Esempio n. 1
extern void snap(JNIEnv *env, char *text, void* start, int length)

  int i, j, k;
  char worktext[20+1];
  char *dump;
  char line[100];
  char newline[100];
  char oldline[100];
  char work[100];
  char txt[100];
  char tmp[100];

  memset(worktext, 0, sizeof(worktext));
  memcpy(worktext, text, 20);
  dump = (char*) start;
  memset(oldline, 0, sizeof(oldline));
  oldline[0] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < length; )
    newline[0] = 0;
    txt[0] = 0;
    sprintf(work, "%-16s %08x (+%04x): ", worktext, dump, i);
    strcat(newline, work);
    worktext[0] = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      for (k = 0; (k < 4) && (i < length); k++, i++, dump++)
        sprintf(work, "%02X", (unsigned char) *dump);
        strcat(newline, work);

        if ( *dump >= 0x21 && *dump <= 0x7a)
          sprintf(work, "%c", *dump);
          strcat(txt, work);
          strcat(txt, ".");

      sprintf(work, " ");
      strcat(newline, work);

    //if (strcmp(&oldline[36], &newline[36]) != 0)
      sprintf(tmp, "%-68s%s ", newline, txt);

Esempio n. 2
extern jlong file_read(JNIEnv *env, jlong fhandle, jlong seek, jlong length, jlong buffer)
  /* Set fixed values at start and end of buffer: */
  prepare_read_buffer(env, buffer, length);

  int rc = pread64((int) fhandle, (void*) buffer, (size_t) (int) length, (off64_t) seek);

  if (rc == -1)
    if (errno == 0)
      PTOD("Errno is zero after a failed read. Setting to 799");
      return 799;
    return errno;

  else if (rc != length)
    PTOD1("Invalid byte count. Expecting %lld", length);
    PTOD1("but read only %d bytes.", rc);;
    return 798;

  /* Make sure read was REALLY OK: */
  return check_read_buffer(env, buffer, length);
Esempio n. 3
/*** hnt_internal_GetAttrType() - return the type of the new value
hnt_internal_GetAttrType(pObject obj, char* attrname)
    pTObjData ptod = PTOD(obj);
    if (strcmp(attrname,"value")) return -1;
    return ptod->DataType;
Esempio n. 4
/*** hnt_internal_GetAttrValue() - return the value
hnt_internal_GetAttrValue(pObject obj, char* attrname, int type, pObjData pod)
    pTObjData ptod = PTOD(obj);
    if (strcmp(attrname,"value")) return -1;
    if (type != ptod->DataType) return -1;
    objCopyData(&(ptod->Data), pod, type);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
extern jlong file_close(JNIEnv *env, jlong fhandle)
  int rc = close((int) fhandle);
  if (rc == -1)
    if (errno == 0)
      PTOD("Errno is zero after a failed close. Setting to 799");
      return 799;
    return errno;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 6
extern jlong file_write(JNIEnv *env, jlong fhandle, jlong seek, jlong length, jlong buffer)
  int rc = pwrite64((int) fhandle, (void*) buffer, (size_t) length, (off64_t) seek);

  if (rc == -1)
    if (errno == 0)
      PTOD("Errno is zero after a failed read. Setting to 799");
      return 799;
    return errno;

  else if (rc != length)
    PTOD1("Invalid byte count. Expecting %lld", length);
    PTOD1("but wrote only %d bytes.", rc);;
    return 798;

  return 0;