Esempio n. 1
void EQEmuConfig::do_mailserver(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "host", true);
	if (text) {
		MailHost = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "port", true);
	if (text) {
		MailPort = atoi(text);
Esempio n. 2
void EQEmuConfig::do_files(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "spells", true);
	if (text) {
		SpellsFile = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "opcodes", true);
	if (text) {
		OpCodesFile = text;
Esempio n. 3
void EQEmuConfig::do_directories(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "maps", true);
	if (text) {
		MapDir = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "quests", true);
	if (text) {
		QuestDir = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "plugins", true);
	if (text) {
		PluginDir = text;
Esempio n. 4
void EQEmuConfig::do_web_interface(TiXmlElement *ele) {
	const char *text;

	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "port", true);
	if (text)
		WebInterfacePort = atoi(text);

	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "cert", true);
	if (text)
		WebInterfaceCert = text;

	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "priv_key", true);
	if (text)
		WebInterfacePrivKey = text;

	TiXmlElement *sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("ssl");
	if (sub_ele != nullptr) {
		WebInterfaceUseSSL = true;
Esempio n. 5
void EQEmuConfig::do_files(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "spells", true);
	if (text) {
		SpellsFile = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "opcodes", true);
	if (text) {
		OpCodesFile = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "logsettings", true);
	if (text) {
		LogSettingsFile = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "eqtime", true);
	if (text) {
		EQTimeFile = text;
Esempio n. 6
void EQEmuConfig::do_launcher(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	TiXmlElement *sub_ele;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "logprefix", true);
	if (text) {
		LogPrefix = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "logsuffix", true);
	if (text) {
		LogSuffix = text;
	// Get the <exe> element
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "exe", true);
	if (text) {
		ZoneExe = text;
	// Get the <timers> element
	sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("timers");
	if (sub_ele != nullptr) {
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("restart");
		if (text) {
			RestartWait = atoi(text);
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("reterminate");
		if (text) {
			TerminateWait = atoi(text);
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("initial");
		if (text) {
			InitialBootWait = atoi(text);
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("interval");
		if (text) {
			ZoneBootInterval = atoi(text);
Esempio n. 7
void EQEmuConfig::do_qsdatabase(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "host", true);
	if (text) {
		QSDatabaseHost = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "port", true);
	if (text) {
		QSDatabasePort = atoi(text);
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "username", true);
	if (text) {
		QSDatabaseUsername = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "password", true);
	if (text) {
		QSDatabasePassword = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "db", true);
	if (text) {
		QSDatabaseDB = text;
Esempio n. 8
void EQEmuConfig::do_zones(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	TiXmlElement *sub_ele;
//	TiXmlNode *node,*sub_node;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "defaultstatus", true);
	if (text) {
		DefaultStatus = atoi(text);
	// Get the <ports> element
	sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("ports");
	if (sub_ele != nullptr) {
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("low");
		if (text) {
			ZonePortLow = atoi(text);
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("high");
		if (text) {
			ZonePortHigh = atoi(text);
Esempio n. 9
void EQEmuConfig::do_world(TiXmlElement *ele)
	const char *text;
	TiXmlElement * sub_ele;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "shortname");
	if (text) {
		ShortName = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "longname");
	if (text) {
		LongName = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "address", true);
	if (text) {
		WorldAddress = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "localaddress", true);
	if (text) {
		LocalAddress = text;
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "maxclients", true);
	if (text) {
		MaxClients = atoi(text);
	// Get the <key> element
	text = ParseTextBlock(ele, "key", true);
	if (text) {
		SharedKey = text;
	// Get the <loginserver> element
	sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("loginserver");
	if (sub_ele) {
		text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "host", true);
		if (text) {
			LoginHost = text;
		text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "port", true);
		if (text) {
			LoginPort = atoi(text);
		text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "account", true);
		if (text) {
			LoginAccount = text;
		text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "password", true);
		if (text) {
			LoginPassword = text;
	} else {
		char	str[32];
		do {
			sprintf(str, "loginserver%i", ++LoginCount);
			sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement(str);
			if (sub_ele) {
				LoginConfig* loginconfig = new LoginConfig;
				text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "host", true);
				if (text) {
					loginconfig->LoginHost = text;
				text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "port", true);
				if (text) {
					loginconfig->LoginPort = atoi(text);
				text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "account", true);
				if (text) {
					loginconfig->LoginAccount = text;
				text = ParseTextBlock(sub_ele, "password", true);
				if (text) {
					loginconfig->LoginPassword = text;
		} while (sub_ele);
	// Check for locked
	sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("locked");
	if (sub_ele != nullptr) {
		Locked = true;
	// Get the <tcp> element
	sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("tcp");
	if (sub_ele != nullptr) {
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("ip");
		if (text) {
			WorldIP = text;
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("port");
		if (text) {
			WorldTCPPort = atoi(text);
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("telnet");
		if (text && !strcasecmp(text, "enabled")) {
			TelnetEnabled = true;
	// Get the <http> element
	sub_ele = ele->FirstChildElement("http");
	if (sub_ele != nullptr) {
//		text = sub_ele->Attribute("ip");
//		if (text)
//			WorldIP=text;
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("mimefile");
		if (text) {
			WorldHTTPMimeFile = text;
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("port");
		if (text) {
			WorldHTTPPort = atoi(text);
		text = sub_ele->Attribute("enabled");
		if (text && !strcasecmp(text, "true")) {
			WorldHTTPEnabled = true;