(displaceAngle2);
					(particles+i)->y = a*(yCount+0.5)+displaceDist*sin(displaceAngle1);
					(particles+i)->z = a*(zCount+0.5)+displaceDist*cos(displaceAngle2);
void up_startberechnungen(Vector2d &PS)
	//lokale Variable initialisieren
	MatrixXd PRand(6, 2);
	PRand << -0.037562690734863, 0.15856578063965,
		-0.037143062591553, 0.15856578063965,
		-0.034734931945801, 0.15868771362305,
		-0.034734931945801, 0.16132368469238,
		-0.037154541015625, 0.16142205810547,
		-0.0374965400695, 0.16142205810547;

	PRand = PRand * 1000;

	MatrixXd PS_e(P_Anz, 2);
	PS_e(0, 0) = 0, 0;

	MatrixXd Ixxyy_e(P_Anz, 2);
	Ixxyy_e(0, 0) = 0, 0;

	Vector2d Ixxyy;
	Ixxyy << 0, 0;

	double Ixy;

	Vector2d P1;
	P1 << 0, 0;

	Vector2d P2;
	P2 << 0, 0;

	VectorXd A_e(P_Anz);
	A_e(0) = 0;
	VectorXd  Ixy_e(P_Anz);

	double test[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	double test2[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

	int j, i;

	//Koordinate Prand(k, 0) = x - Koordinate
	//Koordinate Prand(k, 1) = y - Koordinate
	for (i = 0; i < P_Anz; i++){

		if (i < (P_Anz - 1))
			j = i + 1;
			j = 0;

		A_e(i) = (PRand(i, 0) * PRand(j, 1) - PRand(j, 0) * PRand(i, 1));

		PS_e(i, 0) = (PRand(i, 0) + PRand(j, 0)) * (PRand(i, 0) * PRand(j, 1) - PRand(j, 0) * PRand(i, 1));
		PS_e(i, 1) = (PRand(i, 1) + PRand(j, 1)) * (PRand(i, 0) * PRand(j, 1) - PRand(j, 0) * PRand(i, 1));

		//A = (A + A_e);

		/*PS_e_sum(0) = PS_e_sum(0) + PS_e(0);
		PS_e_sum(1) = PS_e_sum(1) + PS_e(1);*/


	A = A_e.sum() / 2;
	PS = PS_e.leftCols(2).colwise().sum() / (6 * A);

	//Bestimmung des Flächenträgheitselemente unter Anwendung des Green'schen
	//Theorems bzw.Satz von Steiner

	for (i = 0; i < P_Anz; i++){
		if (i < (P_Anz - 1))
			j = i + 1;
			j = 0;

		P1(0) = PRand(i, 0) - PS(0);
		P1(1) = PRand(i, 1) - PS(1);

		P2(0) = PRand(j, 0) - PS(0);
		P2(1) = PRand(j, 1) - PS(1);

		Ixxyy_e(i, 0) = (P2(0) - P1(0)) * (pow(P1(1), 3.0) + pow(P1(1), 2.0) * P2(1) + P1(1) * pow(P2(1), 2.0) + pow(P2(1), 3.0));
		Ixxyy_e(i, 1) = (P2(1) - P1(1)) * (pow(P1(0), 3.0) + pow(P1(0), 2.0) * P2(0) + P1(0) * pow(P2(0), 2.0) + pow(P2(0), 3.0));
		Ixy_e(i) = (P1(1) * P2(1) + 2 * P1(0) * P1(1) + 2 * P2(0) * P2(1) + P2(0) + P1(1)) * (P1(0) * P2(1) - P2(0) * P1(1));


	Ixxyy = Ixxyy_e.colwise().sum() / (-12);
	Ixy = abs(Ixy_e.sum() / (-24));

	Ixxyy(0) = abs(Ixxyy(0));
	Ixxyy(1) = abs(Ixxyy(1));

	Jx = Ixxyy(0);     //[mm ^ 4] Querschnitts - Flächenträgheitsmoment in X - Richtung
	Jy = Ixxyy(1);     //[mm ^ 4] Querschnitts - Flächenträgheitsmoment in Y - Richtung

	Vector2d b_h_max;
	b_h_max(0) = PRand.col(0).maxCoeff() - PRand.col(0).minCoeff();
	b_h_max(1) = PRand.col(1).maxCoeff() - PRand.col(1).minCoeff();

	//%Abstände der prohjezierten Randflächen Mittelpunkte zum Schwerkraftmittelpunkt
	 delta_XY = PS(1) - ((PRand.col(1).maxCoeff() - PRand.col(1).minCoeff()) / 2 + PRand.col(1).minCoeff());

	double l_Balk = 5 * b_h_max.maxCoeff(); //[mm] Länge der einzelnen Balkenelemente für bestes Verhältnis für FEM    //n = input('Balkenanzahl n = ');   //Anzahl der Balkenelemente in die Ring eingeteilt wird.
	n = L / l_Balk; //[]; Anzahl der Balkenelemente
	l = L / n;          //[mm]; Elementlänge

	EJ = E*Jy;          //[Nmm ^ 2]
	EA = E*A;           //[N]
	rhoA = rho*A;     //[kg / mm]
