Esempio n. 1
NtfsInitializeNtfsData (
    IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject


Routine Description:

    This routine initializes the global ntfs data record


    DriverObject - Supplies the driver object for NTFS

Return Value:



    USHORT FileLockMaxDepth;
    USHORT IoContextMaxDepth;
    USHORT IrpContextMaxDepth;
    USHORT KeventMaxDepth;
    USHORT ScbNonpagedMaxDepth;
    USHORT ScbSnapshotMaxDepth;

    USHORT CcbDataMaxDepth;
    USHORT CcbMaxDepth;
    USHORT DeallocatedRecordsMaxDepth;
    USHORT FcbDataMaxDepth;
    USHORT FcbIndexMaxDepth;
    USHORT IndexContextMaxDepth;
    USHORT LcbMaxDepth;
    USHORT NukemMaxDepth;
    USHORT ScbDataMaxDepth;

    BOOLEAN CapturedSubjectContext = FALSE;

    PACL SystemDacl = NULL;
    ULONG SystemDaclLength;

    PSID AdminSid = NULL;
    PSID SystemSid = NULL;


    DebugTrace( +1, Dbg, ("NtfsInitializeNtfsData\n") );

    //  Zero the record and set its node type code and size

    RtlZeroMemory( &NtfsData, sizeof(NTFS_DATA));

    NtfsData.NodeTypeCode = NTFS_NTC_DATA_HEADER;
    NtfsData.NodeByteSize = sizeof(NTFS_DATA);

    //  Initialize the queue of mounted Vcbs


    //  This list head keeps track of closes yet to be done.

    InitializeListHead( &NtfsData.AsyncCloseList );
    InitializeListHead( &NtfsData.DelayedCloseList );

    ExInitializeWorkItem( &NtfsData.NtfsCloseItem,
                          NULL );

    //  Set the driver object, device object, and initialize the global
    //  resource protecting the file system

    NtfsData.DriverObject = DriverObject;

    ExInitializeResource( &NtfsData.Resource );

    //  Now allocate and initialize the s-list structures used as our pool
    //  of IRP context records.  The size of the zone is based on the
    //  system memory size.  We also initialize the spin lock used to protect
    //  the zone.

    KeInitializeSpinLock( &NtfsData.StrucSupSpinLock );

        switch ( MmQuerySystemSize() ) {

        case MmSmallSystem:

            NtfsData.FreeEresourceTotal = 14;

            //  Nonpaged Lookaside list maximum depths

            FileLockMaxDepth           = 8;
            IoContextMaxDepth          = 8;
            IrpContextMaxDepth         = 4;
            KeventMaxDepth             = 8;
            ScbNonpagedMaxDepth        = 8;
            ScbSnapshotMaxDepth        = 8;

            //  Paged Lookaside list maximum depths

            CcbDataMaxDepth            = 4;
            CcbMaxDepth                = 4;
            DeallocatedRecordsMaxDepth = 8;
            FcbDataMaxDepth            = 8;
            FcbIndexMaxDepth           = 4;
            IndexContextMaxDepth       = 8;
            LcbMaxDepth                = 4;
            NukemMaxDepth              = 8;
            ScbDataMaxDepth            = 4;

            SetFlag( NtfsData.Flags, NTFS_FLAGS_SMALL_SYSTEM );
            NtfsMaxDelayedCloseCount = MAX_DELAYED_CLOSE_COUNT;


        case MmMediumSystem:

            NtfsData.FreeEresourceTotal = 30;

            //  Nonpaged Lookaside list maximum depths

            FileLockMaxDepth           = 8;
            IoContextMaxDepth          = 8;
            IrpContextMaxDepth         = 8;
            KeventMaxDepth             = 8;
            ScbNonpagedMaxDepth        = 30;
            ScbSnapshotMaxDepth        = 8;

            //  Paged Lookaside list maximum depths

            CcbDataMaxDepth            = 12;
            CcbMaxDepth                = 6;
            DeallocatedRecordsMaxDepth = 8;
            FcbDataMaxDepth            = 30;
            FcbIndexMaxDepth           = 12;
            IndexContextMaxDepth       = 8;
            LcbMaxDepth                = 12;
            NukemMaxDepth              = 8;
            ScbDataMaxDepth            = 12;

            SetFlag( NtfsData.Flags, NTFS_FLAGS_MEDIUM_SYSTEM );
            NtfsMaxDelayedCloseCount = 4 * MAX_DELAYED_CLOSE_COUNT;


        case MmLargeSystem:

            SetFlag( NtfsData.Flags, NTFS_FLAGS_LARGE_SYSTEM );
            NtfsMaxDelayedCloseCount = 16 * MAX_DELAYED_CLOSE_COUNT;

            if (MmIsThisAnNtAsSystem()) {

                NtfsData.FreeEresourceTotal = 256;

                //  Nonpaged Lookaside list maximum depths

                FileLockMaxDepth           = 8;
                IoContextMaxDepth          = 8;
                IrpContextMaxDepth         = 256;
                KeventMaxDepth             = 8;
                ScbNonpagedMaxDepth        = 128;
                ScbSnapshotMaxDepth        = 8;

                //  Paged Lookaside list maximum depths

                CcbDataMaxDepth            = 40;
                CcbMaxDepth                = 20;
                DeallocatedRecordsMaxDepth = 8;
                FcbDataMaxDepth            = 128;
                FcbIndexMaxDepth           = 40;
                IndexContextMaxDepth       = 8;
                LcbMaxDepth                = 40;
                NukemMaxDepth              = 8;
                ScbDataMaxDepth            = 40;

            } else {

                NtfsData.FreeEresourceTotal = 128;

                //  Nonpaged Lookaside list maximum depths

                FileLockMaxDepth           = 8;
                IoContextMaxDepth          = 8;
                IrpContextMaxDepth         = 64;
                KeventMaxDepth             = 8;
                ScbNonpagedMaxDepth        = 64;
                ScbSnapshotMaxDepth        = 8;

                //  Paged Lookaside list maximum depths

                CcbDataMaxDepth            = 20;
                CcbMaxDepth                = 10;
                DeallocatedRecordsMaxDepth = 8;
                FcbDataMaxDepth            = 64;
                FcbIndexMaxDepth           = 20;
                IndexContextMaxDepth       = 8;
                LcbMaxDepth                = 20;
                NukemMaxDepth              = 8;
                ScbDataMaxDepth            = 20;


        NtfsMinDelayedCloseCount = NtfsMaxDelayedCloseCount * 4 / 5;


    //  Initialize our various lookaside lists.  To make it a bit more readable we'll
    //  define two quick macros to do the initialization

#if DBG && i386 && defined (NTFSPOOLCHECK)
#define NPagedInit(L,S,T,D) { ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList( (L), NtfsDebugAllocatePoolWithTag, NtfsDebugFreePool, POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, S, T, D); }
#define PagedInit(L,S,T,D)  { ExInitializePagedLookasideList(  (L), NtfsDebugAllocatePoolWithTag, NtfsDebugFreePool, POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, S, T, D); }
#else   //  DBG && i386
#define NPagedInit(L,S,T,D) { ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList( (L), NULL, NULL, POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, S, T, D); }
#define PagedInit(L,S,T,D)  { ExInitializePagedLookasideList(  (L), NULL, NULL, POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, S, T, D); }
#endif  //  DBG && i386

    NPagedInit( &NtfsFileLockLookasideList,    sizeof(FILE_LOCK),       'kftN', FileLockMaxDepth );
    NPagedInit( &NtfsIoContextLookasideList,   sizeof(NTFS_IO_CONTEXT), 'IftN', IoContextMaxDepth );
    NPagedInit( &NtfsIrpContextLookasideList,  sizeof(IRP_CONTEXT),     'iftN', IrpContextMaxDepth );
    NPagedInit( &NtfsKeventLookasideList,      sizeof(KEVENT),          'KftN', KeventMaxDepth );
    NPagedInit( &NtfsScbNonpagedLookasideList, sizeof(SCB_NONPAGED),    'nftN', ScbNonpagedMaxDepth );
    NPagedInit( &NtfsScbSnapshotLookasideList, sizeof(SCB_SNAPSHOT),    'TftN', ScbSnapshotMaxDepth );

    PagedInit(  &NtfsCcbLookasideList,                sizeof(CCB),                 'CftN', CcbMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsCcbDataLookasideList,            sizeof(CCB_DATA),            'cftN', CcbDataMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsDeallocatedRecordsLookasideList, sizeof(DEALLOCATED_RECORDS), 'DftN', DeallocatedRecordsMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsFcbDataLookasideList,            sizeof(FCB_DATA),            'fftN', FcbDataMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsFcbIndexLookasideList,           sizeof(FCB_INDEX),           'FftN', FcbIndexMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsIndexContextLookasideList,       sizeof(INDEX_CONTEXT),       'EftN', IndexContextMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsLcbLookasideList,                sizeof(LCB),                 'lftN', LcbMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsNukemLookasideList,              sizeof(NUKEM),               'NftN', NukemMaxDepth );
    PagedInit(  &NtfsScbDataLookasideList,            SIZEOF_SCB_DATA,             'sftN', ScbDataMaxDepth );

    //  Initialize the cache manager callback routines,  First are the routines
    //  for normal file manipulations, followed by the routines for
    //  volume manipulations.

        PCACHE_MANAGER_CALLBACKS Callbacks = &NtfsData.CacheManagerCallbacks;

        Callbacks->AcquireForLazyWrite  = &NtfsAcquireScbForLazyWrite;
        Callbacks->ReleaseFromLazyWrite = &NtfsReleaseScbFromLazyWrite;
        Callbacks->AcquireForReadAhead  = &NtfsAcquireScbForReadAhead;
        Callbacks->ReleaseFromReadAhead = &NtfsReleaseScbFromReadAhead;

        PCACHE_MANAGER_CALLBACKS Callbacks = &NtfsData.CacheManagerVolumeCallbacks;

        Callbacks->AcquireForLazyWrite  = &NtfsAcquireVolumeFileForLazyWrite;
        Callbacks->ReleaseFromLazyWrite = &NtfsReleaseVolumeFileFromLazyWrite;
        Callbacks->AcquireForReadAhead  = NULL;
        Callbacks->ReleaseFromReadAhead = NULL;

    //  Initialize the queue of read ahead threads


    //  Set up global pointer to our process.

    NtfsData.OurProcess = PsGetCurrentProcess();

    //  Use a try-finally to cleanup on errors.

    try {

        SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR NewDescriptor;

        SubjectContext = NtfsAllocatePool( PagedPool, sizeof( SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT ));
        SeCaptureSubjectContext( SubjectContext );
        CapturedSubjectContext = TRUE;

        //  Build the default security descriptor which gives full access to
        //  system and administrator.

        AdminSid = (PSID) NtfsAllocatePool( PagedPool, RtlLengthRequiredSid( 2 ));
        RtlInitializeSid( AdminSid, &Authority, 2 );
        *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( AdminSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID;
        *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( AdminSid, 1 )) = DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS;

        SystemSid = (PSID) NtfsAllocatePool( PagedPool, RtlLengthRequiredSid( 1 ));
        RtlInitializeSid( SystemSid, &Authority, 1 );
        *(RtlSubAuthoritySid( SystemSid, 0 )) = SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID;

        SystemDaclLength = sizeof( ACL ) +
                           (2 * sizeof( ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE )) +
                           SeLengthSid( AdminSid ) +
                           SeLengthSid( SystemSid ) +
                           8; // The 8 is just for good measure

        SystemDacl = NtfsAllocatePool( PagedPool, SystemDaclLength );

        Status = RtlCreateAcl( SystemDacl, SystemDaclLength, ACL_REVISION2 );

        if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; }

        Status = RtlAddAccessAllowedAce( SystemDacl,
                                         SystemSid );

        if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; }

        Status = RtlAddAccessAllowedAce( SystemDacl,
                                         AdminSid );

        if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; }

        Status = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor( &NewDescriptor,
                                              SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION1 );

        if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; }

        Status = RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor( &NewDescriptor,
                                               FALSE );

        if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; }

        Status = SeAssignSecurity( NULL,
                                   PagedPool );

        if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { leave; }

        NtfsData.DefaultDescriptorLength = RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor( NtfsData.DefaultDescriptor );

        ASSERT( SeValidSecurityDescriptor( NtfsData.DefaultDescriptorLength,
                                           NtfsData.DefaultDescriptor ));

    } finally {

        if (CapturedSubjectContext) {

            SeReleaseSubjectContext( SubjectContext );

        if (SubjectContext != NULL) { NtfsFreePool( SubjectContext ); }

        if (SystemDacl != NULL) { NtfsFreePool( SystemDacl ); }

        if (AdminSid != NULL) { NtfsFreePool( AdminSid ); }

        if (SystemSid != NULL) { NtfsFreePool( SystemSid ); }

    //  Raise if we hit an error building the security descriptor.

    if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { ExRaiseStatus( Status ); }

    //  And return to our caller

    DebugTrace( -1, Dbg, ("NtfsInitializeNtfsData -> VOID\n") );

Esempio n. 2
UdfInitializeGlobalData (
    IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT *UdfsFileSystemDeviceObjects


Routine Description:

    This routine initializes the global Udfs data structures.


    DriverObject - Supplies the driver object for UDFS.

    FileSystemDeviceObjects - Supplies a vector of device objects for UDFS.

Return Value:



    USHORT CcbMaxDepth;
    USHORT FcbDataMaxDepth;
    USHORT FcbIndexMaxDepth;
    USHORT FcbNonPagedMaxDepth;
    USHORT IrpContextMaxDepth;
    USHORT LcbMaxDepth;

    //  Start by initializing the FastIoDispatch Table.

    RtlZeroMemory( &UdfFastIoDispatch, sizeof( FAST_IO_DISPATCH ));

    UdfFastIoDispatch.SizeOfFastIoDispatch =    sizeof(FAST_IO_DISPATCH);

    UdfFastIoDispatch.AcquireFileForNtCreateSection =   UdfAcquireForCreateSection;
    UdfFastIoDispatch.ReleaseFileForNtCreateSection =   UdfReleaseForCreateSection;
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoCheckIfPossible =           UdfFastIoCheckIfPossible;   //  CheckForFastIo
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoRead =                      FsRtlCopyRead;              //  Read
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoQueryBasicInfo =            NULL;                       //  QueryBasicInfo
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoQueryStandardInfo =         NULL;                       //  QueryStandardInfo
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoLock =                      NULL;                       //  Lock
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoUnlockSingle =              NULL;                       //  UnlockSingle
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoUnlockAll =                 NULL;                       //  UnlockAll
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoUnlockAllByKey =            NULL;                       //  UnlockAllByKey
    UdfFastIoDispatch.FastIoQueryNetworkOpenInfo =      NULL;                       //  QueryNetworkInfo
    //  Initialize the CRC table. Per UDF 1.01, we use the seed 10041 octal (4129 dec).

    UdfInitializeCrc16( 4129 );

    //  Initialize the UdfData structure.

    RtlZeroMemory( &UdfData, sizeof( UDF_DATA ));

    UdfData.NodeTypeCode = UDFS_NTC_DATA_HEADER;
    UdfData.NodeByteSize = sizeof( UDF_DATA );

    UdfData.DriverObject = DriverObject;
    RtlCopyMemory( &UdfData.FileSystemDeviceObjects,
                   sizeof(PDEVICE_OBJECT) * NUMBER_OF_FS_OBJECTS );

    InitializeListHead( &UdfData.VcbQueue );

    ExInitializeResource( &UdfData.DataResource );

    //  Initialize the cache manager callback routines

    UdfData.CacheManagerCallbacks.AcquireForLazyWrite  = &UdfAcquireForCache;
    UdfData.CacheManagerCallbacks.ReleaseFromLazyWrite = &UdfReleaseFromCache;
    UdfData.CacheManagerCallbacks.AcquireForReadAhead  = &UdfAcquireForCache;
    UdfData.CacheManagerCallbacks.ReleaseFromReadAhead = &UdfReleaseFromCache;

    UdfData.CacheManagerVolumeCallbacks.AcquireForLazyWrite  = &UdfNoopAcquire;
    UdfData.CacheManagerVolumeCallbacks.ReleaseFromLazyWrite = &UdfNoopRelease;
    UdfData.CacheManagerVolumeCallbacks.AcquireForReadAhead  = &UdfNoopAcquire;
    UdfData.CacheManagerVolumeCallbacks.ReleaseFromReadAhead = &UdfNoopRelease;

    //  Initialize the lock mutex and the async and delay close queues.

    ExInitializeFastMutex( &UdfData.UdfDataMutex );
    InitializeListHead( &UdfData.AsyncCloseQueue );
    InitializeListHead( &UdfData.DelayedCloseQueue );

    ExInitializeWorkItem( &UdfData.CloseItem,
                          (PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE) UdfFspClose,
                          NULL );

    //  Do the initialization based on the system size.

    switch (MmQuerySystemSize()) {

    case MmSmallSystem:
        IrpContextMaxDepth = 4;
        UdfData.MaxDelayedCloseCount = 10;
        UdfData.MinDelayedCloseCount = 2;

    case MmLargeSystem:

        IrpContextMaxDepth = 24;
        UdfData.MaxDelayedCloseCount = 72;
        UdfData.MinDelayedCloseCount = 18;

    case MmMediumSystem:
        IrpContextMaxDepth = 8;
        UdfData.MaxDelayedCloseCount = 32;
        UdfData.MinDelayedCloseCount = 8;

    //  Size lookasides to match what will commonly be dumped into them when we
    //  run down the delayed close queues.
    LcbMaxDepth =
    CcbMaxDepth =
    FcbDataMaxDepth =
    FcbNonPagedMaxDepth = (USHORT) (UdfData.MaxDelayedCloseCount - UdfData.MinDelayedCloseCount);

    //  We should tend to have fewer indices than files.
    FcbIndexMaxDepth = FcbNonPagedMaxDepth / 2;

#define NPagedInit(L,S,T,D) { ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList( (L), NULL, NULL, POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, S, T, D); }
#define PagedInit(L,S,T,D)  { ExInitializePagedLookasideList(  (L), NULL, NULL, POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, S, T, D); }

    NPagedInit( &UdfIrpContextLookasideList, sizeof( IRP_CONTEXT ), TAG_IRP_CONTEXT, IrpContextMaxDepth );
    NPagedInit( &UdfFcbNonPagedLookasideList, sizeof( FCB_NONPAGED ), TAG_FCB_NONPAGED, FcbNonPagedMaxDepth );

    PagedInit( &UdfCcbLookasideList, sizeof( CCB ), TAG_CCB, CcbMaxDepth );
    PagedInit( &UdfFcbIndexLookasideList, SIZEOF_FCB_INDEX, TAG_FCB_INDEX, FcbIndexMaxDepth );
    PagedInit( &UdfFcbDataLookasideList, SIZEOF_FCB_DATA, TAG_FCB_DATA, FcbDataMaxDepth );
    PagedInit( &UdfLcbLookasideList, SIZEOF_LOOKASIDE_LCB, TAG_LCB, LcbMaxDepth );