Esempio n. 1
BOOL SoftwareList_AddFile(HWND hwndPicker,LPCSTR pszName, LPCSTR pszListname, LPCSTR pszDescription, LPCSTR pszPublisher, LPCSTR pszYear, LPCSTR pszUsage, LPCSTR pszDevice)

	software_list_info *pPickerInfo;
	file_info **ppNewIndex;
	file_info *pInfo;
	int nIndex, nSize;

	// first check to see if it is already here
	//if (SoftwareList_LookupIndex(hwndPicker, pszName) >= 0)
	//	return TRUE;

	pPickerInfo = GetSoftwareListInfo(hwndPicker);

	// create the FileInfo structure
	nSize = sizeof(file_info);
	pInfo = (file_info *) malloc(nSize);
	if (!pInfo)
		goto error;
	memset(pInfo, 0, nSize);

	// copy the filename
	strcpy(pInfo->file_name, pszName);
	strcpy(pInfo->list_name, pszListname);
	strcpy(pInfo->description, pszDescription);
	strcpy(pInfo->publisher, pszPublisher);
	strcpy(pInfo->year, pszYear);
	if (pszUsage) strcpy(pInfo->usage, pszUsage);
	strcpy(pInfo->device, pszDevice);
	sprintf(pInfo->full_name,"%s:%s", pszListname,pszName);

	ppNewIndex = (file_info**)malloc((pPickerInfo->file_index_length + 1) * sizeof(*pPickerInfo->file_index));
	memcpy(ppNewIndex,pPickerInfo->file_index,pPickerInfo->file_index_length * sizeof(*pPickerInfo->file_index));
	if (pPickerInfo->file_index) free(pPickerInfo->file_index);
	if (!ppNewIndex)
		goto error;

	nIndex = pPickerInfo->file_index_length++;
	pPickerInfo->file_index = ppNewIndex;
	pPickerInfo->file_index[nIndex] = pInfo;

	// Actually insert the item into the picker
	Picker_InsertItemSorted(hwndPicker, nIndex);
	return TRUE;

	if (pInfo)
	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
static BOOL SoftwarePicker_AddFileEntry(HWND hwndPicker, LPCSTR pszFilename,
	UINT nZipEntryNameLength, UINT32 nCrc, BOOL bForce)
	software_picker_info *pPickerInfo;
	file_info **ppNewIndex;
	file_info *pInfo;
	int nIndex, nSize;
	LPCSTR pszExtension = NULL;
	const device_config_image_interface *device = NULL;

	// first check to see if it is already here
	if (SoftwarePicker_LookupIndex(hwndPicker, pszFilename) >= 0)
		return TRUE;

	pPickerInfo = GetSoftwarePickerInfo(hwndPicker);

	// look up the device
	if (strrchr(pszFilename, '.'))
		pszExtension = strrchr(pszFilename, '.');
	if ((pszExtension != NULL) && (pPickerInfo->config != NULL))
		for (bool gotone = pPickerInfo->config->mconfig->m_devicelist.first(device); gotone; gotone = device->next(device))
			if (device->uses_file_extension(pszExtension)) {

	// no device?  cop out unless bForce is on
	if ((device == NULL) && !bForce)
		return TRUE;

	// create the FileInfo structure
	nSize = sizeof(file_info) + strlen(pszFilename);
	pInfo = (file_info *) malloc(nSize);
	if (!pInfo)
		goto error;
	memset(pInfo, 0, nSize);

	// copy the filename
	strcpy(pInfo->file_name, pszFilename);

	// set up device and CRC, if specified
	pInfo->device = device;
	if ((device != NULL) && (device->has_partial_hash() != 0))
		nCrc = 0;
	//if (nCrc != 0)
		//snprintf(pInfo->hash_string, ARRAY_LENGTH(pInfo->hash_string), "c:%08x#", nCrc);

	// set up zip entry name length, if specified
	if (nZipEntryNameLength > 0)
		pInfo->zip_entry_name = pInfo->file_name + strlen(pInfo->file_name) - nZipEntryNameLength;

	// calculate the subname
	pInfo->base_name = strrchr(pInfo->file_name, '\\');
	if (pInfo->base_name)
		pInfo->base_name = pInfo->file_name;

	ppNewIndex = (file_info**)malloc((pPickerInfo->file_index_length + 1) * sizeof(*pPickerInfo->file_index));
	memcpy(ppNewIndex,pPickerInfo->file_index,pPickerInfo->file_index_length * sizeof(*pPickerInfo->file_index));
	if (pPickerInfo->file_index) free(pPickerInfo->file_index);
	if (!ppNewIndex)
		goto error;

	nIndex = pPickerInfo->file_index_length++;
	pPickerInfo->file_index = ppNewIndex;
	pPickerInfo->file_index[nIndex] = pInfo;

	// Realize the hash
	SoftwarePicker_RealizeHash(hwndPicker, nIndex);

	// Actually insert the item into the picker
	Picker_InsertItemSorted(hwndPicker, nIndex);
	return TRUE;

	if (pInfo)
	return FALSE;