Esempio n. 1
void Ambix_mirrorAudioProcessor::calcParams()
    for (int i=0; i < gain_factors.size(); i++) {
        gain_factors.set(i, 1.f);
    for (int acn = 0; acn < AMBI_CHANNELS; acn++)
        float* g = &gain_factors.getReference(acn);
        int l = 0; // manchmal auch n
        int m = 0;
        ACNtoLM(acn, l, m);
        // Z SYMMETRY
        // z even symmetry
        if (acn == 0)
            *g *= ParamToRMS(z_even_param);
            if (z_even_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // (l odd, m odd) || (l even, m even)
        // same as (l+m) even
        else if ( !((l + m) % 2) )
        //else if ( ((l % 2) && (m % 2)) || (!(l % 2) && !(m % 2)) )
            *g *= ParamToRMS(z_even_param);
            if (z_even_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // z odd symmetry
        if (acn == 0)
            // do nothing
        // (l odd, m even) || (l even, m odd)
        // same as (l+m) odd
        else if ( ((l + m) % 2) )
        //else if ( ((l % 2) && !(m % 2)) ||  (!(l % 2) && (m % 2)))
            *g *= ParamToRMS(z_odd_param);
            if (z_odd_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // Y SYMMETRY
        // y even symmetry
        if (m >= 0)
            *g *= ParamToRMS(y_even_param);
            if (y_even_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // y odd symmetry
        if (m < 0)
            *g *= ParamToRMS(y_odd_param);
            if (y_odd_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // X SYMMETRY
        // x even symmetry
        // m < 0 and odd || m >= 0 and even
        if ( ((m < 0) && (m % 2)) || ((m >= 0) && !(m % 2)) )
            *g *= ParamToRMS(x_even_param);
            if (x_even_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // x odd symmetry
        // m < 0 and even || m >= 0 and odd
        if ( ((m < 0) && !(m % 2)) || ((m >= 0) && (m % 2)) )
            *g *= ParamToRMS(x_odd_param);
            if (x_odd_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
        // BOOST 2D (RING)
        if (l == m || l == -m)
            *g *= ParamToRMS(circular_param);
            if (circular_inv_param >= 0.5)
                *g *= -1;
Esempio n. 2
void Ambix_directional_loudnessAudioProcessor::calcParams()
    if (!_initialized)
        const String t_design_txt (t_design::des_3_240_21_txt);
        // std::cout << t_design_txt << std::endl;
        String::CharPointerType lineChar = t_design_txt.getCharPointer();
        int n = 0; // how many characters been read
        int numsamples = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int curr_n = 0;
        int max_n = lineChar.length();
        while (curr_n < max_n) { // check how many coordinates we have
            double value;
            sscanf(lineChar, "%lf\n%n", &value, &n);
            lineChar += n;
            curr_n += n;
        } // end parse numbers
        numsamples = numsamples/3; // xyz
        Carth_coord.resize(numsamples,3); // positions in cartesian coordinates
        curr_n = 0;
        lineChar = t_design_txt.getCharPointer();
        // parse line for numbers again and copy to carth coordinate matrix
        while (i < numsamples) {
            double x,y,z;
            sscanf(lineChar, "%lf%lf%lf%n", &x, &y, &z, &n);
            Carth_coord(i,0) = x;
            Carth_coord(i,1) = y;
            Carth_coord(i,2) = z;
            lineChar += n;
            curr_n += n;
        } // end parse numbers
        // std::cout << "Coordinate size: " << Carth_coord.rows() << " x " << Carth_coord.cols() << std::endl;
        // std::cout << Carth_coord << std::endl;
        Sph_coord.resize(numsamples,2); // positions in spherical coordinates
        for (int i=0; i < numsamples; i++)
            Eigen::VectorXd Ymn(AMBI_CHANNELS); // Ymn result
            Sph_coord(i,0) = atan2(Carth_coord(i,1),Carth_coord(i,0)); // azimuth
            Sph_coord(i,1) = atan2(Carth_coord(i,2),sqrt(Carth_coord(i,0)*Carth_coord(i,0) + Carth_coord(i,1)*Carth_coord(i,1))); // elevation
            sph_h.Calc(Sph_coord(i,0),Sph_coord(i,1)); // phi theta
            // std::cout << "Size: " << Ymn.size() << ": " << Ymn << std::endl;
            //Sh_matrix.row(i) = Ymn;
            Sh_matrix.block(i,0,1,AMBI_CHANNELS) = Ymn.transpose();
            // std::cout << "Size: " << Sh_matrix.block(i,0,1,in_ambi_channels).size() << ": " << Sh_matrix.block(i,0,1,in_ambi_channels) << std::endl;
        // Sh_matrix_inv.setZero();
        //Sh_matrix_inv = (Sh_matrix.transpose()*Sh_matrix).inverse()*Sh_matrix.transpose(); // not working for dynamic input order
        // if input order is different a better solving has to be used for the inverse:
        Sh_matrix_inv = (Sh_matrix.transpose()*Sh_matrix).colPivHouseholderQr().inverse()*Sh_matrix.transpose();
        // std::cout << "Size: " << Sh_matrix_inv.rows() << " x " << Sh_matrix_inv.cols() << std::endl;
        // std::cout << Sh_matrix_inv << std::endl;
        _initialized = true;
    if (_param_changed)
        // convert parameters to values for the filter
        // ArrayIntParam _shape = shape;
        ArrayParam _width = width * (float)M_PI; // 0...pi
        ArrayParam _height = height * (float)M_PI;
        ArrayParam _gain;
        for (int i=0; i < gain.rows();i++)
            _gain(i) = ParamToRMS(gain(i));
        SphCoordParam _center_sph = (center_sph - 0.5f)*2.f*(float)M_PI;
        // std::cout << _center_sph << std::endl;
        CarthCoordParam _center_carth;
        // convert center spherical coordinates to carthesian
        for (int i=0; i < _center_sph.rows(); i++)
            _center_carth(i,0) = cos(_center_sph(i,0))*cos(_center_sph(i,1)); // x
            _center_carth(i,1) = sin(_center_sph(i,0))*cos(_center_sph(i,1)); // y
            _center_carth(i,2) = sin(_center_sph(i,1)); // z
        // scale the SH_matrix and save as Sh_matrix_mod
        Sh_matrix_mod = Sh_matrix;
        // iterate over all sample points
        for (int i=0; i < Sh_matrix_mod.rows(); i++)
            double multipl = 1.f;
            // iterate over all filters
            for (int k=0; k < NUM_FILTERS; k++)
                Eigen::Vector2d Sph_coord_vec = Sph_coord.row(i);
                Eigen::Vector2d _center_sph_vec = _center_sph.row(k);
                multipl *= (double)sph_filter.GetWeight(&Sph_coord_vec, Carth_coord.row(i), &_center_sph_vec, _center_carth.row(k), (int)shape(k), _width(k), _height(k), _gain(k), (window(k) > 0.5f), transition(k));
            Sh_matrix_mod.row(i) *= multipl;
        // calculate new transformation matrix
        Sh_transf = Sh_matrix_inv * Sh_matrix_mod;
        // threshold coefficients
        for (int i = 0; i < Sh_transf.size(); i++)
            if (abs(Sh_transf(i)) < 0.00001f)
                Sh_transf(i) = 0.f;
        _param_changed = false;
Esempio n. 3
void Ambix_vmicAudioProcessor::calcParams()
    if (!_initialized)
        const String t_design_txt (t_design::des_3_240_21_txt);
        // std::cout << t_design_txt << std::endl;
        String::CharPointerType lineChar = t_design_txt.getCharPointer();
        int n = 0; // how many characters been read
        int numsamples = 0;
        int i = 0;
        int curr_n = 0;
        int max_n = lineChar.length();
        while (curr_n < max_n) { // check how many coordinates we have
            double value;
            sscanf(lineChar, "%lf\n%n", &value, &n);
            lineChar += n;
            curr_n += n;
        } // end parse numbers
        numsamples = numsamples/3; // xyz
        Carth_coord.resize(numsamples,3); // positions in cartesian coordinates
        curr_n = 0;
        lineChar = t_design_txt.getCharPointer();
        // parse line for numbers again and copy to carth coordinate matrix
        while (i < numsamples) {
            double x,y,z;
            sscanf(lineChar, "%lf%lf%lf%n", &x, &y, &z, &n);
            Carth_coord(i,0) = x;
            Carth_coord(i,1) = y;
            Carth_coord(i,2) = z;
            lineChar += n;
            curr_n += n;
        } // end parse numbers
        // std::cout << "Coordinate size: " << Carth_coord.rows() << " x " << Carth_coord.cols() << std::endl;
        // std::cout << Carth_coord << std::endl;
        Sph_coord.resize(numsamples,2); // positions in spherical coordinates
        for (int i=0; i < numsamples; i++)
            Eigen::VectorXd Ymn(AMBI_CHANNELS); // Ymn result
            Sph_coord(i,0) = atan2(Carth_coord(i,1),Carth_coord(i,0)); // azimuth
            Sph_coord(i,1) = atan2(Carth_coord(i,2),sqrt(Carth_coord(i,0)*Carth_coord(i,0) + Carth_coord(i,1)*Carth_coord(i,1))); // elevation
            sph_h.Calc(Sph_coord(i,0),Sph_coord(i,1)); // phi theta
            Sh_matrix.block(i,0,1,AMBI_CHANNELS) = Ymn.transpose();
        _initialized = true;
    if (_param_changed)
        // convert parameters to values for the filter
        // ArrayIntParam _shape = shape;
        ArrayParam _width = width * (float)M_PI; // 0...pi
        ArrayParam _height = height * (float)M_PI;
        ArrayParam _gain;
        for (int i=0; i < gain.rows();i++)
            _gain(i) = ParamToRMS(gain(i));
        SphCoordParam _center_sph = (center_sph - 0.5f)*2.f*M_PI;
        // std::cout << _center_sph << std::endl;
        CarthCoordParam _center_carth;
        // convert center spherical coordinates to carthesian
        for (int i=0; i < _center_sph.rows(); i++)
            _center_carth(i,0) = cos(_center_sph(i,0))*cos(_center_sph(i,1)); // x
            _center_carth(i,1) = sin(_center_sph(i,0))*cos(_center_sph(i,1)); // y
            _center_carth(i,2) = sin(_center_sph(i,1)); // z
        // iterate over all filters
        for (int k=0; k < NUM_FILTERS_VMIC; k++)
            // copy the SH_matrix to 
            Eigen::MatrixXd Sh_matrix_temp = Sh_matrix;
            // iterate over all sample points
            for (int i=0; i < Sh_matrix_temp.rows(); i++)
                Eigen::Vector2d Sph_coord_vec = Sph_coord.row(i);
                Eigen::Vector2d _center_sph_vec = _center_sph.row(k);
                double multipl = sph_filter.GetWeight(&Sph_coord_vec, Carth_coord.row(i), &_center_sph_vec, _center_carth.row(k), (int)floor(shape(k)+0.5f), _width(k), _height(k), 1, true, transition(k));
                if (multipl < 0.f) // -1.f in case of outside region
                    multipl = 0.f;
                Sh_matrix_temp.row(i) *= multipl;
            // Sh_matrix_mod row is the sum over the columns
            Sh_matrix_mod.row(k) = Sh_matrix_temp.colwise().sum();
            // normalize and apply gain
            if (Sh_matrix_mod.row(k)(0) > 0.f)
                Sh_matrix_mod.row(k) *= 1/Sh_matrix_mod.row(k)(0)*_gain(k); 
        // std::cout << "Size Sh_matrix_mod : " << Sh_matrix_mod.rows() << " x " << Sh_matrix_mod.cols() << std::endl;
        // std::cout << Sh_matrix_mod << std::endl;
        // this is the new transformation matrix
        Sh_transf = Sh_matrix_mod;
        // threshold coefficients
        for (int i = 0; i < Sh_transf.size(); i++)
            if (abs(Sh_transf(i)) < 0.00001f)
                Sh_transf(i) = 0.f;
        _param_changed = false;