int init_grad_choices() { int iter, param_defined, result; char gradient_buf[ NUM_GRADIENTS+1 ]; init_interface_table(); init_grad_labels(); init_console_table(); param_defined = 1; /* Special note on P_getstring: The last argument tells P_getstring the total size of the buffer in the 3rd argument, including the terminating NULL character. So to get NUM_GRADIENTS non-null characters, you must tell it the buffer has space for one more character. */ result = P_getstring( SYSTEMGLOBAL, "gradtype", &gradient_buf[ 0 ], 1, NUM_GRADIENTS+1 ); if (result != 0) param_defined = 0; for (iter = 0; iter < NUM_GRADIENTS; iter++) { if (param_defined) gradient_choice[ iter ] = find_table_char( gradient_buf[ iter ], &gradient_value[ 0 ], sizeof( gradient_value ) ); else gradient_choice[ iter ] = NOT_PRESENT; } /* Generate Gradient coil choices, always allocate None */ if ( (sysgcoil_choices[0]= (char *)malloc(strlen("none")+1)) !=NULL) strcpy(sysgcoil_choices[0],"None") ; result = P_getstring(SYSTEMGLOBAL, "sysgcoil", &sysgcoil[0], 1, GCOILmaxnchar); ncoilchoices = getsysgcoil_choices(); if ( (result == 0) && strlen(sysgcoil) ) { gradient_choice[ GRAD_COIL ] = find_table_string( sysgcoil, &sysgcoil_choices[ 0 ], ncoilchoices); } else { gradient_choice[ GRAD_COIL ] = NOT_PRESENT; } }
string AspUtil::getString(string varname, string defaultVal) { const char *cname = varname.c_str(); char cval[2048]; if (P_getstring(CURRENT, cname, cval, 1, sizeof(cval))) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, cname, cval, 1, sizeof(cval))) { // Doesnt exist; create it with default value //setString(varname, defaultVal, false); return defaultVal; } } string rtn(cval); return rtn; }
int disp_current_seq() /****************/ { char name[66]; #ifdef VNMRJ if (P_getstring(CURRENT,"pslabel",name,1,64)) ABORT; disp_seq(name); #else if (P_getstring(CURRENT,"pslabel",name,1,15)) ABORT; disp_seq(name); #endif RETURN; }
string AspUtil::getString(string varname) { const char *cname = varname.c_str(); char cval[2048]; if (P_getstring(CURRENT, cname, cval, 1, sizeof(cval))) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, cname, cval, 1, sizeof(cval))) { // Doesn't exist; return empty string // (Don't create variable) return ""; } } string rtn(cval); return rtn; }
int autora(int argc, char *argv[], int retc, char *retv[]) { char tmpPath[MAXPATH]; int ival; DPRINT0("autora command invoked\n"); /* resume is implicit */ ival = ok_to_acquire(); if (ival != -2) release_console2(); if ( (ival != 0) && (ival != -4)) { /* Acquisition needs to be Idle or in automation mode */ report_acq_perm_error( argv[0], ival ); ABORT; } if (argc == 1) { strcpy(tmpPath,userdir); strcat(tmpPath,"/global"); DPRINT1("copying Global parameters to '%s' file.\n",tmpPath); if (P_save(GLOBAL,tmpPath)) { Werrprintf("Problem saving global parameters in '%s'.",tmpPath); } } P_getstring(GLOBAL,"autodir",&tmpPath[ 0 ], 1, MAXPATH); setAutoDir(tmpPath); if (send2Acq(11, tmpPath) < 0) Werrprintf("autora message was not sent"); RETURN; }
static int get_ecc_filename(char *fname, int len) { char *pc; char pfx[] = "."; int n; sprintf(fname,"%s/%s/%s", systemdir, DECCLIB, pfx); n = strlen(fname); pc = fname + n; len -= n; quoteToMainFlag=0; if (P_getstring(GLOBAL,"sysgcoil", pc, 1, len) || strlen(pc) == 0) { strcpy(pc, "main"); quoteToMainFlag=1; } if (bugmask & ECCBUGBIT){ printf("ECC: basename=%s, filepath=%s\n", pc, fname); } if ( strcmp(pc,"None") == 0) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); }
void AspInteg::getValue(spAspDataInfo_t dataInfo, string &lbl, int &cwd, int &cht) { char str[MAXSTR],tmpStr[MAXSTR]; sprintf(str,"%.2f",absValue); if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "integProperty", tmpStr, 1, sizeof(tmpStr))) strcpy(tmpStr,"%norm%"); string value = string(tmpStr); if(value.length() < 1 || value == "-" || value == "?") { lbl = string(str); } else { size_t p1=string::npos; size_t p2=string::npos; p1=value.find("%",0); if(p1 != string::npos) p2=value.find("%",p1+1); if(p2 != string::npos) { strcpy(tmpStr,value.substr(p1+1,p2-p1-1).c_str()); bool norm = (strcasecmp(tmpStr,"norm") == 0); if(norm) { sprintf(str,"%.2f",normValue); } lbl = value.substr(0,p1) + string(str) + value.substr(p2+1); } else lbl = string(value); } int ascent, descent; GraphicsWin::getTextExtents(lbl.c_str(), 14, &ascent, &descent, &cwd); cht = ascent + descent; return; }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------ | | wait4spin()/0 | send acode to wait for spinner to obtain spin-speed +-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void wait4spin() { char spintype[MAXSTR]; int codeStream[20],i; if ( ((setupflag == GO) || (setupflag == SPIN) || (setupflag == SAMPLE)) && spinactive ) { if ( P_getstring(GLOBAL,"spintype", spintype, 1, MAXSTR) == 0) if ( strcmp(spintype,"mas") == 0 ) return; i = 0; codeStream[i++] = HSrotor ? 100 : 1; if ( (interLock[1] != 'N') && (interLock[1] != 'n')) codeStream[i++] = ( (interLock[1] == 'y') || (interLock[1] == 'Y') ) ? HARD_ERROR : WARNING_MSG; else codeStream[i++] = 0; if (ok2bumpflag) codeStream[i++] = 1; else codeStream[i++] = 0; broadcastCodes(CHECKSPIN, i, codeStream); delay(0.100); /* delays added to prevent DDR from reboot when spin=value, GMB 1/18/05 */ } }
int getparm(char *varname, char *vartype, int tree, void *varaddr, int size) { int ret; char mess[MAXSTR]; if ( (strcmp(vartype,"REAL") == 0) || (strcmp(vartype,"real") == 0) ) { if ((ret = P_getreal(tree,varname,(double *)varaddr,1)) < 0) { if (dowarn) { sprintf(mess,"Cannot get parameter: %s\n",varname); text_error(mess); if (bgflag) P_err(ret,varname,": "); } else { dowarn = 1; } return(1); } } else { if ( (strcmp(vartype,"STRING") == 0) || (strcmp(vartype,"string") == 0) ) { if ((ret = P_getstring(tree,varname,(char *)varaddr,1,size)) < 0) { if (dowarn) { sprintf(mess,"Cannot get parameter: %s\n",varname); text_error(mess); if (bgflag) P_err(ret,varname,": "); } else { dowarn=1; } return(1); } } else { sprintf(mess,"Variable '%s' is neither a 'real' or 'string'.\n", vartype); text_error(mess); return(1); } } return(0); }
static int check_int(int *number) /********************/ { vInfo info; char intmod[9]; int res; *number = ((P_getVarInfo(CURRENT,"liamp",&info)) ? 0 : info.size); if ( (res=P_getstring(CURRENT,"intmod",intmod,1,8)) ) { P_err(res,"intmod",":"); ABORT; } return(!(strcmp(intmod,INT_FULL))); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------- | | spinnerStringToInt()/i | return the numerical value for the spinner parameter +-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int spinnerStringToInt() { char spintype[MAXSTR]; int spinner; /* we now use 'spintype' ="liquids","tach","mas","nano" "none" */ if ( P_getstring(GLOBAL,"spintype", spintype, 1, MAXSTR) < 0) spinner=LIQUIDS_SPINNER; else if ( ! strcmp(spintype,"liquids") ) spinner = LIQUIDS_SPINNER; else if ( ! strcmp(spintype,"tach") ) spinner = SOLIDS_SPINNER; else if ( ! strcmp(spintype,"mas") ) spinner = MAS_SPINNER; else if ( ! strcmp(spintype,"nano") ) spinner = NANO_SPINNER; else spinner = NO_SPINNER; return(spinner); }
void settmpgradtype(char *tmpgradname) { double pfgBoard; char tmpGradtype[MAXSTR]; if (P_getstring(CURRENT, tmpgradname, tmpGradtype, 1, MAXSTR) == 0) { if (strlen(tmpGradtype) >= 3) { P_setstring(GLOBAL,"gradtype",tmpGradtype,1); // see checkGradtype() in psgmain.cpp specialGradtype = 0; if ( P_getreal(GLOBAL,"pfg1board",&pfgBoard,1) == 0) { if (pfgBoard > 0.5) { strcpy(tmpGradtype," "); P_getstring(GLOBAL,"gradtype",tmpGradtype,1,MAXSTR-1); if (tmpGradtype[2] == 'a') { specialGradtype = 'a'; } else if (tmpGradtype[2] == 'h') { specialGradtype = 'h'; } if (specialGradtype) { tmpGradtype[2] = 'p'; P_setstring(GLOBAL,"gradtype",tmpGradtype,1); } } } } } }
void abort_message(const char *format, ...) { va_list vargs; char emessage[1024]; if (dpsTimer || nomessageflag) { closeFiles(); close_error(1); /* 1 arg means fail/abort */ exit(1); } va_start(vargs, format); vfprintf(stdout,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); if ( *(format+(strlen(format)-1)) != '\n') fprintf(stdout,"\n"); if (!erroropen) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "userdir", errorpath, 1, MAXPATHL) >= 0) { strcat(errorpath,"/psg.error"); if ( (errorfile=fopen(errorpath,"w+")) ) erroropen = 1; } } if (erroropen) { va_start(vargs, format); vfprintf(errorfile,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); fprintf(errorfile,"P.S.G. Aborted....\n"); fprintf(stdout,"P.S.G. Aborted....\n"); } va_start(vargs, format); vsprintf(emessage,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); closeFiles(); if (newacq) { while (emessage[strlen(emessage)-1] == '\n') emessage[strlen(emessage)-1] = '\0'; vnmremsg(emessage); if (!acqiflag && !dps_flag) release_console(); } close_error(1); /* 1 arg means fail/abort */ exit(1); }
static int init_vars2() /*************/ { char flag[16]; /*spec1 = 0; spec2 = 1; next = 2;*/ spec_index = 3; scale = 0.0; /*init_display();*/ dotflag = TRUE; if (P_getstring(CURRENT,"dotflag" ,flag, 1,16) == 0) dotflag = (flag[0] != 'n'); return(COMPLETE); }
static int deccWarnings() { int rtn = FALSE; char buf[2]; if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "deccwarnings", buf, 1, sizeof(buf)) || (buf[0] != 'n' && buf[0] != 'N')) { rtn = TRUE; } #ifdef ECC_INCLUDE_MAIN return 1; #else return rtn; #endif }
int jcurwin_jexp(int expnum, int oldexpnum ) { int index, get1, get2, retval=1; double dval; vInfo info; /* int VnmrJViewId */ char path[MAXSTR]; struct stat stat_blk; (void) oldexpnum; if (mode_of_vnmr==AUTOMATION) /* || (mode_of_vnmr==BACKGROUND) */ return(retval); if (expnum > 0) { sprintf(path, "%s/lock_%d.primary", userdir, expnum); if (stat( path, &stat_blk ) != 0) return(retval); get1 = P_getVarInfo(GLOBAL, "jcurwin", &info); get2 = P_getreal(GLOBAL, "jviewports", &dval, 1); /* read number of viewports from jviewports[1] */ if (get1==0 && get2==0) { get2 = (int) (dval + 0.5); if ((get2 > 0) && (get2 <= info.size)) { for (index=0; index<get2; index++) { P_getreal(GLOBAL, "jcurwin", &dval, index+1); if (expnum == (int)dval) { char mstr[MAXPATH]; /* sprintf(mstr, "viewport %d", index+1); writelineToVnmrJ("vnmrjcmd",mstr); sprintf(mstr, "vplayout use %d", index+1); writelineToVnmrJ("vnmrjcmd",mstr); */ P_getstring(GLOBAL, "jviewportlabel", mstr, index+1, MAXPATH); Winfoprintf("Cannot join workspace exp%d - in use by %s viewport.\n",expnum,mstr); retval = 0; break; } } } } } return(retval); }
static void saveViewPortAddr() { char addr[MAXPATH]; char path[MAXPATH]; int pid, port; int fd; mode_t umaskVal; P_getstring(GLOBAL,"vnmraddr",addr,1,MAXPATH); sscanf(addr,"%s %d %d", path, &port, &pid); sprintf(path,"%s/persistence/.vp_%d_%d", userdir, jParent, jcurwin_cexpn()); umaskVal = umask(0); fd = open(path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0666); write(fd, &port, sizeof(port)); write(fd, &pid, sizeof(pid)); close(fd); (void) umask(umaskVal); }
void getStringSetDefault(int tree, const char *name, char *buf, const char *def) { int index; char *content; if (tree != CURRENT) { if (P_getstring(tree, name,buf,1,MAXSTR) < 0) strcpy(buf,def); } else { index = find(name); /* hash table find */ if (index != NOTFOUND) { content = ((char *) cvals[index]); strncpy(buf,content,MAXSTR-1); buf[MAXSTR-1] = 0; } else strcpy(buf,def); } }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------- | var_active(varname,tree); | | Purpose: | This module determines if the variable passed is active or not. | This is determined by looking at the variable information | structure "_vInfo". | if a real variable the is check. | if a string then it's value is checked for 'unused' value. | Returns 1 if active, 0 if not, and -1 if error. | | Author Greg Brissey 5/13/86 +------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int var_active(char *varname, int tree) { char strval[20]; int ret; vInfo varinfo; /* variable information structure */ if (bgflag) fprintf(stderr,"active(): Variable: %s, Tree: %d \n",varname,tree); if ( (ret = P_getVarInfo(tree,varname,&varinfo)) ) { if (bgflag) fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find the variable: %s",varname); return(-1); } if (bgflag) fprintf(stderr,"active(): vInfo.basicType = %d \n",varinfo.basicType); if (varinfo.basicType != T_STRING) { if (bgflag) fprintf(stderr,"active(): = %d \n",; if ( == ACT_ON) return(1); else return(0); } else /* --- variable is string check is value for 'undef' --- */ { P_getstring(tree,varname,strval,1,10); /*getparm(varname,"string",tree,&strval[0],10);*/ if (bgflag) fprintf(stderr,"active(): Value of String variable: '%s'\n",strval); if ((strncmp(strval,"unused",6) == 0) || (strncmp(strval,"Unused",6) == 0) ) return(0); else return(1); } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------- | | text_error() | Writes messages to a file named "psg.error" in the | vnmruser (env variable) directory. | +-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void text_error(const char *format, ...) { va_list vargs; char emessage[1024]; if (nomessageflag) return; va_start(vargs, format); vfprintf(stdout,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); if ( *(format+(strlen(format)-1)) != '\n') fprintf(stdout,"\n"); if (!erroropen) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "userdir", errorpath, 1, MAXPATHL) >= 0) { strcat(errorpath,"/psg.error"); if ( (errorfile=fopen(errorpath,"w+")) ) erroropen = 1; } } if (erroropen) { va_start(vargs, format); vfprintf(errorfile,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); } if (newacq) { va_start(vargs, format); vsprintf(emessage,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); while (emessage[strlen(emessage)-1] == '\n') emessage[strlen(emessage)-1] = '\0'; vnmremsg(emessage); } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------- | | putCmd() | Writes commands to a file named "psgCmd" in the | curexp directory. | +-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void putCmd(const char *format, ...) { va_list vargs; if (acqiflag || (setupflag > 0) || (dps_flag && !checkflag) ) return; if (cmdOpen == 0) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "curexp", cmdPath, 1, MAXPATHL) >= 0) { strcat(cmdPath,"/psgCmd"); if ( (cmdFile=fopen(cmdPath,"w+")) ) cmdOpen = 1; } } if (cmdOpen == 1) { va_start(vargs, format); vfprintf(cmdFile,format,vargs); va_end(vargs); if ( *(format+(strlen(format)-1)) != '\n') fprintf(cmdFile,"\n"); } }
int autocmd(int argc, char *argv[], int retc, char *retv[]) { char autodir[ MAXPATH+2 ], autoinfofil[ MAXPATH ], inputstr[ MAXPATH ]; char *pathptr; int autodir_defined; int l, r; FILE *autoinfoptr; /* This process must be able to write to $vnmrsystem/conpar... */ disp_status( "AUTO " ); /* Establish current value of AUTODIR */ autodir[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* Start with 0-length string */ if (argc < 2) /* No arguments, just command */ { r = P_getstring( GLOBAL, "autodir", &autodir[ 0 ], 1, MAXPATH ); autodir_defined = (r == 0); if ( autodir_defined ) autodir_defined = !(strlen( &autodir[ 0 ] ) < 1); if ( !autodir_defined ) W_getInput( "Enter automation directory name: ", &inputstr[ 0 ], MAXPATH ); else { /* * Pass a separate string to W_getInput so as to avoid * overwriting AUTODIR if a <CR> gets typed. */ Winfoprintf( "Automation directory is '%s'", &autodir[ 0 ] ); W_getInput( "Enter new name, or <CR> to keep current: ", &inputstr[ 0 ], MAXPATH ); if (inputstr[ 0 ] == '\0') strcpy(&inputstr[ 0 ], &autodir[ 0 ]); } } else /* Argument is value for AUTODIR */ { strcpy( &inputstr[ 0 ], argv[ 1 ] ); } l = strlen( &inputstr[ 0 ] ); if ( l <= MAXPATH-1) { if (inputstr[ 0 ] != '/') { pathptr = get_cwd(); l += strlen( pathptr ) + 1; if (l < MAXPATH-1 ) { strcpy(&autodir[ 0 ], pathptr); strcat(&autodir[ 0 ], "/"); strcat(&autodir[ 0 ], &inputstr[ 0 ]); } } else strcpy( &autodir[ 0 ], &inputstr[ 0 ] ); } if ( l > MAXPATH-1) { Werrprintf( "Too many characters in full pathname of automation directory" ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } /* Verify that 'autodir' is not the 0-length string; verify it is an absolute UNIX path name */ else if (l < 1) { Werrprintf("Error: value of automation directory not defined" ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } /* Make the automation directory if not present. All users get full access, barring umask. Abort if a problem. If using the SUN console, the PERROR output will go to the (hidden or closed) shelltool window - too bad!! */ if (access( &autodir[ 0 ], 0 ) != 0) if ( (r = mkdir( &autodir[ 0 ], 0777 )) ) { Werrprintf( "Error creating automation directory" ); perror( "make automation directory" ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } /* Now this process must be able to read, write and execute (search) the automation directory. */ if (access( &autodir[ 0 ], R_OK | W_OK | X_OK )) { Werrprintf( "Insufficent access to automation directory" ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } /* Create special automation experiments, exp1 through exp4 */ if (create_autoexps( &autodir[ 0 ] ) != 0) ABORT; /* Displayed status may be changed by creating experiments. */ disp_status( "AUTO " ); strcpy( &autoinfofil[ 0 ], &autodir[ 0 ] ); strcat( &autoinfofil[ 0 ], "/autoinfo" ); autoinfoptr = fopen( &autoinfofil[ 0 ], "w+" ); if (autoinfoptr == NULL ) { Werrprintf( "Error creating %s", &autoinfofil[ 0 ] ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } fclose( autoinfoptr ); /* Someday this file will */ /* contain useful information */ /* Ignore error from setstring, for now. */ r = P_setstring( GLOBAL, "autodir", &autodir[ 0 ], 1 ); disp_status( " " ); RETURN; }
int autogo(int argc, char *argv[], int retc, char *retv[]) { /* The argument vector and return vector are used to call the "auto" and "autora" commands of VNMR. */ char enterfile[ MAXPATH ], newautodir[ MAXPATH ], macdir[MAXPATH], cp_autoq_cmd[ MAXPATH*2+4 ]; char *cmd_argvec[ 3 ]; disp_status( "AUTOGO " ); /* Establish if path to automation queue is specified in the command (the first argument). If not, ask for it. Abort if none provided. */ if (argc > 1) { if (strlen(argv[1]) > MAXPATH-1) { Werrprintf( "%s: automation queue pathname too long", argv[ 0 ] ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } else strcpy( &enterfile[ 0 ], argv[ 1 ] ); } else { enterfile[ 0 ] = '\0'; /* In case nothing is entered */ W_getInput( "Location of automation queue: ", &enterfile[ 0 ], MAXPATH ); } if (strlen( &enterfile[ 0 ] ) < 1) { Werrprintf( "%s: automation queue pathname not specified", argv[ 0 ] ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } /* This routine produces an error message if it detects an error. */ if (check_autoqueue( argv[ 0 ], &enterfile[ 0 ], &macdir[0] )) ABORT; /* Now check if the command specifies the automation directory */ if (argc > 2) { cmd_argvec[ 0 ] = "auto"; cmd_argvec[ 1 ] = argv[ 2 ]; cmd_argvec[ 2 ] = NULL; /* * Command is: auto('/usr2/auto') * It will complain if it encounters a problem. */ } else { cmd_argvec[ 0 ] = "auto"; cmd_argvec[ 1 ] = NULL; } /* The "auto" command clears the displayed status. */ if (autocmd( argc-1, &cmd_argvec[ 0 ], 0, NULL)) ABORT; disp_status( "AUTOGO " ); /* Copy the enter queue file into the automation directory. Borrow the string "newautodir" to store the value of this directory. Its value should be explicitly retrieved now, since it may not have been defined earlier, or its value may have changed during the execution of the "autogo" command. */ P_getstring( GLOBAL, "autodir", &newautodir[ 0 ], 1, MAXPATH ); /* Borrow string "cp_autoq_cmd" to construct system enter queue. Abort if the file exists and is of non-zero length. */ sprintf( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], "%s/enterQ", &newautodir[ 0 ] ); if (access( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], 0 ) == 0) { struct stat buf; if (stat( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], &buf ) != 0) { Werrprintf( "%s: cannot access existing automation queue", argv[ 0 ] ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; }; if (buf.st_size > 0) { Werrprintf( "%s: current automation queue is not empty", argv[ 0 ] ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } } sprintf( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], "%s/gQ", &newautodir[ 0 ] ); if (access( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], F_OK ) == 0) { if ( unlink( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ] ) ) { Werrprintf( "%s: cannot remove %s", argv[ 0 ], &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ] ); disp_status( " " ); ABORT; } } sprintf( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], "cp %s %s/enterQ", &enterfile[ 0 ], &newautodir[ 0 ]); system( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ] ); if (macdir[0] != '\0') { sprintf( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ], "cp -rf %s %s/enterQ.macdir", &macdir[ 0 ], &newautodir[ 0 ]); system( &cp_autoq_cmd[ 0 ] ); } cmd_argvec[ 0 ] = "autogo"; cmd_argvec[ 1 ] = NULL; if (autora( 1, &cmd_argvec[ 0 ], 0, NULL )) ABORT; disp_status( " " ); RETURN; }
void find_dqdfrq(double *truefrq, double *dqdfrq) { double dqd_overrange=0; int itmp, itmp2, itmp3, jtmp2, jtmp3, warnflag=0; char dqd_latch[MAXSTR]; if ((dqd[0] == 'y') && !noiseacquire && !hwlooping && ((dsp_params.il_oversamp > 1) || (dsp_params.rt_oversamp > 1)) ) { if (*truefrq > 0.5) warnflag=1; /* *truefrq = sfrq; */ *truefrq = sfrq + 10.5; *truefrq *= 1.0e6; *dqdfrq = ExpInfo.DspOslsfrq; P_getreal(GLOBAL, "overrange", &dqd_overrange, 1); P_getstring(GLOBAL, "latch", dqd_latch, 1, MAXSTR); if ((dqd_overrange > 0.1) && (dqd_latch[0] == 'y')) { if ((dqd_overrange > 9e4) && (fabs(*dqdfrq) > dqd_overrange) && (warnflag == 1)) /* overrange=1e5 */ { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } else /* overrange = 1e4 */ { if (fabs(*dqdfrq) > dqd_overrange) { itmp = ((int)(*truefrq / 1e5)) % 10; /* could replace 1e4,1e4 with overrange */ itmp2 = ((int)((*truefrq + *dqdfrq) / 1e5)) % 10; jtmp2 = ((int)((*truefrq + *dqdfrq) / 1e4)) % 10; if (itmp != itmp2) { if ( ((*dqdfrq < 0) && (jtmp2 != 9)) || ((*dqdfrq > 0) && (jtmp2 != 0)) ) { itmp3 = ((int)((*truefrq - *dqdfrq) / 1e5)) % 10; jtmp3 = ((int)((*truefrq - *dqdfrq) / 1e4)) % 10; if (itmp != itmp3) { if ( ((*dqdfrq < 0) && (jtmp3 != 9)) || ((*dqdfrq > 0) && (jtmp3 != 0)) ) { if (warnflag == 1) { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } } else { if (go_dqd == 0) { *dqdfrq = -(*dqdfrq); ExpInfo.DspOslsfrq = *dqdfrq; go_dqd = 1; } else if (warnflag == 1) { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } } } else { if (go_dqd == 0) { *dqdfrq = -(*dqdfrq); ExpInfo.DspOslsfrq = *dqdfrq; go_dqd = 1; } else if (warnflag == 1) { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } } } } } } } else { /* itmp = ((int)(*truefrq / 1e4)) % 10; if (go_dqd == 0) { if (itmp < 5) { if (*dqdfrq < 0) *dqdfrq = -(*dqdfrq); } else { if (*dqdfrq > 0) *dqdfrq = -(*dqdfrq); } ExpInfo.DspOslsfrq = *dqdfrq; go_dqd = 1; } itmp = ((int)(*truefrq / 1e5)) % 10; itmp2 = ((int)((*truefrq + *dqdfrq) / 1e5)) % 10; if ((itmp != itmp2) && (warnflag == 1)) { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } */ itmp = ((int)(*truefrq / 1e5)) % 10; itmp2 = ((int)((*truefrq + *dqdfrq) / 1e5)) % 10; if (itmp != itmp2) { itmp3 = ((int)((*truefrq - *dqdfrq) / 1e5)) % 10; if (itmp != itmp3) { if (warnflag == 1) { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } } else { if (go_dqd == 0) { *dqdfrq = -(*dqdfrq); ExpInfo.DspOslsfrq = *dqdfrq; go_dqd = 1; } else if (warnflag == 1) { text_error("WARNING: oslsfrq too large.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"acquire(): oslsfrq overrange warning, cannot signal average\n sfrq %12.1f oslsfrq %12.1f totfrq %12.1f\n", *truefrq - 10.5e6, *dqdfrq, *truefrq + *dqdfrq - 10.5e6); } } } } *truefrq = tof; /* absolutely need this!!! */ } else { *truefrq = 0.0; *dqdfrq = 0.0; } }
int decc_compare(int argc, char *argv[], int retc, char *retv[]) { int i, same; char oe[MAXSTR],e[MAXSTR]; double otaus, taus, oampls, ampls, olimits, limits, oscales, scales; (void)argv; if (argc>1) debug=1; else debug=0; if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_compare started"); same=1; for (i=1; i<53; i++) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "enabled", e, i, MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'enabled'"); same=0; break; } if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "o_enabled", oe, i, MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'o_enabled'"); same=0; break; } if (e[0] != oe[0]) { same=0; break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "taus", &taus, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'taus'"); same=0; break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "o_taus", &otaus, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'o_taus'"); same=0; break; } if (fabs(taus-otaus) > 1e-6) { same=0; break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "ampls", &ls, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'ampls'"); same=0; break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "o_ampls", &oampls, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'o_ampls'"); same=0; break; } if (fabs(ampls-oampls) > 1e-6) { same=0; break; } } if (same != 0) { for (i=1; i<8; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "limits", &limits, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'limits'"); same=0; break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "o_limits", &olimits, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'o_limits'"); same=0; break; } if (fabs(limits-olimits) > 5e-9) { same=0; break; } } } if (same != 0) { for (i=1; i<11; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "scales", &scales, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'scales'"); same=0; break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL, "o_scales", &oscales, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'o_scales'"); same=0; break; } if (fabs(scales-oscales) > 5e-9) { same=0; break; } } } if (same != 0) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "decctool_fln", e, 1, MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'decctool_fln'"); same=0; } if (P_getstring(GLOBAL, "deccorig_fln", oe, 1, MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot find 'deccorig_fln'"); same=0; } if ( strcmp(e,oe) ) { Winfoprintf("decc_compare: '%s' '%s'\n",e,oe); same=0; } } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL, "deccflag", (double)same, 7) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_compare: cannot set deccflag[7]"); } appendvarlist("deccflag"); if (retc > 0) retv[0] = realString((double) same); RETURN; }
int decc_save(int argc, char *argv[], int retc, char *retv[]) { char sysgcoil[MAXSTR]; char filename[MAXSTR]; char decclibpath[MAXSTR]; char fullpath[MAXSTR]; char cmd[MAXSTR]; char *tmpPtr, *tmpPtr2; char enabled[MAXSTR]; double taus,ampls,scales,limits; int done, biggest; int i, j,k; FILE *fd,*fd2; (void) retc; (void) retv; if (argc>2) debug=1; else debug=0; if (argc < 2) { Werrprintf("Usage -- decc_save(filename)"); RETURN; } if (P_getstring(SYSTEMGLOBAL,"sysgcoil", sysgcoil, 1, MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'sysgcoil'"); RETURN; } strcpy(filename,argv[1]); if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_save: inputfile='%s'\n",filename); if (filename[0] == '.') { Werrprintf("decc_save: filename cannot start with a '.'"); ABORT; } // strip version if any getVersion(filename); if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_save: minus version='%s'\n",filename); // check decclib for highest version strcpy(decclibpath,systemdir); strcat(decclibpath,"/imaging/decclib/"); strcpy(fullpath,decclibpath); strcat(fullpath,filename); biggest = getBiggestVersion(fullpath); tmpPtr = tmpPtr2 = filename; sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s.%d",decclibpath,tmpPtr,biggest+1); done=0; while ( ! done) { Winfoprintf("decc_save: saving to '%s'",fullpath); // save to file fd = fopen(fullpath,"w"); if (fd==0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: problem opening %s",fullpath); RETURN; } fprintf(fd,"filename\t%s.%d\n",tmpPtr2,biggest+1); fd2 = popen("date","r"); fgets(cmd,MAXSTR,fd2); pclose(fd2); fprintf(fd,"date\t%s\n",cmd); i=1; j=0; k=0; while (j<13) { fprintf(fd,"%s",terms[j]); // "xx" etc. k += nterms[j]; while (i<=k) { fputc((int)'\t',fd); if (P_getstring(GLOBAL,"enabled",enabled,i,MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'enabled'"); } if (enabled[0]=='n') fputc((int)'*',fd); if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"taus",&taus,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'taus'"); } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"ampls",&ls,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'ampls'"); } fprintf(fd,"%g %g",taus/1000.0,ampls/100.0); i++; } fputc((int)'\n',fd); j++; } fprintf(fd,"eccscale"); for (i=1; i<5; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"scales",&scales,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'scales'"); } fprintf(fd,"\t%g",scales); } fputc((int)'\n',fd); fprintf(fd,"shimscale"); for (i=5; i<8; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"scales",&scales,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'scales'"); } fprintf(fd,"\t%g",scales); } fputc((int)'\n',fd); fprintf(fd,"totalscale"); for (i=8; i<11; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"scales",&scales,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'scales'"); } fprintf(fd,"\t%g",scales); } fputc((int)'\n',fd); fprintf(fd,"slewlimit"); for (i=1; i<5; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"limits",&limits,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'limits'"); } fprintf(fd,"\t%g",limits); } fputc((int)'\n',fd); fprintf(fd,"dutylimit"); for (i=5; i<9; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"limits",&limits,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'limits'"); } fprintf(fd,"\t%g",limits); } fputc((int)'\n',fd); fclose(fd); // check if we need to save to .sysgcoil if (tmpPtr==sysgcoil) done=1; else { tmpPtr=sysgcoil; sprintf(fullpath,"%s.%s",decclibpath,tmpPtr); } } // Now all is saved, // deccflag[8]=biggest+1 (version) // set o_enabled=enabled, o_taus=taus, o_ampls=ampls // o_limits=limits, o_scales=scales // and deccflag[7]=1 (Unmodified). if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"deccflag", (double)(biggest+1),8) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot set 'deccflag[8]'i to version"); } for (i=1; i< 53; i++) { if (P_getstring(GLOBAL,"enabled",enabled,i,MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'enabled'"); break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"taus",&taus,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'taus'"); break; } if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"ampls",&ls,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'ampls'"); break; } if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"o_enabled", enabled, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'o_enabled'"); break; } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_taus", taus, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'o_taus'"); break; } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_ampls", ampls, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'o_ampls'"); break; } } for (i=1; i<11; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"scales",&scales,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'scales'"); break; } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_scales", scales, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'o_scales'"); break; } } for (i=1; i<8; i++) { if (P_getreal(GLOBAL,"limits",&limits,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'limits'"); break; } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_limits", limits, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot find 'o_limits'"); break; } } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL, "deccflag", 1.0, 7) < 0) // Unmodified { Werrprintf("decc_save: cannot set deccflag[7]"); } if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_save: saved fln='%s',version=%d\n", filename,biggest+1); sprintf(fullpath,"%s.%d",filename,biggest+1); if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"deccorig_fln", fullpath, 1) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'deccorig_fln'"); } if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"decctool_fln", fullpath, 1) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'decctool_fln'"); } appendvarlist("deccflag deccorig_fln decctool_fln"); RETURN; }
int decc_load(int argc, char *argv[], int retc, char *retv[]) { char decclibpath[MAXSTR]; char filename[MAXSTR]; char fullpath[MAXSTR]; char oneline[MAXSTR]; char delimiters[10], yesno[10]; char cmd[MAXPATH]; char sysgcoil[MAXSTR]; #ifdef LINUX char *ptr,*ptr2; #else char *ptr,*ptr2, *strtok_r(); #endif double taus, ampls, scales, limits; int i,version; int param,first,last; int dotflag; FILE *fd; (void) retc; (void) retv; if (argc>2) debug=1; else debug=0; if (argc < 2) { Werrprintf("Usage -- decc_load(filename)"); RETURN; } version = first = last = 0; param = SKIP; strcpy(filename,argv[1]); strcpy(decclibpath,systemdir); strcat(decclibpath,"/imaging/decclib/"); strcpy(fullpath,decclibpath); if (filename[0] != '.') { dotflag=0; if ((version = getVersion(filename)) < 0) { // check decclib for highest version strcat(fullpath,filename); version = getBiggestVersion(fullpath); } if (version == 0) sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s",decclibpath,filename); else sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s.%d",decclibpath,filename,version); } else { dotflag=1; sprintf(fullpath,"%s%s", fullpath, filename); } Winfoprintf("decc_load: loading '%s'",fullpath); fd = fopen(fullpath, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { Werrprintf("decc_load: can not open %s",fullpath); RETURN; } strcpy(delimiters,"\n \t"); ptr = fgets(oneline,MAXSTR,fd); if (debug) Winfoprintf("dec_load: oneline='%s'",oneline); while (ptr != NULL) { ptr2 = strtok_r(ptr,delimiters,&ptr); if (ptr2 == 0) { ptr = fgets(oneline,MAXSTR,fd); continue; // skip blank lines } if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_load: linetype='%s'",ptr2); if ( (strcmp(ptr2,"filename") == 0) && (dotflag==1) ) { ptr2 = strtok_r(ptr,delimiters,&ptr); strcpy(filename,ptr2); if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_load: filename='%s'",filename); if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"deccorig_fln", filename, 1) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'deccorig_fln'"); } if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"decctool_fln", filename, 1) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'decctool_fln'"); } version = getVersion(filename); param=SKIP; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"da",2) == 0) { param=SKIP; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"xx",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=1; last=6; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"yx",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=7; last=9; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"zx",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=10; last=12; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"xy",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=13; last=15; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"yy",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=16; last=21; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"zy",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=22; last=24; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"xz",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=25; last=27; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"yz",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=28; last=30; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"zz",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=31; last=36; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"xb",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=37; last=40; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"yb",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=41; last=44; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"zb",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=45; last=48; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"b0",2) == 0) { param=TAUS; first=49; last=52; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"ec",2) == 0) { param=SCALES; first=1; last=4; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"sh",2) == 0) { param=SCALES; first=5; last=7; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"to",2) == 0) { param=SCALES; first=8; last=10; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"sl",2) == 0) { param=LIMITS; first=1; last=4; } else if (strncmp(ptr2,"du",2) == 0) { param=LIMITS; first=5; last=7; } switch(param) { case TAUS: for (i=first; i<=last; i++) { ptr2 = strtok_r(ptr,delimiters,&ptr); if (*ptr2 == '*') { strcpy(yesno,"n"); ptr2++; } else { strcpy(yesno,"y"); } if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"enabled", yesno, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'enabled'"); } if (P_setstring(GLOBAL,"o_enabled", yesno, i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'o_enabled'"); } taus = atof(ptr2) * 1000.0; if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"taus",taus,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'taus'"); } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_taus",taus,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'o_taus'"); } ptr2 = strtok_r(ptr,delimiters,&ptr); ampls = atof(ptr2) * 100.0; if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"ampls",ampls,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'ampls'"); } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_ampls",ampls,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'o_ampls'"); } if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_load: i=%d e=%s t=%f a=%f", i,yesno, taus, ampls); } break; case SCALES: for (i=first; i<=last; i++) { ptr2 = strtok_r(ptr,delimiters,&ptr); if (ptr2 == 0) scales = 0.0; else scales = atof(ptr2); if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"scales",scales,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'scales'"); } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_scales",scales,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'o_scales'"); } } break; case LIMITS: for (i=first; i<=last; i++) { ptr2 = strtok_r(ptr,delimiters,&ptr); if (ptr2 == 0) limits = 0.0; else limits = atof(ptr2); if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"limits",limits,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'limits'"); } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"o_limits",limits,i) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'o_limits'"); } } break; } ptr = fgets(oneline,MAXSTR,fd); } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL, "deccflag", 1.0, 7) < 0) // Unmodified { Werrprintf("decc_load cannot set deccflag[7]"); } if (P_setreal(GLOBAL,"deccflag", (double)(version),8) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot set 'deccflag[8]' to version"); } appendvarlist("enabled,taus,ampls,scales,limits,deccflag,deccorig_fln,decctool_fln"); if (P_getstring(SYSTEMGLOBAL,"sysgcoil", sysgcoil, 1, MAXSTR) < 0) { Werrprintf("decc_load: cannot find 'sysgcoil'"); } else { strcpy(cmd,"cp "); // "cp " strcat(cmd,fullpath); // "cp /vnmr/imaging/decclib/new.3" strcat(cmd," "); // "cp /vnmr/imaging/decclib/new.3" strcat(cmd,decclibpath); // "cp .../new.3 /vnmr/imaging/decclib" strcat(cmd,"/."); // "cp .../new.3 .../." strcat(cmd,sysgcoil); // "cp .../new.3 .../.sysgcoil" system(cmd); } if (debug) Winfoprintf("decc_load: Done!"); fclose(fd); RETURN; }
pulsesequence() { /* Internal variable declarations *********************/ char txphase[MAXSTR]; char rxphase[MAXSTR]; char blankmode[MAXSTR]={0}; double postDelay; double rfDuration; double acqt; int i,ret=-1; static int phs1[4] = {0,2,1,3}; /* from T1meas.c */ /*************************************************/ /* Initialize paramter **************************/ i = 0; postDelay = 0.5; acqt = 0.0; getstr("rxphase",rxphase); getstr("txphase",txphase); ret = P_getstring(GLOBAL,"blankmode",blankmode,1,MAXSTR); //getparm("blankmode","string",GLOBAL,blankmode,MAXSTR); postDelay = tr - at; //printf("blankmode=%s\n",blankmode); /*************************************************/ /* check phase setting ***************************/ if ( (txphase[0] =='n') && (rxphase[0] =='n') ) { abort_message("ERROR - Select at least one phase [Tx or Rx]\n"); } /**************************************************/ /* check pulse width *****************************/ rfDuration = shapelistpw(p1pat, p1); /* assign exitation pulse duration */ acqt = rfDuration + rof1 - alfa; if (FP_GT(acqt, at)) { abort_message("Pulse duration too long. max [%.3f] ms\n",(at-rof1+alfa)*1000.0); } if(ret==0 && blankmode[0]=='u') obsunblank(); delay(postDelay); settable(t1,4,phs1); /*from T1meas.c */ getelem(t1,ct,v11); /*from T1meas.c */ setreceiver(t1); /*==============================================*/ /* START LOOPBACK PULSE SEQUENCE */ /*==============================================*/ status(A); obsoffset(resto); /* TTL trigger to scope sequence ****************************/ sp1on(); /* Relaxation delay ***********************************/ xgate(ticks); /* RF pulse *******************************************/ obspower(tpwr); obspwrf(tpwrf); ShapedXmtNAcquire(p1pat, rfDuration, v11, rof1, OBSch); endacq(); sp1off(); if(ret==0 && blankmode[0]=='u') obsunblank(); }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------- | | test4acquire() | check too see if data has been acquired yet. | if it has not then do an implicit acuire. | else do not. | Author Greg Brissey 7/10/86 +------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void test4acquire() { int i; int chan; int MINch; double acqdelay; /* delay time between receiver On an data acquired*/ codeint *tmpptr; /* temp pointer into codes */ extern void prg_dec_off(); double truefrq=0.0, dqdfrq=0.0; char osskip[4]; if (bgflag) fprintf(stderr,"test4acquire(): acqtriggers = %d \n",acqtriggers); if (acqtriggers == 0) /* No data acquisition Yet? */ { if (nf > 1.0) { text_error("Number of FIDs (nf) Not Equal to One\n"); psg_abort(0); } if (ap_interface < 4) HSgate(rcvr_hs_bit,FALSE); /* turn receiver On */ else SetRFChanAttr(RF_Channel[OBSch], SET_RCVRGATE, ON, 0); if (newacq) { /* execute osskip delay if osskip parameter set */ if ((P_getstring(GLOBAL,"qcomp",osskip,1,2)) == 0) { if (osskip[0] == 'y') { /* fprintf(stderr,"hwlooping:test4acquire(): executing dsposskipdelay= %g\n", dsposskipdelay); */ if (dsposskipdelay >= 0.0) G_Delay(DELAY_TIME, dsposskipdelay, 0); } } HSgate(INOVA_RCVRGATE,FALSE); /* turn receiver On */ } /* txphase(zero); */ /* set xmitter phase to zero */ /* decphase(zero); */ /* set decoupler phase to zero */ /* acqdelay = alfa + (1.0 / (beta * fb) ); */ for (i = 1; i <= NUMch; i++) /* zero HS phaseshifts */ SetRFChanAttr(RF_Channel[i], SET_RTPHASE90, zero, 0); if ((!noiseacquire) && (dsp_params.il_oversamp > 1)) find_dqdfrq(&truefrq, &dqdfrq); if (fabs(dqdfrq) > 0.1) set_spare_freq(OBSch); /* obsoffset(truefrq+dqdfrq); */ acqdelay = alfa + (1.0 / (beta * fb) ); if (acqdelay > ACQUIRE_START_DELAY) acqdelay = acqdelay - ACQUIRE_START_DELAY; if ((fabs(dqdfrq) > 0.1) && (acqdelay > 1.7e-6)) /* more like 40us?? */ acqdelay = acqdelay - 1.7e-6; if ((acqdelay < 0.0) && (ix == 1)) text_error("Acquisition filter delay (fb, alfa) is negative (%f).\n", acqdelay); else G_Delay(DELAY_TIME,acqdelay,0); /* alfa delay */ acquire(np,1.0/sw); /* acquire data */ MINch = (ap_interface < 4) ? DODEV : TODEV; for (chan = MINch; chan <= NUMch; chan++) { if ( is_y(rfwg[chan-1]) ) { if ( (ModInfo[chan].MI_dm[0] == 'n') || ((ModInfo[chan].MI_dm[0] == 'y') && (ModInfo[chan].MI_dmm[0] != 'p')) ) { prg_dec_off(2, chan); } } } tmpptr = Aacode + multhwlp_ptr; /* get address into codes */ *tmpptr = 1; /* impliicit acquisition */ } if (newacq) { if (explicitacq) { codeint *ptr; /* update last acquire with disable overload */; ptr = Aacode + disovld_ptr; *ptr++ = DISABLEOVRFLOW; *ptr = adccntrl; } /* Always set to FALSE for the next array element */ explicitacq = FALSE; } if (grad_flag == TRUE) { zero_all_gradients(); } if (newacq) { gatedecoupler(A,15.0e-6); /* init to status A conditions */ statusindx = A; } putcode(STFIFO); /* start fifo if it already hasn't */ putcode(HKEEP); /* do house keeping */ if (newacq) { if ( getIlFlag() ) { ifzero(ilflagrt); putcode(IFZFUNC); /* brach to start of scan (NSC) if ct<nt */ putcode((codeint)ct); putcode((codeint)ntrt); putcode(nsc_ptr); /* pointer to nsc */ elsenz(ilflagrt); add(strt,one,tmprt); putcode(IFZFUNC); /* brach to start of scan (NSC) if ct<strt+1 */ putcode((codeint)ct); putcode((codeint)tmprt); putcode(nsc_ptr); /* pointer to nsc */ modn(ct, bsval, tmprt); putcode(IFZFUNC); /* brach to start of scan (NSC) if ct%bs */ putcode((codeint)zero); putcode((codeint)tmprt); putcode(nsc_ptr); /* pointer to nsc */ endif(ilflagrt); } else { putcode(IFZFUNC); /* brach to start of scan (NSC) if ct<nt */ putcode((codeint)ct); putcode((codeint)ntrt); putcode(nsc_ptr); /* pointer to nsc */ } } else { putcode(BRANCH); /* brach back to start of scan (NSC) */ putcode(nsc_ptr); /* pointer to nsc */ } }
/*--------------------------------------- | | | init_wt2()/7 | | | +--------------------------------------*/ int init_wt2(struct wtparams *wtpar, register float *wtfunc, register int n, int rftflag, int fdimname, double fpmult, int rdwtflag) { char wtfname[MAXSTR], wtfilename[MAXPATHL], parfilename[MAXPATHL], run_usrwt[MAXSTR]; int maxpoint, sinesquared, wtfile, wtfileflag, sa_first, sa_last, res; float sind, cosd, ph, phi, awc; register int i; register float lbconst, lbvar, gfconst, gfvar, f, max, sinc, cosc, *fpnt, lastwtval, sbfunc; FILE *fopen(), *fileres; if (wtpar->sw == 0.0) { Werrprintf("Error: sw is zero."); return(ERROR); } /************************************************** * Section for user-defined weighting functions. * **************************************************/ strcpy(wtfname, ""); if (fdimname & S_NI2) { res = P_getstring(CURRENT, "wtfile2", wtfname, 1, MAXPATHL-1); } else if (fdimname & (S_NF|S_NI)) { res = P_getstring(CURRENT, "wtfile1", wtfname, 1, MAXPATHL-1); } else { res = P_getstring(CURRENT, "wtfile", wtfname, 1, MAXPATHL-1); } wtfileflag = ((res == 0) && (strcmp(wtfname, "") != 0)); /*********************************************** * Initialize weighting function data. It is * * necessary to do this even if no weighting * * is active because of WTI. * ***********************************************/ fpnt = wtfunc; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) *fpnt++ = 1.0; /************************ * Set weighting flag. * ************************/ if ( !(wtpar->lb_active || wtpar->sb_active || wtpar->gf_active || wtpar->sa_active || wtfileflag) ) { wtpar->wtflag = FALSE; return(COMPLETE); } /*************************************************************** * Initiate user-defined weighting routines. The executable * * "wtfile" is found in the user's "wtlib" directory and the * * corresponding parameter set, in the current experiment * * directory with the extension ".wtp". The file containing * * the user-written, formatted weighting data is found in the * * current experiment directory. * ***************************************************************/ fpnt = wtfunc; if (wtfileflag) { strcpy(parfilename, curexpdir); #ifdef UNIX strcat(parfilename, "/"); #endif strcat(parfilename, wtfname); strcat(parfilename, ".wtp"); strcpy(wtfilename, userdir); #ifdef UNIX strcat(wtfilename, "/wtlib/"); #else vms_fname_cat(wtfilename, "[.wtlib]"); #endif strcat(wtfilename, wtfname); #ifndef UNIX /* Presumably VMS */ strcat(wtfilename, ".exe" ); #endif fileres = fopen(wtfilename, "r"); /***************************************************************** * If there is no user-weighting program in the user's wtlib, * * look for a file containing the user-weighting function written * * out explicitly in the current experiment directory * *****************************************************************/ if (fileres == 0) { strcpy(wtfilename, curexpdir); #ifdef UNIX strcat(wtfilename, "/"); #endif strcat(wtfilename, wtfname); fileres = fopen(wtfilename, "r"); if (fileres == 0) { Werrprintf("Unable to find requested user-weighting files"); return(ERROR); } /**************************************************** * Read in user-defined, formatted weighting data. * ****************************************************/ i = 0; while (fscanf(fileres, "%f", fpnt) != EOF) { fpnt++; if (++i == n) break; } lastwtval = *(fpnt - 1); for ( ; i < n; i++) *fpnt++ = lastwtval; fclose(fileres); } else { fclose(fileres); if (!rdwtflag) { #ifdef UNIX /* The UNIX command includes the complete path. */ sprintf( &run_usrwt[ 0 ], "%s %s %s %s %14d %7d %d", wtfilename, curexpdir, wtfname, parfilename, (int) (wtpar->sw*1000.0), n, rftflag); #else /* * For VMS, necessary to define a DCL symbol * to reference the user's program. */ { char wt_sym_value[ MAXPATHL ]; int symbol_descr[ 2 ], value_descr[ 2 ], one; wt_sym_value[ 0 ] = '$'; wt_sym_value[ 1 ] = '\0'; strcat( &wt_sym_value[ 0 ], wtfilename ); symbol_descr[ 0 ] = strlen( wtfname ); symbol_descr[ 1 ] = (int) wtfname; value_descr[ 0 ] = strlen( &wt_sym_value[ 0 ] ); value_descr[ 1 ] = (int) &wt_sym_value[ 0 ]; one = 1; /* because LIB$GETSYMBOL wants a reference */ LIB$SET_SYMBOL( &symbol_descr[ 0 ], &value_descr[ 0 ], &one ); /* * The VMS command only has the command name and arguments, * and not the complete path. */ sprintf( &run_usrwt[ 0 ], "%s %s %s %s %14d %7d %d", wtfname, curexpdir, wtfname, parfilename, (int) (wtpar->sw*1000.0), n, rftflag); } #endif /********************************************************** * Now execute the user's program to produce the desired * * weighting function. The weighting function will be * * written out to disk by the user's program. * **********************************************************/ system( &run_usrwt[ 0 ] ); } /******************************************************** * Read user-calculated weighting data in from the ap- * * propriate file in the current experiment directory. * ********************************************************/ strcpy(wtfilename, curexpdir); #ifdef UNIX strcat(wtfilename, "/"); #endif strcat(wtfilename, wtfname); strcat(wtfilename, ".wtf"); wtfile = open(wtfilename, O_RDONLY, 0666); if (wtfile == 0) { Werrprintf("Error opening user-calculated weighting file"); return(ERROR); } if ((res = read(wtfile, fpnt, sizeof(float)*n)) < 0) { Werrprintf("Error in reading user-calculated weighting data"); close(wtfile); return(ERROR); } close(wtfile); } } /************************************************ * Section for exponential weighting functions * ************************************************/ lbconst = 0.0; if (wtpar->lb_active) { if (wtpar->lb < -1e6) wtpar->lb = -1e6; if (wtpar->lb > 1e6) wtpar->lb = 1e6; lbconst = wtpar->lb/(0.31831*wtpar->sw); if (rftflag) lbconst /= 2.0; } if (wtpar->sa_active) { sa_first = (wtpar->sas_active) ? wtpar->sas : 0; sa_last = wtpar->sa + sa_first; } else { sa_first = 0; sa_last = n; } /***************************************** * Section for sine weighting functions * *****************************************/ sinesquared = 0; ph = phi = 0.0; cosc = sinc = cosd = sind = 0.0; if (wtpar->sb_active) { sinesquared = (wtpar->sb < 0.0); if (sinesquared) wtpar->sb *= (-1); if (wtpar->sb > 1000.0) { wtpar->sb = 1000.0; } else if (wtpar->sb < (1.0/wtpar->sw)) { wtpar->sb = 1.0/wtpar->sw; } ph = M_PI_2/(wtpar->sw*wtpar->sb); if (rftflag) ph /= 2.0; phi = ph; sind = sin((double) (ph)); cosd = cos((double) (ph)); if (wtpar->sbs_active) { if (wtpar->sbs < -1000.0) { wtpar->sbs = -1000.0; } else if (wtpar->sbs > 1000.0) { wtpar->sbs = 1000.0; } ph = -M_PI_2*wtpar->sbs/wtpar->sb; if ((ph > 0.0) && (ph < M_PI)) { sinc = sin((double) (ph)); cosc = cos((double) (ph)); } else { sinc = 0.0; cosc = 1.0; } } else { ph = 0.0; sinc = 0.0; cosc = 1; } sbfunc = sinc; if (sinesquared) wtpar->sb *= (-1); } else { sbfunc = 1.0; } /********************************************* * Section for gaussian weighting functions * *********************************************/ maxpoint = 0; gfconst = 0.0; if (wtpar->gf_active) { if (wtpar->gf < -1000.0) { wtpar->gf = -1000; } else if (wtpar->gf > 1000.0) { wtpar->gf = 1000.0; } if (wtpar->gf == 0.0) { wtpar->gf = 0.1; } gfconst = 1.0/( wtpar->sw*wtpar->gf); if (rftflag) gfconst /= 2.0; if (wtpar->gfs_active) { if (wtpar->gfs < -1000.0) { wtpar->gfs = -1000.0; } else if (wtpar->gfs > 1000.0) { wtpar->gfs = 1000.0; } maxpoint = wtpar->sw*wtpar->gfs; if (rftflag) maxpoint *= 2; if (maxpoint < 0) { maxpoint = 0; } else if (maxpoint >= n) { maxpoint = n-1; } } } /******************************************** * Section for additive weighting constant * ********************************************/ if (wtpar->awc_active) { awc = wtpar->awc; } else { awc = 0.0; } /************************************************ * Create weighting function in weight buffer. * ************************************************/ max = 0.0; fpnt = wtfunc; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { f = (*fpnt) * sbfunc; if (wtpar->lb_active) { lbvar = i*lbconst; if (lbvar > MAX_WTVAL) { f *= MIN_WTFUNC; } else if (lbvar < MIN_WTVAL) { f *= MAX_WTFUNC; } else { f *= (float) (exp( -lbvar )); } } f += awc; if (wtpar->gf_active) { gfvar = (i - maxpoint)*gfconst; gfvar *= gfvar; if (gfvar > MAX_WTVAL) { f *= MIN_WTFUNC; } else { f *= (float) (exp( -gfvar )); } } if (wtpar->sa_active) { if (i < sa_first) f = 0.0; if (i > sa_last) f = 0.0; } if (f < 0.0) { f = 0.0; } else if (f > max) { max = f; } *fpnt++ = f; if (wtpar->sb_active) { if ((ph > 0.0) && (ph < M_PI)) { /* cordic rotation */ sbfunc = sinc*cosd + cosc*sind; cosc = cosc*cosd - sinc*sind; sinc = sbfunc; if (sinesquared) sbfunc *= sbfunc; } else { sbfunc = 0.0; } ph += phi; } } /************************************************* * Scale weighting function so that the maximum * * value therein is 1.0, neglecting the effect * * "fpmult". * *************************************************/ fpnt = wtfunc; /* Reset "fpnt" pointer */ if ((max > 0.0) && (max != 1.0)) { f = 1/max; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { *fpnt *= f; fpnt++; } } *wtfunc *= (float) fpmult; /* Scales first point in weighting function */ return(COMPLETE); }