Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int argi, i;
    char *arg, *nextarg;
    PmError perr;
    PtError pterr;

    PmDeviceID dev = -1;
    int list = 0;

    for (argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) {
        arg = argv[argi];
        nextarg = argv[argi+1];
        if (arg[0] == '-') {
            if (!strcmp(arg, "-l")) {
                list = 1;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-i") && nextarg) {
                dev = atoi(nextarg);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid invocation.\n");

    PSF(perr, Pm_Initialize, ());
    PTSF(pterr, Pt_Start, (1, dump, NULL));

    /* list devices */
    if (list) {
        int ct = Pm_CountDevices();
        PmDeviceID def = Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
        const PmDeviceInfo *devinf;

        for (i = 0; i < ct; i++) {
            devinf = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i);
            printf("%d%s: %s%s %s\n", i, (def == i) ? "*" : "",
                (devinf->input) ? "I" : "",
                (devinf->output) ? "O" : "",

    /* choose device */
    if (dev == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Using default device.\n");
        dev = Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();

    /* open it for input */
    PSF(perr, Pm_OpenInput, (&stream, dev, NULL, 1024, NULL, NULL));
    PSF(perr, Pm_SetFilter, (stream, PM_FILT_ACTIVE | PM_FILT_SYSEX));

    while (1) Pt_Sleep(1<<31);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *f;
    PmError perr;
    MfFile *pf;
    int ti;
    MfTrack *track;
    MfEvent *cur;
    int redux;

    if (argc < 4) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Use: hreducevel <file> <output file> <range reduction>\n");
        return 1;
    redux = atoi(argv[3]);

    PSF(perr, Mf_Initialize, ());

    /* open it for input */
    SF(f, fopen, NULL, (argv[1], "rb"));

    /* and read it */
    PSF(perr, Mf_ReadMidiFile, (&pf, f));

    /* redux it */
    for (ti = 0; ti < pf->trackCt; ti++) {
        track = pf->tracks[ti];
        cur = track->head;
        while (cur) {
            if (Pm_MessageType(cur->e.message) == MIDI_NOTE_ON) {
                uint8_t vel = Pm_MessageData2(cur->e.message);
                vel = 127 - (127-vel)/redux;
                cur->e.message = Pm_Message(
            cur = cur->next;

    /* write it out */
    SF(f, fopen, NULL, (argv[2], "wb"));
    PSF(perr, Mf_WriteMidiFile, (f, pf));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILE *f;
    PmError perr;
    PtError pterr;
    MfFile *pf;
    int argi, i;
    char *arg, *nextarg, *file;

    PmDeviceID dev = -1;
    int list = 0;
    file = NULL;

    for (argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) {
        arg = argv[argi];
        nextarg = argv[argi+1];
        if (arg[0] == '-') {
            if (!strcmp(arg, "-l")) {
                list = 1;
            } else if (!strcmp(arg, "-o") && nextarg) {
                dev = atoi(nextarg);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid invocation.\n");
        } else {
            file = arg;

    PSF(perr, Pm_Initialize, ());
    PSF(perr, Mf_Initialize, ());
    PTSF(pterr, Pt_Start, (1, play, NULL));

    /* list devices */
    if (list) {
        int ct = Pm_CountDevices();
        PmDeviceID def = Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
        const PmDeviceInfo *devinf;

        for (i = 0; i < ct; i++) {
            devinf = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i);
            printf("%d%s: %s%s %s\n", i, (def == i) ? "*" : "",
                (devinf->input) ? "I" : "",
                (devinf->output) ? "O" : "",

    /* choose device */
    if (dev == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "No device selected.\n");

    /* open it for input */
    PSF(perr, Pm_OpenOutput, (&ostream, dev, NULL, 1024, NULL, NULL, 0));

    /* open it for input */
    f = fopen(file, "rb");
    if (f == NULL) {

    /* and read it */
    PSF(perr, Mf_ReadMidiFile, (&pf, f));

    /* now start running */
    stream = Mf_OpenStream(pf);
    Mf_StartStream(stream, Pt_Time());

    /* FIXME: I sure hope this doesn't get reordered >_> */
    ready = 1;

    while (1) Pt_Sleep(1<<30);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
{ NETF(angles[2]), 0 },
{ NETF(angles2[0]), 0 },
{ NETF(angles2[2]), 0 },
{ NETF(constantLight), 32 },
{ NETF(frame), 16 }

int bg_numEntityStateFields = ARRAY_LEN(bg_entityStateFields);

// playerState_t fields
#define	PSF(x) (size_t)&((playerState_t*)0)->x, 1
#define	PSA(x) (size_t)&((playerState_t*)0)->x, ARRAY_LEN( ((playerState_t*)0)->x )

vmNetField_t	bg_playerStateFields[] = 
{ PSF(commandTime), 32 },				
{ PSF(origin[0]), 0 },
{ PSF(origin[1]), 0 },
{ PSF(bobCycle), 8 },
{ PSF(velocity[0]), 0 },
{ PSF(velocity[1]), 0 },
{ PSF(viewangles[1]), 0 },
{ PSF(viewangles[0]), 0 },
{ PSF(weaponTime), -16 },
{ PSF(origin[2]), 0 },
{ PSF(velocity[2]), 0 },
{ PSF(legsTimer), 8 },
{ PSF(pm_time), -16 },
{ PSF(eventSequence), 16 },
{ PSF(torsoAnim), 8 },
{ PSF(movementDir), 4 },
Esempio n. 5
static int
devopen(FILE * f, const char * name, int oflags, const char * mde)
   struct fnarg fna = {0};
   const char * t;
   const char * s=name;
   int len;
   int fnftlen;
   int rv, rsn;
   struct exsbuff exs;
   struct exsbuff * pexs;
   int exsl=sizeof(exs);
   int nofile = 0;                    /* assume file exists          */
   int zero = 0;                      /* For SFS plist               */
   static const char blanks[10] = "          ";
   static const char noc[] = "NOCOMMIT";
   static const int nocl = sizeof(noc) - 1;
   const char * mode = mde;
   enum intent intent;

   #if DEBUG
   __WERROR("Opening %s for mode %s", name, mode);
   switch (name[0])
      case '/':
         s += strspn(s, "/");
         t=strpbrk(s, "/:");
         if (!t)
            return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_onesl,
               "Leading slash, but no further slash or colon.", name);
         len = t - s;
         if ('/' == *t)              /* Mode letter and maybe number */
            if (2 < len)
               return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_modelong,
                  "File mode longer than two characters.", name);
            fna.mode = toupper(0xff & s[0]);
            fna.moden = 2 == len ? s[1] : ' ';
            s = t + 1;
         /* ':' File pool                                            */
         if (8 < len)
            return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_fplong,
               "File pool name longer than 8 characters.", name);
         memcpy(fna.filepool, s, len);
         s = t;
         /* Fall through                                             */
      case '~':                       /* File space                  */
         t = strchr(++s, '/');
         if (!t)
            return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_fpfsunterm,
               "File space name not terminated with forward slash (/).", name);
         len = t - s;
         if (len)
            if (8<len)
               return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_fslong,
                  "File space name longer than 8 characters.", name);
            memcpy(fna.filespace, s, len);
         for (;;)                     /* Look for directory levels   */
            s += strspn(s, "/");
            t = strchr(s, '/');
            if (!t) break;
            if (fna.alen) fna.dir[fna.alen++] = '.';
            len = t - s;
            if (sizeof(fna.dir) < fna.alen + len)
               return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_fslong,
                  "Directory path too long.", name);
            memcpy(fna.dir + fna.alen, s, len);
            fna.alen += len;
            s=t + 1;
      case '.':
         return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_leaddot,
            "File name omitted.", name);
         fna.mode = (O_RDONLY & f->oflags) ? '*' : 'A';

   t = strchr(s, '.');
   if (!t)
      return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_noft,
         "File type omitted.", name);
   len = t - s;
   fnftlen = strlen(s);
   if (17 < fnftlen)
      return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_fnftlong,
         "File name and type too long.", name);

   memcpy(fna.fid, s, fnftlen);
   fna.fid[len] = ' ';
   fna.fidlen = fnftlen;

   fna.fid[fna.fidlen++] = ' ';
   #define PSF(x...) fna.fidlen += sprintf(fna.fid + fna.fidlen, x)
   if (fna.filepool[0])
      PSF("%s:", fna.filepool);
      if (!fna.filespace[0])
         return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_fn_fsmissing,
            "File space not specified.", name);
   if (fna.alen) PSF("%s.%s", fna.filespace, fna.dir);
   else PSF("%c", fna.mode);
   if (fna.moden) PSF(" %c", fna.moden);
   __WERROR("%d >%s<", fna.fidlen, fna.fid);

   #undef PDF

/* Now  look  for the file.  If user wants caseless, he will have to */
/* do the uppercasing.  We in turn make no noise.                    */
/*                                                                   */
/* Aw, c'm on.  If it is read, look for uppercase.                   */

   exs.exstype = 0;                   /* Assume not old              */
   rsn = 0;
   nofile = 0;
   tocsl(8, "DMSEXIST", &rv, &rsn, fna.fid, &fna.fidlen,
      &exs, &exsl, noc, &nocl);
   if (rv && 90220 == rsn && (O_RDONLY & oflags) && islower(0xff & fna.fid[0]))
      int i;

      for (i = 0; fna.fidlen > i; i++)
         fna.fid[i] = toupper(0xff & fna.fid[i]);
      tocsl(8, "DMSEXIST", &rv, &rsn, fna.fid, &fna.fidlen,
         &exs, &exsl, noc, &nocl);
   if (rv)
      if (90220 == rsn) nofile = 1;
         char bfr[256];

         sprintf(bfr, "DMSEXIST reason %d file '%.*s'",
            rsn, fna.fidlen, fna.fid);
         return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_dmsexist,
            "CMS error locating file", bfr);
      #define M(x, y) f->x = exs.exsf ## y
      M(recform, recf);
      M(lrecl, recl);
      M(numrecs, recs);
      M(numblks, blks);
      #undef M

/* Figure operation intent and set the keyword accordingly.          */

   if (nofile)
      if (O_RDONLY & f->oflags) return ENOENT;
      intent = int_create;    /* If it ain't there, surely we create */
      if (O_EXCL & f->oflags) return EEXISTS;
      if (O_RDONLY & f->oflags) intent = int_read;
      else if (O_TRUNC & f->oflags) intent = int_replace;
      else intent = int_update;

   #define POP(x...) fna.optlen += sprintf(fna.opt + fna.optlen, x)

   POP("%s", sfsint[intent]);         /* Intent                      */
   #if DEBUG
   __WERROR("%d %s", fna.optlen, fna.opt);

/* Process remaining part of mode string.                            */
/*                                                                   */
/* It  may  be  a  comma  and  lrecl=nnn, and SFS open options which */
/* should  not  include  new/read/replace, as we construct that word */
/* from the standard type.                                           */

   s = mode;

   while (s && *s)
      if (0==strncasecmp(s, "lrecl=", 6))
         int got=0;
         int lrecl;

         sscanf(s+6, "%d %n", &lrecl, &got);
         if (0==got)
            return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_lrecl,
               "Record length missing.", s);
         if (nofile) f->lrecl = lrecl;
         s += 6 + got;
      else if (0==strncasecmp(s, "recfm=", 6))
         char recfm = toupper(0xff & s[6]);

         if ('F' != recfm && 'V' != recfm)
            return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_recfm,
               "Record format not valid.", s);
         if (!nofile && recfm != f->recform)
            char bfr[2] = {f->recform};

            return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_recfm_diff,
               "Record format not same as existing file.", bfr);
         if (!(O_RDONLY & f->oflags)) POP(" %c", recfm);
         s += 7;
         return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_mode,
            "Unrecognised mode string.", s);

      if (*s && ',' != *s++)
         return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_bad_mode_del,
            "Comma expected in mode string.", s);

   /* Supply defaults if create                                      */
   if (int_create == intent)
      if (!f->recform)
         f->recform = 'V';
         POP(" %c", f->recform);
      if (!f->lrecl)
         /* Setting  the LRECL for V files is for the write function */
         /* to know when to cut a record; SFS will ignore the record */
         /* length?                                                  */
         if ('F' == f->recform) f->lrecl = 80;
         else if (O_BINARY & f->oflags) f->lrecl = 255;

   if (sizeof(fna.opt) - fna.optlen <= len)
      return _seterr(EINVAL, EINVAL, _einv_rsn_long_opt,
         "Option string too long.", s);

   __WERROR("fd %d mode '%s' options %d '%-*.*s' open flag %x",
      f->fd, mde, fna.optlen, fna.optlen, fna.optlen, fna.opt, f->oflags);
   #undef POP

/* And finally.                                                      */

   tocsl(15, "DMSOPEN ", &rv, &rsn, fna.fid, &fna.fidlen,
      fna.opt, &fna.optlen, f->token,
      &zero,                          /* Work unit                   */
      &zero,                          /* Wu error                    */
      &zero,                          /* Wu error length             */
      &zero,                          /* User data                   */
      &zero,                          /* User data length            */
      blanks,                         /* Create date                 */
      blanks,                         /* Create time                 */
      &f->lrecl                       /* Explicit record length      */
   switch (rv)
      case 0:
      case 4:
      case 8:
         switch (rsn)
            case 90310:
               __sayf("fd %d %s bad keyword in list '%s'", f->fd, name, fna.opt);
               goto error;
         return EINVAL;
         __sayf("DMSOPEN fd %d rc=%d reason=%d.", f->fd, rv, rsn);
         return EINVAL;

   if (!fna.mode) f->blksize = 0x1000;
      if (0) __sayf("FIXME " __FILE__ ".%d", __LINE__);

   pexs = f->accwork = malloc(sizeof(struct exsbuff));
   if (!f) return ENOMEM;
   *pexs = exs;

   return 0;