Esempio n. 1
// The WinProc
LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
	// Depending on the message -- we'll do different stuff
		// This is the message where all the magic happens.  A WM_CHAR message
		// gets sent every time WM_KEYDOWN message is translated by the
		// TranslateMessage() function.  So what does that mean?  Okay see in our WinMain()
		// how we have the function call TranslateMessage(&msg).  You HAVE to have
		// this call in WinMain() (with a similar type set up we are using here)
		// for you to receive the WM_CHAR message in your WinProc().

		case WM_CHAR:
			// Okay the first thing is what in the heck is a TCHAR?
			// For all intensive purposes, a TCHAR == char (the normal C/C++ char)
			// On a UNICODE machine it actually equals something else, but either
			// way you can think of it as just a good ole' char

			// Now for the WM_CHAR message, the WPARAM equals the "character code"
			// that was pressed.  You can think of the WPARAM equaling the ASCII 
			// representation of the key that was pressed.
			TCHAR tchar = (TCHAR)wparam; // Get the key that was pressed.

			// Now lets check for the 'R', 'G' or 'B' key

			// Notice how we check for BOTH upper and lowercase so not 
			// to miss one case or the other
			if(tchar == 'r' || tchar == 'R')

			else if(tchar == 'g' || tchar == 'G')

			else if(tchar == 'b' || tchar == 'B')

			return 0;
		// Destroy the window when it's time
        case WM_DESTROY:
             return 0;

    } // end of switch(message)

    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam);
Esempio n. 2
* Sys_ConsoleOutput
* Print text to the dedicated console
void Sys_ConsoleOutput( char *string )
	DWORD dummy;
	char text[MAX_CONSOLETEXT+2];	/* need 2 chars for the \r's */

	if( !dedicated || !dedicated->integer )

	if( !houtput )
		houtput = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );

	if( console_textlen )
		text[0] = '\r';
		memset( &text[1], ' ', console_textlen );
		text[console_textlen+1] = '\r';
		text[console_textlen+2] = 0;
		WriteFile( houtput, text, console_textlen+2, &dummy, NULL );

	string = utf8_to_OEM( string );

#if 0
	WriteFile( houtput, string, (unsigned)strlen( string ), &dummy, NULL );
	PrintColoredText( string );

	if( console_textlen )
		WriteFile( houtput, console_text, console_textlen, &dummy, NULL );
Esempio n. 3
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance, HINSTANCE hprev, PSTR cmdline, int ishow)
	HWND hwnd; // This will hold the handle to our window
    MSG msg; // This will hold any messages (such as a key press) that
			 // our window might receive

    WNDCLASSEX wndclassex = {0}; // This is our "window class" -- The "EX" stands
								// for "extended style" which gives us more options
							   // when creating our window (although we're going to
							  // completely ignore 'em)

	// Fill the fields we care about
	wndclassex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); // Always must be set = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; // Window classes style
    wndclassex.lpfnWndProc = WinProc; // Pointer to where the WinProc() is defined
    wndclassex.hInstance = hinstance; // The handle to the instance of our window
	wndclassex.lpszClassName = kClassName; // The name of our window class
	wndclassex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); // Background color of white
											0, 0, LR_SHARED); // Use default arrow cursor   

    RegisterClassEx(&wndclassex); // Register the window class so calls to CreateWindow()
								 // and CreateWindowEx() will know what window class to
								// use when creating the window
    hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, // Extra window attributes, NULL means none
						  kClassName, // Name we gave our WNDCLASSEX			
						  " -- Keyboard Input Part2", // Title bar text
						  WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // Style of window (see MSDN for full description)
						  CW_USEDEFAULT, // Upper left xPos of window (Windows picks default)
						  CW_USEDEFAULT, // Upper left yPos of window (Windows picks default)
						  kWinWid, // Width of window in pixels
						  kWinHgt, // Height of window in pixels
						  NULL, // Handle to "parent window" (we have none, this is the parent)
						  NULL, // Handle to a menu (we have none)
						  hinstance, // Handle to instance of this window (passed in by WinMain())
						  NULL); // "Extra info" to pass to the WinProc (we have none)

		// Error check
			return EXIT_FAILURE; // Something really bad happened!

    ShowWindow(hwnd, ishow); // Show the window (make it visible)
    UpdateWindow(hwnd); // Updates the window (initially draw the window)
		// Get message(s) (for instance a key press) if there is any
			if(msg.message == WM_QUIT)
			// If any of the letters (case sensitive) in "GameTutorials" are pressed
			// Print to the screen "GameTutorials" in a random color
			if (KeyPressed('G') || KeyPressed('a') ||
				KeyPressed('m') || KeyPressed('e') ||
				KeyPressed('T') || KeyPressed('u') ||
				KeyPressed('t') || KeyPressed('o') ||
				KeyPressed('r') || KeyPressed('i') ||
				KeyPressed('l') || KeyPressed('s'))
				// Get a random R, G, and B
				uchar red = rand()%256;
				uchar green = rand()%256;
				uchar blue = rand()%256;


			Sleep(100); // Chill out for awhile man!
						// What Sleep() does is not do anything for the number of 
						// milliseconds passed to the function



	UnregisterClass(kClassName,hinstance); // Free up the memory allocated by our WNDCLASSEX
		return msg.wParam; // And we're out