BOOL CSampleImportGeomviewPlugIn::ReadFile( const wchar_t* filename, int index, CRhinoDoc& doc, const CRhinoFileReadOptions& options )
  // Description:
  //   Rhino calls ReadFile() to create document geometry from an external file.
  // Parameters:
  //   filename [in] The name of file to read.
  //   index [in] The index of file extension added to list in AddToFileType().
  //   doc [in] If importing, then the current Rhino document. Otherwise, an empty Rhino document.
  //   options [in] File read options.
  // Remarks:
  //   The plug-in is responsible for opening the file and writing to it.
  // Return TRUE if successful, otherwise return FALSE.

  // TODO: Add file import code here.
  if( index == 0 )
    return ReadOffFile( filename, doc );

  RhinoApp().Print( L"%s has encountered an unsupported file type index: %d\n", PlugInName(), index );
  return FALSE;
BOOL CHippoPlugInPlugIn::OnDisplayPlugInHelp( HWND hWnd ) const
  // TODO: Add support for online help here.
  ::RhinoMessageBox( L"TODO: Add support for online help here.", PlugInName(), MB_OK );
  return CRhinoUtilityPlugIn::OnDisplayPlugInHelp( hWnd );