Esempio n. 1
void generate_puzzle(int puzz_typ)

  if(puzz_typ == 1)  Problem(5,6);
  if(puzz_typ == 2)  Problem(3,4);
  if(puzz_typ == 3)  Problem(2,3);

   int i,j,k,x,y;

   for(i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)
     for(j=0 ; j<9 ; j++)
     {  arr[9][9]=puzz[9][9]=stat[9][9]=hnt[9][9]=0; }

   for(i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)      // convert 3-d to 2-d
     for(j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
	x = ((i/3)*3) + j;
	for(k=0 ; k<3 ; k++)
	     y = ((i%3)*3 ) + k;
	     puzz[x][y] = Solution[i][j][k];
	     stat[x][y] = arr[x][y] = Sudoku[i][j][k];
Esempio n. 2
Problem read_problem(std::string const path) {
        return Problem(0, 0);
    Problem prob(get_nr_line(path), get_nr_field(path));

    FILE *f = open_c_file(path.c_str(), "r");
    char line[kMaxLineSize];

    uint64_t p = 0;
    for(uint32_t i = 0; fgets(line, kMaxLineSize, f) != nullptr; ++i) {
        char *y_char = strtok(line, " \t");
        float const y = (atoi(y_char)>0)? 1.0f : -1.0f;
        prob.Y[i] = y;
        for(; ; ++p) {
            char *idx_char = strtok(nullptr," \t");
            if(idx_char == nullptr || *idx_char == '\n') break;
            uint32_t idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(atoi(idx_char));
            prob.nr_feature = std::max(prob.nr_feature, idx);
            prob.J[p] = idx-1;


    return prob;
Esempio n. 3
QValueList<Problem> cloneProblemList( const QValueList<Problem>& list ) {
	QValueList<Problem> ret;
	for( QValueList<Problem>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
		ret << Problem( *it, true );
	return ret;
// ====================================================================== 
int CompareBlockSizes(string PrecType, const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A, int NumParts)
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random();

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("relaxation: damping factor", 1.0);
  List.set("relaxation: type", PrecType);
  List.set("relaxation: sweeps",1);
  List.set("partitioner: type", "linear");
  List.set("partitioner: local parts", NumParts);


  Ifpack_BlockRelaxation<Ifpack_SparseContainer<Ifpack_Amesos> > Prec(&*A);

  // set AztecOO solver object
  AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);
  if (verbose)


Esempio n. 5
bool DatasetsCountValidator::validate(const Actor *actor, ProblemList &problemList, const QMap<QString, QString> &options) const {
    int min = minimum(options);
    int max = maximum(options);
    QString attrId = attributeId(options);

    QList<Dataset> sets = getValue< QList<Dataset> >(actor, attrId);
    bool result = true;
    if (sets.size() < min) {
        problemList << Problem(QObject::tr("The minimum datasets count is %1. The current count is %2").arg(min).arg(sets.size()));
        result = false;
    if (sets.size() > max) {
        problemList << Problem(QObject::tr("The maximum datasets count is %1. The current count is %2").arg(max).arg(sets.size()));
        result = false;
    return result;
Esempio n. 6
 virtual bool validate(const Configuration* cfg, ProblemList &problemList) const {
     QString annotations = cfg->getParameter(ANN_ATTR)->getAttributeValueWithoutScript<QString>();
     QSet<QString> names = QSet<QString>::fromList(annotations.split(QRegExp("\\W+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts));
     if (names.size() < 2) {
         problemList.append(Problem(CollocationWorker::tr("At least 2 annotations are required for collocation search.")));
         return false;
     return true;
// ====================================================================== 
bool BasicTest(string PrecType, const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A,bool backward, bool reorder=false)
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random();

  double starting_residual = Galeri::ComputeNorm(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  // Set up the list
  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("relaxation: damping factor", 1.0);
  List.set("relaxation: sweeps",2550);
  List.set("relaxation: type", PrecType);
  if(backward) List.set("relaxation: backward mode",backward);

  // Reordering if needed
  int NumRows=A->NumMyRows();
  std::vector<int> RowList(NumRows);
  if(reorder) {
    for(int i=0; i<NumRows; i++)
    List.set("relaxation: number of local smoothing indices",NumRows);
    List.set("relaxation: local smoothing indices",RowList.size()>0? &RowList[0] : (int*)0);

  Ifpack_PointRelaxation Point(&*A);

  // use the preconditioner as solver, with 1550 iterations

  // compute the real residual

  double residual = Galeri::ComputeNorm(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);
  if (A->Comm().MyPID() == 0 && verbose)
    cout << "||A * x - b||_2 (scaled) = " << residual / starting_residual << endl;
  // Jacobi is very slow to converge here
  if (residual / starting_residual < 1e-2) {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "BasicTest Test passed" << endl;
  else {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "BasicTest Test failed!" << endl;
Esempio n. 8
bool Test(const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& Matrix, Teuchos::ParameterList& List)

  int NumVectors = 1;
  bool UseTranspose = false;

  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(Matrix->OperatorDomainMap(),NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(Matrix->OperatorRangeMap(),NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector LHSexact(Matrix->OperatorDomainMap(),NumVectors);


  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*Matrix,&LHS,&RHS);

  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<T> Prec;
  Prec = Teuchos::rcp( new T(&*Matrix) );
  assert(Prec != Teuchos::null);


  // create the AztecOO solver
  AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);

  // specify solver


  // solver. The solver should converge in one iteration,
  // or maximum two (numerical errors)

  cout << *Prec;
  vector<double> Norm(NumVectors);
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumVectors ; ++i) {
    cout << "Norm[" << i << "] = " << Norm[i] << endl;
    if (Norm[i] > 1e-3)

    bool validate(const IntegralBusPort *port, ProblemList &problemList) const {
        QVariant busMap = port->getParameter(Workflow::IntegralBusPort::BUS_MAP_ATTR_ID)->getAttributePureValue();
        bool data = isBinded(busMap.value<QStrStrMap>(), READS_URL_SLOT_ID);
        if (!data){
            QString dataName = slotName(port, READS_URL_SLOT_ID);
            problemList.append(Problem(GenomeAlignerWorker::tr("The slot must be not empty: '%1'").arg(dataName)));
            return false;

        QString slot1Val = busMap.value<QStrStrMap>().value(READS_URL_SLOT_ID);
        QString slot2Val = busMap.value<QStrStrMap>().value(READS_PAIRED_URL_SLOT_ID);
        U2OpStatusImpl os;
        const QList<IntegralBusSlot>& slots1 = IntegralBusSlot::listFromString(slot1Val, os);
        const QList<IntegralBusSlot>& slots2 = IntegralBusSlot::listFromString(slot2Val, os);

        bool hasCommonElements = false;

        foreach(const IntegralBusSlot& ibsl1, slots1){
            if (hasCommonElements){
            foreach(const IntegralBusSlot& ibsl2, slots2){
                if (ibsl1 == ibsl2){
                    hasCommonElements = true;

        if (hasCommonElements){
            problemList.append(Problem(GenomeAlignerWorker::tr("Bowtie2 cannot recognize read pairs from the same file. Please, perform demultiplexing first.")));
            return false;

        return true;
Esempio n. 10
Problem read_problem(std::string const path)
        return Problem();
    Problem prob;

    FILE *f = open_c_file(path.c_str(), "r");
    char line[kMaxLineSize];

    uint64_t p = 0;
    for(uint32_t i = 0; fgets(line, kMaxLineSize, f) != nullptr; ++i, ++prob.nr_instance)
        char *y_char = strtok(line, " \t");
        float const y = (atoi(y_char)>0)? 1.0f : -1.0f;

        for(; ; ++p)
            char *field_char = strtok(nullptr,":");
            char *idx_char = strtok(nullptr,":");
            char *value_char = strtok(nullptr," \t");
            if(field_char == nullptr || *field_char == '\n')
            uint32_t const field = static_cast<uint32_t>(atoi(field_char));
            uint32_t const idx = static_cast<uint32_t>(atoi(idx_char));
            float const value = static_cast<float>(atof(value_char));

            prob.nr_field = std::max(prob.nr_field, field);
            prob.nr_feature = std::max(prob.nr_feature, idx);

            prob.JFV.push_back(DNode(field-1, idx-1, value));


    return prob;
// ====================================================================== 
int AllSingle(const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A, Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector> coord)
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random();

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("relaxation: damping factor", 1.0);
  List.set("relaxation: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  List.set("relaxation: sweeps",1);
  List.set("partitioner: overlap",0);
  List.set("partitioner: type", "line");
  List.set("partitioner: line detection threshold",1.0);
  List.set("partitioner: x-coordinates",&(*coord)[0][0]);
  List.set("partitioner: y-coordinates",&(*coord)[1][0]);
  List.set("partitioner: z-coordinates",(double*) 0);


  Ifpack_BlockRelaxation<Ifpack_SparseContainer<Ifpack_Amesos> > Prec(&*A);

  // set AztecOO solver object
  AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);
  if (verbose)


  printf(" AllSingle  iters %d \n",AztecOOSolver.NumIters());
Esempio n. 12
// ====================================================================== 
int CompareLineSmootherEntries(const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A)
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random();

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("relaxation: damping factor", 1.0);
  List.set("relaxation: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  List.set("relaxation: sweeps",1);
  List.set("partitioner: overlap",0);
  List.set("partitioner: type", "line");
  List.set("partitioner: line mode","matrix entries");
  List.set("partitioner: line detection threshold",10.0);


  Ifpack_BlockRelaxation<Ifpack_SparseContainer<Ifpack_Amesos> > Prec(&*A);

  // set AztecOO solver object
  AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);
  if (verbose)


Esempio n. 13
int stogo_minimize(int n,
		   objective_func fgrad, void *data,
		   double *x, double *minf,
		   const double *l, const double *u,
		   nlopt_stopping *stop,
		   long int maxeval, double maxtime,
		   int nrandom)
  GlobalParams params;

  // FIXME: WTF do these parameters mean?
  params.det_pnts=2*n+1 - nrandom; 
  params.eps_cl=0.1; params.rshift=0.3;;
  params.stop = stop;

  TBox D(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { = l[i];
    D.ub(i) = u[i];

  MyGlobal Problem(D, params, fgrad, data);
  RVector dummyvec(n);
  Problem.Search(-1, dummyvec);

  if (Problem.NoMinimizers())
    return 0;
  *minf = Problem.OneMinimizer(dummyvec);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) x[i] = dummyvec(i);
  return 1;
Esempio n. 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

#ifdef ML_MPI
  // This next bit of code drops a middle rank out of the calculation. This tests
  // that the Hiptmair smoother does not hang in its apply.  Hiptmair creates
  // two separate ML objects, one for edge and one for nodes.  By default, the ML
  // objects use MPI_COMM_WORLD, whereas the matrix that Hiptmair is being applied to
  // may have an MPI subcommunicator.
  int commWorldSize;
  std::vector<int> splitKey;
  int rankToDrop = 1;
  for (int i=0; i<commWorldSize; ++i)
  splitKey[rankToDrop] = MPI_UNDEFINED; //drop the last process from subcommunicator
  int myrank;
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
  MPI_Comm subcomm;
  MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, splitKey[myrank], myrank, &subcomm);
  if (myrank == rankToDrop) goto droppedRankLabel;

{ //scoping to avoid compiler error about goto jumping over initialization
#ifdef ML_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(subcomm);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;


  char *datafile;

#ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
  if (argc != 5 && argc != 7) {
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
      std::cout << "usage: ml_maxwell.exe <S> <M> <T> <Kn> [edge map] [node map]"
           << std::endl;
      std::cout << "        S = edge stiffness matrix file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "        M = edge mass matrix file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "        T = discrete gradient file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "       Kn = auxiliary nodal FE matrix file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << " edge map = edge distribution over processors" << std::endl;
      std::cout << " node map = node distribution over processors" << std::endl;
      std::cout << argc << std::endl;
#else //ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
  if (argc != 4 && argc != 6) {
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
      std::cout << "usage: ml_maxwell.exe <A> <T> <Kn> [edge map] [node map]" <<std::endl;
      std::cout << "        A = edge element matrix file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "        T = discrete gradient file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "       Kn = auxiliary nodal FE matrix file" << std::endl;
      std::cout << " edge map = edge distribution over processors" << std::endl;
      std::cout << " node map = node distribution over processors" << std::endl;
      std::cout << argc << std::endl;
#endif //ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
#ifdef ML_MPI

  Epetra_Map *edgeMap, *nodeMap;
  Epetra_CrsMatrix *CCplusM=NULL, *CurlCurl=NULL, *Mass=NULL, *T=NULL, *Kn=NULL;

  // ================================================= //
  // READ IN MAPS FROM FILE                            //
  // ================================================= //
  // every processor reads this in
#ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
  if (argc > 5)
  if (argc > 4)
    datafile = argv[5];
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
      printf("Reading in edge map from %s ...\n",datafile);
    EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToMap(datafile, Comm, edgeMap);
    datafile = argv[6];
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
      printf("Reading in node map from %s ...\n",datafile);
    EpetraExt::MatrixMarketFileToMap(datafile, Comm, nodeMap);
  else { // linear maps
         // Read the T matrix to determine the map sizes
         // and then construct linear maps

    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
      printf("Using linear edge and node maps ...\n");

    const int lineLength = 1025;
    char line[lineLength];
    FILE *handle;
    int M,N,NZ;
#ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
     handle = fopen(argv[3],"r");
     handle = fopen(argv[2],"r");
    if (handle == 0) EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1); // file not found
    // Strip off header lines (which start with "%")
    do {
       if(fgets(line, lineLength, handle)==0) {if (handle!=0) fclose(handle);}
    } while (line[0] == '%');
    // Get problem dimensions: M, N, NZ
    if(sscanf(line,"%d %d %d", &M, &N, &NZ)==0) {if (handle!=0) fclose(handle);}
    edgeMap = new Epetra_Map(M,0,Comm);
    nodeMap = new Epetra_Map(N,0,Comm);

  // ===================================================== //
  // READ IN MATRICES FROM FILE                            //
  // ===================================================== //
#ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
  for (int i = 1; i <5; i++) {
    datafile = argv[i];
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
      printf("reading %s ....\n",datafile); fflush(stdout);
    switch (i) {
    case 1: //Curl
    case 2: //Mass
      MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, *edgeMap, *edgeMap, *edgeMap, Mass);
    case 3: //Gradient
      MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, *edgeMap, *edgeMap,*nodeMap, T);
    case 4: //Auxiliary nodal matrix
      MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, *nodeMap,*nodeMap, *nodeMap, Kn);
    } //switch
  } //for (int i = 1; i <5; i++)

  for (int i = 1; i <4; i++) {
    datafile = argv[i];
    if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) {
      printf("reading %s ....\n",datafile); fflush(stdout);
    switch (i) {
    case 1: //Edge element matrix
    case 2: //Gradient
      MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, *edgeMap, *edgeMap, *nodeMap, T);
    case 3: //Auxiliary nodal matrix
      MatrixMarketFileToCrsMatrix(datafile, *nodeMap, *nodeMap, *nodeMap, Kn);
    } //switch
  } //for (int i = 1; i <4; i++)
#endif //ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate

  // ==================================================== //
  // S E T U P   O F    M L   P R E C O N D I T I O N E R //
  // ==================================================== //

  Teuchos::ParameterList MLList;
  int *options    = new int[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE];
  double *params  = new double[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE];
  ML_Epetra::SetDefaults("maxwell", MLList, options, params);

  MLList.set("ML output", 10);
  MLList.set("aggregation: type", "Uncoupled");
  MLList.set("coarse: max size", 15);
  MLList.set("aggregation: threshold", 0.0);
  //MLList.set("negative conductivity",true);
  //MLList.set("smoother: type", "Jacobi");
  MLList.set("subsmoother: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  //MLList.set("max levels", 2);

  // coarse level solve
  MLList.set("coarse: type", "Amesos-KLU");
  //MLList.set("coarse: type", "Hiptmair");
  //MLList.set("coarse: type", "Jacobi");

  //MLList.set("dump matrix: enable", true);

#ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
  //Create the matrix of interest.
  CCplusM = Epetra_MatrixAdd(CurlCurl,Mass,1.0);

#ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate
  ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner * MLPrec =
    new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner(*CurlCurl, *Mass, *T, *Kn, MLList);
  // Comment out the line above and uncomment the next one if you have
  // mass and curl separately but want to precondition as if they are added
  // together.
  ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner * MLPrec =
    new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner(*CCplusM, *T, *Kn, MLList);
  ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner * MLPrec =
    new ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner(*CCplusM, *T, *Kn, MLList);
#endif //ifdef CurlCurlAndMassAreSeparate


  // ========================================================= //
  // D E F I N I T I O N   O F   A Z T E C O O   P R O B L E M //
  // ========================================================= //

  // create left-hand side and right-hand side, and populate them with
  // data from file. Both vectors are defined on the domain map of the
  // edge matrix.
  // Epetra_Vectors can be created in View mode, to accept pointers to
  // double vectors.

  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0)
    std::cout << "Putting in a zero initial guess and random rhs (in the range of S+M)" << std::endl;
  Epetra_Vector x(CCplusM->DomainMap());
  Epetra_Vector rhs(CCplusM->DomainMap());

  double vecnorm;
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) std::cout << "||rhs|| = " << vecnorm << std::endl;
  if (Comm.MyPID() == 0) std::cout << "||x|| = " << vecnorm << std::endl;

  // for AztecOO, we need an Epetra_LinearProblem
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(CCplusM,&x,&rhs);
  // AztecOO Linear problem
  AztecOO solver(Problem);
  // set MLPrec as precondititoning operator for AztecOO linear problem
  //std::cout << "no ml preconditioner!!!" << std::endl;
  //solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_precond, AZ_Jacobi);

  // a few options for AztecOO
  solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_solver, AZ_cg);
  solver.SetAztecOption(AZ_output, 1);

  solver.Iterate(15, 1e-3);

  // =============== //
  // C L E A N   U P //
  // =============== //

  delete MLPrec;    // destroy phase prints out some information
  delete CurlCurl;
  delete CCplusM;
  delete Mass;
  delete T;
  delete Kn;
  delete nodeMap;
  delete edgeMap;
  delete [] params;
  delete [] options;

} //avoids compiler error about jumping over initialization
#ifdef ML_MPI

  return 0;

} //main


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include "mpi.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  puts("Please configure ML with:");
#if !defined(HAVE_ML_EPETRA)
#if !defined(HAVE_ML_TEUCHOS)
#if !defined(HAVE_ML_EPETRAEXT)
#if !defined(HAVE_ML_AZTECOO)

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  return 0;
Esempio n. 15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  // initialize MPI and Epetra communicator
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList;

  // The problem is defined on a 2D grid, global size is nx * nx.
  int nx = 30; 
  GaleriList.set("nx", nx);
  GaleriList.set("ny", nx * Comm.NumProc());
  GaleriList.set("mx", 1);
  GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc());
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList) );
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", &*Map, GaleriList) );

  // =============================================================== //
  // B E G I N N I N G   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =============================================================== //

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;

  // allocates an IFPACK factory. No data is associated 
  // to this object (only method Create()).
  Ifpack Factory;

  // create the preconditioner. For valid PrecType values,
  // please check the documentation
  std::string PrecType = "Amesos";
  int OverlapLevel = 2; // must be >= 0. If Comm.NumProc() == 1,
                        // it is ignored.

  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create(PrecType, &*A, OverlapLevel) );
  assert(Prec != Teuchos::null);

  // specify the Amesos solver to be used. 
  // If the selected solver is not available,
  // IFPACK will try to use Amesos' KLU (which is usually always
  // compiled). Amesos' serial solvers are:
  // "Amesos_Klu", "Amesos_Umfpack", "Amesos_Superlu"
  List.set("amesos: solver type", "Amesos_Klu");

  // sets the parameters

  // initialize the preconditioner. At this point the matrix must
  // have been FillComplete()'d, but actual values are ignored.
  // At this call, Amesos will perform the symbolic factorization.

  // Builds the preconditioners, by looking for the values of 
  // the matrix. At this call, Amesos will perform the
  // numeric factorization.

  // =================================================== //
  // E N D   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =================================================== //

  // At this point, we need some additional objects
  // to define and solve the linear system.

  // defines LHS and RHS
  Epetra_Vector LHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());

  // solution is constant
  // now build corresponding RHS

  // now randomize the solution

  // need an Epetra_LinearProblem to define AztecOO solver
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A,&LHS,&RHS);

  // now we can allocate the AztecOO solver
  AztecOO Solver(Problem);

  // specify solver


  // .. and here we solve
  // NOTE: with one process, the solver must converge in
  // one iteration.

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ; 

Esempio n. 16
int testTransposeSolve(
         int NumGlobalElements,
         int nRHS,
         double reltol,
         double abstol,
         Epetra_Comm& Comm,
         const Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::GlobalData>& globalData,
         const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& paramList)
  int ierr = 0;

  double left_bc = 0.0;
  double right_bc = 1.0;
  double nonlinear_factor = 1.0;

  // Create the FiniteElementProblem class.  This creates all required
  // Epetra objects for the problem and allows calls to the
  // function (RHS) and Jacobian evaluation routines.
  Tcubed_FiniteElementProblem Problem(NumGlobalElements, Comm);

  // Get the vector from the Problem
  Epetra_Vector& soln = Problem.getSolution();

  // Initialize Solution

  // Create and initialize the parameter vector
  LOCA::ParameterVector pVector;
  pVector.addParameter("Nonlinear Factor",nonlinear_factor);
  pVector.addParameter("Left BC", left_bc);
  pVector.addParameter("Right BC", right_bc);

  // Create the interface between the test problem and the nonlinear solver
  // This is created by the user using inheritance of the abstract base
  // class:
  Teuchos::RCP<Problem_Interface> interface =
    Teuchos::rcp(new Problem_Interface(Problem));
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac = interface;

  // Create the Epetra_RowMatrixfor the Jacobian/Preconditioner
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_RowMatrix> Amat =

  // Get sublists
  Teuchos::ParameterList& nlParams = paramList->sublist("NOX");
  Teuchos::ParameterList& nlPrintParams = nlParams.sublist("Printing");
  Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams.sublist("Direction");
  Teuchos::ParameterList& newParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
  Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newParams.sublist("Linear Solver");

  // Create the linear systems
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linsys =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(nlPrintParams,
                              lsParams, iReq, iJac,
                              Amat, soln));

  // Create the loca vector
  NOX::Epetra::Vector locaSoln(soln);

  // Create the Group
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grp_tp =
    Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, nlPrintParams,
                     iReq, locaSoln,
                     linsys, pVector));

  // Create the Group
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grp_lp =
    Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, nlPrintParams,
                     iReq, locaSoln,
                     linsys, pVector));

  // Create the Group
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grp_ep =
    Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, nlPrintParams,
                     iReq, locaSoln,
                     linsys, pVector));

  // Change initial guess to a random vector
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::Vector> xnew =

  // Check some statistics on the solution
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::TestCompare> testCompare =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::TestCompare(globalData->locaUtils->out(),

  // Evaluate blocks

    // Set up left- and right-hand sides
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> F =
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> X_tp =
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> X_lp =
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> X_ep =

  // Set up residuals
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> R_tp =
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> R_lp =
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::MultiVector> R_ep =

  // Set up linear solver lists
  Teuchos::ParameterList lsParams_tp = lsParams;
  Teuchos::ParameterList lsParams_lp = lsParams;
  Teuchos::ParameterList lsParams_ep = lsParams;
  lsParams_tp.set("Transpose Solver Method",
               "Transpose Preconditioner");
  lsParams_lp.set("Transpose Solver Method",
               "Left Preconditioning");
  lsParams_ep.set("Transpose Solver Method",
               "Explicit Transpose");

  NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType status;

  // Test transpose solve with transposed preconditioner
  if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << std::endl <<
      "\t***** " <<
      "Testing Transposed Preconditioner Residual" <<
      " *****" << std::endl;

  status = grp_tp->applyJacobianTransposeInverseMultiVector(lsParams_tp, *F,
  if (status == NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed)
  status = grp_tp->applyJacobianTransposeMultiVector(*X_tp, *R_tp);
  ierr += testCompare->testMultiVector(*R_tp, *F, reltol, abstol,

  // Test transpose solve with transposed left-preconditioner
  if (lsParams.get("Preconditioner", "None") != "None") {
    if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
      globalData->locaUtils->out() << std::endl <<
    "\t***** " <<
    "Testing Transposed Left Preconditioner Residual" <<
    " *****" << std::endl;

    status = grp_lp->applyJacobianTransposeInverseMultiVector(lsParams_lp, *F,
    if (status == NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed)
    status = grp_lp->applyJacobianTransposeMultiVector(*X_lp, *R_lp);
    ierr += testCompare->testMultiVector(*R_lp, *F, reltol, abstol,

  // Test transpose solve with explicit preconditioner
  if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << std::endl <<
      "\t***** " <<
      "Testing Explicit Preconditioner Residual" <<
      " *****" << std::endl;

  status = grp_ep->applyJacobianTransposeInverseMultiVector(lsParams_ep, *F,
  if (status == NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed)
  status = grp_ep->applyJacobianTransposeMultiVector(*X_ep, *R_ep);
  ierr += testCompare->testMultiVector(*R_ep, *F, reltol, abstol,

  // Compare solutions
  if (lsParams.get("Preconditioner", "None") != "None") {
    if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
      globalData->locaUtils->out() << std::endl <<
    "\t***** " <<
    "Comparing Transposed Preconditioner and Left Preconditioner Solutions"
    " *****" << std::endl;
    ierr += testCompare->testMultiVector(*X_lp, *X_tp,
                     reltol, abstol, "Solution");

  if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << std::endl <<
      "\t***** " <<
      "Comparing Transposed Preconditioner and Explicit Preconditioner Solutions"
      " *****" << std::endl;
  ierr += testCompare->testMultiVector(*X_ep, *X_tp,
                       reltol, abstol, "Solution");

  return ierr;
Esempio n. 17
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  // Initialize MPI
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;
  bool verbose = false;

  if (argc > 1)
    if (argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='v')
      verbose = true;

  // Get the process ID and the total number of processors
  int MyPID = Comm.MyPID();
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  int NumProc = Comm.NumProc();

  // define the parameters of the nonlinear PDE problem
  int nx = 5;
  int ny = 6;  
  double lambda = 1.0;

  PDEProblem Problem(nx,ny,lambda,&Comm);
  // starting solution, here a zero vector
  Epetra_Vector InitialGuess(Problem.GetMatrix()->Map());

  // random vector upon which to apply each operator being tested
  Epetra_Vector directionVec(Problem.GetMatrix()->Map());

  // Set up the problem interface
  Teuchos::RCP<SimpleProblemInterface> interface = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new SimpleProblemInterface(&Problem) );
  // Set up theolver options parameter list
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> noxParamsPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  Teuchos::ParameterList & noxParams = *(noxParamsPtr.get());

  // Set the nonlinear solver method
  noxParams.set("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");

  // Set up the printing utilities
  // Only print output if the "-v" flag is set on the command line
  Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = noxParams.sublist("Printing");
  printParams.set("MyPID", MyPID); 
  printParams.set("Output Precision", 5);
  printParams.set("Output Processor", 0);
  if( verbose )
    printParams.set("Output Information", 
		NOX::Utils::OuterIteration + 
		NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest + 
		NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
		NOX::Utils::Parameters + 
		NOX::Utils::Details + 
		NOX::Utils::Warning +
    printParams.set("Output Information", NOX::Utils::Error +

  NOX::Utils printing(printParams);

  // Identify the test problem
  if (printing.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    printing.out() << "Starting epetra/NOX_Operators/NOX_Operators.exe" << std::endl;

  // Identify processor information
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  if (printing.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails)) {
    printing.out() << "Parallel Run" << std::endl;
    printing.out() << "Number of processors = " << NumProc << std::endl;
    printing.out() << "Print Process = " << MyPID << std::endl;
  if (printing.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    printing.out() << "Process " << MyPID << " is alive!" << std::endl;
  if (printing.isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
    printing.out() << "Serial Run" << std::endl;

  int status = 0;

  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;

  // Need a NOX::Epetra::Vector for constructor
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxInitGuess(InitialGuess, NOX::DeepCopy);

  // Analytic matrix
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Problem.GetMatrix(), false );

  Epetra_Vector A_resultVec(Problem.GetMatrix()->Map());
  interface->computeJacobian( InitialGuess, *A );
  A->Apply( directionVec, A_resultVec );

  // FD operator
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> graph = Teuchos::rcp( const_cast<Epetra_CrsGraph*>(&A->Graph()), false );
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::FiniteDifference> FD = Teuchos::rcp(
    new NOX::Epetra::FiniteDifference(printParams, iReq, noxInitGuess, graph) );
  Epetra_Vector FD_resultVec(Problem.GetMatrix()->Map());
  FD->computeJacobian(InitialGuess, *FD);
  FD->Apply( directionVec, FD_resultVec );

  // Matrix-Free operator
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::MatrixFree> MF = Teuchos::rcp(
    new NOX::Epetra::MatrixFree(printParams, iReq, noxInitGuess) );

  Epetra_Vector MF_resultVec(Problem.GetMatrix()->Map());
  MF->computeJacobian(InitialGuess, *MF);
  MF->Apply( directionVec, MF_resultVec );

  // Need NOX::Epetra::Vectors for tests
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxAvec ( A_resultVec , NOX::DeepCopy );
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxFDvec( FD_resultVec, NOX::DeepCopy );
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxMFvec( MF_resultVec, NOX::DeepCopy );

  // Create a TestCompare class
  NOX::Epetra::TestCompare tester( printing.out(), printing);
  double abstol = 1.e-4;
  double reltol = 1.e-4 ;
  //NOX::TestCompare::CompareType aComp = NOX::TestCompare::Absolute;

  status += tester.testVector( noxFDvec, noxAvec, reltol, abstol,
                              "Finite-Difference Operator Apply Test" );
  status += tester.testVector( noxMFvec, noxAvec, reltol, abstol,
                              "Matrix-Free Operator Apply Test" );

  // Summarize test results  
  if( status == 0 )
    printing.out() << "Test passed!" << std::endl;
    printing.out() << "Test failed!" << std::endl;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  // Final return value (0 = successfull, non-zero = failure)
  return status;

// ====================================================================== 
bool KrylovTest(string PrecType, const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A, bool backward, bool reorder=false)
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random();

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  // Set up the list
  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("relaxation: damping factor", 1.0);
  List.set("relaxation: type", PrecType);
  if(backward) List.set("relaxation: backward mode",backward);  

  // Reordering if needed
  int NumRows=A->NumMyRows();
  std::vector<int> RowList(NumRows);
  if(reorder) {
    for(int i=0; i<NumRows; i++)
    List.set("relaxation: number of local smoothing indices",NumRows);
    List.set("relaxation: local smoothing indices",RowList.size()>0? &RowList[0] : (int*)0);

  int Iters1, Iters10;

  if (verbose) {
    cout << "Krylov test: Using " << PrecType 
         << " with AztecOO" << endl;

  // ============================================== //
  // get the number of iterations with 1 sweep only //
  // ============================================== //

    List.set("relaxation: sweeps",1);
    Ifpack_PointRelaxation Point(&*A);

    // set AztecOO solver object
    AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);


    double TrueResidual = AztecOOSolver.TrueResidual();
    // some output
    if (verbose && Problem.GetMatrix()->Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
      cout << "Norm of the true residual = " << TrueResidual << endl;
    Iters1 = AztecOOSolver.NumIters();
  // ======================================================== //
  // now re-run with 10 sweeps, solver should converge faster
  // ======================================================== //
    List.set("relaxation: sweeps",10);
    Ifpack_PointRelaxation Point(&*A);

    // set AztecOO solver object
    AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);

    double TrueResidual = AztecOOSolver.TrueResidual();
    // some output
    if (verbose && Problem.GetMatrix()->Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
      cout << "Norm of the true residual = " << TrueResidual << endl;
    Iters10 = AztecOOSolver.NumIters();

  if (verbose) {
    cout << "Iters_1 = " << Iters1 << ", Iters_10 = " << Iters10 << endl;
    cout << "(second number should be smaller than first one)" << endl;

  if (Iters10 > Iters1) {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "KrylovTest TEST FAILED!" << endl;
  else {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "KrylovTest TEST PASSED" << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int nConstraints = 10;
  int nRHS = 7;

  double left_bc = 0.0;
  double right_bc = 1.0;
  double nonlinear_factor = 1.0;
  int ierr = 0;
  double reltol = 1.0e-8;
  double abstol = 1.0e-8;
  double lstol = 1.0e-11;

  int MyPID = 0;

  try {

    // Initialize MPI
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

    // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

    // Get the total number of processors
    MyPID = Comm.MyPID();
    int NumProc = Comm.NumProc();

    bool verbose = false;
    // Check for verbose output
    if (argc>1)
      if (argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='v')
    verbose = true;

    // Get the number of elements from the command line
    int NumGlobalElements = 0;
    if ((argc > 2) && (verbose))
      NumGlobalElements = atoi(argv[2]) + 1;
    else if ((argc > 1) && (!verbose))
      NumGlobalElements = atoi(argv[1]) + 1;
      NumGlobalElements = 101;

    // The number of unknowns must be at least equal to the
    // number of processors.
    if (NumGlobalElements < NumProc) {
      std::cout << "numGlobalBlocks = " << NumGlobalElements
       << " cannot be < number of processors = " << NumProc << std::endl;

    // Seed the random number generator in Teuchos.  We create random
    // bordering matrices and it is possible different processors might generate
    // different matrices.  By setting the seed, this shouldn't happen.

    // Create parameter list
    Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> paramList =
      Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);

    // Create LOCA sublist
    Teuchos::ParameterList& locaParamsList = paramList->sublist("LOCA");

    // Create the constraints list
    Teuchos::ParameterList& constraintsList =
    constraintsList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Bordering");

    // Create the "Solver" parameters sublist to be used with NOX Solvers
    Teuchos::ParameterList& nlParams = paramList->sublist("NOX");

    Teuchos::ParameterList& nlPrintParams = nlParams.sublist("Printing");
    nlPrintParams.set("MyPID", MyPID);
    if (verbose)
       nlPrintParams.set("Output Information",
                  NOX::Utils::Error +
                  NOX::Utils::Details +
                      NOX::Utils::LinearSolverDetails +
                  NOX::Utils::OuterIteration +
                  NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
                  NOX::Utils::Warning +
                  NOX::Utils::TestDetails +
                  NOX::Utils::StepperIteration +
       nlPrintParams.set("Output Information", NOX::Utils::Error);

    // Create the "Direction" sublist for the "Line Search Based" solver
    Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams.sublist("Direction");
    Teuchos::ParameterList& newParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
    Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
    lsParams.set("Aztec Solver", "GMRES");
    lsParams.set("Max Iterations", 100);
    lsParams.set("Tolerance", lstol);
    if (verbose)
      lsParams.set("Output Frequency", 1);
      lsParams.set("Output Frequency", 0);
    lsParams.set("Scaling", "None");
    lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "Ifpack");
    //lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "AztecOO");
    //lsParams.set("Jacobian Operator", "Matrix-Free");
    //lsParams.set("Preconditioner Operator", "Finite Difference");
    lsParams.set("Aztec Preconditioner", "ilut");
    //lsParams.set("Overlap", 2);
    //lsParams.set("Fill Factor", 2.0);
    //lsParams.set("Drop Tolerance", 1.0e-12);
    lsParams.set("Max Age Of Prec", -2);

    // Create the FiniteElementProblem class.  This creates all required
    // Epetra objects for the problem and allows calls to the
    // function (RHS) and Jacobian evaluation routines.
    Tcubed_FiniteElementProblem Problem(NumGlobalElements, Comm);

    // Get the vector from the Problem
    Epetra_Vector& soln = Problem.getSolution();

    // Initialize Solution

    // Create and initialize the parameter vector
    LOCA::ParameterVector pVector;
    pVector.addParameter("Nonlinear Factor",nonlinear_factor);
    pVector.addParameter("Left BC", left_bc);
    pVector.addParameter("Right BC", right_bc);

    // Create the interface between the test problem and the nonlinear solver
    // This is created by the user using inheritance of the abstract base
    // class:
    Teuchos::RCP<Problem_Interface> interface =
      Teuchos::rcp(new Problem_Interface(Problem));
    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac = interface;

    // Create the Epetra_RowMatrixfor the Jacobian/Preconditioner
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_RowMatrix> Amat =

    // Create the linear systems
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linsys =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(nlPrintParams,
                            lsParams, iReq, iJac,
                            Amat, soln));

    // Create the loca vector
    NOX::Epetra::Vector locaSoln(soln);

    // Create Epetra factory
    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Abstract::Factory> epetraFactory =
      Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Factory);

     // Create global data object
    globalData = LOCA::createGlobalData(paramList, epetraFactory);

    // Create parsed parameter list
    parsedParams =
      Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Parameter::SublistParser(globalData));

    // Create the Group
    grp = Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, nlPrintParams,
                           iReq, locaSoln,
                           linsys, pVector));

    // Create Jacobian operator
    op = Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::BorderedSolver::JacobianOperator(grp));

    // Change initial guess to a random vector
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::Vector> xnew =

    // Create the constraints object & constraint param IDs list
    constraints =
      Teuchos::rcp(new LinearConstraint(nConstraints, LOCA::ParameterVector(),

    // Create bordering solver
      = globalData->locaFactory->createBorderedSolverStrategy(

    // Change strategy to Householder
    constraintsList.set("Bordered Solver Method",

    // Create householder solver
      = globalData->locaFactory->createBorderedSolverStrategy(

    // Check some statistics on the solution
    testCompare = Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::TestCompare(

    // Evaluate blocks

    // A
    A = grp->getX().createMultiVector(nConstraints);

    // B
    B = grp->getX().createMultiVector(nConstraints);

    // C
    C = Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix(nConstraints,

    // Set up left- and right-hand sides
    F = grp->getX().createMultiVector(nRHS);
    G = Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix(nConstraints,
    X_bordering = F->clone(NOX::ShapeCopy);
    Y_bordering =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix(nConstraints,
    X_householder = F->clone(NOX::ShapeCopy);
    Y_householder =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Abstract::MultiVector::DenseMatrix(nConstraints,

    std::string testName;

    // Test all nonzero
    testName = "Testing all nonzero";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, false, false, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A = 0
    testName = "Testing A=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, false, false, false, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test B = 0
    testName = "Testing B=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, true, false, false, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test C = 0
    testName = "Testing C=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, true, false, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test F = 0
    testName = "Testing F=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, false, true, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test G = 0
    testName = "Testing G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, false, false, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,B = 0
    testName = "Testing A,B=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, true, false, false, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,F = 0
    testName = "Testing A,F=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, false, false, true, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,G = 0
    testName = "Testing A,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, false, false, false, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test B,F = 0
    testName = "Testing B,F=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, true, false, true, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test B,G = 0
    testName = "Testing B,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, true, false, false, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test C,F = 0
    testName = "Testing C,F=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, true, true, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test C,G = 0
    testName = "Testing C,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, true, false, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test F,G = 0
    testName = "Testing F,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, false, true, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,B,F = 0
    testName = "Testing A,B,F=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, true, false, true, false,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,B,G = 0
    testName = "Testing A,B,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, true, false, false, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,F,G = 0
    testName = "Testing A,F,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, false, false, true, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test B,F,G = 0
    testName = "Testing B,F,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, true, false, true, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test C,F,G = 0
    testName = "Testing C,F,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(false, false, true, true, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);

    // Test A,B,F,G = 0
    testName = "Testing A,B,F,G=0";
    ierr += testSolve(true, true, false, true, true,
              reltol, abstol, testName);



  catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    ierr = 1;
  catch (const char *s) {
    std::cout << s << std::endl;
    ierr = 1;
  catch (...) {
    std::cout << "Caught unknown exception!" << std::endl;
    ierr = 1;

  if (MyPID == 0) {
    if (ierr == 0)
      std::cout << "All tests passed!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << ierr << " test(s) failed!" << std::endl;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ;

  return ierr;
//  Amesos_TestMultiSolver.cpp reads in a matrix in Harwell-Boeing format, 
//  calls one of the sparse direct solvers, using blocked right hand sides
//  and computes the error and residual.  
//  TestSolver ignores the Harwell-Boeing right hand sides, creating
//  random right hand sides instead.  
//  Amesos_TestMultiSolver can test either A x = b or A^T x = b.
//  This can be a bit confusing because sparse direct solvers 
//  use compressed column storage - the transpose of Trilinos'
//  sparse row storage.
//  Matrices:
//    readA - Serial.  As read from the file.
//    transposeA - Serial.  The transpose of readA.
//    serialA - if (transpose) then transposeA else readA 
//    distributedA - readA distributed to all processes
//    passA - if ( distributed ) then distributedA else serialA
int Amesos_TestMultiSolver( Epetra_Comm &Comm, char *matrix_file, int numsolves, 
		      SparseSolverType SparseSolver, bool transpose,
		      int special, AMESOS_MatrixType matrix_type ) {

  int iam = Comm.MyPID() ;

  //  int hatever;
  //  if ( iam == 0 )  std::cin >> hatever ; 

  Epetra_Map * readMap;
  Epetra_CrsMatrix * readA; 
  Epetra_Vector * readx; 
  Epetra_Vector * readb;
  Epetra_Vector * readxexact;
  std::string FileName = matrix_file ;
  int FN_Size = FileName.size() ; 
  std::string LastFiveBytes = FileName.substr( EPETRA_MAX(0,FN_Size-5), FN_Size );
  std::string LastFourBytes = FileName.substr( EPETRA_MAX(0,FN_Size-4), FN_Size );
  bool NonContiguousMap = false; 

  if ( LastFiveBytes == ".triU" ) { 
    NonContiguousMap = true; 
    // Call routine to read in unsymmetric Triplet matrix
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Trilinos_Util_ReadTriples2Epetra( matrix_file, false, Comm, readMap, readA, readx, 
						      readb, readxexact, NonContiguousMap ) );
  } else {
    if ( LastFiveBytes == ".triS" ) { 
      NonContiguousMap = true; 
      // Call routine to read in symmetric Triplet matrix
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Trilinos_Util_ReadTriples2Epetra( matrix_file, true, Comm, 
							readMap, readA, readx, 
							readb, readxexact, NonContiguousMap ) );
    } else {
      if (  LastFourBytes == ".mtx" ) { 
	EPETRA_CHK_ERR( Trilinos_Util_ReadMatrixMarket2Epetra( matrix_file, Comm, readMap, 
							       readA, readx, readb, readxexact) );
      } else {
	// Call routine to read in HB problem
	Trilinos_Util_ReadHb2Epetra( matrix_file, Comm, readMap, readA, readx, 
						     readb, readxexact) ;

  Epetra_CrsMatrix transposeA(Copy, *readMap, 0);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix *serialA ; 

  if ( transpose ) {
    assert( CrsMatrixTranspose( readA, &transposeA ) == 0 ); 
    serialA = &transposeA ; 
  } else {
    serialA = readA ; 

  // Create uniform distributed map
  Epetra_Map map(readMap->NumGlobalElements(), 0, Comm);
  Epetra_Map* map_;

  if( NonContiguousMap ) {
    //  map gives us NumMyElements and MyFirstElement;
    int NumGlobalElements =  readMap->NumGlobalElements();
    int NumMyElements = map.NumMyElements();
    int MyFirstElement = map.MinMyGID();
    std::vector<int> MapMap_( NumGlobalElements );
    readMap->MyGlobalElements( &MapMap_[0] ) ;
    Comm.Broadcast( &MapMap_[0], NumGlobalElements, 0 ) ; 
    map_ = new Epetra_Map( NumGlobalElements, NumMyElements, &MapMap_[MyFirstElement], 0, Comm);
  } else {
    map_ = new Epetra_Map( map ) ; 

  // Create Exporter to distribute read-in matrix and vectors
  Epetra_Export exporter(*readMap, *map_);
  Epetra_CrsMatrix A(Copy, *map_, 0);

  Epetra_RowMatrix * passA = 0; 
  Epetra_MultiVector * passx = 0; 
  Epetra_MultiVector * passb = 0;
  Epetra_MultiVector * passxexact = 0;
  Epetra_MultiVector * passresid = 0;
  Epetra_MultiVector * passtmp = 0;

  Epetra_MultiVector x(*map_,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector b(*map_,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector xexact(*map_,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector resid(*map_,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector tmp(*map_,numsolves);

  Epetra_MultiVector serialx(*readMap,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector serialb(*readMap,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector serialxexact(*readMap,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector serialresid(*readMap,numsolves);
  Epetra_MultiVector serialtmp(*readMap,numsolves);

  bool distribute_matrix = ( matrix_type == AMESOS_Distributed ) ; 
  if ( distribute_matrix ) { 
    //  Initialize x, b and xexact to the values read in from the file
    A.Export(*serialA, exporter, Add);


    passA = &A; 
    passx = &x; 
    passb = &b;
    passxexact = &xexact;
    passresid = &resid;
    passtmp = &tmp;
  } else { 
    passA = serialA; 
    passx = &serialx; 
    passb = &serialb;
    passxexact = &serialxexact;
    passresid = &serialresid;
    passtmp = &serialtmp;

  passxexact->SetSeed(131) ; 
  passx->SetSeed(11231) ; 

  passb->PutScalar( 0.0 );
  passA->Multiply( transpose, *passxexact, *passb ) ; 

  Epetra_MultiVector CopyB( *passb ) ;

  double Anorm = passA->NormInf() ; 
  SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Anorm(Anorm) ;

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(  (Epetra_RowMatrix *) passA, 
				 (Epetra_MultiVector *) passx, 
				 (Epetra_MultiVector *) passb );

  double max_resid = 0.0;
  for ( int j = 0 ; j < special+1 ; j++ ) { 
    Epetra_Time TotalTime( Comm ) ; 
    if ( false ) { 

      unused code

    } else if ( SparseSolver == UMFPACK ) { 
      UmfpackOO umfpack( (Epetra_RowMatrix *) passA, 
			 (Epetra_MultiVector *) passx, 
			 (Epetra_MultiVector *) passb ) ; 
      umfpack.SetTrans( transpose ) ; 
      umfpack.Solve() ; 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SuperLU ) { 
      SuperluserialOO superluserial( (Epetra_RowMatrix *) passA, 
				     (Epetra_MultiVector *) passx, 
				     (Epetra_MultiVector *) passb ) ; 

      superluserial.SetPermc( SuperLU_permc ) ; 
      superluserial.SetTrans( transpose ) ; 
      superluserial.SetUseDGSSV( special == 0 ) ; 
      superluserial.Solve() ; 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SuperLUdist ) { 
      SuperludistOO superludist( Problem ) ; 
      superludist.SetTrans( transpose ) ; 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist.Solve( true ) ) ;
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SuperLUdist2 ) { 
      Superludist2_OO superludist2( Problem ) ; 
      superludist2.SetTrans( transpose ) ; 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist2.Solve( true ) ) ;
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SPOOLES ) { 
      SpoolesOO spooles( (Epetra_RowMatrix *) passA, 
			 (Epetra_MultiVector *) passx, 
			 (Epetra_MultiVector *) passb ) ; 
      spooles.SetTrans( transpose ) ; 
      spooles.Solve() ; 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == DSCPACK ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Dscpack dscpack( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( dscpack.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( dscpack.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == UMFPACK ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Umfpack umfpack( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( umfpack.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( umfpack.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( umfpack.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == KLU ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Klu klu( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( klu.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( klu.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( klu.SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( klu.NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( klu.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == PARAKLETE ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Paraklete paraklete( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( paraklete.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( paraklete.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( paraklete.SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( paraklete.NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( paraklete.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SuperLU ) { 
      Epetra_SLU superluserial( &Problem ) ; 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superluserial.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superluserial.SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superluserial.NumericFactorization(  ) ); 

      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superluserial.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == LAPACK ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      Amesos_Lapack lapack( Problem ) ; 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( lapack.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( lapack.SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( lapack.NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( lapack.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == TAUCS ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Taucs taucs( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( taucs.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( taucs.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( taucs.SymbolicFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( taucs.NumericFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( taucs.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == PARDISO ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Pardiso pardiso( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( pardiso.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( pardiso.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( pardiso.SymbolicFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( pardiso.NumericFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( pardiso.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == PARKLETE ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Parklete parklete( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( parklete.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( parklete.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( parklete.SymbolicFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( parklete.NumericFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( parklete.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == MUMPS ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Mumps mumps( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( mumps.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( mumps.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( mumps.SymbolicFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( mumps.NumericFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( mumps.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SCALAPACK ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Scalapack scalapack( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( scalapack.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( scalapack.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( scalapack.SymbolicFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( scalapack.NumericFactorization( ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( scalapack.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SUPERLUDIST ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Superludist superludist( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 

      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist.SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist.NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superludist.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SUPERLU ) { 
      Teuchos::ParameterList ParamList ;
      Amesos_Superlu superlu( Problem ) ; 
      ParamList.set( "MaxProcs", -3 );
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superlu.SetParameters( ParamList ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superlu.SetUseTranspose( transpose ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superlu.SymbolicFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superlu.NumericFactorization(  ) ); 
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR( superlu.Solve( ) ); 
    } else if ( SparseSolver == SPOOLESSERIAL ) { 
      SpoolesserialOO spoolesserial( (Epetra_RowMatrix *) passA, 
				     (Epetra_MultiVector *) passx, 
				     (Epetra_MultiVector *) passb ) ; 
      spoolesserial.Solve() ;
    } else { 
      SparseDirectTimingVars::log_file << "Solver not implemented yet" << std::endl ;
      std::cerr << "\n\n####################  Requested solver not available (Or not tested with blocked RHS) on this platform #####################\n" << std::endl ;

    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Total_Time( TotalTime.ElapsedTime() ); 
    //    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_First_Time( 0.0 ); 
    //    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Middle_Time( 0.0 ); 
    //    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Last_Time( 0.0 ); 

    //  Compute the error = norm(xcomp - xexact )
    std::vector <double> error(numsolves) ; 
    double max_error = 0.0;
    passresid->Update(1.0, *passx, -1.0, *passxexact, 0.0);

    for ( int i = 0 ; i< numsolves; i++ ) 
      if ( error[i] > max_error ) max_error = error[i] ; 
    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Error(max_error) ;

    //  passxexact->Norm2(&error[0] ) ; 
    //  passx->Norm2(&error ) ; 

    //  Compute the residual = norm(Ax - b)
    std::vector <double> residual(numsolves) ; 
    passA->Multiply( transpose, *passx, *passtmp);
    passresid->Update(1.0, *passtmp, -1.0, *passb, 0.0); 
    //    passresid->Update(1.0, *passtmp, -1.0, CopyB, 0.0); 

    for ( int i = 0 ; i< numsolves; i++ ) 
      if ( residual[i] > max_resid ) max_resid = residual[i] ; 

    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Residual(max_resid) ;
    std::vector <double> bnorm(numsolves); 
    passb->Norm2( &bnorm[0] ) ; 
    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Bnorm(bnorm[0]) ;

    std::vector <double> xnorm(numsolves); 
    passx->Norm2( &xnorm[0] ) ; 
    SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Set_Xnorm(xnorm[0]) ;

    if ( false && iam == 0 ) { 

      std::cout << " Amesos_TestMutliSolver.cpp " << std::endl ; 
      for ( int i = 0 ; i< numsolves && i < 10 ; i++ ) {
	std::cout << "i=" << i 
	     << " error = " << error[i] 
	     << " xnorm = " << xnorm[i] 
	     << " residual = " << residual[i] 
	     << " bnorm = " << bnorm[i] 
	     << std::endl ; 
      std::cout << std::endl << " max_resid = " << max_resid ; 
      std::cout << " max_error = " << max_error << std::endl ; 
      std::cout << " Get_residual() again = " << SparseDirectTimingVars::SS_Result.Get_Residual() << std::endl ;

  delete readA;
  delete readx;
  delete readb;
  delete readxexact;
  delete readMap;
  delete map_;

return 0 ;
Esempio n. 21
int main( int argc, char **argv )

// check for parallel computation
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

// define main parameters

  double c = 0.9999;           // continuation parameter
  int N = 50;                  // number of grid points
  int maxNewtonIters = 20;     // max number of Newton iterations
  int maxSteps = 50;           // max number of continuation steps taken
  int ilocal, iglobal;         // counter variables used for loops:
                               //   ilocal = counter for local elements on this processor;
                               //   iglobal = counter to signify global position across all procs 
  int Myele;                   // holds the number of elements on the processor

// Set flag for whether the computations will be Matrix-free (true) or will use a computed
//   Jacobian (false)
  bool doMatFree = false;      
// Create output file to save solutions
  ofstream outFile("Heq5.dat");
  outFile.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);

// Define the problem class
  HeqProblem Problem(N,&Comm,outFile);
// Build initial guess.  The initial guess should be a solution vector x close to the 
//   bifurcation point.

  // Create the initial guess vector
  Epetra_Vector InitialGuess(Problem.GetMap());

  // Get the number of elements on this processor  
  Myele = Problem.GetMap().NumMyElements();

  // Compute the initial guess.  For this example, it is a line from (0,1) to (1,8/3)
  for (ilocal=0; ilocal<Myele; ilocal++) {
     InitialGuess[ilocal]= 1.0 + (5.0*iglobal)/(3.0*(N-1));

// Create the null vector for the Jacobian (ie, J*v=0, used to solve the system of equations
//   f(x,p)=0; J*v=0; v0*v=1.  The solution of the system is [x*,v*,p*]. )
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Abstract::Vector> nullVec =
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::Vector(InitialGuess));

  // Initialize to all ones
    // NOTE:  init is a function within the NOX::Abstract:Vector class which initializes every
    // value of the vector to the value within the parentheses (must be in 'double' format) 

// Create the top level parameter list
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> ParamList = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);

  // Create LOCA sublist
  Teuchos::ParameterList& locaParamsList = ParamList->sublist("LOCA");

  // Create the sublist for continuation and set the stepper parameters
  Teuchos::ParameterList& stepperList = locaParamsList.sublist("Stepper");
    //stepperList.set("Continuation Method", "Arc Length");// Default
    stepperList.set("Continuation Method", "Natural");
    stepperList.set("Continuation Parameter", "dummy");  // Must set
    stepperList.set("Initial Value", 999.0);             // Must set
    stepperList.set("Max Value", 50.0e4);             // Must set
    stepperList.set("Min Value", 0.0);             // Must set
    stepperList.set("Max Steps", maxSteps);                    // Should set
    stepperList.set("Max Nonlinear Iterations", maxNewtonIters); // Should set
    stepperList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Bordering");

  //  Teuchos::ParameterList& nestedList = 
  //    stepperList.sublist("Nested Bordered Solver");
  //  nestedList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Householder");
  //  nestedList.set("Include UV In Preconditioner", true);
  //  //nestedList.set("Use P For Preconditioner", true);
  //  nestedList.set("Preconditioner Method", "SMW");

// Set up parameters to compute Eigenvalues
  // Create Anasazi Eigensolver sublist (needs --with-loca-anasazi)
  stepperList.set("Compute Eigenvalues",true);
  Teuchos::ParameterList& aList = stepperList.sublist("Eigensolver");
  aList.set("Method", "Anasazi");
  aList.set("Block Size", 1);        // Size of blocks
  aList.set("Num Blocks", 20);       // Size of Arnoldi factorization
  aList.set("Num Eigenvalues", 5);   // Number of eigenvalues
  //  aList.set("Sorting Order", "SR");
  aList.set("Convergence Tolerance", 2.0e-7);          // Tolerance
  aList.set("Step Size", 1);         // How often to check convergence
  aList.set("Maximum Restarts",2);   // Maximum number of restarts
	    Anasazi::Errors + 
	    Anasazi::Warnings +
	    Anasazi::FinalSummary);        // Verbosity
    stepperList.set("Compute Eigenvalues",false);
  // Create bifurcation sublist.  Note that for turning point continuation, the "type"
  //   is set to "Turning Point".  If not doing TP, type should be "None".
  Teuchos::ParameterList& bifurcationList = locaParamsList.sublist("Bifurcation");
  bifurcationList.set("Type", "Turning Point");
  bifurcationList.set("Bifurcation Parameter", "c");
  //  bifurcationList.set("Formulation", "Minimally Augmented");
  bifurcationList.set("Symmetric Jacobian", false); 
  bifurcationList.set("Update Null Vectors Every Continuation Step", true);
  bifurcationList.set("Update Null Vectors Every Nonlinear Iteration", false);
  bifurcationList.set("Transpose Solver Method","Explicit Transpose");
  //  bifurcationList.set("Transpose Solver Method","Transpose Preconditioner");
  //  bifurcationList.set("Transpose Solver Method","Left Preconditioning");
  bifurcationList.set("Initial Null Vector Computation", "Solve df/dp");
  //  bifurcationList.set("Initial A Vector", nullVec);      // minimally augmented
  //  bifurcationList.set("Initial B Vector", nullVec);      //minimally augmented
  //  bifurcationList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Householder");
  //  bifurcationList.set("Include UV In Preconditioner", true);
  //  //bifurcationList.set("Use P For Preconditioner", true);
  //  bifurcationList.set("Preconditioner Method", "SMW");

  bifurcationList.set("Formulation", "Moore-Spence");
  bifurcationList.set("Solver Method", "Phipps Bordering"); // better for nearly singular matrices
  //  bifurcationList.set("Solver Method", "Salinger Bordering");   
  bifurcationList.set("Initial Null Vector", nullVec);
  bifurcationList.set("Length Normalization Vector", nullVec);

    // Create the sublist for the predictor
    Teuchos::ParameterList& predictorList = locaParamsList.sublist("Predictor");
    predictorList.set("Method", "Secant");         // Default
    // predictorList.set("Method", "Constant");     // Other options
    // predictorList.set("Method", "Tangent");      // Other options

    // Create step size sublist
    Teuchos::ParameterList& stepSizeList = locaParamsList.sublist("Step Size");
    stepSizeList.set("Method", "Adaptive");             // Default
    stepSizeList.set("Initial Step Size", 0.1);   // Should set
    stepSizeList.set("Min Step Size", 1.0e-6);    // Should set
    stepSizeList.set("Max Step Size", 1.0);      // Should set
    stepSizeList.set("Aggressiveness", 0.1);

// Set up NOX info
  Teuchos::ParameterList& nlParams = ParamList->sublist("NOX");

// Set the nonlinear solver method
  nlParams.set("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");

// Set the printing parameters in the "Printing" sublist.  This list determines how much
//   of the NOX information is output
  Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = nlParams.sublist("Printing");
  printParams.set("MyPID", Comm.MyPID()); 
  printParams.set("Output Precision", 5);
  printParams.set("Output Processor", 0);
  printParams.set("Output Information", 
			NOX::Utils::OuterIteration + 
			NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest + 
			NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
			NOX::Utils::LinearSolverDetails +
			NOX::Utils::Parameters + 
			NOX::Utils::Details + 
			NOX::Utils::Warning +
         NOX::Utils::StepperIteration +
         NOX::Utils::StepperDetails +

  // NOX parameters - Sublist for line search 
  Teuchos::ParameterList& searchParams = nlParams.sublist("Line Search");
  searchParams.set("Method", "Backtrack");
  //  searchParams.set("Method", "Full Step");

  // Sublist for direction
  Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams.sublist("Direction");
  dirParams.set("Method", "Newton");

  Teuchos::ParameterList& newtonParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
  newtonParams.set("Forcing Term Method", "Constant");

  // Sublist for linear solver for the Newton method
  Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newtonParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
  lsParams.set("Aztec Solver", "GMRES");  
  lsParams.set("Max Iterations", 800);  
  lsParams.set("Tolerance", 1e-8);
  lsParams.set("Output Frequency", 1);    
  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "None");
  //  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "AztecOO");
  //  lsParams.set("Aztec Preconditioner", "ilu"); 
  //  lsParams.set("Scaling", "None");
  //  lsParams.set("Scaling", "Row Sum");  
  lsParams.set("Compute Scaling Manually", false);
  //  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "Ifpack");
  //  lsParams.set("Ifpack Preconditioner", "ILU");
  //  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "New Ifpack");
  //  Teuchos::ParameterList& ifpackParams = lsParams.sublist("Ifpack");
  //  ifpackParams.set("fact: level-of-fill", 1);

// Set up the continuation parameter vector
  LOCA::ParameterVector p;

// Create the problem interface
  Teuchos::RCP<SimpleProblemInterface> interface = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new SimpleProblemInterface(&Problem,c) );

  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;

// Create the operator to hold either the Jacobian matrix or the Matrix-free operator
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Operator> A;
  //  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_RowMatrix> A;
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac;

  // Need a NOX::Epetra::Vector for constructor
  // This becomes the initial guess vector that is used for the nonlinear solves
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxInitGuess(InitialGuess, NOX::DeepCopy);   

  if (doMatFree) {
    // Matrix Free application (Epetra Operator):
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::MatrixFree> MF = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::MatrixFree(printParams, interface, noxInitGuess)); 
    A = MF;
    iJac = MF;
  else  {  // Computed Jacobian application
    A = Teuchos::rcp( Problem.GetMatrix(), false );
    iJac = interface;
  // Create scaling object
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Scaling> scaling = Teuchos::null;
  //   scaling = Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::Scaling);
  //   Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> scalingVector = 
  //     Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Vector(soln.Map()));
  //   //scaling->addRowSumScaling(NOX::Epetra::Scaling::Left, scalingVector);
  //   scaling->addColSumScaling(NOX::Epetra::Scaling::Right, scalingVector);

  // Create transpose scaling object
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Scaling> trans_scaling = Teuchos::null;
  //   trans_scaling = Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::Scaling);
  //   Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> transScalingVector = 
  //     Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Vector(soln.Map()));
  //   trans_scaling->addRowSumScaling(NOX::Epetra::Scaling::Right, 
  // 				  transScalingVector);
  //   trans_scaling->addColSumScaling(NOX::Epetra::Scaling::Left, 
  // 				  transScalingVector);
    //bifurcationList.set("Transpose Scaling", trans_scaling);

// Build the linear system solver
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linSys = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(printParams, lsParams,
						      iJac, A, 
                        noxInitGuess, scaling));            // use if scaling
//                        noxInitGuess));                     // use if no scaling

// Create the Loca (continuation) vector
  NOX::Epetra::Vector locaSoln(noxInitGuess);
  // Create Epetra Factory
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Abstract::Factory> epetraFactory = Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Factory);

  // Create global data object
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::GlobalData> globalData = LOCA::createGlobalData(ParamList, epetraFactory);
  // Create the Group - must be LOCA group
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grpPtr = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, printParams, 
					iReq, locaSoln, 
					linSys, p)); 

  // Calculate the first F(x0) as a starting point.  This is only needed for
  // certain status tests, to ensure that an initial residual (|r0|) is calculated

// Set up the status tests to check for convergence
  // Determines the error tolerance for the Newton solves 
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> testNormF = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormF(1.0e-4));
  // Sets the max number of nonlinear (Newton) iterations that will be taken.  If this is not
  //   already set, it will default to the '20' given 
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> testMaxIters = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters(stepperList.get("Max Nonlinear Iterations", 20)));
// This combination of tests will be used by NOX to determine whether the step converged
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> combo = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR, 
					    testNormF, testMaxIters));

// This is sample code to write and read parameters to/from a file.  Currently not activated! 
  // Write the parameter list to a file
  cout << "Writing parameter list to \"input.xml\"" << endl;
  Teuchos::writeParameterListToXmlFile(*ParamList, "input.xml");

  // Read in the parameter list from a file
  cout << "Reading parameter list from \"input.xml\"" << endl;
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> paramList2 = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile("input.xml", paramList2.get());
  ParamList = paramList2;

// Create the stepper
  LOCA::Stepper stepper(globalData, grpPtr, combo, ParamList);
  LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::IteratorStatus status =;
  // Check if the stepper completed
  if  (status == LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::Finished)
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << "\nAll tests passed!" << endl;
    if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::Error))
      globalData->locaUtils->out() << "\nStepper failed to converge!"  << endl;

// Output the stepper parameter list info
  if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::StepperParameters)) {
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << endl << "Final Parameters" << endl
    << "*******************" << endl;
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << endl;

// Make sure all processors are done and close the output file

// Deallocate memory

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
}  // DONE!!
Esempio n. 22
#include <antlr/BitSet.hpp>
#include "JavaTokenTypes.hpp"
#include <antlr/CharScanner.hpp>
class CUSTOM_API JavaLexer : public ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)CharScanner, public JavaTokenTypes
#line 1058 "java.g"

    Driver* m_driver;

	void setDriver( Driver* d )	{ m_driver = d; }
        void setFileName( const QString& fileName ) { m_driver->currentFileName() = fileName; }

        virtual void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RecognitionException& ex ){
		m_driver->addProblem( m_driver->currentFileName(), Problem( QString::fromLocal8Bit(ex.getMessage().c_str()), ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn()) );

        virtual void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& errorMessage ){
		m_driver->addProblem( m_driver->currentFileName(), Problem( QString::fromLocal8Bit(errorMessage.c_str()), getLine(), getColumn()) );

        virtual void reportWarning( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& warnMessage ){
		m_driver->addProblem( m_driver->currentFileName(), Problem( QString::fromLocal8Bit(warnMessage.c_str()), getLine(), getColumn()) );
#line 30 "JavaLexer.hpp"
	void initLiterals();
	bool getCaseSensitiveLiterals() const
Esempio n. 23
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int ierr = 0;
  int MyPID = 0;
  double alpha = 0.25;
  double beta = 1.5;
  double D1 = 1.0/40.0;
  double D2 = 1.0/40.0;
  int maxNewtonIters = 10;

  try {

    // Initialize MPI
#ifdef HAVE_MPI

    // Create a communicator for Epetra objects
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
    Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
    Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

    // Get the process ID and the total number of processors
    MyPID = Comm.MyPID();
    int NumProc = Comm.NumProc();

    // Check for verbose output
    bool verbose = false;
    if (argc>1) 
      if (argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='v') 
	verbose = true;

    // Get the number of elements from the command line
    int NumGlobalNodes = 0;
    if ((argc > 2) && (verbose))
      NumGlobalNodes = atoi(argv[2]) + 1;
    else if ((argc > 1) && (!verbose))
      NumGlobalNodes = atoi(argv[1]) + 1;
      NumGlobalNodes = 101;

    // The number of unknowns must be at least equal to the 
    // number of processors.
    if (NumGlobalNodes < NumProc) {
      std::cout << "numGlobalNodes = " << NumGlobalNodes 
		<< " cannot be < number of processors = " << NumProc 
		<< std::endl;

    // Create the Brusselator problem class.  This creates all required
    // Epetra objects for the problem and allows calls to the 
    // function (F) and Jacobian evaluation routines.
    Brusselator Problem(NumGlobalNodes, Comm);

    // Get the vector from the Problem
    Epetra_Vector& soln = Problem.getSolution();

    // Begin LOCA Solver ************************************

    // Create the top level parameter list

    Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> paramList =
      Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);

    // Create LOCA sublist
    Teuchos::ParameterList& locaParamsList = paramList->sublist("LOCA");

    // Create the stepper sublist and set the stepper parameters
    Teuchos::ParameterList& stepperList = locaParamsList.sublist("Stepper");
    stepperList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Householder");
    stepperList.set("Continuation Parameter", "beta");
    stepperList.set("Initial Value", beta);
    stepperList.set("Max Value", 1.6);
    stepperList.set("Min Value", 0.0);
    stepperList.set("Max Steps", 100);
    stepperList.set("Max Nonlinear Iterations", maxNewtonIters);

    // Create Anasazi Eigensolver sublist (needs --with-loca-anasazi)
    stepperList.set("Compute Eigenvalues",true);
    Teuchos::ParameterList& aList = stepperList.sublist("Eigensolver");
    aList.set("Method", "Anasazi");
    if (!verbose)
      aList.set("Verbosity", Anasazi::Errors);
    aList.set("Block Size", 1);        // Size of blocks
    aList.set("Num Blocks", 50);       // Size of Arnoldi factorization
    aList.set("Num Eigenvalues", 3);   // Number of eigenvalues
    aList.set("Convergence Tolerance", 1.0e-7);          // Tolerance
    aList.set("Step Size", 1);         // How often to check convergence
    aList.set("Maximum Restarts",1);   // Maximum number of restarts
    aList.set("Operator", "Cayley");
    aList.set("Cayley Pole", 0.1);
    aList.set("Cayley Zero", -0.1);
    aList.set("Sorting Order", "CA");
    stepperList.set("Compute Eigenvalues",false);

    // Create predictor sublist
    Teuchos::ParameterList& predictorList = 
    predictorList.set("Method", "Constant");

    // Create step size sublist
    Teuchos::ParameterList& stepSizeList = locaParamsList.sublist("Step Size");
    stepSizeList.set("Initial Step Size", 0.01);
    stepSizeList.set("Min Step Size", 1.0e-3);
    stepSizeList.set("Max Step Size", 0.01);
    stepSizeList.set("Aggressiveness", 0.1);

    // Create the "Solver" parameters sublist to be used with NOX Solvers
    Teuchos::ParameterList& nlParams = paramList->sublist("NOX");

    // Set the printing parameters in the "Printing" sublist
    Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = nlParams.sublist("Printing");
    printParams.set("MyPID", MyPID); 
    printParams.set("Output Precision", 3);
    printParams.set("Output Processor", 0);
     if (verbose)
      printParams.set("Output Information", 
		      NOX::Utils::OuterIteration + 
		      NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest + 
		      NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
		      NOX::Utils::Details + 
		      NOX::Utils::Warning +
		      NOX::Utils::TestDetails + 
		      NOX::Utils::Error + 
		      NOX::Utils::StepperIteration +
		      NOX::Utils::StepperDetails +
       printParams.set("Output Information", NOX::Utils::Error);

    // Sublist for "Linear Solver"
    Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams.sublist("Direction");
    Teuchos::ParameterList& newtonParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
    Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newtonParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
    lsParams.set("Aztec Solver", "GMRES");  
    lsParams.set("Max Iterations", 800);  
    lsParams.set("Tolerance", 1e-6);
    lsParams.set("Output Frequency", 50);    
    lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "Ifpack"); 

    // Create the interface between the test problem and the nonlinear solver
    Teuchos::RCP<Problem_Interface> interface = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new Problem_Interface(Problem));

    // Create the Epetra_RowMatrixfor the Jacobian/Preconditioner
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_RowMatrix> A = 

    // Use an Epetra Scaling object if desired
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Vector> scaleVec = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Vector(soln));
    NOX::Epetra::Scaling scaling;
    scaling.addRowSumScaling(NOX::Epetra::Scaling::Left, scaleVec);

    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;

    // Create the Linear System
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac = interface;
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linSys = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(printParams, lsParams,
							iReq, iJac, A, soln));
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> shiftedLinSys = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(printParams, lsParams,
							iReq, iJac, A, soln));

    // Create initial guess
    NOX::Epetra::Vector initialGuess(Teuchos::rcp(&soln,false), 

    // Create and initialize the parameter vector
    LOCA::ParameterVector pVector;

    // Create Epetra factory
    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Abstract::Factory> epetraFactory =
      Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Factory);

    // Create global data object
    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::GlobalData> globalData = 
      LOCA::createGlobalData(paramList, epetraFactory);

    // Create the Group
    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::TimeDependent> iTime = interface;
    Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grp =
      Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, printParams,
					   iTime, initialGuess, linSys, 
					   shiftedLinSys, pVector));


    // Create the convergence tests
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> absresid = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormF(1.0e-8, 
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> maxiters = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters(maxNewtonIters));
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> combo =
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR));

    // Create stepper
    LOCA::Stepper stepper(globalData, grp, combo, paramList);

    LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::IteratorStatus status =;

    if (status != LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::Finished) {
      ierr = 1;
      if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::Error))
	  << "Stepper failed to converge!" << std::endl;

    // Get the final solution from the stepper
    Teuchos::RCP<const LOCA::Epetra::Group> finalGroup = 
      Teuchos::rcp_dynamic_cast<const LOCA::Epetra::Group>(stepper.getSolutionGroup());
    const NOX::Epetra::Vector& finalSolution = 
      dynamic_cast<const NOX::Epetra::Vector&>(finalGroup->getX());

    // Output the parameter list
    if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::StepperParameters)) {
	<< std::endl << "Final Parameters" << std::endl
	<< "****************" << std::endl;
      globalData->locaUtils->out() << std::endl;

    // Check some statistics on the solution
    NOX::TestCompare testCompare(globalData->locaUtils->out(), 
    if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::TestDetails))
	<< std::endl 
	<< "***** Checking solution statistics *****" 
	<< std::endl;

    // Check number of continuation steps
    int numSteps = stepper.getStepNumber();
    int numSteps_expected = 11;
    ierr += testCompare.testValue(numSteps, numSteps_expected, 0.0,
				  "number of continuation steps",

    // Check number of failed steps
    int numFailedSteps = stepper.getNumFailedSteps();
    int numFailedSteps_expected = 0;
    ierr += testCompare.testValue(numFailedSteps, numFailedSteps_expected, 0.0,
				  "number of failed continuation steps",

    // Check final value of continuation parameter
    double beta_final = finalGroup->getParam("beta");
    double beta_expected = 1.6;
    ierr += testCompare.testValue(beta_final, beta_expected, 1.0e-14,
				  "final value of continuation parameter", 

    // Check final of solution
    NOX::Epetra::Vector final_x_expected(finalSolution);
    int n = final_x_expected.getEpetraVector().MyLength()/2;
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      final_x_expected.getEpetraVector()[2*i] = alpha;
      final_x_expected.getEpetraVector()[2*i+1] = beta_final/alpha;
    ierr += testCompare.testVector(finalSolution, final_x_expected, 
				   1.0e-6, 1.0e-6,
				   "value of final solution");

  catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
    ierr = 1;
  catch (const char *s) {
    std::cout << s << std::endl;
    ierr = 1;
  catch (...) {
    std::cout << "Caught unknown exception!" << std::endl;
    ierr = 1;

  if (MyPID == 0) {
    if (ierr == 0)
      std::cout << "All tests passed!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << ierr << " test(s) failed!" << std::endl;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ;

return ierr;
Esempio n. 24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  // initialize MPI and Epetra communicator
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList;

  // The problem is defined on a 2D grid, global size is nx * nx.
  int nx = 30; 
  GaleriList.set("nx", nx);
  GaleriList.set("ny", nx * Comm.NumProc());
  GaleriList.set("mx", 1);
  GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc());
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap64("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList) );
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", &*Map, GaleriList) );

  // =============================================================== //
  // B E G I N N I N G   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =============================================================== //

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;

  // builds an Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz. This is templated with
  // the local solvers, in this case Ifpack_ICT. Note that any
  // other Ifpack_Preconditioner-derived class can be used
  // instead of Ifpack_ICT.

  // In this example the overlap is zero. Use
  // Prec(A,OverlapLevel) for the general case.
  Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz<Ifpack_ICT> Prec(&*A);

  // `1.0' means that the factorization should approximatively
  // keep the same number of nonzeros per row of the original matrix.
  List.set("fact: ict level-of-fill", 1.0);
  // no modifications on the diagonal
  List.set("fact: absolute threshold", 0.0);
  List.set("fact: relative threshold", 1.0);
  List.set("fact: relaxation value", 0.0);
  // matrix `laplace_2d_bc' is not symmetric because of the way
  // boundary conditions are imposed. We can filter the singletons,
  // (that is, Dirichlet nodes) and end up with a symmetric
  // matrix (as ICT requires).
  List.set("schwarz: filter singletons", true);

  // sets the parameters

  // initialize the preconditioner. At this point the matrix must
  // have been FillComplete()'d, but actual values are ignored.

  // Builds the preconditioners, by looking for the values of 
  // the matrix. 

  // =================================================== //
  // E N D   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =================================================== //

  // At this point, we need some additional objects
  // to define and solve the linear system.

  // defines LHS and RHS
  Epetra_Vector LHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());


  // need an Epetra_LinearProblem to define AztecOO solver
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A,&LHS,&RHS);

  // now we can allocate the AztecOO solver
  AztecOO Solver(Problem);

  // specify solver


  // .. and here we solve
  // NOTE: with one process, the solver must converge in
  // one iteration.

  // Prints out some information about the preconditioner
  cout << Prec;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI

  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
// ====================================================================== 
bool ComparePointAndBlock(string PrecType, const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A, int sweeps)
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS.PutScalar(0.0); RHS.Random();

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  // Set up the list
  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("relaxation: damping factor", 1.0);
  List.set("relaxation: type", PrecType);
  List.set("relaxation: sweeps",sweeps);
  List.set("partitioner: type", "linear");
  List.set("partitioner: local parts", A->NumMyRows());

  int ItersPoint, ItersBlock;

  // ================================================== //
  // get the number of iterations with point relaxation //
  // ================================================== //

    Ifpack_PointRelaxation Point(&*A);

    // set AztecOO solver object
    AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);
    if (verbose)


    double TrueResidual = AztecOOSolver.TrueResidual();
    ItersPoint = AztecOOSolver.NumIters();
    // some output
    if (verbose && Problem.GetMatrix()->Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
      cout << "Iterations  = " << ItersPoint << endl;
      cout << "Norm of the true residual = " << TrueResidual << endl;

  // ================================================== //
  // get the number of iterations with block relaxation //
  // ================================================== //


    Ifpack_BlockRelaxation<Ifpack_SparseContainer<Ifpack_Amesos> > Block(&*A);

    // set AztecOO solver object
    AztecOO AztecOOSolver(Problem);
    if (verbose)


    double TrueResidual = AztecOOSolver.TrueResidual();
    ItersBlock = AztecOOSolver.NumIters();
    // some output
    if (verbose && Problem.GetMatrix()->Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
      cout << "Iterations " << ItersBlock << endl;
      cout << "Norm of the true residual = " << TrueResidual << endl;

  int diff = ItersPoint - ItersBlock;
  if (diff < 0) diff = -diff;
  if (diff > 10)
    if (verbose)
      cout << "ComparePointandBlock TEST FAILED!" << endl;
  else {
    if (verbose)
      cout << "ComparePointandBlock TEST PASSED" << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // initialize MPI and Epetra communicator
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList;

  // The problem is defined on a 2D grid, global size is nx * nx.
  int nx = 30; 
  GaleriList.set("nx", nx);
  GaleriList.set("ny", nx * Comm.NumProc());
  GaleriList.set("mx", 1);
  GaleriList.set("my", Comm.NumProc());
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap64("Cartesian2D", Comm, GaleriList) );
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", &*Map, GaleriList) );

  // =============================================================== //
  // B E G I N N I N G   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =============================================================== //

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;

  // builds an Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz. This is templated with
  // the local solvers, in this case Ifpack_BlockRelaxation.
  // Ifpack_BlockRelaxation requires as a templated a container
  // class. A container defines
  // how to store the diagonal blocks. Two choices are available:
  // Ifpack_DenseContainer (to store them as dense block,
  // than use LAPACK' factorization to apply the inverse of
  // each block), of Ifpack_SparseContainer (to store
  // the diagonal block as Epetra_CrsMatrix's). 
  // Here, we use Ifpack_SparseContainer, which in turn is
  // templated with the class to use to apply the inverse
  // of each block. For example, we can use Ifpack_Amesos.
  // We still have to decide the overlap among the processes,
  // and the overlap among the blocks. The two values
  // can be different. The overlap among the blocks is
  // considered only if block Jacobi is used.
  int OverlapProcs = 2;
  int OverlapBlocks = 0;

  // define the block below to use dense containers
#if 0
  Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz<Ifpack_BlockRelaxation<Ifpack_DenseContainer> > Prec(A, OverlapProcs);
  Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz<Ifpack_BlockRelaxation<Ifpack_SparseContainer<Ifpack_Amesos> > > Prec(&*A, OverlapProcs);

  List.set("relaxation: type", "symmetric Gauss-Seidel");
  List.set("partitioner: overlap", OverlapBlocks);
  // use METIS to create the blocks. This requires --enable-ifpack-metis.
  // If METIS is not installed, the user may select "linear". 
  List.set("partitioner: type", "metis");
  // or a simple greedy algorithm is METIS is not enabled
  List.set("partitioner: type", "greedy");
  // defines here the number of local blocks. If 1,
  // and only one process is used in the computation, then
  // the preconditioner must converge in one iteration. 
  List.set("partitioner: local parts", 4);

  // sets the parameters

  // initialize the preconditioner. 

  // Builds the preconditioners.

  // =================================================== //
  // E N D   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =================================================== //

  // At this point, we need some additional objects
  // to define and solve the linear system.

  // defines LHS and RHS
  Epetra_Vector LHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());


  // need an Epetra_LinearProblem to define AztecOO solver
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A,&LHS,&RHS);

  // now we can allocate the AztecOO solver
  AztecOO Solver(Problem);

  // specify solver


  // .. and here we solve
  // NOTE: with one process, the solver must converge in
  // one iteration.

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ; 

Esempio n. 27
// ======================================================================
bool TestContainer(string Type, const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& A)
  int NumVectors = 3;
  int NumMyRows = A->NumMyRows();

  Epetra_MultiVector LHS_exact(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector LHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  Epetra_MultiVector RHS(A->RowMatrixRowMap(), NumVectors);
  LHS_exact.Random(); LHS.PutScalar(0.0); 
  A->Multiply(false, LHS_exact, RHS);

  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A, &LHS, &RHS);

  if (verbose) {
    cout << "Container type = " << Type << endl;
    cout << "NumMyRows = " << NumMyRows << ", NumVectors = " << NumVectors << endl;
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Container> Container;

  if (Type == "dense")
    Container = Teuchos::rcp( new Ifpack_DenseContainer(A->NumMyRows(), NumVectors) );
    Container = Teuchos::rcp( new Ifpack_SparseContainer<Ifpack_Amesos>(A->NumMyRows(), NumVectors) );

  assert (Container != Teuchos::null);

  // set as ID all the local rows of A
  for (int i = 0 ; i < A->NumMyRows() ; ++i)
    Container->ID(i) = i;

  // extract submatrix (in this case, the entire matrix)
  // and complete setup

  // set the RHS and LHS
  for (int i = 0 ; i < A->NumMyRows() ; ++i)
    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumVectors ; ++j) {
      Container->RHS(i,j) = RHS[j][i];
      Container->LHS(i,j) = LHS[j][i];
  // set parameters (empty for dense containers)
  Teuchos::ParameterList List;
  List.set("amesos: solver type", Type);

  // solve the linear system

  // get the computed solution, store it in LHS
  for (int i = 0 ; i < A->NumMyRows() ; ++i)
    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumVectors ; ++j) {
       LHS[j][i] = Container->LHS(i,j);

  double residual = Galeri::ComputeNorm(&LHS, &LHS_exact);

  if (A->Comm().MyPID() == 0 && verbose) {
    cout << "||x_exact - x||_2 = " << residual << endl;
    cout << *Container;

  bool passed = false;
  if (residual < 1e-5)
    passed = true;

Esempio n. 28
 AStarSolver(Problem&& problem_ = Problem())
     : problem(problem_)
Esempio n. 29
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

  Teuchos::ParameterList GaleriList;

  // The problem is defined on a 2D grid, global size is nx * nx.
  int nx = 30; 
  GaleriList.set("n", nx * nx);
  GaleriList.set("nx", nx);
  GaleriList.set("ny", nx);
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> Map = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateMap64("Linear", Comm, GaleriList) );
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix> A = Teuchos::rcp( Galeri::CreateCrsMatrix("Laplace2D", &*Map, GaleriList) );

  // =============================================================== //
  // B E G I N N I N G   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =============================================================== //

  Teuchos::ParameterList List;

  // allocates an IFPACK factory. No data is associated 
  // to this object (only method Create()).
  Ifpack Factory;

  // create the preconditioner. For valid PrecType values,
  // please check the documentation
  string PrecType = "ILU"; // incomplete LU
  int OverlapLevel = 1; // must be >= 0. If Comm.NumProc() == 1,
                        // it is ignored.

  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create(PrecType, &*A, OverlapLevel) );
  assert(Prec != Teuchos::null);

  // specify parameters for ILU
  List.set("fact: drop tolerance", 1e-9);
  List.set("fact: level-of-fill", 1);
  // the combine mode is on the following:
  // "Add", "Zero", "Insert", "InsertAdd", "Average", "AbsMax"
  // Their meaning is as defined in file Epetra_CombineMode.h   
  List.set("schwarz: combine mode", "Add");
  // sets the parameters

  // initialize the preconditioner. At this point the matrix must
  // have been FillComplete()'d, but actual values are ignored.

  // Builds the preconditioners, by looking for the values of 
  // the matrix.

  // =================================================== //
  // E N D   O F   I F P A C K   C O N S T R U C T I O N //
  // =================================================== //

  // At this point, we need some additional objects
  // to define and solve the linear system.

  // defines LHS and RHS
  Epetra_Vector LHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());
  Epetra_Vector RHS(A->OperatorDomainMap());

  // solution is constant
  // now build corresponding RHS

  // now randomize the solution

  // need an Epetra_LinearProblem to define AztecOO solver
  Epetra_LinearProblem Problem(&*A,&LHS,&RHS);

  // now we can allocate the AztecOO solver
  AztecOO Solver(Problem);

  // specify solver


  // .. and here we solve

  cout << *Prec;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Finalize() ; 

Esempio n. 30
int main( int argc, char **argv )

// check for parallel computation
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

// define main parameters

  double c = 0.25;             // continuation parameter
  int N = 50;                  // number of grid points
  int maxNewtonIters = 20;     // max number of Newton iterations
  int maxSteps = 75;           // max number of continuation steps taken

// Set flag for whether the computations will be Matrix-free (true) or will use a computed
//   Jacobian (false)
  bool doMatFree = false;      
// Create output file to save solutions
  ofstream outFile("Heq4.dat");
  outFile.setf(ios::scientific, ios::floatfield);

// Define the problem class
  HeqProblem Problem(N,&Comm,outFile);
// Create the initial guess vector and set it to all ones
  Epetra_Vector InitialGuess(Problem.GetMap());

// Create the top level parameter list
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> ParamList = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);

  // Create LOCA sublist
  Teuchos::ParameterList& locaParamsList = ParamList->sublist("LOCA");

  // Create the sublist for continuation and set the stepper parameters
  Teuchos::ParameterList& stepperList = locaParamsList.sublist("Stepper");
  stepperList.set("Continuation Method", "Arc Length");// Default
  // stepperList.set("Continuation Method", "Natural");
  stepperList.set("Continuation Parameter", "c");  // Must set
  stepperList.set("Initial Value", c);             // Must set
  stepperList.set("Max Value", 100.0);             // Must set
  stepperList.set("Min Value", 0.0);             // Must set
  stepperList.set("Max Steps", maxSteps);                    // Should set
  stepperList.set("Max Nonlinear Iterations", maxNewtonIters); // Should set

// Set up parameters to compute Eigenvalues
  // Create Anasazi Eigensolver sublist (needs --with-loca-anasazi)
  stepperList.set("Compute Eigenvalues",true);
  Teuchos::ParameterList& aList = stepperList.sublist("Eigensolver");
  aList.set("Method", "Anasazi");
  aList.set("Block Size", 1);        // Size of blocks
  aList.set("Num Blocks", 20);       // Size of Arnoldi factorization
  aList.set("Num Eigenvalues", 5);   // Number of eigenvalues
  //  aList.set("Sorting Order", "SR");
  aList.set("Convergence Tolerance", 2.0e-7);          // Tolerance
  aList.set("Step Size", 1);         // How often to check convergence
  aList.set("Maximum Restarts",2);   // Maximum number of restarts
	    Anasazi::Errors + 
	    Anasazi::Warnings +
	    Anasazi::FinalSummary);        // Verbosity
    stepperList.set("Compute Eigenvalues",false);
    stepperList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Householder");
//    stepperList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Bordering");

  //  Teuchos::ParameterList& nestedList = 
  //    stepperList.sublist("Nested Bordered Solver");
  //  nestedList.set("Bordered Solver Method", "Householder");
  //  nestedList.set("Include UV In Preconditioner", true);
  //  //nestedList.set("Use P For Preconditioner", true);
  //  nestedList.set("Preconditioner Method", "SMW");

// Create bifurcation sublist -- use if not doing turning point
  Teuchos::ParameterList& bifurcationList = locaParamsList.sublist("Bifurcation");
  bifurcationList.set("Type", "None");                 // Default

  // Create predictor sublist
  Teuchos::ParameterList& predictorList = locaParamsList.sublist("Predictor");
  predictorList.set("Method", "Secant");               // Default
  // predictorList.set("Method", "Constant");     // Other options
  // predictorList.set("Method", "Tangent");      // Other options

  // Create step size sublist
  Teuchos::ParameterList& stepSizeList = locaParamsList.sublist("Step Size");
  stepSizeList.set("Method", "Adaptive");             // Default
  stepSizeList.set("Initial Step Size", 0.1);   // Should set
  stepSizeList.set("Min Step Size", 1.0e-4);    // Should set
  stepSizeList.set("Max Step Size", 1.0);      // Should set
  stepSizeList.set("Aggressiveness", 0.1);

  // Set up NOX info
  Teuchos::ParameterList& nlParams = ParamList->sublist("NOX");

  // Set the nonlinear solver method
  nlParams.set("Nonlinear Solver", "Line Search Based");

  // Set the printing parameters in the "Printing" sublist
  Teuchos::ParameterList& printParams = nlParams.sublist("Printing");
  printParams.set("MyPID", Comm.MyPID()); 
  printParams.set("Output Precision", 5);
  printParams.set("Output Processor", 0);
  printParams.set("Output Information", 
			NOX::Utils::OuterIteration + 
			NOX::Utils::OuterIterationStatusTest + 
			NOX::Utils::InnerIteration +
			NOX::Utils::LinearSolverDetails +
			NOX::Utils::Parameters + 
			NOX::Utils::Details + 
			NOX::Utils::Warning +
         NOX::Utils::StepperIteration +
         NOX::Utils::StepperDetails +

  // NOX parameters - Sublist for line search 
  Teuchos::ParameterList& searchParams = nlParams.sublist("Line Search");
  searchParams.set("Method", "Full Step");
//  searchParams.set("Method", "Backtrack");

  // Sublist for direction
  Teuchos::ParameterList& dirParams = nlParams.sublist("Direction");
  dirParams.set("Method", "Newton");

  Teuchos::ParameterList& newtonParams = dirParams.sublist("Newton");
  newtonParams.set("Forcing Term Method", "Constant");

  // Sublist for linear solver for the Newton method
  Teuchos::ParameterList& lsParams = newtonParams.sublist("Linear Solver");
  lsParams.set("Aztec Solver", "GMRES");  
  lsParams.set("Max Iterations", 800);  
  lsParams.set("Tolerance", 1e-8);
  lsParams.set("Output Frequency", 1);    
  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "None");
//  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "AztecOO");
//  lsParams.set("Aztec Preconditioner", "ilu"); 
//  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "Ifpack");
//  lsParams.set("Ifpack Preconditioner", "ILU");
//  lsParams.set("Preconditioner", "New Ifpack");
//  Teuchos::ParameterList& ifpackParams = lsParams.sublist("Ifpack");
//    ifpackParams.set("fact: level-of-fill", 1);

  // set up the continuation parameter vector
  LOCA::ParameterVector p;

  // Set up the problem interface
  Teuchos::RCP<SimpleProblemInterface> interface = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new SimpleProblemInterface(&Problem,c) );

  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Interface::Required> iReq = interface;

// Create the operator to hold either the Jacobian matrix or the Matrix-free operator
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_Operator> A;
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::Interface::Jacobian> iJac;

  // Need a NOX::Epetra::Vector for constructor
  // This becomes the initial guess vector that is used for the nonlinear solves
  NOX::Epetra::Vector noxInitGuess(InitialGuess, NOX::DeepCopy);   

  if (doMatFree) {
    // Matrix Free application (Epetra Operator):
    Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::MatrixFree> MF = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::MatrixFree(printParams, interface, noxInitGuess)); 
    A = MF;
    iJac = MF;
  else  {  // Computed Jacobian application
    A = Teuchos::rcp( Problem.GetMatrix(), false );
    iJac = interface;
// Build the linear system solver
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO> linSys = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::Epetra::LinearSystemAztecOO(printParams, lsParams,
						      iJac, A, 

// Create the Loca (continuation) vector
  NOX::Epetra::Vector locaSoln(noxInitGuess);
  // Create Epetra Factory
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Abstract::Factory> epetraFactory = Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Factory);

  // Create global data object
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::GlobalData> globalData = LOCA::createGlobalData(ParamList, epetraFactory);
  // Create the Group - must be LOCA group
  Teuchos::RCP<LOCA::Epetra::Group> grpPtr = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new LOCA::Epetra::Group(globalData, printParams, 
					iReq, locaSoln, 
					linSys, p)); 

  // Calculate the first F(x0) as a starting point.  This is only needed for
  // certain status tests, to ensure that an initial residual (|r0|) is calculated

// Set up the status tests to check for convergence
  // Determines the error tolerance for the Newton solves 
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::NormF> testNormF = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::NormF(1.0e-4));
  // Sets the max number of nonlinear (Newton) iterations that will be taken.  If this is not
  //   already set, it will default to the '20' given 
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters> testMaxIters = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::MaxIters(stepperList.get("Max Nonlinear Iterations", 20)));
// This combination of tests will be used by NOX to determine whether the step converged
  Teuchos::RCP<NOX::StatusTest::Combo> combo = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new NOX::StatusTest::Combo(NOX::StatusTest::Combo::OR, 
					    testNormF, testMaxIters));

// This is sample code to write and read parameters to/from a file.  Currently not activated! 
  // Write the parameter list to a file
  cout << "Writing parameter list to \"input.xml\"" << endl;
  Teuchos::writeParameterListToXmlFile(*ParamList, "input.xml");

  // Read in the parameter list from a file
  cout << "Reading parameter list from \"input.xml\"" << endl;
  Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList> paramList2 = 
    Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList);
  Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFile("input.xml", paramList2.get());
  ParamList = paramList2;

// Create the stepper
  LOCA::Stepper stepper(globalData, grpPtr, combo, ParamList);
  LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::IteratorStatus status =;

  // Check if the stepper completed  
  if  (status == LOCA::Abstract::Iterator::Finished)
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << "\nAll tests passed!" << endl;
    if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::Error))
      globalData->locaUtils->out() << "\nStepper failed to converge!"  << endl;

// Output the stepper parameter list info
  if (globalData->locaUtils->isPrintType(NOX::Utils::StepperParameters)) {
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << endl << "Final Parameters" << endl
    << "*******************" << endl;
    globalData->locaUtils->out() << endl;

// Make sure all processors are done and close the output file

// Deallocate memory

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
}  // DONE!!