Esempio n. 1
PdfString PdfAnnotation::GetContents() const
    if( m_pObject->GetDictionary().HasKey( "Contents" ) )
        return m_pObject->GetDictionary().GetKey( "Contents" )->GetString();

    return PdfString();
Esempio n. 2
PdfString PdfAnnotation::GetTitle() const
    if( m_pObject->GetDictionary().HasKey( "T" ) )
        return m_pObject->GetDictionary().GetKey( "T" )->GetString();

    return PdfString();
Esempio n. 3
PdfString PdfFileSpec::CreateFileSpecification( const char* pszFilename ) const
    std::ostringstream str;
    size_t                nLen = strlen( pszFilename );
    char buff[5];

    // Construct a platform independent file specifier
    for( size_t i=0;i<nLen;i++ ) 
        char ch = pszFilename[i];
        if (ch == ':' || ch == '\\')
            ch = '/';
        if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||
            (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ||
            (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ||
             ch == '_') {
            str.put( ch & 0xFF );
        } else if (ch == '/') {
            str.put( '\\' );
            str.put( '\\' );
            str.put( '/' );
        } else {
            sprintf(buff, "%02X", ch & 0xFF);
            str << buff;

    return PdfString( str.str() );
Esempio n. 4
void PdfInfo::Init( int eInitial )
    PdfDate   date;
    PdfString str;

    date.ToString( str );
    if( (eInitial & ePdfInfoInitial_WriteCreationTime) == ePdfInfoInitial_WriteCreationTime ) 
        this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( "CreationDate", str );

    if( (eInitial & ePdfInfoInitial_WriteModificationTime) == ePdfInfoInitial_WriteModificationTime ) 
        this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( "ModDate", str );

    if( (eInitial & ePdfInfoInitial_WriteProducer) == ePdfInfoInitial_WriteProducer ) 
        this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Producer", PdfString(PRODUCER_STRING) );
Esempio n. 5
void PdfAcroForm::Init( EPdfAcroFormDefaulAppearance eDefaultAppearance )
    // Add default appearance: black text, 12pt times 
    // -> only if we do not have a DA key yet

    // Peter Petrov 27 April 2008
    //this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("NeedAppearances"), PdfVariant(true) );

    if( !this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().HasKey("DA") && 
        eDefaultAppearance == ePdfAcroFormDefaultAppearance_BlackText12pt )
        //PdfFont* pFont = pParent->GetDocument()->CreateFont( "Helvetica", false );
        // TODO: It is no good idea to always embedd arial
        //       but handling of non embedded helvetica is currently broken
        PdfFont*   pFont     = m_pDocument->CreateFont( "Arial" ); // embedd is default true
        PdfObject* pResource;
        PdfObject* pFontDict;
        // Create DR key
        if( !this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().HasKey( PdfName("DR") ) )
            this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("DR"), PdfDictionary() );
        pResource = this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().GetKey( PdfName("DR") );
        if( !pResource->GetDictionary().HasKey( PdfName("Font") ) )
            pResource->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Font"), PdfDictionary() );
        pFontDict = pResource->GetDictionary().GetKey( PdfName("Font") );
        pFontDict->GetDictionary().AddKey( pFont->GetIdentifier(), pFont->GetObject()->Reference() );
        // Create DA key
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "0 0 0 rg /" << pFont->GetIdentifier().GetName() << " 12 Tf";
        this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("DA"), PdfString( oss.str() ) );
Esempio n. 6
void PdfFontCID::Init( bool bEmbed )
    PdfObject* pDescriptor;
    PdfObject* pDescendantFonts;
    PdfObject* pCIDSystemInfo;
    PdfObject* pUnicode;

    PdfVariant var;
    PdfArray   array;

    // The descendant font is a CIDFont:
    pDescendantFonts = this->GetObject()->GetOwner()->CreateObject("Font");
    pCIDSystemInfo   = this->GetObject()->GetOwner()->CreateObject();
    pDescriptor      = this->GetObject()->GetOwner()->CreateObject("FontDescriptor");
    pUnicode         = this->GetObject()->GetOwner()->CreateObject(); // The ToUnicode CMap

    // Now setting each of the entries of the font
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName::KeySubtype, PdfName("Type0") );
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( "BaseFont", this->GetBaseFont() );
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( "ToUnicode", pUnicode->Reference() );

    // The encoding is here usually a (Predefined) CMap from PdfIdentityEncoding:
    m_pEncoding->AddToDictionary( this->GetObject()->GetDictionary() );

    // The DecendantFonts, should be an indirect object:
    array.push_back( pDescendantFonts->Reference() );
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( "DescendantFonts", array );

    // Setting the DescendantFonts paras
    // This is a type2 CIDFont, which is also known as TrueType:
    pDescendantFonts->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName::KeySubtype, PdfName("CIDFontType2") );

    // Same base font as the owner font:
    pDescendantFonts->GetDictionary().AddKey( "BaseFont", this->GetBaseFont() );

    // The CIDSystemInfo, should be an indirect object:
    pDescendantFonts->GetDictionary().AddKey( "CIDSystemInfo", pCIDSystemInfo->Reference() );

    // The FontDescriptor, should be an indirect object:
    pDescendantFonts->GetDictionary().AddKey( "FontDescriptor", pDescriptor->Reference() );
    pDescendantFonts->GetDictionary().AddKey( "CIDToGIDMap", PdfName("Identity") );

    // Add the width keys
    this->CreateWidth( pDescendantFonts );

    // Create the ToUnicode CMap
    this->CreateCMap( pUnicode );

    // Setting the CIDSystemInfo paras:
    pCIDSystemInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Registry", PdfString("Adobe") );
    pCIDSystemInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Ordering", PdfString("Identity") );
    pCIDSystemInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Supplement", PdfVariant(static_cast<pdf_int64>(0LL)) );

    // Setting the FontDescriptor paras:
    m_pMetrics->GetBoundingBox( array );

    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "FontName", this->GetBaseFont() );
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName::KeyFlags, PdfVariant( static_cast<pdf_int64>(32LL) ) ); // TODO: 0 ????
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "FontBBox", array );
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "ItalicAngle", PdfVariant( static_cast<pdf_int64>(m_pMetrics->GetItalicAngle()) ) );
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Ascent", m_pMetrics->GetPdfAscent() );
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Descent", m_pMetrics->GetPdfDescent() );
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "CapHeight", m_pMetrics->GetPdfAscent() ); // m_pMetrics->CapHeight() );
    pDescriptor->GetDictionary().AddKey( "StemV", PdfVariant( static_cast<pdf_int64>(1LL) ) );               // m_pMetrics->StemV() );

    // Peter Petrov 24 September 2008
    m_pDescriptor = pDescriptor;
    if( bEmbed )
        this->EmbedFont( pDescriptor );
        m_bWasEmbedded = true;
Esempio n. 7
void PdfSigIncWriter::Write( PdfOutputDevice* pDevice, pdf_int64 prevOffset)
    //CreateFileIdentifier( m_identifier, m_pTrailer );
    if( m_pTrailer->GetDictionary().HasKey( "ID" ) ) {
       PdfObject *idObj =  m_pTrailer->GetDictionary().GetKey("ID");
       TCIVariantList it = idObj->GetArray().begin();
		 while( it != idObj->GetArray().end() ) {
			if( (*it).GetDataType() == ePdfDataType_HexString ) {
				 PdfVariant var = (*it);
             m_identifier = var.GetString();
    } else {
       PdfDate   date;
       PdfString dateString;
       PdfObject*      pInfo;
       PdfOutputDevice length;

       date.ToString( dateString );

       pInfo = new PdfObject();
       pInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "CreationDate", dateString );
       pInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Creator", PdfString("PoDoFo") );
       pInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Producer", PdfString("PoDoFo") );
      pInfo->GetDictionary().AddKey( "Location", PdfString("SOMEFILENAME") );

      pInfo->WriteObject( &length, ePdfWriteMode_Clean, NULL );

      char *pBuffer = static_cast<char*>(podofo_calloc( length.GetLength(), sizeof(char) ));
      if( !pBuffer )  {
        delete pInfo;
        PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_OutOfMemory );

      PdfOutputDevice device( pBuffer, length.GetLength() );
      pInfo->WriteObject( &device, ePdfWriteMode_Clean, NULL );

      // calculate the MD5 Sum
      m_identifier = PdfEncryptMD5Base::GetMD5String( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(pBuffer),
                                           static_cast<unsigned int>(length.GetLength()) );
      podofo_free( pBuffer );

      delete pInfo;

    if( !pDevice )
        PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_InvalidHandle );

    // setup encrypt dictionary
    if( m_pEncrypt )
        m_pEncrypt->GenerateEncryptionKey( m_identifier );

        // Add our own Encryption dictionary
        m_pEncryptObj = m_vecObjects->CreateObject();
        m_pEncrypt->CreateEncryptionDictionary( m_pEncryptObj->GetDictionary() );

    if( GetLinearized() ) 
        this->WriteLinearized( pDevice );
        PdfXRef* pXRef = m_bXRefStream ? new PdfXRefStream( m_vecObjects, this ) : new PdfXRef();

        try {
//            WritePdfHeader  ( pDevice );
            WritePdfObjects ( pDevice, *m_vecObjects, pXRef );

            pXRef->Write( pDevice );
            // XRef streams contain the trailer in the XRef
            if( !m_bXRefStream ) 
                PdfObject  trailer;
                // if we have a dummy offset we write also a prev entry to the trailer
                FillTrailerObject( &trailer, pXRef->GetSize(), false, false );

                PdfObject prevOffsetObj(prevOffset);
                trailer.GetDictionary().AddKey( "Prev", prevOffsetObj);
                trailer.WriteObject( pDevice, ePdfWriteMode_Clean, NULL ); // Do not encrypt the trailer dicionary!!!
            pDevice->Print( "startxref\n%li\n%%%%EOF\n", pXRef->GetOffset());
            delete pXRef;
        } catch( PdfError & e ) {
            // Make sure pXRef is always deleted
            delete pXRef;
            e.AddToCallstack( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
            throw e;