Esempio n. 1
void PrevAndNextLandmarks(
    int&         prev,        // out
    int&         next,        // out
    int          ipoint,      // in
    const Shape& shape)       // in
    const int npoints = shape.rows;

    const LANDMARK_INFO* const info = LANDMARK_INFO_TAB;

    CV_Assert(NELEMS(LANDMARK_INFO_TAB) == npoints);
    CV_Assert(ipoint >= 0 && ipoint < npoints);

    prev = info[ipoint].prev;
    if (prev < 0) // not specified in table?
        prev = (ipoint + npoints - 1) % npoints;

    next = info[ipoint].next;
    if (next < 0)
        next = (ipoint + 1) % npoints;

    CV_Assert(prev >= 0);
    CV_Assert(next >= 0);
    CV_Assert(prev < int(shape.rows));
    CV_Assert(next < int(shape.rows));
    CV_Assert(prev != next);
    CV_Assert(PointUsed(shape, prev));
    CV_Assert(PointUsed(shape, next));
Esempio n. 2
static void InterPoint(    // interpolate a point from two nearby oldshape points
    Shape&       shape,    // io
    const Shape& oldshape, // in
    int          i,        // in: shape point
    double       ratio,    // in: interpolation ratio, 0 to 1
    int          i1,       // in: oldshape point 1
    int          i2)       // in: oldshape point 2
    if (!PointUsed(oldshape, i1) && !PointUsed(oldshape, i2))
        shape(i, IX) = 0;
        shape(i, IY) = 0;
    else if (!PointUsed(oldshape, i1))
        shape(i, IX) = oldshape(i2, IX) + 1; // +1 is arb, to disambiguate point
        shape(i, IY) = oldshape(i2, IY) + 1;
    else if (!PointUsed(oldshape, i2))
        shape(i, IX) = oldshape(i1, IX) + 1;
        shape(i, IY) = oldshape(i1, IY) + 1;
        CV_Assert(ratio >= 0 && ratio <= 1);
        shape(i, IX) = ratio * oldshape(i1, IX) + (1-ratio) * oldshape(i2, IX);
        shape(i, IY) = ratio * oldshape(i1, IY) + (1-ratio) * oldshape(i2, IY);
Esempio n. 3
static bool HaveCanonical5Points(
    const Shape& pinned)           // in: pinned landmarks
    return PointUsed(pinned, L_LEyeOuter)    &&
           PointUsed(pinned, L_REyeOuter)    &&
           PointUsed(pinned, L_CNoseTip)     &&
           PointUsed(pinned, L_LMouthCorner) &&
           PointUsed(pinned, L_RMouthCorner);
Esempio n. 4
static MAT CalcShapeCov(
    const vec_Shape& shapes,    // in
    const Shape&     meanshape) // in
    int npoints = meanshape.rows;
    int i, j;

    MAT cov(2 * npoints, 2 * npoints, 0.); // covariance of every x and y coord
    MAT nused(npoints, npoints, 0.);

    // Because of possible unused points, we have to iterate by
    // hand (we can't use standard matrix multiplies).

    for (int ishape = 0; ishape < NSIZE(shapes); ishape++)
        Shape shape(shapes[ishape]);
        for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
            if (PointUsed(shape, i))
                for (j = 0; j < npoints; j++)
                    if (PointUsed(shape, j))
                        cov(2*i,   2*j)   +=  // x * x
                            (shape(i, IX) - meanshape(i, IX)) *
                            (shape(j, IX) - meanshape(j, IX));

                        cov(2*i+1, 2*j)   +=  // y * x
                            (shape(i, IY) - meanshape(i, IY)) *
                            (shape(j, IX) - meanshape(j, IX));

                        cov(2*i,   2*j+1) +=  // x * y
                            (shape(i, IX) - meanshape(i, IX)) *
                            (shape(j, IY) - meanshape(j, IY));

                        cov(2*i+1, 2*j+1) +=  // y * y
                            (shape(i, IY) - meanshape(i, IY)) *
                            (shape(j, IY) - meanshape(j, IY));

                        nused(i, j)++;

    for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < npoints; j++)
            const double n = nused(i, j);
            if (n < 3) // 3 is somewhat arb
                Err("Cannot calculate covariance of %g shape%s (need more shapes)",
                    n, plural(int(n)));
            cov(2*i,   2*j)   /=  n;
            cov(2*i+1, 2*j)   /=  n;
            cov(2*i,   2*j+1) /=  n;
            cov(2*i+1, 2*j+1) /=  n;

    return cov;
Esempio n. 5
static double CanonicalEyeMouthDist( // return 0 if pupils and mouth not avail
    const Shape& shape17)            // in
    if (!PointUsed(shape17, L17_LPupil) ||
        !PointUsed(shape17, L17_RPupil) ||
        !PointUsed(shape17, L17_CBotOfBotLip))
        return 0; // note return
    return PointDist(
             MeanPoint(shape17, L17_LPupil, L17_RPupil, IX), // eye mid point
             MeanPoint(shape17, L17_LPupil, L17_RPupil, IY),
             shape17(L17_CBotOfBotLip, IX),                  // bot of bot lip
             shape17(L17_CBotOfBotLip, IY));
Esempio n. 6
static Shape AlignMeanShapeToBothEyesNoMouth(
    const DetPar& detpar,                      // in
    const Shape&  meanshape)                   // in
    if (trace_g)
        lprintf("AlignToBothEyesNoMouth           ");

    CV_Assert(NSIZE(meanshape) > 0 && PointUsed(meanshape, 0));

    Shape meanline(2, 2), detline(2, 2);       // line from eye to eye

    meanline(0, IX) = meanshape(L_LPupil, IX); // left eye
    meanline(0, IY) = meanshape(L_LPupil, IY);
    meanline(1, IX) = meanshape(L_RPupil, IX); // right eye
    meanline(1, IY) = meanshape(L_RPupil, IY);

    detline(0, IX) = detpar.lex;               // left eye
    detline(0, IY) = detpar.ley;
    detline(1, IX) = detpar.rex;               // right eye
    detline(1, IY) = detpar.rey;

    return AlignShape(meanshape, AlignmentMat(meanline, detline));
Esempio n. 7
static Shape AlignMeanShapeToRightEyeAndMouth(
    const DetPar& detpar,                             // in
    const Shape&  meanshape)                          // in
    if (trace_g)
        lprintf("AlignToRightEyeAndMouth          ");

    CV_Assert(NSIZE(meanshape) > 0 && PointUsed(meanshape, 0));
    CV_Assert(!Valid(detpar.lex));   // left eye invalid? (else why are we here?)
    CV_Assert(Valid(detpar.rex));    // right eye valid?
    CV_Assert(Valid(detpar.mouthx)); // mouth valid?

    const double x_meanmouth =
       (meanshape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IX) + meanshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IX)) / 2;

    const double y_meanmouth =
       (meanshape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IY) + meanshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IY)) / 2;

    Shape meanline(2, 2), detline(2, 2);              // line from eye to mouth

    meanline(0, IX) = meanshape(L_RPupil, IX);        // right eye
    meanline(0, IY) = meanshape(L_RPupil, IY);
    meanline(1, IX) = x_meanmouth;                    // mouth
    meanline(1, IY) = y_meanmouth;

    detline(0, IX) = detpar.rex;                      // right eye
    detline(0, IY) = detpar.rey;
    detline(1, IX) = detpar.mouthx;                   // mouth
    detline(1, IY) = detpar.mouthy;

    return AlignShape(meanshape, AlignmentMat(meanline, detline));
Esempio n. 8
void Fm29(
    double&      fm29,     // out: FM29 measure of fitness
    int&         iworst,   // out: index of point with worse fit
    const Shape& shape,    // in
    const Shape& refshape) // in
    if (shape.rows != 77)
        Err("Fitness measure FM29 can be used only on shapes with 77 points "
            "(your shape has %d points)", shape.rows);
    if (refshape.rows != 77)
        Err("Fitness measure FM29 can be used only on shapes with 77 points "
            "(your reference shape has %d points)", refshape.rows);

    fm29 = 0;
    iworst = -1;
    double worst = -1;
    double weight = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < shape.rows; i++)
        if (FITPARAMS[i].xres &&    // point is used for FM29?
            PointUsed(refshape, i)) // point present in ref shape?
            CV_Assert(PointUsed(shape, i));

            const double pointfit =
                SQ((shape(i, IX) - refshape(i, IX)) / FITPARAMS[i].xres) +
                SQ((shape(i, IY) - refshape(i, IY)) / FITPARAMS[i].yres);

            fm29 += pointfit;

            const double pointweight =
                1 / SQ(FITPARAMS[i].xres) +
                1 / SQ(FITPARAMS[i].yres);

            weight += pointweight;

            if (pointfit > worst)
                worst = pointfit;
                iworst = i;

    CV_Assert(weight > 0);
    // multiply by 2 so same as mean euclidean dist when all xres = yres = 1
    fm29 = sqrt(fm29 * 2 / weight) / EyeMouthDist(refshape);
Esempio n. 9
static Shape AlignMeanShapeToBothEyesEstMouth(
    const DetPar& detpar,                      // in
    const Shape&  meanshape)                   // in
    // .48 was tested to give slightly better worse case results than .50
    static double EYEMOUTH_TO_FACERECT_RATIO = .48;

    if (trace_g)
        lprintf("AlignToBothEyesNoMouth(EstMouth) ");

    CV_Assert(NSIZE(meanshape) > 0 && PointUsed(meanshape, 0));

    // estimate the mouth's position

    double x_eyemid = 0;
    switch (detpar.eyaw)
        case EYAW00:                                 //  mid point
            x_eyemid = .50 * detpar.lex + .50 * detpar.rex;
        // TODO The constants below have not been empirically optimized.
        case EYAW_45:                                // closer to left eye
            x_eyemid = .30 * detpar.lex + .70 * detpar.rex;
        case EYAW_22:                                // closer to left eye
            x_eyemid = .30 * detpar.lex + .70 * detpar.rex;
        case EYAW22:                                 // closer to right eye
            x_eyemid = .30 * detpar.lex + .70 * detpar.rex;
        case EYAW45:                                 // closer to right eye
            x_eyemid = .30 * detpar.lex + .70 * detpar.rex;
            Err("AlignMeanShapeToBothEyesEstMouth: Invalid eyaw %d", detpar.eyaw);
    const double y_eyemid = (detpar.ley + detpar.rey) / 2;

    Shape mean_tri(3, 2), det_tri(3, 2);             // triangle of eyes and mouth

    mean_tri(0, IX) = meanshape(L_LPupil, IX);       // left eye
    mean_tri(0, IY) = meanshape(L_LPupil, IY);
    mean_tri(1, IX) = meanshape(L_RPupil, IX);       // right eye
    mean_tri(1, IY) = meanshape(L_RPupil, IY);
    mean_tri(2, IX) = meanshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IX); // mouth
    mean_tri(2, IY) = meanshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IY);

    det_tri(0, IX) = detpar.lex;                     // left eye
    det_tri(0, IY) = detpar.ley;
    det_tri(1, IX) = detpar.rex;                     // right eye
    det_tri(1, IY) = detpar.rey;
    det_tri(2, IX) = x_eyemid;                       // mouth
    det_tri(2, IY) = y_eyemid + EYEMOUTH_TO_FACERECT_RATIO * detpar.width;

    return AlignShape(meanshape, AlignmentMat(mean_tri, det_tri));
Esempio n. 10
static void FlipPoint(
    Shape&       shape,    // io
    const Shape& oldshape, // in
    int          inew,     // in
    int          iold,     // in
    int          imgwidth) // in
    if (!PointUsed(oldshape, iold))
        shape(inew, IX) = shape(inew, IY) = 0;
        shape(inew, IX) = imgwidth - oldshape(iold, IX) - 1;
        shape(inew, IY) = oldshape(iold, IY);
        if (!PointUsed(shape, inew))   // falsely marked unused after conversion?
            shape(inew, IX) = XJITTER; // adjust so not marked as unused
Esempio n. 11
double EyeAngle(        // eye angle in degrees, INVALID if eye angle not available
    const Shape& shape) // in
    double angle = INVALID;

    const Shape shape17(Shape17OrEmpty(shape));

    if (shape17.rows && // converted shape to a Shape17 successfully?
        Valid(shape17(L17_LPupil, IX)) && Valid(shape17(L17_RPupil, IX)) &&
        PointUsed(shape17, L17_LPupil) && PointUsed(shape17, L17_RPupil))
        angle = RadsToDegrees(
                    -atan2(shape17(L17_RPupil, IY) - shape17(L17_LPupil, IY),
                           shape17(L17_RPupil, IX) - shape17(L17_LPupil, IX)));
    return angle;
Esempio n. 12
int NbrUsedPoints(      // return the number of used points in shape
    const Shape& shape) // in
    int nused = 0;

    for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < shape.rows; ipoint++)
        if (PointUsed(shape, ipoint))

    return nused;
Esempio n. 13
static void InitDetParEyeMouthFromShape( // fill in eye and mouth fields of detpar
    DetPar& detpar,
    Shape&  shape)
    if (PointUsed(shape, L_LPupil))
        detpar.lex = shape(L_LPupil, IX);
        detpar.ley = shape(L_LPupil, IY);
    if (PointUsed(shape, L_RPupil))
        detpar.rex = shape(L_RPupil, IX);
        detpar.rey = shape(L_RPupil, IY);
    if (PointUsed(shape, L_CBotOfBotLip))
        detpar.mouthx = shape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IX);
        detpar.mouthy = shape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IY);
Esempio n. 14
static int TabPoint(    // return first used point in tab, -1 if none
    const int*   tab,   // in
    int          ntab,  // in
    const Shape& shape) // in
    for (int i = 0; i < ntab; i++)
        if (PointUsed(shape, tab[i]))
            return tab[i]; // note return

    return -1;
Esempio n. 15
static DetPar PseudoDetParFromStartShape(
    const Shape& startshape,
    double       rot,
    double       yaw,
    int          nmods)
    const double lex = startshape(L_LPupil, IX);          // left eye
    const double ley = startshape(L_LPupil, IY);
    const double rex = startshape(L_RPupil, IX);          // right eye
    const double rey = startshape(L_RPupil, IY);
    const double mouthx = startshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IX); // mouth
    const double mouthy = startshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IY);

    CV_Assert(PointUsed(lex, ley));
    CV_Assert(PointUsed(rex, rey));
    CV_Assert(PointUsed(mouthx, mouthy));

    const double xeye = (lex + rex) / 2;                  // midpoint of eyes
    const double yeye = (ley + rey) / 2;
    const double eyemouth = PointDist(xeye, yeye, mouthx, mouthy);

    DetPar detpar;

    detpar.x = .7 * xeye + .3 * mouthx;
    detpar.y = .7 * yeye + .3 * mouthy;
    detpar.width  = 2.0 * eyemouth;
    detpar.height = 2.0 * eyemouth;
    detpar.lex = lex;
    detpar.ley = ley;
    detpar.rex = rex;
    detpar.rey = rey;
    detpar.mouthx = mouthx;
    detpar.mouthy = mouthy;
    detpar.rot = rot;
    detpar.eyaw = DegreesAsEyaw(yaw, nmods); // determines what ASM model to use
    detpar.yaw = yaw;

    return detpar;
Esempio n. 16
void Mod::SuggestShape_( // args same as non OpenMP version, see below
    Shape&       shape,  // io
    int          ilev,   // in
    const Image& img,    // in
    const Shape& pinned) // in
    static bool firsttime = true;
    int ncatch = 0;
    const Shape inshape(shape.clone());

    // Call the search function DescSearch_ concurrently for multiple points.
    // Note that dynamic OpenMP scheduling is faster here than static,
    // because the time through the loop varies widely (mainly because
    // classic descriptors are faster than HATs).

    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)

    for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < shape.rows; ipoint++)
        if (pinned.rows == 0 || !PointUsed(pinned, ipoint)) // skip point if pinned
            // You are not allowed to jump out of an OpenMP for loop.  Thus
            // we need this try block, to subsume the global try blocks in
            // stasm_lib.cpp.  Without this try, a call to Err would cause
            // a jump to the global catch.

                if (firsttime && omp_get_thread_num() == 0)
                    firsttime = false;
                    logprintf("[nthreads %d]", omp_get_num_threads());
                    DescSearch_(shape(ipoint, IX), shape(ipoint, IY),
                                img, inshape, ilev, ipoint);
                ncatch++; // a call was made to Err or a CV_Assert failed

    if (ncatch)
        if (ncatch > 1)
            lprintf_always("\nMultiple errors, only the first will be printed\n");
        // does not matter what we throw, will be caught by global catch
        throw "SuggestShape_";
Esempio n. 17
static Shape PinMeanShape(  // align mean shape to the pinned points
    const Shape& pinned,    // in: at least two of these points must be set
    const Shape& meanshape) // in
    CV_Assert(pinned.rows == meanshape.rows);

    int ipoint, nused = 0;  // number of points used in pinned
    for (ipoint = 0; ipoint < meanshape.rows; ipoint++)
        if (PointUsed(pinned, ipoint))

    if (nused < 2)
        Err("Need at least two pinned landmarks");

    // Create an anchor shape (the pinned landmarks) and an alignment shape (the
    // points in meanshape that correspond to those pinned landmarks).  Do that by
    // copying the used points in pinned to pinned_used, and the corresponding
    // points in meanshape to meanused.

    Shape pinned_used(nused, 2), mean_used(nused, 2);
    int i = 0;
    for (ipoint = 0; ipoint < meanshape.rows; ipoint++)
        if (PointUsed(pinned, ipoint))
            pinned_used(i, IX) = pinned(ipoint, IX);
            pinned_used(i, IY) = pinned(ipoint, IY);
            mean_used(i, IX)   = meanshape(ipoint, IX);
            mean_used(i, IY)   = meanshape(ipoint, IY);
    CV_Assert(i == nused);

    // transform meanshape to pose generated by aligning mean_used to pinned_used
    Shape TransformedShape(
                    AlignShape(meanshape, AlignmentMat(mean_used, pinned_used)));

    return JitterPointsAt00(TransformedShape);
Esempio n. 18
static void ShowPercentagePointsMissing(
    int              nshapes_with_missing_points, // in
    const vec_Shape& shapes)                      // in
    const int nshapes = NSIZE(shapes);
    const int npoints = shapes[0].rows;
    int ipoint_min = -1, min = nshapes;

    lprintf("%d (%.0f%%) of %d shapes have all %d points\n",
        nshapes - nshapes_with_missing_points,
        100 * double(nshapes - nshapes_with_missing_points) / nshapes,
        nshapes, npoints);

    lprintf("Percentage of points unused over all shapes:\n");
    lprintf("         0      1      2      3      4      5      "
            "6      7      8      9");
    for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < npoints; ipoint++)
        if (ipoint % 10 == 0)
            lprintf("\n  %2d ", ipoint);
        int nused = 0; // for current point, nbr used over all shapes
        for (int ishape = 0; ishape < nshapes; ishape++)
            if (PointUsed(shapes[ishape], ipoint))
        if (nused == nshapes) // all used?
            lprintf("    .  ");
            lprintf(" %6.2f", 100. * (nshapes - nused) / nshapes);
        if (nused < min)
            min = nused;
            ipoint_min = ipoint;
    if (min == 0)
        Err("Point %d is unused in all shapes",
            ipoint_min, 100. * min/nshapes);
    else if (min < .333 * nshapes) // .333 is arb
        // error message is issued because we need more used points
        // to build a shape model, even when imputing points
        Err("Point %d is unused in %.0f%% of the shapes ",
            ipoint_min, 100. * (nshapes - min) / double(nshapes));
Esempio n. 19
static Shape AlignMeanShapeToBothEyesMouth(
    const DetPar& detpar,                   // in
    const Shape&  meanshape)                // in
    if (trace_g)
        lprintf("AlignToBothEyesMouth     ");

    CV_Assert(NSIZE(meanshape) > 0 && PointUsed(meanshape, 0));

    Shape mean_tri(3, 2), det_tri(3, 2);       // triangle of eyes and mouth

    const double x_meanmouth =
       (meanshape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IX) + meanshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IX)) / 2.;

    const double y_meanmouth =
       (meanshape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IY) + meanshape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IY)) / 2.;

    const Shape shape17(Shape17(meanshape));

    mean_tri(0, IX) = shape17(L17_LPupil, IX); // left eye
    mean_tri(0, IY) = shape17(L17_LPupil, IY);
    mean_tri(1, IX) = shape17(L17_RPupil, IX); // right eye
    mean_tri(1, IY) = shape17(L17_RPupil, IY);
    mean_tri(2, IX) = x_meanmouth;             // mouth
    mean_tri(2, IY) = y_meanmouth;

    det_tri(0, IX) = detpar.lex;               // left eye
    det_tri(0, IY) = detpar.ley;
    det_tri(1, IX) = detpar.rex;               // right eye
    det_tri(1, IY) = detpar.rey;
    det_tri(2, IX) = detpar.mouthx;            // mouth
    det_tri(2, IY) = detpar.mouthy;

    return TransformShape(meanshape, AlignmentMat(mean_tri, det_tri));
Esempio n. 20
void Mod::SuggestShape_( // estimate shape by matching descr at each point
    Shape&       shape,  // io: points will be moved for best descriptor matches
    int          ilev,   // in: pyramid level (0 is full size)
    const Image& img,    // in: image scaled to this pyramid level
    const Shape& pinned) // in: if no rows then no pinned landmarks, else
                         //     points except those equal to 0,0 are pinned
    const Shape inshape(shape.clone());

    for (int ipoint = 0; ipoint < shape.rows; ipoint++)
        if (pinned.rows == 0 || !PointUsed(pinned, ipoint)) // skip point if pinned
            // Call the ClassicDescMod or HatDescMod search function
            // to update the current point in shape (ipoint).
            // For the yaw00 model, defines which
            // descriptor model is used for each point.

                DescSearch_(shape(ipoint, IX), shape(ipoint, IY),
                            img, inshape, ilev, ipoint);
Esempio n. 21
static void main1(int argc, const char** argv)
    print_g = true; // want to be able to see lprintfs
    if (argc != 2)
        Err("Usage: shapetostasm31 file.shape");
    ShapeFile sh; // contents of the shape file
    if (sh.shapes_[0].rows == 77)
        lprintf("Converting 77 point to 76 point shapes\n");
    char newpath[SLEN];
    sprintf(newpath, "%s_stasm31.shape", Base(argv[1]));
    lprintf("Generating %s ", newpath);
    FILE* file = fopen(newpath, "wb");
    if (!file)
        Err("Cannot open %s for writing", newpath);
    Fprintf(file, "ss %s\n\n", newpath);
    Fprintf(file, "Directories %s\n\n", sh.dirs_);
    Pacifier pacifier(sh.nshapes_);
    for (int ishape = 0; ishape < sh.nshapes_; ishape++)
        // we need the image width and height to convert the coords
        const char* imgpath = PathGivenDirs(sh.bases_[ishape], sh.dirs_, sh.shapepath_);
        cv::Mat_<unsigned char> img(cv::imread(imgpath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
        if (!
            Err("Cannot load %s", imgpath);

        Shape shape;
        if (sh.shapes_[0].rows == 77)
            shape = (ConvertShape(sh.shapes_[ishape], 76)); // convert 76 point shape
            shape = sh.shapes_[ishape].clone();

        Fprintf(file, "\"%4.4x %s\"\n",
            NewBits(sh.bits_[ishape]), sh.bases_[ishape].c_str());
        Fprintf(file, "{ %d %d\n", shape.rows, shape.cols);

        const int cols2 = img.cols / 2;
        const int rows2 = img.rows / 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < shape.rows; i++)
            if (!PointUsed(shape, i))
                Fprintf(file, "0 0\n");
                double oldx = shape(i, IX) - cols2;
                double oldy = rows2 - shape(i, IY) - 1;
                if (!PointUsed(oldx, oldy))
                    oldx = XJITTER;
                Print(file, oldx, " ");
                Print(file, oldy, "\n");
        Fprintf(file, "}\n");