Esempio n. 1
	bool PlayerInfo::UserCmd_ShowInfo(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		const wchar_t *wszTargetName = 0;
		const wstring &wscCommand = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0);
		if (wscCommand == L"me")
			wszTargetName = Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
			uint iShip;
			pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, iShip);

			uint iTargetShip;
			pub::SpaceObj::GetTarget(iShip, iTargetShip);

			uint iTargetClientID = HkGetClientIDByShip(iTargetShip);
			if (HkIsValidClientID(iTargetClientID))
				wszTargetName = Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iTargetClientID);

		if (!wszTargetName)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR No target");
			return true;

		string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(wszTargetName, "-info.ini");
		wstring wscPlayerInfo = L"<RDL><PUSH/>";
		for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_PARAGRAPHS; i++)
			wstring wscXML = IniGetLongWS(scFilePath, "Info", itos(i), L"");
			if (wscXML.length())
				wscPlayerInfo += L"<TEXT>" + wscXML + L"</TEXT><PARA/><PARA/>";
		wstring wscXML = IniGetLongWS(scFilePath, "Info", "AdminNote", L"");
		if (wscXML.length())
				wscPlayerInfo += L"<TEXT>" + wscXML + L"</TEXT><PARA/><PARA/>";
		wscPlayerInfo += L"<POP/></RDL>";

		if (wscPlayerInfo.length() < 30)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR No information available");
			return true;

		HkChangeIDSString(iClientID, RSRCID_PLAYERINFO_TITLE, wszTargetName);
		HkChangeIDSString(iClientID, RSRCID_PLAYERINFO_TEXT, wscPlayerInfo);

		FmtStr caption(0, 0);

		FmtStr message(0, 0);

		pub::Player::PopUpDialog(iClientID, caption, message, POPUPDIALOG_BUTTONS_CENTER_OK);
		return true;
Esempio n. 2
	bool AP::AlleyCmd_Help(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
		wstring rights;

		bool isAngel = false;

		// is it an admin		
		if (HkGetAdmin((const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), rights) == HKE_OK)
			//PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are a platinum level Admin. Use $help for a list of available commands.");
			isAngel = true;

		// is it an angel
		list<wstring>::iterator iter = angels.begin();
		while (iter != angels.end())
			if (*iter == wscCharname)
				isAngel = true;

		if (isAngel == false)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are not an Angel. You will now be permabanned.");
			return true;

		//PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are a platinum level Angel. Use $help for a list of available commands.");
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"The following commands are available to platinum level Angels:");
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Command: $chase <charname> - Teleports you through bob to the desired player");
		return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool UserCmd_BountyHelp(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Usage: /bounty add <target> <cash> <xContracts>\n");
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Usage: /bounty addto <target> <cash>\n");
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Usage: /bounty view <target>\n");
	return true;
Esempio n. 4
	/** Process a set the move char code command */
	bool Rename::UserCmd_SetMoveCharCode(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		// Don't indicate an error if moving is disabled.
		if (!set_bEnableMoveChar)
			return false;

		if (wscParam.size()==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
		string scFile;
		if (!GetUserFilePath(scFile, wscCharname, "-movechar.ini"))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Character does not exist");
			return true;

		wstring wscCode = Trim(GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0));
		if (wscCode==L"none")
			IniWriteW(scFile, "Settings", "Code", L"");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Movechar code cleared");
			IniWriteW(scFile, "Settings", "Code", wscCode);
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Movechar code set to "+wscCode);
		return true;
Esempio n. 5
void __stdcall GFGoodSell(const struct SGFGoodSellInfo &gsi, unsigned int iClientID)

	uint iBase;
	pub::Player::GetBase(iClientID, iBase);

	multimap<uint, CARGO_MISSION>::iterator start = set_mapCargoMissions.lower_bound(iBase);
	multimap<uint, CARGO_MISSION>::iterator end = set_mapCargoMissions.upper_bound(iBase);
	for (; start != end; ++start)
		if (start->second.item == gsi.iArchID)
			if (start->second.curr_amount < start->second.required_amount)
				int needed = start->second.required_amount - start->second.curr_amount;
				if (needed > gsi.iCount)
					start->second.curr_amount += gsi.iCount;
					needed = start->second.required_amount - start->second.curr_amount;
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"%d units remaining to complete mission objective", needed);
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Mission objective completed",needed);
Esempio n. 6
	// Make tag password
	bool UserCmd_SetTagPass(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		if (set_bCharnameTags)
			// Indicate an error if the command does not appear to be formatted correctly 
			// and stop processing but tell FLHook that we processed the command.
			if (wscParam.size()==0)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
				return true;

			wstring tag = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0);
			wstring master_password = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 1);
			wstring rename_password = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 2);

			// If this tag is in use then reject the request.
			for (std::map<wstring, TAG_DATA>::iterator i = mapTagToPassword.begin(); i != mapTagToPassword.end(); ++i)
				if (tag == i->second.tag && master_password == i->second.master_password)
					i->second.rename_password = rename_password;
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Created rename password %s for tag %s", rename_password.c_str(), tag.c_str());
					return true;
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR tag or master password are invalid");
			return true;
		return false;
Esempio n. 7
	bool UserCmd_DropTag(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		if (set_bCharnameTags)
			// Indicate an error if the command does not appear to be formatted correctly 
			// and stop processing but tell FLHook that we processed the command.
			if (wscParam.size()==0)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
				return true;

			wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
			wstring tag = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0);
			wstring pass = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 1);

			// If this tag is in use then reject the request.
			for (std::map<wstring, TAG_DATA>::iterator i = mapTagToPassword.begin(); i != mapTagToPassword.end(); ++i)
				if (tag == i->second.tag && pass == i->second.master_password)
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Tag dropped");
					AddLog("NOTICE: Tag %s dropped by %s (%s)", wstos(tag).c_str(), wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountIDByClientID(iClientID)).c_str());
					return true;

			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR tag or master password are invalid");
			return true;
		return false;
Esempio n. 8
	/** Process a set cash code command */
	bool GiveCash::UserCmd_SetCashCode(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) 
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
		string scFile;
		if (!GetUserFilePath(scFile, wscCharname, "-givecash.ini"))
			return true;

		wstring wscCode = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);

		if (!wscCode.size())
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
		else if (wscCode==L"none")
			IniWriteW(scFile, "Settings", "Code", L"");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Account code cleared");
			IniWriteW(scFile, "Settings", "Code", wscCode);
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Account code set to "+wscCode);
		return true;
Esempio n. 9
	void AP::BaseEnter_AFTER(uint base, uint iClientID)
		//PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Base ID: %08x", base);
		// is it a base of terror
		if (bastillebase.find(base) != bastillebase.end())
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are in the prison system for violating the server rules.");
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Head to the Sanction Notices section of the forums for more information.");
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"If there is no sanction for this ship, contact the administration team on the forums.");
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Forums:");
Esempio n. 10
bool UserCmd_BountyView(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
	if (!bPluginEnabled)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"BountyTracker is disabled.");
		return true;

	// Get the parameters from the user command.
	wstring wscName = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
	wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
	wstring wscxTimes = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);

	if (wscName == L"")
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid Parameters\n");
		return false;
	if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscName) == 0)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player does not exist");
		return true;
	BountyTargetInfo BTIv = mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)];
	wstring PFwsTargetInfo;
	PFwsTargetInfo = L"Target: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += ToLower(wscName);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Worth: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.Cash);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Contracts Left: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.xTimes);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issuer: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.issuer);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issued: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIv.issueTime);
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, PFwsTargetInfo);
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK");
	return true;
Esempio n. 11
void SwitchSystem(uint iClientID, uint system, Vector pos, Matrix ornt)
	mapDeferredJumps[iClientID].system = system;
	mapDeferredJumps[iClientID].pos = pos;
	mapDeferredJumps[iClientID].ornt = ornt;

	// Force a launch to put the ship in the right location in the current system so that
	// when the change system command arrives (hopefully) a fraction of a second later
	// the ship will appear at the right location.
	HkRelocateClient(iClientID, pos, ornt);
	// Send the jump command to the client. The client will send a system switch out complete
	// event which we intercept to set the new starting positions.
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L" ChangeSys %u", system);
Esempio n. 12
	/** Show five messages from the specified starting position. */
	void MailShow(const wstring &wscCharname, const string &scExtension, int iFirstMsg)
		// Make sure the character is logged in.
		uint iClientID = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscCharname);
		if (iClientID==-1)

		// Get the target player's message file.
		string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(wscCharname, scExtension);
		if (scFilePath.length()==0)

		int iLastMsg = iFirstMsg;
		for (int iMsgSlot = iFirstMsg, iMsgCount = 0; iMsgSlot<MAX_MAIL_MSGS && iMsgCount<5; iMsgSlot++, iMsgCount++)
			wstring wscTmpMsg = IniGetWS(scFilePath, "Msgs", itos(iMsgSlot), L"");
			if (wscTmpMsg.length()==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"#%02d %s", iMsgSlot, wscTmpMsg.c_str());
			IniWrite(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", itos(iMsgSlot), "yes");
			iLastMsg = iMsgSlot;
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Viewing #%02d-#%02d of %02d messages", iFirstMsg, iLastMsg, MailCount(wscCharname, scExtension));
Esempio n. 13
void __stdcall PlayerLaunch_AFTER(unsigned int ship, unsigned int client)

	if (transferFlags[client] == CLIENT_STATE_TRANSFER)
		if (!ValidateCargo(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO2);

		transferFlags[client] = CLIENT_STATE_NONE;
		MoveClient(client, set_iTargetBaseID);

	if (transferFlags[client] == CLIENT_STATE_RETURN)
		if (!ValidateCargo(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO2);

		transferFlags[client] = CLIENT_STATE_NONE;
		unsigned int returnPoint = ReadReturnPointForClient(client);

		if (!returnPoint)

		MoveClient(client, returnPoint);
		HookExt::IniSetI(client, "conn.retbase", 0);
Esempio n. 14
	/** Check for new or unread messages. */
	void MailCheckLog(const wstring &wscCharname, const string &scExtension)
		// Make sure the character is logged in.
		uint iClientID = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscCharname);
		if (iClientID==-1)

		// Get the target player's message file.
		string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(wscCharname, scExtension);
		if (scFilePath.length()==0)

		// If there are unread messaging then inform the player
		int iUnreadMsgs = MailCountUnread(wscCharname, scExtension);
		if (iUnreadMsgs>0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You have %d unread messages. Type /mail to see your messages", iUnreadMsgs);
Esempio n. 15
wstring GetLocation(unsigned int client)
	uint iSystemID = 0;
	uint iShip = 0;
	pub::Player::GetSystem(client, iSystemID);
	pub::Player::GetShip(client, iShip);
	if (!iSystemID || !iShip)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Not in space");
		return false;

	Vector pos;
	Matrix rot;
	pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(iShip, pos, rot);

	float scale = 1.0;
	const Universe::ISystem *iSystem = Universe::get_system(iSystemID);
	if (iSystem)
		scale = iSystem->NavMapScale;

	float fGridsize = 34000.0f / scale;
	int gridRefX = (int)((pos.x + (fGridsize * 5)) / fGridsize) - 1;
	int gridRefZ = (int)((pos.z + (fGridsize * 5)) / fGridsize) - 1;

	wstring wscXPos = L"X";
	if (gridRefX >= 0 && gridRefX < 8)
		wchar_t* gridXLabel[] = {L"A", L"B", L"C", L"D", L"E", L"F", L"G", L"H"};
		wscXPos = gridXLabel[gridRefX];

	wstring wscZPos = L"X";
	if (gridRefZ >= 0 && gridRefZ < 8)
		wchar_t* gridZLabel[] = {L"1", L"2", L"3", L"4", L"5", L"6", L"7", L"8"};
		wscZPos = gridZLabel[gridRefZ];

	wchar_t wszCurrentLocation[100];
	_snwprintf(wszCurrentLocation, sizeof(wszCurrentLocation), L"%s-%s", wscXPos.c_str(), wscZPos.c_str());
	return wszCurrentLocation;
Esempio n. 16
	/** Process a show cash command **/
	bool GiveCash::UserCmd_ShowCash(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) 
		// The last error.
		HK_ERROR err;

		// Get the current character name
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);

		// Get the parameters from the user command.
		wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
		wstring wscCode = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);

		if (!wscTargetCharname.length() || !wscCode.length())
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		CAccount *acc=HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (acc==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR char does not exist");
			return true;	

		string scFile;
		if (!GetUserFilePath(scFile, wscTargetCharname, "-givecash.ini"))
			return true;

		wstring wscTargetCode = IniGetWS(scFile, "Settings", "Code", L"");
		if (!wscTargetCode.length() || wscTargetCode!=wscCode)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash account access denied");
			return true;

		int iCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, iCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK Account "+wscTargetCharname+L" has " + ToMoneyStr(iCash) + L" credits");
		return true;
Esempio n. 17
bool UserCmd_Process(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd)

	wstring wscCmdLineLower = ToLower(wscCmd);

	// If the chat string does not match the USER_CMD then we do not handle the
	// command, so let other plugins or FLHook kick in. We require an exact match
	for (uint i = 0; (i < sizeof(UserCmds) / sizeof(USERCMD)); i++)

		if (wscCmdLineLower.find(UserCmds[i].wszCmd) == 0)
			// Extract the parameters string from the chat string. It should
			// be immediately after the command and a space.
			wstring wscParam = L"";
			if (wscCmd.length() > wcslen(UserCmds[i].wszCmd))
				if (wscCmd[wcslen(UserCmds[i].wszCmd)] != ' ')
				wscParam = wscCmd.substr(wcslen(UserCmds[i].wszCmd) + 1);

			// Dispatch the command to the appropriate processing function.
			if (UserCmds[i].proc(iClientID, wscCmd, wscParam, UserCmds[i].usage))
				// We handled the command tell FL hook to stop processing this
				// chat string.
				returncode = SKIPPLUGINS_NOFUNCTIONCALL; // we handled the command, return immediatly
				return true;
			else {
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, UserCmds[i].usage);
				return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 18
/// Print message to all ships within the specific number of meters of the player.
void PrintLocalUserCmdText(uint client, const wstring &wscMsg, float fDistance)
	uint iShip;
	pub::Player::GetShip(client, iShip);

	Vector pos;
	Matrix rot;
	pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(iShip, pos, rot);

	uint iSystem;
	pub::Player::GetSystem(client, iSystem);

	// For all players in system...
	struct PlayerData *pPD = 0;
	while(pPD = Players.traverse_active(pPD))
		// Get the this player's current system and location in the system.
		uint client2 = HkGetClientIdFromPD(pPD);
		uint iSystem2 = 0;
		pub::Player::GetSystem(client2, iSystem2);
		if (iSystem != iSystem2)

		uint iShip2;
		pub::Player::GetShip(client2, iShip2);

		Vector pos2;
		Matrix rot2;
		pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(iShip2, pos2, rot2);

		// Is player within the specified range of the sending char.
		if (HkDistance3D(pos, pos2) > fDistance)

		PrintUserCmdText(client2, L"%s", wscMsg.c_str());
Esempio n. 19
	bool PlayerInfo::UserCmd_SetInfo(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		uint iPara = ToInt(GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0));
		const wstring &wscCommand = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 1);
		const wstring &wscMsg = GetParamToEnd(wscParam, ' ', 2);

		string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), "-info.ini");
		if (scFilePath.length()==0)
			return false;

		if (iPara > 0 && iPara <= MAX_PARAGRAPHS && wscCommand == L"a")
			int length = CurrLength(scFilePath) + wscMsg.length();
			if (length > MAX_CHARACTERS)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Too many characters. Limit is %d", MAX_CHARACTERS);
				return false;

			wstring wscNewMsg = IniGetLongWS(scFilePath, "Info", itos(iPara), L"") + XMLText(wscMsg);
			IniWriteW(scFilePath, "Info", itos(iPara), wscNewMsg);
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK %d/%d characters used", length, MAX_CHARACTERS);
		else if (iPara > 0 && iPara <= MAX_PARAGRAPHS && wscCommand == L"d")
			IniWriteW(scFilePath, "Info", itos(iPara), L"");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK");		
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"/setinfo <paragraph> <command> <text>");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"|  <paragraph> The paragraph number in the range 1-%d", MAX_PARAGRAPHS);
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"|  <command> The command to perform on the paragraph, 'a' for append, 'd' for delete");

		return true;
Esempio n. 20
void UserCmd_Help(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscParam)
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Change SyS");
Esempio n. 21
bool AdminCmd_ChangeSystem(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
	wstring wscArg = ToLower(GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0));
	//check master switch bruh
	if (!bPluginEnabled)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ChangeSys is disabled.\n");
		return true;
	if (wscArg.length()==0)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Incorrect Parameters <sys|list>");
		return true;
	//check what the parameters are
	if (wcscmp(wscArg.c_str(), L"list") == 0)
		//show list of systems
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"list of systems: ");
		/*for (vector<string>::iterator it = bPluginAllowedSystems.begin(); it != bPluginAllowedSystems.end(); ++it) 
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(*it));
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(bPluginAllowedSystemsFriendly));
		return true;
	//assume player is trying to enter a system id
	uint ship;
	pub::Player::GetShip(iClientID, ship);
	if (!ship)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in space\n");
		return true;
	//check if valid sys id from config vector
	if(find(bPluginAllowedSystems.begin(), bPluginAllowedSystems.end(), wstos(wscArg)) != bPluginAllowedSystems.end())
		//its a match buddy!
		//do tha magic
		//get system id for server
		uint iTargetSystem = CreateID(wstos(wscArg).c_str());
		Vector pos;
		Matrix ornt;
		//get the pos and ornt of ship
		pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(ship, pos, ornt);
		//move player
		SwitchSystem(iClientID, iTargetSystem, pos, ornt);
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Moving to system: ");
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, wscArg.c_str());
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK\n");
		//done magic
		//well f**k
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid system id: ");
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, wscArg.c_str());

	return true;
Esempio n. 22
	 Move a character from a remote account into this one.
	bool Rename::UserCmd_MoveChar(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		HK_ERROR err;

		// Don't indicate an error if moving is disabled.
		if (!set_bEnableMoveChar)
			return false;

		// Indicate an error if the command does not appear to be formatted correctly 
		// and stop processing but tell FLHook that we processed the command.
		if (wscParam.size()==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		uint iBaseID;
		pub::Player::GetBase(iClientID, iBaseID);
		if (!iBaseID)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in base");
			return true;

		// Get the target account directory.
		string scFile;
		wstring wscMovingCharname = Trim(GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0));
		if (!GetUserFilePath(scFile, wscMovingCharname, "-movechar.ini"))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Character does not exist");
			return true;
		// Check the move char code.
		wstring wscCode = Trim(GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1));
		wstring wscTargetCode = IniGetWS(scFile, "Settings", "Code", L"");
		if (!wscTargetCode.length() || wscTargetCode!=wscCode)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Move character access denied");
			return true;

		// Get the character name for this connection.
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);

		for (map<wstring, LockedShipsStruct>::iterator i = MapLockedShips.begin(); i != MapLockedShips.end(); ++i)
			if ((i->first == wscMovingCharname) && (i->second.LockLevel > 0))
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR This ship is locked. The FBI has been notified.");
				wstring spurdoip;
				HkGetPlayerIP(iClientID, spurdoip);
				AddLog("SHIPLOCK: Attempt to movechar locked ship %s from IP %s", wstos(wscMovingCharname).c_str(), wstos(spurdoip).c_str());
				ConPrint(L"SHIPLOCK: Attempt to movechar locked ship %s from IP %s\n", wscMovingCharname.c_str(), spurdoip.c_str());
				return true;

		// Prevent ships from banned accounts from being moved.
		if (IsBanned(wscMovingCharname))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR not permitted");
			return true;
		// Saving the characters forces an anti-cheat checks and fixes 
		// up a multitude of other problems.

		// Read the current number of credits for the player
		// and check that the character has enough cash.
		int iCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if (set_iMoveCost>0 && iCash<set_iMoveCost)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Insufficient credits");
			return true;

		// Check there is room in this account.
		CAccount *acc=Players.FindAccountFromClientID(iClientID);
		if (acc->iNumberOfCharacters >= 7)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Too many characters in account");
			return true;

		// Copy character file into this account with a temp name.
		char szDataPath[MAX_PATH];
		string scAcctPath = string(szDataPath) + "\\Accts\\MultiPlayer\\";

		wstring wscDir;
		wstring wscSourceDir;
		wstring wscSourceFile;
		if ((err = HkGetAccountDirName(wscCharname, wscDir))!=HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if ((err = HkGetAccountDirName(wscMovingCharname, wscSourceDir))!=HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if ((err = HkGetCharFileName(wscMovingCharname, wscSourceFile))!=HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		// Remove cash if we're charging for it.
		if (set_iMoveCost>0)
			HkAddCash(wscCharname, 0-set_iMoveCost);
		// Schedule the move
		MOVE o;
		o.wscDestinationCharname = wscCharname;
		o.wscMovingCharname = wscMovingCharname;
		o.scSourceFile = scAcctPath + wstos(wscSourceDir) + "\\" + wstos(wscSourceFile) + ".fl";
		o.scDestFile = scAcctPath + wstos(wscDir) + "\\" + wstos(wscSourceFile) + ".fl";
		o.scDestFileTemp = scAcctPath + wstos(wscDir) + "\\" + wstos(wscSourceFile) + ".fl.moving";

		// Delete the move code

		// Kick
		HkKickReason(o.wscDestinationCharname, L"Moving character, please wait 10 seconds before reconnecting");
		HkKickReason(o.wscMovingCharname, L"Moving character, please wait 10 seconds before reconnecting");
		return true;
Esempio n. 23
void __stdcall ShipDestroyed(DamageList *_dmg, DWORD *ecx, uint iKill)
	if (iKill)
		CShip *cship = (CShip*)ecx[4];
		//check the death was a player
		if (cship->is_player())
			uint iDestroyedID = cship->GetOwnerPlayer();
			wstring wscDestroyedName = ToLower((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iDestroyedID));
			//check if they have a bounty
			BountyTargetInfo BTId = mapBountyTargets[wscDestroyedName];
			if (BTId.Char == wstos(wscDestroyedName) && stoi(BTId.xTimes) > 0 &&
				if (deleteBountyCfg(BTId))
					///ConPrint(L"bounty removed from cfg\n");
					ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err removing from cfg. is server admin?\n");
				// calls the killer the last one to damage the victim
				DamageList dmg;
				try { dmg = *_dmg; }
				catch (...) { return; }
				dmg = ClientInfo[iDestroyedID].dmgLast;

				//The killer's id
				uint iKillerID = HkGetClientIDByShip(dmg.get_inflictor_id());
				//The killer's name
				wstring wscKillerName = (wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iKillerID);

				//check if player killed by ai
				if (stoi(wstos(HkGetAccountIDByClientID(iKillerID))) == -1)
					///ConPrint(L"nevermind, ai got him");
				if (iKillerID == iDestroyedID)
					///ConPrint(L"killer and victim are the same");
				if (ToLower(wscKillerName) == stows(BTId.issuer))
					///ConPrint(L"killer was the issuer of the bounty");
				// -1 to contracts left
				BTId.xTimes = itos(stoi(BTId.xTimes) - 1);
				if (stoi(BTId.xTimes) == 0)
					//bounty has been fullfilled, clear all dataa = false;
					BTId.Cash = "0";
					BTId.xTimes = "0";
					BTId.issuer = "n/a";
					BTId.lastTime = itos((int)time(0));
					BTId.issueTime = "0";

				//upload into neural net
				mapBountyTargets[wscDestroyedName] = BTId;
				if (appendBountyCfg(BTId))
					///ConPrint(L"cfg saved\n");
					ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err saving to cfg. is serevr admin?\n");

				//Print Friendly Wide String TargetInfo
				wstring PFwsTargetInfo;
				PFwsTargetInfo = L"Target: ";
				PFwsTargetInfo += ToLower(wscDestroyedName);
				PFwsTargetInfo += L" Worth: ";
				PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.Cash);
				PFwsTargetInfo += L" Contracts Left: ";
				PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.xTimes);
				PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issuer: ";
				PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.issuer);
				PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issued at: ";
				PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTId.issueTime);

				//add bounty cash
				HkAddCash(wscKillerName, stoi(BTId.Cash));
				PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"Successfully collected bounty on");
				PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, PFwsTargetInfo);
				PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"Alerting bounty issuer...");
				wstring IssuerMailMsg = L"Bounty Alert: " + wscKillerName + L" Has collected your bounty on " + wscDestroyedName + L". " + stows(BTId.xTimes) + L" Contracts remaining.";
				MailSend(stows(BTId.issuer), MSG_LOG, IssuerMailMsg);
				PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"Saving record...");
				wstring KillerMailMsg = L"Bounty Alert: " + wscKillerName + L" Has collected a bounty on " + wscDestroyedName + L". " + stows(BTId.xTimes) + L" Contracts remaining.";
				MailSend(wscKillerName, MSG_LOG, KillerMailMsg);
				PrintUserCmdText(iKillerID, L"OK");
				///ConPrint(L"bounty tracker found no name match, or no more contracts for name\n");//either the name didn't match, or they have exhaused the number of contracts left on them.
			///ConPrint(L"Bounty tracker found dead ai\n");//never mind, it's just an ai death
Esempio n. 24
	bool AP::AlleyCmd_Chase(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);
		wstring rights;

		bool isAngel = false;

		// is it an admin		
		if (HkGetAdmin((const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), rights) == HKE_OK)
			//PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are a platinum level Admin. Use $help for a list of available commands.");
			isAngel = true;

		// is it an angel
		list<wstring>::iterator iter = angels.begin();
		while (iter != angels.end())
			if (*iter == wscCharname)
				isAngel = true;

		if (isAngel == false)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"You are not an Angel. You will now be permabanned.");
			return true;

					wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, ' ', 0);
					if (!wscTargetCharname.length())
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
					return true;

				HKPLAYERINFO adminPlyr;
				if (HkGetPlayerInfo(wscCharname, adminPlyr, false)!=HKE_OK)
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not in space\n");
					return true;


				HKPLAYERINFO targetPlyr;
				if (HkGetPlayerInfo(wscTargetCharname, targetPlyr, false)!=HKE_OK || targetPlyr.iShip==0)
					PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player not found or not in space\n");
					return true;

				Vector pos;
				Matrix ornt;
				pub::SpaceObj::GetLocation(targetPlyr.iShip, pos, ornt);
				pos.y += 100;

				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Jump to system=%s x=%0.0f y=%0.0f z=%0.0f\n", targetPlyr.wscSystem.c_str(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
				SwitchSystem(adminPlyr.iClientID, targetPlyr.iSystem, pos, ornt);
		return true;
Esempio n. 25
bool UserCmd_BountyAddTo(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
	if (!bPluginEnabled)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"BountyTracker is disabled.");
		return true;

	// Get the parameters from the user command.
	wstring wscName = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
	wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
	wstring wscxTimes = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L"");
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L"");
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L"");
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"e6", L"000000");

	if (wscName == L"")
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid name\n");
		return false;
	if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscName) == 0)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player does not exist");
		return true;
	if (wscCash == L"")
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid cash amount\n");
		return false;
	if (stoi(wscCash) < 1000000)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty cannot be less than 1,000,000 s.c");
		return true;
	//get bounty 
	BountyTargetInfo BTIat = mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)];
	//check if it is active
	if (!
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty not currently active");
		return true;
	//check user has enough money for the bounty
	int iCash;
	HkGetCash(stows(ToLower(wstos((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID)))), iCash);
	if (iCash < (stoi(wscCash) * stoi(BTIat.xTimes)))
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not enough cash for bounty.");
		return true;
	HkAddCash((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), 0 - (stoi(wscCash) * stoi(BTIat.xTimes)));
	if (deleteBountyCfg(BTIat))
		//ConPrint(L"bounty removed from cfg\n");
		ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err removing from cfg. is server admin?\n");
	BTIat.Cash = itos(stoi(BTIat.Cash) + stoi(wscCash));//update cash bounty
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Uploading to Neural Net...");
	mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)] = BTIat;
	if (appendBountyCfg(BTIat))
		//ConPrint(L"cfg saved\n");
		ConPrint(L"BOUNTYTRACKER: Err saving to cfg. is serevr admin?\n");
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK");
	return true;
Esempio n. 26
void Siege::SiegeGunDeploy(uint client, const wstring &args)
	// Abort processing if this is not a "heavy lifter"
	uint shiparch;
	pub::Player::GetShipID(client, shiparch);
	if (set_construction_shiparch != 0 && shiparch != set_construction_shiparch)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Need deployment ship");

	uint ship;
	pub::Player::GetShip(client, ship);
	if (!ship)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Not in space");

	// If the ship is moving, abort the processing.
	Vector dir1;
	Vector dir2;
	pub::SpaceObj::GetMotion(ship, dir1, dir2);
	if (dir1.x>5 || dir1.y>5 || dir1.z>5)
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Ship is moving");

	int min = 100;
	int max = 5000;
	int randomsiegeint = min + (rand() % (int)(max - min + 1));

	string randomname = "Siege Cannon AX-" + randomsiegeint;

	// Check for conflicting base name
	if (GetPlayerBase(CreateID(PlayerBase::CreateBaseNickname(randomname).c_str())))
		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Deployment error, please reiterate.");

	// Check that the ship has the requires commodities.
	int hold_size;
	list<CARGO_INFO> cargo;
	HkEnumCargo((const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(client), cargo, hold_size);
	for (map<uint, uint>::iterator i = construction_items.begin(); i != construction_items.end(); ++i)
		bool material_available = false;
		uint good = i->first;
		uint quantity = i->second;
		for (list<CARGO_INFO>::iterator ci = cargo.begin(); ci != cargo.end(); ++ci)
			if (ci->iArchID == good && ci->iCount >= (int)quantity)
				material_available = true;
				pub::Player::RemoveCargo(client, ci->iID, quantity);
		if (material_available == false)
			PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Construction failed due to insufficient raw material.");
			for (i = construction_items.begin(); i != construction_items.end(); ++i)
				const GoodInfo *gi = GoodList::find_by_id(i->first);
				if (gi)
					PrintUserCmdText(client, L"|  %ux %s", i->second, HkGetWStringFromIDS(gi->iIDSName).c_str());

	wstring charname = (const wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(client);
	AddLog("NOTICE: Base created %s by %s (%s)",

	wstring password = L"hastesucks";
	wstring basename = stows(randomname);

	PlayerBase *newbase = new PlayerBase(client, password, basename);
	player_bases[newbase->base] = newbase;
	newbase->basetype = "siegegun";
	newbase->basesolar = "depot";
	newbase->baseloadout = "depot";
	newbase->defense_mode = 1;

	for (map<string, ARCHTYPE_STRUCT>::iterator iter = mapArchs.begin(); iter!=mapArchs.end(); iter++)

		ARCHTYPE_STRUCT &thearch = iter->second;
		if (iter->first == newbase->basetype) 
			newbase->invulnerable = thearch.invulnerable;
			newbase->logic = thearch.logic;


	PrintUserCmdText(client, L"OK: Siege Cannon deployed");
	PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Default administration password is %s", password.c_str());
Esempio n. 27
bool UserCmd_BountyAdd(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage)
	if (!bPluginEnabled)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"BountyTracker is disabled.");
		return true;

	// Get the parameters from the user command.
	wstring wscName = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
	wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
	wstring wscxTimes = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L"");
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L"");
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L"");
	wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"e6", L"000000");//because scientific notation is cool
	int iOnlineSecs;
	HkGetOnLineTime((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), iOnlineSecs);
	if (iOnlineSecs < 7200)// 7200 = 2hrs
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Char is too new");
		return true;

	//you are not allowed to create a bounty. ERR rank too low (note, find out what a good rank should be to have access to this. no fresh chars can
	//create bounties. this way we can protect against creating random fresh accs, tranferring cash, and setting copious amounts of bounties.
	if (wscName == L"")
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid name\n");
		return false;
	if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscName) == 0)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player does not exist");
		return true;
	if (mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].active)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player already has an active bounty\n");
		return true;
	if (mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastTime != "")
		if ((stoi(mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastTime) + 3600) > (int)time(0))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Player is protected\n");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, stows(itos((stoi(mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastTime) + 3600) - (int)time(0))) + L"'s remaining");
			return true;

	if (iClientID == HkGetClientIdFromCharname(stows(mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)].lastIssuer)))//not too sure about this
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR You cannot double a bounty on this player\n");
		return true;
	if (wscCash == L"")
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid cash amount\n");
		return false;
	if (wscxTimes == L"")
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR invalid contract limit\n");
		return false;
	if (stoi(wscCash) < 1000000)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty cannot be less than 1,000,000 s.c");
		return true;
	if (stoi(wscxTimes) < 0 || stoi(wscxTimes) > 5)
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR bounty contract limit cannot be less than 0 or more than 5");
		return true;
	BountyTargetInfo BTIa = mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)];
	//generate new bounty map values
	BTIa.Char = ToLower(wstos(wscName));
	BTIa.Cash = wstos(wscCash);
	BTIa.xTimes = wstos(wscxTimes);
	BTIa.issuer = ToLower(wstos((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID)));
	BTIa.lastIssuer = BTIa.issuer; = true;
	BTIa.lastTime = "";
	BTIa.issueTime = itos((int)time(0));

	//check user has enough money for the bounty
	int iCash;
	HkGetCash(stows(BTIa.issuer), iCash);
	if (iCash < (stoi(BTIa.Cash) * stoi(BTIa.xTimes)))
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Not enough cash for bounty.");
		return true;
	HkAddCash((wchar_t*)Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID), 0 - (stoi(BTIa.Cash) * stoi(BTIa.xTimes)));
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"Uploading to Neural Net...");
	mapBountyTargets[ToLower(wscName)] = BTIa;

	wstring PFwsTargetInfo;
	PFwsTargetInfo = L"Target: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += ToLower(wscName);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Worth: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.Cash);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Contracts Left: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.xTimes);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issuer: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.issuer);
	PFwsTargetInfo += L" Issued: ";
	PFwsTargetInfo += stows(BTIa.issueTime);
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, PFwsTargetInfo);

	if (appendBountyCfg(BTIa))
		ConPrint(L"cfg saved\n");
		ConPrint(L"Err saving to cfg\n");
	PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"OK");
	return true;
Esempio n. 28
	/** Process a draw cash command **/
	bool GiveCash::UserCmd_DrawCash(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) 
		// The last error.
		HK_ERROR err;

		// Get the current character name
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);

		// Get the parameters from the user command.
		wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
		wstring wscCode = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
		wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L"");
		int cash = ToInt(wscCash);
		if (!wscTargetCharname.length() || !wscCode.length() || cash<=0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		CAccount *iTargetAcc=HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (iTargetAcc==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR char does not exist");
			return true;	

		int secs = 0;
		HkGetOnLineTime(wscTargetCharname, secs);
		if (secs<set_iMinTime)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR insufficient time online");
			return true;

		if (InBlockedSystem(wscCharname) || InBlockedSystem(wscTargetCharname))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash transfer blocked");
			return true;

		string scFile;
		if (!GetUserFilePath(scFile, wscTargetCharname, "-givecash.ini"))
			return true;

		wstring wscTargetCode = IniGetWS(scFile, "Settings", "Code", L"");
		if (!wscTargetCode.length() || wscTargetCode!=wscCode)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash account access denied");
			return true;

		if (cash<set_iMinTransfer || cash<0) {
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer too small, minimum transfer "+ToMoneyStr(set_iMinTransfer)+L" credits");
			return true;

		int tCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, tCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if (tCash<cash)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Insufficient credits");
			return true;

		// Check the adding this cash to this player will not
		// exceed the maximum ship value.
		float fTargetValue = 0.0f;
		if (HKGetShipValue(wscCharname, fTargetValue) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if ((fTargetValue + cash) > 2000000000.0f)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer will exceed credit limit");
			return true;

		// Calculate the new cash
		int iExpectedCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iExpectedCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		iExpectedCash += cash;

		// Do an anticheat check on the receiving ship first.
		if (HkAntiCheat(iClientID) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");							
			AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
				wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
				wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());				
			return true;

		uint targetClientId = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (targetClientId != -1)
			if (ClientInfo[iClientID].iTradePartner || ClientInfo[targetClientId].iTradePartner)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Trade window open");
				AddLog("NOTICE: Trade window open when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) %u %u",
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					iClientID, targetClientId);			
				return true;

		// Remove cash from target character
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscTargetCharname, 0-cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			if (HkAntiCheat(targetClientId) != HKE_OK)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");						
				AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());				
				return true;

		// Add cash to this player
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscCharname, cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		if (HkAntiCheat(iClientID) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
			AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
				wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
				wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());				
			return true;
		// Check that receiving player has the correct ammount of cash.
		int iCurrCash;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iCurrCash)) != HKE_OK
			|| iCurrCash != iExpectedCash)
			AddLog("ERROR: Cash transfer error when drawing %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) current %s credits expected %s credits ",
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(ToMoneyStr(iCurrCash)).c_str(), wstos(ToMoneyStr(iExpectedCash)).c_str());
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");

		// If the target player is online then send them a message saying
		// telling them that they've received transfered cash.
		wstring msg = L"You have transferred " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits to " + wscCharname;
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			PrintUserCmdText(targetClientId, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		// Otherwise we assume that the character is offline so we record an entry
		// in the character's givecash.ini. When they come online we inform them
		// of the transfer. The ini is cleared when ever the character logs in.
			LogTransfer(wscTargetCharname, msg);

		AddLog("NOTICE: Draw %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
			wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
			wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str());

		// A friendly message explaining the transfer.
		msg = GetTimeString(set_bLocalTime) + L": You have drawn " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits from " + wscTargetCharname;
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		return true;
Esempio n. 29
bool UserCmd_Process(uint client, const wstring &cmd)
	if (!"/conn"))
		// Prohibit jump if in a restricted system or in the target system
		uint system = 0;
		pub::Player::GetSystem(client, system);
		if (system == set_iRestrictedSystemID
			|| system == set_iTargetSystemID
			|| GetCustomBaseForClient(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, L"ERR Cannot use command in this system or base");
			return true;

		if (!IsDockedClient(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO1);
			return true;

		if (!ValidateCargo(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO2);
			return true;

		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Redirecting undock to Connecticut.");
		transferFlags[client] = CLIENT_STATE_TRANSFER;

		return true;
	else if (!"/return"))
		if (!ReadReturnPointForClient(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, L"No return possible");
			return true;

		if (!IsDockedClient(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO1);
			return true;

		if (!CheckReturnDock(client, set_iTargetBaseID))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Not in correct base");
			return true;

		if (!ValidateCargo(client))
			PrintUserCmdText(client, STR_INFO2);
			return true;

		PrintUserCmdText(client, L"Redirecting undock to previous base");
		transferFlags[client] = CLIENT_STATE_RETURN;

		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 30
	/** Process a give cash command */
	bool GiveCash::UserCmd_GiveCash(uint iClientID, const wstring &wscCmd, const wstring &wscParam, const wchar_t *usage) 
		// The last error.
		HK_ERROR err;

		// Get the current character name
		wstring wscCharname = (const wchar_t*) Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientID);

		// Get the parameters from the user command.
		wstring wscTargetCharname = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 0);
		wstring wscCash = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 1);
		wstring wscAnon = GetParam(wscParam, L' ', 2);
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L".", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L",", L"");
		wscCash = ReplaceStr(wscCash, L"$", L"");
		int cash = ToInt(wscCash);
		if ((!wscTargetCharname.length() || cash<=0) || (wscAnon.size() && wscAnon!=L"anon"))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Invalid parameters");
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, usage);
			return true;

		bool bAnon = false;
		if (wscAnon==L"anon")
			bAnon = true;

		if (HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname)==0)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR char does not exist");
			return true;	

		int secs = 0;
		HkGetOnLineTime(wscCharname, secs);
		if (secs<set_iMinTime)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR insufficient time online");
			return true;

		if (InBlockedSystem(wscCharname) || InBlockedSystem(wscTargetCharname))
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR cash transfer blocked");
			return true;	

		// Read the current number of credits for the player
		// and check that the character has enough cash.
		int iCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscCharname, iCash)) != HKE_OK) {
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if (cash<set_iMinTransfer || cash<0) {
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer too small, minimum transfer "+ToMoneyStr(set_iMinTransfer)+L" credits");
			return true;
		if (iCash<cash)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Insufficient credits");
			return true;

		// Prevent target ship from becoming corrupt.
		float fTargetValue = 0.0f;
		if (HKGetShipValue(wscTargetCharname, fTargetValue) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR "+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		if ((fTargetValue + cash) > 2000000000.0f)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer will exceed credit limit");
			return true;

		// Calculate the new cash
		int iExpectedCash = 0;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, iExpectedCash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Get cash failed err="+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;
		iExpectedCash += cash;

		// Do an anticheat check on the receiving character first.
		uint targetClientId = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			if (HkAntiCheat(targetClientId) != HKE_OK)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
				AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());		
				return true;
		if (targetClientId != -1)
			if (ClientInfo[iClientID].iTradePartner || ClientInfo[targetClientId].iTradePartner)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Trade window open");
				AddLog("NOTICE: Trade window open when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) %u %u",
						wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
						wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
						iClientID, targetClientId);
				return true;

		// Remove cash from current character and save it checking that the
		// save completes before allowing the cash to be added to the target ship.
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscCharname, 0-cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Remove cash failed err="+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		if (HkAntiCheat(iClientID) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
			AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
				wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
				wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());			
			return true;

		// Add cash to target character
		if ((err = HkAddCash(wscTargetCharname, cash)) != HKE_OK)
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Add cash failed err="+HkErrGetText(err));
			return true;

		targetClientId = HkGetClientIdFromCharname(wscTargetCharname);
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			if (HkAntiCheat(targetClientId) != HKE_OK)
				PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");			
				AddLog("NOTICE: Possible cheating when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());		
				return true;

		// Check that receiving character has the correct ammount of cash.
		int iCurrCash;
		if ((err = HkGetCash(wscTargetCharname, iCurrCash)) != HKE_OK
			|| iCurrCash != iExpectedCash)
			AddLog("ERROR: Cash transfer error when sending %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s) current %s credits expected %s credits ",
					wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str(),
					wstos(ToMoneyStr(iCurrCash)).c_str(), wstos(ToMoneyStr(iExpectedCash)).c_str());
			PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"ERR Transfer failed");
			return true;

		// If the target player is online then send them a message saying
		// telling them that they've received the cash.
		wstring msg = L"You have received " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits from " + ((bAnon)?L"anonymous":wscCharname);
		if (targetClientId!=-1 && !HkIsInCharSelectMenu(targetClientId))
			PrintUserCmdText(targetClientId, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		// Otherwise we assume that the character is offline so we record an entry
		// in the character's givecash.ini. When they come online we inform them
		// of the transfer. The ini is cleared when ever the character logs in.
			wstring msg = L"You have received " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits from " + ((bAnon)?L"anonymous":wscCharname);
			LogTransfer(wscTargetCharname, msg);

		AddLog("NOTICE: Send %s credits from %s (%s) to %s (%s)",
			wstos(wscCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscCharname))).c_str(),
			wstos(wscTargetCharname).c_str(), wstos(HkGetAccountID(HkGetAccountByCharname(wscTargetCharname))).c_str());

		// A friendly message explaining the transfer.
		msg = L"You have sent " + ToMoneyStr(cash) + L" credits to " + wscTargetCharname;
		if (bAnon)
			msg += L" anonymously";
		PrintUserCmdText(iClientID, L"%s", msg.c_str());
		return true;