void BouncerTest::rejectionThresholdIsExclusive() { configureRejectionThreshold(Priority(120)); _upper->sendDown(createDummyFeedMessage(11 * 1000000, Priority(120))); assertMessageNotBounced(); }
void BouncerTest::doNotRejectHigherPrioritizedFeedMessagesThanConfigured() { configureRejectionThreshold(Priority(120)); _upper->sendDown(createDummyFeedMessage(11 * 1000000, Priority(119))); assertMessageNotBounced(); }
int change(char *A) { int i, j; int Ans[1000], Sign[1000], AIdx = -1, tmp, g; int Stack[1000], SIdx = -1; for(i = 0, tmp = 0, g = 0; A[i]; i++) { if(A[i] >= '0' && A[i] <= '9') tmp = tmp*10 + A[i]-'0', g = 1; else { if(g) Ans[++AIdx] = tmp, Sign[AIdx] = 0, tmp = 0, g = 0; Stack[++SIdx] = A[i]; if(A[i] == ')') { SIdx--; while(SIdx >= 0 && Stack[SIdx] != '(') Ans[++AIdx] = Stack[SIdx], Sign[AIdx] = 1, SIdx--; SIdx--; } else while(SIdx >= 1 && Priority(Stack[SIdx-1]) >= Priority(Stack[SIdx]) && Stack[SIdx] != '(') Ans[++AIdx] = Stack[SIdx-1], Sign[AIdx] = 1, Stack[SIdx-1] = Stack[SIdx], SIdx--; } } if(g) Ans[++AIdx] = tmp, Sign[AIdx] = 0, tmp = 0, g = 0; while(SIdx >= 0) Ans[++AIdx] = Stack[SIdx], Sign[AIdx] = 1, SIdx--; for(i = 0; i <= AIdx; i++) if(Sign[i] == 1) printf("%c", Ans[i]); else printf("%d", Ans[i]); puts(""); }
VOID Ins(INS ins, VOID *v) { static bool before = false, after = false, taken = false; if (!before) { INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, AFUNPTR(beforeCall), IARG_END); INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, AFUNPTR(beforeCheck), IARG_END); Priority(IPOINT_BEFORE, ins); before = true; } if (!after && INS_HasFallThrough(ins)) { INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_AFTER, AFUNPTR(afterCall), IARG_END); INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_AFTER, AFUNPTR(afterCheck), IARG_END); Priority(IPOINT_AFTER, ins); after = true; } if (!taken && INS_IsBranchOrCall(ins)) { INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_TAKEN_BRANCH, AFUNPTR(takenCall), IARG_END); INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_TAKEN_BRANCH, AFUNPTR(takenCheck), IARG_END); Priority(IPOINT_TAKEN_BRANCH, ins); taken = true; } }
void BouncerTest::rejectLowerPrioritizedFeedMessagesWhenConfigured() { configureRejectionThreshold(Priority(120)); _upper->sendDown(createDummyFeedMessage(11 * 1000000, Priority(121))); assertMessageBouncedWithRejection(); }
bool should_insert (int iVTyp, int iPrio) const { // 1. höhere Priorität sticht if (Priority() != iPrio) return Priority() < iPrio; // 2. ansonsten VT_Text(4) > VT_Flaeche(2) > VT_Linie(1) > VT_Punkt(0) return VisType() < iVTyp; }
void BouncerTest::internalOperationsAreNotRejected() { configureRejectionThreshold(Priority(1)); document::BucketId bucket(16, 1234); api::BucketInfo info(0x1, 0x2, 0x3); auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::NotifyBucketChangeCommand>(makeDocumentBucket(bucket), info); cmd->setPriority(Priority(2)); _upper->sendDown(cmd); assertMessageNotBounced(); }
void BouncerTest::readOnlyOperationsAreNotRejected() { configureRejectionThreshold(Priority(1)); // StatBucket is an external operation, but it's not a mutating operation // and should therefore not be blocked. auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::StatBucketCommand>( makeDocumentBucket(document::BucketId(16, 5)), ""); cmd->setPriority(Priority(2)); _upper->sendDown(cmd); assertMessageNotBounced(); }
/** The CMsvSendExe::AddTaskL method Finds a CMsvSendExeActive in iOperations that corresponds to aPackage and aMtm. If not found, then creates a new CMsvSendExeActive, and appends it to iOperations. Then the message in aPackage is appended to the CMsvSendExeActive. @internalAll @param aPackage Information about what operation to start @param aMtm The MTM of the message identified in aPackage */ void CMsvSendExe::AddTaskL(const TMsvSchedulePackage& aPackage, const TUid& aMtm) { //Add the task to an object in iOperations CMsvSendExeActive* active = NULL; TInt count = iOperations.Count(); while (active == NULL && count--) { CMsvSendExeActive* tempActive = iOperations[count]; if (tempActive->Mtm() == aMtm && tempActive->Package().iCommandId == aPackage.iCommandId && tempActive->Package().iParameter == aPackage.iParameter && tempActive->Package().iPollProgress == aPackage.iPollProgress) active = tempActive; } if (active == NULL) { active = CMsvSendExeActive::NewLC(*iSession, *this, aPackage, aMtm, Priority()); User::LeaveIfError(iOperations.Append(active)); CleanupStack::Pop(active); } active->AppendL(aPackage.iId); }
void CImmediateMediaEvent::ConstructL(/*TInt aPriority=CActive::EPriorityStandard*/) { iLogger->Log(_L("Creating event with priority (%d)") , Priority() ); //iPeriodic=CPeriodic::NewL(aPriority); //iPeriodic->Start(iDelay , iInterval , TCallBack(Tick, this)); CActiveScheduler::Add(this); }
void Parse(char* token) { char operator; if(IsNumber(token[0])) { printf("%s ", token); return; } if(token[0] == ']' ) { PopAllOperators(); return; } if( CurrentOperatorPriority() < Priority(token[0]) ) { Push(token[0]); return; } PopAllOperators(); Push(token[0]); }
Job::Job(std::string const& s) :dad(nullptr), weight(1.0), parent(nullptr) { int i(s.find("/")); std::string temp(s); int day=std::stoi(temp.substr(0,i)); temp=temp.substr(i+1); i = temp.find("/"); int month=std::stoi(temp.substr(0,i)); temp=temp.substr(i+1); i = temp.find(" "); int year=std::stoi(temp.substr(0,i)); temp=temp.substr(i+1); QDate d(year,month,day); i = temp.find(":"); int hour=std::stoi(temp.substr(0,i)); temp=temp.substr(i+1); i = temp.find(" "); int minute=std::stoi(temp.substr(0,i)); temp=temp.substr(i+1); QTime t(hour,minute); aRendre=QDateTime(d,t); i = temp.find(" "); priorite=Priority(std::stoi(temp.substr(0,i))); name=temp.substr(i+1); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpTcpSessionReader::ConstructL // Two-phased constructor // constructor that can leave. Used from derived classes. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CUpnpHttpFileTransferWriter::ConstructL() { CActiveScheduler::Add( this ); iRetryWrite = CUpnpRetryWrite::NewL( iSession, iSocket, this, (TThreadPriority)Priority() ); iSendBuffer.CreateL( iWriteSize ); }
cLogger::cLogger(int CardNum, bool soft) :cAction("logger",CardNum) { cardNum=CardNum; softCSA=soft; catfilt=0; up=false; prescan=pmNone; Priority(10); }
/*! \since 4.1 Returns the priority for a running thread. If the thread is not running, this function returns \c InheritPriority. \sa Priority, setPriority(), start() */ QThread::Priority QThread::priority() const { Q_D(const QThread); QMutexLocker locker(&d->mutex); // mask off the high bits that are used for flags return Priority(d->priority & 0xffff); }
int CurrentOperatorPriority() { char operator; if(stackTop <= 0) return -1; if(stack[stackTop-1] == '[') return -1; return Priority(stack[stackTop-1]); }
void BouncerTest::onlyRejectFeedMessagesWhenConfigured() { configureRejectionThreshold(RejectionDisabledConfigValue); // A message with even the lowest priority should not be rejected. _upper->sendDown(createDummyFeedMessage(11 * 1000000, Priority(255))); assertMessageNotBounced(); }
TUint CGOomRunPluginConfig::CalculatePluginPriority(const CGOomWindowGroupList& aWindowGroupList) { FUNC_LOG; // Call the Priority function on the CActionConfig base class // This function will check if any rules match the current system state and then adjust the priority if they do // Rules may apply to system plugins or application plugins return Priority(aWindowGroupList, aWindowGroupList.GetIndexFromAppId(iTargetAppId)); }
/** * 2nd Phase of construction. * * Creates CSmsTimeout object and the SMS event logger. */ void CSmsMessageSend::ConstructL() { OstTraceDef0(OST_TRACE_CATEGORY_DEBUG, TRACE_INTERNALS, CSMSMESSAGESEND_CONSTRUCTL_1, "CSmsMessageSend::ConstructL()"); iSmsEventLogger = CSmsEventLogger::NewL(iSegmentationStore.FileSession(), Priority()); ConstructTimeoutL(); } // CSmsMessageSend::ConstructL
std::shared_ptr<api::StorageCommand> BouncerTest::createDummyFeedMessage(api::Timestamp timestamp, document::BucketSpace bucketSpace) { auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::RemoveCommand>( document::Bucket(bucketSpace, document::BucketId(0)), document::DocumentId("doc:foo:bar"), timestamp); cmd->setPriority(Priority(0)); return cmd; }
Activity_Data::Activity_Data (int traveler, int activity) : Class2_Index (traveler, activity), Static_Scale () { Purpose (0); Priority (0); Start_Time (0); End_Time (0); Duration (0); Mode (0); Vehicle (0); Location (0); Passengers (0); Constraint (0); }
QString TSPacket::toString() const { QString str; str.append("TSPacket @0x%1 ").arg(long(&data()[0]),0,16); str.append("raw: 0x%1 0x%2 0x%3 0x%4\n").arg(int(data()[0]),0,16). arg(int(data()[1]),0,16).arg(int(data()[2]),0,16).arg(int(data()[3]),0,16); str.append(" inSync: %1\n").arg( HasSync()); str.append(" transportError: %1\n").arg( TransportError()); str.append(" payloadStart: %1\n").arg( PayloadStart() ); str.append(" priority: %1\n").arg( Priority() ); str.append(" pid: %1\n").arg( PID() ); str.append(" scrampled: %1\n").arg( ScramplingControl() ); str.append(" adaptationFieldControl: %1\n").arg( AdaptationFieldControl() ); str.append(" continuityCounter: %1\n").arg( ContinuityCounter() ); return str; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CUpnpTcpSessionWriter::RunL // From class CActive // Function called when issued writing is completed. Function checks if there // are any write requests left to send and if there are then it issues writing. // If queue is empty then function informs upper layer that writing is completed. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CUpnpTcpSessionWriter::RunL() { LOGS2( "%i, CUpnpTcpSessionWriter::RunL(), iStatus %i", iSession.Id() , iStatus.Int() ); // Active object request complete handler if ( iStatus == KErrNone ) { switch( iState ) { // Character has been written to socket case EWriting: if (Priority() == iInitialPriority) SetPriority( iInitialPriority + 5); else SetPriority( iInitialPriority); // Change state because write request is finished already iState = EWaiting; if( HasWriteRequestsToSend() ) SendNextWriteRequestL(); else iSession.WritingCompletedL(); break; default: LOGS2( "%i, PANIC: CUpnpTcpSessionWriter::RunL, %i", iSession.Id() , iState ); User::Panic( _L("Writer::RunL"), iState ); break; }; } else { if( iState == EWriting && (iStatus.Int() == KErrNoMemory || iStatus.Int() == KErrNotReady ) ) { iRetryWrite->IssueWriteRetry(); } else { // Error: pass it up to session iState = EWaiting; iSession.HandleErrorL( iStatus.Int() ); } } }
void Make_priorityQ(int* A,struct qcell** B,struct qcell** Q) { int count = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; for(i=0;i<54;i++) { if(A[i] != 0) { if(i>=0 && i<=25) { B[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); Q[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); B[j]->ch = (char)(i+65); B[j]->freq = A[i]; } else if(i>=26 && i<=51) { B[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); Q[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); B[j]->ch = (char)(i+97-26); B[j]->freq = A[i]; } else { if(i==52) { B[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); Q[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); B[j]->ch = (char)(46); B[j]->freq = A[i]; } else { B[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); Q[j] = (struct qcell*)malloc(sizeof(struct qcell)); B[j]->ch = (char)(32); B[j]->freq = A[i]; } } j++; count++; } } Priority(B,Q,count); }
EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineActiveObject::OutputDataL( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine ) const { _LIT(KMemSpyEngineAOOutputHex, "0x%08x"); _LIT(KMemSpyEngineAOOutputDecimal, "%d"); _LIT(KMemSpyEngineAOOutputDecimalFixed10, "%10d"); _LIT(KMemSpyEngineAOOutputString, "%S"); _LIT(KMemSpyEngineAOOutputVTable, "vTable: 0x%08x"); // TPtrC yesNoValue( KNullDesC ); HBufC* columns = HBufC::NewLC( 1024 ); TPtr pColumns( columns->Des() ); // pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputHex, Address() ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputDecimal, Priority() ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // yesNoValue.Set( YesNoValue( IsActive() ) ); pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputString, &yesNoValue ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // yesNoValue.Set( YesNoValue( RequestIsPending() ) ); pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputString, &yesNoValue ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputDecimalFixed10, RequestStatusValue() ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputDecimal, RequestStatusFlags() ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputHex, VTable() ); pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputComma ); // pColumns.AppendFormat( KMemSpyEngineAOOutputVTable, VTable() ); // aEngine.Sink().OutputLineL( pColumns ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( columns ); }
void Translate() /*将中缀表达式infix转换成后缀表达式postfix*/ { int St[MAXSTACK];int top=-1; /*定义栈及栈指针*/ int h,h1; Kind_type type; postlength=-1; inlength=-1; int endright; /*取1或0.1:表示一个运算符处理完毕(需考虑优先级)*/ do { GetToken(h); switch(type=Kind(h)) { case OPERAND: /*为运算符,直接添加到postfix中*/ PutToken1(h); break; case LEFTPAREN: /*为"(",将其进栈*/ top++; St[top]=h; break; case RIGHTPAREN: /*为")",出栈运算符添加到postfix中直到遇到"("*/ h=St[top];top--; while (top>-1 && Kind(h)!=LEFTPAREN) { PutToken1(h); h=St[top];top--; } break; case UNARYOP: /*为一元或二元运算符*/ case BINARYOP: endright=0; do { if (top==-1) /*栈空*/ endright=1; else if (Kind(St[top])==LEFTPAREN) endright=1; else if (Priority(St[top])<Priority(h)) endright=1; else if (Priority(St[top])==Priority(h) && Priority(h)==MAXPRIORITY) endright=1; else { h1=h; /*将当前h放在当前高优先运算符的后面*/ endright=0; h=St[top];top--; PutToken1(h); h=h1; } } while (endright==0); top++;St[top]=h; break; case ENDEXPR: while (top>-1) { h=St[top];top--; PutToken1(h); } break; } } while (type!=ENDEXPR); PutToken1(0); /*在postfix中添加ENDEXPR*/ }
cHookManager::cHookManager(int CardNum) :cAction("hookmanager",CardNum) { cardNum=CardNum; Priority(10); }
Thread::PriorityType Priority() { Thread::Id id(taskIdSelf()); return Priority(&id); }
/** * Creates instances to the classes CSmsTimeout and CSmsStoreRead */ void CSmsPhoneEnumeration::ConstructL(CFacadeSmsReassemblyStore& aReassemblyStore,CSmsSegmentationStore& aSegmentationStore,CSmsMonitorDiskSpace& aSmsMonitorDiskSpace) { OstTraceDef0(OST_TRACE_CATEGORY_DEBUG, TRACE_INTERNALS, CSMSPHONEENUMERATION_CONSTRUCTL_1, "CSmsPhoneEnumeration::ConstructL()"); iSmsStoreRead = CSmsStoreRead::NewL(iSmsComm, iSmsSettings, iSmsMessaging, aReassemblyStore, aSegmentationStore, Priority(), aSmsMonitorDiskSpace); ConstructTimeoutL(); } // CSmsPhoneEnumeration::ConstructL
Thread::Priority Thread::getPriority() const { return Priority(getPriorityImpl()); }