Esempio n. 1
void P_CopyLine(Line *dest, Line *src)
    xline_t *xsrc  = P_ToXLine(src);
    xline_t *xdest = P_ToXLine(dest);

    if(src == dest)
        return; // no point copying self

    // Copy the built-in properties
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) // For each side
        int sidx = (i==0? DMU_FRONT : DMU_BACK);

        Side *sidefrom = (Side *)P_GetPtrp(src, sidx);
        Side *sideto = (Side *)P_GetPtrp(dest, sidx);

        if(!sidefrom || !sideto)

        float temp[4];
        coord_t itemp[2];

        P_SetPtrp    (sideto,   DMU_TOP_MATERIAL,               P_GetPtrp(sidefrom, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL));
        P_GetDoublepv(sidefrom, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,     itemp);
        P_SetDoublepv(sideto,   DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,     itemp);
        P_GetFloatpv (sidefrom, DMU_TOP_COLOR,                  temp);
        P_SetFloatpv (sideto,   DMU_TOP_COLOR,                  temp);

        P_SetPtrp    (sideto,   DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL,            P_GetPtrp(sidefrom, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL));
        P_GetDoublepv(sidefrom, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,  itemp);
        P_SetDoublepv(sideto,   DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,  itemp);
        P_SetFloatpv (sideto,   DMU_MIDDLE_COLOR,               temp);
        P_SetIntp    (sideto,   DMU_MIDDLE_BLENDMODE,           P_GetIntp(sidefrom, DMU_MIDDLE_BLENDMODE));

        P_SetPtrp    (sideto,   DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL,            P_GetPtrp(sidefrom, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL));
        P_GetDoublepv(sidefrom, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,  itemp);
        P_SetDoublepv(sideto,   DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,  itemp);
        P_GetFloatpv (sidefrom, DMU_BOTTOM_COLOR,               temp);
        P_SetFloatpv (sideto,   DMU_BOTTOM_COLOR,               temp);

    // Copy the extended properties too
#if __JDOOM__ || __JHERETIC__ || __JDOOM64__
    xdest->special = xsrc->special;
    xdest->tag     = xsrc->tag;
    if(xsrc->xg && xdest->xg)
        std::memcpy(xdest->xg, xsrc->xg, sizeof(*xdest->xg));
        xdest->xg = 0;
    xdest->special = xsrc->special;
    xdest->arg1 = xsrc->arg1;
    xdest->arg2 = xsrc->arg2;
    xdest->arg3 = xsrc->arg3;
    xdest->arg4 = xsrc->arg4;
    xdest->arg5 = xsrc->arg5;
Esempio n. 2
void P_CopySector(Sector *dest, Sector *src)
    xsector_t *xsrc = P_ToXSector(src);
    xsector_t *xdest = P_ToXSector(dest);

    if(src == dest)
        return; // no point copying self.

    // Copy the built-in properties.
    float ftemp[4];
    coord_t dtemp[2];

    P_SetFloatp  (dest, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL,                P_GetFloatp(src, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL));
    P_GetFloatpv (src,  DMU_COLOR,                      ftemp);
    P_SetFloatpv (dest, DMU_COLOR,                      ftemp);

    P_SetDoublep (dest, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT,               P_GetDoublep(src, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT));
    P_SetPtrp    (dest, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL,             P_GetPtrp(src, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL));
    P_GetFloatpv (src,  DMU_FLOOR_COLOR,                ftemp);
    P_SetFloatpv (dest, DMU_FLOOR_COLOR,                ftemp);
    P_GetDoublepv(src,  DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,   dtemp);
    P_SetDoublepv(dest, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,   dtemp);
    P_SetIntp    (dest, DMU_FLOOR_SPEED,                P_GetIntp(src, DMU_FLOOR_SPEED));
    P_SetDoublep (dest, DMU_FLOOR_TARGET_HEIGHT,        P_GetFloatp(src, DMU_FLOOR_TARGET_HEIGHT));

    P_SetDoublep (dest, DMU_CEILING_HEIGHT,             P_GetDoublep(src, DMU_CEILING_HEIGHT));
    P_SetPtrp    (dest, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL,           P_GetPtrp(src, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL));
    P_GetFloatpv (src,  DMU_CEILING_COLOR,              ftemp);
    P_SetFloatpv (dest, DMU_CEILING_COLOR,              ftemp);
    P_GetDoublepv(src,  DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, dtemp);
    P_SetDoublepv(dest, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, dtemp);
    P_SetIntp    (dest, DMU_CEILING_SPEED,              P_GetIntp(src, DMU_CEILING_SPEED));
    P_SetDoublep (dest, DMU_CEILING_TARGET_HEIGHT,      P_GetFloatp(src, DMU_CEILING_TARGET_HEIGHT));

    // Copy the extended properties too
#if __JDOOM__ || __JHERETIC__ || __JDOOM64__
    xdest->special = xsrc->special;
    xdest->soundTraversed = xsrc->soundTraversed;
    xdest->soundTarget = xsrc->soundTarget;
#if __JHERETIC__
    xdest->seqType = xsrc->seqType;
    xdest->SP_floororigheight = xsrc->SP_floororigheight;
    xdest->SP_ceilorigheight = xsrc->SP_ceilorigheight;
    xdest->origLight = xsrc->origLight;
    std::memcpy(xdest->origRGB, xsrc->origRGB, sizeof(float) * 3);
    if(xsrc->xg && xdest->xg)
        std::memcpy(xdest->xg, xsrc->xg, sizeof(*xdest->xg));
        xdest->xg = 0;
    xdest->special = xsrc->special;
    xdest->soundTraversed = xsrc->soundTraversed;
    xdest->soundTarget = xsrc->soundTarget;
    xdest->seqType = xsrc->seqType;
Esempio n. 3
static void P_v13_UnArchiveWorld(void)
    int i, j;
    fixed_t offx, offy;
    Sector* sec;
    xsector_t* xsec;
    Line* line;
    xline_t* xline;

    // Do sectors.
    for(i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
        Uri *floorTextureUrn, *ceilingTextureUrn;

        sec = P_ToPtr(DMU_SECTOR, i);
        xsec = P_ToXSector(sec);

        P_SetDoublep(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT,     (coord_t)Reader_ReadInt16(svReader));
        P_SetDoublep(sec, DMU_CEILING_HEIGHT,   (coord_t)Reader_ReadInt16(svReader));

        floorTextureUrn = readTextureUrn(svReader, "Flats");
        P_SetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL,   DD_MaterialForTextureUri(floorTextureUrn));

        ceilingTextureUrn = readTextureUrn(svReader, "Flats");
        P_SetPtrp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL, DD_MaterialForTextureUri(ceilingTextureUrn));

        P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL,      (float) (Reader_ReadInt16(svReader)) / 255.0f);

        xsec->special = Reader_ReadInt16(svReader); // needed?
        /*xsec->tag = **/Reader_ReadInt16(svReader); // needed?
        xsec->specialData = 0;
        xsec->soundTarget = 0;

    // Do lines.
    for(i = 0; i < numlines; ++i)
        line = P_ToPtr(DMU_LINE, i);
        xline = P_ToXLine(line);

        xline->flags   = Reader_ReadInt16(svReader);
        xline->special = Reader_ReadInt16(svReader);
        /*xline->tag    =*/Reader_ReadInt16(svReader);

        for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
            Uri *topTextureUrn, *bottomTextureUrn, *middleTextureUrn;

            Side* sdef = P_GetPtrp(line, j == 0? DMU_FRONT : DMU_BACK);
            if(!sdef) continue;

            offx = Reader_ReadInt16(svReader) << FRACBITS;
            offy = Reader_ReadInt16(svReader) << FRACBITS;
            P_SetFixedp(sdef, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X,    offx);
            P_SetFixedp(sdef, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y,    offy);
            P_SetFixedp(sdef, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X, offx);
            P_SetFixedp(sdef, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y, offy);
            P_SetFixedp(sdef, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X, offx);
            P_SetFixedp(sdef, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y, offy);

            topTextureUrn = readTextureUrn(svReader, "Textures");
            P_SetPtrp(sdef, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL,    DD_MaterialForTextureUri(topTextureUrn));

            bottomTextureUrn = readTextureUrn(svReader, "Textures");
            P_SetPtrp(sdef, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL, DD_MaterialForTextureUri(bottomTextureUrn));

            middleTextureUrn = readTextureUrn(svReader, "Textures");
            P_SetPtrp(sdef, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL, DD_MaterialForTextureUri(middleTextureUrn));
Esempio n. 4
static int doPlat(Line *line, int tag, plattype_e type, int amount)
#if !__JHEXEN__
    Sector *frontSector = (Sector *)P_GetPtrp(line, DMU_FRONT_SECTOR);

    iterlist_t *list = P_GetSectorIterListForTag(tag, false);
    if(!list) return 0;

    int rtn = 0;

    IterList_SetIteratorDirection(list, ITERLIST_FORWARD);

    Sector *sec;
    while((sec = (Sector *)IterList_MoveIterator(list)))
        xsector_t *xsec = P_ToXSector(sec);


        // Find lowest & highest floors around sector
        rtn = 1;

        plat_t *plat = (plat_t *) Z_Calloc(sizeof(*plat), PU_MAP, 0);
        plat->thinker.function = T_PlatRaise;

        xsec->specialData = plat;

        plat->type   = type;
        plat->sector = sec;
        plat->crush  = false;
        plat->tag    = tag;
#if __JHEXEN__
        plat->speed  = (float) args[1] * (1.0 / 8);

        coord_t floorHeight = P_GetDoublep(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT);

#if !__JHEXEN__
            plat->speed = PLATSPEED * .5;

            P_SetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL,
                      P_GetPtrp(frontSector, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL));

            coord_t nextFloor;
            if(P_FindSectorSurroundingNextHighestFloor(sec, floorHeight, &nextFloor))
                plat->high = nextFloor;
                plat->high = floorHeight;

            plat->wait = 0;
            plat->state = PS_UP;
            // No more damage if applicable.
            xsec->special = 0;
            S_PlaneSound((Plane *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_PLANE), SFX_PLATFORMMOVE);

            plat->speed = PLATSPEED * .5;

            P_SetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL,
                      P_GetPtrp(frontSector, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL));

            plat->high = floorHeight + amount;
            plat->wait = 0;
            plat->state = PS_UP;
            S_PlaneSound((Plane *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_PLANE), SFX_PLATFORMMOVE);
                P_GetDoublep(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT), &plat->low);
#if __JHEXEN__
            plat->low += 8;
            plat->speed = PLATSPEED * 4;
            if(plat->low > floorHeight)
                plat->low = floorHeight;

            plat->high = floorHeight;
            plat->state = PS_DOWN;
#if __JHEXEN__
            plat->wait = (int) args[2];
            plat->wait = PLATWAIT * TICSPERSEC;
#if !__JHEXEN__
            S_PlaneSound((Plane *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_PLANE), SFX_PLATFORMSTART);

#if __JDOOM64__ || __JHEXEN__
            P_FindSectorSurroundingHighestFloor(sec, -500, &plat->high);

            if(plat->high < floorHeight)
                plat->high = floorHeight;

            plat->low = floorHeight;
            plat->state = PS_UP;
# if __JHEXEN__
            plat->wait = (int) args[2];
# else
            plat->wait = PLATWAIT * TICSPERSEC;
# endif
# if __JDOOM64__
            plat->speed = PLATSPEED * 8;
            S_PlaneSound((Plane *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_PLANE), SFX_PLATFORMSTART);
# endif
#if __JDOOM64__
        case PT_DOWNWAITUPDOOR: // jd64
            plat->speed = PLATSPEED * 8;
                P_GetDoublep(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT), &plat->low);

            if(plat->low > floorHeight)
                plat->low = floorHeight;
            if(plat->low != floorHeight)
                plat->low += 6;

            plat->high = floorHeight;
            plat->wait = 50 * PLATWAIT;
            plat->state = PS_DOWN;
#if __JHEXEN__
            plat->low = floorHeight - (coord_t) args[3] * 8;
            if(plat->low > floorHeight)
                plat->low = floorHeight;
            plat->high = floorHeight;
            plat->wait = (int) args[2];
            plat->state = PS_DOWN;

            plat->high = floorHeight + (coord_t) args[3] * 8;
            if(plat->high < floorHeight)
                plat->high = floorHeight;
            plat->low = floorHeight;
            plat->wait = (int) args[2];
            plat->state = PS_UP;
#if __JDOOM__ || __JDOOM64__
            plat->speed = PLATSPEED * 8;
                P_GetDoublep(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT), &plat->low);

            if(plat->low > floorHeight)
                plat->low = floorHeight;

            plat->high = floorHeight;
            plat->wait = PLATWAIT * TICSPERSEC;
            plat->state = PS_DOWN;
            S_PlaneSound((Plane *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_PLANE), SFX_PLATFORMSTART);
                P_GetDoublep(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT), &plat->low);
#if __JHEXEN__
            plat->low += 8;
            plat->speed = PLATSPEED;
            if(plat->low > floorHeight)
                plat->low = floorHeight;

            P_FindSectorSurroundingHighestFloor(sec, -500, &plat->high);

            if(plat->high < floorHeight)
                plat->high = floorHeight;

            plat->state = platstate_e(P_Random() & 1);
#if __JHEXEN__
            plat->wait = (int) args[2];
            plat->wait = PLATWAIT * TICSPERSEC;
#if !__JHEXEN__
            S_PlaneSound((Plane *)P_GetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_PLANE), SFX_PLATFORMSTART);


#if __JHEXEN__
        SN_StartSequenceInSec(plat->sector, SEQ_PLATFORM);

    return rtn;
Esempio n. 5
 * Reads all versions of archived lines.
 * Including the old Ver1.
void SV_ReadLine(Line *li, MapStateReader *msr)
    xline_t *xli   = P_ToXLine(li);
    Reader1 *reader = msr->reader();
    int mapVersion = msr->mapVersion();

    bool xgDataFollows = false;
#if __JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion >= 4)
    if(mapVersion >= 2)
        xgDataFollows = Reader_ReadByte(reader) == 1;
#ifdef __JHEXEN__

    // A version byte?
    int ver = 1;
#if __JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion >= 3)
    if(mapVersion >= 5)
        ver = (int) Reader_ReadByte(reader);

    if(ver >= 4)
        P_SetIntp(li, DMU_FLAGS, Reader_ReadInt16(reader));

    int flags = Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
    if(xli->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)
        flags |= ML_TWOSIDED;

    if(ver < 4)
        // Translate old line flags.
        int ddLineFlags = 0;

        if(flags & 0x0001) // old ML_BLOCKING flag
            ddLineFlags |= DDLF_BLOCKING;
            flags &= ~0x0001;

        if(flags & 0x0008) // old ML_DONTPEGTOP flag
            ddLineFlags |= DDLF_DONTPEGTOP;
            flags &= ~0x0008;

        if(flags & 0x0010) // old ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM flag
            ddLineFlags |= DDLF_DONTPEGBOTTOM;
            flags &= ~0x0010;

        P_SetIntp(li, DMU_FLAGS, ddLineFlags);

    if(ver < 3)
        if(flags & ML_MAPPED)
            int lineIDX = P_ToIndex(li);

            // Set line as having been seen by all players..
            for(int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
                P_SetLineAutomapVisibility(i, lineIDX, true);

    xli->flags = flags;

    if(ver >= 3)
        for(int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
            xli->mapped[i] = Reader_ReadByte(reader);

#if __JHEXEN__
    xli->special = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    xli->arg1    = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    xli->arg2    = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    xli->arg3    = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    xli->arg4    = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    xli->arg5    = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    xli->special = Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
    /*xli->tag     =*/ Reader_ReadInt16(reader);

    // For each side
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        Side *si = (Side *)P_GetPtrp(li, (i? DMU_BACK:DMU_FRONT));
        if(!si) continue;

        // Versions latter than 2 store per surface texture offsets.
        if(ver >= 2)
            float offset[2];

            offset[VX] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            offset[VY] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, offset);

            offset[VX] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            offset[VY] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, offset);

            offset[VX] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            offset[VY] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, offset);
            float offset[2];

            offset[VX] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
            offset[VY] = (float) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);

            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY,    offset);
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, offset);
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL_OFFSET_XY, offset);

        if(ver >= 3)
            P_SetIntp(si, DMU_TOP_FLAGS,    Reader_ReadInt16(reader));
            P_SetIntp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_FLAGS, Reader_ReadInt16(reader));
            P_SetIntp(si, DMU_BOTTOM_FLAGS, Reader_ReadInt16(reader));

        world_Material *topMaterial = 0, *bottomMaterial = 0, *middleMaterial = 0;

#if !__JHEXEN__
        if(mapVersion >= 4)
            topMaterial    = msr->material(Reader_ReadInt16(reader), 1);
            bottomMaterial = msr->material(Reader_ReadInt16(reader), 1);
            middleMaterial = msr->material(Reader_ReadInt16(reader), 1);

        P_SetPtrp(si, DMU_TOP_MATERIAL,    topMaterial);
        P_SetPtrp(si, DMU_BOTTOM_MATERIAL, bottomMaterial);
        P_SetPtrp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_MATERIAL, middleMaterial);

        // Ver2 includes surface colours
        if(ver >= 2)
            float rgba[4];
            int flags;

            for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                rgba[k] = (float) Reader_ReadByte(reader) / 255.f;
            rgba[3] = 1;
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_TOP_COLOR, rgba);

            for(int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                rgba[k] = (float) Reader_ReadByte(reader) / 255.f;
            rgba[3] = 1;
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_BOTTOM_COLOR, rgba);

            for(int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
                rgba[k] = (float) Reader_ReadByte(reader) / 255.f;
            P_SetFloatpv(si, DMU_MIDDLE_COLOR, rgba);

            P_SetIntp(si, DMU_MIDDLE_BLENDMODE, Reader_ReadInt32(reader));

            flags = Reader_ReadInt16(reader);

            if(mapVersion < 12)
                if(P_GetIntp(si, DMU_FLAGS) & SDF_SUPPRESS_BACK_SECTOR)
                    flags |= SDF_SUPPRESS_BACK_SECTOR;
            P_SetIntp(si, DMU_FLAGS, flags);

#if !__JHEXEN__
        SV_ReadXGLine(li, msr);
Esempio n. 6
void SV_ReadSector(Sector *sec, MapStateReader *msr)
    xsector_t *xsec = P_ToXSector(sec);
    Reader1 *reader  = msr->reader();
    int mapVersion  = msr->mapVersion();

    // A type byte?
    int type = 0;
#if __JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion < 4)
        type = sc_ploff;
    if(mapVersion <= 1)
        type = sc_normal;
        type = Reader_ReadByte(reader);

    // A version byte?
    int ver = 1;
#if __JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion > 2)
    if(mapVersion > 4)
        ver = Reader_ReadByte(reader);

    int fh = Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
    int ch = Reader_ReadInt16(reader);

    P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_HEIGHT, fh);
    P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_HEIGHT, ch);
#if __JHEXEN__
    // Update the "target heights" of the planes.
    P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_TARGET_HEIGHT, fh);
    P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_TARGET_HEIGHT, ch);
    // The move speed is not saved; can cause minor problems.
    P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_SPEED, 0);
    P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_SPEED, 0);

    world_Material *floorMaterial = 0, *ceilingMaterial = 0;

#if !__JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion == 1)
        // The flat numbers are absolute lump indices.
        de::Uri uri("Flats:", RC_NULL);
        floorMaterial = (world_Material *)P_ToPtr(DMU_MATERIAL, Materials_ResolveUri(reinterpret_cast<uri_s *>(&uri)));

        ceilingMaterial = (world_Material *)P_ToPtr(DMU_MATERIAL, Materials_ResolveUri(reinterpret_cast<uri_s *>(&uri)));
    else if(mapVersion >= 4)
        // The flat numbers are actually archive numbers.
        floorMaterial   = msr->material(Reader_ReadInt16(reader), 0);
        ceilingMaterial = msr->material(Reader_ReadInt16(reader), 0);

    P_SetPtrp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL,   floorMaterial);
    P_SetPtrp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL, ceilingMaterial);

    if(ver >= 3)
        P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_FLAGS,   Reader_ReadInt16(reader));
        P_SetIntp(sec, DMU_CEILING_FLAGS, Reader_ReadInt16(reader));

    byte lightlevel;
#if __JHEXEN__
    lightlevel = (byte) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
    // In Ver1 the light level is a short
    if(mapVersion == 1)
        lightlevel = (byte) Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
        lightlevel = Reader_ReadByte(reader);
    P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_LIGHT_LEVEL, (float) lightlevel / 255.f);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion > 1)
        byte rgb[3];
        Reader_Read(reader, rgb, 3);
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_COLOR_RED + i, rgb[i] / 255.f);

    // Ver 2 includes surface colours
    if(ver >= 2)
        byte rgb[3];
        Reader_Read(reader, rgb, 3);
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_COLOR_RED + i, rgb[i] / 255.f);

        Reader_Read(reader, rgb, 3);
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_COLOR_RED + i, rgb[i] / 255.f);

    xsec->special = Reader_ReadInt16(reader);
    /*xsec->tag =*/ Reader_ReadInt16(reader);

#if __JHEXEN__
    xsec->seqType = seqtype_t(Reader_ReadInt16(reader));

    if(type == sc_ploff
#if !__JHEXEN__
       || type == sc_xg1
        P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X, Reader_ReadFloat(reader));
        P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_FLOOR_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y, Reader_ReadFloat(reader));
        P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_X, Reader_ReadFloat(reader));
        P_SetFloatp(sec, DMU_CEILING_MATERIAL_OFFSET_Y, Reader_ReadFloat(reader));

#if !__JHEXEN__
    if(type == sc_xg1)
        SV_ReadXGSector(sec, reader, mapVersion);

#if !__JHEXEN__
    if(mapVersion <= 1)
        xsec->specialData = 0;

    // We'll restore the sound targets latter on
    xsec->soundTarget = 0;