Esempio n. 1
void cTransfer::Action(void)
  int PollTimeouts = 0;
  uchar *p = NULL;
  int Result = 0;
  while (Running()) {
        int Count;
        uchar *b = ringBuffer->Get(Count);
        if (b) {
           if (ringBuffer->Available() > TRANSFERBUFSIZE * 9 / 10) {
              // If the buffer runs full, we have no chance of ever catching up
              // since the data comes in at the same rate as it goes out (it's "live").
              // So let's clear the buffer instead of suffering from permanent
              // overflows.
              dsyslog("clearing transfer buffer to avoid overflows");
              PlayPes(NULL, 0);
              p = NULL;
           Count = remux->Put(b, Count);
           if (Count)
        if (!p)
           p = remux->Get(Result);
        if (p) {
           cPoller Poller;
           if (DevicePoll(Poller, 100)) {
              PollTimeouts = 0;
              int w = PlayPes(p, Result);
              if (w > 0) {
                 p += w;
                 Result -= w;
                 if (Result <= 0)
                    p = NULL;
              else if (w < 0 && FATALERRNO)
           else {
              if (PollTimeouts == POLLTIMEOUTS_BEFORE_DEVICECLEAR) {
                 dsyslog("clearing device because of consecutive poll timeouts");
                 PlayPes(NULL, 0);
                 p = NULL;
Esempio n. 2
void cDvbPlayer::Action(void)
  uchar *p = NULL;
  int pc = 0;

  readIndex = Resume();
  if (readIndex >= 0)
     isyslog("resuming replay at index %d (%s)", readIndex, *IndexToHMSF(readIndex, true, framesPerSecond));

  nonBlockingFileReader = new cNonBlockingFileReader;
  int Length = 0;
  bool Sleep = false;
  bool WaitingForData = false;
  time_t StuckAtEof = 0;
  uint32_t LastStc = 0;
  int LastReadIFrame = -1;
  int SwitchToPlayFrame = 0;

  if (pauseLive)
     Goto(0, true);
  while (Running()) {
        if (WaitingForData)
           nonBlockingFileReader->WaitForDataMs(3); // this keeps the CPU load low, but reacts immediately on new data
        else if (Sleep) {
           cPoller Poller;
           DevicePoll(Poller, 10);
           Sleep = false;
           if (playMode == pmStill || playMode == pmPause)

          // Read the next frame from the file:

          if (playMode != pmStill && playMode != pmPause) {
             if (!readFrame && (replayFile || readIndex >= 0)) {
                if (!nonBlockingFileReader->Reading()) {
                   if (!SwitchToPlayFrame && (playMode == pmFast || (playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdBackward))) {
                      uint16_t FileNumber;
                      off_t FileOffset;
                      bool TimeShiftMode = index->IsStillRecording();
                      int Index = -1;
                      readIndependent = false;
                      if (DeviceHasIBPTrickSpeed() && playDir == pdForward) {
                         if (index->Get(readIndex + 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &readIndependent, &Length))
                            Index = readIndex + 1;
                      else {
                         int d = int(round(0.4 * framesPerSecond));
                         if (playDir != pdForward)
                            d = -d;
                         int NewIndex = readIndex + d;
                         if (NewIndex <= 0 && readIndex > 0)
                            NewIndex = 1; // make sure the very first frame is delivered
                         NewIndex = index->GetNextIFrame(NewIndex, playDir == pdForward, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Length);
                         if (NewIndex < 0 && TimeShiftMode && playDir == pdForward)
                            SwitchToPlayFrame = readIndex;
                         Index = NewIndex;
                         readIndependent = true;
                      if (Index >= 0) {
                         readIndex = Index;
                         if (!NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset))
                      else if (!(TimeShiftMode && playDir == pdForward))
                         eof = true;
                   else if (index) {
                      uint16_t FileNumber;
                      off_t FileOffset;
                      if (index->Get(readIndex + 1, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &readIndependent, &Length) && NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset))
                         eof = true;
                   else // allows replay even if the index file is missing
                      Length = MAXFRAMESIZE;
                   if (Length == -1)
                      Length = MAXFRAMESIZE; // this means we read up to EOF (see cIndex)
                   else if (Length > MAXFRAMESIZE) {
                      esyslog("ERROR: frame larger than buffer (%d > %d)", Length, MAXFRAMESIZE);
                      Length = MAXFRAMESIZE;
                   if (!eof)
                      nonBlockingFileReader->Request(replayFile, Length);
                if (!eof) {
                   uchar *b = NULL;
                   int r = nonBlockingFileReader->Result(&b);
                   if (r > 0) {
                      WaitingForData = false;
                      uint32_t Pts = 0;
                      if (readIndependent) {
                         Pts = isPesRecording ? PesGetPts(b) : TsGetPts(b, r);
                         LastReadIFrame = readIndex;
                      readFrame = new cFrame(b, -r, ftUnknown, readIndex, Pts); // hands over b to the ringBuffer
                   else if (r < 0) {
                      if (errno == EAGAIN)
                         WaitingForData = true;
                      else if (FATALERRNO) {
                      eof = true;

             // Store the frame in the buffer:

             if (readFrame) {
                if (ringBuffer->Put(readFrame))
                   readFrame = NULL;
                   Sleep = true;
             Sleep = true;

          if (dropFrame) {
             if (!eof || (playDir != pdForward && dropFrame->Index() > 0) || (playDir == pdForward && dropFrame->Index() < readIndex)) {
                ringBuffer->Drop(dropFrame); // the very first and last frame are continously repeated to flush data through the device
                dropFrame = NULL;

          // Get the next frame from the buffer:

          if (!playFrame) {
             playFrame = ringBuffer->Get();
             p = NULL;
             pc = 0;

          // Play the frame:

          if (playFrame) {
             if (!p) {
                p = playFrame->Data();
                pc = playFrame->Count();
                if (p) {
                   if (playFrame->Index() >= 0 && playFrame->Pts() != 0)
                      ptsIndex.Put(playFrame->Pts(), playFrame->Index());
                   if (firstPacket) {
                      if (isPesRecording) {
                         PlayPes(NULL, 0);
                         cRemux::SetBrokenLink(p, pc);
                         PlayTs(NULL, 0);
                      firstPacket = false;
             if (p) {
                int w;
                if (isPesRecording)
                   w = PlayPes(p, pc, playMode != pmPlay && !(playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdForward) && DeviceIsPlayingVideo());
                   w = PlayTs(p, pc, playMode != pmPlay && !(playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdForward) && DeviceIsPlayingVideo());
                if (w > 0) {
                   p += w;
                   pc -= w;
                else if (w < 0 && FATALERRNO)
                   Sleep = true;
             if (pc <= 0) {
                dropFrame = playFrame;
                playFrame = NULL;
                p = NULL;
             Sleep = true;

          // Handle hitting begin/end of recording:

          if (eof || SwitchToPlayFrame) {
             bool SwitchToPlay = false;
             uint32_t Stc = DeviceGetSTC();
             if (Stc != LastStc)
                StuckAtEof = 0;
             else if (!StuckAtEof)
                StuckAtEof = time(NULL);
             else if (time(NULL) - StuckAtEof > MAXSTUCKATEOF) {
                if (playDir == pdForward)
                   break; // automatically stop at end of recording
                SwitchToPlay = true;
             LastStc = Stc;
             int Index = ptsIndex.FindIndex(Stc);
             if (playDir == pdForward && !SwitchToPlayFrame) {
                if (Index >= LastReadIFrame)
                   break; // automatically stop at end of recording
             else if (Index <= 0 || SwitchToPlayFrame && Index >= SwitchToPlayFrame)
                SwitchToPlay = true;
             if (SwitchToPlay) {
                if (!SwitchToPlayFrame)
                playMode = pmPlay;
                playDir = pdForward;
                SwitchToPlayFrame = 0;

  cNonBlockingFileReader *nbfr = nonBlockingFileReader;
  nonBlockingFileReader = NULL;
  delete nbfr;