void savap(char *pointer) { FILE *out; *apf_tittle=0; strcat(apf_tittle,pointer); if((out=fopen(apf_tittle,"wb"))==0) { *info=0; strcat(info, "Error: Could not open "); strcat(info, apf_tittle); Popup(info); *apf_tittle=0; return; } if(fwrite(atsh_anargs,1,sizeof(ANARGS),out)==0) { *info=0; strcat(info, "Error: Could not write on "); strcat(info, apf_tittle); Popup(info); *apf_tittle=0; fclose(out); return; } fclose(out); return; }
void getap(char *pointer) { FILE *in; *apf_tittle=0; strcat(apf_tittle,pointer); if((in=fopen(apf_tittle,"rb"))==0) { *info=0; strcat(info, "Could not open "); strcat(info, apf_tittle); Popup(info); *apf_tittle=0; return; } if(fread(atsh_anargs,1,sizeof(ANARGS),in)==0) { *info=0; strcat(info, "Error: Could not read "); strcat(info, apf_tittle); Popup(info); *apf_tittle=0; fclose(in); return; } update_aparameters(); fclose(in); return; }
void ExitSimu() { char tmpstr[TEMPSTRINGLEN]; Position x, y; Dimension width, height; Cardinal n = 0; Arg args[5]; if (shellFlag == True) XtDestroyWidget(dialogShell); dialogShell = CreateShell(); XtSetArg(dialog0Args[0], XtNlabel, "Quit the Simu system?"); dialog0 = XtCreateManagedWidget("dialog0", dialogWidgetClass, dialogShell, dialog0Args, XtNumber(dialog0Args)); XtVaSetValues(dialog0, XtNfont, font1Struct, NULL); XawDialogAddButton(dialog0, "OK", ExitSimuOK, NULL); XawDialogAddButton(dialog0, "Cancel", CancelDialog, dialog0); XawDialogAddButton(dialog0, "Help", ExitSimuHelp, NULL); XtRealizeWidget(dialogShell); Popup(dialogShell, XtGrabNone); /* XtPopup(dialogShell, XtGrabNone); */ shellFlag = True; }
TopWindowStyle() #if defined(ENABLE_SDL) && !defined(ANDROID) :full_screen(false), resizable(false) #endif { Popup(); }
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // display_help // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HelpAgent::display_help (Widget w) { char* locator_id=get_locator_id(w); if(locator_id == NULL) { message_mgr().error_dialog ((char*)UAS_String( CATGETS(Set_Messages, 3, "No help available"))); return; } Wait_Cursor bob; if (f_helper == NULL) create_ui(); XtVaSetValues(f_helper, DtNhelpType, DtHELP_TYPE_TOPIC, DtNhelpVolume, "Infomgr", DtNlocationId, locator_id, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_MODELESS, NULL); XtManageChild(f_helper); Popup(); }
LRESULT CDocWindow::OnRButtonUp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); // See if the selected object wants the event if (m_Select.RightClick(x, y)) return S_OK; CMenu Menu; bool bOK = !!Menu.LoadMenu(SpecialsEnabled() ? IDR_POPUPMENU_EX : IDR_POPUPMENU); if (!bOK) return E_FAIL; CMenu Popup(Menu.GetSubMenu(0)); if (!Popup.IsMenu()) return E_FAIL; // Make sure the menu items are set correctly //j Popup.EnableMenuItem(1/*Add*/, MF_BYPOSITION | (m_pAGDoc ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED)); //j Popup.EnableMenuItem(IDC_DOC_NEW, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); //j Popup.EnableMenuItem(IDC_DOC_OPEN, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); //j Popup.CheckMenuItem(IDC_DOC_LOCKED, MF_BYCOMMAND | (m_pAGDoc && m_Select.SymIsImage() && m_Select.SymIsLocked() ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED)); CPoint point; ::GetCursorPos(&point); m_bIgnoreSetCursor = true; Popup.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN|TPM_LEFTBUTTON|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, m_hWnd); Menu.DestroyMenu(); m_bIgnoreSetCursor = false; return S_OK; }
sBool sBrowserList::OnCommand(sU32 cmd) { sDiskItem *di,*dir; switch(cmd) { case sDIC_EXECUTE: if(LastSelection) LastSelection->Cmd(cmd,0,0); return sTRUE; case sBLCMD_POPUP: if(LastSelection) Popup(LastSelection); return sTRUE; case sBLCMD_PARENT: di = Dir->GetParent(); if(di) { dir = Dir; SetDir(di); Select(dir); } return sTRUE; default: return sFALSE; } }
Wt::WWidget *Navigation::popupMenu() { Wt::WTemplate *result = new TopicTemplate("navigation-popupMenu"); result->bindWidget("Popup", Popup()); return result; }
TopWindowStyle(const WindowStyle other) :WindowStyle(other) #if defined(ENABLE_SDL) && !defined(ANDROID) , full_screen(false), resizable(false) #endif { Popup(); }
int main(int argc, char* args[]){ SDLInit(); SDL_WM_SetCaption("GTG - maps","GTG"); GTG gtg; gtg.Construct(); if(!gtg.Load("res")){ Popup(gtg.GetLastError(),0xFF0000FF,0x000000FF); }else{ int res = gtg.Run(); if(res < 0){ Popup(gtg.GetLastError(),0xFF0000FF,0x000000FF); }else if(res == 0){ Popup("Game finished",0x0000FFFF,0xFFFFFFFF); } } gtg.Destruct(); SDLExit(); return 0; }
TopWindowStyle() #if defined(ENABLE_SDL) || defined(USE_X11) :full_screen(false) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SDL , resizable(false) #endif { Popup(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called when a key is pressed within the control // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FlatComboBox::onKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& e) { if (e.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DOWN && !list_down_) { list_down_ = true; Popup(); } else e.Skip(); }
TopWindowStyle(const WindowStyle other) :WindowStyle(other) #if defined(ENABLE_SDL) || defined(USE_X11) , full_screen(false) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SDL , resizable(false) #endif { Popup(); }
void DoShow() { wxPoint pos = GetTipPoint(); // We want our anchor point to coincide with this position so offset // the position of the top left corner passed to Move() accordingly. pos -= m_anchorPos; Move(pos, wxSIZE_NO_ADJUSTMENTS); Popup(); }
void LauncherForm::onShowHide(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { if (reason) { if (reason != QSystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick) { return; } } Popup(); }
EXPORT_C void CBubbleCtrl::Hide(TBool aFlag) { if(aFlag) //hide bubble { Close(); } else { Popup(Rect()); } }
/*ARGSUSED*/ void PopupSearch(Widget w, XEvent * event, String * params, Cardinal * num_params) { ManpageGlobals * man_globals = GetGlobals(w); if (man_globals->search_widget) { if (!XtIsRealized(man_globals->search_widget)) { XtRealizeWidget(man_globals->search_widget); AddCursor(man_globals->search_widget, resources.cursors.search_entry); } Popup(man_globals->search_widget, XtGrabNone); } }
void LauncherForm::checkSharedMemory() { pop_up_needed_.lock(); bool* is_needed = static_cast<bool*>(pop_up_needed_.data()); if (*is_needed) { Popup(); *is_needed = false; } pop_up_needed_.unlock(); }
void CGeometryView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if ( nFlags & MK_CONTROL ) { // SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor()); if (!myDegenerateModeIsOn) myView->SetDegenerateModeOn(); myView->StartRotation(point.x,point.y); } else // if ( Ctrl ) { Popup(point.x,point.y); } }
void atsout(char *pointer) { int i,x, length; double aux; *ats_tittle=0; strcat(ats_tittle,pointer); //g_print ("%s\n", pointer); if((atsfin=fopen(ats_tittle,"wb"))==0) { Popup("Could not open output file for writing"); return; } //write header fwrite(atshed,1,sizeof(ATS_HEADER),atsfin); //write data for(i=0; i<(int)atshed->fra; ++i) { aux=(double)ats_sound->time[0][i]; fwrite(&aux,1,sizeof(double),atsfin); for (x=0; x<(int)atshed->par; ++x) { aux=(double)ats_sound->amp[x][i]; fwrite(&aux,1,sizeof(double),atsfin); aux=(double)ats_sound->frq[x][i]; fwrite(&aux,1,sizeof(double),atsfin); if(FILE_HAS_PHASE) { //read phase data if any... aux=(double)ats_sound->pha[x][i]; fwrite(&aux,1,sizeof(double),atsfin); } } if (FILE_HAS_NOISE) { for (x=0; x<ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS; x++) {//read residual analysis data if any... aux=(double)ats_sound->band_energy[x][i]; fwrite(&aux,1,sizeof(double),atsfin); } } } length=my_filelength(atsfin); //g_print ("%d bytes written OK \n", length); fclose(atsfin); return; }
void PopupWarning(ManpageGlobals * man_globals, char * string) { int n; Arg wargs[3]; Dimension topX, topY; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; Boolean hasPosition; snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Xman Warning: %s", string); hasPosition = FALSE; if (top) { n=0; XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNx, &topX); n++; XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNy, &topY); n++; XtGetValues(top, wargs, n); hasPosition = TRUE; } if (man_globals != NULL) ChangeLabel(man_globals->label, buffer); if (man_globals->label == NULL) { n=0; if (hasPosition) { XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNx, topX); n++; XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNy, topY); n++; } XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNtransientFor, top); n++; warnShell = XtCreatePopupShell("warnShell", transientShellWidgetClass, initial_widget, wargs, n); XtSetArg(wargs[0], XtNlabel, buffer); warnDialog = XtCreateManagedWidget("warnDialog", dialogWidgetClass, warnShell, wargs, 1); XawDialogAddButton(warnDialog, "dismiss", PopdownWarning, (XtPointer)warnShell); XtRealizeWidget(warnShell); Popup(warnShell, XtGrabNone); } }
void HelpAgent::display_help (const String locatoridResourceString) { Wait_Cursor bob; if (f_helper == NULL) create_ui(); if (f_appXrmDb) { char* type; XrmValue value; if(env().debug()) cerr << "Resource string: " << locatoridResourceString << endl; if(XrmGetResource(f_appXrmDb, locatoridResourceString, locatoridResourceString, &type, &value )) { if(env().debug()) cerr << "Value: " << value.addr << endl; XtVaSetValues(f_helper, DtNhelpType, DtHELP_TYPE_TOPIC, DtNhelpVolume, "Infomgr", DtNlocationId, value.addr, XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_MODELESS, NULL); XtManageChild(f_helper); Popup(); } else { message_mgr().error_dialog (UAS_String( CATGETS(Set_Messages, 3, "No help available"))); } } }
void LauncherForm::onProcessEnd(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { Popup(); ui->connectPushButton->setEnabled(true); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TTVPMenuContainerForm::DropByKey() { DroppedByKey = true; Popup(); }
void View::MouseEvent( int what, int x, int y, unsigned int buttons ) { // Backwards, as added. lock(); for ( int i = CountChildren() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { View *view = ChildAt(i); if ( view->Frame().Contains( x,y ) ) { int nx = x - view->Frame().left; int ny = y - view->Frame().top; if ( GetWindow() != NULL ) GetWindow()->SetActiveView( view ); view->MouseEvent( what, nx, ny, buttons ); unlock(); return; } } unlock(); // Otherwise... switch( what ) { case MOUSE_DOWN: MouseDown( x, y, buttons ); break; case MOUSE_UP: if ( hasFlag( HAS_POPUPMENU ) == false ) { MouseUp( x, y, buttons ); break; } // Only the right mouse button. if ( m_buttons != RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON ) { MouseUp( x, y, buttons ); break; } if ( m_popupMenu == NULL ) m_popupMenu = Popup(); if ( m_popupMenu == NULL ) return; m_popupMenu->MoveTo( x - m_popupMenu->Frame().Width() / 2, y - m_popupMenu->Frame().Height() / 2 ); m_popupMenu->Show(); break; case MOUSE_MOVED: MouseMoved( x, y, buttons ); break; } m_buttons = buttons; }
void backup_edition(int eddie) { FILE *pundo; int i, x; short shaux; double daux; if(undo==FALSE) {return;} pundo=fopen(undo_file,"ab"); if(pundo==0) { Popup("Could not open the UNDO backup file: \nUNDO DISABLED"); undo=FALSE; return; } fseek(pundo, 0L, SEEK_END); //store edition data undat=(UNDO_DATA*)realloc(undat,( ned + 1 ) * sizeof(UNDO_DATA)); undat[ned].from=selection.from; undat[ned].to =selection.to; undat[ned].f1 =selection.f1; undat[ned].f2 =selection.f2; undat[ned].ed_kind= eddie; undat[ned].nsel =0; //g_print("saving(%d): from=%d to=%d",ned,undat[ned].from,undat[ned].to); //write first the selected partials data for(i = 0; i < (int)atshed.par; ++i) { shaux=selected[i]; if(selected[i]==TRUE) { ++undat[ned].nsel; } if(fwrite(&shaux,1,sizeof(short),pundo)==FALSE) { Popup("Could not write on backup file: \nUNDO DISABLED"); fclose(pundo); undo=FALSE; return; } } //if changed, write either amplitude or frequency data //ONLY selected partials data are written for(i=0; i < aveclen; ++i) { for(x=0; x < (int)atshed.par; ++x) { if (selected[x]==TRUE){ switch (undat[ned].ed_kind) { case AMP_EDIT: daux=ats_sound->amp[x][selection.from + i]; break; case FRE_EDIT: daux=ats_sound->frq[x][selection.from + i]; break; } if(fwrite(&daux,1,sizeof(double),pundo)==FALSE) { Popup("Could not write on backup file: \nUNDO DISABLED"); fclose(pundo); undo=FALSE; return; } } } } // ++ned; //update editions counter led=ned; //set the edition level to NED fclose(pundo); return; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////THIS IS THE MAIN SYNTHESIS LOOP//////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void do_synthesis() { int i,x,z,j,maxlen, todo, curr, next, sflag=0; float dt=0., rfreq; float frame_samps, bw=.1; int ptout; float maxamp=0.; int bframe=0, eframe=0; int nValue=0; char stamp[16]; int written; int format,header; mus_sample_t *obuf[1]; float cxval, cyval, nxval, nyval, difx, dify; TIME_DATA *tdata; int nbp; float *dospt=NULL, *rospt=NULL; RANDI *rarray=NULL; float res_band_edges[ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS+1]=ATSA_CRITICAL_BAND_EDGES; float res_band_centers[ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS]; char str[100]; //ATTEMPT TO CATCH TWO POSSIBLE ERRORS........ if(*ats_tittle==0) { Popup("ERROR: ATS file undefined, select it first"); return; } if(*out_tittle==0) { Popup("ERROR: Output Soundfile undefined, select it first"); return; } if(sparams->amp==0. && sparams->ramp==0.) { Popup("ERROR: Deterministic and Residual output set to zero"); return; } //OPEN OUTPUT FILE set_output_type(&format, &header); if((ptout=mus_sound_open_output(out_tittle,(int)sparams->sr,1,format,header,"created by ATSH"))==-1) { Popup("ERROR: could not open Output Soundfile for writing"); return; } //do residual data transfer if (FILE_HAS_NOISE) for(i=0; i<(int)atshed->fra; ++i) band_energy_to_res(ats_sound, i); //NOW CHECK WHAT TO DO... if(sparams->amp > 0.) sflag |= SYNTH_DET; //deterministic synthesis only if(sparams->ramp > 0.) sflag |= SYNTH_RES; //residual synthesis only tl_sr = (float)TABLE_LENGTH / sparams->sr; //needed for ioscilator... nbp = get_nbp(timenv->curve); tdata = (TIME_DATA*)malloc(nbp * sizeof(TIME_DATA)); //g_print(" \nNPOINTS= %d \n", nbp); sparams->max_stretch=0.; todo=0; //We first must calculate data of each breakpoint timenv->dur=fabs(timenv->dur); //correct if negative for(i=0; i < nbp - 1; ++i){ //get the data from the time envelope and convert it to time cxval= timenv->dur * (get_x_value(timenv->curve,i)/100.); cyval= timenv->ymin + ((timenv->ymax - timenv->ymin) * (get_y_value(timenv->curve,i)/100.)); nxval= timenv->dur * (get_x_value(timenv->curve,i+1)/100.); nyval= timenv->ymin + ((timenv->ymax - timenv->ymin) * (get_y_value(timenv->curve,i+1)/100.)); //diff=0. is a special case we must take in account //here all we do is to set it to one millisecond (arbitrarly) difx= nxval - cxval; if(difx == 0.) difx=.001; dify= nyval - cyval; if(dify == 0.) dify=.001; //find out the max. stretching factor(needed to alocate the I/O buffer) if(fabs(difx) / fabs(dify) >= sparams->max_stretch) { sparams->max_stretch=fabs(difx) / fabs(dify); } //locate the frame for the beggining and end of segments if(i == 0){ if(dify < 0.) bframe= locate_frame((int)atshed->fra-1,cyval, dify); else bframe= locate_frame(0,cyval, dify); } eframe= locate_frame(bframe, nyval, dify); //collect the data to be used tdata[i].from=bframe; tdata[i].to =eframe; tdata[i].size= (int)(abs(eframe - bframe)) + 1; tdata[i].tfac=fabs(difx) / fabs(dify); todo+=tdata[i].size; //g_print("\n from frame=%d to frame=%d", bframe,eframe); bframe=eframe; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } //INITIALIZE PROGRESSBAR strcpy(str,"Writing File " ); strcat(str, out_tittle); StartProgress(str, TRUE); //ALLOCATE AND CLEAN AUDIO BUFFERS maxlen= (int)ceil(maxtim * sparams->sr * sparams->max_stretch); frbuf = (float *) malloc(maxlen * sizeof(float)); for(z = 0; z < maxlen; ++z) frbuf[z]=0.; obuf[0] = (mus_sample_t *)calloc(maxlen, sizeof(mus_sample_t)); switch(sflag) { //see which memory resources do we need and allocate them case SYNTH_DET: dospt = (float *) malloc( (int)atshed->par * sizeof(float)); for(z=0; z<(int)atshed->par; ++z) dospt[z]=0.; break; case SYNTH_RES: rospt = (float *) malloc((int)ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS * sizeof(float)); rarray= (RANDI *) malloc((int)ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS * sizeof(RANDI)); for(z=0; z<(int)ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS; ++z) { res_band_centers[z]= res_band_edges[z]+((res_band_edges[z+1]-res_band_edges[z])*0.5); randi_setup(sparams->sr,res_band_edges[z+1]-res_band_edges[z],&rarray[z]); rospt[z]=0.; } break; case SYNTH_BOTH: dospt = (float *) malloc( (int)atshed->par * sizeof(float)); rarray= (RANDI *) malloc( (int)atshed->par * sizeof(RANDI)); for(z=0; z<(int)atshed->par; ++z) { rfreq=(ats_sound->frq[z][tdata[0].from] < 500.? 50. : ats_sound->frq[z][tdata[0].from] * bw); randi_setup(sparams->sr,rfreq,&rarray[z]); dospt[z]=0.; } break; } //NOW DO IT... written=0; stopper=FALSE; for(i = 0; i < nbp - 1; i++) { curr=tdata[i].from; for(j=0; j < tdata[i].size; j++) { next=(tdata[i].from < tdata[i].to ? curr+1 : curr-1 ); if(next < 0 || next >= (int)atshed->fra) break; dt=fabs(ats_sound->time[0][next] - ats_sound->time[0][curr]); frame_samps=dt * sparams->sr * tdata[i].tfac ; switch (sflag) { case SYNTH_DET: { //deterministic synthesis only for(x = 0; x < (int)atshed->par; x++) { synth_deterministic_only(ats_sound->amp[x][curr], ats_sound->amp[x][next], ats_sound->frq[x][curr] * sparams->frec, ats_sound->frq[x][next] * sparams->frec, frame_samps,x, dospt); } break; } case SYNTH_RES: { //residual synthesis only for(x = 0; x < (int)ATSA_CRITICAL_BANDS; x++) { synth_residual_only(ENG_RMS(ats_sound->band_energy[x][curr], atshed->ws), ENG_RMS(ats_sound->band_energy[x][next],atshed->ws) , res_band_centers[x],frame_samps,x,rospt,&rarray[x]); } break; } case SYNTH_BOTH: { //residual and deterministic synthesis for(x = 0; x < (int)atshed->par; x++) { rfreq=(ats_sound->frq[x][curr] < 500.? 50. : ats_sound->frq[x][curr]* bw); synth_both(ats_sound->amp[x][curr], ats_sound->amp[x][next], ats_sound->frq[x][curr] * sparams->frec, ats_sound->frq[x][next] * sparams->frec, frame_samps,x, dospt, ENG_RMS(ats_sound->res[x][curr] * sparams->ramp, atshed->ws), ENG_RMS(ats_sound->res[x][next] * sparams->ramp, atshed->ws), &rarray[x]); } break; } }//end switch for(z=0; z< maxlen; ++z) { //write and clean output buffer if(z < (int)frame_samps) { obuf[0][z] = MUS_FLOAT_TO_SAMPLE(frbuf[z]); written++; if (fabs(frbuf[z]) >= maxamp) {maxamp=fabs(frbuf[z]);} } frbuf[z]=0.; } mus_sound_write(ptout, 0, frame_samps-1, 1, obuf); if(stopper==TRUE) goto finish; ++nValue; UpdateProgress(nValue,todo); curr=(tdata[i].from < tdata[i].to ? curr+1 :curr-1 ); } } //CHANGE BREAKPOINT finish: free(frbuf); switch (sflag) { case SYNTH_DET: free(dospt); break; case SYNTH_RES: free(rospt); free(rarray); break; case SYNTH_BOTH: free(dospt); free(rarray); break; } mus_sound_close_output(ptout,written * mus_data_format_to_bytes_per_sample(format)); // *info=0; // strcat(info, "DONE OK...!!! MAXAMP= "); // sprintf(stamp,"%6.4f ",maxamp); // strcat(info, stamp); // Popup(info); free(obuf[0]); free(tdata); EndProgress(); strcpy(str, "DONE! MAXAMP= "); sprintf(stamp, "%6.4f", maxamp); strcat(str, stamp); Popup(str); }
void do_undo(GtkWidget *widget,gpointer data) { int aflag; FILE *pundo; int seek_point=0; int i,x; short shaux; double daux; if(undo==FALSE) {return;} if(floaded==FALSE || ned == 0) {return;} aflag=GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); led +=aflag; if(led < 0) {led=0; ned=1;} if(led == ned) {led=ned-1;} if((pundo=fopen(undo_file,"rb"))==NULL) { Popup("Could not open the UNDO backup file: /nUNDO DISABLED"); undo=FALSE; return; } fseek(pundo, (long int)seek_point, SEEK_SET); //find out where data starts and store it in seek_point for(i=0; i < led; ++i){ seek_point += (int)(atshed.par * sizeof(short)); seek_point += (int)((undat[i].to - undat[i].from) + 1 ) * sizeof(double) * undat[i].nsel; } //go in seek_point bytes fseek(pundo, (long int)seek_point, SEEK_SET); //read the backup data for(i=0; i < (int)atshed.par; ++i) { if(fread(&shaux,1,sizeof(short),pundo)==0) { Popup("Could not read on backup file: \nUNDO DISABLED"); fclose(pundo); undo=FALSE; return; } selected[i]=shaux; //g_print(" %d ", selected[i]); } //g_print("retrieving(%d): from=%d to=%d \n",ned,undat[led].from,undat[led].to); for(i=undat[led].from; i < undat[led].to+1; ++i) { for(x = 0; x < (int)atshed.par; ++x) { if(selected[x]==TRUE) { if(fread(&daux,1,sizeof(double),pundo)==0) { Popup("Could not read on backup file:(2) \nUNDO DISABLED"); //g_print("\n led= %d ned=%d \n", led, ned); fclose(pundo); undo=FALSE; return; } switch (undat[led].ed_kind) { case AMP_EDIT: ats_sound->amp[x][i]=daux; break; case FRE_EDIT: ats_sound->frq[x][i]=daux; break; } } } } selection.from=undat[led].from; selection.to=undat[led].to; selection.f1=undat[led].f1; selection.f2=undat[led].f2; vertex1=FALSE; vertex2=TRUE; //something IS selected // set_avec(selection.to - selection.from); fclose(pundo); if(scale_type==SMR_SCALE) { //smr values are computed only if the user is viewing them atsh_compute_SMR(ats_sound,selection.from,selection.to); } else { smr_done=FALSE; } draw_pixm(); // repaint(); // return; }
void DoShow() { Popup(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TTVPMenuContainerForm::Drop() { DroppedByKey = false; LastOutOfWindow = false; Popup(); }