Esempio n. 1
 * ExtractIconW                [SHELL32.@]
HICON WINAPI ExtractIconW(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCWSTR lpszFile, UINT nIconIndex)
    HICON  hIcon = NULL;
    UINT ret;
    UINT cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), cy = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);

    TRACE("%p %s %d\n", hInstance, debugstr_w(lpszFile), nIconIndex);

    if (nIconIndex == (UINT)-1)
        ret = PrivateExtractIconsW(lpszFile, 0, cx, cy, NULL, NULL, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
        if (ret != (UINT)-1 && ret)
            return (HICON)(UINT_PTR)ret;
        return NULL;
        ret = PrivateExtractIconsW(lpszFile, nIconIndex, cx, cy, &hIcon, NULL, 1, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);

    if (ret == (UINT)-1)
        return (HICON)1;
    else if (ret > 0 && hIcon)
        return hIcon;

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
 * SIC_LoadIcon				[internal]
 *  gets small/big icon by number from a file
static INT SIC_LoadIcon (LPCWSTR sSourceFile, INT dwSourceIndex, DWORD dwFlags)
{	HICON	hiconLarge=0;
	HICON	hiconSmall=0;
	HICON 	hiconLargeShortcut;
	HICON	hiconSmallShortcut;

        PrivateExtractIconsW( sSourceFile, dwSourceIndex, 32, 32, &hiconLarge, 0, 1, 0 );
        PrivateExtractIconsW( sSourceFile, dwSourceIndex, 16, 16, &hiconSmall, 0, 1, 0 );

	if ( !hiconLarge ||  !hiconSmall)
	  WARN("failure loading icon %i from %s (%p %p)\n", dwSourceIndex, debugstr_w(sSourceFile), hiconLarge, hiconSmall);
	  return -1;

	if (0 != (dwFlags & GIL_FORSHORTCUT))
	  hiconLargeShortcut = SIC_OverlayShortcutImage(hiconLarge, TRUE);
	  hiconSmallShortcut = SIC_OverlayShortcutImage(hiconSmall, FALSE);
	  if (NULL != hiconLargeShortcut && NULL != hiconSmallShortcut)
	    hiconLarge = hiconLargeShortcut;
	    hiconSmall = hiconSmallShortcut;
	    WARN("Failed to create shortcut overlayed icons\n");
	    if (NULL != hiconLargeShortcut) DestroyIcon(hiconLargeShortcut);
	    if (NULL != hiconSmallShortcut) DestroyIcon(hiconSmallShortcut);
	    dwFlags &= ~ GIL_FORSHORTCUT;

	return SIC_IconAppend (sSourceFile, dwSourceIndex, hiconSmall, hiconLarge, dwFlags);
Esempio n. 3
 * SHDefExtractIconW		[SHELL32.@]
HRESULT WINAPI SHDefExtractIconW(LPCWSTR pszIconFile, int iIndex, UINT uFlags,
                                 HICON* phiconLarge, HICON* phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize)
	UINT ret;
	HICON hIcons[2];
	WARN("%s %d 0x%08x %p %p %d, semi-stub\n", debugstr_w(pszIconFile), iIndex, uFlags, phiconLarge, phiconSmall, nIconSize);

	ret = PrivateExtractIconsW(pszIconFile, iIndex, nIconSize, nIconSize, hIcons, NULL, 2, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR);
	/* FIXME: deal with uFlags parameter which contains GIL_ flags */
	if (ret == 0xFFFFFFFF)
	  return E_FAIL;
	if (ret > 0) {
	  *phiconLarge = hIcons[0];
	  *phiconSmall = hIcons[1];
	  return S_OK;
	return S_FALSE;
Esempio n. 4
UINT WINAPI PrivateExtractIconsA (
	LPCSTR lpstrFile,
	int nIndex,
	int sizeX,
	int sizeY,
	HICON * phicon, /* [out] pointer to array of nIcons HICON handles */
	UINT* piconid,  /* [out] pointer to array of nIcons icon identifiers or NULL */
	UINT nIcons,    /* [in] number of icons to retrieve */
	UINT flags )    /* [in] LR_* flags used by LoadImage */
    UINT ret;
    INT len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpstrFile, -1, NULL, 0);
    LPWSTR lpwstrFile = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
    if (lpwstrFile == NULL)
        return 0;

    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpstrFile, -1, lpwstrFile, len);
    ret = PrivateExtractIconsW(lpwstrFile, nIndex, sizeX, sizeY, phicon, piconid, nIcons, flags);

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpwstrFile);
    return ret;
Esempio n. 5
 * SHGetFileInfoW            [SHELL32.@]
DWORD_PTR WINAPI SHGetFileInfoW(LPCWSTR path,DWORD dwFileAttributes,
                                SHFILEINFOW *psfi, UINT sizeofpsfi, UINT flags )
    WCHAR szLocation[MAX_PATH], szFullPath[MAX_PATH];
    int iIndex;
    DWORD_PTR ret = TRUE;
    DWORD dwAttributes = 0;
    IShellFolder * psfParent = NULL;
    IExtractIconW * pei = NULL;
    LPITEMIDLIST    pidlLast = NULL, pidl = NULL;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BOOL IconNotYetLoaded=TRUE;
    UINT uGilFlags = 0;
    HIMAGELIST big_icons, small_icons;

    TRACE("%s fattr=0x%x sfi=%p(attr=0x%08x) size=0x%x flags=0x%x\n",
          (flags & SHGFI_PIDL)? "pidl" : debugstr_w(path), dwFileAttributes,
          psfi, psfi->dwAttributes, sizeofpsfi, flags);

    if (!path)
        return FALSE;

    /* windows initializes these values regardless of the flags */
    if (psfi != NULL)
        psfi->szDisplayName[0] = '\0';
        psfi->szTypeName[0] = '\0';
        psfi->iIcon = 0;

    if (!(flags & SHGFI_PIDL))
        /* SHGetFileInfo should work with absolute and relative paths */
        if (PathIsRelativeW(path))
            GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, szLocation);
            PathCombineW(szFullPath, szLocation, path);
            lstrcpynW(szFullPath, path, MAX_PATH);

    if (flags & SHGFI_EXETYPE)
        if (flags != SHGFI_EXETYPE)
            return 0;
        return shgfi_get_exe_type(szFullPath);

     * psfi is NULL normally to query EXE type. If it is NULL, none of the
     * below makes sense anyway. Windows allows this and just returns FALSE
    if (psfi == NULL)
        return FALSE;

     * translate the path into a pidl only when SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES
     * is not specified.
     * The pidl functions fail on not existing file names

    if (flags & SHGFI_PIDL)
        pidl = ILClone((LPCITEMIDLIST)path);
    else if (!(flags & SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES))
        hr = SHILCreateFromPathW(szFullPath, &pidl, &dwAttributes);

    if ((flags & SHGFI_PIDL) || !(flags & SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES))
        /* get the parent shellfolder */
        if (pidl)
            hr = SHBindToParent( pidl, &IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&psfParent,
                                (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlLast );
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                pidlLast = ILClone(pidlLast);
            ERR("pidl is null!\n");
            return FALSE;

    /* get the attributes of the child */
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (flags & SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES))
        if (!(flags & SHGFI_ATTR_SPECIFIED))
            psfi->dwAttributes = 0xffffffff;
        if (psfParent)
            IShellFolder_GetAttributesOf( psfParent, 1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlLast,
                                      &(psfi->dwAttributes) );

    /* get the displayname */
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (flags & SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME))
        if (flags & SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES && !(flags & SHGFI_PIDL))
            lstrcpyW (psfi->szDisplayName, PathFindFileNameW(szFullPath));
            STRRET str;
            hr = IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf( psfParent, pidlLast,
                                                SHGDN_INFOLDER, &str);
            StrRetToStrNW (psfi->szDisplayName, MAX_PATH, &str, pidlLast);

    /* get the type name */
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (flags & SHGFI_TYPENAME))
        static const WCHAR szFile[] = { 'F','i','l','e',0 };
        static const WCHAR szDashFile[] = { '-','f','i','l','e',0 };

        if (!(flags & SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) || (flags & SHGFI_PIDL))
            char ftype[80];

            _ILGetFileType(pidlLast, ftype, 80);
            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ftype, -1, psfi->szTypeName, 80 );
            if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                strcatW (psfi->szTypeName, szFile);
                WCHAR sTemp[64];

                if (!( HCR_MapTypeToValueW(sTemp, sTemp, 64, TRUE) &&
                    HCR_MapTypeToValueW(sTemp, psfi->szTypeName, 80, FALSE )))
                    lstrcpynW (psfi->szTypeName, sTemp, 64);
                    strcatW (psfi->szTypeName, szDashFile);

    /* ### icons ###*/

    Shell_GetImageLists( &big_icons, &small_icons );

    if (flags & SHGFI_OPENICON)
        uGilFlags |= GIL_OPENICON;

    if (flags & SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY)
        uGilFlags |= GIL_FORSHORTCUT;
    else if ((flags&SHGFI_ADDOVERLAYS) ||
        if (SHELL_IsShortcut(pidlLast))
            uGilFlags |= GIL_FORSHORTCUT;

    if (flags & SHGFI_OVERLAYINDEX)
        FIXME("SHGFI_OVERLAYINDEX unhandled\n");

    if (flags & SHGFI_SELECTED)
        FIXME("set icon to selected, stub\n");

    if (flags & SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE)
        FIXME("set icon to shell size, stub\n");

    /* get the iconlocation */
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (flags & SHGFI_ICONLOCATION ))
        UINT uDummy,uFlags;

        if (flags & SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES && !(flags & SHGFI_PIDL))
            if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                lstrcpyW(psfi->szDisplayName, swShell32Name);
                psfi->iIcon = -IDI_SHELL_FOLDER;
                WCHAR* szExt;
                static const WCHAR p1W[] = {'%','1',0};
                WCHAR sTemp [MAX_PATH];

                szExt = PathFindExtensionW(szFullPath);
                TRACE("szExt=%s\n", debugstr_w(szExt));
                if ( szExt &&
                     HCR_MapTypeToValueW(szExt, sTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE) &&
                     HCR_GetDefaultIconW(sTemp, sTemp, MAX_PATH, &psfi->iIcon))
                    if (lstrcmpW(p1W, sTemp))
                        strcpyW(psfi->szDisplayName, sTemp);
                        /* the icon is in the file */
                        strcpyW(psfi->szDisplayName, szFullPath);
                    ret = FALSE;
            hr = IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(psfParent, 0, 1,
                (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&pidlLast, &IID_IExtractIconW,
                &uDummy, (LPVOID*)&pei);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                hr = IExtractIconW_GetIconLocation(pei, uGilFlags,
                    szLocation, MAX_PATH, &iIndex, &uFlags);

                if (uFlags & GIL_NOTFILENAME)
                    ret = FALSE;
                    lstrcpyW (psfi->szDisplayName, szLocation);
                    psfi->iIcon = iIndex;

    /* get icon index (or load icon)*/
        if (flags & SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES && !(flags & SHGFI_PIDL))
            WCHAR sTemp [MAX_PATH];
            WCHAR * szExt;
            int icon_idx=0;

            lstrcpynW(sTemp, szFullPath, MAX_PATH);

            if (dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
                psfi->iIcon = SIC_GetIconIndex(swShell32Name, -IDI_SHELL_FOLDER, 0);
                static const WCHAR p1W[] = {'%','1',0};

                psfi->iIcon = 0;
                szExt = PathFindExtensionW(sTemp);
                if ( szExt &&
                     HCR_MapTypeToValueW(szExt, sTemp, MAX_PATH, TRUE) &&
                     HCR_GetDefaultIconW(sTemp, sTemp, MAX_PATH, &icon_idx))
                    if (!lstrcmpW(p1W,sTemp))            /* icon is in the file */
                        strcpyW(sTemp, szFullPath);

                    if (flags & SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX) 
                        psfi->iIcon = SIC_GetIconIndex(sTemp,icon_idx,0);
                        if (psfi->iIcon == -1)
                            psfi->iIcon = 0;
                        UINT ret;
                        if (flags & SHGFI_SMALLICON)
                            ret = PrivateExtractIconsW( sTemp,icon_idx,
                                GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON ),
                                GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON ),
                                &psfi->hIcon, 0, 1, 0);
                            ret = PrivateExtractIconsW( sTemp, icon_idx,
                                GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXICON),
                                GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYICON),
                                &psfi->hIcon, 0, 1, 0);
                        if (ret != 0 && ret != (UINT)-1)
                            psfi->iIcon = icon_idx;
            if (!(PidlToSicIndex(psfParent, pidlLast, !(flags & SHGFI_SMALLICON),
                uGilFlags, &(psfi->iIcon))))
                ret = FALSE;
        if (ret && (flags & SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX))
            if (flags & SHGFI_SMALLICON)
                ret = (DWORD_PTR)small_icons;
                ret = (DWORD_PTR)big_icons;

    /* icon handle */
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (flags & SHGFI_ICON) && IconNotYetLoaded)
        if (flags & SHGFI_SMALLICON)
            psfi->hIcon = ImageList_GetIcon( small_icons, psfi->iIcon, ILD_NORMAL);
            psfi->hIcon = ImageList_GetIcon( big_icons, psfi->iIcon, ILD_NORMAL);

    if (flags & ~SHGFI_KNOWN_FLAGS)
        FIXME("unknown flags %08x\n", flags & ~SHGFI_KNOWN_FLAGS);

    if (psfParent)

    if (hr != S_OK)
        ret = FALSE;


    TRACE ("icon=%p index=0x%08x attr=0x%08x name=%s type=%s ret=0x%08lx\n",
           psfi->hIcon, psfi->iIcon, psfi->dwAttributes,
           debugstr_w(psfi->szDisplayName), debugstr_w(psfi->szTypeName), ret);

    return ret;