void governor::print_version_info () {
    if ( UsePrivateRML )
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "RML", "private" );
    else {
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "RML", "shared" );
        theRMLServerFactory.call_with_server_info( PrintRMLVersionInfo, (void*)"" );
Esempio n. 2
void governor::print_version_info () {
    if ( UsePrivateRML )
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "RML", "private" );
    else {
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "RML", "shared" );
        theRMLServerFactory.call_with_server_info( PrintRMLVersionInfo, (void*)"" );
    if( watch_stack_handler )
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "CILK", CILKLIB_NAME );
Esempio n. 3
static void initialize_hardware_concurrency_info () {
    // For these applications processor groups info is unavailable
    // Setting up a number of processors for one processor group
    theProcessorGroups[0].numProcs = theProcessorGroups[0].numProcsRunningTotal = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
#else /* __TBB_WIN8UI_SUPPORT */
    dynamic_link( "Kernel32.dll", ProcessorGroupsApiLinkTable,
                  sizeof(ProcessorGroupsApiLinkTable)/sizeof(dynamic_link_descriptor) );
    DWORD_PTR pam, sam, m = 1;
    GetProcessAffinityMask( GetCurrentProcess(), &pam, &sam );
    int nproc = 0;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT; ++i, m <<= 1 ) {
        if ( pam & m )
    __TBB_ASSERT( nproc <= (int)si.dwNumberOfProcessors, NULL );
    // By default setting up a number of processors for one processor group
    theProcessorGroups[0].numProcs = theProcessorGroups[0].numProcsRunningTotal = nproc;
    // Setting up processor groups in case the process does not restrict affinity mask and more than one processor group is present
    if ( nproc == (int)si.dwNumberOfProcessors && TBB_GetActiveProcessorCount ) {
        // The process does not have restricting affinity mask and multiple processor groups are possible
        ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups = (int)TBB_GetActiveProcessorGroupCount();
        __TBB_ASSERT( ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups <= MaxProcessorGroups, NULL );
        // Fail safety bootstrap. Release versions will limit available concurrency
        // level, while debug ones would assert.
        if ( ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups > MaxProcessorGroups )
            ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups = MaxProcessorGroups;
        if ( ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups > 1 ) {
            TBB_GROUP_AFFINITY ga;
            if ( TBB_GetThreadGroupAffinity( GetCurrentThread(), &ga ) )
                ProcessorGroupInfo::HoleIndex = ga.Group;
            int nprocs = 0;
            for ( WORD i = 0; i < ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups; ++i ) {
                ProcessorGroupInfo  &pgi = theProcessorGroups[i];
                pgi.numProcs = (int)TBB_GetActiveProcessorCount(i);
                __TBB_ASSERT( pgi.numProcs <= (int)sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT, NULL );
                pgi.mask = pgi.numProcs == sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT ? ~(DWORD_PTR)0 : (DWORD_PTR(1) << pgi.numProcs) - 1;
                pgi.numProcsRunningTotal = nprocs += pgi.numProcs;
            __TBB_ASSERT( nprocs == (int)TBB_GetActiveProcessorCount( TBB_ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS ), NULL );
#endif /* __TBB_WIN8UI_SUPPORT */

    PrintExtraVersionInfo("Processor groups", "%d", ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups);
    if (ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups>1)
        for (int i=0; i<ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups; ++i)
            PrintExtraVersionInfo( "----- Group", "%d: size %d", i, theProcessorGroups[i].numProcs);
Esempio n. 4
//! Performs thread-safe lazy one-time general TBB initialization.
void DoOneTimeInitializations() {
    // No fence required for load of InitializationDone, because we are inside a critical section.
    if( !__TBB_InitOnce::InitializationDone ) {
        if( GetBoolEnvironmentVariable("TBB_VERSION") )
        bool itt_present = false;
        itt_present = ITT_Present;
#endif /* DO_ITT_NOTIFY */
        Scheduler_OneTimeInitialization( itt_present );
        // Force processor groups support detection
        // Dump version data
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "Tools support", itt_present ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
        __TBB_InitOnce::InitializationDone = true;
Esempio n. 5
/** Is called by DoOneTimeInitializations and ITT_DoOneTimeInitialization in 
    a protected (one-time) manner. Not to be invoked directly. **/
bool InitializeITT() {
    bool result = false;
    // Check if we are running under a performance or correctness tool
    bool t_checker = GetBoolEnvironmentVariable("KMP_FOR_TCHECK");
    bool t_profiler = GetBoolEnvironmentVariable("KMP_FOR_TPROFILE");
	__TBB_ASSERT(!(t_checker&&t_profiler), NULL);
    if ( t_checker || t_profiler ) {
        // Yes, we are in the tool mode. Try to load libittnotify library.
        result = FillDynamicLinks( LIBITTNOTIFY_NAME, ITT_HandlerTable, ITT_HandlerTable_size, 4 );
    if (result){
        if ( t_checker ) {
            current_tool = ITC;
        } else if ( t_profiler ) {
            current_tool = ITP;
    } else {
        // Clear away the proxy (dummy) handlers
        for (int i = 0; i < ITT_HandlerTable_size; i++)
            *ITT_HandlerTable[i].handler = NULL;
        current_tool = NONE;
    PrintExtraVersionInfo( "ITT", result?"yes":"no" );
    return result;
Esempio n. 6
static void initialize_hardware_concurrency_info () {
    dynamic_link( GetModuleHandleA( "Kernel32.dll" ), ProcessorGroupsApiLinkTable,
                  sizeof(ProcessorGroupsApiLinkTable)/sizeof(dynamic_link_descriptor) );
    DWORD_PTR pam, sam, m = 1;
    GetProcessAffinityMask( GetCurrentProcess(), &pam, &sam );
    int nproc = 0;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT; ++i, m <<= 1 ) {
        if ( pam & m )
    __TBB_ASSERT( nproc <= (int)si.dwNumberOfProcessors, NULL );
    if ( nproc == (int)si.dwNumberOfProcessors && TBB_GetMaximumProcessorCount ) {
        // The process does not have restricting affinity mask and multiple processor groups are possible
        ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups = (int)TBB_GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount();
        __TBB_ASSERT( ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups <= MaxProcessorGroups, NULL );
        // Fail safety bootstrap. Release versions will limit available concurrency
        // level, while debug ones would assert.
        if ( ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups > MaxProcessorGroups )
            ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups = MaxProcessorGroups;
        if ( ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups > 1 ) {
            TBB_GROUP_AFFINITY ga;
            if ( TBB_GetThreadGroupAffinity( GetCurrentThread(), &ga ) )
                ProcessorGroupInfo::HoleIndex = ga.Group;
            int nprocs = 0;
            for ( WORD i = 0; i < ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups; ++i ) {
                ProcessorGroupInfo  &pgi = theProcessorGroups[i];
                pgi.numProcs = (int)TBB_GetMaximumProcessorCount(i);
                __TBB_ASSERT( pgi.numProcs <= (int)sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT, NULL );
                pgi.mask = pgi.numProcs == sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT ? ~(DWORD_PTR)0 : (DWORD_PTR(1) << pgi.numProcs) - 1;
                pgi.numProcsRunningTotal = nprocs += pgi.numProcs;
            __TBB_ASSERT( nprocs == (int)TBB_GetMaximumProcessorCount( TBB_ALL_PROCESSOR_GROUPS ), NULL );
    // Either the process has restricting affinity mask or only a single processor groups is present
    theProcessorGroups[0].numProcs = theProcessorGroups[0].numProcsRunningTotal = nproc;

    PrintExtraVersionInfo("Processor groups", "%d", ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups);
    if (ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups>1)
        for (int i=0; i<ProcessorGroupInfo::NumGroups; ++i)
            PrintExtraVersionInfo( "----- Group", "%d: size %d", i, theProcessorGroups[i].numProcs);
Esempio n. 7
//! Performs thread-safe lazy one-time general TBB initialization.
void DoOneTimeInitializations() {
    // No fence required for load of InitializationDone, because we are inside a critical section.
    if( !__TBB_InitOnce::InitializationDone ) {
        if( GetBoolEnvironmentVariable("TBB_VERSION") )
        bool have_itt = false;
        have_itt = ITT_Present;
#endif /* DO_ITT_NOTIFY */
        PrintExtraVersionInfo( "SCHEDULER", have_itt ? "default" : "Intel" );
        Scheduler_OneTimeInitialization( have_itt );
        __TBB_InitOnce::InitializationDone = true;
Esempio n. 8
void PrintRMLVersionInfo( void* arg, const char* server_info )
    PrintExtraVersionInfo( server_info, (const char *)arg );