Esempio n. 1
// Print disassembled instructions
// Return value: number of words in the last instruction
int PrintDisassemble(CProcessor* pProc, WORD address, BOOL okOneInstr, BOOL okShort)
    BOOL okHaltMode = pProc->IsHaltMode();

    const int nWindowSize = 30;
    WORD memory[nWindowSize + 2];
    int addrtype;
    for (int i = 0; i < nWindowSize + 2; i++)
        memory[i] = g_pBoard->GetWordView(address + i * 2, okHaltMode, TRUE, &addrtype);

    TCHAR bufaddr[7];
    TCHAR bufvalue[7];
    TCHAR buffer[64];

    int lastLength = 0;
    int length = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < nWindowSize; index++)  // –исуем строки
        PrintOctalValue(bufaddr, address);
        WORD value = memory[index];
        PrintOctalValue(bufvalue, value);

        if (length > 0)
            if (!okShort)
                wsprintf(buffer, _T("  %s  %s\r\n"), bufaddr, bufvalue);
            if (okOneInstr && index > 0)
            TCHAR instr[8];
            TCHAR args[32];
            length = DisassembleInstruction(memory + index, address, instr, args);
            lastLength = length;
            if (index + length > nWindowSize)
            if (okShort)
                wsprintf(buffer, _T("  %s  %-7s %s\r\n"), bufaddr, instr, args);
                wsprintf(buffer, _T("  %s  %s  %-7s %s\r\n"), bufaddr, bufvalue, instr, args);
        address += 2;

    return lastLength;
Esempio n. 2
// Print memory dump
void PrintMemoryDump(CProcessor* pProc, WORD address, int lines)
    address &= ~1;  // Line up to even address

    BOOL okHaltMode = pProc->IsHaltMode();

    for (int line = 0; line < lines; line++)
        WORD dump[8];
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            dump[i] = g_pBoard->GetWord(address + i * 2, okHaltMode);

        TCHAR buffer[2 + 6 + 2 + 7 * 8 + 1 + 16 + 1 + 2];
        TCHAR* pBuf = buffer;
        *pBuf = _T(' ');  pBuf++;
        *pBuf = _T(' ');  pBuf++;
        PrintOctalValue(pBuf, address);  pBuf += 6;
        *pBuf = _T(' ');  pBuf++;
        *pBuf = _T(' ');  pBuf++;
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            PrintOctalValue(pBuf, dump[i]);  pBuf += 6;
            *pBuf = _T(' ');  pBuf++;
        *pBuf = _T(' ');  pBuf++;
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            WORD word = dump[i];
            BYTE ch1 = LOBYTE(word);
            TCHAR wch1 = Translate_BK_Unicode(ch1);
            if (ch1 < 32) wch1 = _T('Ј');
            *pBuf = wch1;  pBuf++;
            BYTE ch2 = HIBYTE(word);
            TCHAR wch2 = Translate_BK_Unicode(ch2);
            if (ch2 < 32) wch2 = _T('Ј');
            *pBuf = wch2;  pBuf++;
        *pBuf++ = _T('\r');
        *pBuf++ = _T('\n');
        *pBuf = 0;


        address += 16;
Esempio n. 3
void PrintConsolePrompt()
    CProcessor* pProc = ConsoleView_GetCurrentProcessor();
    TCHAR bufferAddr[7];
    PrintOctalValue(bufferAddr, pProc->GetPC());
    TCHAR buffer[14];
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("%s> "), bufferAddr);
    ::SetWindowText(m_hwndConsolePrompt, buffer);
Esempio n. 4
void Dialogs_DoLoadBinPrepare(HWND hDlg, LPCTSTR strFileName)
    ::SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDITFILE, NULL);

    // Open file for reading
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(strFileName,
    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        AlertWarning(_T("Failed to load binary file."));

    // Load BIN header
    BYTE bufHeader[20];
    DWORD bytesRead;
    ::ReadFile(hFile, bufHeader, 4, &bytesRead, NULL);
    if (bytesRead != 4)
        AlertWarning(_T("Failed to load binary file."));

    WORD baseAddress = *((WORD*)bufHeader);
    WORD dataSize = *(((WORD*)bufHeader) + 1);

    //TCHAR bufName[17];
    //::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)(bufHeader + 4), 16, bufName, 17);
    //bufName[16] = 0;

    // Set controls text
    TCHAR bufValue[8];
    ::SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDITFILE, strFileName);
    PrintOctalValue(bufValue, baseAddress);
    ::SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDITADDR, bufValue);
    PrintOctalValue(bufValue, dataSize);
    ::SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDITSIZE, bufValue);
    //::SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_EDITNAME, bufName);

Esempio n. 5
// Print register name, octal value and binary value
void PrintRegister(LPCTSTR strName, WORD value)
    TCHAR buffer[31];
    TCHAR* p = buffer;
    *p++ = _T(' ');
    *p++ = _T(' ');
    lstrcpy(p, strName);  p += 2;
    *p++ = _T(' ');
    PrintOctalValue(p, value);  p += 6;
    *p++ = _T(' ');
    PrintBinaryValue(p, value);  p += 16;
    *p++ = _T('\r');
    *p++ = _T('\n');
    *p++ = 0;
Esempio n. 6
int DisasmView_DrawDisassemble(HDC hdc, CProcessor* pProc, WORD base, WORD previous, int x, int y)
    int result = -1;
    int cxChar, cyLine;  GetFontWidthAndHeight(hdc, &cxChar, &cyLine);
    COLORREF colorText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);

    const CMemoryController* pMemCtl = pProc->GetMemoryController();
    WORD proccurrent = pProc->GetPC();
    WORD current = base;

    // Draw current line background
    if (!m_okDisasmSubtitles)  //NOTE: Subtitles can move lines down
        HGDIOBJ oldBrush = SelectObject(hdc, CreateSolidBrush(COLOR_CURRENT));
        int yCurrent = (proccurrent - (current - 5)) * cyLine;
        PatBlt(hdc, 0, yCurrent, 1000, cyLine, PATCOPY);
        SelectObject(hdc, oldBrush);

    // Читаем из памяти процессора в буфер
    const int nWindowSize = 30;
    WORD memory[nWindowSize + 2];
    for (int idx = 0; idx < nWindowSize; idx++)
        BOOL okValidAddress;
        memory[idx] = pMemCtl->GetWordView(
                (WORD)(current + idx * 2 - 10), pProc->IsHaltMode(), TRUE, &okValidAddress);

    WORD address = current - 10;
    WORD disasmfrom = current;
    if (previous >= address && previous < current)
        disasmfrom = previous;

    int length = 0;
    WORD wNextBaseAddr = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < nWindowSize; index++)  // Рисуем строки
        if (m_okDisasmSubtitles)  // Subtitles - комментарий к блоку
            DisasmSubtitleItem* pSubItem = DisasmView_FindSubtitle(address, SUBTYPE_BLOCKCOMMENT);
            if (pSubItem != NULL && pSubItem->comment != NULL)
                LPCTSTR strBlockSubtitle = pSubItem->comment;

                ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_SUBTITLE);
                TextOut(hdc, x + 21 * cxChar, y, strBlockSubtitle, (int) _tcslen(strBlockSubtitle));
                ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);

                y += cyLine;

        DrawOctalValue(hdc, x + 5 * cxChar, y, address);  // Address
        // Value at the address
        WORD value = memory[index];
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_VALUE);
        DrawOctalValue(hdc, x + 13 * cxChar, y, value);
        ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);

        // Current position
        if (address == current)
            TextOut(hdc, x + 1 * cxChar, y, _T("  >"), 3);
            result = y;  // Remember line for the focus rect
        if (address == proccurrent)
            TextOut(hdc, x + 1 * cxChar, y, _T("PC>>"), 4);
        else if (address == previous)
            ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_BLUE);
            TextOut(hdc, x + 1 * cxChar, y, _T("  > "), 4);

        BOOL okData = FALSE;
        if (m_okDisasmSubtitles)  // Show subtitle
            DisasmSubtitleItem* pSubItem = DisasmView_FindSubtitle(address, SUBTYPE_COMMENT | SUBTYPE_DATA);
            if (pSubItem != NULL && (pSubItem->type & SUBTYPE_DATA) != 0)
                okData = TRUE;
            if (pSubItem != NULL && (pSubItem->type & SUBTYPE_COMMENT) != 0 && pSubItem->comment != NULL)
                LPCTSTR strSubtitle = pSubItem->comment;

                ::SetTextColor(hdc, COLOR_SUBTITLE);
                TextOut(hdc, x + 52 * cxChar, y, strSubtitle, (int) _tcslen(strSubtitle));
                ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);

                // Строку с субтитром мы можем использовать как опорную для дизассемблера
                if (disasmfrom > address)
                    disasmfrom = address;

        if (address >= disasmfrom && length == 0)
            TCHAR strInstr[8];
            TCHAR strArg[32];
            if (okData)  // По этому адресу лежат данные -- нет смысла дизассемблировать
                lstrcpy(strInstr, _T("data"));
                PrintOctalValue(strArg, *(memory + index));
                length = 1;
                length = DisassembleInstruction(memory + index, address, strInstr, strArg);

                int delta;
                if (!m_okDisasmSubtitles &&  //NOTE: Subtitles can move lines down
                    DisasmView_CheckForJump(memory + index, address, &delta) &&
                    abs(delta) < 32)
                    DisasmView_DrawJump(hdc, y, delta, x + (30 + _tcslen(strArg)) * cxChar, cyLine);
            if (index + length <= nWindowSize)
                TextOut(hdc, x + 21 * cxChar, y, strInstr, (int) _tcslen(strInstr));
                TextOut(hdc, x + 29 * cxChar, y, strArg, (int) _tcslen(strArg));
            ::SetTextColor(hdc, colorText);
            if (wNextBaseAddr == 0)
                wNextBaseAddr = (WORD)(address + length * 2);
        if (length > 0) length--;

        address += 2;
        y += cyLine;

    m_wDisasmNextBaseAddr = wNextBaseAddr;

    return result;
Esempio n. 7
void DebugView_DrawChannels(HDC hdc, int x, int y)
    int cxChar, cyLine;  GetFontWidthAndHeight(hdc, &cxChar, &cyLine);

    //CProcessor* pCPU = g_pBoard->GetCPU();
    //CProcessor* pPPU = g_pBoard->GetPPU();
    //CMemoryController* pCPUMemCtl = pCPU->GetMemoryController();
    //CMemoryController* pPPUMemCtl = pPPU->GetMemoryController();

    TextOut(hdc, x, y, _T("Channels:"), 9);

    TCHAR bufData[7];
    TCHAR buffer[32];
    chan_stc tmpstc;

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(0, 0, 0);

    wsprintf(buffer, _T("PPU CH:0 RX D:%s RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), bufData + 3, tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 1 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(0, 1, 0);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("PPU CH:1 RX D:%s RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), bufData + 3, tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 2 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(0, 2, 0);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("PPU CH:2 RX D:%s RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), bufData + 3, tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 3 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(0, 0, 1);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("PPU CH:0 TX       RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 4 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(0, 1, 1);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("PPU CH:1 TX       RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 5 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(1, 0, 0);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("CPU CH:0 RX D:%s RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), bufData + 3, tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 6 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(1, 1, 0);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("CPU CH:1 RX D:%s RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), bufData + 3, tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 7 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(1, 0, 1);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("CPU CH:0 TX       RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 8 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(1, 1, 1);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("CPU CH:1 TX       RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 9 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

    tmpstc = g_pBoard->GetChannelStruct(1, 2, 1);
    wsprintf(buffer, _T("CPU CH:2 TX       RDY:%d IRQ:%d"), tmpstc.ready, tmpstc.irq);
    TextOut(hdc, x, y + 10 * cyLine, buffer, lstrlen(buffer));

Esempio n. 8
void QMemoryView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*event*/)
    if (g_pBoard == NULL) return;

    QPainter painter(this);
    painter.fillRect(0,0, this->width(), this->height(), Qt::white);

    QFont font = Common_GetMonospacedFont();
    QFontMetrics fontmetrics(font);
    int cxChar = fontmetrics.averageCharWidth();
    int cyLine = fontmetrics.height();

    CProcessor* pDebugPU = g_pBoard->GetCPU();
    ASSERT(pDebugPU != NULL);

    QColor colorText = painter.pen().color();

    m_cyLineMemory = cyLine;

    TCHAR buffer[7];
    const TCHAR* ADDRESS_LINE = _T(" address  0      2      4      6      10     12     14     16");
    painter.drawText(0, cyLine, ADDRESS_LINE);

    // Calculate m_nPageSize
    m_nPageSize = this->height() / cyLine - 1;

    quint16 address = m_wBaseAddress;
    int y = 2 * cyLine;
    for (;;) {  // Draw lines
        DrawOctalValue(painter, 2 * cxChar, y, address);

        int x = 10 * cxChar;
        ushort wchars[16];

        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {  // Draw words as octal value
            // Get word from memory
            quint16 word = 0;
            int addrtype;
            bool okHalt = false;
            quint16 wChanged = 0;

            okHalt = pDebugPU->IsHaltMode();
            word = g_pBoard->GetWordView(address, okHalt, false, &addrtype);
            wChanged = Emulator_GetChangeRamStatus(address);

            if ((addrtype & (ADDRTYPE_IO | ADDRTYPE_DENY)) == 0)
                painter.setPen(wChanged != 0 ? Qt::red : colorText);
                if (m_ByteMode)
                    PrintOctalValue(buffer, (word & 0xff));
                    painter.drawText(x, y, buffer + 3);
                    PrintOctalValue(buffer, (word >> 8));
                    painter.drawText(x + 3 * cxChar + cxChar / 2, y, buffer + 3);
                    DrawOctalValue(painter, x, y, word);

            // Prepare characters to draw at right
            quint8 ch1 = (quint8)(word & 0xff); // LOBYTE
            ushort wch1 = Translate_BK_Unicode(ch1);
            if (ch1 < 32) wch1 = 0x00b7;
            wchars[j * 2] = wch1;
            quint8 ch2 = (quint8)((word >> 8) & 0xff); // HIBYTE
            ushort wch2 = Translate_BK_Unicode(ch2);
            if (ch2 < 32) wch2 = 0x00b7;
            wchars[j * 2 + 1] = wch2;

            address += 2;
            x += 7 * cxChar;