Esempio n. 1
// Main entry point
int main(void)
	// Initialization
	const char windowTitle[30] = "SKULLY ESCAPE [KING GAMEJAM]";

    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, windowTitle);

    // Global data loading (assets that must be available in all screens, i.e. fonts)
    music = LoadMusicStream("resources/audio/come_play_with_me.ogg");
    font = LoadSpriteFont("resources/textures/alagard.png");
	doors = LoadTexture("resources/textures/doors.png");
    sndDoor = LoadSound("resources/audio/door.ogg");
    sndScream = LoadSound("resources/audio/scream.ogg");
    // Setup and Init first screen
    currentScreen = LOGO;

#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
    emscripten_set_main_loop(UpdateDrawFrame, 0, 1);
    SetTargetFPS(60);   // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

    // Main game loop
    while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key

    // De-Initialization
    // Unload all global loaded data (i.e. fonts) here!
    CloseWindow();        // Close window and OpenGL context
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main()
    // Initialization
    static unsigned char key = 0;


    Sound fxWav = LoadSound("resources/audio/weird.wav");         // Load WAV audio file
    Sound fxOgg = LoadSound("resources/audio/tanatana.ogg");      // Load OGG audio file

    Music music = LoadMusicStream("resources/audio/guitar_noodling.ogg");

    printf("\nPress s or d to play sounds...\n");

    // Main loop
    while (key != KEY_ESCAPE)
        if (kbhit()) key = getch();

        if (key == 's')
            key = 0;

        if (key == 'd')
            key = 0;


    // De-Initialization
    UnloadSound(fxWav);         // Unload sound data
    UnloadSound(fxOgg);         // Unload sound data

    UnloadMusicStream(music);   // Unload music stream data


    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// Gameplay Screen Initialization logic
void InitGameplayScreen(void)
    // TODO: Initialize GAMEPLAY screen variables here!
    framesCounter = 0;
    finishScreen = 0;
        // TODO: Read .bmp file propierly in order to get image width & height
    Color *mapPixels = malloc(GRID_WIDTH*GRID_HEIGHT * sizeof(Color));
    mapPixels = GetImageData(LoadImage("assets/gameplay_screen/maps/map.bmp"));
    maxTriangles = 0;
    maxPlatforms = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<GRID_WIDTH*GRID_HEIGHT; i++)
        printf("r: %i\n", mapPixels[i].r);
        printf("g: %i\n", mapPixels[i].g);
        printf("b: %i\n\n", mapPixels[i].b);
        if (mapPixels[i].r == 255 && mapPixels[i].g == 0 && mapPixels[i].b == 0) maxTriangles++;
        else if (mapPixels[i].r == 0 && mapPixels[i].g == 255 && mapPixels[i].b == 0) maxPlatforms++;
    triangles = malloc(maxTriangles * sizeof(TriangleObject));
    platforms = malloc(maxPlatforms * sizeof(SquareObject));
    int trianglesCounter=0;
    int platformsCounter=0;
    for (int y=0; y<GRID_HEIGHT; y++)
        for (int x=0; x<GRID_WIDTH; x++)
            if (mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].r == 255 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].g == 0 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].b == 0) 
                InitializeTriangle(&triangles[trianglesCounter], (Vector2){x, y});
            else if (mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].r == 0 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].g == 255 && mapPixels[y*GRID_WIDTH+x].b == 0) 
                InitializePlatform(&platforms[platformsCounter], (Vector2){x, y});
    //DEBUGGING && TESTING variables
    pause = FALSE;
    // Textures loading
    player.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/cube_main.png");
    triangleTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/triangle_main.png");
    platformTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/platform_main.png");
    player.pEmitter.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/particle_main.png");
    bg = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/bg_main.png");
    // Sound loading
    // Did player win?
    startGame = FALSE;
    player.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/debug.png");
    triangleTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/debug.png");
    platformTexture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/debug.png");
    player.pEmitter.texture = LoadTexture("assets/gameplay_screen/particle_main.png");
    // Camera initialization
    mainCamera = (Camera2D){Vector2Right(), (Vector2){6.5f, 6.5f}, Vector2Zero(), TRUE};
    // Gravity initialization
    gravity = (GravityForce){Vector2Up(), 1.5f};
    // Ground position and coordinate
    groundCoordinadeY = GetScreenHeight()/CELL_SIZE-1;
    groundPositionY = GetOnGridPosition((Vector2){0, groundCoordinadeY}).y;
    // Player initialization
    InitializePlayer(&player, (Vector2){4, groundCoordinadeY-1}, (Vector2){0, 15}, 0.35f*GAME_SPEED);
    // Triangles initialization
    InitializeTriangle(&triangles[0], (Vector2){40, groundCoordinadeY-1});
    InitializeTriangle(&triangles[1], (Vector2){50, groundCoordinadeY-1});
    InitializeTriangle(&triangles[2], (Vector2){85, groundCoordinadeY-1});
    // Platforms initialization
    InitializePlatform(&platforms[0], (Vector2){20, groundCoordinadeY-1});
    InitializePlatform(&platforms[1], (Vector2){21, groundCoordinadeY-1});
    InitializePlatform(&platforms[2], (Vector2){22, groundCoordinadeY-1});
    InitializePlatform(&platforms[3], (Vector2){23, groundCoordinadeY-2});
    InitializePlatform(&platforms[4], (Vector2){24, groundCoordinadeY-2});
Esempio n. 4
// Main entry point
int main(void) 
	// Initialization (Note windowTitle is unused on Android)
    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "KOALA SEASONS");

    // Load global data here (assets that must be available in all screens, i.e. fonts)
    font = LoadFont("resources/graphics/mainfont.png");

    atlas01 = LoadTexture("resources/graphics/atlas01.png");
    atlas02 = LoadTexture("resources/graphics/atlas02.png");
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB) || defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
    colorBlend = LoadShader("resources/shaders/glsl100/base.vs", "resources/shaders/glsl100/blend_color.fs");
    colorBlend = LoadShader("resources/shaders/glsl330/base.vs", "resources/shaders/glsl330/blend_color.fs");

    // Load sounds data
    fxJump = LoadSound("resources/audio/jump.ogg");
    fxDash = LoadSound("resources/audio/dash.ogg");
    fxEatLeaves = LoadSound("resources/audio/eat_leaves.ogg");
    fxHitResin = LoadSound("resources/audio/resin_hit.ogg");
    fxWind = LoadSound("resources/audio/wind_sound.ogg");
    fxDieSnake = LoadSound("resources/audio/snake_die.ogg");
    fxDieDingo = LoadSound("resources/audio/dingo_die.ogg");
    fxDieOwl = LoadSound("resources/audio/owl_die.ogg");
    music = LoadMusicStream("resources/audio/jngl.xm");
    SetMusicVolume(music, 1.0f);

    // Define and init first screen
    // NOTE: currentScreen is defined in screens.h as a global variable
    currentScreen = TITLE;


#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
    emscripten_set_main_loop(UpdateDrawFrame, 0, 1);
    SetTargetFPS(60);   // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
    // Main game loop
    while (!WindowShouldClose()) UpdateDrawFrame();

    // De-Initialization
    UnloadShader(colorBlend);   // Unload color overlay blending shader
    CloseAudioDevice();         // Close audio device

    CloseWindow();              // Close window and OpenGL context

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
// Mission Screen Initialization logic
void InitMissionScreen(void)
    framesCounter = 0;
    finishScreen = 0;

    fadeButton = 0.80f;

    texBackground = LoadTexture("resources/textures/mission_background.png");

    texBackline = LoadTexture("resources/textures/mission_backline.png");
    sourceRecBackLine = (Rectangle){0,0,GetScreenWidth(), texBackline.height};
    destRecBackLine = (Rectangle){0,0,sourceRecBackLine.width, sourceRecBackLine.height};
    fadeBackLine = 0;

    fxTransmit = LoadSound("resources/audio/fx_message.ogg");
    musMission = LoadMusicStream("resources/audio/music_mission.ogg");


    // Initialize missions
    missions = LoadMissions("resources/missions.txt");

    missionMaxLength = strlen(missions[currentMission].brief);

    // Insert line breaks every MAX_LINE_CHAR
    int currentLine = 1;
    int i = currentLine * MAX_LINE_CHAR;

    while (i < missionMaxLength)
        if (missions[currentMission].brief[i] == ' ')
            missions[currentMission].brief[i] = '\n';
            i = currentLine*MAX_LINE_CHAR;
        else i++;

    missionSize = 30;
    missionLenght = 0;
    missionSpeed = 1;

    numberColor = RAYWHITE;
    missionColor = LIGHTGRAY;
    keywordColor = (Color){198, 49, 60, 255}; //RED

    numberPosition = (Vector2){150, 185};
    missionPosition = (Vector2){numberPosition.x, numberPosition.y + 60};
    keywordPosition = (Vector2){missionPosition.x, missionPosition.y + MeasureTextEx(fontMission, missions[currentMission].brief, missionSize, 0).y + 60};

    startWritting = false;
    writeNumber = false;
    writeMission = false;
    writeKeyword = false;
    writeEnd = false;

    writtingMission = false;

    showNumberWaitFrames = 30;
    showMissionWaitFrames = 60;
    showKeywordWaitFrames = 60;

    blinkKeyWord = true;
    blinkFrames = 15;

Esempio n. 6
int main()
    // Initialization
    const int screenWidth = 1280;
    const int screenHeight = 720;
    // Init window
    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "Dr. Turtle & Mr. GAMERA");
    // Initialize audio device
    // Load game resources: textures
    Texture2D sky = LoadTexture("resources/sky.png");
    Texture2D mountains = LoadTexture("resources/mountains.png");
    Texture2D sea = LoadTexture("resources/sea.png");
    Texture2D title = LoadTexture("resources/title.png");
    Texture2D turtle = LoadTexture("resources/turtle.png");
    Texture2D gamera = LoadTexture("resources/gamera.png");
    Texture2D shark = LoadTexture("resources/shark.png");
    Texture2D orca = LoadTexture("resources/orca.png");
    Texture2D swhale = LoadTexture("resources/swhale.png");
    Texture2D fish = LoadTexture("resources/fish.png");
    Texture2D gframe = LoadTexture("resources/gframe.png");
    // Load game resources: fonts
    SpriteFont font = LoadSpriteFont("resources/komika.png");
    // Load game resources: sounds
    Sound eat = LoadSound("resources/eat.wav");
    Sound die = LoadSound("resources/die.wav");
    Sound growl = LoadSound("resources/gamera.wav");
    // Start playing streaming music

    // Define scrolling variables
    int backScrolling = 0;
    int seaScrolling = 0;
    // Define current screen
    GameScreen currentScreen = TITLE;
    // Define player variables
    int playerRail = 1;
    Rectangle playerBounds = { 30 + 14, playerRail*120 + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
    bool gameraMode = false;
    // Define enemies variables
    Rectangle enemyBounds[MAX_ENEMIES];
    int enemyRail[MAX_ENEMIES];
    int enemyType[MAX_ENEMIES];
    bool enemyActive[MAX_ENEMIES];
    float enemySpeed = 10;
    // Init enemies variables
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
        // Define enemy type (all same probability)
        //enemyType[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 3);
        // Probability system for enemies type
        int enemyProb = GetRandomValue(0, 100);
        if (enemyProb < 30) enemyType[i] = 0;
        else if (enemyProb < 60) enemyType[i] = 1;
        else if (enemyProb < 90) enemyType[i] = 2;
        else enemyType[i] = 3;

        // define enemy rail
        enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);

        // Make sure not two consecutive enemies in the same row
        if (i > 0) while (enemyRail[i] == enemyRail[i - 1]) enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
        enemyBounds[i] = (Rectangle){ screenWidth + 14, 120*enemyRail[i] + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
        enemyActive[i] = false;
    // Define additional game variables
    int score = 0;
    float distance = 0.0f;
    int hiscore = 0;
    float hidistance = 0.0f;
    int foodBar = 0;
    int framesCounter = 0;
    unsigned char blue = 200;
    float timeCounter = 0;
    SetTargetFPS(60);       // Setup game frames per second
    // Main game loop
    while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
        // Update
        // Sea color tint effect
        blue = 210 + 25 * sin(timeCounter);
        timeCounter += 0.01;

        // Game screens management
        switch (currentScreen)
            case TITLE:
                // Sea scrolling
                seaScrolling -= 2;
                if (seaScrolling <= -screenWidth) seaScrolling = 0; 
                // Press enter to change to gameplay screen
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
                    currentScreen = GAMEPLAY;
                    framesCounter = 0;
            } break;
            case GAMEPLAY:
                // Background scrolling logic
                if (backScrolling <= -screenWidth) backScrolling = 0; 
                // Sea scrolling logic
                seaScrolling -= (enemySpeed - 2);
                if (seaScrolling <= -screenWidth) seaScrolling = 0; 
                // Player movement logic
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) playerRail++;
                else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) playerRail--;
                // Check player not out of rails
                if (playerRail > 4) playerRail = 4;
                else if (playerRail < 0) playerRail = 0;
                // Update player bounds
                playerBounds = (Rectangle){ 30 + 14, playerRail*120 + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
                // Enemies activation logic (every 40 frames)        
                if (framesCounter > 40)
                    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
                        if (enemyActive[i] == false)
                            enemyActive[i] = true;
                            i = MAX_ENEMIES;
                    framesCounter = 0;
                // Enemies logic
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
                    if (enemyActive[i])
                        enemyBounds[i].x -= enemySpeed;
                    // Check enemies out of screen
                    if (enemyBounds[i].x <= 0 - 128)
                        enemyActive[i] = false;
                        enemyType[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 3);
                        enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                        // Make sure not two consecutive enemies in the same row
                        if (i > 0) while (enemyRail[i] == enemyRail[i - 1]) enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                        enemyBounds[i] = (Rectangle){ screenWidth + 14, 120*enemyRail[i] + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
                if (!gameraMode) enemySpeed += 0.005;
                // Check collision player vs enemies
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
                    if (enemyActive[i])
                        if (CheckCollisionRecs(playerBounds, enemyBounds[i]))
                            if (enemyType[i] < 3)   // Bad enemies
                                if (gameraMode)
                                    if (enemyType[i] == 0) score += 50;
                                    else if (enemyType[i] == 1) score += 150;
                                    else if (enemyType[i] == 2) score += 300;
                                    foodBar += 15;
                                    enemyActive[i] = false;
                                    // After enemy deactivation, reset enemy parameters to be reused
                                    enemyType[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 3);
                                    enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                                    // Make sure not two consecutive enemies in the same row
                                    if (i > 0) while (enemyRail[i] == enemyRail[i - 1]) enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                                    enemyBounds[i] = (Rectangle){ screenWidth + 14, 120*enemyRail[i] + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
                                    // Player die logic
                                    currentScreen = ENDING;
                                    framesCounter = 0;
                                    // Save hiscore and hidistance for next game
                                    if (score > hiscore) hiscore = score;
                                    if (distance > hidistance) hidistance = distance;
                            else    // Sweet fish
                                enemyActive[i] = false;
                                enemyType[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 3);
                                enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                                // Make sure not two consecutive enemies in the same row
                                if (i > 0) while (enemyRail[i] == enemyRail[i - 1]) enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                                enemyBounds[i] = (Rectangle){ screenWidth + 14, 120*enemyRail[i] + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
                                if (!gameraMode) foodBar += 80;
                                else foodBar += 25;
                                score += 10;
                                if (foodBar == 400)
                                    gameraMode = true;
                // Gamera mode logic
                if (gameraMode)
                    if (foodBar <= 0) 
                        gameraMode = false;
                        enemySpeed -= 2;
                        if (enemySpeed < 10) enemySpeed = 10;
                // Update distance counter
                distance += 0.5f;
            } break;
            case ENDING:
                // Press enter to play again
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
                    currentScreen = GAMEPLAY;
                    // Reset player
                    playerRail = 1;
                    playerBounds = (Rectangle){ 30 + 14, playerRail*120 + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
                    gameraMode = false;
                    // Reset enemies data
                    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
                        int enemyProb = GetRandomValue(0, 100);
                        if (enemyProb < 30) enemyType[i] = 0;
                        else if (enemyProb < 60) enemyType[i] = 1;
                        else if (enemyProb < 90) enemyType[i] = 2;
                        else enemyType[i] = 3;
                        //enemyType[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 3);
                        enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);

                        // Make sure not two consecutive enemies in the same row
                        if (i > 0) while (enemyRail[i] == enemyRail[i - 1]) enemyRail[i] = GetRandomValue(0, 4);
                        enemyBounds[i] = (Rectangle){ screenWidth + 14, 120*enemyRail[i] + 90 + 14, 100, 100 };
                        enemyActive[i] = false;
                    enemySpeed = 10;
                    // Reset game variables
                    score = 0;
                    distance = 0.0;
                    foodBar = 0;
                    framesCounter = 0;
            } break;
            default: break;
        // Draw
            // Draw background (common to all screens)
            DrawTexture(sky, 0, 0, WHITE);
            DrawTexture(mountains, backScrolling, 0, WHITE);
            DrawTexture(mountains, screenWidth + backScrolling, 0, WHITE);
            if (!gameraMode)
                DrawTexture(sea, seaScrolling, 0, (Color){ 16, 189, blue, 255});
                DrawTexture(sea, screenWidth + seaScrolling, 0, (Color){ 16, 189, blue, 255});
                DrawTexture(sea, seaScrolling, 0, (Color){ 255, 113, 66, 255});
                DrawTexture(sea, screenWidth + seaScrolling, 0, (Color){ 255, 113, 66, 255});
            switch (currentScreen)
                case TITLE:
                    // Draw title
                    DrawTexture(title, screenWidth/2 - title.width/2, screenHeight/2 - title.height/2 - 80, WHITE);
                    // Draw blinking text
                    if ((framesCounter/30) % 2) DrawTextEx(font, "PRESS ENTER", (Vector2){ screenWidth/2 - 150, 480 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), 0, WHITE);
                } break;
                case GAMEPLAY:
                    // Draw water lines
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) DrawRectangle(0, i*120 + 120, screenWidth, 110, Fade(SKYBLUE, 0.1f));
                    // Draw player
                    if (!gameraMode) DrawTexture(turtle, playerBounds.x - 14, playerBounds.y - 14, WHITE);
                    else DrawTexture(gamera, playerBounds.x - 64, playerBounds.y - 64, WHITE);
                    // Draw player bounding box
                    //if (!gameraMode) DrawRectangleRec(playerBounds, Fade(GREEN, 0.4f));
                    //else DrawRectangleRec(playerBounds, Fade(ORANGE, 0.4f));
                    // Draw enemies
                    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++)
                        if (enemyActive[i]) 
                            // Draw enemies
                                case 0: DrawTexture(shark, enemyBounds[i].x - 14, enemyBounds[i].y - 14, WHITE); break;
                                case 1: DrawTexture(orca, enemyBounds[i].x - 14, enemyBounds[i].y - 14, WHITE); break;
                                case 2: DrawTexture(swhale, enemyBounds[i].x - 14, enemyBounds[i].y - 14, WHITE); break;
                                case 3: DrawTexture(fish, enemyBounds[i].x - 14, enemyBounds[i].y - 14, WHITE); break;
                                default: break;
                            // Draw enemies bounding boxes
                                case 0: DrawRectangleRec(enemyBounds[i], Fade(RED, 0.5f)); break;
                                case 1: DrawRectangleRec(enemyBounds[i], Fade(RED, 0.5f)); break;
                                case 2: DrawRectangleRec(enemyBounds[i], Fade(RED, 0.5f)); break;
                                case 3: DrawRectangleRec(enemyBounds[i], Fade(GREEN, 0.5f)); break;
                                default: break;
                    // Draw gameplay interface
                    DrawRectangle(20, 20, 400, 40, Fade(GRAY, 0.4f));
                    DrawRectangle(20, 20, foodBar, 40, ORANGE);
                    DrawRectangleLines(20, 20, 400, 40, BLACK);
                    DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("SCORE: %04i", score), (Vector2){ screenWidth - 300, 20 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, ORANGE);
                    DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("DISTANCE: %04i", (int)distance), (Vector2){ 550, 20 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, ORANGE);
                    if (gameraMode)
                        DrawText("GAMERA MODE", 60, 22, 40, GRAY);
                        DrawTexture(gframe, 0, 0, Fade(WHITE, 0.5f));
                } break;
                case ENDING:
                    // Draw a transparent black rectangle that covers all screen
                    DrawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, Fade(BLACK, 0.4f));
                    DrawTextEx(font, "GAME OVER", (Vector2){ 300, 160 }, GetFontBaseSize(font)*3, -2, MAROON);
                    DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("SCORE: %04i", score), (Vector2){ 680, 350 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, GOLD);
                    DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("DISTANCE: %04i", (int)distance), (Vector2){ 290, 350 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, GOLD);
                    DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("HISCORE: %04i", hiscore), (Vector2){ 665, 400 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, ORANGE);
                    DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("HIDISTANCE: %04i", (int)hidistance), (Vector2){ 270, 400 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, ORANGE);
                    // Draw blinking text
                    if ((framesCounter/30) % 2) DrawTextEx(font, "PRESS ENTER to REPLAY", (Vector2){ screenWidth/2 - 250, 520 }, GetFontBaseSize(font), -2, LIGHTGRAY);
                } break;
                default: break;


    // De-Initialization
    // Unload textures
    // Unload font texture
    // Unload sounds
    StopMusicStream();      // Stop music
    CloseAudioDevice();     // Close audio device
    CloseWindow();          // Close window and OpenGL context
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
void UpdateDrawOneFrame(void)
    // Update
    if (!onTransition)
            case LOADING: 
                // Update LOADING screen variables
                framesCounter++;    // Count frames

                if ((loadBarWidth < loadBarMaxWidth) && ((framesCounter%30) == 0)) loadBarWidth++;

                if (IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE) && (loadBarWidth < loadBarMaxWidth)) loadBarWidth += 4;

                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) && (loadBarWidth >= loadBarMaxWidth)) TransitionToScreen(LOGO);

            } break;
            case LOGO:
                // Update LOGO screen variables
                if (logoScreenState == 0)                 // State 0: Small box blinking

                    if (framesCounter == 120)
                        logoScreenState = 1;
                        framesCounter = 0;      // Reset counter... will be used later...
                else if (logoScreenState == 1)            // State 1: Top and left bars growing
                    topSideRecWidth += 4;
                    leftSideRecHeight += 4;

                    if (topSideRecWidth == 256) logoScreenState = 2;
                else if (logoScreenState == 2)            // State 2: Bottom and right bars growing
                    bottomSideRecWidth += 4;
                    rightSideRecHeight += 4;

                    if (bottomSideRecWidth == 256)
                        lettersCounter = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < strlen(msgBuffer); i++) msgBuffer[i] = ' ';

                        logoScreenState = 3;
                else if (logoScreenState == 3)            // State 3: Letters appearing (one by one)

                    // Every 12 frames, one more letter!
                    if ((framesCounter%12) == 0) raylibLettersCount++;

                    switch (raylibLettersCount)
                        case 1: raylib[0] = 'r'; break;
                        case 2: raylib[1] = 'a'; break;
                        case 3: raylib[2] = 'y'; break;
                        case 4: raylib[3] = 'l'; break;
                        case 5: raylib[4] = 'i'; break;
                        case 6: raylib[5] = 'b'; break;
                        default: break;

                    if (raylibLettersCount >= 10)
                        // Write raylib description messages
                        if ((framesCounter%2) == 0) lettersCounter++;

                        if (!msgLogoADone)
                            if (lettersCounter <= strlen(msgLogoA)) strncpy(msgBuffer, msgLogoA, lettersCounter);
                                for (int i = 0; i < strlen(msgBuffer); i++) msgBuffer[i] = ' ';

                                lettersCounter = 0;
                                msgLogoADone = true;
                        else if (!msgLogoBDone)
                            if (lettersCounter <= strlen(msgLogoB)) strncpy(msgBuffer, msgLogoB, lettersCounter);
                                msgLogoBDone = true;
                                framesCounter = 0;

                // Press enter to change to MODULES screen
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) && msgLogoBDone) TransitionToScreen(MODULES);
                else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE)) TransitionToScreen(LOGO);

            } break;
            case MODULES:
                // Update MODULES screen variables here!

                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) && (selectedModule < 5))
                    framesCounter = 0;
                else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT) && (selectedModule > 0))
                    framesCounter = 0;

                if (selectedModule == CORE)
                    if ((framesCounter > 60) && (windowOffset < 40))

                    if (framesCounter > 140)
                        if (IsKeyDown('A')) ballPosition.x -= 5;
                        if (IsKeyDown('D')) ballPosition.x += 5;
                        if (IsKeyDown('W')) ballPosition.y -= 5;
                        if (IsKeyDown('S')) ballPosition.y += 5;

                        if (IsKeyPressed('1')) coreWindow = 1;
                        if (IsKeyPressed('2')) coreWindow = 2;
                        if (IsKeyPressed('3')) coreWindow = 3;
                        if (IsKeyPressed('4')) coreWindow = 4;

                if (selectedModule == TEXTURES) scaleFactor = (sinf(2*PI/240*framesCounter) + 1.0f)/2;

                if (selectedModule == AUDIO)
                    if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !MusicIsPlaying()) PlayMusicStream("resources/audio/guitar_noodling.ogg");         // Play music stream

                    if (IsKeyPressed('S'))
                        timePlayed = 0.0f;

                        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BALLS; i++)
                            soundBallsPosition[i] = (Vector2){ 650 + 560/2 + GetRandomValue(-280, 280), 220 + 200 + GetRandomValue(-200, 200) };
                            soundBallsColor[i] = (Color){ GetRandomValue(0, 255), GetRandomValue(0, 255), GetRandomValue(0, 255), 255 };
                            soundBallsRadius[i] = GetRandomValue(2, 50);
                            soundBallsAlpha[i] = 1.0f;

                            soundBallsActive[i] = false;

                    if (MusicIsPlaying())
                        timePlayed = GetMusicTimePlayed() / GetMusicTimeLength() * 100 * 4;

                        if ((framesCounter%10) == 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BALLS; i++)
                                if (!soundBallsActive[i])
                                    soundBallsActive[i] = true;

                        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BALLS; i++)
                            if (soundBallsActive[i]) soundBallsAlpha[i] -= 0.005f;

                            if (soundBallsAlpha[i] <= 0)
                                soundBallsActive[i] = false;

                                // Reset ball random
                                soundBallsPosition[i] = (Vector2){ 650 + 560/2 + GetRandomValue(-280, 280), 220 + 200 + GetRandomValue(-200, 200) };
                                soundBallsColor[i] = (Color){ GetRandomValue(0, 255), GetRandomValue(0, 255), GetRandomValue(0, 255), 255 };
                                soundBallsRadius[i] = GetRandomValue(2, 60);
                                soundBallsAlpha[i] = 1.0f;

                    if (IsKeyPressed('N')) PlaySound(fxWav);
                    //if (IsKeyPressed('M')) PlaySound(fxOgg);

                // Press enter to change to ENDING screen
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) TransitionToScreen(ENDING);
                else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE)) TransitionToScreen(LOGO);

            } break;
            case PONG:
                // Update SECRET screen variables here!

                if (IsKeyPressed('P')) pongPaused = !pongPaused;
                if (!pongPaused)
                    pongBallPosition.x += pongBallSpeed.x;
                    pongBallPosition.y += pongBallSpeed.y;

                    if ((pongBallPosition.x >= screenWidth - 5) || (pongBallPosition.x <= 5)) pongBallSpeed.x *= -1;
                    if ((pongBallPosition.y >= screenHeight - 5) || (pongBallPosition.y <= 5)) pongBallSpeed.y *= -1;

                    if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP) || IsKeyDown('W'))
                        pongPlayerRec.y -= 5;
                        pongAutoMode = false;
                        pongAutoCounter = 180;
                    else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) || IsKeyDown('S'))
                        pongPlayerRec.y += 5;
                        pongAutoMode = false;
                        pongAutoCounter = 180;
                    else if (pongAutoCounter > 0)
                        if (pongAutoCounter == 0) pongAutoMode = true;

                    if ((pongBallPosition.x < 600) && pongAutoMode)
                        if (pongBallPosition.y > (pongPlayerRec.y + pongPlayerRec.height/2)) pongPlayerRec.y += 5;
                        else if (pongBallPosition.y < (pongPlayerRec.y + pongPlayerRec.height/2)) pongPlayerRec.y -= 5;

                    if (pongPlayerRec.y <= 0) pongPlayerRec.y = 0;
                    else if ((pongPlayerRec.y + pongPlayerRec.height) >= screenHeight) pongPlayerRec.y = screenHeight - pongPlayerRec.height;
                    if (pongBallPosition.x > screenWidth - 600)
                        if (pongBallPosition.y > (pongEnemyRec.y + pongEnemyRec.height/2)) pongEnemyRec.y += 5;
                        else if (pongBallPosition.y < (pongEnemyRec.y + pongEnemyRec.height/2)) pongEnemyRec.y -= 5;

                        if (pongEnemyRec.y <= 0) pongEnemyRec.y = 0;
                        else if ((pongEnemyRec.y + pongEnemyRec.height) >= screenHeight) pongEnemyRec.y = screenHeight - pongEnemyRec.height;

                    if ((CheckCollisionCircleRec(pongBallPosition, 10, pongPlayerRec)) || (CheckCollisionCircleRec(pongBallPosition, 10, pongEnemyRec))) pongBallSpeed.x *= -1;
                    if (pongBallPosition.x >= screenWidth - 5) pongScorePlayer++;
                    else if (pongBallPosition.x <= 5) pongScoreEnemy++;

                // Press enter to move back to MODULES screen
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) TransitionToScreen(ENDING);
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE)) TransitionToScreen(ENDING);
            } break;
            case ENDING:
                // Update ENDING screen

                // Press enter to move back to MODULES screen
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER)) TransitionToScreen(PONG);
                if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE)) TransitionToScreen(MODULES);

            } break;
            default: break;

        if ((currentScreen != LOADING) && (timeCounter < totalTime)) timeCounter++;
    else UpdateTransition(); // Update transition (fade-in, fade-out)

    // Draw


            case LOADING:
                // Draw LOADING screen
                if ((loadBarWidth < loadBarMaxWidth) && ((framesCounter/40)%2)) DrawText(msgLoading, 360, 240, 40, DARKGRAY);

                DrawRectangle(360 - 4, 300 - 4, loadBarMaxWidth + 8, 60 + 8, LIGHTGRAY);
                DrawRectangle(360, 300, loadBarWidth - 1, 60, DARKGRAY);
                DrawRectangleLines(360 - 4, 300 - 5, loadBarMaxWidth + 8, 60 + 8, DARKGRAY);

                if (loadBarWidth >= loadBarMaxWidth)
                    //DrawText(msgLoading, 360, 240, 40, DARKGRAY);
                    if ((framesCounter/30)%2) DrawText(msgPressEnter, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgPressEnter, 40)/2 + 20, 400, 40, DARKGRAY);
                else DrawText("PRESS SPACE to ACCELERATE LOADING! ;)", screenWidth/2 - 200, 400, 20, LIGHTGRAY);

            } break;
            case LOGO:
                // Draw LOGO screen
                if (logoScreenState == 0)
                    if ((framesCounter/15)%2) DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 60, 16, 16, BLACK);
                else if (logoScreenState == 1)
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 60, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 60, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
                else if (logoScreenState == 2)
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 60, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 60, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);

                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY - 60, 16, rightSideRecHeight, BLACK);
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240 - 60, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
                else if (logoScreenState == 3)
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 60, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 16 - 60, 16, leftSideRecHeight - 32, BLACK);

                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY + 16 - 60, 16, rightSideRecHeight - 32, BLACK);
                    DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240 - 60, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);

                    DrawRectangle(screenWidth/2 - 112, screenHeight/2 - 112 - 60, 224, 224, RAYWHITE);

                    DrawText(raylib, screenWidth/2 - 44, screenHeight/2 + 48 - 60, 50, BLACK);

                    if (!msgLogoADone) DrawText(msgBuffer, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgLogoA, 30)/2, 460, 30, GRAY);
                        DrawText(msgLogoA, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgLogoA, 30)/2, 460, 30, GRAY);

                        if (!msgLogoBDone) DrawText(msgBuffer, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgLogoB, 30)/2, 510, 30, GRAY);
                            DrawText(msgLogoB, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgLogoA, 30)/2, 510, 30, GRAY);

                            if ((framesCounter > 90) && ((framesCounter/30)%2)) DrawText("PRESS ENTER to CONTINUE", 930, 650, 20, GRAY);
            } break;
            case MODULES:
                // Draw MODULES screen
                DrawTexture(raylibLogoB, 40, 40, WHITE);
                DrawText("raylib is composed of 6 main modules:", 128 + 40 + 30, 50, 20, GRAY);

                if (framesCounter < 120)
                    if (((framesCounter/30)%2) == 0) DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 - 4 + 175*selectedModule, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8 - 4, 158, 78, RED);
                else DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 - 4 + 175*selectedModule, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8 - 4, 158, 78, RED);
                if (selectedModule != AUDIO)
                    DrawTriangle((Vector2){950 - 40, 685 - 10}, (Vector2){950 - 60, 685}, (Vector2){950 - 40, 685 + 10}, GRAY);
                    DrawTriangle((Vector2){950 - 30, 685 - 10}, (Vector2){950 - 30, 685 + 10}, (Vector2){950 - 10, 685}, GRAY);
                    DrawText("PRESS RIGHT or LEFT to EXPLORE MODULES", 960, 680, 10, GRAY);

                switch (selectedModule)
                    case CORE:
                        DrawText("This module give you functions to:", 48, 200, 10, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Open-Close Window", (Vector2){ 48, 230 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Manage Drawing Area", (Vector2){ 48, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Manage Inputs", (Vector2){ 48, 290 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Manage Timming", (Vector2){ 48, 320 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Auxiliar Functions", (Vector2){ 48, 350 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));

                        switch (coreWindow)
                            case 1: DrawTexture(raylibWindow, 520, 220, WHITE); break;
                            case 2: DrawTextureEx(raylibWindow01, (Vector2){ 450, 220 - 45 }, 0.0f, 4.0f, WHITE); break;
                            case 3: DrawTextureEx(raylibWindow02, (Vector2){ 430, 220 - 40 }, 0.0f, 4.0f, WHITE); break;
                            case 4: DrawTextureEx(raylibWindow03, (Vector2){ 470, 220 - 65 }, 0.0f, 4.0f, WHITE); break;
                            default: DrawTexture(raylibWindow, 520, 220, WHITE); break;
                        if (framesCounter > 140) DrawText("Check the possible windows raylib can run on. PRESS KEY: 1, 2, 3 or 4", 520 + 8 + windowOffset + 160, 220 + windowOffset + 10, 10, LIGHTGRAY);                        
                        DrawText("Compile raylib C code for the folowing platforms:", 48, 400, 10, MAROON);
                        DrawTextureRec(platforms, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, platforms.width, platforms.height}, (Vector2){ 75, 420 }, WHITE);

                        DrawRectangle(520 + 8 + windowOffset, 220 + 31 + windowOffset, 640, 360, RAYWHITE);
                        DrawRectangleLines(520 + 8 + windowOffset - 1, 220 + 31 + windowOffset - 2, 640 + 2, 360 + 2, GRAY);
                        DrawFPS(520 + 8 + windowOffset + 10, 220 + 31 + windowOffset + 10);
                        DrawRectangle(ballPosition.x - 50, ballPosition.y - 50, 100, 100, Fade(MAROON, 0.5f));
                        DrawRectangleRec(GetCollisionRec((Rectangle){ 520 + 8 + windowOffset - 1, 220 + 31 + windowOffset - 1, 640 + 2, 360 + 2 }, (Rectangle){ (int)ballPosition.x - 50, (int)ballPosition.y - 50, 100, 100 }), MAROON);
                        if (framesCounter > 140)
                            DrawTextEx(fontMecha, "MOVE ME", (Vector2){ ballPosition.x - 26, ballPosition.y - 20 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontMecha), 2, BLACK);
                            DrawTextEx(fontMecha, "[ W A S D ]", (Vector2){ ballPosition.x - 36, ballPosition.y }, GetFontBaseSize(fontMecha), 2, BLACK);
                    } break;
                    case SHAPES:
                        DrawText("This module give you functions to:", 48, 200, 10, GetColor(0xcd5757ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Draw Basic Shapes", (Vector2){ 48, 230 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0xcd5757ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Basic Collision Detection", (Vector2){ 48, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0xcd5757ff));

                        DrawCircle(screenWidth/4, 120 + 240, 35, DARKBLUE);
                        DrawCircleGradient(screenWidth/4, 220 + 240, 60, GREEN, SKYBLUE);
                        DrawCircleLines(screenWidth/4, 340 + 240, 80, DARKBLUE);

                        DrawRectangle(screenWidth/4*2 - 110, 100 + 180, 220, 100, LIME);
                        DrawRectangleGradient(screenWidth/4*2 - 90, 170 + 240, 180, 130, MAROON, GOLD);
                        DrawRectangleLines(screenWidth/4*2 - 80, 320 + 240, 160, 80, ORANGE);

                        DrawTriangle((Vector2){screenWidth/4*3, 60 + 220}, (Vector2){screenWidth/4*3 - 60, 160 + 220}, (Vector2){screenWidth/4*3 + 60, 160 + 220}, VIOLET);

                        DrawTriangleLines((Vector2){screenWidth/4*3, 140 + 220}, (Vector2){screenWidth/4*3 - 60, 210 + 260}, (Vector2){screenWidth/4*3 + 60, 210 + 260}, SKYBLUE);

                        DrawPoly((Vector2){screenWidth/4*3, 320 + 240}, 6, 80, 0, BROWN);

                    } break;
                    case TEXTURES:
                        DrawText("This module give you functions to:", 48, 200, 10, GetColor(0x60815aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Load Images and Textures", (Vector2){ 48, 230 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x60815aff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Draw Textures", (Vector2){ 48, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x60815aff));

                        DrawRectangle(138, 348, 260, 260, GRAY);
                        DrawTexturePro(lena, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, lena.width, lena.height }, (Rectangle){ 140 + 128, 350 + 128, lena.width/2*scaleFactor, lena.height/2*scaleFactor }, (Vector2){ lena.width/4*scaleFactor, lena.height/4*scaleFactor }, 0.0f, WHITE);

                        DrawTexture(lena, 600, 180, Fade(WHITE, 0.3f));
                        DrawTextureRec(lena, (Rectangle){ 225, 240, 155, 50 }, (Vector2){ 600 + 256 - 82 + 50, 180 + 241 }, PINK);

                        DrawTexturePro(mandrill, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, mandrill.width, mandrill.height }, (Rectangle){ screenWidth/2 - 40, 350 + 128, mandrill.width/2, mandrill.height/2 },
                                        (Vector2){ mandrill.width/4, mandrill.height/4 }, framesCounter, GOLD);

                    } break;
                    case TEXT:
                        DrawText("This module give you functions to:", 48, 200, 10, GetColor(0x377764ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Load SpriteFonts", (Vector2){ 48, 230 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x377764ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Draw Text", (Vector2){ 48, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x377764ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Text Formatting", (Vector2){ 48, 290 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x377764ff));

                        DrawTexture(texAlagard, 60, 360, WHITE);

                        DrawTextEx(fontMechaC, msg1, (Vector2){ 540 + 168, 210 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontMechaC), -3, WHITE);
                        DrawTextEx(fontAlagardC, msg2, (Vector2){ 460 + 140, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontAlagardC), -2, WHITE);
                        DrawTextEx(fontJupiterC, msg3, (Vector2){ 640 + 70, 300 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontJupiterC), 2, WHITE);

                        DrawTextEx(fontAlagard, "It also includes some...", (Vector2){ 650 + 70, 400 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontAlagard)*2, 2, MAROON);
                        DrawTextEx(fontPixelplay, " fonts in rBMF format...", (Vector2){ 705 - 26, 450 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontPixelplay)*2, 4, ORANGE);
                        DrawTextEx(fontMecha, " be used even in...", (Vector2){ 700 + 40, 500 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontMecha)*2, 4, DARKGREEN);
                        DrawTextEx(fontSetback, "...comercial projects...", (Vector2){ 710, 550 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontSetback)*2, 4, DARKBLUE);
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "...completely for free!", (Vector2){ 710 + 17, 600 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 3, DARKPURPLE);
                        DrawText("This is a custom font spritesheet, raylib can load it automatically!", 228, 360 + 295, 10, GRAY);

                    } break;
                    case MODELS:
                        DrawText("This module give you functions to:", 48, 200, 10, GetColor(0x417794ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Draw Geometric Models", (Vector2){ 48, 230 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x417794ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Load 3D Models", (Vector2){ 48, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x417794ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Draw 3D Models", (Vector2){ 48, 290 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x417794ff));


                            DrawCube((Vector3){-4, 0, 2}, 2, 5, 2, RED);
                            DrawCubeWires((Vector3){-4, 0, 2}, 2, 5, 2, GOLD);
                            DrawCubeWires((Vector3){-4, 0, -2}, 3, 6, 2, MAROON);

                            DrawSphere((Vector3){-1, 0, -2}, 1, GREEN);
                            DrawSphereWires((Vector3){1, 0, 2}, 2, 16, 16, LIME);

                            DrawCylinder((Vector3){4, 0, -2}, 1, 2, 3, 4, SKYBLUE);
                            DrawCylinderWires((Vector3){4, 0, -2}, 1, 2, 3, 4, DARKBLUE);
                            DrawCylinderWires((Vector3){4.5, -1, 2}, 1, 1, 2, 6, BROWN);

                            DrawCylinder((Vector3){1, 0, -4}, 0, 1.5, 3, 8, GOLD);
                            DrawCylinderWires((Vector3){1, 0, -4}, 0, 1.5, 3, 8, PINK);

                            DrawModelEx(cat, (Vector3){ 8.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f }, (Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.5f*framesCounter, 0.0f }, (Vector3){ 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f }, WHITE);
                            DrawGizmo((Vector3){ 8.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f });

                            DrawGrid(10.0, 1.0);        // Draw a grid


                        DrawFPS(900, 220);

                    } break;
                    case AUDIO:
                        DrawText("This module give you functions to:", 48, 200, 10, GetColor(0x8c7539ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Load and Play Sounds", (Vector2){ 48, 230 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x8c7539ff));
                        DrawTextEx(fontRomulus, "Play Music (streaming)", (Vector2){ 48, 260 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontRomulus)*2, 4, GetColor(0x8c7539ff));

                        DrawText("PRESS SPACE to START PLAYING MUSIC", 135, 350, 20, GRAY);
                        DrawRectangle(150, 390, 400, 12, LIGHTGRAY);
                        DrawRectangle(150, 390, (int)timePlayed, 12, MAROON);

                        if (MusicIsPlaying())
                            DrawText("PRESS 'S' to STOP PLAYING MUSIC", 165, 425, 20, GRAY);

                            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BALLS; i++)
                                if (soundBallsActive[i]) DrawPoly(soundBallsPosition[i], 18, soundBallsRadius[i], 0.0f, Fade(soundBallsColor[i], soundBallsAlpha[i]));

                        DrawText("PRESS 'N' to PLAY a SOUND", 200, 540, 20, VIOLET);

                        if ((framesCounter/30)%2) DrawText("PRESS ENTER to CONTINUE", 930, 650, 20, GRAY);

                    } break;
                    default: break;

                // Draw modules menu
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8, 150, 70, GetColor(0x898888ff));
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 8, 128 + 40 - 70, 150 - 16, 70 - 16, GetColor(0xe1e1e1ff));
                DrawText("CORE", 128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 38, 128 + 40 - 50, 20, GetColor(0x5c5a5aff));

                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 175, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8, 150, 70, GetColor(0xe66666ff));
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175, 128 + 40 - 70, 150 - 16, 70 - 16, GetColor(0xf0d6d6ff));
                DrawText("SHAPES", 128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175 + 28, 128 + 40 - 50, 20, GetColor(0xcd5757ff));

                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 175*2, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8, 150, 70, GetColor(0x75a06dff));
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*2, 128 + 40 - 70, 150 - 16, 70 - 16, GetColor(0xc8eabfff));
                DrawText("TEXTURES", 128 + 40 + 30 + 175*2 + 8 + 9, 128 + 40 - 50, 20, GetColor(0x60815aff));

                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 175*3, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8, 150, 70, GetColor(0x52b296ff));
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*3, 128 + 40 - 70, 150 - 16, 70 - 16, GetColor(0xbef0ddff));
                DrawText("TEXT", 128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*3 + 38, 128 + 40 - 50, 20, GetColor(0x377764ff));

                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 175*4, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8, 150, 70, GetColor(0x5d9cbdff));
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*4, 128 + 40 - 70, 150 - 16, 70 - 16, GetColor(0xbedce8ff));
                DrawText("MODELS", 128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*4 + 28, 128 + 40 - 50, 20, GetColor(0x417794ff));

                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 175*5, 128 + 40 - 70 - 8, 150, 70, GetColor(0xd3b157ff));
                DrawRectangle(128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*5, 128 + 40 - 70, 150 - 16, 70 - 16, GetColor(0xebddaeff));
                DrawText("AUDIO", 128 + 40 + 30 + 8 + 175*5 + 36, 128 + 40 - 50, 20, GetColor(0x8c7539ff));

            } break;
            case ENDING:
                // Draw ENDING screen
                DrawTextEx(fontAlagard, "LEARN VIDEOGAMES PROGRAMMING", (Vector2){ screenWidth/2 - MeasureTextEx(fontAlagard, "LEARN VIDEOGAMES PROGRAMMING", GetFontBaseSize(fontAlagard)*4, 4).x/2, 80 }, GetFontBaseSize(fontAlagard)*4, 4, MAROON);

                DrawTexture(raylibLogoA, logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 40, WHITE);

                DrawText(msgWeb, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgWeb, 40)/2, 470, 40, DARKGRAY);

                if (framesCounter > 60) DrawText(msgCredits, screenWidth/2 - MeasureText(msgCredits, 30)/2, 550, 30, GRAY);

                if (framesCounter > 120) if ((framesCounter/30)%2) DrawText("PRESS ENTER to CONTINUE", screenWidth/2 - MeasureText("PRESS ENTER to CONTINUE", 20)/2, 640, 20, LIGHTGRAY);

            } break;
            case PONG:
                // Pong
                DrawCircleV(pongBallPosition, 10, LIGHTGRAY);
                DrawRectangleRec(pongPlayerRec, GRAY);
                DrawRectangleRec(pongEnemyRec, GRAY);

                DrawText(FormatText("%02i", pongScorePlayer), 150, 10, 80, LIGHTGRAY);
                DrawText(FormatText("%02i", pongScoreEnemy), screenWidth - MeasureText("00", 80) - 150, 10, 80, LIGHTGRAY);

                if (pongPaused) if ((framesCounter/30)%2) DrawText("GAME PAUSED [P]", screenWidth/2 - 100, 40, 20, MAROON);
            } break;
            default: break;

        if (currentScreen != LOADING) DrawRectangle(0, screenHeight - 10, ((float)timeCounter/(float)totalTime)*screenWidth, 10, LIGHTGRAY);

        if (onTransition) DrawTransition();

Esempio n. 8
int main()
    // Initialization
    int screenWidth = 800;
    int screenHeight = 450;

    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [audio] example - music playing (streaming)");

    InitAudioDevice();              // Initialize audio device

    PlayMusicStream("resources/audio/guitar_noodling.ogg");         // Play music stream

    int framesCounter = 0;
    float timePlayed = 0.0f;
    //float volume = 1.0;

    SetTargetFPS(60);               // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

    // Main game loop
    while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key
        // Update

        // Testing music fading from one file to another
        if (framesCounter > 600)    // Wait for 10 seconds (600 frames)
            volume -= 0.01;         // Decrement music volume level

            // When music volume level equal or lower than 0,
            // restore volume level and init another music file
            if (volume <= 0)
                volume = 1.0;
                framesCounter = 0;

        if (IsWindowMinimized()) PauseMusicStream();
        else ResumeMusicStream();

        timePlayed = GetMusicTimePlayed()/GetMusicTimeLength()*100*4; // We scale by 4 to fit 400 pixels
        UpdateMusicStream();        // Update music buffer with new stream data

        // Draw


            DrawText("MUSIC SHOULD BE PLAYING!", 255, 200, 20, LIGHTGRAY);

            DrawRectangle(200, 250, 400, 12, LIGHTGRAY);
            DrawRectangle(200, 250, (int)timePlayed, 12, MAROON);


    // De-Initialization
    CloseAudioDevice();     // Close audio device (music streaming is automatically stopped)

    CloseWindow();          // Close window and OpenGL context

    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
// Main entry point
int main(void)
	// Initialization
    InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "GGJ16 - LIGHT MY RITUAL!");

    // Global data loading (assets that must be available in all screens, i.e. fonts)

    Image image = LoadImage("resources/lights_map.png");  // Load image in CPU memory (RAM)
    lightsMap = GetImageData(image);            // Get image pixels data as an array of Color
    lightsMapWidth = image.width;
    lightsMapHeight = image.height;
    UnloadImage(image);                         // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
    font = LoadSpriteFont("resources/font_arcadian.png");
	//doors = LoadTexture("resources/textures/doors.png");
    //sndDoor = LoadSound("resources/audio/door.ogg");
    music = LoadMusicStream("resources/audio/ambient.ogg");
    SetMusicVolume(music, 1.0f);

    // Setup and Init first screen
    currentScreen = LOGO_RL;

#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
    emscripten_set_main_loop(UpdateDrawFrame, 0, 1);
    SetTargetFPS(60);   // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

    // Main game loop
    while (!WindowShouldClose())    // Detect window close button or ESC key

    // De-Initialization
    switch (currentScreen)
        case LOGO_RL: rlUnloadLogoScreen(); break;
        case TITLE: UnloadTitleScreen(); break;
        case GAMEPLAY: UnloadGameplayScreen(); break;
        default: break;
    // Unload all global loaded data (i.e. fonts) here!
    CloseWindow();        // Close window and OpenGL context
    return 0;