Esempio n. 1

	string(string st1, string st2) strcat
static void
PF_strcat (progs_t *pr)
	const char *st1 = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);
	const char *st2 = P_GSTRING (pr, 1);

	R_STRING (pr) = PR_CatStrings (pr, st1, st2);
Esempio n. 2

	float(string st1, string st2) strcasecmp
static void
PF_strcasecmp (progs_t *pr)
	const char *st1;
	const char *st2;

	st1 = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);
	st2 = P_GSTRING (pr, 1);

	R_FLOAT (pr) = (float) strncasecmp (st1, st2, 99999);
Esempio n. 3

	entity(string st) getclient
static void
PF_getclient (progs_t *pr)
	edict_t    *ent;
	const char *st;
	int         i, uid;
	client_t   *cl;

	st = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);

	ent = (edict_t *) KK_Match_Str2 (st);

	// no substring match?
	if (!ent) {
		uid = atoi (st);				// lets assume its an user id

		if (uid != 0)					// was it even a number?
			// then, lets see if a client with that userid is here
			for (i = 0, cl = svs.clients; i < MAX_CLIENTS && !ent; i++, cl++) {
				if (cl->userid == uid)	// yeah, found it
					ent = cl->edict;
	// Failed retrieving an user by name and by userid, so return world
	if (!ent)
		ent = sv.edicts;

	RETURN_EDICT (pr, ent);
Esempio n. 4
static void
bi_Menu_SelectMenu (progs_t *pr)
	const char *name = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);

	menu = 0;
	if (name && *name)
		menu = Hash_Find (menu_hash, name);
	if (menu) {
		Key_SetKeyDest (key_menu);
		if (menu->enter_hook) {
			run_menu_pre ();
			PR_ExecuteProgram (&menu_pr_state, menu->enter_hook);
			run_menu_post ();
	} else {
		if (name && *name)
			Sys_Printf ("no menu \"%s\"\n", name);
		if (con_data.force_commandline) {
			Key_SetKeyDest (key_console);
		} else {
			Key_SetKeyDest (key_game);
Esempio n. 5

	string(string st, float len) padstr
static void
PF_padstr (progs_t *pr)
	const char *st;
	size_t      i, padlen, givenlen;
	char       *padding;

	st = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);
	padlen = (unsigned int) P_FLOAT (pr, 1);
	givenlen = strlen (st);

	// Check if nothing should be done due to error or no need to..
	if ( (padlen <= givenlen)) {			// nothing should be done
		R_INT (pr) = P_STRING (pr, 0);		// return given string
	// ok, lets pad it!
	padlen -= givenlen;
	padding = alloca (padlen + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < padlen; i++)
		padding[i] = ' ';
	padding[i] = '\0';

	R_STRING (pr) = PR_CatStrings (pr, st, padding);
Esempio n. 6
static void
PF_strlen (progs_t *pr)
	const char *st;

	st = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);

	R_FLOAT (pr) = (float) strlen (st);
Esempio n. 7
static void
bi_Menu_Pic (progs_t *pr)
	int         x = P_INT (pr, 0);
	int         y = P_INT (pr, 1);
	const char *name = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);

	menu_pic (x, y, name, 0, 0, -1, -1);
Esempio n. 8
static void
bi_Menu_TopMenu (progs_t *pr)
	const char *name = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);

	if (top_menu)
		free ((char *) top_menu);
	top_menu = strdup (name);
Esempio n. 9
static void
PF_makestr (progs_t *pr)
	string_t    res = PR_NewMutableString (pr);
	dstring_t  *dst = PR_GetMutableString (pr, res);
    const char *src = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);

	dstring_copystr (dst, src);
	R_STRING (pr) = res;
Esempio n. 10
static void
bi_Menu_CenterPic (progs_t *pr)
	int         x = P_INT (pr, 0);
	int         y = P_INT (pr, 1);
	const char *name = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);
	qpic_t     *qpic = r_funcs->Draw_CachePic (name, 1);

	if (!qpic)

	menu_pic (x - qpic->width / 2, y, name, 0, 0, -1, -1);
Esempio n. 11
static void
bi_Menu_SubPic (progs_t *pr)
	int         x = P_INT (pr, 0);
	int         y = P_INT (pr, 1);
	const char *name = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);
	int         srcx = P_INT (pr, 3);
	int         srcy = P_INT (pr, 4);
	int         width = P_INT (pr, 5);
	int         height = P_INT (pr, 6);

	menu_pic (x, y, name, srcx, srcy, width, height);
Esempio n. 12
static void
bi_Menu_CenterSubPic (progs_t *pr)
	int         x = P_INT (pr, 0);
	int         y = P_INT (pr, 1);
	const char *name = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);
	qpic_t     *qpic = r_funcs->Draw_CachePic (name, 1);
	int         srcx = P_INT (pr, 3);
	int         srcy = P_INT (pr, 4);
	int         width = P_INT (pr, 5);
	int         height = P_INT (pr, 6);

	if (!qpic)

	menu_pic (x - qpic->width / 2, y, name, srcx, srcy, width, height);
Esempio n. 13
static void
bi_Menu_Begin (progs_t *pr)
	int         x = P_INT (pr, 0);
	int         y = P_INT (pr, 1);
	const char *text = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);
	menu_item_t *m = calloc (sizeof (menu_item_t), 1);

	m->x = x;
	m->y = y;
	m->text = text && text[0] ? strdup (text) : 0;
	if (menu)
		menu_add_item (menu, m);
	menu = m;
	if (m->text)
		Hash_Add (menu_hash, m);
Esempio n. 14
static void
bi_Menu_Item (progs_t *pr)
	int         x = P_INT (pr, 0);
	int         y = P_INT (pr, 1);
	const char *text = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);
	func_t      func = P_FUNCTION (pr, 3);
	int         allkeys = P_INT (pr, 4);
	menu_item_t *mi = calloc (sizeof (menu_item_t), 1);

	mi->x = x;
	mi->y = y;
	mi->text = text && text[0] ? strdup (text) : 0;
	mi->func = func;
	mi->parent = menu;
	mi->allkeys = allkeys;
	menu_add_item (menu, mi);
Esempio n. 15
static void
PF_validatefile (progs_t *pr)
	float       retval;
	QFile      *f;
	const char *st;

	st = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);

	QFS_FOpenFile (st, &f);
	if (!f) {
		retval = 0.0;
	} else {
		retval = 1.0;
		Qclose (f);

	R_FLOAT (pr) = retval;
Esempio n. 16
static void
PF_colstr (progs_t *pr)
	const char *srcstr;
	unsigned char *result;
	unsigned    action;
	size_t      len, i;

	srcstr = P_GSTRING (pr, 0);
	action = (unsigned) P_FLOAT (pr, 1);
	len = strlen (srcstr);

	// Check for errors, if any, return given string
	if (len == 0 || action > COLSTR_NUMBERV) {
		R_INT (pr) = P_STRING (pr, 0);	// return given string
	// Process string..
	result = alloca (len + 1);
	strcpy ((char *) result, srcstr);

	switch (action) {

			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (result[i] > 160)	// is red char
					result[i] -= 128;


		case COLSTR_MIX1:

			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i & 0x01) {
					if (result[i] < 128 && result[i] > 32)	// is white char
						result[i] += 128;
				} else {
					if (result[i] > 160)	// is red char
						result[i] -= 128;


		case COLSTR_RED:

			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (result[i] < 128 && result[i] > 32)	// is white char
					result[i] += 128;


		case COLSTR_MIX2:

			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i & 0x01) {
					if (result[i] > 160)	// is red char
						result[i] -= 128;
				} else {
					if (result[i] < 128 && result[i] > 32)	// is white char
						result[i] += 128;



			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (result[i] > 47 && result[i] < 58)	// is a white number
					result[i] -= 30;



			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (result[i] > 47 && result[i] < 58)	// is a white number
					result[i] += 98;

	RETURN_STRING (pr, (char *) result);
Esempio n. 17
static void
PF_clientsound (progs_t *pr)
	const char *sample;
	int         channel;
	edict_t    *entity;
	int         volume;
	float       attenuation;

	int         sound_num;
	int         i;
	pr_int_t    ent;
	vec3_t      origin;

	entity = P_EDICT (pr, 0);
	channel = P_FLOAT (pr, 1);
	sample = P_GSTRING (pr, 2);
	volume = P_FLOAT (pr, 3) * 255;
	attenuation = P_FLOAT (pr, 4);

	ent = NUM_FOR_EDICT (pr, entity);

	// If not a client go away
	if (ent > MAX_CLIENTS || ent < 1)

	if (volume < 0 || volume > 255)
		Sys_Error ("SV_StartSound: volume = %i", volume);

	if (attenuation < 0 || attenuation > 4)
		Sys_Error ("SV_StartSound: attenuation = %f", attenuation);

	if (channel < 0 || channel > 15)
		Sys_Error ("SV_StartSound: channel = %i", channel);

// find precache number for sound
	for (sound_num = 1; sound_num < MAX_SOUNDS
		 && sv.sound_precache[sound_num]; sound_num++)
		if (!strcmp (sample, sv.sound_precache[sound_num]))

	if (sound_num == MAX_SOUNDS || !sv.sound_precache[sound_num]) {
		Sys_Printf ("SV_StartSound: %s not precacheed\n", sample);

	channel &= 7;

	channel = (ent << 3) | channel;

		channel |= SND_VOLUME;
		channel |= SND_ATTENUATION;

	// use the entity origin
	VectorCopy (SVvector (entity, origin), origin);

	MSG_WriteByte (&svs.clients[ent - 1].netchan.message, svc_sound);
	MSG_WriteShort (&svs.clients[ent - 1].netchan.message, channel);
	if (channel & SND_VOLUME)
		MSG_WriteByte (&svs.clients[ent - 1].netchan.message, volume);
	if (channel & SND_ATTENUATION)
		MSG_WriteByte (&svs.clients[ent - 1].netchan.message, attenuation * 64);
	MSG_WriteByte (&svs.clients[ent - 1].netchan.message, sound_num);
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		MSG_WriteCoord (&svs.clients[ent - 1].netchan.message, origin[i]);