Esempio n. 1
  The function will execute with as the platform policy, current policy
  is driven by boot mode. IBV/OEM can customize this code for their specific
  policy action.

  @param  DriverOptionList        The header of the driver option link list
  @param  BootOptionList          The header of the boot option link list
  @param  ProcessCapsules         A pointer to ProcessCapsules()
  @param  BaseMemoryTest          A pointer to BaseMemoryTest()

PlatformBdsPolicyBehavior (
  IN LIST_ENTRY                      *DriverOptionList,
  IN LIST_ENTRY                      *BootOptionList,
  IN PROCESS_CAPSULES                ProcessCapsules,
  IN BASEM_MEMORY_TEST               BaseMemoryTest
  // Locate the PCI root bridges and make the PCI bus driver connect each,
  // non-recursively. This will produce a number of child handles with PciIo on
  // them.
  FilterAndProcess (&gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid, NULL, Connect);

  // Signal the ACPI platform driver that it can download QEMU ACPI tables.
  EfiEventGroupSignal (&gRootBridgesConnectedEventGroupGuid);

  // Find all display class PCI devices (using the handles from the previous
  // step), and connect them non-recursively. This should produce a number of
  // child handles with GOPs on them.
  FilterAndProcess (&gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, IsPciDisplay, Connect);

  // Now add the device path of all handles with GOP on them to ConOut and
  // ErrOut.
  FilterAndProcess (&gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, NULL, AddOutput);

  // Add the hardcoded short-form USB keyboard device path to ConIn.
  BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ConIn",

  // Add the hardcoded serial console device path to ConIn, ConOut, ErrOut.
  CopyGuid (&mSerialConsole.TermType.Guid,
    PcdGetPtr (PcdTerminalTypeGuidBuffer));
  BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ConIn",
    (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)&mSerialConsole, NULL);
  BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ConOut",
    (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)&mSerialConsole, NULL);
  BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ErrOut",
    (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *)&mSerialConsole, NULL);

  // Connect the consoles based on the above variables.
  BdsLibConnectAllDefaultConsoles ();

  // Show the splash screen.
  EnableQuietBoot (PcdGetPtr (PcdLogoFile));

  // Connect the rest of the devices.
  BdsLibConnectAll ();

  // Process QEMU's -kernel command line option. Note that the kernel booted
  // this way should receive ACPI tables, which is why we connect all devices
  // first (see above) -- PCI enumeration blocks ACPI table installation, if
  // there is a PCI host.
  TryRunningQemuKernel ();

  BdsLibEnumerateAllBootOption (BootOptionList);
  SetBootOrderFromQemu (BootOptionList);
  // The BootOrder variable may have changed, reload the in-memory list with
  // it.
  BdsLibBuildOptionFromVar (BootOptionList, L"BootOrder");

  PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (GetFrontPageTimeoutFromQemu(), TRUE);
Esempio n. 2

  This function attempts to boot for the boot order specified
  by platform policy.

BdsBootDeviceSelect (
  EFI_STATUS        Status;
  LIST_ENTRY        *Link;
  UINTN             ExitDataSize;
  CHAR16            *ExitData;
  UINT16            Timeout;
  LIST_ENTRY        BootLists;
  CHAR16            Buffer[20];
  BOOLEAN           BootNextExist;
  LIST_ENTRY        *LinkBootNext;
  EFI_EVENT         ConnectConInEvent;

  // Got the latest boot option
  BootNextExist = FALSE;
  LinkBootNext  = NULL;
  ConnectConInEvent = NULL;
  InitializeListHead (&BootLists);

  // First check the boot next option
  ZeroMem (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer));

  // Create Event to signal ConIn connection request
  if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) {
    Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
      ConnectConInEvent = NULL;

  if (mBootNext != NULL) {
    // Indicate we have the boot next variable, so this time
    // boot will always have this boot option
    BootNextExist = TRUE;

    // Clear the this variable so it's only exist in this time boot
    Status = gRT->SetVariable (
    // Deleting variable with current variable implementation shouldn't fail.
    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    // Add the boot next boot option
    UnicodeSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), L"Boot%04x", *mBootNext);
    BootOption = BdsLibVariableToOption (&BootLists, Buffer);

    // If fail to get boot option from variable, just return and do nothing.
    if (BootOption == NULL) {

    BootOption->BootCurrent = *mBootNext;
  // Parse the boot order to get boot option
  BdsLibBuildOptionFromVar (&BootLists, L"BootOrder");

  // When we didn't have chance to build boot option variables in the first 
  // full configuration boot (e.g.: Reset in the first page or in Device Manager),
  // we have no boot options in the following mini configuration boot.
  // Give the last chance to enumerate the boot options.
  if (IsListEmpty (&BootLists)) {
    BdsLibEnumerateAllBootOption (&BootLists);

  Link = BootLists.ForwardLink;

  // Parameter check, make sure the loop will be valid
  if (Link == NULL) {
    return ;
  // Here we make the boot in a loop, every boot success will
  // return to the front page
  for (;;) {
    // Check the boot option list first
    if (Link == &BootLists) {
      // When LazyConIn enabled, signal connect ConIn event before enter UI
      if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand) && ConnectConInEvent != NULL) {
        gBS->SignalEvent (ConnectConInEvent);

      // There are two ways to enter here:
      // 1. There is no active boot option, give user chance to
      //    add new boot option
      // 2. All the active boot option processed, and there is no
      //    one is success to boot, then we back here to allow user
      //    add new active boot option
      Timeout = 0xffff;
      PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE);
      InitializeListHead (&BootLists);
      BdsLibBuildOptionFromVar (&BootLists, L"BootOrder");
      Link = BootLists.ForwardLink;
    // Get the boot option from the link list

    // According to EFI Specification, if a load option is not marked
    // as LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE, the boot manager will not automatically
    // load the option.
    if (!IS_LOAD_OPTION_TYPE (BootOption->Attribute, LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE)) {
      // skip the header of the link list, because it has no boot option
      Link = Link->ForwardLink;
    // Make sure the boot option device path connected,
    // but ignore the BBS device path
    if (DevicePathType (BootOption->DevicePath) != BBS_DEVICE_PATH) {
      // Notes: the internal shell can not been connected with device path
      // so we do not check the status here
      BdsLibConnectDevicePath (BootOption->DevicePath);

    // Restore to original mode before launching boot option.
//    BdsSetConsoleMode (FALSE);
    // All the driver options should have been processed since
    // now boot will be performed.
    Status = BdsLibBootViaBootOption (BootOption, BootOption->DevicePath, &ExitDataSize, &ExitData);
    if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
      // Call platform action to indicate the boot fail
      BootOption->StatusString = NULL; //GetStringById (STRING_TOKEN (STR_BOOT_FAILED));
      //PlatformBdsBootFail (BootOption, Status, ExitData, ExitDataSize);

      // Check the next boot option
      Link = Link->ForwardLink;

    } else {
      // Call platform action to indicate the boot success
      BootOption->StatusString = GetStringById (STRING_TOKEN (STR_BOOT_SUCCEEDED));
      PlatformBdsBootSuccess (BootOption);

      // Boot success, then stop process the boot order, and
      // present the boot manager menu, front page

      // When LazyConIn enabled, signal connect ConIn Event before enter UI
      if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand) && ConnectConInEvent != NULL) {
        gBS->SignalEvent (ConnectConInEvent);

      Timeout = 0xffff;
      PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE);

      // Rescan the boot option list, avoid potential risk of the boot
      // option change in front page
      if (BootNextExist) {
        LinkBootNext = BootLists.ForwardLink;

      InitializeListHead (&BootLists);
      if (LinkBootNext != NULL) {
        // Reserve the boot next option
        InsertTailList (&BootLists, LinkBootNext);

      BdsLibBuildOptionFromVar (&BootLists, L"BootOrder");
      Link = BootLists.ForwardLink;

Esempio n. 3
PlatformBdsPolicyBehavior (
  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY                  *DriverOptionList,
  IN OUT LIST_ENTRY                  *BootOptionList,
  IN PROCESS_CAPSULES                ProcessCapsules,
  IN BASEM_MEMORY_TEST               BaseMemoryTest

Routine Description:

  The function will excute with as the platform policy, current policy
  is driven by boot mode. IBV/OEM can customize this code for their specific
  policy action.


  DriverOptionList - The header of the driver option link list

  BootOptionList   - The header of the boot option link list

  ProcessCapsules  - A pointer to ProcessCapsules()

  BaseMemoryTest   - A pointer to BaseMemoryTest()



  EFI_STATUS                         Status;
  UINT16                             Timeout;
  EFI_EVENT                          UserInputDurationTime;
  LIST_ENTRY                     *Link;
  BDS_COMMON_OPTION                  *BootOption;
  UINTN                              Index;
  EFI_INPUT_KEY                      Key;
  EFI_TPL                            OldTpl;
  EFI_BOOT_MODE                      BootMode;

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PlatformBdsPolicyBehavior\n"));

  ConnectRootBridge ();

  // Try to restore variables from the hard disk early so
  // they can be used for the other BDS connect operations.
  PlatformBdsRestoreNvVarsFromHardDisk ();

  // Init the time out value
  Timeout = PcdGet16 (PcdPlatformBootTimeOut);

  // Load the driver option as the driver option list
  PlatformBdsGetDriverOption (DriverOptionList);

  // Get current Boot Mode
  Status = BdsLibGetBootMode (&BootMode);
  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Boot Mode:%x\n", BootMode));

  // Go the different platform policy with different boot mode
  // Notes: this part code can be change with the table policy
  // Connect platform console
  Status = PlatformBdsConnectConsole (gPlatformConsole);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    // Here OEM/IBV can customize with defined action
    PlatformBdsNoConsoleAction ();
  // Create a 300ms duration event to ensure user has enough input time to enter Setup
  Status = gBS->CreateEvent (
  Status = gBS->SetTimer (UserInputDurationTime, TimerRelative, 3000000);
  // Memory test and Logo show
  PlatformBdsDiagnostics (IGNORE, TRUE, BaseMemoryTest);

  // Perform some platform specific connect sequence
  PlatformBdsConnectSequence ();

  // Give one chance to enter the setup if we
  // have the time out
  if (Timeout != 0) {
    //PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE);

  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "BdsLibConnectAll\n"));
  BdsLibConnectAll ();
  BdsLibEnumerateAllBootOption (BootOptionList);

  // Please uncomment above ConnectAll and EnumerateAll code and remove following first boot
  // checking code in real production tip.
  // In BOOT_WITH_FULL_CONFIGURATION boot mode, should always connect every device
  // and do enumerate all the default boot options. But in development system board, the boot mode
  // cannot be BOOT_ASSUMING_NO_CONFIGURATION_CHANGES because the machine box
  // is always open. So the following code only do the ConnectAll and EnumerateAll at first boot.
  Status = BdsLibBuildOptionFromVar (BootOptionList, L"BootOrder");
  if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
    // If cannot find "BootOrder" variable,  it may be first boot.
    // Try to connect all devices and enumerate all boot options here.
    BdsLibConnectAll ();
    BdsLibEnumerateAllBootOption (BootOptionList);

  // To give the User a chance to enter Setup here, if user set TimeOut is 0.
  // BDS should still give user a chance to enter Setup
  // Connect first boot option, and then check user input before exit
  for (Link = BootOptionList->ForwardLink; Link != BootOptionList;Link = Link->ForwardLink) {
    if (!IS_LOAD_OPTION_TYPE (BootOption->Attribute, LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE)) {
      // skip the header of the link list, becuase it has no boot option
    } else {
      // Make sure the boot option device path connected, but ignore the BBS device path
      if (DevicePathType (BootOption->DevicePath) != BBS_DEVICE_PATH) {
        BdsLibConnectDevicePath (BootOption->DevicePath);

  // Check whether the user input after the duration time has expired
  OldTpl = EfiGetCurrentTpl();
  gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &UserInputDurationTime, &Index);
  gBS->CloseEvent (UserInputDurationTime);
  Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key);
  gBS->RaiseTPL (OldTpl);

  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    // Enter Setup if user input
    Timeout = 0xffff;
    PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE);

  return ;