//  Read old fragments in  gkpStore  and choose the ones that
//  have overlaps with fragments in  Frag. Recompute the
//  overlaps, using fragment corrections and output the revised error.
Redo_Olaps(coParameters *G, gkStore *gkpStore) {

  //  Figure out the range of B reads we care about.  We probably could just loop over every read in
  //  the store with minimal penalty.

  uint64     thisOvl = 0;
  uint64     lastOvl = G->olapsLen - 1;

  uint32     loBid   = G->olaps[thisOvl].b_iid;
  uint32     hiBid   = G->olaps[lastOvl].b_iid;

  //  Open all the corrections.

  memoryMappedFile     *Cfile = new memoryMappedFile(G->correctionsName);
  Correction_Output_t  *C     = (Correction_Output_t *)Cfile->get();
  uint64                Cpos  = 0;
  uint64                Clen  = Cfile->length() / sizeof(Correction_Output_t);

  //  Allocate some temporary work space for the forward and reverse corrected B reads.

  fprintf(stderr, "--Allocate "F_U64" MB for fseq and rseq.\n", (2 * sizeof(char) * 2 * (AS_MAX_READLEN + 1)) >> 20);
  char          *fseq    = new char     [AS_MAX_READLEN + 1 + AS_MAX_READLEN + 1];
  uint32         fseqLen = 0;

  char          *rseq    = new char     [AS_MAX_READLEN + 1 + AS_MAX_READLEN + 1];
  uint32         rseqLen = 0;

  fprintf(stderr, "--Allocate "F_U64" MB for fadj and radj.\n", (2 * sizeof(Adjust_t) * (AS_MAX_READLEN + 1)) >> 20);
  Adjust_t      *fadj    = new Adjust_t [AS_MAX_READLEN + 1];
  Adjust_t      *radj    = new Adjust_t [AS_MAX_READLEN + 1];
  uint32         fadjLen  = 0;  //  radj is the same length

  fprintf(stderr, "--Allocate "F_U64" MB for pedWorkArea_t.\n", sizeof(pedWorkArea_t) >> 20);
  gkReadData    *readData = new gkReadData;
  pedWorkArea_t *ped      = new pedWorkArea_t;

  uint64         Total_Alignments_Ct           = 0;

  uint64         Failed_Alignments_Ct          = 0;
  uint64         Failed_Alignments_Both_Ct     = 0;
  uint64         Failed_Alignments_End_Ct      = 0;
  uint64         Failed_Alignments_Length_Ct   = 0;

  uint32         rhaFail = 0;
  uint32         rhaPass = 0;

  uint64         olapsFwd = 0;
  uint64         olapsRev = 0;

  ped->initialize(G, G->errorRate);

  //  Process overlaps.  Loop over the B reads, and recompute each overlap.

  for (uint32 curID=loBid; curID<=hiBid; curID++) {
    if (((curID - loBid) % 1024) == 0)
      fprintf(stderr, "Recomputing overlaps - %9u - %9u - %9u\r", loBid, curID, hiBid);

    if (curID < G->olaps[thisOvl].b_iid)

    gkRead *read = gkpStore->gkStore_getRead(curID);

    gkpStore->gkStore_loadReadData(read, readData);

    //  Apply corrections to the B read (also converts to lower case, reverses it, etc)

    //fprintf(stderr, "Correcting B read %u at Cpos=%u\n", curID, Cpos);

    fseqLen = 0;
    rseqLen = 0;

    fadjLen = 0;

                fseq, fseqLen, fadj, fadjLen,
                C, Cpos, Clen);

    //  Create copies of the sequence for forward and reverse.  There isn't a need for the forward copy (except that
    //  we mutate it with corrections), and the reverse copy could be deferred until it is needed.

    memcpy(rseq, fseq, sizeof(char) * (fseqLen + 1));

    reverseComplementSequence(rseq, fseqLen);

    Make_Rev_Adjust(radj, fadj, fadjLen, fseqLen);

    //  Recompute alignments for all overlaps involving the B read.

    for (; ((thisOvl <= lastOvl) &&
            (G->olaps[thisOvl].b_iid == curID)); thisOvl++) {
      Olap_Info_t  *olap = G->olaps + thisOvl;

      //fprintf(stderr, "processing overlap %u - %u\n", olap->a_iid, olap->b_iid);

      //  Find the A segment.  It's always forward.  It's already been corrected.

      char *a_part = G->reads[olap->a_iid - G->bgnID].bases;

      if (olap->a_hang > 0) {
        int32 ha = Hang_Adjust(olap->a_hang,
                               G->reads[olap->a_iid - G->bgnID].adjusts,
                               G->reads[olap->a_iid - G->bgnID].adjustsLen);
        a_part += ha;
        //fprintf(stderr, "offset a_part by ha=%d\n", ha);

      //  Find the B segment.

      char *b_part = (olap->normal == true) ? fseq : rseq;

      //if (olap->normal == true)
      //  fprintf(stderr, "b_part = fseq %40.40s\n", fseq);
      //  fprintf(stderr, "b_part = rseq %40.40s\n", rseq);

      if (olap->normal == true)

      bool rha=false;
      if (olap->a_hang < 0) {
        int32 ha = (olap->normal == true) ? Hang_Adjust(-olap->a_hang, fadj, fadjLen) :
                                            Hang_Adjust(-olap->a_hang, radj, fadjLen);
        b_part += ha;
        //fprintf(stderr, "offset b_part by ha=%d normal=%d\n", ha, olap->normal);

      //  Compute the alignment.

      int32   a_part_len  = strlen(a_part);
      int32   b_part_len  = strlen(b_part);
      int32   olap_len    = min(a_part_len, b_part_len);

      int32   a_end        = 0;
      int32   b_end        = 0;
      bool    match_to_end = false;

      //fprintf(stderr, ">A\n%s\n", a_part);
      //fprintf(stderr, ">B\n%s\n", b_part);

      int32 errors = Prefix_Edit_Dist(a_part, a_part_len,
                                      b_part, b_part_len,

      //  ped->delta isn't used.

      //  ??  These both occur, but the first is much much more common.

      if ((ped->deltaLen > 0) && (ped->delta[0] == 1) && (0 < G->olaps[thisOvl].a_hang)) {
        int32  stop = min(ped->deltaLen, (int32)G->olaps[thisOvl].a_hang);  //  a_hang is int32:31!
        int32  i = 0;

        for  (i=0; (i < stop) && (ped->delta[i] == 1); i++)

        //fprintf(stderr, "RESET 1 i=%d delta=%d\n", i, ped->delta[i]);
        assert((i == stop) || (ped->delta[i] != -1));

        ped->deltaLen -= i;

        memmove(ped->delta, ped->delta + i, ped->deltaLen * sizeof (int));

        a_part     += i;
        a_end      -= i;
        a_part_len -= i;
        errors     -= i;

      } else if ((ped->deltaLen > 0) && (ped->delta[0] == -1) && (G->olaps[thisOvl].a_hang < 0)) {
        int32  stop = min(ped->deltaLen, - G->olaps[thisOvl].a_hang);
        int32  i = 0;

        for  (i=0; (i < stop) && (ped->delta[i] == -1); i++)

        //fprintf(stderr, "RESET 2 i=%d delta=%d\n", i, ped->delta[i]);
        assert((i == stop) || (ped->delta[i] != 1));

        ped->deltaLen -= i;

        memmove(ped->delta, ped->delta + i, ped->deltaLen * sizeof (int));

        b_part     += i;
        b_end      -= i;
        b_part_len -= i;
        errors     -= i;


      int32  olapLen = min(a_end, b_end);

      if ((match_to_end == false) && (olapLen <= 0))

      if (match_to_end == false)

      if (olapLen <= 0)

      if ((match_to_end == false) || (olapLen <= 0)) {

#if 0
        //  I can't find any patterns in these errors.  I thought that it was caused by the corrections, but I
        //  found a case where no corrections were made and the alignment still failed.  Perhaps it is differences
        //  in the alignment code (the forward vs reverse prefix distance in overlapper vs only the forward here)?

        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--  Bad alignment  errors %d  a_end %d  b_end %d  match_to_end %d  olapLen %d\n",
                errors, a_end, b_end, match_to_end, olapLen);
        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--  Overlap        a_hang %d b_hang %d innie %d\n",
                olap->a_hang, olap->b_hang, olap->innie);
        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--  Reads          a_id %u a_length %d b_id %u b_length %d\n",
                G->reads[ G->olaps[thisOvl].a_iid ].basesLen,
                G->reads[ G->olaps[thisOvl].b_iid ].basesLen);
        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--  A %s\n", a_part);
        fprintf(stderr, "Redo_Olaps()--  B %s\n", b_part);

        Display_Alignment(a_part, a_part_len, b_part, b_part_len, ped->delta, ped->deltaLen);

        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

        if (rha)


      if (rha)

      G->olaps[thisOvl].evalue = AS_OVS_encodeEvalue((double)errors / olapLen);

      //fprintf(stderr, "REDO - errors = %u / olapLep = %u -- %f\n", errors, olapLen, AS_OVS_decodeEvalue(G->olaps[thisOvl].evalue));

  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  delete    ped;
  delete    readData;
  delete [] radj;
  delete [] fadj;
  delete [] rseq;
  delete [] fseq;
  delete    Cfile;

  fprintf(stderr, "--  Release bases, adjusts and reads.\n");

  delete [] G->bases;     G->bases   = NULL;
  delete [] G->adjusts;   G->adjusts = NULL;
  delete [] G->reads;     G->reads   = NULL;

  fprintf(stderr, "Olaps Fwd "F_U64"\n", olapsFwd);
  fprintf(stderr, "Olaps Rev "F_U64"\n", olapsRev);

  fprintf(stderr, "Total:  "F_U64"\n", Total_Alignments_Ct);
  fprintf(stderr, "Failed: "F_U64" (both)\n", Failed_Alignments_Both_Ct);
  fprintf(stderr, "Failed: "F_U64" (either)\n", Failed_Alignments_Ct);
  fprintf(stderr, "Failed: "F_U64" (match to end)\n", Failed_Alignments_End_Ct);
  fprintf(stderr, "Failed: "F_U64" (negative length)\n", Failed_Alignments_Length_Ct);

  fprintf(stderr, "rhaFail %u rhaPass %u\n", rhaFail, rhaPass);
Extend_Alignment(Match_Node_t * Match, char * S, int S_Len, char * T, int T_Len,
                 int * S_Lo, int * S_Hi, int * T_Lo, int * T_Hi, int * Errors,
                 Work_Area_t * WA) {
  Overlap_t  return_type;
  int  S_Left_Begin, S_Right_Begin, S_Right_Len;
  int  T_Left_Begin, T_Right_Begin, T_Right_Len;
  int  Error_Limit, Left_Errors, Right_Errors, Total_Olap;
  int  i, Leftover, Right_Match_To_End, Left_Match_To_End;

  S_Left_Begin  = Match->Start - 1;
  S_Right_Begin = Match->Start + Match->Len;
  S_Right_Len   = S_Len - S_Right_Begin;

  T_Left_Begin  = Match->Offset - 1;
  T_Right_Begin = Match->Offset + Match->Len;
  T_Right_Len   = T_Len - T_Right_Begin;

  Total_Olap = (MIN(Match->Start, Match->Offset) +
                Match->Len +
                MIN(S_Right_Len, T_Right_Len));

  Error_Limit = WA->Error_Bound[Total_Olap];

  if  (S_Right_Len == 0 || T_Right_Len == 0) {
    Right_Errors = 0;
    WA->Right_Delta_Len = 0;
    (* S_Hi) = (* T_Hi) = 0;
    Right_Match_To_End = TRUE;

  } else if  (S_Right_Len <= T_Right_Len) {
    Right_Errors = Prefix_Edit_Dist (S + S_Right_Begin, S_Right_Len,
                                     T + T_Right_Begin, T_Right_Len, Error_Limit,
                                     S_Hi, T_Hi, & Right_Match_To_End, WA);
  } else {
    Right_Errors = Prefix_Edit_Dist (T + T_Right_Begin, T_Right_Len,
                                     S + S_Right_Begin, S_Right_Len, Error_Limit,
                                     T_Hi, S_Hi, & Right_Match_To_End, WA);

  for  (i = 0;  i < WA->Right_Delta_Len;  i++)
    WA->Right_Delta[i] *= -1;

  (* S_Hi) += S_Right_Begin - 1;
  (* T_Hi) += T_Right_Begin - 1;

  assert (Right_Errors <= Error_Limit);

  if  (S_Left_Begin < 0 || T_Left_Begin < 0) {
    Left_Errors = 0;
    WA->Left_Delta_Len = 0;
    (* S_Lo) = (* T_Lo) = 0;
    Leftover = 0;
    Left_Match_To_End = TRUE;
  } else if  (S_Right_Begin <= T_Right_Begin) {
    Left_Errors = Rev_Prefix_Edit_Dist (S + S_Left_Begin,
                                        S_Left_Begin + 1, T + T_Left_Begin,
                                        T_Left_Begin + 1,
                                        Error_Limit - Right_Errors,
                                        S_Lo, T_Lo, & Leftover, & Left_Match_To_End,
  } else {
    Left_Errors = Rev_Prefix_Edit_Dist (T + T_Left_Begin,
                                        T_Left_Begin + 1, S + S_Left_Begin,
                                        S_Left_Begin + 1,
                                        Error_Limit - Right_Errors,
                                        T_Lo, S_Lo, & Leftover, & Left_Match_To_End,

  for  (i = 0;  i < WA->Left_Delta_Len;  i++)
    WA->Left_Delta[i] *= -1;

  (* S_Lo) += S_Left_Begin + 1;        // Check later for branch points
  (* T_Lo) += T_Left_Begin + 1;        // Check later for branch points

  if  (! Right_Match_To_End) {
    if  (! Doing_Partial_Overlaps)
      WA->Left_Delta_Len = 0;
    if  (! Left_Match_To_End)
      return_type = NONE;
      return_type = RIGHT_BRANCH_PT;
  } else {
    if  (! Left_Match_To_End)
      return_type = LEFT_BRANCH_PT;
      return_type = DOVETAIL;

  if  (return_type == DOVETAIL || Doing_Partial_Overlaps) {
    (* Errors) = Left_Errors + Right_Errors;
    assert ((* Errors) <= Error_Limit);

    if  (WA->Right_Delta_Len > 0) {
      if  (WA->Right_Delta[0] > 0)
        WA->Left_Delta[WA->Left_Delta_Len++] = WA->Right_Delta[0] + Leftover + Match->Len;
        WA->Left_Delta[WA->Left_Delta_Len++] = WA->Right_Delta[0] - Leftover - Match->Len;
    for  (i = 1;  i < WA->Right_Delta_Len;  i++)
      WA->Left_Delta[WA->Left_Delta_Len++] = WA->Right_Delta[i];

  return  return_type;