Esempio n. 1
bool ChOpenGLMesh::Initialize(std::vector<glm::vec3>& vertices,
                              std::vector<glm::vec3>& normals,
                              std::vector<glm::vec2>& texcoords,
                              std::vector<GLuint>& indices,
                              ChOpenGLMaterial mat) {
    if (GLReturnedError("Mesh::Initialize - on entry")) {
        return false;

    if (!super::Initialize()) {
        return false;

    this->vertex_indices = indices;
    ambient = mat.ambient_color;
    diffuse = mat.diffuse_color;
    specular = mat.specular_color;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(vertices[i], normals[i]));


    if (GLReturnedError("ChOpenGLMesh::Initialize - on exit")) {
        return false;

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
	: CToolWindow("DeSmuME_IORegView", IORegView_Proc, "I/O registers", 400, 400)
	, Reg(0)
	, yoff(0)
	anyLiveIORegViews = true;
Esempio n. 3
bool ChOpenGLBars::Initialize(ChOpenGLShader* _shader) {
    if (this->GLReturnedError("ChOpenGLBars::Initialize - on entry"))
        return false;

    if (!super::Initialize()) {
        return false;

    if (this->GLReturnedError("ChOpenGLBars::Initialize - on exit"))
        return false;

    return true;
void BG_DarkWarriorEntity::InitFunction()

	m_havokBehavior = new vHavokBehaviorComponent();
	m_havokBehavior->m_projectName = "HavokAnimation/";
	m_havokBehavior->m_characterName = "";
	m_havokBehavior->m_behaviorName = "";

	VTextureObject *textureHandler = Vision::TextureManager.Load2DTexture("Assets/Models/Textures/Dark_Warrior/Dark_Warrior_cloth_d.png");
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(3)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_Diffuse, textureHandler);
	textureHandler = Vision::TextureManager.Load2DTexture("Assets/Models/Textures/Dark_Warrior/Dark_Warrior_cloth_n.png");
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(3)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_NormalMap, textureHandler);

	textureHandler = Vision::TextureManager.Load2DTexture("Assets/Models/Textures/Dark_Warrior/Dark_Warrior_bones_d.png");
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(1)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_Diffuse, textureHandler);
	textureHandler = Vision::TextureManager.Load2DTexture("Assets/Models/Textures/Dark_Warrior/Dark_Warrior_bones_n.png");
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(1)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_NormalMap, textureHandler);

	textureHandler = Vision::TextureManager.Load2DTexture("Assets/Models/Textures/Dark_Warrior/Dark_Warrior_wepons_d.tga");
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(2)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_Diffuse, textureHandler);
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(0)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_Diffuse, textureHandler);
	textureHandler = Vision::TextureManager.Load2DTexture("Assets/Models/Textures/Dark_Warrior/Dark_Warrior_wepons_n.tga");
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(2)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_NormalMap, textureHandler);
	GetMesh()->GetSurface(0)->SetTexture(VisSurfaceTextures_cl::VTextureType_e::VTT_NormalMap, textureHandler);

	m_collisionRadius = 30;
	m_collisionHeight = 160;
	m_sensorSize = 64;
	m_desiredSpeed = 80;


Esempio n. 5
File: init.cpp Progetto: jparal/sat
void CAMCode<B,T,D>::Initialize ()
  ConfigFile  &cfg = Code::GetCfgFile ();
  satversion_t ver = Code::GetCfgVersion ();

  /* Section: SIMUL */
  _time.Initialize (cfg.GetEntry ("simul"), ver);
  cfg.GetValue ("simul.momsmooth", _momsmooth, 1);
  cfg.GetValue ("simul.esmooth", _esmooth, 1);
  DBG_INFO ("moment/electric Field smoothing: "<<
	    _momsmooth<<", "<<_esmooth);

  /* Section: MISC */
  Mesh<D> mesh;
  Vector<int,D> ratio;
  Vector<bool,D> openbc;

  cfg.GetValue ("parallel.mpi.proc", ratio);
  cfg.GetValue ("grid.openbc", openbc);
  cfg.GetValue ("grid.bclen", _bcleni);
  for (int i=0; i<D; ++i)
    _bcleni[i] = T(1)/_bcleni[i];

  mesh.Initialize (cfg.GetEntry ("grid"));
  _decomp.Initialize (ratio, Mpi::COMM_WORLD);

  DBG_INFO ("MPI decomposition ratio  : "<<_decomp.Size ());
  DBG_INFO ("open Boundary conditions : "<<openbc);

  for (int i=0; i<D; ++i)
    while (mesh.Cells()[i] % _decomp.Size()[i] != 0)

  _domsize = mesh.Size ();
  DBG_INFO ("total number of cells    : "<<mesh.Cells ());
  DBG_INFO ("   X spatial resolution  : "<<mesh.Resol ());
  DBG_INFO ("   = physical size       : "<<mesh.Size ());
  _decomp.Decompose (mesh.Cells ());
  DBG_INFO ("Per single CPU:");
  DBG_INFO ("total number of cells    : "<<mesh.Cells ());
  DBG_INFO ("   X spatial resolution  : "<<mesh.Resol ());
  DBG_INFO ("   = physical size       : "<<mesh.Size ());

  // Minimal/Maximal position of the particle:
  _pmin = PosVector ((T)0.0);
  _pmax = mesh.Cells ();
  DBG_INFO2 ("pmin; pmax               : " << _pmin<< "; "<<_pmax);

  // Minimal/Maximal of mesh excluding ghost cells:
  _pminabs = mesh.Cells();
  _pmaxabs = mesh.Cells();
  for (int i=0; i<D; ++i)
    _pminabs[i] *= _decomp.GetPosition(i);
    _pmaxabs[i] += _pminabs[i];

  // Variable:  # grid points  # ghosts  # share   # total    Centring
  // =================================================================
  //    E         #cells           1         0    #cells + 2    Cell
  //    B         #cells + 1       0         0    #cells + 1    Node
  //    U         #cells + 1       1         1    #cells + 3    Node
  //    dn        #cells + 1       1         1    #cells + 3    Node
  //    Particles #cells           0         0    #cells + 1    Node
  // Note that dn and U needs extra 1 grid points on both sides (even though
  // they are defined on the same grid like B) just to have a space for
  // boundary conditions. The idea is to use Sync mechanism in Field class to
  // copy 1 layer of ghost zone and in boundary conditions treatment just add
  // the ghost values to the outer values.

  _meshe = mesh; _meshb = mesh; _meshu = mesh; _meshp = mesh;

  _meshe.Cells () += 2; _meshe.Center () = Cell;
  _meshb.Cells () += 1; _meshb.Center () = Node;
  _meshu.Cells () += 3; _meshu.Center () = Node;
  _meshp.Cells () += 1; _meshp.Center () = Node;

  //                  GHOSTS:     SHARE:       BC: DECOMPOSITION:
  _layoe.Initialize (Loc<D> (1), Loc<D> (0), openbc, _decomp);
  _layob.Initialize (Loc<D> (0), Loc<D> (0), openbc, _decomp);
  _layou.Initialize (Loc<D> (1), Loc<D> (1), openbc, _decomp);
  _layop.Initialize (Loc<D> (0), Loc<D> (0), openbc, _decomp);

  /* Section: SPECIES */
  DBG_INFO ("============== Species: =============");
  T rmdstot = 0.0;
  Vector<T,3> currtot = 0.0;

  cfg.GetValue ("plasma.betae", _betae);
  cfg.GetValue ("plasma.vmax", _vmax, -1.);
  DBG_INFO ("max velocity of pcles : "<<_vmax);

  Timer tspec;
  tspec.Start ();
  ConfigEntry &species = cfg.GetEntry ("plasma.specie");
  for (int i=0; i<species.GetLength (); ++i)
    DBG_INFO ("processing specie: '"<<species[i].GetName ()<<"'");
    TSpecie *sp = new CamSpecie<T,D> ();
    sp->Initialize (species[i], _meshp, _layop);
    _specie.PushNew (sp);
    // Just the health check
    rmdstot += sp->RelMassDens ();
    currtot += sp->RelMassDens () * sp->InitalVel ();
  tspec.Stop ();
  DBG_INFO ("pcles loaded in : "<<tspec);

  // SAT_ASSERT_MSG( Math::Abs( rmdstot-1.0 ) < M_MEPS,
  //                 "Sum of relative mass densities has to be zero!");
  // if (Math::Abs( currtot.Abs() ) > M_MEPS)
  //   DBG_WARN ("Total current is non-zero: "<<currtot);

  /* Section: FIELD */
  DBG_INFO ("=============== Fields: =============");
  cfg.GetValue ("field.nsub", _nsub, 10);
  cfg.GetValue ("field.imf.phi", _phi, 90.);
  cfg.GetValue ("field.imf.psi", _psi, 0.);
  cfg.GetValue ("field.imf.amp", _bamp, 1.);
  cfg.GetValue ("field.dnmin", _dnmin, 0.05);
  cfg.GetValue ("field.resist", _resist, 0.001);
  cfg.GetValue ("field.viscos", _viscos, 0.0);
  DBG_INFO ("B field sub-steps          : "<<_nsub);
  DBG_INFO ("IMF phi(x,y); psi(x,z)     : "<<_phi<<"; "<<_psi);
  DBG_INFO ("minimal density            : "<<_dnmin);
  DBG_INFO ("resistivity                : "<<_resist);
  DBG_INFO ("viscosity                  : "<<_viscos);

  /* Setup initial magnetic field _B0 */
  Vector<T,3> b0;
  _phi = Math::Deg2Rad (_phi);
  _psi = Math::Deg2Rad (_psi);
  b0[0] = Math::Cos(_phi) * Math::Cos(_psi);
  b0[1] = Math::Sin(_phi) * Math::Cos(_psi);
  b0[2] = Math::Sin(_psi);
  _B0 = b0 *_bamp;
  DBG_INFO ("background B field (B_0)   : "<<_B0);

  /* Setup plasma bulk velocity _v0 and initial electric field _E0 */
  _v0 = 0.;
  T dnt = 0., dns = 0.;
  for (int i=0; i<_specie.GetSize (); ++i)
    TSpecie *sp = _specie.Get (i);
    dns = sp->RelMassDens () * sp->ChargeMassRatio ();
    _v0 += sp->InitalVel () * (T)dns;
    dnt += dns;
  _v0 /= dnt;
  _E0 = - (_v0 % _B0);
  DBG_INFO ("background E field (E_0)   : "<<_E0);
  DBG_INFO ("total bulk velocity (u_i)  : "<<_v0);

  /* Setup the rest of the variables */
  _gamma = 5. / 3.;

  _betai = 0.;
  T cd = 0.;
  for (int i=0; i<_specie.GetSize (); ++i)
    TSpecie *sp = _specie.Get (i);
    _betai += sp->Beta ();
    cd += sp->ChargeMassRatio () * sp->RelMassDens ();
  _te = _betae / (2. * cd);
  _cs = Math::Sqrt (0.5 * (_betai + _betae));

  DBG_INFO ("total ion beta (beta_i)    : "<<_betai);
  DBG_INFO ("ion temperature (T_i)      : "<<_betai / (2. * cd));
  DBG_INFO ("electron beta (beta_e)     : "<<_betae);
  DBG_INFO ("electron temperature (T_e) : "<<_te);
  DBG_INFO ("sound speed (c_s)          : "<<_cs);

  /* Setup mesh related stuff */
  _E.Initialize (_meshe, _layoe);
  _Psi.Initialize (_meshe, _layoe);
  _Psih.Initialize (_meshe, _layoe);

  _B.Initialize (_meshb, _layob);
  _Bh.Initialize (_meshb, _layob);

  _pe.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);
  _dn.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);
  _dna.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);
  _dnf.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);
  _U.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);
  _Ua.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);
  _Uf.Initialize (_meshu, _layou);

  /* Setup all sensors */
  DBG_INFO ("=========== Sensors: ================");
  _sensmng.Initialize (cfg);

  ScaFieldSensor<T,D> *nsens = new ScaFieldSensor<T,D>;
  ScaFieldSensor<T,D> *psisens = new ScaFieldSensor<T,D>;
  VecFieldSensor<T,3,D> *bsens = new VecFieldSensor<T,3,D>;
  VecFieldSensor<T,3,D> *esens = new VecFieldSensor<T,3,D>;
  VecFieldSensor<T,3,D> *usens = new VecFieldSensor<T,3,D>;
  TemperatureSensor<T,3,D> *tsens = new TemperatureSensor<T,3,D>;
  // DistFncSensor<T,D> *dfsens = new DistFncSensor<T,D>;
  DbDtVecFieldSensor<T,3,D> *dbdtsens = new DbDtVecFieldSensor<T,3,D>;
  JxBSensor<T,3,D> *jxbsens = new JxBSensor<T,3,D>;
  CurlBxBSensor<T,3,D> *cbxbsens = new CurlBxBSensor<T,3,D>;
  KineticEnergySensor<T,3,D> *ken = new KineticEnergySensor<T,3,D>;
  LaplaceSensor<T,3,D> *lap = new LaplaceSensor<T,3,D>;

  nsens->Initialize (cfg, "density", &_dn);
  esens->Initialize (cfg, "elfield", &_E);
  bsens->Initialize (cfg, "magfield", &_B);
  usens->Initialize (cfg, "velocity", &_U);
  tsens->Initialize (cfg, "temp", &_specie, &_B, &_U, &_dn);
  ken->Initialize (cfg, "kenergy", &_specie, &_B);
  // dfsens->Initialize (cfg, "distfnc", &_specie, &_B);

  psisens->Initialize (cfg, "psifnc", &_Psi);
  lap->Initialize (cfg, "laplace", &_E);
  dbdtsens->Initialize (cfg, "dbdt", &_E, &_B);
  jxbsens->Initialize (cfg, "jxb", &_U, &_B, &_dn);
  cbxbsens->Initialize (cfg, "cbxb", &_B, &_dn);

  _sensmng.AddSensor (nsens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (esens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (bsens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (usens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (tsens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (ken);
  // _sensmng.AddSensor (dfsens);

  _sensmng.AddSensor (psisens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (lap);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (dbdtsens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (jxbsens);
  _sensmng.AddSensor (cbxbsens);

  DBG_INFO ("=========== PostInitialize: =========");
  PostInitialize (cfg);

  _E = _E0;
  //  _Psi = T(0); // initial value for psi function
  //  _Psih = T(0);
  _B = b0; // _Bh is initialized in function First()
  static_cast<B*>(this)->BInitAdd (_B);

  /* Species Loading */
  int totcleaned = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<_specie.GetSize (); ++i)
    TSpecie *sp = _specie.Get (i);

    _dn = 1.;
    _U = sp->InitalVel ();
    // reuse _dnf, _dna since they are not needed now.
    _dnf = sp->Vthper ();
    _dna = sp->Vthpar ();

    static_cast<B*>(this)->DnInitAdd (sp, _dn);
    static_cast<B*>(this)->BulkInitAdd (sp, _U);

    if (static_cast<B*>(this)->VthInitAdd (sp, _dnf, _dna))
      sp->LoadPcles (_dn, _U, _B, _dnf, _dna, b0);
      sp->LoadPcles (_dn, _U, b0);

    /// Remove particles based on the problem (for example: inside of the
    /// planet for the dipole problem)
    size_t npcle = sp->GetSize ();
    for (int pid=0; pid<npcle; ++pid)
      TParticle &pcle = sp->Get (pid);
      static_cast<B*>(this)->PcleBCAdd (sp, pid, pcle);
    int cleaned;
    sp->Clean (&cleaned);
    Mpi::SumReduceOne (&cleaned);
    totcleaned += cleaned;

  // Initialize B field one more time but with actual B0 (can be zero)
  _B = _B0; // _Bh is initialized in function First()
  static_cast<B*>(this)->BInitAdd (_B);

  DBG_INFO ("Particles cleaned during init: " << totcleaned);
Esempio n. 6
bool ChOpenGLMesh::Initialize(chrono::ChTriangleMeshShape* tri_mesh, ChOpenGLMaterial mat) {
    if (GLReturnedError("Mesh::Initialize - on entry")) {
        return false;

    if (!super::Initialize()) {
        return false;
    int num_triangles = tri_mesh->GetMesh().getNumTriangles();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned)num_triangles; i++) {
        chrono::geometry::ChTriangle tri = tri_mesh->GetMesh().getTriangle(i);
        ChVector<> norm = tri.GetNormal();
        ChVector<> v1 = tri.p1;
        ChVector<> v2 = tri.p2;
        ChVector<> v3 = tri.p3;
        this->vertex_indices.push_back(i * 3 + 0);
        this->vertex_indices.push_back(i * 3 + 1);
        this->vertex_indices.push_back(i * 3 + 2);
        glm::vec3 v, n;
        v = glm::vec3(v1.x(), v1.y(), v1.z());
        n = glm::vec3(norm.x(), norm.y(), norm.z());
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
        v = glm::vec3(v2.x(), v2.y(), v2.z());
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
        v = glm::vec3(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
        this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
    ambient = mat.ambient_color;
    diffuse = mat.diffuse_color;
    specular = mat.specular_color;
    //   std::vector<ChVector<int> >& indices =
    //   tri_mesh->GetMesh().getIndicesVertexes();
    //   std::vector<ChVector<double> >& vertices =
    //   tri_mesh->GetMesh().getCoordsVertices();
    //   std::vector<ChVector<double> >& normals =
    //   tri_mesh->GetMesh().getCoordsNormals();

    //   this->vertex_indices.resize(indices.size() * 3);
    //   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) {
    //      this->vertex_indices[i * 3 + 0] = indices[i].x;
    //      this->vertex_indices[i * 3 + 1] = indices[i].y;
    //      this->vertex_indices[i * 3 + 2] = indices[i].z;
    //   }
    //   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
    //      glm::vec3 n;
    //      glm::vec3 v(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, vertices[i].z);
    //      if (normals.size() > 0) {
    //         n = glm::vec3(normals[i].x, normals[i].y, normals[i].z);
    //      } else {
    //         n = glm::vec3(1, 0, 0);
    //      }
    //      this->data.push_back(ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPN(v, n));
    //   }


    if (GLReturnedError("ChOpenGLMesh::Initialize - on exit")) {
        return false;

    return true;